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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

He stuck his tongue out back at her with a goofy look. "You butter use or lose that tongue." He gave her a smile and wink.

"Thanks baby, just hand him off when he gets sick. He won't warn you. How do you think a new born is going to warn you?" He chuckled a bit with a shake of his head being playful.

His smile grew, he knew she'd be happy about dressing him up. "This kid is going to be the best dressed his entire life." Jake smiled with pride. "I can only imagine if he comes down for school and he isn't matching." He laughed a bit.

Jake got out his phone and checked his Instagram. It was a nice photo and the captain she put with it made him smile. "That was a nice way to introduce him to the world. Thank you baby." He leaned over and kissed her softly. "I'm a DILF huh?" He grinned a bit. "Maybe just you think so." Jake replied to Adri's post. "I have the most loving and supportive girlfriend. Your boys are pretty lucky. Love you."

"When do you think it would be okay to show his face? I kind of want to protect him as long as possible, but who knows how long that will be."
"I don't know. We might have a secret language you don't understand or something."

She nodded her head, "For the next eighteen plus years he is going to be the best dressed kid in our neighborhood. I will teach him color, fabric and print coordination. He will be stylish." She said and smiled at Jake.

"I love you too. I'm glad you like it. My phone has been going off since I posted that picture though. That is either a good thing or I might need to change my number." She laughed and kissed the top of Owen's head. "I'm sure it's all well wishes though."

She shrugged her shoulder about showing his face. "That's up to you Boo. Maybe when he is older. When he starts to walk." She used her finger to rub his cheek. "I'd like to keep him away from paparazzi for as long as possible. He doesn't need to be in that craziness."
Jake just rolled his eyes with a smile about the secret language.

"Babe...if you do that don't get mad when he fights at school cause of the kids making fun of him. He will know fashion and how to do guillotine choke." He smiled at her. If Owen didn't want to learn about fighting he was okay with that. He'd let him make his own decisions but his dad hoped he'd want to at least work out with him.

"I'm sure it's good babe. I'm waiting for the questions though. I know they will come." Jake just gave a small shrug. "I'll just explain the truth. I'm not one to lie." He would tell them he was from a previous relationship and his mother couldn't take care of him as she was bettering her life so he and Adri had him full time which he was more than happy about. "I want keep him away from them as long as possible. I don't need him getting attacked while watching fountains like his parents." He smiled and gave her a wink.

"I can see him riding Max around the house." Jake laughed a bit. They were in for an adventure together. "Oh beautiful. I was thinking too. We need to get a pool cover put in. One of those hard ones where he can't fall in but I also want to get lessons for him when he's old enough so he can roll over if he does fall in the pool. I know we don't have to worry until he's mobile but still. I thought about that today." Owen nuzzled into Adri a bit, moving his head around trying to get comfy before coughing a little.
"You can teach him what you want and I will teach him what I want. But no one will be bullying him for being fashionable. In high school all those bullies are going to wish they looked as good as him. Isn't that right Owen?" She asked the baby and patted his back.

"There are options to go around paparazzi asking questions. I'm sure a few news sites are going to want to do an interview. Pick one we do it together and that will be the end of it. Or we can do a magazine. It's up to you." She nodded her head, "I can already see him pointing at the fountains in awe. He's going to be so cute."

She put her eyebrows up, "He will not be riding Max around the house. He's a dog that's the size of a mini horse. Not a mini horse. You can buy him a horse if he wants to ride."

She didn't think about the pool. A hard cover would look much better than a fence. "Yeah we should look into that sooner rather than later. We have cameras out there watching the area. Maybe we can get one of those sensors that's us know if someone is in the pool." She pouted when Owen coughed and patted his back a little more.
"No one is going to bully him because he's Jake The Drifter Daniels' son. What idiot would bully my kid? Oh and by the way we totally need a onsie that says, 'My daddy can beat up your daddy.' " Jake laughed at the thought.

"We can talk about that once we're home. I want him settled first. But maybe a news show or a magazine would be nice." He thought it over and didn't know which of the two he felt better doing. He wanted something that fit him but then again Adri was getting big too so he needed to think about what fit her.

Jake laughed at Adri saying Owen would not ride Max. "Baby you realize he's a boy right? He's going to ride the dog. He's going to probably do a lot with that dog we don't want him to. I can see you coming home to me watching the dog and the baby and you walk into the kitchen with flour all over the floor and Max and Owen. If the two are best friends they would get in trouble together. Just wait till he can run and jump and climb. Good thing we're not in Colorado for him to climb trees." He smiled at her. "And I like your solution to just buy him whatever he wants. That's great babe. You can say no."

