Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake just listened and watched her. He understood. Well as much as he could. But he didn't know how to make it easier for her or what to say to help. He took some time choosing his words before would try to talk.

Instead he got up and moved over to her side of the booth. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned his head against her and closed his eyes a moment. "I don't know what to say to make it hurt any less. Or what to do to make it easier on you. If I knew I would do it. But I don't. I can't imagine how hard it is for you. I'm sorry." His arms just held her tight.

"Sorry if I pushed too much onto you. Or are depending too much on you. I thought maybe instead of just staying in the other room was kind of boring and I thought it would maybe help getting to see him. I should have considered your feelings more. I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry." He looked down a moment. "I don't know how to explain this so I'm going to just try...and I get it's different for me and I'm just trying to share where my head is...I can't help I have a son with her. We are a few months late for that. That's my fault and I'm not going to call it a mistake because that would mean that boy is a mistake and I can't do that." His eyes teared up a bit and normally he wouldn't like that in public but his give a damn flew out the window days ago. "If that hurts you I'm sorry. I don't see it as she gave me my first child or my first son. I see God gave him to me for whatever reason. I don't know what that reason is. Or why he's putting him and all of us through this right now. But he is. I have the chance to be a great father to him. That's what I want to do."

"Layla having him is not going to take away from anything when you and I have our child together. As bad as it sounds I'm going to be even more excited about that than I was for Owen. Because I'm so in love with you Adri..." Jake took her face in his hands and looked in her eyes. "I can't wait to have a child with you. I want to cuddle on the couch with you and put my hand on your stomach while the baby is kicking. I want to pick out names together. Listen to the heartbeat with you. Think back about how special and sexy it was making the baby. Then being at the hospital through it all with you." His thumb caressed her cheek. In a calm voice, to just try to explain, "Do you not think I'm struggling too with this. Because it's not with you. This isn't how I dreamt it to be. Do you know how awful I feel that I wish you were his mother. Then again I'm glad you aren't cause I'd hate to see you go through this. But with you he wouldn't have to go back and forth between houses and families. And I know you'd be nothing but an amazing mother. The reason I'm saying you're his stepmom is because I want to include you and have us as a family. I want the three of us as a family." Jake was just scared she didn't want that anymore. "I want us to show him what love is about."

His forehead rested on hers. "Baby I'm sorry. What can I do to make this easier?" He gave her lips a small kiss. "Maybe you shouldn't worry about being strong for me. Maybe I shouldn't worry about being strong for Owen. Maybe we should be strong for each other."
"I don't know how to make this better or easier. I wish I didn't feel this way but I do. And it sucks." She said softly. She felt a little bit better knowing that their first child would still be special. She knew it would be but she didn't want to have to compete with Layla for anything. She knew Jake would be there for her even more than he would be there for Layla. He would love the kids just as much as he loved Owen. He would be a good father and she knew it.

She wiped her eyes and nose and took a deep breath. She felt silly sitting in an Olive Garden balling her eyes out. "We need to find our own strength and work on our relationship. This isn't going to be easy but we can make it work. I know we can make it work." She wiped his cheeks with her thumb and rubbed his thigh.

Their waitress came back with their food and set the plates down with some extra napkins. She walked away without saying anything. She was probably used to emotional outbursts since the Olive Garden was the only real food close to the hospital.

"Try to eat something." She told him and twirled some pasta on her fork. She was starving since she didn't eat anything today. The food was nothing but calories so her cheat day was coming early this week. She may not be working but that didn't mean she could gain weight. She wanted to go back to work the same size she left it.
Adri made a good point about finding their own strength. "I agree. We can make it work. But for that time or days we need a little bit of help we have to work together. If you need me to remind you how much I love you or what I want for our future, I will. Every day." It helped she believed they could make it work. He wanted to make it work.

Jake's hands took Adriana's face as he looked in her eyes. "I love you." He kissed her softly before the food arrived. His eyes looked up at the waitress and he felt bad for crying. He then looked to Adri and a small smile formed on his face. "I could eat you." He teased and gave her shoulder a small nip. It was something he had to do to lighten the mood.

