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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Adri frowned when he said her nickname. She could feel the emotion coming out of his as he spoke. She took her phone off of speaker and put it to her ear. She felt the tears well up in her eyes because she emotional like that. Jake almost never cried and now he was and she wasn't there for him.

"Baby...I am so sorry you are going through this right now. I wish I could give you a hug and make it better." She said softly. She used a tissue to collect her tears before they ruined her make up. "I know baby but he is going to fight and make it through this. You'll have him in your arms before you know took a deep breath and rubbed her lips together.

"When I get there I will bring you whatever you need, okay? Or Amy will bring you stuff. Don't worry about anything okay? I'll take care of the house and I'll call my agent and take some time off after I sign for Elite. I'm coming home as fast as I can and I'm staying for as long as you need me." She promised him.

"I got up this morning and I went straight to work out. I didn't think of checking my phone. I was so tired when I woke up. I just checked my phone and called you. I haven't even listened to your voicemails yet." She walked into the hotel room and put on her jeans and button up shirt. She packed everything into her suitcase and slipped on her shoes. "Are you going to be okay for the next few hours until I get there?"
His eyes closed when she mentioned a hug. He needed her hug. Adri's hugs were the best and that was what he needed. It couldn't happen soon enough for him.

Jake wanted to protest about her taking time off but emotionally he just couldn't. He needed her but couldn't voice that. It was hard for him to voice anything at the moment but maybe she knew that and that was why she offered to stay. "Luke is taking care of the house and Max. You don't have to worry about the house either." Jake didn't know what else to say. He knew he would need to let her get to her signing but he didn't want her to go. "Your boyfriend is having baby and you didn't think to check your phone?" He let out a sigh and looked down. He needed to shut up because he was upset and worried about Owen and he wasn't going to fight with Adri. He couldn't fight with her.

"Yeah...I'll be okay. Amy is probably in the lobby so that will help." His hands wiped his face.

"Go do your signing babe. I'm proud of you. I should probably go get Aim. I love you Adriana." He hung up and stopped at the bathroom to clean up before going to get his sister from the lobby. He took her down a hall to be more private to tell her about Owen. He figured Layla was resting so he didn't protest when Amy pulled him to the Starbucks in the hospital. He hadn't eaten in who knew how long but food wasn't an option.
"Yeah but I need to worry about you. I'll take a week or two off to help you out." She rolled her eyes, "It wasn't like that. I am running on two or three hours of sleep. I didn't think about anything but my normal schedule, alright?" She was tired as hell and she was not in the mood to be snapped at. She was glad the subject changed or it could have gotten nasty.

"Alright Boo, go get Amy. Tell her I said hi." She was glad Amy was there to help him out while she was away. If Amy wasn't there, she would have had to rush home. She would have done it with out thinking about it but this way she could settle her business here and then rush home. "Thank you Jake. I'll see you soon." She hung up the phone and finished getting ready. She did a quick once over of the hotel room to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything. She put her phone charger in her purse and connected her luggage together so she could get it all downstairs in one trip. Her driver took her luggage and put it in the trunk. She checked out of the hotel and then got in the car.

She went to her meeting and signed her contract. She did let them know that she was having some family issues that she needed to deal with. They seemed to be okay with it. She couldn't take too much time off but she could settle her family life. It wouldn't stop them from telling her of job offers. She did have a quota to maintain if she wanted to stay with the company so she she was ready she could start accepting jobs again.

When her meeting was finished she was in the car heading to the airport. She had a short wait for the plane but soon was on the plane heading home. She was ready to be home and sleep in her bed. She would have to call an Uber to take her home though because Jake wouldn't be able to pick her up.
Jake voiced a little frustration that he couldn't get a hold of Adri to his sister. She was his sister and he was allowed to do that. He knew mostly he was just upset and worried about Owen but when he agreed to her modeling that was one thing he said he wanted to make sure happened, was he could get a hold of her when he needed her. And maybe she meant it as an assistant but he meant it as a girlfriend. Jake supported her dreams and passions more than anyone else but he may have a long road ahead of him with Owen and he may need some support. Yes it was nice his sister was there to help, but having his girlfriend there would be better. He figured he should probably keep his feelings to himself until things calm down.