"Once we are settled we can call about the pool cover and sensor. I'd rather be extra safe about the pool. I'm not taking any chances." Jake grabbed his phone and put a list in of things he needed to do once Owen was settled. Interview. Pool. Lawyer.

He looked over when Owen started coughing. He fussed a little bit and Jake handed his pacifier to her to try. Once he had it he cuddled into her and soon was back sleep. The nurse came in. "The doctor said it was okay to invite other people in to see him since he is doing better. But we recommend only immediate family and to have them at least wash up good before holding him." Jake looked at Adri...we need to let your mom and Amy know." He smiled at her, but for the time being he liked having this time just the three of them. As a family.
She rolled her eyes at his onesie idea. She had a feeling he would find one in no time and order one in every size so he could have a shirt that said 'my daddy can beat up your daddy' as he grew up. "We don't need to worry about until he is at home. I agree. I'm just letting you know of the options. Not saying anything is always an option but people will make it a lot worst than it actually is that way."

She looked at Jake, "if I come home and they are covered in flour and you aren't paying attention to them, you are getting in trouble." She warned and raised an eyebrow. "Max is my little angel. He would never do anything to get in trouble. Owen will be a little angel as well. I will make sure of it." She couldn't imagine what it would be like if Owen started climbing trees. She shook her head. "Maybe we should stick with a trampoline. I'm just saying if he has a fascination with riding we shouldn't take it away completely. We should let him do it in the proper environment. With the proper utensils."

She looked at Jake when he looked at her. She put one hand on Owen's back and with the other she pulled o her phone and sent her mom a text letting her know she could come over and visit Owen in the hospital. It didn't take long to get a reply. She laughed, "Mom and Dad are coming over Amy on her way? I feel like Amy should hold him first since she was here for most of his arrival to the world. And because mom won't put him down once she has him." She asked Jake to pick him up and she fixed her shirt. She kissed Jake's cheek and popped her back.
"What kind of trouble are we talking here? Spanking? Timeout?" He teased with a smile. "Yes he can do anything he wants to do. And we will give him the right resources to do whatever it may be."

Jake sent a message to Amy who was on her way up from Starbucks. "She's already here. She's on her way up." Jake got up and picked him up carefully. "I feel like I'm going to break him every time I pick him up."

He woke up when Jake picked him up and he looked at his dad, like dude what are you doing I was comfy. "I'm sorry're okay. You have more family coming up to see you." He kissed his head and snuggled him a bit. "I may not give him up." Jake teased.

Within a couple minutes Amy came in and set her coffee down so she could hold her nephew, "Darn it Jake, why did your hospital have to have a Starbucks in the hospital. We don't have a Starbucks close and I've had one every single day I've been here. Good thing you guys have a gym." She walked over to see Owen, "I can hold him now?" Jake nodded and got up. "Let me wrap him up. We were having some skin time. I don't want him getting cold. He pull an outfit on him that was like a nightgown but it had elastic at the bottom and his little legs were curled up inside. He laid him on the blanket and wrapped him up in a nice swaddle and then handed him over to Amy. "O, meet Aunt Aim." Amy smiled so widely. This little kid would bring her more joy as his nanny than she could imagine. She talked to him a bit and Jake moved over next to Adri and laid his head on her shoulder.
"For Halloween, we can draw a six pack on his stomach and he can be you." Adri laughed and watched Amy with Owen. "That might be kind of cute. We could probably get a tiny pair of your fighting shorts made." She shrugged her shoulder. "It would be adorable but he would make a cute bear or lion as well." They didn't have to worry about that right now though. It was March and they had a lot of time to think about it.

She rested her head against his and kissed his cheek. "We are bringing him home soon. Possibly tomorrow night." She told Amy who was super excited to hear that. Amy got a lot of time to hug and hold Owen before Adri's parents came.

When he mother saw him she started to tear up. Her father looked at Owen and the shook Jake's hand. They both called him beautiful and her father handed Jake a neatly wrapped box. If he opened it he would find a box filled with Cuban cigars. He may not be able to use them now but in the future he could hand with his guy friends and have a smoke.

Maria scooped Owen up and introduced herself as Nana and introduced Robert as Papa. Adri smiled at Jake and kissed his cheek again. "Do you want to tell them?" She asked Jake about Owen getting to come home soon.
Jake just rolled his eyes with a smile about her suggestions for Halloween. "We can figure that out later. It would look cool though."