He grabbed another bread stick and twirled some pasta and started to eat. "It's been since I hurt my elbow that I've went this long without working out...but Luke's been kicking my butt. You should see how much more ripped I am." He gave her a small smile as he kept eating. He couldn't eat all of his pasta but ate about three-fourth's of it. He grabbed another bread stick. "Can we maybe stop at the store and grab some snack stuff to eat? Like jerky or pretzels. Something not totally bad for me but something to eat if I do get hungry?" His hand slid to Adri's leg where he rubbed gently. Part of him did want to go home with her and just sleep for days in their bed cuddled up to her but that would come in time.
"I know you will. And I will be here for you as well. Whether it's making sure you eat or rubbing your back when you look at Owen. I'll be there." She told him.

She kissed him back, "I love you too." She put her hand on his knee and started to eat. A small smile spread across her lips, "I would not a healthy or filling meal." She bumped into him when he bit her shoulder. "Be good."

She smirked, "I am sure Luke has plans for when you are ready to hit the gym again. Should I call anyone and let them know what is happening or will you be ready for a fight?" Amazingly, the media hadn't picked up on Layla being pregnant. Mainly because they didn't really know who Layla was so they had no reason to believe Jake had a kid on the way. "We should tell the world about Owen, maybe when he is able to go home or when he is at home, before the paparazzi steals the chance away."

"I was thinking of taking a picture of his little foot and then in the caption could say his name, weight and height. Any questions that come can be answered when you are ready to speak about it." That way Jake could control the chaos and he could decide what he wanted people to know. It was better than be swarmed by paparazzi.

"We can go to World Market so you can get some healthy snacks." She agreed. "Layla should be getting discharged soon though so you are coming home soon too. At least to sleep. Then you can pack a abg to take to the hospital."
Jake smiled when she told him to behave. "But you taste good." He kissed her temple.

"I had meant to put his ultrasound on instagram or something but just didn't get a chance plus, I wanted to discuss it with you first before doing it." He took another bite as he thought over her idea. "Amy is keeping mom informed. I've texted Luke. I want your parents and mom to see pics of him first before post anything but I like your idea. I want to bring it by Layla first. I think she'd be okay with it. But I'd rather put it out myself and deal with it on my own but right now...isn't the best time."

Jake paid for their food as they finished up. "Wait...they will send us home? With Owen having to stay?" Jake didn't think of that. He didn't want to think of it. "I don't want him being there alone..." He said quietly. The thought made him feel sick. What if something happened and no one was there.
Adri nodded her head in understanding, "My parents want to see pictures. My mother especially. She can't wait to hold him and smell him and all that weird stuff she says when she talks about holding babies."

She got a Togo box for the food she did eat and a couple breadsticks. She checked her phone for the time and after paid she slid out of the booth. "I don't know what to tell you. You can ask to stay but I don't think they will let you. There are vowing hours and you look like you need sleep. It's a hospital and they will call you if there is a change in his condition." She said softly to make him feel somewhat better.

"I know you don't want him to be there alone and he won't be alone. He is around the clock staff to take care of him. I know you want to be the one to comfort him but you have to let the professionals do it so he can get as healthy as possible."
Jake smiled a small smile when she mentioned her mother wanting to see photos of Owen. "That kid is going to be so spoiled by your parents isn't he?"

He appreciated her trying to make him feel better about leaving him. It wasn't like he could really do much for him anyway but if something happened it would be a nice drive before he could be at the hospital. That time between is what he was worried about. But he had to pray nothing would happen and his little man could get to come home soon. "You're right...damn it why do you have to be so smart and logical." He teased with a small smile.

After entering the car to head to the store he looked at Adri. "Thanks for taking me to lunch. I needed to get away. You helped me feel better." He leaned over and gave her a small kiss. Even if he had to leave Owen there and went home to sleep he could use some snacks for the day. Once he got there he grabbed some nuts, dried fruit, and jerky. Even he had to pack it after they got home at least he had stuff to take and wouldn't have to go to the store later. He grabbed some water and a couple Powerades.