Jake got Layla a coffee and took Amy up to her room. He waited to see if she was awake before letting Amy come in. Amy wanted to meet Layla. Once they got their introductions Jake let Layla know what was going on, "I'm going to take her down to see O." He showed Amy where she could see him. He pointed to him with a smile. "He's so tiny Aim." His eyes teared up again and he let out a sigh. "I'm going to go in and see him. Let him know his aunt is here." He smiled at her and went to go clean up. Jake sent Adri a text to text Luke when she landed and he would pick her up.

Going in he put his finger up against his hand before he wrapped his little hand around it. "Hey buddy. Your aunt is here to see you. So you better get stronger cause she is dying to hold you. We all are." Jake watched his little chest rise and fall with his breaths. Jake was amazed they made little tubes that small to fit in his tiny little nose. He already was memorizing his features. It was a couple hours he sat in there with him and Layla had joined him after her coffee. This time Jake got to feed him. He asked the nurse how much he weighed and how long he was when he was born as no one ever told them.
Amy did the sisterly thing and let Jake vent to her. She rubbed his back and listened to what he said. She told him he had every right to be upset. She wasn't taking sides but she was trying to make him feel better. If he bottled up his feelings he would explode and she didn't want to see him explode on Adri and risk their relationship.

She want to meet Layla and she wasn't what she was expecting. Her eyes were red, her nose was red. It was clear she had been crying She had a tray of food next to her and a jello cup in her hands. Amy introduced herself and sat in the chair next to the bed, "He's going to be alright." She told Layla but it applied to Jake too. "He's tiny, so what? He will grow and as he grows his lungs will stronger. I know it's hard right now but he will get better. He is surrounded by people who love him and doctors working their hardest to make sure he gets as healthy as can be before he goes home. Your son will be fine. I know he will be." Layla nodded her slowly and wiped her eyes again. Amy looked at Jake and rubbed the back of Layla's head to comfort her.

When Layla was alright, Amy went to meet her nephew. She watched from a window and smiled at the little guy. He was a lot smaller than she thought but he would grow. He wasn't even a day old. He had a lifetime of growing to do. She watched Jake feed him and crossed her arms over her chest. Her brother would make a great father.

The nurse checked his measurements and told Jake, "He is 3.5 pounds and 16 inches." She told the parents and went back to doing her duties.


Adri slept on the plane ride to Vegas. it was 6 hours of nonstop air time. Once the plane was in the air, she was asleep and she woke up before it descended. Once it did touch ground, she was one of the first off of the plane because she was in first class. She got Jake's text but decided to call an Uber so she wouldn't have to wait for Luke to come and get her. It was a short drive home and before she knew it she had Max in her lap giving her kisses while Luke stood back and commented on how spoiled he was.

She didn't have time to talk because she had to get to the hospital. She thanked Luke for watching Max and the house and told him she would be back later. She drove to the hospital and went to the maternal ward. from there she was pointed in the right direction. She went to Layla's room, after getting the room number from one of the nurses on duty, and was greeted to an empty room. She walked out and was taken to where the premature babies were held.

Amy was the first one to see her since she wasn't allowed in the room. She pointed to Owen and Adri saw his tiny form in the seemingly massive bed. She smiled because he was out and in the world but she knew he had a tough few days ahead. There was a sign that said don't tap o the window so she couldn't alert Jake of her presence until he turned around.
Jake turned and saw Adri. He sighed a sigh of relief. It was something nice having his family finally together that mean more to him that Adri probably could explain. He smiled and gave her a small wave and then held up one finger. "Hey buddy. Your step mommy is finally here to see you. So see you have to get stronger cause you have a line of people wanting to hold you." He gave his temple a little caress before getting up. He wanted to kiss his son but he knew they probably wouldn't like that just yet.

He went out of the room and took the protective items off before going into the room to see Adri. "Baby..." He bee lined straight to her and wrapped her up in his arms and his face hid in her shoulder. He held her close and tight. Before he could control it, he had tears sliding out of his eyes but he didn't let on as he kept his face against her neck and shoulder for a few minutes. "I missed you baby. I missed you soo much."

