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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

She set Jake's salad on the counter and passed him a fork and his favorite dressing. He left to take his phone call and she started to eat with out him. When he came back he looked a little upset so she waited for him to sit down and get some food in his stomach.

She didn't think it was possible for him to get demoted with out fighting or lose his job. Unless someone did as many fights as him with better record. Was that possible? She didn't think so. She was pretty sure they would have to go through Jake to be fifth over all. She took a deep breath, she really hoped he didn't lose his job.

"What's wrong?" She asked softly and sent a silent prayer that he had his job and he was just upset that he wouldn't be fighting for a long while.
Jake sat down and took a few bites of his food after applying his dressing. He shook his head a little and let out a few sighs. Then when she asked what was wrong, he looked at her and just shook his head a moment. "You better keep your bags packed after you get back from LA..." He looked at her. "We're going to London." He grinned at her and took another bite.

"Dana offered me a fight in London. I should be fighting Bisping but after his fight with Silva, he has to get a CT scan before he can be cleared to fight so right now he's on suspension so I'm fighting Vitor Belfort who is number 3 right now. Dana says if I keep winning I could potentially have a title fight within the ear if I stay healthy and don't get rocked too bad in the cage." He smiled really big. The day had been turning into a pretty good day.

"The pay out is a quarter million for just signing on for the main event. Which I've done. If I win, which I will, another quarter millions. Title fight when offered will be half a million. When I will another half a million and then every fight I defend, automatic million Adge. That's already guaranteed by Dana unless it increases... I get a portion of ticket sales, pay-per-views, and endorsements on top of it. They did change some rules with endorsements. I get another $120,000 from Reebok who UFC is now partnered with but I have to wear their logo on my fighting gear which is now kind of unformed across the board now." This is were Jake was a bit annoyed. He finally had his own line with Affliction and the UFC uniforms their fighters. "I get pick my color of my products if I'm the higher ranked fighter. So in this instance it's up to Belfort to pick the color he wants and I'm forced to pick a contrasting color. I will be issued Reebok products to wear for open workouts, media day, weigh-ins and press conferences. My corner guys also have to wear Reebok stuff." He rolled his eyes not really into this whole change. It wasn't entirely bad but really Reebok? "I'm hoping Affliction doesn't get rid of me now. It makes my dream of Tapout a bit harder." He joked. "Also they give us fight shorts, walkout shirt, walkout hoodie, walkout hat and walkout sweatpants that we have to wear something and we have to pick something out of all those to give back to the UFC after the fight. Probably so they can sell something we wore." There was a lot of changes since his last fight and he wasn't entirely into them but then again he could fight a guy in his underwear he didn't care.

"What do you say babe? Coming to London with me so I can kick Belfort's ass?" He smiled at her looking in her eyes.
He threw her off with keeping her bags packed but everything was suddenly so much better when he said they were going to London. She smiled at him and took another bite of spaghetti. He continued with the good news and she got happier for him. "That's amazing news Boo. I'm happy for you."

She smiled and nodded her head, "Just tell me when and you know I will be there." She kissed his temple and looked at Owen before sitting back down.

"Do you know when it is? How hard is this fight going to be?" She would have to google Belfort, like she did with most of the guys he fought. She tried to keep up with things but she didn't know as many fighters as she could.

She looked at Owen and then at Jake. She didn't think they should take him out of the country since he was so young and a plane ride that long would be nothing but trouble. Not to mention babies couldn't fly first class and she didn't do well in cramped places. It looked like she was getting her couple time out of the country. She knew he would want to focus on the fight but she couldn't wait to go sight seeing. "Do you think Prince Harry likes to watch MMA? Do you think he will be there? That would be awesome to meet a prince."
"A month. So that's why I said after you get back from LA. We may have to push that show back until after the fight." He smiled at her.

He took a few bites as she sat back down. They were talking fighting so he was getting pumped. He was ready to get in the cage again and beat some asses. "It's going to be pretty tough baby. He's a crazy good boxer and kick boxer. I don't want to box with this guy he could hit a nice shot with a fist or kick and it could be lights out for me. He's only had three submission wins and four decisions. I want him on the mat so I can choke him out. His take down defense hasn't been the greatest. He wants the fight to stay on standing. I want it taken to the ground. Even if it goes to decision the more take downs I get the better that will be. The only way he can win is if he knocks me out. Which could totally happen. So now Luke has his work cut out for him so he knows what he can work on."

