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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake just listened to Adri and actually started to get a little angrier than before. His head shook a bit. He was starting to wonder if Adri really knew him or not. His arms crossed and he leaned against the counter.

"Let's be honest...cause I was going to budge. I'd kind of have to. Like you see my son. And honestly I'm not as big of an asshole as everyone seems to think that I am. Cause if it came down to the nitty gritty do you really think I'd let her ass be out on the fucking streets with my kid?" He looked at her a moment. "No my ass would be giving her any damn penny she needed. Sorry that I seem to think that if roles were reversed a lot of father's wouldn't get the same treatment. Is all I was getting across. And as you so nicely put it I have to kinda shut my fucking mouth and give her what she wants. Because she's popping the kid out. Because she's going to school to better her life. But I'm just an asshole."

Jake just shook his head. "I've seen guys who should have millions but because they are professional athletes they lose their houses because of baby mamas wanting all this child support. So let's pay for her college and to better her life and let's forget about this house and buying a new car. Cause you know I have a dick so fuck me."

He was almost annoyed she answered the phone while they were talking but then again he didn't care. He felt like everyone was out to get him and he was just pissed off and needed to walk away because he probably already pissed off his girlfriend again too. He headed to the gym.
"If you didn't want to be in the situation, you should have been more careful." He could be mad all he wanted but he wasn't going to be mad at her. She had her own brain and her own opinions and they wouldn't always match his. She would stand by him but that didn't mean she had to agree with every step he took. She shook her head when he walked away. She picked up Max and took him upstairs. She grabbed her laptop and set Max on the bed.

"Mommy got an offer to work for an Agency baby boy." She told him and let him kiss her. "Thank you, buddy." She scratched behind his ear and sighed. "But you have to stay here with daddy and make sure he doesn't get into trouble." She logged into her laptop and searched for plane tickets to Los Angeles. She would leave Monday and if everything went how it was supposed to she would be back on Thursday. Her first trip away from Jake. her first trip away from her baby. She made a sad face and picked up Max. "I need you to watch over your Daddy okay?"

She made a call to Phillip to get him to the house so she could take some head shots and get them printed out as soon as possible. Luckily Phillip was open for a quick shoot, sos he didn't have to wait too long. She knew she had six days before she had to leave but she wanted the photos taken now so she could print tomorrow and get her dossier ready. If she didn't like something, she could easily replace it or take different shots entirely.

She did a quick run to the bank and took some money out of her account and then she went back home. She put on a fresh face of make up s they could do that first and then she could quickly take it off and do natural photos as well.

Phillip arrived two hours after she called him and picked a place to set up. She moved some furniture around so she was against the blank wall while he set up the lights. She of course, wanted Jake to be the first one she shared the news with but he was in his feelings and was busy with other things. So besides, Maximus, Phillip was the first to know.

"I might be getting signed on for LA models." She said excitedly. "They want to see my dossier before they commit but oh my god, right? I'm so excited."

Phillip smiled at her, "I can see you're excited. That's great. Soon you're going to be too big for the little people like me." He turned on the light and had her stand in her place. He turned it down so it wasn't so harsh and started snapping pictures.

"I'll never forget who got me to the top. That's all you." Adri said as she posed.
Jake stopped when she mentioned him being more careful. "You could say the same thing to her too. Last time I checked it takes two people. Why is it just me that screwed up here?" He felt like everyone was blaming him for Layla getting pregnant like he raped or something when they did it together, both willingly.

Jake punched the bag for awhile and then got in a really hard work out to clear his head. He felt like he had no one on his side about the baby and he would just to roll over and do whatever Layla wanted.

After his work out he grabbed his phone and called her. She answered and was pretty pissed as he suspected. "Look...I'm sorry you took what I said how you did. All I was saying was my own opinion with how things work. Figure out what your rent and utilities are and give me a number and we will talk. We really do need to get along for him. And please...don't say fuck you to Adri again. She had nothing to do with what I said. Hell she seems to be on your side. If you're pissed at me take it out on me. She was there taking a day to help us. She didn't deserve that." He again wasn't trying to start anything but he was right on that. Adri didn't have to spend the day with them to decide what they would do. But she did anyway.

He hung up and then went to the house to shower and saw Adri and Phillip doing a shoot in their living room. He grabbed a water and didn't want to interrupt so he took off for a shower. Once he was done he came back down and sat at the bar since he didn't have a place sit in his living room.
The photoshoot take an hour and half, but there wasn't much to do. She need photos to prove that she could be serious, flirty, friendly, cute and sexy. No editing could be done with the natural shots. Once the makeup was off, she couldn't even wear foundation. She was lucky her skin was right and she could get away with that. When she was finished, Phillip uploaded the pictures to his laptop and went through them with Adri. All of the photos that she kept were made in color and black and white. He sent them all to her and she paid him kindly for his time.

