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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"That's a great idea. You can't force the idea on her though. If she doesn't want to do it then we can find some one who has experience. Someone with great references and that we can learn to trust. It's not plan A but we have to remember that Amy is her own person and she might not want to chase around a kid all day. She might want to get a real job." She hoped Amy would take the job but she would understand if she wanted to branch out of taking care of family. It seemed like that is what she had been doing her whole life.

"I can't say if she will or won't do that. If she does come and go then you take custody but you have to give her the chance to be there for him." She pursed her lips and tried to figure out how to say it, "Boo, two things. One, his mother, in his head, will be the female who is around him the most. Two, he won't be able to talk alot so I doubt he will be asking any questions and you won't be making excuses." Jake had been calling her step mom for the past three months. She would be Owen's mother figure until Layla came back and probably after Layla came back.

She looked at Amy, "Did you pick him up or did mom drop him off? She said she would watch him for a few days."

Adri walked into the kitchen and sent the pictures to her parents and her brothers. "We can take his swaddling blanket and replace it with one from home. Or his little hat. Those are the only things that smell like him. He can't be jumping around like that when he comes though. And you should put the car seat in the car. And I will pack a baby bag so we can get him dressed in some cute clothes for his trip home."
Jake listened to Adri and her two points were right. And he had thought about both of those points. But what if she doesn't come back when she said she would. "I'm worried about you getting hurt though too. With that, in his mind, you will be his mother. How would we tried to explain later, no that's not entirely true." He let out a sigh. This worrying about another life and their best interest was hard. Especially when he didn't know what that was.

Amy turned her back to Jake as she kept cooking, "Well, see your mom called to see how everything was going." He looked at Jake, "Sorry I answered your phone." Jake didn't care, since Adri was busy with her modeling he didn't want her getting bombarded with calls and messages for him and he wanted to keep his personal phone separate from his work phone so he added a new cell phone that was his work phone. That was the number most people had for him unless they were close friends and family. Jake gave Amy a shrug to her answering. "I only answered cause I saw it was Adri's mom. Well she thought maybe he'd make Jake feel better so she dropped him off just a little bit ago. But she said she'd pick him up tomorrow so we all can go back up to the hospital."

Jake grabbed his work phone and flipped through it to see what he had missed. It was nothing he needed to worry about that minute but he had time to look through it. "I can do that. I think we have some hats we can take up and bring his home. But I'll grab a blanket too so he gets used to one from home as well." His eyes looked up at Adri with a smile. "You're picking out his outfit to bring him home?" He smiled at her wider. "Make sure our boy looks good." He winked at her.

Amy stopped and looked at them confused. "Why are you bringing him home? What about Layla?" He looked over at Adri then at Amy.
"We will cross that bridge when we come to it. It will be hard but I will get over it. She can't keep him forever. He will come back and I'll be his mom again. It's something he will learn to live with." She said softly. it wouldn't be easy for any parties involved but they would figure out what worked for them and go from there. It was all they could do.

"As long as she is picking him up again. It's not fair for him to be stuck in the house all day." She kissed Max and scratched behind his ear.

She rolled her eyes, "If he is with me he will always look good." She reminded and kissed Jake's cheek. "Layla isn't in the picture for now and we are trying to work it out before he comes home." She shrugged her shoulder. "She made the choice to leave and we won't let Owen feel the emptiness of being left behind. He will never feel abandoned or alone."

Adri went upstairs to get the baby bag packed. She didn't know how long it would take for him to come home but it would be nice to have and leave in the car incase he could come home soon.
"I can always run back here and let him out if they have plans sometime too." Amy offered. Amy liked feeling wanted. She liked helping out. It was what she was good at.

Jake rolled his eyes in return and chuckled a bit. "Guys do tend to look better next to you. No denying that love." It seemed Adri was doing a bit better with the situation they were all in. She was amazing.

Amy looked at Jake and Adri when she described Layla's choices. Amy was a bit shocked but then again not really after witnessing her parents earlier in the day. "Well what can I do?"

