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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

When she saw him she was glad she didn't pick the Leger dress. He was dressed nice but casual. She chose right. "Thank you." She did a little turn and kissed him back. "You look good too. I like the tie." She straightened it out a bit and smiled at him. "Yes I'm ready." She grabbed her purse and she grabbed her coat and put it on. It was short enough to see the bottom of her skirt poking through and it looked cute with the outfit.

"I feel like I should be telling you that. You're the one that has to be out early to train." She walked with him to the car and he didn't have to tell the driver where they were going so she was still in the dark as to where they were going until they got there.

"I'd love to see Longdon at sunset." She got out of the car with him and smiled at him. "This is genius baby. I love it." The helicopter was already started up so they just had to get to it and get in. The wind blew a few strands of hair out of her bun but nothing that couldn't be fixed later. She put on her headset and smiled at Jake. "I love you."
Jake got in first so that way she could look out the right window. He put h is headset on and smiled at her. "I love you too." They took off and he moved the mouth piece to kiss her. He looked out the windows as the helicopter headed off and pointed out different places.

They flew over the London Bridge, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, London Eye, Big Ben, the Parliament Building, and of course Buckingham Palace. The guy flew around there enough to get a good view. They commented on the flag. The British Flag flies if the Queen is not in building but if she is then the Royal flag flies. The Royal flag flew that night they flew by. "Do you want a royal flag to fly when you are home and when the queen is in LA we can fly a different flag." He smiled at Adri moving closer to her. Jake pointed out some of the structures of the buildings he liked. The pilot also pointed out the big shopping areas for Adri.

The sun started to go down so the lights started to come on to show the busy city. It was really beautiful watching the sunset from the air over London.
"I like that idea." She smiled at Jake. "What flags would we fly?" She asked and continued to look out of the window. When the lights came on the city had a completely new vibe to it. It looked even better. She couldn't wait to get her feet on the ground and do all of the touristy things.

They stayed up in the air until the sun was completely set and then they went back to where they started. When they got out of the helicopter she thanked the pilot for the wonderful ride and thanked Jake again for the experience. When they got in the car to head to dinner she fixed her hair and checked her make up.

"So what's next?" She asked and out her mirror away. "I feel bad. I still haven't taken you on my date." The weekend she was supposed to take him she got called away to work. "You'll have time when we get back so I can take you then. Actually, I was wondering if you still want to go to the launch party with me? You showed me Las Vegas. I'd love to show you Los Angeles."
Jake thought it over a moment. "Hmmm. I don't know maybe we could get one made just for you." He smiled and kissed her temple. The city was beautiful. He honestly could live there if he had a nice gym to train at.

He also thanked the pilot and shook his hand. Jake didn't say much about where they going to dinner. "Just to eat. I'm hungry but have to watch what I eat." His hand rested on her thigh. "It's okay. We can figure out a time to go. It just means we have to have a date night sometime. I'm okay with that." Jake gave her a nod. "Baby I would love to go to LA with you. Especially for your party." His eyes looked in hers and smiled. "I'd be proud to stand next to you. You've stood by me so much. It's my turn."

The car stopped at a pier and Jake got out and the driver opened Adri's door for her. Jake grabbed her hand and walked with her down the pier to a boat restaurant where a romantic dinner was set up for them on the top level of the boat. Jake took his jacket off and sat down. It was space just for the two of them having dinner on the Thames River. He asked for a water and a bottle of their best wine. He figured he could have a little bit.
"I don't think you are going to be so excited about it when you hear the date of the party." She rubbed his thigh. "It's the night we get back. If we don't take the connecting flight from LA to Vegas, we can stay at my apartment for the night and catch a plane home the next day. I know it's an extra day from Owen and you don't have to stay if you want too."

She walked with him to the boat and took her coat off as well. She sat down and asked for a glass of water since Jake ordered the wine. She looked over the menu and looked up at Jake. "This is beautiful." She smiled at him and rubbed the back of his hand.

