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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Adri smiled at Jake, "She taught me everything I know." She said proudly and rubbed her mother's back.

When the doorbell rang the tone of the night changed. This could very very well or this could go very bad. She gave Jake an encouraging smile and nodded at him when he went to open the door. She tried to listen to what was being said in the kitchen but her mother was making unnecessary noise. Then he called for Amy and she wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. She looked at her dad and then her mom asked her to check on the noodles.

Shen turned when she heard them walk into the kitchen. She was taken back by how much Jake looked like his father. Even the stuffing in the hand in the pocket mannerisms were the same. She walked over when Jake introduced her and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you." She smiled at John.

"You have good timing John. The food is almost finished." Maria told him. She wiped her hands and shook his hand.

Adri grabbed the plates and put everything down on the counter. Her mother put the food on the plates and Adri set them on the table one at a time. She grabbed a bottle of red wine and put it on the table as well. There was a pitcher of water and glasses already set out so if they didn't want wine they could have some water. Her mother cut up the bread and put it on a serving plate and took it to the table. Adri and Jake got the heads of the table, Maria and Robert took one side and Amy and John took the other side of the table.

"So was your trip down? How long are you staying? Do you have family waiting for you back home?" Adri asked curiously.
Jake asked if John wanted more of a manly drink than wine. He told him he had Jack and John chuckled, "Yeah more of a whiskey man than wine." He smiled. Jake gave Adri a look like he was a bit creeped out and excited at the same time. He poured his father a drink, who he could tell was nervous. He gave his arm a pat to tell him it was okay.

"Thank ma'am." John commented to Maria, "It smells delicious."

Once they were all seated he waited in case grace was said and he put his napkin on his leg. He had manners and seemed fairly night. "My trip was nice. I enjoy driving. I like the open road. Let's you think and listen to music at the same time." He smiled a bit. "I had a girlfriend. But her and I are taking a break." Jake's eyes met Adri's, he wanted to crack a joke or reference about the show FRIENDS but figure John wouldn't get it and considering what happened when John and his mom were on a break he wouldn't say it, his eyes then went to Amy who was taking everything in intently. She would too would have gotten the joke. "I honestly don't really have a back home. I have a place in Colorado but I travel around the country doing different jobs. But Shelly, my girlfriend, she's the only one besides your mother," he looked at Jake and Amy, "Who's been close to getting me to settle down." He smiled a little.

"Jake you made a good fighting career for yourself. I've been following you." He just gave Jake a little nod. He wanted to give his son more, like he was proud of him but he didn't want to there. "Amy what do you?"

She explained how she did in home care for some elderly back in Colorado as she studied to be a nurse, but her newest job was to take care of her nephew. John then looked to Adri and her parents asking them what they do.
So Jake and Amy didn't have any other siblings. If he drove from Colorado to Vegas, he had a decent enough job to pay for gas. Adri looked at Jake and raised her eyebrows. He seemed like a nice guy. She didn't have enough time with him to get to know him. She could only hope this was the real John.

Adri's mother was a stay at home mom but before that she was a kindergarten teacher. Her father support the family by working as a doctor in the Army.

"I am a model. I just signed on with an agency in New York actually. So I'm really excited." She told him.

She rubbed her lips together and tried to think of what else she wanted to know. She didn't want this to go awkward. It was odd meeting him with her parents there.
John looked at Robert. He too was in the military so the two talked about for a little bit. John was in the Marines but was only in for a short time. He was a mechanic then working on helicopters. "If it was broken I could fix it. Well except my marriage." He joked with a little laugh. John had a sense of humor, Jake smiled at Adri, he knew where he got his humor from now.

"New York? So are you guys moving?" John asked, it was a legit question.

"So far we've been making it work with her traveling."

John looked around the room, "Well looks like you have a nice home here. You two are making a good life for yourself." He asked about Owen's mother and Jake told her the truth, which set off a reminder that he wanted to call in the next day or two, he needed to apologize.