Jake smiled, "I'm glad you asked. You could stay and be Owen's nanny. You can live here until you find a place of your own. Only if you want to though. Adri and I don't want to pressure you." She shook her head, "No I'd love to stay. You wouldn't be pressuring me. Hell I was dreading having to go home..." She rolled her eyes with a sigh of relief. "You know how mom is..." Jake nodded, "Yeah so stay as long as you want. If you want to quit please just give me time to find someone and you can quit." They continued to talk and work out the details.

When dinner was ready Jake yelled for Adri. They all sat and ate together which was nice and Jake needed it. Despite how hard it was to leave, it was nice to get time away from the hospital. After dinner he cleaned up and let the girls talk a bit before Amy went up to her room to give them some time alone. Jake sat on his couch and just let out a sigh as Max climbed up next to him. So he let Max lay with him while Adri was gone...
"If you don't want to live in here with us you can have the pool house. It has a kitchen. bathroom, bedroom. It is a little apartment. I planned on sending Jake out there when he is in the dog house but you might not want your brother hanging around all the time. If you have company it is great for privacy." Amy was a pretty young woman, she might want to date some one who catches her eye and bring him home with out Jake breathing down her back and scaring the guy off. Plus it gave her a true sense of time off. She wouldn't be working 24/7 and she would feel like she had breaks if she had a real place to call her own.

Adri packed a couple of outfits for the baby bag but everything looked to big. Owen wasn't newborn size he was premmie size. They didn't have premmie diapers. They didn't have anything that would fit him right now. For now she put some blankets in the bag and she would go shopping tomorrow for diapers and clothes.

When Jake called her down for dinner she sat at the table and they had a nice family meal. Soon there would be one more at the table but he wouldn't have a real seat for a long while. Amy and Adri talked about the pool house while Jake cleaned up. It was fully furnished, it might need to be dusted but it was ready to be lived in and that was where Amy wanted to stay. She would move her stuff tomorrow while they were gone and when Jake gave her a debit card she would go make it her own.

Adri sat on the couch next to Jake and put her head on his shoulder, "While you are at the hospital tomorrow I am going to go get smaller diapers and clothes and bring them home to get washed. I'll come visit and bring you lunch and stay for a little while before I bring the stuff home to wash it. Then I'll come back again and stay with you until you are ready to come home."
Jake smiled as Adri laid her head on his shoulder. His hand rested on her leg. "Alright babe. Yeah we didn't plan for premature did we?" His eyes searched the room. His teeth chewed on the inside of his cheek. His mind was going non-stop.

It was finally hitting Jake that he was going to do this without Layla and he was scared to death of making the wrong decisions with Owen. But it helped knowing he had Adri to help him. And now Amy was there to help too. It seems my family is slowly coming together. We just have to get Owen here." His lips pressed against her head. "What did your mom say about the photos? If she wants to come by tomorrow tell her to. Maybe he will be better and she could hold him."

Jake was exhausted but was afraid that his mind won't shut off. He rubbed Max's head which was in Jake's lap. "What do you think this big baby is going to do with a baby taking out attention? I'm going to take him for a run tomorrow before I go to the hospital. He and I both need it."
"No we didn't. I was looking at the l=clothes and they all seemed way to big for the little guy. He will grow into the stuff we bought though. He might be able to wear it longer too. that will be nice. We kind of went a little crazy on newborn outfits. He might have to do multiple changes throughout the day. Little fashion baby." She smiled and closed her eyes.

"Everyone is praying for him and mom thinks he is the best thing since slice bread so I expect we won't be able to get her to leave the house when he comes home." She told Jake. "Maybe we should wait until we see how he is before we invite her over. I think that is a good idea though. She could give us some advice on raising a boy. She has four of them, she should know how it's done."