"I am going to stay in LA for the extra day. I want to go to the launch and walk the red carpet. It would be nice and it will be your first outing as the fourth ranked fighter in your weight class."
Jake thought over what she was saying. It was another day away from Owen but it would be okay. "Is your mom okay watching him another day?" He looked over the menu and smiled when she mentioned him being ranked fourth. "That would be nice. I want to go baby. would be easier to do it while we are already traveling and out. It would be harder to get home then have to leave again."

His hand laced with hers. "I actually wanted to talk to you..." He got a bit nervous as he searched for the words he wanted to say. "I know rave about you a lot. But it's only because you are amazing. You walked into my life and I was an angry pain in the ass." He chuckled a bit. "But you saw something in me and you brought a side of me out that I think a lot of people are happy about. I know sometimes I can still be difficult. But I'm trying to be a better man. I want to be a better man for you. For Owen." He looked down a minute as he blinked back a tear.

"You broke down some walls that I had built pretty good. I guess if being a fighter doesn't work out I can always work in construction." He joked. "I love you for standing by me through everything. Every hard headed decision I made. Every argument we had. Every brick you took away from heart. Hell I told you I loved you first..." He smiled a bit and looked in her eyes. "Adge...I've known for a long time what I want. I told your parents what I want. I've told my family what I want. And it's always been you. It's always going to be you. I bought our house with the vision of marrying you and having our babies run around that house. With Max." He smiled as his thumb caressed her hand, moving to rub the palm of her hand.

"I know the last few months, have no been easy. But I've only fallen deeper in love with you." When he mentioned falling deeper in love his eyes closed briefly. "I couldn't have gotten through any of this without you. I don't want to accomplish my dreams without you by side. Sharing my blood and sweat." He got a small tear in his eye. "I know I've kinda said something similiar...but I have a front that I'm this big bad ass fighter. But a king only bows down to his queen. And in a game of chess the queen protects her king." Jake stood up and kept a hold of her hand and got down on one knee next to her looking in her eyes. "Adriana, I want you to be my queen. Will you make me the luckiest and happiest man in the world? Will you marry me Adriana?" His free hand pulled out a ring.
She was happy he decided to come with her. She really thought he would pick Owen over going to a party with her. "I'm sure mom would love the chance to keep him an extra day but if she doesn't I'm sure Amy will go and pick him up." She smiled at him. "We have to get you something nice to wear." She smiled at him. "We should match but not completely match. Your tie can match my dress or something cute like that." She shrugged her shoulder and thought it over. She needed to find a dress here and everything she needed to go with it.

She smiled at him confused for a second as to why he was getting so serious she wasn't expecting him to propose since they never really talked about it. She thought they were having a heart to heart before the big fight. That feeling quickly changed when he stood up and got down on one knee. She was a little frozen when he asked her to marry him.

She slowly nodded her head and let him slip the ring on her finger. It was beautiful. It was huge. "Yes! Yes, of course. She hugged him and kissed him happily. "I love you. I can't wait to be Mrs. Daniels." She kissed him again and squeezed him tighter. It felt weird having a ring on her finger but she would get used it. "I love it. It's beautiful."
"We're in London we can definitely go shopping. It would be cool to get something here to wear for it. A matching tie would be a nice touch." His girl always had good fashion ideas. When she said he looked good he always felt good because that surly was a compliment from her.

He smiled a big smile as he slid the ring on her finger. It was a perfect fit. "Yeah?" He kissed her passionately and hugged her tightly. "I can't wait for you to be Mrs. Daniels." He gave her more kisses before he sat back down and held her other hand. He was nothing but smiles.

"I wanted to ask before the fight so if you posted a picture or if we took one, my face looks good." He chuckled a bit. "I had your specially made. You are the only person who has it or will have it. I also had your parents blessing. I asked when I told them about Owen. I was just waiting for the right time. The right way. I thought actually on way back from LA doing a helicopter ride but I thought this seemed better and...I couldn't wait anymore. I had to ask."

