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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"If you say so." She said to Jake being 'good'. She rubbed his back and walked with him out of the building to their car. She hoped it would b an easy three minute walk but that wasn't the case.

She could tell the paparazzi guy was trying to get a reaction out of one of them but she wasn't going to give him that luxury. He did get a reaction out of Jake however, and she was going to grab him but John calmed him down before she could. She held Jake's hand again and walked with him to the van. When they took their seats, she put her hands on his thigh and kissed his cheek.

"You can't let them get to you." She said softly. "What would you have done if you had him other than ruin your career? You need a thicker skin. People are always going to say something and you need to know how to ignore it." She wasn't talking condescendingly. She was telling the truth. If he did work out his anger on one of the paparazzi guys one day he could really injure him and go to prison. She didn't want to lose him like that.

"Ignore them. Okay? RIght now just focus on being with family and going sightseeing."
Jake was angry that some didn't see a problem talking about his son and fiance in the manner he did. He listened to Adri and tried to calm down. He knew she was right but he was a guy who didn't just let people talk badly or mistreat those who he loves.

He looked at her. "So I should just let them say whatever about my family?" His eyes searched hers. "Sorry I was going to stand up for my family." He looked out the window and shook his head. His hand rested on hers on his leg. "I wasn't going to punch the guy...if he wanted to run his mouth so was I. He probably couldn't even get a girl like you in his wildest dreams." He let out a sigh.

"It gets to me a bit cause sometimes what they say are things going through my own head. Why are you with me? Yes you could pick a better guy. I find myself lucky. But you did pick me...and I'm not letting you go..." He kissed her cheek. "I love you." He kissed her temple and whispered in your ear. "Are you hurting today?" He grinned at her referencing her request to him the night prior.
She sighed and tried her best not to roll her eyes. That was not what she was saying and he knew it. "It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. We don't need to explain our family to anyone. Our family is our business, no one else's." She gave his thigh a squeeze, "He wanted you to react and you did." She said softly.

"I'm with you because I love you and because you make me a better person." She kissed him, "I love you too." She smiled when he whispered in her ear and she nodded her head, "A little sore." She smiled at him and kissed him again.

They reached their first destination which was Buckingham Palace and then they would go to Windsor Castle. Tomorrow they would do the Tower of London and Crown Jewels, which Adri was most excited about.
"I'm sorry baby. I'm trying not to let things get to me. I'm just protective." He kissed her head but he knew she was right. But these guys knew how to press his buttons. "I make you a better person?"

Jake smiled when she mentioned being a little sore. "Next time I can make it hurt worse if you want me to..." He grinned at her and gave her another kiss.

At Buckingham Palace they got to see the changing of the guards ceremony. Jake loved Windsor Castle and took a picture of with the guard. He enjoyed the site seeing but he also was there for work so he didn't want to over do it too much.

They all had dinner together then Jake went with the guys to train a bit. He had weighins the following day. Amy stayed with Adri and they shopped a bit and Amy mentioned how much she liked Luke and they were seeing how things would go slowly. While they were out Amy saw on social media more bashing of Jake. Basically saying how Adri was too good for him. Some comments even mentioned that Owen would be better off without either of his parents. Amy got frustrated but didn't reply. "How does this not bother you? Or how do you get used to it?" She couldn't imagine dealing with it every fight or everyday.
"I might take you up on that offer." She giggled and kissed him one more time.

They walked around and when Adri saw the garden she knew for sure that she wanted an outdoor ceremony or reception. She definitely wanted to get married at a castle too. Hopefully the bigger she got in the modeling world the more designers opened up to her and she had more options to find someone to make her gown. She knew her mother wasn't going to make it easy, since she was dead set on a church wedding in her old gown. That definitely wasn't happening though.

As she and Amy walked around, she looked for a dress to wear to the launch party. She found a couple cute dresses but nothing really stood out to her. Worst case scenario, she would be stuck wearing something she already had.

"It's not that it doesn't bother me, it does bother me but there are more good comments than bad comments. Some time your eyes are just attracted to the negative comments." She shrugged her shoulder. "I don't let it get to me. When I first started getting negative comments I cried...a lot, never in front of Jake, but then I realized I am doing something I enjoy and no one can take that away. I'm living my life how I want to live it and everyone who doesn't like that can kiss my ass."
"I hope you do." He grinned to her comment about holding him to his offer.