She grabbed her own laptop and the dossier she already had. She sat in the kitchen so she could easily spread out. She grabbed some sticky notes and started labelling which ones she needed to replace or move around. This was a big opportunity for her and she didn't want anything to stand in her way of getting it. The photos weren't the only thing that needed to be worked on in these six days though.

She needed to cut back on junk food entirely. She could have her cheat day when she got the contract. To combat what she did eat she needed to up her workout schedule. Maybe lose a couple pounds and tone up a little bit. She needed to take extra care of her face and teeth. She looked at her nails on her fingers and toes and decided that she needed to schedule an appointment to get them both done. She needed a fresh wax, her eyebrows threaded, her hair needed to be done. She wrote down a list of everything she needed to do before she left. She felt like she was forgetting something but she couldn't figure out what it was. She put her palm on her forehead and thought it over in her head.
Jake sat at the island a bit confused why Phillip was there doing a shoot and why Adri pretty much ignored him since he walked out. He then figured it had to be his fault for getting upset so he just let her go do her thing. Without knowing how long she'd be gone or what she was doing he took Max out and played with him a bit. He played with Max until he got tired and gave up on playing. He picked him up and pet him. "At least you still love me Max." Max gave Jake a bunch of kisses and he gave him a thank you.

He walked in with Max and gave him water. Jake kind of smiled when he tried to get a drink and just got water all over. "I swear dog that you get more water on my floor than you do in your mouth."

Jake flexed his jaw a bit as he looked at Adri and kissed her shoulder. "I'm sorry about earlier. I even called Layla to apologize." Was all he said he knew he got offered a job so he didn't want to take away from her good news. "What's the job you got?" He gave her a smile to show he was interested and not asking out of annoyance.
Adri smiled when he kissed her shoulder, "That's great Jake." She said softly to him apologizing. She was surprised they actually agreed on a name. She knew things wouldn't go smoothly but she did hope that at the end of the lunch they would leave with a bit of a relationship. She didn't think every one would be so frazzled. She was really starting to see why she should stay out of him and the child support stuff. He and Layla could figure it out and she wouldn't ask about it.

"It's not a job. It's an agency. LA Models, they are interested in my career and taking me from what I am doing now to the big time. They called today and they want to meet on Tuesday, so I'm leaving Monday, and they said I should stay out there until Wednesday, so I'm going to stay until Thursday." She let him know.

"From there they will let me know of any job offers I have. I can book covers and spreads and who knows what else. This is like the UFC for me. I'm really excited."
Jake listened to her talk about leaving and then what it meant to her. He forgot about her leaving. He just was focused on happy she was and how excited. His life seemed a mess and she was getting her ducks in a row. But he couldn't be happier and prouder. He smiled at her. "That's great baby. I'm super proud of you." He gave her a kiss.

"Good thing I took you out a few days ago. I'd offer to take you out to celebrate but I know you will say no. So...what if I make a nice healthy salad for us tonight and we can stay here and you can cuddle your boys before you have to leave." He smiled at her and kissed her shoulder and head. "I love you baby. I'm going to miss you but I'm so happy for you."

He looked at her photos and pointed out which ones were his favoties. "Can you send me some of these to my phone..." He wiggled his eyebrows at her. "My girl is one sexy woman damn..."
The Wednesday after her first meeting with LA Modeling, Jake would get the call that she was signed. She called her mom and dad after she called Jake and told them the amazing news. They were just happy that she was getting out of the pool and wearing real clothes. Adri's life changed forever in that moment.

With most models they started off small and grew from there. Since Adri's name was kind of out there already, she was thrown to the wolves right away. The didn't mean it was easy for her though. It made her work a lot harder. The first job she got from LA Models was a ten page spread in seventeen magazine. She did a campaign for Aldo. She was on the cover of Treats! magazine. She was slowly taking over. She was in New York to discuss terms with a sister company of LA Models so could get more job opportunities. This biggest thing she wanted to do was walk during New York Fashion Week, so that was what she as hoping for.

She wasn't home as much as she used to be, which in her opinion, made the relationship better. They weren't together as often. She was gone a week and a few days a month for the past two months and it was only getting crazier. They had time to miss each other and when they did see each other after a long absence the sex was amazing. With all of the changes in their, she did make time for Jake and she would always try to be a fight if she could make it.