Jake shook Robert's hand and thanked him for the cigars. "May have to open these soon. One has your name on it..." Jake was happy, it felt like her father was trying to bond with him and he appreciated it and liked it. Jake showed Adri what he brought for Jake.

"What that I'm madly in love with you?" He smiled and kissed her cheek. "They already know that." He chuckled a bit. "I'm gonna do it..." He looked at her parents. "As long as Owen keeps improving we may get to take him home as early as tomorrow evening." Jake spoke with a smile. He couldn't wait to bring his boy home.

He watched Maria with him and took pics of everyone holding him. "If you give him your finger, he likes to hold onto it." He knew she would probably love him holding het little finger.

A nurse came in and told them it was nice to see family with Owen. "I've noticed he does better when someone is gere. I'm not telling you to make you not want to leave but that he will probably just keep improving once he's home. They normally do." She smiled and checked him and gave Mariaa bottle to feed him.

Jake was starting to get hungry as the snacks weren't filling him up. His stomach growled a bit. "Is anyone cooking dinner or do we want to go out when we get ready to go?"
She raised an eyebrow, "You better be madly in love with me." She told him and nipped his chin.

"Now she's never going to let him go." Afro told Jake with a smile on her face. "Does this mean I am the favorite child?" She asked her parents.

Her father nodded but her mother scoffed, "I don't have a favorite child." The only reason her father nodded was because this would get Maria out of his hair for a little bit.

"Hopefully not too fast. He does have a complete premise wardrobe I'd like him to fit into before he gets too big." She sighed but odds were he was going to grow very fast. She had to pick her favorite items to get him in before he grew up.

"I can cook." Maria declared.

"Prefect. I've been craving some home cooking." Adri smiled happily and patted her stomach.
He smiled at her. "Oh trust me I am. Falling deeper every day..." He smiled and kissed her softly. It was a quick but gentle kiss.

"Oh yeah she will. Daddy will steal him away..." He then looked at her mom. No he could never take him from her mother. "Just kidding."

Jake looked at Maria. "You don't have to cook..." Then he looked at Adri when she said she was craving home cooking. "My sister cooked yesterday..." Amy pretended to be offended.

"It's okay Jake, I'm sure my cooking wasn't her mom's cooking. Mom's always cook the best." Amy replied with a smile.

"Except our mom." Jake said in a quiet but truthful voice. His phone went off with a number he wasn't familiar with. He made a confused look and excused himself and went out to the hall to answer it.

He was gone a few minutes and came back in. His look was a bit blank. Jake looked nervous and like he could throw up. "Maria do you want to come to our house to cook? I can give you money for the food. We may have one more person. So I don't want you to have a house full of people..." His eyes shot the Amy then Adri.
"I know Amy and it was delicious but moms cooking is different. She makes EVERYTHING. The salad, the bread, the dessert." Adri smiled, Amy understood.

Maria looked up from Owen for once, "You're getting an entree and a salad. No dessert." Adri pouted and signed. "I'll make a dessert tomorrow and bring it over. Cobbler?" Adri smiled and nodded. "Peach?"

"Yes. Thank you mama. Will you bring ice cream too?"

Maria glared a bit, "You're pushing it."

Adri shrugged and looked at Jake when he left the room. He looked like he got really bad news when he came back into the room. For a moment she wondered if someone died but he said someone was coming to dinner.

Maria nodded burped Owen, "I can cook. Don't worry about payment. I'll pick up some stuff and bring it over. How does spaghetti sound?"

Adri nodded her head, "But we need bread for spaghetti." She complained.

Maria signed, "I'll pick up a loaf." She said slowly but with a tone that dared Adri to say something more.

Adri stayed quiet and smiled at Jake.
Jake grabbed Adri's hand. "Your mama is gonna kick your butt..." He smiled a bit at her and let his hand play with Adri's a moment. His eyes then looked at Amy. "So that phone call...that was our father." Amy looked up at him a little surprised. They had tried to get a hold of him but hadn't heard from him. Not till now.

"That was dad? What....what did he want?" She asked quietly.

"I guess you called him. Told him Owen was really sick..." Amy looked down then back at him, "Jake, I just...I don't know. I just felt like I needed to call him. I don't know."

Jake shook his head. "It's okay. But he's in Vegas. He's coming to dinner tonight. I thought maybe he'd want to just meet us first, but he said if the family is there, he wants to meet everyone." Jake was just nervous to meet his father. What if they didn't have anything in common and didn't get a long? What if he was worse than his mother? A million things ran through his head. His eyes drifted to Adri. "That okay I invited him tonight?"