She shrugged her shoulder to how Max would react. "He's a big brother now. He is hopefully going to be a protector to Owen. Maybe they will become best friends." She smiled and got off of the couch. She held her hand out to Jake and walked with him up the bedroom. "I'm exhausted. You need a shower and then you can come cuddle Max and I." She patted his butt and sent him in the direction of the bathroom. She was already dressed for bed since she took a shower and changed after she finished packing the baby bag. She got in bed and Max curled up in front of her. She stroked his head and he fell asleep. She stayed awake until Jake came to bed, or tried to at least.
Jake went up to shower. He shed his clothes after entering the bathroom and tossed them in the hamper. He turned the water on and got it warm before climbing in. He intended to take a quick shower but once the water hit him it felt so nice he didn't want to leave for a moment but he was falling asleep standing up so he grabbed his shampoo and soap and got clean before climbing out and wrapping a towel around his waist. If his sister wasn't just down the hall he would just crawl in bed naked, not even caring but in case he something happened he probably should have underwear on he figured.

Going in the bedroom he grabbed boxer briefs and pulled them on before tossing the towel back in the bathroom. He didn't care about being clean and tidy. He was tired and he was ready for his own bed. Jake climbed in next to Adri and wrapped his arms around her kissing her shoulder. His bed was comfortable. He let out a little groan of being so comfortable. He knew he should set his alarm to get up early for a run before the hospital but he was too comfortable to move besides closer to Adri.

"I forgot how comfortable this bed was and how much I missed sleeping with my girl."
Adri groaned in approval but didn't say anything because she was so close to sleeping. Now that she felt him in the bed, she let herself fall asleep completely and she was out like a light. It had been a long time since they shared a bed together. It felt good to be snuggling again. She forgot how hot it was between Jake and Max though. That was the negative to being between them.

She woke up around two in the morning to Push Max down to the foot of the bed. He got comfortable by their feet and went back to sleep. It wasn't that bad for him down there. They ordered the huge California king so they could easily fit a couple more people in with them. She went back to sleep and didn't wake up until nine the next morning.

She knew Jake wanted to be with Owen as early as possible but he also needed his sleep, so she slid out of bed carefully and let him sleep in a bit. She went down stairs to make breakfast but Amy had it all laid out already. "If he doesn't wake up within the hour I will go wake him up." She told Amy. They ate breakfast together and talked about things.

Adri looked for a maid to come and clean the house. She found a company that would clean the entire house and she added pool service so they would clean that too. That was one thing they didn't have to worry about any more. They had Amy for nanny duties but it would probably be best if they found a babysitter for ever now and then.
Adri didn't think the temperature feature on the bed would be useful but now it would with her snuggled between a heater and a dog. Jake always had a warm body temperature, add Max and she probably was pretty hot. Jake was so tired though when she woke up to kick Max to the foot he didn't even wake up.

Max had followed Adri downstairs and was happy to see Amy was still there. Jake almost hit his hour limit before he woke up in an empty bed. He rolled to his back and stretched and closed his eyes again. He didn't want to get up but he knew he needed to. He needed to get to the hospital and check on Owen. He groaned and crawled out of bed. He grabbed clothes after checking the time and not wanting to waste time by running. He could take Max a run once he got more rest and got on a better schedule. Jake put on jeans and just striped v neck tshirt that was a bit snug on his frame.

He head downstairs to see what everyone was up to. He smiled at the girls eating breakfast. "You left me sleep so you could eat all the good food?" Walking over her gave Amy a small side hug and then went to Adri where he kissed her good morning. It was a small passionate kiss followed by a few pecks. He gave her head a kiss and whispered in her ear. "I missed sleeping with you." He looked at Max. "Sorry buddy no run today. Soon. I promise. Daddy needs to get back at it too." He sat down next to Adri to eat. Amy mentioned wanting to look around at cars. She would need something friendly for Owen. She was talking about not moving back to Colorado. Jake liked the sound of that. It will be nice having family around now that Adri was busier with her modeling as well. "Who's taking me to the hospital?"
Adri smiled and nodded when Jake came down, "Pretty much. I hired a cleaning crew to clean the house and the pool for us so that takes cleaning this huge ass house off of our plate. I might hire a cook as well only to come down on Sunday mornings or something make a meal or two that we can either throw in the oven or a crock pot and not have to worry about prepping it. That way we are prepared if we have a crazy week. What do you think?"