Jake asked him how long he would be in town and John told him a few days. "Maria this food is amazing. Thank you for allowing me join you all. I know this has to be a bit awkward." They continued to talk and Amy added in a few questions then after dinner Jake got up to clean up and John and Amy went out the backdoor to talk, Jake told her to start a fire if she wanted.

Jake looked at Adri and her parents. "He seems nice yeah?" He was trying hard not to get his hopes up though. He knew it would be his turn to go out and talk to him too and true colors may come out then or maybe visits down the road.
Adri shrugged her shoulder, "Maybe one day we can move there or LA."

After the general awkwardness of the first time meeting, the conversation was pretty normal. It was filled with small talk but that wasn't the worst thing in the world. It filled any silences that might have been.

The more John talked the more Adri liked him. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy. The man Jake could look up too. It felt like he was finally getting the father figure he wanted all of his life. "He seems really nice. I like him." Adri told him and gave his cheek a kiss.

"Does he have a hotel or do you want him to spend the night here? We have more than enough space for him. You guys could have some one on one time before he meets Owen." He did have a new box of cigars. He could smoke one with his father and get to know him on a man to man level.
Jake smiled at Adri when she mentioned liking him. "I like him too." He also made a mental note of her wanting to move one day.

"No baby he has a hotel. But I can offer for another night if he'd want to stay here." He motioned to going outside to talk to him a bit. Amy came in to give them time and she enjoyed talking to Maria and Robert. Amy was a bit jealous of Adri and her mother's relationship.

After a bit of time Jake came in and stole Robert and his box of cigars. The men were outside and they congratulated Jake on having a son and he thanked them and smoked a cigar, basically with his fathers.

John was pretty straightforward so he looked at Jake, right in front of Robert, "So son, Adri...she's a looker." He turned to Robert. "No offense Robert." He turned back to his son, "So you going to make an honest woman out of her? She's putting up with you," He laughed a bit, "You're a Daniels man so trust me I know you have to be difficult to get along with at times and I mean that in a loving and carrying way." Jake laughed a bit. "Plus she's helping raise your son. She welcomed me. She seems pretty amazing."

Jake smiled, his father wasn't telling him anything he didn't already know. "Trust me I know how amazing she is. I worry every day she's going to catch some other guys eye or some other guy is going to catch her eye. But for some crazy reason she loves me. I'm madly in love with her. Literally I told her today I fall harder every day." He took a puff of his cigar thinking about her with a smile. "So the plan is to marry her and extend the family.

John nodded. "Good man."

After awhile Robert excused himself so Maria and he could go. They wanted to let Jake get time with their father. Jake and John both said their goodbyes, as well as Amy. Jake gave Maria a huge hug. "Thank you for everything. I'm so grateful. We will keep you posted on your grandbaby." He smiled at her.

The other four went outside by the fire and Jake sat behind Adri with his arms around her. John didn't know where to start with the things he wanted to tell them. "I'm sorry for not trying harder to be in your lives. I tried but your mother was so angry and upset and I just didn't have the money to take her to court. By the time I did, I didn't know if you wanted me around and she would say you were better off without me."

Jake looked at him, "Did you know her new husband beat us? That was part of the reason I began fighting?"
Adri, Amy and Maria went up the nurser while the guys smoked their cigars. The ladies talked about the baby clothes and the room. Adri talked about him wanting to fight and her mother was against it but only because she didn't want Owen getting hurt. They were all excited about being able to bring Owen home and get him adjusted to life outside of the hospital.

Adri checked her phone a couple times for emails about fashion week but none were coming in. She knew there was a big chance that she wouldn't get picked because she wasn't actually there to walk for the designers and try on some clothes for them. Being home with Jake and Owen was more important right now though.

She didn't get a chance to look at the buzz around the photo she took of Owen and Jake sleeping together. So she looked that up and it was blown way up. Various models and fighters and other celebrities wished Jake congratulations, there were rumors as who the mother was, or that Adri hired a surrogate to carry Owen for them. She had a feeling they would both be getting emails from different tabloid magazines for their story over Owen's birth and what not.

Adri was just happy she hit a million followers on Instagram. She took a picture of a bear in Owen's room and thank her followers for following her and told them that Owen was, hopefully, coming home tomorrow night.