Amy found a few casual outfits she liked. She liked having a friend or sister figure to shop and talk fashion with. "I never paid much attention before now so it obviously never bothered me. He is my brother. I do know he can be a bull headed guy but he also can be super sweet. I just feel bad for Owen but he doesn't know now or won't for awhile what is being said so that helps." She continued to look around. "You level Jake out. That's good. He needs you. I've never experienced him like this before. And it's a good experience. As long as you two are happy and doing what you both love, what does it matter what others think? It's your life." She smiled at Adri about work and other girl things.

After the guys training session they went to the hotel bar. Jake was beat and it showed on his face. He called Adri, "Hey baby...we're at the bar at the hotel. Come join whenever."
The ladies stayed out for a little while longer. They walked through the mall and went into a bunch of different stores. It was Amy who ended up coming back with more bags of clothes though. Adri couldn't find anything she really had to have. After talking to Jake, they went back to the hotel. Amy dropped her bags off and Adri went straight to the bar.

Adri wrapped her arms around Jake from the back and kissed the back of his neck. "How was training?" She asked and moved to Luke. "You should ask Amy to lunch tomorrow before things get crazy. Fish and chips and then explore the city." She felt like she was in high school again but she would do anything to see Amy happy and they would make a really cute couple.

She took a seat and order an appletini. She kissed Jake's cheek and pushed his hair back.
Jake smiled when he felt Adri kiss his neck and wrap her arms around him. "Hey you...It was good." His eyes followed Adri, "Are you helping my best friend get together with my sister? Is that what's going on here?"

Luke nodded with a smile, "I will. I like how you even tell me what I should take her out for. Do you always offer dating advice?" He chuckled a bit and Jake took a drink of his water. He wasn't drinking with his fight coming up. There would be plenty of time for him to celebrate after he wins though. "Speaking of...where is Amy?" Luke was concerned and also missed her, which he wasn't sure if he was ready to admit.

The two friends looked at each other and Jake figured he'd just get the moment out of the way now, as his father and fiance were his witnesses. "Luke, brother, you know I love you. Hell I trust you with my career. So I can trust you with my sister. And I'm going to...don't make me regret that. Don't make me come after you for hurting her and we will be good. Don't put me in the middle either. If you come to me for advice, remember she is my sister, some things I don't want to know. So do NOT bring those things up. Or I may have to punch you in the face." Luke chuckled a bit and gave him a nod. "Just..." He got serious and took a deep breathe, "...just treat her well. She's been through a lot and hurt a lot, man."

"Don't worry...I don't want to hurt her. I really care about her man. But who knows maybe it's not mean to go anywhere but I'm enjoying finding out." He smiled and then looked past Jake as he saw Amy walk in.

Jake looked at Adri in her eyes after she kissed his cheek before he kissed her lips. His eyes showed he was a bit tired but also a bit nervous. The nerves were kicking in and he felt like he could get sick. If things didn't go well he could have to start back over and he wasn't ready for what the media would say about him getting knocked out. And he didn't want to lose the first fight his father and sister came to see. He enjoyed hanging out with everyone though. He just sat back a bit though, seeming a bit distracted but he was taking everything in and was a bit.
"Maybe..." Adri laughed. She shrugged her shoulder to offering dating advice, "Only when I know the two people like each other. I haven't done this since high school though and they ended up having a baby and then getting married." She wondered how Jake would feel if they ended up like that. It wasn't like he could say anything though. He had a baby at home too. "It's a lot cheaper to shop here than it is at home. She got a lot of clothes and she dropped them off at her room but she should be on her way down."

She laughed when Jake told Luke not to come to him with certain information. It made her think of all the dirty little details she would learn about Luke when Amy came to her. She probably would t be able to look at him the same way.

It was a nice quiet visit to the bar. Everyone was excited for the fight and there were the obvious nerves though no one said it out loud. They did have to get up early to go on the Tower of London and Crown Jewels tour so Adri called it a night a bit early. It was the last night before Jake really receded into himself and didn't want to be bothered.

She shook Jake out of his stupor and lead him upstairs. She took a quick shower and went into the bedroom area. "Maybe we can test out that double bath before we leave. That might feel good on your muscles after the fight." If he wasn't beaten up to badly.
Jake said bye to everyone before heading up with Adri. The following day would suck for him until weigh ins because he had to watch his weight. He wasn't super close so it shouldn't be a problem but he normally never felt like eating anyway until he was done, just to be safe. Then he would eat a lot of healthy foods full of proteins.