She closed her laptop, "I will take you to the hospital and pick you up. Amy is taking your muscle car for the day since it needs to be driven. We are taking the family car which still needs the car seat. "Maybe we can take it and throw it in the trunk. That way if we need it we can hook it up in the parking lot." She offered.

She was finished with breakfast so she put her dish in the sink and cleaned it before putting it in the dishwasher. She went upstairs to put on some real clothes and grab her purse. "Mom is coming to pick him up and his time she told me she would actually keep him until Owen comes home." She rubbed Jake's shoulders and kissed the back of his head. "You might be going topless today. Are you excited? Because I am." She moved her hands forward and rubbed his stomach. "I'm jealous that owen gets to be the one to feel this topless body." She kissed his neck, "Are you ready?"
Jake thought it over having someone help with the cleaning and a bit of the cooking. It actually made sense. It was impressive it took Jake having a kid before he had to hire any help. Except well when he hired Adri of course. "It sounds like a good idea babe. Thank you." He kissed her cheek.

"What? You're driving my stang? Be careful..." Amy laughed, "Who's your baby? Owen or your car?" Jake lookrf confused, "Both..." He smiled. "Sure baby I'll put the csrseat in the trunk. My girl is so smart full of ideas. I love it."

He talked to Amy while Adriana was upstairs and he ate. When she came back and kissed his head he smiled. His hand rested on hers. "Well I'll be happy cause that means our little guy is doing well enough for it. But baby you feel me topless when we get home." He smiled before leaning back to kiss her. Amy looked at them, "That's my que." He teased heading upstairs to get ready.

"Let me toss my plate in the dishwasher and brush my teeth. I also gotta grab the seat." He gave her another kiss before cleaning his plate off and putting it in the dishwasher. He ran upstairs and was gone a minute before returning with the carseat. "Babe...this seat looks too big for O do they come in premie sizes?" He joked but would buy one if there was such a thing. He put it in the trunk. "Alright baby. I'm ready." He got in the car ancious to see his boy.
"I'll take you up on that offer soon." She kissed him back and smiled when Amy left the room. This is why Adri offered her the pool house. So when she got grossed out she could hide away until they were finished.

"I have to get an attachment I think. I think I saw some thing like that at one of the stores. It fills in the back of the seat so the baby fits in more snugly." She shrugged her shoulders. "I'll buy it all at the store. Don't worry. He will have everything he needs." She got in the car and drove him to the hospital. She parked the car and went inside with him.

When they walked into his room to suit up they could hear him crying. A nurse was standing over him trying to calm him down. She smiled when Jake and Adri walked in. She picked up a bottle and gave it to Jake.

"He has been refusing to eat. We are trying to feed him a little bit every hour. He has a cough and his breathing is a bit labored. His body temperature is low so we are keeping him swaddled. The doctor is going to come and check on him and if he gives the okay you can start skin to skin contact. I believe he is also getting his x-rays to check on his lung development today as well. One of you can go back with him when they take the pictures."

Adri looked at Owen and rubbed where his feet were. She sat in the chair and decided to stay until they knew more about his condition. Or at least until Jake took him back to get his x-rays.
Jake was a bit worried when they said he wouldn't eat and his breathing was labored. He couldn't help but feel part of it was because he was alone. Even though it probably had nothing to do with it.

He picked Owen up. "Hey big guy? Why you giving these nurses a rough time?" He tried to calm him a bit. "Shhh buddy it's okay. You gotta eat something or..." He looked at Adri with a small smile. "Or mommy will get after you. Just like she did daddy." He looked back at him as he tried to get him to eat. "Lesson 1. Don't make mama mad." Owen finally started to eat. Jake hoped Adri was okay with him calling her mom. But with Layla being gone she would be his mom.