Max got up and walked over to Adri and set his head on her leg and whined. Jake laughed a bit. "Baby I have no idea if Prince Harry likes MMA. Who doesn't though?" He laughed as he finished his salad. "I'm going to have to leave Owen here I think. He's too little to take that far. Plus some one on one time with my love sounds great."

"Baby since everyone is coming over again tonight should we cook out? Or order pizza? I can call Lucas." He grinned cause Luke hated when he called him that.
"I have to call my agent and let him know then." She said to pushing the episode back.

She nodded her head to why he said about the fight. That meant Jake needed to keep his head blocked and work fast to take his opponent down. Luke would get him pumped and ready to fight. If Jake could leave the ring with out a scratch on him that would be wonderful but she had a feeling it wouldn't be that type of fight and he wouldn't be that lucky. As long as he won, she would be happy.

She rubbed Max's head and continued to eat. Adri shrugged her shoulder, "I guess we will see." She said softly. She used to have a crush on Prince William but every one knew Prince Harry was cuter now with his ginger hair. "I don't think the queen sits around watching MMA on TV." She nodded her head to leaving Owen. "I think that would be best. I wonder what hotel we are going to stay at."

She looked down at Max and scratched behind his ear, "I know you're tired. Go to sleep." She told him and bent over to kiss his forehead.

"I don't care what we eat. You can order what ever you like. Pizza might be the easiest but it's up to you. You are back on your weight maintaining diet as well, so keep that in mind."
"Is that okay baby? I really want to do it. Sounds so fun to beat you at Lip Syncing Battles. But I need to focus on fighting." He got up and grabbed a yogurt out of the fridge and sat back down.

"I need to keep my distance and even shooting on him to take him down is dangerous. I may call Rich Franklin to help." Rich got knocked out by him but could help with Belfort's techniques and what to watch for. Jake and Rich had become good friends and worked on other fights together. "I want to work on my stand up a bit too just in case. Kicks would be good to keep distance but get strikes in." He took a bite of his yogurt and offered a bite to Adri.

Max kept whining. "You never know babe the Queen may be in her office yelling at her tv." He chuckled a bit. "We can stay anywhere you want to babe. I can take a few extra days after and make it a vacation for us."

"What if we get a party platter from Subway. That's healthier than pizza."
She shrugged her shoulder, "I will see what he can do. They might understand but at the same time, they do have a season to film. We can always until next season if they can't follow your schedule." She shrugged her shoulder. She hoped they could wait a little while but waiting a month seemed like a long time from a producers point of view. "I mean, if you have a fight coming up and you are going to win this fight. Don't you want people to know that you have a fight? It is good publicity and it's a little fun before the real stress of the fight." She shrugged her shoulder.

She declined the yogurt because that wouldn't taste good with yogurt. "Get all the help you can get. I want you to win this one, Boo." She smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

She laughed and shook her head, "Somehow I kind of doubt that but if that is what you want to believe I am not going to stop you." She smiled and thought it over, "I have to find somewhere with a nice view of the palace."

She nodded her head to Subway, "That sounds good to me."
Jake at his yogurt and he got what she was saying. He did. "Yeah but if I lose they will bring that up as the reason why. That also means a couple days away from training...I have to think about to." He took another bite and looked to see if Owen was still asleep. "Maybe just see. If they won't push it back let me know and I'll see how I feel then."

"I know baby I want to win too. Why don't you do research on places to stay and let me know. We can pick a place together and book it." He kissed her cheek. "You never know. She may like watching people get their asses kicked." He shrugged.

Jake grabbed his phone to invite Luke and tell him about the fight. He also then called to order the subs.

He then called Layla like he had been meaning to do. He got her voicemail. "Hey Layla it's Jake. Owen is home. He's doing well. Figured you'd want to know. I've been talking to Adri and she made some sense. I'm not going to keep Owen from you. Do whatever you need to when you want to see him let me know. But I was only saying things to protect him. I don't want him hurt so please don't come back and forth. If you want him. Mean it. But I will get a hold of my lawyer to see what I need to, to protect myself and him. I also need to know if you're signing over rights or what you're doing so I can take care of the paper work. Call me back please." He set his phone down and looked at Adri with a smile. "Think I can go lift a bit before he wakes up?"
He had a point, she guessed and she nodded her head. "Okay. I'll see if they can push it back." She said softly. "Don't worry about it if they can't. There is always next season." She would be a little disappointed if they couldn't squeeze them in but Jake's job came before pleasure. Especially before a fight.