Jake finally pulled back a bit and gave her a kiss hello. It was a small passionate kiss followed by a few quick pecks. "Hi." He smiled at her then moved to show her his son. "He's pretty adorable huh? Looks like his dad." He joked a bit. "He's so tiny. He's not even 4 pounds. He was only 3.5." His arm wrapped around Adri's waist. "I think I've ate burgers his size." He spoke quietly and was a little scared and it showed in his voice. He was trying hard to stay strong for everyone especially Owen.
Adri smiled when jake finally noticed her. She nodded her head at him when he told her to wait and hid a yawn. She asked Amy why she wasn't inside and Amy let her know that only Jake and Layla were allowed inside for now. She nodded her head and stretched her arms over her head. While they waited for Jake, Amy asked Adri how her trip was and how work had been and Adri filled her in on how everything was doing so far and how much she loved it.

Jake walked in the room and she wrapped her arms around him. She rubbed his back and gave him a tighter squeeze when she felt the moisture on her shoulder. She kissed his shoulder, "It's going to be okay. He will be alright." She said softly. "I missed you too. I'm sorry I couldn't come back sooner."

She gave Jake and kiss and looked at Owen and sighed. "He is pretty cute." She said softly. She put her arm around him and rubbed his side, "That gives him more room to grow." She rubbed his back and looked at Owen. She counted all of his fingers and toes. "His hand has to be the size of your big toe." She said a little surprised that he was that small.

"Are you going to be alright when Layla takes him home?" She imagined with this new development, Jake would want to see him every day to check on him.
Jake smiled a little about the toe comment. "Yeah you're probably right. It's okay. If he's small he can just fight featherweight weight class." His smile crew a bit. His hand rubbed Adri's back as he watched his son fighting to breathe.

"It will be hard. Really hard but I'll be okay. It will mean he's strong enough to come home." His eyes looked his son over. "I told him you were here. And he had to get better so everyone can hold him. He's got a line of pretty ladies dying to hold him and love on him. But then again he is my son..." He smiled a bit.

"I just want to hold him babe..." He said quietly.
She rolled her eyes, "Yeah. If he wants to fight like you he can do that." She smiled at Jkae and kissed his jaw.

"Let's hope he doesn't have your ego. I don't think I can handle two big headed fighters in the house." She teased. She rubbed his back and sighed, "I know but you don't want to get him sick. You will be able to hold him soon and then once you get home you can hold him as much as you want for as long as you want."

She covered her mouth to hide a yawn and looked at Owen and back to Jake. "Are you staying here tonight?" She asked softly. Since she couldn't go in to actually see him, she was going to head home and get some sleep. "What do you need from the house? I'll bring it when I come over tomorrow. Do you want to go home with me Amy?"
"I'm sure he won't have my ego. I'm sure you won't allow it." He gave her a smile and kissed her temple. "And don't worry I won't pressure him to fight in the regards that I fight. Right now I am more than encouraging it." He let out a small sigh of worry.

His eyes looked the little guy over. Right now he couldn't imagine leaving him. Adri just got here and she's ready to leave already. He let go of her. "I'm not leaving him yet. If something happens I need to be here. The doctor said he'd probably get I need to be here."

Amy gave her a nod. "Sure I'll ride with you."

"I need clothes and stuff to clean up. I was luckily getting out of the shower when I got the call but have been in the same clothes. I don't have a charger my phone is about dead. And I'm going to need to shave." His eyes looked at Adri. "You leaving now?" She just got in and he knew she was tired but so was he. He had gotten no rest and was emotional drained and he missed her but wasn't going to force her to stay if she didn't want to.
"I won't." She agreed. "He's fighting and he will continue to fight." She couldn't tell him not to worry because that's all he could do. "You gotta have faith that he is fighting as hard as he can." She said softly. "He will be fine."

"You can use the charger in my purse. I'll bring you clothes and soap tomorrow. Okay?"

She was going to say yes to leaving but the way he looked at her made her feel guilty. She was tired. She was jet lagged. She was worried about Owen but she couldn't do anything to help him. She couldn't even be in the room. If she stayed she would just watch Jake watch Owen. "I'll stay for a little while longer. Go be with your son." She kissed his cheek and let him go.

She sat in a chair down the hall since it was the closest chair to Owen's room. She pulled her phone out and flipped through her social media sites to pass the time.
He gave her a nod and made his way back to the room to suit up in safety gear. He was only gone at tops ten minutes before coming back. "Adge...come with me?"

His hand grabbed hers and he took her back to the suit up room. "You have to wash up really good and suit up with gowns and stuff. But they said you could go in. Layla said it was okay." He started to suit up and before he put the mask on he gave her a quick kiss. "If anyone asks...we're married." He gave her a grin and walked into the room Owen was in.