He held Adri's hand as they walked back into the hospital and up to Layla's room to drop the bags off. "Baby if you need to leave or go home for a bit. It's okay." He gave her hand a squeeze, he didn't want her to feel she had to stay if she was having a hard time with things.
She nodded her head, "Most likely. My mother has been begging my oldest brother for grandkids." She shook her head, "Now she has on form you. I am sure my brother will appreciate that. She will e so busy with Owen that she won't be able to ask my brother to make a baby with his wife."

She smiled at him, "I try." She shrugged her shoulder.

She watched him buy stuff to eat while he was at the hospital. She was going to have him take a few things to snack on and take the rest home but he brought all of the bags in. "I'll stay for a little while." She said softly and walked with him to Owen's room. While he went to say hello, Adri walked over to Amy and asked how everything was going. Layla was dressed the clothes Amy brought her from her place.


Layla looked up when Jake entered the room. "I've been discharged." She told Jake. "Or I will be discharged soon. I haven't signed the paperwork yet." She said softly. She rubbed Owen's hand and looked at Jake. "He did this weird cough thing when you were gone. It was just one and the nurse looked him over. I don't know if I can watch him get worst than this." She looked at Owen again.

"I never wanted kids, you know? He's a little miracle but I don't know if I can do it. I'm not a mom. I'm not mom material." She sighed, "My parents said if I give him up they will pay for school." She bit her bottom lip, "I love him more than anything but I can't give him a good life right now. I can't take care of him the way he should be taken care of."
Jake suited up and entered the room and his heart sunk a bit when Layla mentioned she would be discharged soon. That would mean he'd have to go home that night and leave his son at the hospital. He walked over to get a look at his little boy.

He looked concerned when she mentioned a cough. His finger caressed Owen's temple. "He's probably exhausted like we are Layla. He's fighting hard. I haven't had a chance to work up his cardio." It was a joke to lighten the mood but didn't know if he would succeed or not. It would be hard to see him get worse too. But if he did then would be right by his side the whole time.

Then she started speaking words he was surprised to hear. "What are you saying Layla?" He asked quietly. Was she going to give him up for school? He couldn't believe her parents would hang money over her head and make her give up her son. "I don't know what you are thinking. Or what you want. And things today just keep getting crazier and crazier. But it's not like he has some dead beat dad who isn't going to help. But if you decide to give him up. You need to make sure it is what you really want to do. I don't want you coming in and out of his life. I won't deal with that." He let out a sigh. Papa bear was coming out. "It wouldn't be good for Owen to come and go when it's convenient for you. Think about if you can live with whatever decision you make. What is more important for you? I will gladly take him. But I'd gladly do this with you. But I will not let you hurt him. It's either in or out." He needed to shut up before he said too much.

Jake basically just said he'd take care of his son on his own. He hoped Adri and he could do it together but if not, he'd have to be a single father. But this was his son and he wouldn't abandon him. Not for anything.
For some reason she had hoped he would say, don't listen to them. You are going to be a great mother and give him a great life. That would have made it so much easier to stay. Jake was financially stable. He had a house and he had nursery all decked out for Owen. She would be sharing her room with Owen until she could afford a bigger apartment. All of the stuff she bought for Owen fit in a dresser drawer. If it weren't for Jake she'd be swimming in hospital bill debt.

She didn't want to bounce in and out of his life either. She needed to get on her feet before she could start running. In her mind if she got the nursing degree and a job that actually paid well then she could start the process of coparenting Owen. It was a lot on her plate and it was her choice to have Owen. She was doing this for him. She knew he would be alright with Jake and Adri. This was quite possibly the only chance she had to give him a better life.