She finished eating before he did because she started eating before him. She cleaned off her plate and went upstairs to make her phone call to her agent. "Hey, Jake just got scheduled for a fight so unless you can get them o push filming back, I don't think we will be able to do it." Her agent was a little upset. He asked if she could some how convince Jake to do it but she told him that fighting came first and they would love to do the show at a later date. He would see what he could do but he wasn't making any promises.

She also called her mom to see when they would be coming over and how her dessert was doing. When she hung up she went back downstairs and laid on the couch with Max.

"i don't know. You can try take a baby monitor though."
Jake felt bad that they had to push it back a bit. "I'm sorry babe. If they can't it's okay. We can still do it. It's only a few days right?" He gave a small shrug.

When she came back he debated on going and working out or staying inside. "I'm just going to go lift and hit the bag for a bit." He ran upstairs to change into basketball shorts. He came back down and set a baby monitor by the pack n play. Before heading to the gym he walked over and kissed Adri softly. "I'll be back in a bit. If he starts crying I'll be back for him." He gave Max's head a little scratch. "Someone missed you babe..."

Jake headed out to the gym and started by stretching then lifting. He pushed himself a bit harder than normal. If he was going to beat Belfort he would need to put in a 110% everyday to get ahead. This has been the fight he's been waiting for and now is his chance. If he lost it would push him back that much farther. He needed to win not just for himself but for Adri and Owen. After lifting he pulled the gloves on and started working on combos and punches and a few kicks. His workout was almost done when Owen started to cry.
"I know. I might have to take him with me next time. I hate leaving my boy here." She kissed his head over and over and rubbed his back. The cough was getting smaller as he got bigger. She was pushed back against the back of the couch and Max was almost fighting not to fall off. He would move to her legs where he had more space eventually but he obviously wanted to be cuddled for now.

When he left, she closed her eyes and took a little nap cuddled with her boy. It felt like no time had passed when she was woken up by a screaming baby. She got off of the couch and walked over to him. She picked him up and rocked him back and forth. She took him to the kitchen and took one of the pre made bottles out if the fridge. She gave it a shake and put it in the bottle warmer. She continued to rock Owen and did something she never thought she would do. She put her nose close to him to see if he was stinky. He seemed alright to her so she rocked him until the bottle was made and then she started to feed him. When Jake got back he could burp him.
Jake heard Owen so he pulled his gloves off and headed back to get him. Before he left the gym he grabbed a towel and was whipping the sweat off his chest and back when he walked into the kitchen and saw Adri with Owen.

He stopped and watched her a moment with him with a smile on his face. She was so good with him and she looked adorable doing it. Owen started to calm down as she moved with him. This was the woman he wanted to marry and be the mother of his babies. She will be an amazing mother and amazing wife. He was one lucky man.

"Want me to take him baby?" He walked over to see Owen. "Hi big boy. You hungry?" Jake grabbed his burp rag from his pack and play and made is way back to Adri. "I could have gotten him babe..."
"No one wants to listen to a baby cry for that long." She told him and kept Owen until he was done feeding and then handed him over. "We need to start writing down when he eats and when he was changed so we have somewhat of a schedule. That way we know when a bottle needs to be made before he starts screaming." She washed the bottle and set it on the drying thing they got for bottles and what not.

She made him a new bottle and set it in the fridge for later. She went back to the couch and laid down with Max again. After a big yawn, she closed her eyes and tried to get some sleep again but Jake would have to get in the shower soon to wash the sweat off and she couldn't nap until Owen was down.

She turned on the TV and flipped through the channels for something to watch and then turned it off. "When ou are done, bring him upstairs. I'll watch him up there." She called Max and they went upstairs. she pulled out her suitcase and started to pack for her trip to LA. Anything to keep her busy and this gave her time to look through what she was taking and different plan outfits.
Jake let out a sigh when she mentioned him crying for a long time. He figured he'd just take him to the gym from now on. Owen went to Jake's shoulder and he patted his back to get him to burp. Once he did he sat with him and rubbed his back till he fell asleep again. When that happened he got up and carried him upstairs to his nursery and laid him down in his bed. His blanket got pulled over him and his bink was in his mouth before he grabbed the monitor and went to go shower. He set the monitor on the bathroom counter.