Jake filled everyone in on his father. John Daniels was a man who worked hard in life. He was mechanic and a lot of times would travel to find work. That's why it was so hard for Amy or Jake to find him. Once he found out that Owen wasn't doing well he felt the need to come and offer any help he could. Plus he wanted to meet his children. Or rather the adults they have become.
Adri rubbed Jake's hand when he told her his father was coming to dinner. She nodded her head and kissed his knuckles. "I'm sure it'll be fine." She told him and looked up at him. She gave his hand a squeeze and looked at Owen when he started to cry. "He probably needs to be changed." Adri to,d her.

"I know what a baby needs Adriana." Her mother snapped and took him to the changing table.

Adri frowned at her mom and looked at Jake, "You can have her any time you want." She offered Jake and Amy with a wink.

"We should go pick up the food if you're going to cook." Robert said and looked down at Owen. He picked him up and walked him over to Jake and Adri. "You better take this or she might try to steal him."

Adri took him from her father and gave her dad a kiss. "Thank you for coming. You guys are coming over tomorrow too right? If we bring him home?"

Maria answered, "Of course and I'll bring your cobbler." She gave Adri a kiss and rubbed Owen's head. She gave Jake a hug, "He's beautiful, Jake. We will see you at your home." She said and turned to Amy, "And it was great meeting you again Amy." She smiled at Amy and left the room with her husband to go grocery shopping.

Adri looked at Owen. "I'd say we have thirty minutes before they are done. Do you want to hold him until we leave?" She asked Jake. "Maybe hold him topless?" She bit her tongue and smiled at him even bigger.
Jake moved his lips inside his mouth when Adriana's mother snapped at her. Then when she told him he could have her anytime he just kind of chuckled a bit. "I'd trade you mothers anytime." His mother hadn't even called him to congratulate him or anything. He shook his head a bit at the thought. He also let out a laugh when Robert brought Owen over. He stood up and gave Maria a hug then shook Robert's hand. "Maybe we will light those cigars up tonight." He smiled at them and thanked them both for coming and that he'd see them shortly. He kind of felt bad that Owen wouldn't be there but hopefully tomorrow he would.

"Yes please. Actually skin time would be nice. It's been awhile since he's gotten some." Jake had resulted it to skin time. Amy looked at them, "I'll give you guys some time with Owen before you have to come home. I'm going to go work on getting my new place how I want it." He smiled with a little girlie shrug. "Plus I'm a little nervous to see dad..." Jake got up and gave his sister a hug. "It will be okay. This way if you need to get away you can go to your own place to relax. Thanks for staying and helping." She hugged him back, "Of course. I'm excited." She gave Adri a hug and Owen a kiss on the head before leaving.

Jake pulled his shirt off. "Already beautiful. Strip the baby and hand him over." He sat down next to her and once she handed him to him, Jake laid him on Owen's tummy on his chest. He kissed his head and rubbed his back. "You better be good for the nurses." He kept his face and mouth close to his little head. His eyes looked to Adri and he smiled at her. "It would be fun to take pics of him or with him where his face isn't shown and post them online and make people just die to see him." He laughed a bit mischievously.

His eyes searched Adri's a bit. "I'm nervous to see my father...really nervous."
Adri set Owen down in his bed and stripped him down to his diaper. She gave him to Jake and then wrapped the blanket around the both of them so Owen wouldn't get cold. She sat next to Jake and watched him with Owen.

She smiled at his idea, "That might be cute. You two should do a photoshoot. One where he is naked and shows off his baby butt. We hope he doesn't pee or poop on you during the photoshoot. It would be so cute Boo." She kissed Jake's temple. "I'm sure Phillip would take the pictures for us. That way we won't have to worry about pictures being sold to the press. We could get some close up shots of his face but not his whole face. Just his mouth or his eye." She smiled at Jake getting excited for Owen's first photoshoot.