"Take him home with you. Keep him until I can get on my feet and give him the life he deserves. I'm not abandoning my son. I'm working my ass off to make sure that when I have my degree I can give him everything he asks for." She the back of his tiny hand and wished she could kiss him or hold him before she made her choice but she couldn't. "When I sign the discharge papers, I'm not coming back and I won't come back until I have a bigger apartment and a more beneficial way to support my son and myself."
Jake let out a sigh and shook his head. "Layla you haven't rven held him. Hold him before you make any decisions. You're just upset. You're parents are trying to control your life even now." His finger kept caressing Owen's head. "Every parent thinks they are going to fail at it. I'm scared to death..."

"How fair is it to just vanish. Now when he needs his mother...then just shows up out of the blue...who knows when that will be and in the mean time..what do I tell him?" Jake couldn't believe her. "Like I said you are either in or out Layla. In or out. But damn hold him first..."

He understood wanting to have everything possible for their son. Jake fought hard literally to get where he was. His mother couldn't afford a million dollar house. He worked for it. And if he had nothing he'd bust his ass so his son had everything and he'd do it while in his life. If she left he may have to take her for full custody. He had tp protect Owen.
"He doesn't know who we are. He has no idea who we are. We teach him that as he grows up. I'll be back before he turns two. He won't even remember that I was gone when he grows up unless you tell him. You can't take him forever and I'm not going to let you."

She shook her head to holding him, "That's just going to make it harder to leave. I don't even have insurance Jake. The only reason I'm not swimming in debt is because you're paying for it. I can't take care of him. I don't want to put your insurance down when he needs to get his teeth cleaned or a check up. And when I do come back I'll have a better income and I won't have to rely on you for anything but everyone knows you don't want to pay me."

She looked at Jake, "I'm doing the curtious thing and telling you I'm leaving. But I'm telling you I'm coming back when I am stable and in a better position to care for him. Don't make this harder than this has to be. Okay? Just let me go."
Jake shook his head. "Layla the parenting books I read said differently. The child bonds right out of the womb. That's why they recommend skin on skin contact the first few weeks after they are born. Especially to premature babies." He didn't like they were talking about it in front of Owen.

Jake looked at Layla with a blank look. Seriously, she wasn't getting it. "No Layla I don't want to give YOU money. But Owen I'll give him every damn penny I own. If he needs braces. Done. If he needs new shoes. Done. If he needs to go to the doctor for a cold. Done. Most fathets have insurance on their children. Honestly most courts require it." He had to hold back from blowing up. He felt she was being selfish.

"I'm not entirely fighting you on leaving Layla. I'm fighting you on coming back after being nonexistent for two years. If you think it won't effect him you need your head examined. It's not fair to him. I will fight you on that. I'm giving you fair warning. I have to protect my son. It will be hard and confusing for him. You are doing this for yourself and you know it. You wanted money for school. That's all you've been after since day one. Not money for Owen for yourself." He shook his head getting angry. And frustrated. Jake didn't want that emotion to get back to Owen so he walked out to calm down.
She was really starting to realize how much she did not like Jake. She had a few choice words for him but they were laced with words that she didn't want to say in front of Owen. She stopped listening to him and looked at Owen instead. She heard Jake leave and she said her goodbyes to Owen but she promised she would see him again.

Adri watched Jake pace the hallway and Layla come out a few minutes later. She brushed passed Jake without saying anything but she did glare at him. She walked in the direction of her room and signed the discharge papers.

Owen was in his room alone and Adri and Amy looked at each other trying to figure out what to do. She looked at Owen through the window and looked at Jake. He looked like he needed to cool down so she went in and scrubbed down. She put on the protective clothing and went inside of the room.

She stood over him and looked at him for a little while. He opened his eyes and looked at her and she smiled at him. She remembered what Jake said and she put her gloved finger in his palm and he wrapped his fingers around her. The nurse came over with a bottle and handed it to Adri. Adri pressed it again his lips and he started to eat.

He wouldn't eat a lot though. He would start and then stop and start again. She didn't want to force him to eat but she wanted him to eat something. He finally gave up all together and started to cry. Then he started to scream and cry. He was crying to much his face turned a red color. The nurse came over and tried to soothe him by feeding him but he wouldn't eat. His pacifier didn't work. She changed him. She picked him up and rocked him a little and that helped the smallest bit.