She FaceTimed Jake and Max regularly. It was weird to see Max because every time she came home he was bigger or taller. She wanted him to be her little baby but he wouldn't stop growing up.


Things for Layla seemed to get better as well. She got a part time job while she was pregnant and it wasn't the best job in the world but it was better than nothing. She and Jake agreed on an amount that was put in a bank account for her to use for Owen. She was still a little upset that he could see everything she was using the money for and she would figure out a way to get him out of her pocket. If she was using the money then she was using it to help their son in some way. He didn't seem to trust her and she wasn't in the best position to argue right now. She didn't know how she was supposed to raise a kid with him when most days she wanted to punch him in smug face.

Her super Christian parents weren't any help but she didn't expect them to be. She basically did every thing she could to get out of the house when she turned eighteen. She spent Christmas with them and her sister but she always felt like the black sheep. Now that she was going back to school, they were a little more open but they wanted her to give the child up for adoption. Then they would accept her back again. They didn't want an unwed daughter with a baby.

Her stomach kept growing but Owen was still small for his age. She wanted to keep him inside of her longer but she didn't know how long she would make it. It didn't help that she had food poisoning. At least she thought it was food poisoning. She knew for a fact that she wasn't going to eat at 7-11 again. She kept vomiting after she tried to eat anything. She thought the cramps were from not being able to eat and her body trying to expel whatever she did eat that wasn't setting right. After a few hours she drove to the hospital with a trash can in the passenger seat and walked to the ER.

They admitted her immediately and started running tests. They check on the baby and that is when they told her.

Jake's phone started to ring and it wasn't Adri or Layla but a nurse from Sunrise Hospital letting him know that his wife was in labor and that he should get there as soon as he could.
Jake had been working out more and more with Adri gone. He gained muscle and reduced body fat. Luke helped him with different fighting techniques. He would visit some other gyms as well which if he could work it out to go to one near Adri he would to get some time with her.

He was a proud boyfriend but at times he really missed her. He tried not to let her see exactly how much he missed her but it was nice having Max around. He had become his workout buddy. They would run together in the mornings and Max's distance he could go had only expanded. He still would help him with his push ups but Jake liked it cause it only made him stronger and better.

Jake would go with Layla to her appointments and tried hard to keep the peace. He internally worried about the little guy being small but the doctor didn't seem too concerned so he didn't allow himself to get too worried.

When he got the call he thought maybe it was the UFC calling to schedule a fight as he was waiting for that call, instead it was a nurse. He asked if everything was okay as he shuffled to get dressed quickly. He threw on an Affliction shirt and jeans. He ran downstairs to let Max out. If he could take him with him he would, as he had been doing that.

On the drive to the hospital he called Adri. He called a few times before leaving a voice mail. "Hey baby girl. I got a call from the hospital. I guess Layla is in labor. Owen is ready to meet us. It's pretty early and I'm a bit worried. Call me when you can. I love you." Worry was in his voice but so was excitement. His next call was Amy then Luke who would help with Max.

He got to the hospital and found her room. The nurse gave him a hospital band so they knew he was supposed 6o be there.
Adri was in a meeting with Elite Models when she got Jake's call. They asked her if she wanted to take it but she didn't want to seem rude. She silenced her phone and put it back in her purse. she figured he wanted to call and talk and she would call him back when she was finished. The meeting seemed to go well for her. She proved her worth with LA Models so Elite was pretty interested in taking her further with the New York scene. It would mean more travelling but she had a month before Owen was due so she figured she was fine. She scheduled another meeting to come back and sign the contract tomorrow. She shook some hands and she left the building.

She checked her voicemail and listened to Jake's message. She frowned when he said Owen was coming. She called his phone but she didn't get an answer. "Hey, I got your message. I am signing the contract tomorrow morning and then I will catch the first flight out. I am sure everything will be fine. I love you and I will see you tomorrow." She put her phone away and caught a cab to Times Square. She took a couple selfies, like a tourist and then she did some major damage to her debit account. She bought some things for herself, she bought a 'I heart NY' shirt for Jake, and she bought a teddy bear for Max and Owen.


Layla was stuck in the hospital bed, hooked up to machines to make sure the baby was healthy. She would get up and walk around to relieve some pressure but when the contractions hit she was normal buckled over in pain. She told Jake she really didn't like him quite a few times. She didn't even want kids originally.