Layla moved back to let them see Owen. Jake walked over and rubbed his temple and ran his finger over his cheek. "Hey buddy. Daddy's back and he has a really pretty girl wanting to meet you." Jake spoke in such a gentle voice that neither women ever really heard before. "You gonna open those pretty blue eyes and check us out? Or you just gonna rest? If you need rest it's okay. You've been fighting pretty hard since you came into this world."

Jake moved over so Adri could come up with him. "He likes to hold onto you. Give him your finger."
Adir scrolled through Instagram with a tired look on her face. She was happy to be home since Jake needed her but they both had other things to think about. Max was at home with Luke but his own things that he needed to take care of. She could pay bills online but she couldn't feed Max or take him for walks online. She understood why Jake wanted to stay and he could stay as long as he wanted but while he was here, she could be home making sure they had a home to go back too. She chalked up her attitude to being tired though and tried to keep a neutral expression.

She looked up when Jake called her name. She stood up and walked with him into the baby's room. She scrubbed down as best she could. She did just get off a plane and she didn't know what germs she was covered in. The thought made her wash her hands longer before she suited up. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked and walked with him into the room Owen was in.

He was so little she wasn't sure if she wanted to touch him out of fear of breaking him. She looked at him all swaddled up in his hospital blanket. She rubbed the blanket and smiled at Jake. "He's gorgeous. He looks just like you two." She took a deep breath and rubbed her lips together.

"I'm beat Jake. I think I am going to head home." She looked at Owen again. "I will bring you your soap and stuff. Do you need anything Layla?"

Layla nodded her head, "I never got a chance to pack a baby bag but if you could stop by my apartment and bring me some clothes that would be great. My key is in my purse."

Adri nodded her head. "No problem. I'll see you tomorrow, okay." She rubbed where Owen's foot was and walked out of the room. She took a deep breath and grabbed her purse. "Ready?" She asked Amy and walked back to the room to grab Layla's key and then to the car with her. She decided to get Layla's stuff and leave it in the car over night. She packed Jake's bag and threw it in the car as well.

She thank Luke for staying with Max and Amy already knew the lay out of the house so she let her do her own thing. She scooped up Max and took him for a long walk in the neighborhood before laying in bed and crying herself to sleep.
He gave her a smile. "It's fine. Layla and I both are okay with it. We think it will be nice."

Jake looked away a bit frustrated when she mentioned leaving. He was trying to include her and she just wanted to leave. "Okay. Thanks." When she walked out he just shook his head. She been gone this whole time and then when she finally can see him she stays two minutes and leaves. And with no 'I love you' or anything. There was no reason to get mad because all it would do is start a fight and he didn't have the strength. And what strength he did have, his son needed it. He couldn't help but feel like she didn't want to be there and everything else was more important. Why did she even bother coming home if she wasn't going to be by Jake's side anyway? Jake would have flown home the minute he found out and been by Adri's side the whole time. Maybe he was stupid for that but he would.

He also knew it had to still be hard knowing Owen wasn't her son. They had seemed to pass by all that and seemed okay, but now the baby was here and it made things different and he knew that. He shook his thoughts out of his head and tried to keep a happy face for Layla and Owen. After a few hours Layla suggested going back to rest in her room. Jake let her go back and said he'd be down in a few. He wanted some alone time with his son. He just sat and talked about how much people love him already and he had to get stronger so they snuggle him. After awhile later he headed back himself. Luke had shot him a text that he'd be up at the hospital when the little guy was doing a bit better and if they needed anything to just holler that he would be there. Luke was an awesome friend Jake was lucky to have.

Layla let him tried to sleep on the recliner chair in her room. That thing was so uncomfortable it probably would be better to just sleep on the floor. He didn't get a bit of sleep. He just kept thinking about Owen and Adri. He couldn't help but feel like maybe she was gone just a bit too much but he couldn't really talk to her about it because he didn't want her to stop doing what she loved. He just had to suck it up and deal with it.

The next morning Amy got up and made breakfast. She enjoyed a small run and time playing with Max beforehand. She was curious where Adri's head and feelings were with everything.
The only reason Adri got any sleep was because she was beat down tired. Had it been a normal night then she would have cried all night. when she woke up she didn't feel any better than when she went to sleep. She took a shower and washed her hair. She wished that taking care of herself cured everything but it just made her clean. When she got out of the shower, she dried off and put on lotion. She swept her hair up into a ponytail before her curls could get too crazy. She put on a pair of jeans and a t shirt and walked out to the kitchen.