"You want to try?" The nurse asked Adri and Adri looked for Jake but he was still pacing the hallway.

"Uh..sure." She said softly and sat in the chair. The nurse told her how to hold him so she was wary of the oxygen cords. The nurse gave her the bottle and let her feed him in her lap. He settled down and ate a little more. He tired himself out with the crying though and he fell asleep.
Jake was livid and didn't want Owen to pick up on the tension. When Layla walked by him he didn't even look at her. He didn't understand how or why she'd just leave her don. A child she carried for months inside her.

He grabbed his snacks out of Layla's room since she was leaving and went to put it by Amy in the waiting room. A nurse stopped him to sign the birth certificate and then give it to him.

Upon entering the waiting room he looked at his sister. "How long can you stay?" The woman looked at her big brother, "As long as you need." "I may need to hire you..." That was all he said before he made his way back to scrub up to go see his son. He wasn't sure where Adri was but he'd soon find out.

Once suited up he entered the room and saw his beautiful girlfriend holding his beautiful son. He smiled widely. "Hey you two." He said quietly and his anger vanished. Walking over he placed a small kiss on the top of Owen's head then kissed Adri. "They let you hold him?" He wasn't upset or jealous he was happy Adri got to be the first to hold him. That was a good way for them to bomd. Jake pulled his phone out and snapped a picture of the two of them then one of just Owen

Jake sat next to Adri and Owen. "How's he doing?" He looked him over and then looked at Adri. "How are you doing?" The two would need to talk and he had no idea when the best time would be. "Babe we need to talk...and it's pretty important and serious. I'm not sure when or how to talk about it."
Adri looked up when Jake entered the room. She shh-ed him so he didn't wake Owen up. "He was crying...if you could call it that and he wouldn't eat. The nurse held him for a little bit and it settled him down and then she let me hold and feed him. I would have called you but you looked like you needed a break." She said softly so she didn't disturb the sleep baby.

She shrugged her shoulder to how he was doing. "You said he is going to get worst and I think it's starting." She looked up at Jake and rubbed Owen's cheek with her gloved finger. She put her hand on his chest and rubbed her thumb back and forth.

"I'm fine. Better I think. It feels like I'm hold a feather in my lap. He's so light, I barely want to move." She laughed.

"I thought we had our serious talk for the day." She said softly and picked Owen up into her arms instead of on her legs. "Do you want to wait until we get home tonight?" She asked and looked at Owen. "Do you want to hold him?"
Jake hushed when she quieted him. She was acting like a mom already. He was a bit concerned though that she said he may be getting worse. Jake wasn't sure if he was ready for his baby boy to get worse. He already felt helpless for him.

"That's okay. It's okay you got to hold him. He seems comfy with you." He smiled at Adri before giving her a nod. "I did too but things...happened that I wasn't expecting. I don't want to talk about it in here...we can wait."

Jake gave her a nod about holding him. "Sure." He took him very carefully not to hurt him and careful of his cords. He smiled as he got to hold his son for the first time. His eyes teared up a bit as he watched him sleep. "He is so light. My little buddy." He smiled up at Adri and looked in her eyes.
She agreed to waiting to talk about whatever was bothering him. When he said he wanted to hold him, she passed Owen over. She made sure the cords were clear and sat back down. She smiled at Jake and the tender moment he was having with his son.

Adri fixed the hat on Owen's head and rubbed his cheek with her finger. "He's beautiful Boo." She smiled at Jake and kissed his forehead through the mask.

She rubbed her lips together and stretched her arms over her head. "I figured out that visiting hours are from nine in the morning to eight at night. So you can get a full nights rest tonight and come back early tomorrow morning."
Jake smiled at Adri when she said Owen was beautiful. He was kind of grateful that Owen would have someone like her in his life. Obviously his mother had issues with where her priorities were. Thinking about it just made him upset so he pushed the thoughts out of his head. He needed to stay calm for Owen.