When her mother left she and Amy went downstairs and finished their glass of wine. That only last a little bit before Jake called them outside to sit by the fire. Adri watched the flames and popped Jake with her elbow. There was a more delicate way of asking that and he knew it. She glanced at John who seemed dumbfounded and that seemed to be answer enough.

"Had I know, I would not have let that woman keep you from me." He said slowly. His blood was boiling at the thought of another man's hands on his kids. He looked at Amy and asked with out asking, she nodded her head and he sucked in a breath. "Where is he? I might pay him a visit the next time I see him."
A few of the comments on the phot wasn't good though. Some dissed Jake and one even called Owen some bad tbings. It was probably good papa bear hasn't seen the comments yet.

Jake groaned and looked at Adri. He was his father and he would ask how wanted. He needed to know the truth. But he soon knew that his father had no idea. That made him relieved and angry at the same time. Angry at his mother.

"He's fighting for his life. He has cancer. And rumor has it the funds that were keeping him alive had run out."

Amy looked at Jake and put it together that he was the one paying his hospital bills, "Why would you do that?"

"I guess I thought I could buy love." Jake shrugged. "You ask Adri and if its a purse you just may." He joked to lighten the mood and braced himself for yet another elbow.

Jake looked at his father. "I'm sorry. I hated you for so long. I shouldn't have." He pulled Adri closer to him kissing her shoulder as he hoped Owen never hated him.
She almost popped him again but he tensed up. When he relaxed a bit, she hit him then so he could feel the pain he deserved.

"Your mother obviously didn't paint me in a good light. Keeping you all away from meme didn't help things either. It's understandable. I can only hope I paint a better picture than what your other has been showing you."

They sat and talked around the fire for a little while longer before John thought it was best to let them get some rest.Adri was getting tired and tomorrow they would have the eventful night of getting Owen to bed and waking up with him every so often. They walked John to the front door and locked it behind him.

Adri gave Jake a kiss, "I"m going to get in the shower. I'll see you in bed and I will see you tomorrow. Night Amy." Adri went upstairs and showered. She washed her hair. She dried it with a hair dryer and then tied it up on top of her head. She wrapped it in a silk scarf and go tin bed. Since she was looking forward to skin time, she only wore a pair of panties to bed.
Jake said bye to his father and talked to Amy about him for a few minutes while Adri went up to shower. He'd shower in the morning after his run. They both thought their father seemed like a genuinely good man.

He then headed upstairs to get ready for bed. He brushed his teeth and stole a look at Adri in the shower. Damn his girlfriend was hot. He smiled to himself as he hot undressed down to his boxers. He tossed his clothes in the hamper and climbed in bed. He checked his phone a bit and saw some of the comments about Owen and he on Adri's photo. He had to put down as his head boiled.

He waited for Adri in bed. The sheet went right to the waist of his boxers and he got comfortable by pulling his arms up over his head, kind of wrapping it around it. His nore defined and toned body was showing. He didn't even mean to show his body off. He was skinnier but more ripped and toned. He too was looking forward to skin time with his baby girl. "You should read some of the comments on our pic..." He said quietly.
"They are nothing but a bunch of trolls who don't know the full story." Adri said and trailed her fingers between his abs. "They don't matter. Their thoughts don't matter." She sighed and rubbed her lips together. "People are always saying stuff that are mean and hurtful. I can post a picture of a flower and get called mean names. I will block the people who have something to say about Owen because he is a baby and he doesn't deserve that and he can't defend himself."

She would know what it felt like to be called names since she got called a hoe or a gold digger, or something like it, on a daily basis. she was being called an idiot for staying with Jake. People were saying he cheated and calling him every name in the book. She was aware that Perez Hilton already said he was surprised Adri didn't get pregnant first to seal a hold on Jake's bank account. She tried to stay away from negative stories about her and Jake because they do anything but make her feel bad.

She looked up at Jake and kissed his cheek, "Don't read them anymore, okay? Let the haters say what they want to say."
Jake moved his arm around Adri and pulled her close to him. She was right they got a lot of comments and it bothered him slightly but not because of him but what Adri and Owen had to go through. "I'm sorry you have to deal with that because of me." He said quietly. His other hand moved down so his fingertips moves over her cheeks.