"Everyone knew I was asking tonight. I was so scared of losing the ring on the flight." His nerves now let up a bit now she said yes. Now his nerves were just for his fight and he was more determined to win. "Now we can show off your ring and me being number four. You really do like it?"
"What do you mean every one knew? No one hinted at anything." It felt weird being the last to know but it was a pleasant little surprise.

"Good thinking by the way. Now you will look nice for the pictures. There is so much planning to do.I don't even know where to begin. We have to tell my parents and my brothers." She looked at the ring again and smiled at Jake.

"I love it Jake. I love it even more since you created just for me." She couldn't wipe the smile off of her face. "Oh my god, could you imagine if we planned the wedding and then you got schedule for a fight the same day? That would be the worst luck ever. We should probably make sure Dana knows that you can after the wedding but not before. I would like it if you weren't bruised and beat up in our wedding photos."
"They weren't allowed to hint at it. Or I would have had more than one fight this week." He smiled as the waiter brought the wine and water. Jake told him they would need just a few more minutes. He hadn't really looked at the menu. "Your mom kept giving me this look before we left. This smile." He chuckled a bit. "I really love your mom. She is a lot more supportive than my own."

"Baby we have time. We don't have to rush into a wedding just because we got engaged. We can get married whenever it fits for us." He gave her hand a squeeze before taking a drink of the wine. "We will talk to Dana. I know you wouldn't let that fly. No husband of yours will look beat up in our wedding photos. I wondered if Philip would want to do it for us. Maybe even our engagement photos. He knows us both and what styles we like."

Jake looked over the menu and was going to go with some sort of seafood then just decided on the lobster and a salad. Once the waiter came back he ordered it.
She agreed that they had more than enough time to plan a wedding. They were engaged and they could stay that way for a while before moving forward. She didn't know what she wanted in a wedding. She could think about it for now. Gather some inspiration and then when she was ready to start planning for real she could hire a planner and let the planner do all of the work.

"I'm sure Phillip will do all of the photos." She said softly and looked over the menu. She ordered what Jake ordered and gave the menu to the waiter. She picked up the wine and poured them both a glass. She held her glass up, "To our happiness and our future." She toasted and clinked her glass with his before taking a sip.

They didn't have to wait long for their food to come out. She ate her salad before she cracked into her lobster.
He toasted with her before taking a sip. Jake was the happiest guy on the planet he felt. He couldn't stop smiling.

Once the food arrived he did the same as Adriana and dug into the salad first. "This is probably the best lobster I ever had." He said with a smile. The night was truly perfect. What would make this trip even better would be getting a win in a couple days.

"Should we call your parents? With the publicity with the fight news may get out otherwise." He took a few bites and looked at her. "And how do we want to tell the world? I think it would be fun to think of a creative way to post it ourselves." They continued to eat and once they were finished Jake stood up and grabbed Adri's hand. He grabbed his jacket and their wine and went outside on the little deck area. He handed her wine to her and wrapped his jacket around shoulders before wrapping his arms around her from behind. "How does it feel to be engaged?" He whispered in her ear before kissing her temple.
She nodded, "It's amazing." She agreed about the lobster and sipped on her wine.

"Yeah we can call them when we get to the hotel. And then we can figure out how to tell the world. I think I want to keep this our little secret for tonight though. Are we going to be bombarded by paparazzi? Should I put it back in the box or do you think that we will be alright?"

She smiled at the ring, "It feels unreal. We are committing to each other. It feels like a really big promise." She laughed a bit and looked up at Jake. "I'm excited. We will be together and have the same name one day."
He gave her a nod about calling her parents once they got back to the hotel. "I can check on little man too when we call." Jake thought it over. He finally was able to give her the ring he'd hate to have to have her put it back in the box. "I don't know babe...I'd hate for you to have to put it back. But...I understand your worry though. It's up to you babe."