Jake pulled his phone out and took his son's first selfie of him and Owen. When he was done holding him he'd send all the pics to Adri to send to her mom. "I can't wait to bring him home. And call your parents over so your mom can hold him and love on him. He has no idea the amount of people who love him and haven't even gotten to meet him yet." His finger reached up to let Owen hold it as he slept. Jake could see his little chest rising and falling pretty quickly even though he was sleeping. The poor guy was fighting hard even in his sleep.

A nurse walked in to check on Owen and smiled as he saw Jake holding him. "Tomorrow you could probably start skin on skin contact with him. It's really important with premature babies. It helps with body temperature, breathing, heart rate and bonding. I would continue it for a few weeks after you get home." She checked some of Owen's machines. Jake was glad Adri got him those books, he actually read them and learned something. He knew she bought them from being angry and upset but they were beneficial.

Jake stayed with him for a few more hours and then he started to dread the time. He knew he would have to say bye to his son for a few hours and he knew it would be hard. His eyes moved to Adri and it was obvious he didn't want to go but he still had a little time.
Adri smiled when he talked about taking him home, "My parents can't wait to see him." She said softly. "And he has a teddy bear from New York dying to meet him too." She smiled at Jake.

"You get to start walking around topless tomorrow. Nice." She teased and the nurse laughed.

The time seemed to fly by and Owen did get a little worst. He was wheezing which made it harder for him to breathe. The doctor came to check on him and gave him a little medicine to help with the wheeze but Owen didn't like it and screamed his little head off. Adri felt bad for him and it looked like nothing being done made Owen feel better. She Jake wouldn't feel good about leaving until Owen was settled down and sleeping again.

Amy went home a while ago to make dinner for when Jake and Adri got home. She didn't want them to have to worry about anything becuase they were already worried about enough.
Jake rolled his eyes and shook his head to Adri's comment about him walking around topless the following day. "Like I don't enough of that at home."

Jake watched the doctor work pretty closely. "Will he have to be on medicine when we take him home? If so how long will he have to be on it?" The poor guy didn't like his medicine and Jake didn't know what to do to help him or make it easier for him. Once the little guy was settled down and asleep again Jake gave him another kiss on his head through the mask. "Alright buddy. Daddy has to go home. But I promise I will be here as soon as I can in the morning. You rest up too okay?" His thumb rubbed Owen's cheek. "I love you O." He looked at Adri and gave her the nod.

He walked out and took his stuff off and let out a little sigh. He almost turned around and went back in but he knew he was in good hands. He held his hand out and held Adri's hand as they walked out to Jake's car. He knew he should probably wait till they got home, but he wanted to talk to Adri without Amy but he didn't want to be rude since she was at their house cooking for them. "Layla told me she wasn't coming back up to see Owen...She's letting us take him home, and keep him..." He said quietly before squeezing Adri's hand.
"He should be healthy enough to not have to be on any medication when he goes home. We won't know for sure until he is done developing his lungs. There is a small chance of him having asthma but we won't know for sure until he has fully developed lungs."

Adri looked at Jake, "I had asthma when I was little. I grew out of it. It flares up a little bit when I am really sick but other than that it's not hard to live with." She told him to make him feel a little bit better.

Adri rubbed Owen's hand when they had to leave. She walked out of the room. She took off the protective gear and threw it into the bin.

She wasn't very surprised that Layla wasn't coming back. "Amy told me her parents came to see Owen. They didn't have anything nice to say and got in her head." She sighed and shrugged her shoulder, "It's not easy when you feel like your family is against you. Some people can handle it and some people can't. She couldn't handle it."
Jake knew asthma wouldn't be too bad if Owen had it. That was something he could handle. If that was the worst the kid had he could live that.