He went to his room to grab clothes to put on for everyone coming over. His eyes looked at Adri but walked by to go to the office and he printed off a chart for them to keep track of feedings. He went back to the bathroom and as he passed Adri he smacked her butt. Jake went into the bathroom and got undressed getting in the shower. He took a quick shower so if Owen cried he could get him. He didn't want Adri to have to get him again as she seemed to not like it very much. Maybe this would be harder than he thought. Once he got out of the shower he got dressed in jeans and a tight blue v neck shirt.

"You okay?" He leaned in the door way and watched her a moment.
In the time it took him to shower, Adri laid out a week and a half worth of clothes on the bed. She was in the closet looking for a dress to go clubbing in and a another dress to go to a fancy dinner in. She never knew what she would be invited to and she liked to have outfits for the just in case scenario.

The more she pulled out of her closet the more she thought a small apartment in LA would be nice to have. She wouldnt have to lug clothes back and forth. She wouldn't have to worry about what what to pack. She would have a closet full of clothes out there. All she needed to do was buy a plane ticket. That would be really nice actually. Maybe if she had some down time she would go look at some small apartments she could rent. In the end she could afford it and if she needed an LA apartment it would be there waiting for her.

"I'm thinking about looking at places in LA. I don't want to have to do this anymore." She sighed and looked at the clothes on the bed. She went back to the closet and pulled out two different pairs of black shoes, one a tall pair of pumps and the other the classic stiletto. She couldn't decide so she put them both on the floor to pack with her. "I can empty out my closet and take some of it to LA that way I won't have to pack a suitcase every time I leave and I will have free space in my closet. That also gives me a reason to go through it and donate some of my clothes."

She moved her hair to one side of her head, "I don't know though. I'll look at places while I am down there and decide from there."
Jake watched her with a small grin. The woman he loves wants an apartment for clothes. Not because of anything else but clothes. She was adorable. "And love what happens when you want something in LA but you are with your boys in Vegas?" He smiled at her and walked over to the seat by the fireplace.

His eyes looked over the clothes. "I think you could have a new outfit for a month and not have to do laundry." He teased a bit.

When she walked by him he grabbed her pulling her down into his lap and wrapped his arms around her. His eyes looked into hers. His mind went back to something they said to each other, "You know I still fall in love with you again and again?" His hand caressed her cheek before he kissed her slowly and deeply. "You never stop blowing me away. I love you. I love you and all your clothes." His head rested against hers a moment.
"Then I will just have to get over it. I will keep my favorite stuff here but..." That didn't make sense either. What if she wanted something in LA that was in Vegas. She sighed and shook her head. "I don't know what to do." She said softly and started to fold her clothes so she could put them in her suitcase.

"And there is nothing wrong with that." She told him and threw a pair of socks at him.

She remembered she needed a pair of shoes and she walked to the closet was pulled into Jake's lap. She smiled and nodded her head, "I know. I love you too Boo. Even when you make fun of my shopping addiction." She smiled and kissed him tenderly. "Now you can help me by grabbing the black booties in the closet or you can continue to judge me but you must do it quietly."
"Don't go buying two of everything either Adriana. So that way you can have one at each place." He grinned at her because he knew the thought had to have crossed her mind.

He caught the pair of socks. "Not when you're the one doing the laundry no. Except when it's time to do the laundry I wouldn't want to do that."

Jake pretended to offended. "I would never make fun of your addiction." He kissed her softly. "I do think it's adorable. I'm not judging entirely. But our son will not have this much clothes Adriana. It won't happen." He gave her a look then when she got up he got up to help her. He grabbed her boots and then helped folding her clothes. "It's funny you want to take the dog with you cause you miss him too much while you are gone but yet you don't miss me..." He teased Adri playfully. Jake was excited for London. It would be nice to have some time alone with her.
She gave him a look when he told her not to buy two of everything. "Only my favorite stuff." She already did that with shoes If she had a pair she truly could not live with out then she bought two. That way if the designer discontinued them, or she couldn't find them, she would have another pair.

"You would learn to love it." She smiled at him and thought about testing it out. She had to agree though. The pile of laundry that would accumulate would be massive and it would get washed and dried but putting all of those clothes away would be the biggest pain in the ass.