"You still love me? And want me forever?" He smiled at her and snuggled closer to her. Her bare skin, so soft and amazing felt wonderful against his skin. His eyes followed her fingers on his chest and abs. "You like the changes your man made?" He grinned a bit.

"Dad seems really cool. I think I'm okay with him meeting Owen. So may be back tomorrow if you're okay with that. And what was with you hitting me so much babe?" He smiled a bit before kissing her lips slow and passionately. His kisses turned full of want.
"I still love you and I want you." She told him and kissed his cheek. "It's not just you, Boo. It's the life style. People are jealous. They think that I have this job because of you. It's partially true but I put a lot of hard work into making a name for myself as well. They don't care though. It makes them feel good to think that they can put me down. They can keep trying and I am going to keep working and keep making money." She nodded her head, "I love the changes. I can wait to see you in some spandex fighting shorts. Your ass is going to look great." She smiled at him happily.

"Yeah. Your father seems really nice. That's fine with me. Mom and Dad are coming over to bring over the cobbler and to help with Owen if we need it. I have a feeling mom won't want to leave the house. It's going to be a little crazy. I hope the little guy can handle it. he's going to passed around from grandparent to grandparent to aunt to parent." She shook her head. "At least we will have cobbler and I saw ice cream in the freezer. Yum. This is nice being the favorite child." She declared.

"What would you think about doing a TV show?" She asked and looked up at him. "My agent in LA said there is a show looking for couple to go head to head against each other in a lip synching battle. I told them I would bring it up to you. I think it might be fun. We would have to go to LA for a couple days to film it and then come back. They need an answer before the end of the month so you have time to think about it."
Jake looked at her before his eyes narrowed and his forehead wrinkled a bit. "I don't take credit for anything with your career. You were a model long before you met me. Plus you look hot." He smiled wide. "You were hot the minute you walked into the gym the first day I saw you. You are right. You have worked really hard. You've dieted and worked out and yes I can help you work out and stick to a diet with you but in the end you did it. You're going out living your dream baby. That's why I'm super proud of you. I just support you while you do it." He gave her a small kiss. "I don't care what they say about me. And if they get their kicks on making fun or calling a few day old kid, then they have issues. And Adriana you and I both know that it has nothing to do with the money. Neither of our careers have anything to do about money, yes it's a great perk, but we both do what we do for our other reasons." When she made the comment about his ass looking great he just smiled, but it did feel nice that she thought he was attractive. He too worked hard for his body. He didn't care if other people thought he looked good but he wanted to look good for Adri.

His fingers moved down to her side. "I'm looking forward to the full house. He will have to get used to a lot of people holding him. We may have to fight your mother for him though." He smiled and kissed her shoulder. "I want a picture with dad, Owen and I. Three generations of Daniels. We are pretty good looking too. If I look like him when I get old I will be okay with that. He still has hair. I'm good with that." He gave her a wink.

Jake thought about what she was asking him. "You want to do a show? You want to battle me? In a lip syncing battle?" He gave her a look. "You sure you want to battle a fighter? You may go down." He smiled and kissed her. "It sounds fun. Can we wait till Owen is a couple weeks old though? And is this something you want just us to go and do or bring him and Amy too?"
"If you look like your dad when you are older, I will be okay with that too. Your dad is pretty handsome. I can imagine you looking like him but a lot leaner, more muscles and what not." She smiled at him and rubbed his stomach. "You know what you would really look good in? Those speedo fighting pants. You looked good in the thong when you gave me a lap dance. Although I was expecting you to get the elephant thong where you dick becomes the trunk." She giggled.

She nodded her head and looked up into his eyes. She rolled her eyes, "Oh please. I may not be able to take you don't in a fight but I can take you down in a lipsynching battle." She was happy he agreed to it. It was something she really wanted to do. "I'll make the call and tell them we want to do and let them know that we won't be able to film for a couple weeks. Don't worry." She kissed him happily.