Nurses came in to check on her progress and she was never quite far enough for the epidural. Eventually the doctor came in and did some tests and let them know what was going on in more detail.

"It does look like he is on his way. He is coming early. Best case scenario he is small and healthy but there are some risks to a premature baby. Since he is on the small scale we are going to keep a closer eye on him. We will keep you updated as we learn more. You should be ready to push him out in the next 2 or 3 hours. We will get an epidural for you soon."
Jake tried hard to be supportive for Layla, even despite her saying some choice words to him. He knew mostly it eas the pain so he let it go.

Once the doctor came in he looked at Layla. "I'm sorry they can't get you an epidural sooner. Can I do anything? Want some ice or anything?"

He went for a walk and checked his phone and sighed a bit when Adri basically said she wasn't in a rush to get back. He called her and got her voicemail and left another message. "Hey it's me again. The doctor thinks in the next couple hours he should be here. The doctor is a bit concerned about his size...they will know more later. Love you." He was disappointed and scared but he wasn't going to say any thing. He then called Amy and Luke. Amy was on her way. She had came to visit a little bit back and flew back to Colorado but wanted to make the move.

Returning to Layla's room he waited for his son to arrive.
After spending a little too much money, Adri got a salad and went back to her hotel room. Her phone was dead so she was stuck with no communication with Jake until she charged her phone. She sat on the hotel bed and flipped through the channels until she found something to watch while she ate.

When she was finished eating she remembered that she needed to charge her phone and she plugged it into the wall. She set it on the bed and grabbed her suitcases so she could start packing to leave.

She was supposed to stay for another couple days but with Owen making his early arrival she needed to find a ticket out of New York. She figured the contract would take two hours to sign and her meeting was at ten so she booked a flight for one in the afternoon. She also called for a driver so she wouldn't have to come back to the hotel grab her stuff and then leave. She could leave the meeting and be driven straight to the airport.

Her phone alerted her to the new message and she walked over to it. She listened to the message and could hear the worry in his voice. She wished she could do something to make him feel better. He was nervous, this was his first kid. The nerves were a normal thing to deal with. Even if she was in Vegas, there wasn't much she would be able to do. She would be standing around with him, watching Layla suffer.

She let her phone charge up and she packed everything except what she would wear tomorrow and her makeup bag.When she was finished she picked up her phone and called Jake again. She hoped they wouldn't be playing phone tag all day but if he didn't pick up his phone, it was probably because he was tending to Layla.


"The only thing I want is him out of me or for this whole thing to stop so I can carry him to term." Jake's phone rang again and she groaned, "Ice, I'll take ice and room temp water in a different cup."
Jake understod what Layla wanted. She wanted the pain to stop and for their son to be healthy and big. He gave her a nod. "Okay. I'm on it." He gave her arm a small touch to let her know he wouldn't be far and he'd get what she needef.

He took off out the door and knew from the ringtone it was Adriana. He let out a sigh and answer. "Hey baby girl. I miss you..." He said quietly. Jake a minute and leaned against the wall. He knew there wouldn't be much for her to do but he would kill for one of her hugs right now. "How did everything go today good I imagine since you signed?! That's awesome baby."

He let her talk about her day first. "You coming home isn't going to screw anything up is it? I don't want you missing out or hurting anything." Jake meant that too even though he really missed her. Her modeling meant everything to her and at times he felt like it meant more than him so he didn't want to hurt her dream because of him. He loved her too damn much for that. "If you can't make it...its okay."
"I miss you too." Adri smiled and put the phone between her ear and shoulder. "It went amazing. They are writing up the contract right now and I will sign them tomorrow morning." He was saying the words but it felt like the happiness wasn't there. "I'm coming down as soon as I can. I bought my plane ticket and once the meeting is over I will be on my way to the airport. When the plane lands I will drop my stuff off and come straight to the hospital." It would take 6 hours to fly there and didn't add the wait time to go through TSA, wait for the plane to board and get her bags.

"I will see if I can sign the contract tonight and get a flight out tonight." There was no guarantee that she could make that happen but she would try. "I'm sure you and Layla want to spend time with him alone for a little bit. Marvel at the creation you two made." She said softly. "You probably won't notice I'm not there once he is here." She pulled the card for her agent out of her back pocket and flipped it between her fingers. "I'll come as soon as I can Jake. I promise."

She sat on the bed and rubbed her lips together, "How is it going down there?" She asked softly. "How is Layla doing?"
Did Adri really think Jake wouldn't know if she was there or not? He wanted to experience it with her. Maybe Owen wasn't her son but he would be her stepson and he wanted her part of all of it. " always know when you aren't around. You're my other half babe...I love you..." His eyes shifted around as the nurses were busy working.