"Of course he won't!" She agreed. They didn't have a lot of cute boy clothes. At least compared to girl clothes, "Our daughter will though." And there was nothing he could do about that. She frowned at Jake, "You know I miss you. He doesn't understand why I am leaving. He doesn't know if I will be back. You know I am coming back." She started to put her clothes into her suitcase while Jake folded them. She put her shoes in some shoe bags and put them between her clothes.
Jake chuckled at the comment about their daughter. "I'm sure she will and the thing is I won't even try to stop it or prevent it from happening cause I will fail. Miserably. Just don't let us go bankrupt."

He smiled at her and bumped her hip. "I'm kidding. He doesn't understand why I'm leaving either and thinks I'm never coming home." He chuckled a bit. "You better come back. Or I'll come after you." He smiled and gave her a small wink." Once he had all her clothes folded and helped her put them in her suitcase they could start seeing the bed again. "Hey baby look there is our bed!" He chuckled a bit.

Owen started to fuss and move around and Jake let out a little sigh before heading after him. He came back with him in a new diaper and nothing else. Jake's shirt was also off so he could have some skin time. "Do you want some time with him before everyone comes baby?"
"Don't worry, you'll be a champion by then and you'll be able to afford a daughter." She kissed his cheek and shrugged her shoulder. That was just the fact of the matter.

She smiled and shrugged her shoulder again, "i don't know. I love it out there so much. One day California may just wrap my in its beautiful Gold Coast and keep me there teased and kissed his temple. She rolled her eyes at his jest and put her suitcase against the wall.

"You should have a blanket. Or at least a little hat on his head. I will take him after I figure out what he is going to wear to meet the family. Sit with him in the rocking chair. I'm sure he'll love it. Or you will when it starts massaging your back. She tickled his lower back with the tips of her fingers and walked to the nursery. She looked through the drawers for something cute for him to wear and settled on a onesie that was colored like a panda bear but it was still thin so he wouldn't burn up.

She sat on a foot stool by the rocking chair and rubbed his foot while Jake held him. "Are you ready for the first night of no sleep?"
Jake shook his head. "I'd have to never lose the championship to be able to afford YOUR daughter." He teased with a chuckle.

"I'll still find you even if it takes you hostage my love." He kissed her cheek.

He went into the nursery and grabbed a hat for him and a blanket like Adri suggested. She was right he may get cold. Jake watched Adri pick out an outfit for him. He rubbed Owen's back as he just looked around the room. "I am actually ready for it. I think I can handle it. At least tonight I can." He gave her a smile. "Ask me again in a week or two I may change my mind." He chuckled a bit. "Here baby switch me spots and hold him before your mom keeps him from everyone." Jake was fine with her mother wanting to hold him so much. He found it cute and adorable.

Jake got up to hand him over. "You want skin time or just to hold him?"
She laughed a bit. "You're grumpy when you get no sleep. I'll ask you again tomorrow and see what your answer is." She teased. She scooped Owen up and wrapped him in the blanket, "I think I will just hold him for now." She looked at Jake.

"Are you going to go pick up the subs?" She asked and patted Owen on the bottom. "We can stay here while you go get them. Have a little one on one time." She offered.

"Maybe not one on one. I'll sit on the floor so Max can meet him. He did pretty well when we first brought him home. He might enjoy some floor or couch time with the baby."
"So are you. I remember a specific time you got angry with me for using the blender too early." He smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "We both may get grumpy but you know what? That's when we have Aim take him so we can nap. That's why we have a nanny. Or a sister whichever we want to call it."

Jake watched Adri with Owen. He couldn't help but smile. "Yeah I can just go. That will be nice for you two."

Jake was a bit concerned with Max yet. "You sure you can handle Max and Owen?" He scratched Max's head. "He did do good with him earlier. All three of you can have some bonding time." He grabbed his shirt and pulled it on. "As long as you will be okay together. Anything else I should pick up while I'm out?" He gave Owen's head a kiss then kissed Adri. "I'll be back. Call me if you need me."
"I was hung over. There is a difference." She accepted his kiss and kissed his cheek in return. "She is your sister and then your nanny. And we still need to find a backup."

She laughed a bit, "Doubting me, love?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "I can handle this. You'll only be gone for twenty minutes." She shook her head to needing something and walked downstairs with Jake. She sat on the couch and let Max get on and lay next to her. He sniffed Owen's butt and whined a little but once he got a good sniff of Owen he was fine.

Adri turned on the TV and flipped through the channels until she found something good to watch. Owen slept the entire time, she was channel surfing, and only moved to rub his face. If he had his pacifier he was a happy baby. She did knock it out of his mouth once which he did not like but once he had it back he was fine.
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