He was a little surprised how well Adri was taking Layla leaving and not coming back. "But are you ready to do this one hundred percent by ourselves. Before it was 50/50. Now it's not." He looked in her direction before opening her door for her and kissing her cheek. He got in and headed home. His hand held hers as he drove. He knew they would have help, Amy was there and her parents would help but still he wanted to know how she felt about it. All of it.

"She want's to come back when she has money and can support him better. When he's like two. And I hate the idea personally. I don't think it's right to choose when you come and go from his life. I totally understand she wants to better her life. I get that. I do. But why not figure something else out to do that? Why not just go down to visitations or weekends? To fully give him up and take a pay out from her parents? Babe, her parents were willing to pay for school if she gave him up? What the fuck!? Who does that?! To their own grandchild?! It's like the same shit my mother pulled. I won't let him get hurt like we were." He took a breath to try to keep from getting too worked up. It had a different nerve it struck after his mother kept his father from him for so long.

"What's your thoughts on it? What should we do?" He glanced at her.
"We aren't on our own completely. We have people to help us out." She said softly. She didn't read the baby books she got Jake. She didn't know anything about newborn care. She was a little scared to bring him home so soon. She was hoping for a little time to figure it out before Jake brought him home. Then she figured in work and having to take care of Owen. She travelled to LA and New York and where ever else she was needed. There wasn't a lot of potential in Vegas. If Jake ever had to travel and there was a scheduling conflict then they would need someone to stay home and watch him. Her parents might do it but she didn't want to rely on them solely. "We might need a nanny. At least until he is old enough to travel."

She looked at Jake, "You didn't like it when you found out your mother kept your father away from you. You might not like that Layla is leaving with plans to come back but she is his mother. It's not right but it is her choice. You can't keep her from him. Maybe in the future she will want visitation and weekends. Obviously in her mind this is the best thing for her to do." She put her hand on his thigh, "You can't force her to stay away and risk doing what your mother did."

She sighed and shrugged her shoulder, "It's up to you honestly. You are his father. You can file to keep her away but you know how it feels to learn that your parent kept your other parent away from you. Do you want tht? And who knows, maybe when she comes back things will be better for her and Owen will be happier."
Jake went back to the road and let out a sigh. "I thought you may say that. I already have an idea for that. I don't like the idea of someone watching him that we don't know. So I figured who better than family. And we've been trying to figure out a way to Amy to stay out here...this would be perfect. Hell we have the space she could live with us if she wanted or at least for a little bit. She could take care of Owen if we are working or have to travel. Who would we trust more? I'd totally pay her to watch him. If I'm home she can have time to herself to go out and do her own thing. Like maybe shop with my love." He smiled at Adri.

He couldn't help but look out the window with a sigh when she basically said he would be doing what his mother did if he tried keeping Layla from Owen. "The difference is babe that I'd be doing it to protect him not get back at her..." He let out a sigh. Why did his girl have to be so rational about things. "I just don't want her coming and going out of his life. I don't want her coming back for a week or a month then vanish again. He doesn't deserve that. And what do I tell him? Why do I have to make excuses and explain to him where his mother is?" She had her points though and he figured he wouldn't keep him from her. But if she came back and went more than once, then he'd file something with the courts. "I do need to find out what I need to do though to protect myself. What if she comes back and tries taking him from me? I'll have to call my lawyer once we get Owen settled."

Once they arrived home Jake parked in the garage and headed inside. They both were greeted by a dog practically skidding across the floor due to excitement. "Maximus! Hey buddy." He sat right there on the floor as Max ran around both Jake and Adri all excited. The smell coming from the kitchen about pulled Jake off the floor by itself. Amy laughed from the kitchen, "How's my nephew doing?" Jake gave Max a few pats on his side before getting up. "He's okay. He started wheezing before we left so I wanted to wait till he was back asleep but the doctor gave him medicine and he hated that." Jake walked in and put his snacks on the counter and grabbed a drink.

"Adge we probably should steal something of Owen's from the hospital to bring home and let Max smell it and get used to his scent. He sat at the bar. "What did you make it smells delicious." He got out his phone and sent the pics to Adri to send to her parents.
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