Jake chuckled a bit. "Baby it is a really big promise. And I've been committed to you." He looked back at her, looking deep into her eyes. "You're really going to change your name?" That probably made him the proudest. Now that he knew his father was a good man he was even prouder to carry the Daniels name. "I figured with your modeling career you wouldn't want to change your name." He spoke quietly but smiled. He loved the idea though. "I honestly can't wait to marry you."

"I had a weird do you feel about tattoos? Would you ever get one?" He looked at her and knew it was a bit of a subject change but once he explained it would make sense. "I thought it would be cool if we got matching tattoos. King and Queen chess pieces. I've also thought about maybe other tattoos. But if it's not something you like or would's okay. It's just an idea."
"I don't want to put it back in the box either but I don't want the chance to be taken away from us. Once we are in the hotel I will slip it back on we can celebrate our new relationship status." She smiled at him. "Maybe we can get some chocolate covered strawberries too? SO we can have dessert while we have dessert." She winked at him.

"Of course I would change my name. Castillo is a nice last name but I want Daniels. That is the new chapter of my life." She grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "I will grow as Castillo and I will continue to grow as a Daniels." She said simply. "And I can't wait to marry you." She smiled at him.

She smiled at the idea of tattoos. "I love the idea of getting matching tattoos but with work I can't get anything to big. I also would need to put it in a place where it can't be seen when I take pictures. Okay? When are we getting these tattoos?"
"Whatever you want babe. It's yours and if you want to wait till our family knows then I'm okay with that." He kissed her temple and held her a bit closer. "Strawberries sound fantastic. So does dessert with dessert." He smiled and kissed her softly.

Jake looked in her eyes. "I know you'd carry the name well and honorably." He gave her a stern look, "Now Adge we will have to set a budget for our wedding so we don't become married and homeless with a baby." He smiled and laughed a bit.

He thought a moment about it. "Well I thought it would be nice to get them around the same place but we can talk about it. I thought maybe our forearms but did think about your modeling too. We can get them as early as right after the fight or once we get back to Vegas. Whichever you want. I'd prefer not before fight though...may hurt a bit." He smiled at Adri. "I'm not sure what else I want though. I thought about 'Daniels' across my back. Or Angel/Demon wings symbolizing the good and evil fighting within." He shrugged. "What do you think?"
"No budget is a good budget." She frowned and shrugged her shoulder. "I will get what I want and I will look at the price tag. I want glamour so I can't put a budget on that. I am sure my parents will help with the dress or the veil, since my mother has told me she has been saving for my wedding day. Not that we need the help but if it makes her feel good I will let her buy the veil. I might get a dress designed just for me. That would be pretty." She needed red bottoms to walk down the aisle in. The dress would probably be the easiest part. The hard part would be the actual planning. "We have time to start putting money aside and saving for it. If you win this fight we could pay off the house and that's one less thing to worry about. I have to figure out the numbers but with the CK paycheck I should be able to put a good portion of it to my future plans account. And that account was meant for a wedding in the first place so we have that." She knew that he knew that she had multiple bank accounts but she wasn't sure if he knew how many.

"I do like a guy that is covered in tattoos. So I think it would be very sexy to see you all tatted and ripped up." She rubbed her lips together. "Instead of chess pieces we can get the king of hearts and the queen of hearts on the inside of our ring fingers. I think that would be kind of perfect. It's small and discreet and it would be on our ring fingers. And if you wanted to get a bigger tattoo at the same time you totally could. You could get 'Daniels' and the wings. Or get Daniels on your chest and the wings on your back. Those 3D anatomical clawed tattoos are pretty cool too." She was all for getting him marked up. It would add to his sex appeal he just needed to go to the right person every time.