She toned it down when he brought up his dad, "I know. I'm nervous for you. I want this to work out for you. I want him to be a good guy who had tough break. You deserve a dad that loves you." She sighed and leaned against Jake. "I want this to work so bad Boo." She sighed and rubbed his back.
Jake smiled at her as he rubbed Owen's back. His girl had a lot of cute ideas. "I like those ideas. I do want newborn pictures of him anyway. Maybe he can do both. Some we can post and then some for us to keep and give to like your parents and Amy. And some of us to hang up. Maybe the three of us can even take some together." He smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks baby. I guess we will find out soon enough huh?" He thought about it. "He must not be too horrible of a guy if he tried to see us and now that Owen was sick he came to try to help...I have to keep an open mind." Owen moved and started to fuss a bit. "Shhh you're okay buddy." He used his arm and bounced him a bit on his chest and before Jake knew it he was out again. "I'm glad though if it doesn't work out Owen won't be there tonight."

Jake moved his free arm around Adri. He could not wait to get Owen home where he could cuddle with both his babies. "This is nice..." He said quietly and kissed Adriana's head. "I love you..." He said quietly. "Both of you. We're only missing Max right now...can't wait to get this guy home so I can have my family home together."
"That might be nice. A family photoshoot. I'll call Phillip to see when he is free. Hopefully he will be able to do it when owen is at his plumpest. We need some cute shots of his wrinkled and fat butt and body." She smiled when Jake kissed her cheek. "We need matching clothes." She said softly. "Or we can all be naked. I do love to see you naked." She kissed his neck.

"It's a good start." She agreed but she would have to meet him to judge his character properly. "I don't want you to get your hopes up though. I want him to be everything you imagined but if he is not I want you to know that you survived this long with a dad. You are great dad and that's all that matters." She said softly. She squeezed his leg and looked at Owen when he start to fuss. "He's the only thing you need to fight for. Okay?"

She smiled when he wrapped his arm around her. "Aw little Max. He has to be be in the photos too. I love you too Boo." She remembered something and looked up at him, "I almost forgot. You know tomorrow I will have been with you for a year. I started working for you yesterday a year ago. So much has changed since then."
Jake didn't know about a naked photo shoot entirely. "Babe...not sure your mom wants pics of all of us naked." He teased. "I think something simple would look cool. Like black and white photo maybe with us in jeans and a black or white shirt. But a naked photo or two wouldn't be bad for us..." He kissed her softly. "I love to see you naked too."

"I know baby. I'm not. He could be just like mom..." He looked down at Owen then looked at Adri. "No...he's not the only thing. I'm looking at the other thing." He smiled and leaned in to kiss her softly and slowly. For Owen he kind of wished his father was a decent man but if not he had Adri's parents that already love him as their own. They were truly great people and Owen was lucky to have them. Layla's parents probably would never want anything to do with him. That was their loss.

Jake chuckled a bit. "Baby Max isn't exactly little anymore..." He gave her a look. "Yes baby he will be in some of the photos too." He smiled at her mentioning she started working for him a year ago. "Well we just may have to celebrate tonight then." He grinned at her and pressed her lips against his. Jake had missed her so much sometimes it hurt. "I think celebrating is a must." His head nodded and he rubbed Owen's back.

Jake started to get that feeling of not wanting to leave Owen again. "I really hope that we can bring our boy home tomorrow babe. He belongs home with us." He gave Owen's head a lingered kiss. "I love how he smells..." Jake said quietly and embarrassed to admit that. "You want some time with him before we go? Topless?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "I am really looking forward to full topless moments with you when we get home."
Adri rolled her eyes, "I suppose.." She said reluctantly. "We can do black and white. That will look good." She smiled happily when he agreed to a naked photo. "Yay." She kissed him back and looked into his eyes.

She smiled at Jake and rubbed his cheek. "Remember that then. We are the only things that matter right now." She sighed and put her head on shoulder. "We are a family and we will grow together."

She pouted, "He will always be my little baby." She looked up at him, "How are we going to celebrate?" She asked him and raised her eyebrows. "It's not our anniversary anniversary. We don't have to do anything special. In two months we do but not right now. Okay?"

She smiled, like she always did when she saw Jake with Owen. "One more day and then he will be at home. He won't need oxygen tubes. You spend more time with him. I will have more than enough time when we get home." She kissed his temple. "I bet you are. I lok amazing topless." She winked at him and kissed him.
Jake kissed her hand in his cheek. "I will remember. Hard to forget." He smiled at her brightly.

"Yes I know. He's your baby ..." He rolled his eyes playfully. "I was thinking about us having some skin time to celebrate. I can make a fire in our room after our family leaves and we can have skin time in our room relacing...or having fun. Which ever." He smiled at her.