Her eyes were red and she was sniffling a bit but she called it allergies and moved on. She slid her keys to Amy so she could take her car to the hospital. "I am going to go visit my parents for a little bit before I go to the hospital. I should tell them face to face." She looked at breakfast but she wasn't very hungry. Instead she packed up some food for Max so she could take him to her parents house. Since they agreed to watch him for a couple days. She grabbed Max's bed, blanket and bowls and set everything by the door.

"If you don't have GPS the car does. Click the map button on the screen and click the last directions. They will take you to the hospital. I will see you guys at the hospital when I get done talking to my parents."

As much as she loved Amy, she wasn't the woman she wanted to talk to right now. She needed her mother and her mother's advice on things. She was supposed to be strong for Jake and she was trying to be but she needed someone to be there for her. If she told Jake any of what she was feeling he would flip out and cause a fight. She knew they would have to talk eventually but that wouldn't come until Owen was out of the hospital most likely.

Adri's Uber came up the driveway and she clipped Max to his leash and grabbed his stuff. "Lock up before you leave and the code is Jake's birthday. Love you." She said quickly and got in the car and was driven to her parents house.
Jake went early to see Owen. He couldn't think about food. He just wanted to see the progess his son made if any. Layla was finally getting some rest so he let her sleep. The alone time with Owen was nice. The nurse didn't have any real updates. Jake sat next to his son and let him hold his finger.

Part of him wondered if Adri was having second thoughts about them now the baby was here. He hoped she wasn't but he would never hold her back from her dreams. He was a bit harsh before and it was mostly the stress but he still felt the need to apologize. If his phone wasn't dead he would have tried calling her when he wasn't with Owen.

Awhile later Amy showed up and she forced him to take a break and get coffee.

"Jake you look like shit."

Jake forced a smile. "I feel like shit Aim." He ordered a latte with extra expresso shots. "I feel like I'm about to lose everything...and all I can do is watch it happen." They talked a bit and she tried to get him to eat but he still had no appetite. Honestly he wanted to see his girlfriend but wasn't going to push it. She was doing her best and he knew that.

They headed back up with coffee for Layla and to get back to Owen.
Adri got to her parents house and knocked on the door. Her mom answered and she felt better just looking at her. She let Max go inside and she hugged her mom. "I feel like crap." She said before she started crying in her mother's arms.

Her mother rubbed her back and hushed her in a soothing way. She waited until Adri was done sobbing before letting her go. She wiped her face, "Tell me what's wrong." Maria led adri into the kitchen and started to make hot chocolate like she used to do when Adri was little.

"Owen is here." Adri started and grabbed a paper towel to wipe her eyes. "He's here and his is the perfect mix of Layla and Jake. It's so hard to look at him and not be upset that he is Jake and some girl's. It's not fair that he is sharing his first child with her. We were supposed to grow and do this together. And he's already changing without me." The tears came down again and she wiped them away. "I hate that I feel this way. And it's not towards the baby. It's what he represents for Jake. It's the fact that I didn't get to give him his first kid and he keeps saying you're his step mom like that is supposed to make me feel better. And he makes me feel guilty because he makes me think I am just supposed to accept it and move on. I'm his step mom and that's that." She took a deep breath and sniffled. She shook her head, "He hasn't asked me what I think or how I feel. I love Jake and after seeing Owen I want to love him and watch him grow up." She scratched her head and looked at her mom. "I want to talk about him but I never want him to feel like he is in a position where it's me or Owen. I feel like I need to either get over it or leave. Am I a bad person?"

Maria shook her head and stirred the hot chocolate before setting it down in front of Adriana, "You're not a bad person. It's a big change and it's something that you both need to work through. If you keep harboring these feelings and not getting them out then you will start resenting Jake. You need to talk to him and soon so you both know where you stand." Maria sat next to Adr and rubbed her back. "How is Owen?" She asked curiously. "Do you have any pictures?"

Adri shook her head, "No pictures. He's not doing well right now. He was premature and his lungs aren't developed. He's on oxygen. It makes everything worst. At least if he was healthy, Jake would be able to bring him home for a few days and we wouldn't have to deal with Layla but watching them bond over Owen feels odd. They have a common thread now. It's not like Jake and I are married. He could easily leave me for her."