She looked at the skyline and turned to face Jake. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him softly. "And don't worry. When you are old and those tattoos are wrinkly I will still love you." She teased.
Jake smiled and chuckled a bit. "Baby...You plan the wedding you want. Don't go too crazy...but plan what you want. I want you to have the wedding you always dreamed of. I was only giving you a hard time." He kissed her head. "And woah woah...'If I win?' Excuse me? You mean WHEN I win." He smiled at her. "The house should be paid off after the fight yes. We can plan accordingly. I can get another win in before the wedding if you want to help pay for it. My dad would help if he could. But I agree if your mom wants to help we won't forbid it."

"I never knew that about you...That you liked a man covered in tattoos." He learned something knew about his fiance. That sounded nice in his head. Fiance. "I like that idea about the king and queen of heart. Very fitting baby." He thought a moment. "I did think about the 3D tattoos but maybe one where it's a knight underneath or something to represent the fighter in me. But I feel if I do the wings on the back, technically the wings go down the arms. But I like the good vs evil aspect too. But if I didn't go with the wings and did the knight or fighter underneath my skin, that could hold the same purpose in a way."

When she turned in his arms he looked at her and smiled kissing her back. "Thanks. That's good to know. Still find me sexy? Even after the six pack is gone?" He gave her another kiss.

"You ready to pay and go get our strawberries. I'm ready to be all alone with you." He smiled at her.
"I won't go to crazy. But it will be the wedding of my dreams." She smiled and rolled her eyes, "Yes when you win." She kind of nodded her head to him having another fight, "I don't see us getting married by the end of the year. We are only in April. I am sure you will get scheduled for a another fight between now and the end of the year. I don't want any visible tattoos when we taking wedding photos. Your tattoos need to be covered by clothing or make up."

She smiled and rubbed his arms. "You will look good with whatever war paint you decide to put on your body. Just make sure you look good when your shirt is off. That is what every one will be staring at when you are fighting or at weigh ins." She looked up at him, "Why good vs evil though? You have an attitude problem. That doesn't make you evil though."

She nodded her head to being alone. She took the ring box out of her purse and put her ring in the box and then the box back in her purse. She took his arm and walked with him to pay and then to the car that would take them to the hotel. She put her head on his shoulder and couldn't wait for the moment when she could put the ring back on her finger.
He knew their wedding would be very nice with Adri planning it. Hell he started to get nervous to picking out his own tux though. She was the fashion guru of the relationship. But he would be pretty proud if he picked out a tux she liked all on his own. "I can agree to that except for maybe our matching ones. I think that would be a cool photo actually."

Jake loved that she thought he'd look good in whatever he decided. She did have a valid question though and maybe his thought on it was wrong but he could share where his head was with the good vs evil. "It's not an attitude problem..." He rolled his eyes playfully, "I kind of see it like this babe. I fight to be a good guy but have had things pulling me back from that. My step father for one. I try to do what is right but yet still have a career where I beat people up. I could kill someone in that cage." Then he realized he probably shouldn't have mentioned something like that to his now future wife but it was true. He had the skills to kill someone. "When someone makes a comment I have to fight to not knock their lights out. I have crap that has happened that makes it hard to control myself sometimes and my anger. It's like..." He searched for the answers as he stared off a bit. "It's like a constant battle between the good part of me and the bad part of me fighting to see who wins. You know me. I can be an asshole. But I can be loving and caring and giving as well. But you say one thing to me and I can snap like a twig. And not snapping isn't always easy. It's honestly been a lot of work." He looked down a bit. "My stepfather did his toll..." He said quietly. "I don't know if that makes any sense."

Jake wrapped his arm around her once they got back to the car. He had paid and left a nice tip for the staff. His hand rubbed her arm. He asked the driver where a good place was to get their chocolate covered strawberries and if they could take them there. Once they arrived he got out with Adri and went inside. "Should we get our driver some chocolates?" He smiled.
"We can show off our matching ones with our rings." She agreed.

She listened to him explain his good and evil tattoo meaning. She nodded her head, "That makes sense. As long as you don't think you are evil. You're good babe. I've been around you long enough to know that there is nothing but good in you." She told him and gave him a hug. "You're a knight maybe you can get chainmail under a 3D anatomical tattoo. That would be sexy too. I can't wait to see you all tatted up." She kissed his shoulder and smiled.