Jake held Owen as long as he could then laid he down to get dressed back up. "You don't have to tell me how hot you are topless." He smiled at her. "Alright buddy. We havr to go. But hopefully tomorrow you get to go with us..." He leaned down and gave him a kiss on his head. "Mommy and daddy will be back tomorrow big guy. Love you." He stood up and pulled his shirt on and grabbed his bag of stuff. "I guess I'm ready." Jake never was ready leaving his son but he knew he had to.
"It will probably be a night of fun. Our last chance before Owen comes home." She smiled back at him and kissed his forehead.

Adri picked up some new clothes for Owen to wear. She changed him and got him dressed up in his new clothes, not his going home clothes. She gave him a binky and rubbed his stomach. "Your big brother wants to meet you so no funny business tonight or tomorrow. You are coming home." She kissed his forehead and looked at Jake. She knew he would stay here all day and all night if he could.

"This is the last night you will have to leave him." She said softly. "Then your life will change completely. Well our sleep scheudle will at least."
Jake liked the idea of them having fun that night. He had missed her and really wanted some quality time with her before Owen came home and made it harder.

He smiled at her talking to Owen. She was a natural with him and so good with him. "I'm sure he will listen to you. I would." He grinned at her and rubbed her back.

"Thanks baby. We may want to sleep in." He kissed her cheek. "Bye buddy." They left to head home and Jake relaced and still showed a bit of exhaustion. "It's nice of your mom to offer to cook. I kinda feel bad. When I asked about cooking I met you or Amy. Not your mom." He opened the cigar box and smelled the cigars. "Mmm I love your dad. He's so cool." He held her hand as she drove them home. The closer he got the more nervous he got.

Once arriving home he went in carrying his snacks and her bags of stuff for Owen. He could already smell Maria cooking.
Adri drove them home and looked at Jake when he started to talk, "Relax, she loves cooking. She was already talking about making food and bringing it over so we have stuff to eat when Owen comes home. The only time she gets annoyed about cooking is when someone is bothering her while she is in the kitchen. And remember, don't ask her to lick the spoon. You never get it if you ask for it."

She smiled at Jake, "Yeah, dad is great." She looked at the cigars. "He got you the really nice ones. He must really like you." She smiled at him. It didn't take long to get home. She had Jake bring in the carseat so they could figure out how to put the premmie padding in it so it was ready for tomorrow.

She walked into the kitchen and kissed her mom on the cheek, "Thank you. It smells wonderful." She said softly.
"Of course your dad likes me..duh." He smiled and padded her butt as she walked by him to go inside. He grabbed the carseat and took it in to see how to put the pads in for Owen.

Jake grabbed a drink for Robert and hand it to him. He didn't drink a lot but for meeting his father for the first time it seemed an okay time to drink. He grabbed some Jack and poured it into a small glass. He sat at the bar and watched Maria cook. She was good at cooking and honestly it reminded him of watching Adri cook, it was probably why she was so good at it. "I know where Adri got her cooking skills from now." He smiled at her.

Just then the doorbell rang and Jake was overcome by nerves. His eyes shot to Adri and then Amy then back to his girlfriend. He got up and kissed Adri's cheek before going to the door and opened it. Standing in front of him was a man who could be Jake if he were 20-30 years older. His build was the same or maybe a big broader. He was muscular but not ripped like Jake, he honest had a small stomach on him. His hair was grey. He stood in a pair of his best jeans and plaid button up shirt with a white tshirt under it. He had a pair of black work boots that seemed wore in but not his every day work boot.

Jake just looked him over a moment then extended his hand. "I'm Jake." His father also extended his hand, "Nice to meet you Jake, I'm John." Jake moved out of the way and yelled for Amy who let out a huge sigh before heading out by the door. She introduced her self but instead of a handshake she offered him a hug. "You sure you want to meet everyone else? I'm sure this is a little overwhelming."

"I want to meet everyone. Especially people you've called family lately. I hear the youngest addition isn't doing too well?"

Jake lead the way to the kitchen, "He's actually doing better. May get to come home tomorrow night." He offered him a smile. John stuffed his hands in his pocket out of nerves. Jake walked over to Adri. "This is my girlfriend, Adriana." He then pointed to her mom and dad, "And her parents, Maria and Robert. They have been a God sent."

John walked to Adriana first and shook his hand then her parents. "Nice to meet all of you. I don't know what all you know or don't know but I guess it's nice for me to meet all of you. Answer any questions you have. I'm glad you guys reached out to me. I've been praying for this day a long time..." Jake looked at John, "Well I didn't know or I would have reached out before now. Honestly you can thank your grandson for it all..." His arm went around Adri.
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