"We could take them if you want. I don't know if you want him to be a plane when he doesn't need to be unless you want to rent a private jet to take us." She joked. "It will only be a couple days of filming and then we will be back. By then he should be settled in and Amy will kind of know his schedule and will be able to handle him on her own or with moms help."
Jake laughed a bit. "Yeah I'm hoping to still be built this way when I'm older. Hell maybe I'll still be training when I'm older. Running marathons." He smiled at his future ambitions before laughing at Adri's thoughts for her little dance she got. "I shocked you...Did you know they actually make underwear for dudes that have the balls out. And some like the elephant ones but legit you owe me a lap dance. You owe me a dance and a date." He winked at her.

"I can beat you at anything." He smiled and hoped she wouldn't elbow him again. There was enough of that already.

"Baby I'm not worried about Amy taking care of him. But honestly thinking what you already are about him being on a plane. I don't know how he would do flying. Second...some time away alone with you wouldn't be bad." Time alone with Adri will probably be nice once they bring Owen home and adjust to his schedule. "Your parents are going to call her and stop over to check in on her aren't they?" He smiled at her.
"I am going to take you on your date and get your lap dance all seat up. I have to figure out what costume to get first. A sexy maid, a sexy boxer or maybe a sexy bunny. So many choices." She sighed and shrugged her shoulder. "I'll figure it out before date night." She smiled at him and moved around so her upper body was on top his. She put her elbow on the bed and held her head up with her hand.

"You think? Wow okay. Don't make me prove myself. I don't want you to cry when I win this battle." She said playfully. "I mean we get a belt at the end of it to declare the winner but if you want to put your money where your mouth is, I would to make it more interesting." She smiled at him and kissed him softly.

She nodded her head, "She might throw her phone against the wall only so she won't have to hear him and then she will hide somewhere so when they drop by unannounced they won't find her and Owen." She smiled at Jake and rubbed his chin. "I can't wait to go with you. It's beautiful out there and the shopping is divine. It'll be nice to travel as a couple."
Jake listened to her costume ideas. He didn't even know if he could decide on one if he had to himself. "I'd be happy with you in anything baby. You don't even have to get a costume. Strip from whatever you were on our date and this man will be happy." He smiled at her, looking in her eyes.

"Oh trust me I won't cry unless I'm laughing. And money? You want me to bet money? I thought this wasn't about money? If we want it to be really interesting we bet something juicier than money. Like sexual favors. Massages. Putting on social media how great the other is. Something along those lines baby." His hand rested on her back a moment before sliding up and down slowly.

"I meant it in a way because they are so caring and I can see them looking after Amy while we are gone." His eyes narrowed at her. "Cause your fighter boyfriend likes to shop." He smiled a bit. "How else would we travel? And how about we fly out there however you want. But on the way home...I got that covered." He grinned at her.
"But that's boring. I want a rip off costume and a fan blowing my hair back and lights from the ceiling. They need to be amazing plans for my amazing leaned forward and kissed him slowly.

"That was just an expression, Sir." She tapped his bottom and nodded her head. "I say the loser has to do whatever the winner says all day. You'll be my little servant in a butler thong." She giggled. She bit her bottom lip and smiled at him. "How does that sound?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"Mom can be a little much some times but I am sure Amy will take all of the help she can get her first time home alone with Owen." She put her hand on his chest and rubbed his soft skin with her thumb. "It gets boring shopping here with the tourists. It's annoying as well. You'll see how much nicer it is to shop out there."

She frowned, "I was kidding about the jet. I don't want to drive that far. I'm sure the studio will cover travel expenses and the hotel stay. We shouldn't have to worry about anything but our performances. And I think I have my songs picked. I feel bad for you. I really do."
Jake kissed her back with a smile. "Lights huh? Do I get drinks too then?" He teased a bit.

"Sir?" He raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm down the loser doing whatever the winner says for the day. We should kiss on it." He puckered up for it. "Oh I'll put some thought into my songs. Don't you worry babe."