His hand holding Owen rubbed his temple as he the little ate. "It's okay buddy." He knew the little guy had to tired from all the fighting he was doing. "He may have weak lungs but his heart is strong." He gave his little head a little kiss.
Nothing felt worst than listening to a baby cry. Especially when they tried every trick in the book to get him to stop. He couldn’t talk, this was the only way for him to tell them something was wrong. It was a helpless feeling that Adri would never get used too. She smiled at Jake and watched Owen eat. Adri agreed to him having a strong heart. She reached out and stroked Owen’s cheek.

He ate as much as he could before he stopped and started to squirm around. He started to cry again and Adri took the bottle to free up Jake’s hand so he could burp him. When that didn’t work she got up and got a diaper and wipes. She handed them to Jake with a smile and sat back. That seemed to do the trick and he settled in Jake’s arms. His blue eyes looked around for a little while. He would poke his tongue out every so often. He made a couple of weird faces.

Adri held her hands out for him and held for a little bit. “He probably thinks we are the creepiest things in the world.” She said softly. He hadn’t seen their full faces because of the masks they were forced to wear. His whole body tensed up and he let out a considerably big sneeze for such a little guy. She stayed with them for a little while longer and then gave him back to Jake when he was asleep.

“I’m going to head to the store and get the baby stuff.” She opened her purse and put Jake’s snacks on the chair. She also pulled out a hat for Owen and traded it for the one on his head. It was a little to big but it was the smallest one they had at home. “I will take this to Max so he can sniff his brother. I’ll be back soon. Call me if you need anything, okay?” She kissed Jake’s forehead and she rubbed Owen’s head goodbye.
Jake watched Adri and Owen with a smile. She was amaxing with him. She knew how to hold him and comfort him. She'd make an amazing mother. He was so in love.

He took Owen back so she could go. "Don't break the bank babe. Do you need money?" He enoyed teasing her but Owen needed things he could wear and not be falling off of him because it was too big. "Hopefully Max likes the way he smells." He smiled a bit but she couldn't see. "At least now we can use all natural stuff and not have to worry about it. It will probably be better for him to have natural stuff." He waved bye to Adri. "See you soon baby. Love you."

Once she left he just held Owen and watched him. He was already so proud of him for how hard he'd been fighting. The doctor came in to check him then sent him for his Xray. Jake stayed by his side the whole way. Once they arrived back the nurse gave him an albuterol treatment which he hated the mask over his face and cried.

Once his treatment was done he fed and burped him and as soon as he had a fresh diaper the nurse said they could skin on skin contact so Jake took his shirt off and they stripped Owen down to his diaper. He put him on his tummy on Jake's chest. They put a blanket over his back to keep Owen warm. He rubbed his back and Owen seemed to instantly calm down and get some good rest. Jake ended up falling asleep as well with his son on his chest as he rocked him.
"Are you kidding? Once these paychecks hit I'll be rolling in the dough. You'll be asking me for money." She teased and kissed him softly. "I have to reach that top model money first though." She smiled at him, "I'm sure Max will love him." She agreed to using all natural stuff. She added that to her mental list. They needed a couple bottles of detergent and fabric softener on stand by."I'll be back in a bit." She said and left to get her errands done.

She went to Babies R Us first and got quite a few things for premmies. She got a couple padding things that fit in the carseat so Owen wouldn't slip around. She bought two huge boxes of diapers and hoped that Owen would grow into the bigger diapers within the two boxes. Then she went modestly crazy on clothes. She bought socks and little hats. She was getting really excited about bringing him home and dressing him up in the clothes she bought. When she was done she took it home and started the laundry.

When it was all dry and done, she picked out a onesie and packed up a diaper bag. She took it to the hospital but left it in the trunk until they needed it. She did grab a hat that would fit him better though. She scrubbed down and got all dressed up. She saw Jake and Owen sleeping together and couldn't help herself. Their parents had pictures and it was such a hallmark moment that she had to share it with the world.