Maria frowned, "He wouldn't do that and you know it."

"I know, I know. It just feels weird. I can't talk to him yet. Not until Owen is out of the hospital or he will say I am being a bitch who can't see that he is trying to be there for his son." She rubbed her face and sipped on her hot chocolate, "Just like when I was little." She smiled at her mom.

"I can guarantee he won't call you a bitch or your father and brothers will kick his ass." Maria smiled and saw a smile quirk up on Adri's lips. "You have to talk to him. Sooner rather than later. This is something that you can't push back. I'm not saying at the hospital but soon."

Adri nodded her head and stayed with her parents for a bit longer. Her dad appeared out of his man cave and they caught up on what Adri had been doing. She told them he signed or a new agency and she had a possibility of working during New York Fashion Week. Most designers were looking for their models in the next few weeks though and she told Jake she would stay home so she would have to wait for the next season to walk.

When she felt better, her mother offered to drive her to the hospital before she went to work. Adri said good bye to Max and her father before getting in the car with her mom. Her mom dropped her off and she went to Jake and Owen and everyone else. She stood outside ith Amy until she was invited to the back. She didn't want to impede on any bonding time the trio were doing.
Amy had went after the bags in Adri's car about mid morning and Jake went to go clean up first. He felt like he looked and he looked bad. He took his bag into the bathroom and he figured his money was paying for the hospital stay so he may as well use the shower he was paying for and took a quick shower. He stood there a minute and just let the water spray over him. He honestly had no idea how he was going to keep it together.

He then got out and put on fresh clean clothes and felt a bit better. He was shaved and smelled decent as well. He didn't load up on cologne as he didn't want to trigger anything with Owen so he just went with the fresh and clean smell. The look of exhaustion though couldn't be cleaned with a shower, he would actually have to sleep to fix that one.

Amy informed Adri that Jake was cleaning up and that there were no changes with Owen, which was good and bad. "Jake hasn't eaten since the day the hospital called him. He's drinking but that's it. I don't think he's slept either." Amy informed Adriana as they waited. She asked how her parents were doing and how Max liked staying there.

A few moments later Jake came walking over. "Hey..." His hands were in his pockets and he looked like hell. Amy looked him over, "Well at least you smell better but you still look like shit." He gave her a death look. "Aim said you took Max to your parents? How are they?"
Adri nodded to the information about Jake and Owen. "I haven't even today either. I will take him somewhere to eat. I doubt I can get him home to sleep for a reasonable amount of time." She let Amy know that Max loved it at her parent's house. Her parent's had a cat and Max liked to sniff him out of his hiding spots. Plus her father spoiled him with treats so he really liked it there.

When Jake came out she smiled at him. He didn't look his best but he was tired and hungry so he wouldn't look his best anyways. "They are fine. Max is going to spend a few days with them until Owen goes home. They send their best to you and Owen." She told him.

"You need food and I'm not taking no for an answer. We can go to the cafeteria and get something to eat. I don't want to hear excuses. If something happens, Layla will call or text or Amy will call or text. You need food and sleep. I don't care if you need to lay on Layla's bed, you need to rest."
Adri wouldn't take no for an answer so he wasn't even going to argue. He didn't know how much he would eat but he'd go with her. Maybe walking away for a little will help his stress. "Okay. I'll get lunch with you. I rested last night. I laid i n the recliner." He told Amy to call if anything happened. Good or bad. Amy told him she would.

Jake walked out with Adri and got in her car. His head leaned back against the headrest as he let her drive. He let her pick a place because he didn't really have an appetite to eat so nothing really sounded good to him. When they walked to the car he walked close but didn't hold her hand. He felt something was off and kind of feared the worst. As she drove he kind of wondered if maybe they were just two different people in two different spots in their lives. He couldn't be upset with her if she wasn't ready to be a mother or a step mother rather. He couldn't really be mad at her for anything and frankly he didn't have the strength to be mad at her for anything.

Once at the restaurant he walked in and sat down with Adri. "So you had a good time in New York? You think they will pick you for Fashion Week?" His hand played with his seat as he looked at her as a headache from hell started to form. He figured it was from the lack of sleep and stress.
The closest restaurant she could find was Olive Garden so she pulled in asked for a booth. They were taken to a table with almost no wait time. She looked out the window and bither bottom lip. There was an obvious rift between them and the tension was palpable.