"We can get chocolate at the hotel. I don't want to go to more stores. I want you to take me home, get me naked, feed me chocolate and take me." She nibbled on his bottom lip. "Don't you want that?" She asked softly and looked in his eyes.
He gave her a nod. "Thanks baby. That really means a lot. But if someone messes with you or our munchkin, a whole evil side can come out." He grinned at her and kissed her head when she kissed his shoulder. This woman was amazing and she agreed to marry him. He couldn't believe it. "I like that idea about the chainmail." His head nodded a bit. "I can see you drooling already."

"They have that at the hotel." He let out a little moan at the thought of her naked, feeding her chocolate, and taking her. His lips kissed her slowly and softly. "Very much." He told the driver just to go back to the hotel, but didn't take his eyes of Adri's. His hand moved to her neck and he kissed her slowly and passionately. "I love you so much."

Before long they were back at the hotel and Jake got out and opened the door for his fiance with a smile. His hand held hers as they walked into the hotel. They took the elevator up to their room. They had to take it twice because the minute they got in Jake grabbed Adri pushing her against the side of the elevator and started kissing her slowly and passionately, his tongue sliding over hers as his body pressed against hers.
"Mhmm." She hummed and smiled at his response. "Then take me home." She moaned and giggled when he kissed her neck. She scratched the side of his head and kissed his temple. "I love you too Boo."

She was eager to get back to their room. She followed him into the elevator and put her ring back on before she was attacked with kisses from her fiancé. She kissed him back and they were so lost in their passion that it was easy to ignore the ding of the elevator the first time. They went half way down to pick someone up and then went back up again. On their way back up they had to be good and keep the touching and kissing to a minimum.

When they got their room it was anything goes. She started to strip him as they kissed and moved their way to the bedroom. He was topless and his pants were wide open by the time she fell back on the bed. While he worked on getting her skirt and his pants off, she picked up the phone and made the order for the strawberries and she added champagne to go with it.

When she hung up she pulled him down on top of her and kissed him passionately. Her legs wrapped around him and she gripped at his back to keep him down on top of her.
Jake sighed when someone stepped into the elevator. He pulled away a bit and shook his head head but smiled at Adri. They stole a few kisses while they had company.

It seemed the scene that hit the minute their door opened was something out of a movie, but to Jake it was much hotter. While she talked on the phone he kissed and nipped at her neck and let his hands explore her entire body. Once the phone was hung up his lips pressed back against hers in the most passionate kiss he could ever imagine.

"You still have your bra and panties on. And I still have my boxer briefs on..." He said between more kisses. It was hard to move to remove the rest of their clothing with her holding him down. But he didn't want her to let go. Jake never wanted Adriana to let him go. His tongue played with hers. The outsides of his fingers slid up and down her sides slowly. He kissed her jaw before going back to her lips.

He rolled them over so he was on his back as he reached up to undo her bra before slowly sliding the straps down. His lips moved to her shoulders kissing slowly. His kisses followed each bra strap down. His fingertips then moved to her panties as he slid those down and off her hips as he went back to kissing her lips softly.
"And someone has to get the door when the order arrives."

As much as she wanted him, she knew they couldn't get to hot and heavy just yet. There was a knock on the door and she sighed. She didn't let him up just yet though, "You know, I can always answer the door." She smiled mischievously. "With or without a robe. That might be a nice tip." She giggled and kissed him again. "And I don't have anything to hide." She looked between them and grasped his cock with a giggle. She kissed him one more time and tapped him so he would get up. She grabbed a big fluffy robe and slid it on. "Those bottoms better be off when I come back." She found a reasonable tip and went to get theirs goodies.

When she came back she opened her robe and put the plate on the bed. She picked up one of the plump berries and crawled over Jake. She took a bite and offered a bite to Jake. "Yummy." She said softly and kissed Jake softly.
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