She snapped a picture of Jake and Owen and started to write a caption for it, "This 3.5 pound and 16 inch bundle of joy came into our lives February 27, 2016. He was a little early and had some health issues but he is growing and fighting everyday. His mattress of choice is the man I love and the person I can't wait to grow my own family with. Keep Owen in your prayers and please respect boundaries that Jake sets up. #YoungWarrior" She posted it to Instagram and hoped that Jake wouldn't be too upset with her for doing it.
Jake stayed asleep for a little longer until Owen coughed and he woke up instantly. He looked at him and rubbed his back. He kissed his head and saw the other visitor. "Hey beautiful." He smiled at her. "You didn't miss me topless. I bet you're excited." He spoke quietly not to wake up Owen.

"The doctor was in to check him. They did his x-rays and gave him a breathing treatment. The poor guy hated it. He hated the little mask over her face." Jake cuddled him like he was protecting him and kissed his head again. "The doctor hasn't been back in yet though to let me know what they found out."

"Did you hook him all up with a bunch of cool stuff? What did you pick out to bring him home in?" His hand kept rubbing his back. "Do you want a turn babe? I can let you cover up with the blanket." His eyes searched hers. He didn't want to push her but didn't want her to feel left out either. Jake needed to stretch his legs a bit he had been holding him a bit but if she didn't want a turn he could wrap him up and lay him down or still give him to her.
"Hey sleepyhead." She smiled and put her phone in her lap. "I'm super excited. I haven't seen you super ripped up body yet." She nodded her head as he spoke, "I'm sure he will be back soon. He has a busy job birthing babies."

She smiled and nodded her head again, "Oh yeah big time but I didn't get too much because he will grow and might not fit it all. To go home I got him a shirt that says 'hello, I'm new here' and a hat and pant set that have big and little elephants all over them. I also brought a pair of gloves to protect his face for his sharp finger nails and a pair of socks." She pointed to the diaper bag so he could look at it if he wanted.

"You just want to take my top off." She teased and looked around. She pulled her shirt up and put the front of hit behind her head so it wasn't off completely. She was still wearing a bra and that wouldn't come off but it was mainly skin to skin contact. She put him on her chest and fit perfectly between her breasts. She rubbed his back and sushed him back to sleep. "And I got these padding things that we need to put in the carseats."

She looked down at Owen to make sure he was still asleep.
Jake chuckled a bit quietly not to wake him. "Well we will have to fix that tonight." He said quietly with a grin. "You can look me over all you want babe." He gave her a nod to the doctor being back soon. He knew he was busy and he wasn't rushing anything.

"You are too adorable. If he grows out of something before we can put him in it we can take it back baby." Or they could keep it for future babies...he did need to talk to her about Owen's condition being genetic and may be something he got from Jake.

"I would love to see you topless. Absolutely. Not even going to deny it." He handed him off carefully. "Oh here I thought when you were talking about these padded things, I thought you meant your chest, like you have these padding things for him to be more comfortable snuggled up against." Jake chuckled a bit as he went over to look at the stuff Adri got for Owen.

While he looked through the things he looked at her and held up the onsie. "This is awesome babe. I love it." He chuckled a bit. It was pretty clever. He put the stuff back into the diaper bag and then grabbed a handful of dried fruit. " the doctor told us that Owen's condition wasn't from anything Layla did or didn't do it is actually genetic. So if he got it from me there is a chance our babies could have it too. They can test for it. I think it's something I should do just so we know if there is that possibility that our other children could get it." He looked a bit worried at Adri. It was something he hoped did't turn her off to having kids together.
"I'll take you up on that offer tonight." She winked at him.

"No we can't, I just washed everything. Will you pass me the hat in my bag?" She asked and when she got it she traded it for the one that was a little too big. This hat fit perfectly and looked adorable on his head. "Yeah, I'm going to put him in the carseat with my padded bras. great idea Jake." She shook her head and smiled at Owen's foot. She covered it back up with the blanket and kissed his head.

"I thought you would like it." She said softly and rubbed up and down Owen's back. She nodded her head as he told her the condition was genetic. Going through this with Owen was much easier knowing that he wasn't biologically hers. She didn't like seeing him in pain, of course, but she was here to be strong or Jake when he needed a leg to stand on. To do this would her own would be considerably harder. To pour her heart and soul into a baby with Jake would be difficult but not impossible.