"She means well babe. Amy I think likes the change from our mom. Who is definitely a little much. When we get married I don't want all of our parents in the same room...My mom will embarrass me and who knows how my parents will get along." He shivered at the thought. "Great so you get more stores to buy Owen things." He smiled at her. "But babe...again you will take me shopping? Why not take me to a kick ass gym? Or we can go to the beach. I'm down with beach time. Plus my baby is damn good in a bikini." He kissed her softly.

His eyes watched her thumb on his chest. "No one said anything about driving...I will cover our trip home. You need to trust me..." He smiled a bit. "I know it will be hard to trust me but you need to. It will be amazing. Just trust me."
She rubbed her lips together and the she gave him the kiss to seal the deal. "You are going to look so good in a butler thong babe. I can't wait." She teased and kissed him again.

"What are we going to do, let them watch us from separate rooms?" She laughed. "My parents and brothers will embarrass me. Your parents will embarrass you. We won't get away from that. We can try to put them on opposite ends of the table and hope they don't interact with each other. Or we can sit them all down, talk to them and lay down the law." She looked at his chest, "But we have time to think about that. Maybe relationships will be better by the time we are ready to talk about getting married."

She put her head down on his chest, "Owen, you, the house. I did find a neat gym while I was there. All of the rooms are blazing hot so you sweat more. I love it there. We could take a trip there if you want. And I am always down for beach time. I got some new bikinis that need some pool or beach time."

She squinted her eyes and looked at Jake, "What are you planning then?" She moved around so she was laying with her head on the pillow. "You're always planning something." She said softly. "I'd love to see what's going on in that head of yours."
Jake rolled his eyes and kissed her back. "You'd look good naked all day." He wiggled his eyebrows at her with a smile.

His eyes just watched her as he listened about her ideas for when they get married and with their families. "Or we can just not invite my mom...hell she probably won't come anyway." He gave her a shrug.

Once her head landed on his chest his hand ran up and down her back as his lips pressed a kiss to her head. "I would like to check out the gym. I'm going to want to work out anyway baby. I've been bad the last couple days. The changes you like may not stick around if I don't get back to the gym." His head perked up at the thought of her at a bikini. "I'm sure you want me to wear some speedo that is not going to happen." He gave Adri a smile.

"You, baby girl, don't worry about what I am planning." When she moved to her pillow, he rolled onto his side to face her. "How do you know it's a good plan?" His fingertips ran over her cheek. "Have you ever not liked a plan I had?" His eyes closed as he snuggled close to her.
"We have to invite her Jake. It's the right thing to do and it would our wedding day. You don't want to look back and feel guilty for not inviting her." In the end it would be his choice and they didn't need to worry about it right now. She was happy calling him boyfriend for now.

"You say that but we are going to be out there dancing and practicing and then performing. It may not be the work out you are used to but depending on your songs it might be a good work full body work out." She smiled, "You can wear whatever you want Boo. I'll get you in a speedo eventually." She said softly and held back a yawn.

"I don't and that's the problem." She smiled, "So far most of your plans have been pretty good. That's why I want to know what you are planning." She gave him his final kiss of the night and turned on her other side so she could turn off the lamp. "Love you Jake."
Yet again she made a valid point about inviting his mother. Sometimes he loved her rational thinking and sometimes he didn't. "If I invite her and she starts crap I'm making her leave. I won't deal with it."

"You sure you wanna do this? You saw my dance moves. I'm not that bad..." He smiled and raised an eyebrow at her.

"You will love my plan. I'm pretty sure of it. It's actually quite perfect." He smiled and thought a moment. "You could ask for hints but they will cost you." When she kissed him, he kissed her back softly. Then she turned on her other side and kisses were planted in her back and shoulder. "I love you Adriana." He wrapped his arms around her.
"There's nothing wrong with kicking her out if she starts drama it's your wedding day. You don't have to deal with anything you don't want to deal with.. But you should invite her."

She laughed, "Yeah, if you're dancing to the thong song you'll do great." She teased. "You can't rely on stripping for both sings." She reminded him. "That's kind of boring. My songs are going to be amusing and sexy at the same time."

She giggled, "I'm sure it will cost me. I hope I can get a good price." She closed her eyes and fell asleep in Jake's arms.
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