When Adri came out of the shower he was sitting in a chair checking his phone for messages and his schedule for the next day. Normally this was stuff Adri did but he was trying to handle himself since she was working so much. "That sounds really nice babe." He set his phone down on the stand and got up and gave her a kiss before taking his turn in the shower.

When he came out in nothing but his underwear he crawled on the bed and closed his eyes relaxing on his stomach. "Will you rub my back?" His eye peaked at Adri.

"I think I may have to hire a new assistant." He looked at her. "How would you feel about that?"
Adri was laying in bed in a simple cotton dress with nothing under it when Jake got out of his shower. She grabbed her lotion and agreed to rubbing his back. She sat on his butt and started to rub the lotion into his skin.

"If you think that's what you need to do then you should do it." She said softly. "Whatever helps you stay relaxed before your fights." When the lotion was rubbed into his back and laid next to him and rubbed up and down his spine.

"Are you going to be okay at the Tower tomorrow or do you want to hang back and stay focused on the fight?" She asked him. She wouldn't force him to go anywhere and she knew it wouldn't be fun for him if he was stressed about the fight.
He closed his eyes as she moved to sit on his butt. Her hands felt nice on his back and it helped him relax tremendously. A little sigh even escaped his lips. "Thanks baby." He meant on her being okay with a new assistant and with the back rub. "What if she is a hot assistant like my prior assistant?" He teased a bit with a small smile.

When she laid back down next to him he just looked at her in her eyes. He could always get lost in her eyes. "I want to spend time with you. Maybe it will be nice to get out and just relax a bit. Not stress over it. But I don't want to do too much more than that." He reached over to move hair from her face, his fingertips brushing her skin.

His mood then got serious. "Adge?" His eyes searched hers again. "If I lose...." He spoke softly, "Will you still be proud of me? Or would I just be a disappointment?" There was real concern and worry.
"Will you stay back tomorrow night with me? We can get food to bring her or order room service and just kind of relax. I know it won't be much fun for you but I don't want to do too much and just relaxing like this with you would be really nice. Just knowing you're here..." He leaned over and kissed her lips softly.
"Are you trying to make me jealous?" She teased back and kissed the back of his head. "I trust you to make the right decision in all things. Find an assistant, male or female, pretty or ugly. It doesn't matter. What matters is how well they work and how well they keep you on track."

She nodded her head, "Tell me if you don't want to go tomorrow. We can do something else. We can stay here and get massages and facials." She smiled at him and rubbed his cheek. "We can do anything you want to keep you relaxed.

She frowned at him, "Why would you be a disappointment? You can't win every fight. I'm proud of you for being brave enough to step foot in the ring with the guys you fight. Losing doesn't make you a disappointment babe. It makes you human."

She rubbed her lips together and wonders if she should bring up him tapping out. "I wouldn't be disappointed if you tapped out either. No one would. It just means that you reached your limit and you found a point where it was unhealthy to continue fighting. No one would be disappointed in you for reaching that point."

She nodded her to staying with him tomorrow night. She didn't think they had any plans. It would be nice to sit out on the terrace and look at their view. The hotel was known for its amazing food so they could order off the menu and enjoy a quiet night together. Maybe even take that bath a little early.

"We can do whatever you want tomorrow night." She said softly and held back a yawn. She kissed him on the lips and turned the lights off.
Jake shook his head at trying to make her jealous. "No. I was just asking." He smiled a bit.

He gave her a nod about relaxing tomorrow. She was so good to him and that was one of the reasons he loved about her. "I just really want to make you and my family proud. It's not worth being on top if those I care about aren't happy or proud that I'm there." He gave a shrug. "I just don't want everyone to be here and me get knocked out... in the first round..."

His eyes closed and let out a little sigh. " know how I feel about tapping...It's just my own rule. I know how you feel about it. If this is about the comment earlier...I wasn't going to just tell him I'm going to tap out. He just kept saying he was going to knock me out and how intimidating is it going to sound if I mentioned tapping? If he thinks there is no way I'm tapping that is going to be in his head. I haven't tapped yet. No one knows if I will or if I won't. They saw me injure myself from not. I like that they have no idea." His arm wrapped around Adri and he pulled her closer to him. "I love you. I'm not going to risk myself like that again. Okay? If I think I can get out of it. I will. If I think I can't...or I'm going to pass out and if I can tap...I will. Deal?"