"Yeah I had fun. I love the city." She probably would have begged Jake to move there if he wasn't promoted to new father. She looked down when he mentioned Fashion Week and shook her head, "The timing wasn't right. It doesn't matter there is always next year." She shrugged her shoulder and looked at the table. No need to tell him the full truth. He had a lot on his plate already.

"Starving yourself isn't going to make him feel better. It's going to get you sick and you can't run on coffee. If you don't sleep tonight I am taking you home." She looked at the menu and when the waitress came to take her order she got a water and chicken alfredo. The house salad was put down in front of them and Adri made herself a small plate. She wasn't going to force feed Jake. If he wanted to starve then he could suffer the consequences later.

She wanted to talk to him but it didn't feel like the right time. It didn't feel right to bring up one problem when his son was in the hospital and that was his main problem right now.
Jake had a feeling he knew what she meant by timing. He looked down and a million things ran though his head. But before he could really say anything she mentioned him not eating.

"Adge. I'm not refusing to eat. It's just I haven't felt like eating. Nothing sounded good. I would walk to the hospital cafeteria and nothing looked good. I can't really help the sleep thing either. I tried last night. I couldn't shut my mind off to sleep."

Jake ended up ordering the same thing but wanted his chicken spicy. He would try to eat. It wouldn't be like he would eat everything in sight but he'd eat what he could. He grabbed a little bit of salad and a bread stick. He picked at the bread stick more than the salad.

The man wasn't sure if it would start a fight or if maybe it would help things by bringing up Fashion Week, but he was going to say it because he didn't need her hating or resenting him for missing out. "Adri...if it's hurting you taking time off...I understand if you can't. I don't want you hurting your career or your dreams for taking this time off. I can handle things on the home front." Jake would sacrifice his own happiness for Adriana's. He loved her that much. "I can keep you updated on things." He felt like she didn't really want to be there anyway in a way so here she had her way out.
"I am just saying, you are doing Owen any favors by stressing out and going hungry. Force yourself to eat a sandwich. Drink some water. You're going to be pissed if you pass out and end up in a hospital bed on the opposite side of the hospital. Take care of yourself too."

She shook her head, "They have my headshots and measurements. If they want me they will wait for me to come back." She explained. "Don't worry about it Jake. I'll figure it out when I go back to work."

She poked at her salad with her fork and slowly at a piece of lettuce. She could take that out and if she didn't feel like it would ruin her relationship, she would have taken that out.

"I'm trying to be here for you and bringing up Fashion Week isn't helping anything. So we can we drop it please? I don't want to talk about it."
He nodded at her reasoning. "Okay." He would do what he could to eat.

It was obvious she was picking at her food and he wasn't sure what was wrong. Maybe under normal circumstances he would try to figure it out be he was just going to ask. It was time to just ask regardless of the consequences. Right now he wasn't sure where they stood anyway so why beat around the bush.

Jake was a little confused and he was just trying to be supportive and understanding and she seemed to be upset. "Adri what am I missing here? I'm just trying to be supportive and understanding. I'm sorry if I upset you last night. I didn't mean to. I haven't slept and I'm worried about Owen and I know it's no excuse for anything but I'm still sorry." His voice was quiet and without an attitude but instead worry and concern.
Adri what am I missing here?

She frowned and before she could stop herself she spat it out, "Are you kidding me? Some girl you can barely be in a room with for five minutes just had your kid and you don't see what's wrong with the situation?" She bit her lips together and released a deep breath. It was the wrong way to go about it but she felt a little bit better.

She shook her head, "I thought it would be easier. I could accept it and move on but looking at him all I can see is Layla. And it's stupid and selfish but it's like she's taunting me without having to say anything. She gave you your first kid and she gave you your first son and that is a bond that you two will share forever and I get to watch from the side lines as stepmom." She picked up her napkin and wiped her eyes quickly so no one could see her cry and think the worst.

"And I love you and Owen is beautiful." She said softly . "I feel alone. I feel like I can't talk to you about it but I will come off bitchy and childish. I have to be strong for you and you have to be strong for Owen and where does that leave me? You are doing all of the growing that I wished you would be doing with me, with Layla whether you accept it or not. I just...I didn't think it would be this hard."
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