She was about to answer when the doctor walked in on them. He smiled and showed them a fold her was holding, "I have good news." He said and walked over to the light up board. He put up to x-rays of Owen's chest. "These are his x-rays from when he was first born. His lungs were small and he was struggling to breathe on his own. These are his x-rays from today. His lungs are healthier and considerably more developed than when he was first born. His cough might get worst but as long as we keep him on the medication it will clear up. I am guessing that he will be able to go home tomorrow night if not the next morning. We will test and see how well he can breath on his own tonight and if he passes the test he will be clear to go home."
Jake let out a little moan to their evening plans. "You better."

"Of course you did. Of course my girl thinks ahead and makes sure it's washed and baby ready." He shook his head. "No not for the carseat I meant your pads, meaning your chest in general for him to lay on right now. Sorry you have your chest sorta out so of course that's where my head goes. It's also been awhile since I've seen you. I've missed you..." He smiled a bit.

Jake pulled his shirt back on when the doctor came in and then listened intently as the doctor talked. He can deal with medicine and a cough. He can't wait to get him home where he can get comfy with his family. "That's awesome thank you doc." He shook his hand. "Hear that buddy you may get to come home soon." He walked over to Owen and Adri and kissed Owen's head. "Keep getting stronger baby we can take you home." He sat down next to Adri and held her free hand.

"You know you never took me on our date." He smiled at her. Once they got settled it would be nice to go out together but only if Adri had the time from work to do so.
She smiled, "I've missed you too. You have to admit the traveling I did, did wonders for our sex life." She puckered her lips for a kiss.

She was happy to hear that Owen would be coming home soon. It panicked her a bit too. Was everything ready for him? Would he like his room? Should they get more stuff? Did they have enough stuff for him? She smiled at the doctor and thanked him as well. Owen started to stir when the doctor left and then he started to to cry. She walked him to the changing station and started to change him.

"You think we will have time for a date night with a new born?" She asked him. They did have Amy to watch him but once he was home they had to make sure he was comfortable. She didn't have to work until she got offered something she really couldn't refuse.

"Don't worry Boo, I'll take you out soon. I already know where we are going." She cleaned her hands and picked Owen up again. She walked with him around the room and patted his back to calm him down. When that didn't work a nurse brought a bottle over and she fed him his bottle and burped him.
She was right her traveling did help their sex life but he didn't think anything was wrong with it before. It was always amazing for him. "Yeah but I miss you when you are gone." He leaned over and kissed her softly with a deep kiss before giving her a peck. He then gave Owen one too so he didn't feel left out.

Jake watched her jump into action with Owen. He sat back and let her do it. She was a pro. "Well we did hire a nanny plus you know your mom is going to try to kidnap him." He smiled. "I know you will. I'm just curious where we would be going."

He sat there a moment taking it all in. "Wow...we are going to soon be taking a newborn home. But you looked like a pro just now changing him, feeding him, burping him. The nurse told me that we can't be afraid to burp him. She got after me earlier for being too gentle with him." He chuckled a bit. "He hasn't been spitting up much which is good but the nurse said the more he eats the more he may. So we may need burp rags handy." He was falling deeper in love with Adri with every passing day, every passing moment.
"I miss you too Boo." She pouted a bit and kissed him back.

She nodded her head to both of his statements. Getting away might be easier than she thought. "You didn't give me a hint so I'm not going to give you one." She stuck her tongue out at him and patted Owen's back.

She made a face when he mention spitting up. "Yuck. Let's hope I'm not wearing a designer outfit when he decides to start doing that. Or he gives me a warning so I can hand him off to you before he does spit up." She smiled at Jake and moved Owen around so they were skin to skin again.

"I kind of can't wait to take him home." She said softly. "I get to dress him up in cute outfits and watch him be cute. Watch you be cute with him." She smiled at Jake.

"Which reminds me. I did something and I'm not sure how you will feel about it. Check your Instagram. It was such a cute moment Jake. I had to share it. His face isn't in the photo, just you holding a bundle against your chest. You are definately a DILF now. A super DILF."
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