He kissed her softly. "Thank you baby." He snuggled into Adri and closed her eyes.
"We are going to be happy and proud no matter what. You got us all here. You are the reason we are here and we are just happy to be here as a family. We love you Jake." She assured him.

She looked into his eyes and shrugged her shoulder, "I don't know if I believe you." She said honestly. "I think you'll push yourself past the limit and you won't give it a second thought." She sighed and kissed his forehead. "If you mean, if you truly mean it then I will take that deal but don't know if you have it in your head that it's okay to tap out." She shouldn't have brought it up. It wasn't the right time for it.

She sighed and gave him a hug. "I love you." She said before closing her eyes to get some sleep.
Her words made him feel better. Better about what would happen if he lost and also about tapping. His eyes closed when she mentioned not believing him. "I hope a time comes I don't have to prove it to you..." He said quietly. "You have to remember sometimes you can't always tap. Knowing my luck I'm going to pass out before I get the chance to you and you will think I didn't mean what I said..." He said half jokng and half serious.

"I love you." He fell asleep rather easily with being tired from their day and the trip.

He slept pretty well and slept in until his alarm went off. The bed was comfortable and he always slept better with Adri next to him so even with the alarm he didn't move at first. He got up to get a run in before weigh ins. If anything it would help him sweat off some extra weight and he needed to get a little exercise. Jake found a piece of paper and wrote, "Gym. Love you my queen." And put it on his pillow before taking off to the gym to run on the treadmill. He had his ipod with him and it was 'zone' time.
When Adri woke up and saw his note she went back to sleep for a little bit before getting up and getting ready for the day. She wasn't sure if they were still doing the tours or not but if they weren't, she was dressed for the weigh ins which would happen later in the day.

While she had the room to herself, she skyped with agent and got the details on the launch party and a few other offers. She was excited about the party. She was ready to see the posters in the store and walk the red carpet. With the news of her engagement hitting the tabloids more offers came in from People Magazine and other magazines like it to get the full story of their relationship. And they were willing to pay an insane amount of money to get the details. It wasn't the worst idea to her but she would have to ask Jake first.

She ordered them some fruit salad for breakfast and started to eat her breakfast and continued to get ready for the day.
Jake ran a good five miles before headed back up to their room. He had no shirt on and only his basketball shorts, shoes and socks. He kicked his shoes off and smiled at Adri. "Hi baby." He pulled his earbuds out and walked over to kiss her, careful not to get sweat on her.

He stole a strawberry as he headed to the shower. Once he was clean he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself and went to the bedroom area and pulled on some underwear and then debated what to wear for the day.

Jake just put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He had to put on his official UFC uniform for weigh ins later anyway so no reason to get too dressed up. He sort of hated the new rule but it did make deciding what to wear a bit easier. He went out to sit with Adri and eat his fruit. "Excited to get some sight seeing done today? What have you been up to this morning?"
"Very excited. I can't wait to see the Crown Jewels. It's too bad none of the pieces can be bought or I would be broke in a heart beat." She smiled at Jake. "We...we would be broke in a heart beat." She laughed and shook her head.

"I spoke to my agent and had a little meeting with him about a few jobs and what not. Actually said there are a few magazines that want to get the inside scoop on our relationship. I figured it's a good time to tell everyone the truth about Owen. We don't have to show his face. It will be an easy way to dispel any rumors about him. Open up about us and how we went from boss employee to what we are now. Front page and an eight page spread for 2.5 mil more if we show Owen's face but that doesn't seem right." She shrugged her shoulder.

"How are you feeling today?" She asked him and sipped on her apple juice.
Jake rolled his eyes with a smile. "Yeah you got that secomd part right. We'd be living at the gym." He kissed her cheek.

As he ate he thought about the interview. It was a good way to let the world know their story. As long as they say it correctly. "Well I think we should be select on the magazine. It should be a legitimate magazine with good stories. I don't want them getting facts wrong or twisting anything." He thought it over and when she mentioned the extra money about showing Owen, he about lost it. "They can't put a price tag on my son and me sharing him eith the world. I'm not ready for all of that yet. I'm not showing his face." Frustation showed through his voice a bit.

"I feel good. The run was nice. May have went too far but...I needed to clear my head and feel a bit of a burn." He shrugged and took a drink. "I'm ten under so I should be good today. I may have to get a smoothie later." He smiled a bit.
"We don't have to show his face. I was just saying what my agent told me. No one is making you show his face." She rolled her eyes and looked at her juice. Sometimes it felt like he only heard certain things. She said it didn't feel right to do it and all he heard was show Owen's face. She sighed and got up to find something else to wear. She wasn't enjoying her current outfit.

"Ten under? That's great." She found a fun floral pencil skirt and a black crop top to go with it. She got undressed and changed bras and then got dressed again. She looked at herself in the mirror and let her hair down. It was in it's naturally curly state but she wanted to get it straightened before the launch party. She didn't know if she would have time to though.

"How would you feel if I got my hair done after your weigh in? I can have someone come to the room or I can go to a salon. I need to get it washed and styled. Most likely trimmed too." She ran her fingers through her curls and looked at Jake. "You can have a little alone time before we have a little alone time tonight."
Jake sighed and leaned his head back. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it come out like that. It just pisses me off that these magazines do that. I don't just feel that way about Owen but about any celebrity child. They are kids. Innocent kids and these magazines try to pay the parents off to publicize it. And what's worse is the parents who take the cash." He took another bite of his fruit. "I wasn't saying you thought we should." He spoke with a calmness in his voice.

He gave her a nod. "I'm the fittest I've been since before we met." He watched her change. "Why you changing baby?"

"If you want to." He gave her a shrug. Why not let her have time for herself. "Taking Amy? She may like that? To get all done up for the fights tomorrow. I don't know if Luke would like it if you took her for awhile but he can get over it." He smiled before Adri's phone went off from her mother calling.
"I know, Boo, I know." She said softly.

"I didn't like my outfit." She turned around and looked at her backside. "I don't know if I like this one." She looked at her shoes and took them off she found a pair of pumps and slipped them on and shrugged her shoulder. "You look good. More toned out at least." She told him.

"If she wants to go, yeah I'll take her." She looked at her phone when it started to vibrate and she picked up and put it on speaker.

"Hey mom. You're on speaker. Jake is here, eager to hear about his baby boy." She smiled at Jake and gave him the phone so she could figure out what she didn't like about her outfit.
"Well you look beautiful in anything you put on baby." He thought it was impossible for her to not look gorgeous. "Thank you. Glad to know my baby thinks I look good." He smiled at her and drank some juice.

"I think she would. I can give you girls money. I don't know how much she has left, especially after shopping yesterday." He smiled at Adri. "You are a bad influence."

Jake smiled and took the phone, "Hi Jacob. He is doing fine. How are you two doing? How's the trip?"

"Hi mom. We're good. I have weigh ins later today." Just then Owen started crying a bit and she tried to soothe him, "He's been pretty happy until now, sure when I call mommy and daddy he gets upset. He must miss you guys." Jake looked at Adri when he started crying.

"I miss him. I know I asked yesterday but are you doing okay? Need anything?"

"No, no, we are fine. Adri, I need to talk to you honey, can you take me off speaker phone?" Jake handed the phone to her after taking her off speaker phone. Once Adri got on she let out a little sigh, "I didn't want to worry him, but Owen is getting a cough. I'm going to take him to his doctor. I may have fibbed a little, he was crying a lot last night and I think it's the cough."
"Maybe you should give her a raise." She teased.

She made a sad face when Owen started to cry. She felt being so far away and not being able to soothe him. She took her phone and put it to her ear, "What's up?" She kept a straight face and nodded her head. "Okay. That's a good idea." She gave her mother Jake's insurance information in the diaper bag along with the doctor's information. She hoped it wasn't anything too bad. "I can transfer money if you need it. Just let me know. Keep me informed and thank you. I love you." She would tell Jake after the fight and if it did get worse they could go home early. If he was alright they could stick to the normal plan.

She hung up the phone and smiled at Jake. "She's been looking at churches." Adri lied and rolled her eyes. "And she found her dress but it needs to be cleaned." They were white lies but she was sure they were true. Her mother was excited about the wedding. She was probably looking at churches and looking for her wedding dress.
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