Jake started doing the math of when she would be able to arrive and he knew it would late the following night and she probably would be tired when she got back and want to see Max. "No babe don't worry about rushing back. Like I said I don't want to hurt anything for you. Just keep your flight and I'll see whenever you can get here."

He started down the hall for Layla's water and ice. "She hates my guts. She wants him either out so she's out of pain or to stay in and can grow a bit more." He got her water in one cup then ice in another. Once he had it all he started to head back to their room. "Do you want me to call as soon as he is here? You want pics or want to wait till you can see him yourself?" He waited right outside the door. "Luke's on Max duty and Ame is on her way now."
Adri smiled and wiped a tear from her cheek. She would have loved to be there but it didn't work out that way. She would be there for the next one and with any luck she would be the one in labor. "I love you too Jake."

She laid back on the bed and stared at the pattern in the ceiling. "If he is here the. I want to see him. I'll come by and see him for a little bit and then go home and rest. I want to be there for you and I want to meet him. "

She laughed a little bit, "So she's being herself times ten." She said to her hating Jake. "Call me if you can. Send me pictures of him if you can. Everything babe. I can't wait to meet him and see you again. I'm going to get some sleep, okay? I will see you tomorrow. I love you Jake."

She hung up the phone and took a shower. When she got back she saw a missed phone call and voicemail. She put it to her ear and she was invited to a little gathering for her being signed on. She really wanted to sleep but could she say no to celebratory drinks? She called back and agreed to go out. She unpacked her suitcase and found a cute dress to wear. She fixed her hair up in a high bun and put on a little make up and took a taxi to the club where she was meeting up with her agent and some of his friends and some other people from the business.

The more she mingled the more she got her name out there and got more jobs. She kept her phone in her hand so she could see Owen when Jake sent the pictures.
Jake smiled. "Alright baby. I'll let you know the minute I can. I love you too. I can't wait to see you." He hung up with her and knew the next time he'd be at the hospital for his child being born would be with Adri. Damn he missed her.

Going into Layla's room he gave Layla her ice and water. "Here you go. Sorry was giving Adri an update." He hung out and paced a bit while he waited for his son to arrive.

Once Owen was ready someone came in to give Layla het epidural. "Bet you're glad they could finally give you that. I should have gotten a dry erase board and wrote which hour of labor you were in and every hour walked around the room." Jake smiled a bit at his joke referencing her as a ring girl. Then the doctor came in to check Adri and then told her Owen was ready.

Jake shot Adri a text that it was go time.
Layla sipped on the water and put an arm over her eyes. She turned on her side and groaned when the needle went into her spine. She was more than happy to have that. She felt like she could breathe a sigh of relief.

For the first time, she smiled and broke out into a sort of giggle. "Yeah that would have been a sight to see. You could have worn a crop top and booty shorts too." She joked and shook her head.

Adri replied to Jake's text almost immediately, "Yay! Can't wait to meet him."

She turned on her back side Doctor could check her out. Her legs were put on stirrups and a couple nurses came in to help out the doctor. It felt like an eternity of pushing before he was out. He let out muffled cry that didn't sound as strong as a normal newborns cry. She was ready to see and hold him but the nurses didn't hand him over.

The nurses went to action immeadiely to clean him out. They noticed his fingers and toes weren't as red as the other parts of his body. The doctor finished with Layak and then walked over to check on Owen. He put his stethoscope to his chest and sent the nurses into action. He was well aware they were being watched by two anxious parents so he put in his doctor face and faced them.

"For your son's health we are taking him to a separate room to run some tests. We are a little worried about his lungs so we need to take some x-rays. For now we are putting him on oxygen and we will take you both to him when he is stable."
Jake shook his head at Layla's comment. "What is with everyone wanting to see me in skimpy underwear?" He laughed a bit.

The minute Jake saw him and heard him cry he fell a little deeper in love with his son. He had tears in his eyes of happiness but then they soon almost changed to worry. Normally Jake would flip out about not getting to see their son but he knew it was for his best interest. He could sense something was wrong and he knew the whole time since she mentioned he was small as they sat at his house over sandwiches shortly after he found out he was going to be a father, that something seemed off. Call it a father's intuition or coincidence but he had a gut feeling. He tried to hide the worry on his face.

His arm wrapped around Layla's shoulders to comfort her. "I'm sure he's fine. And we can see him soon." He was glad he was standing and could look behind her as he fought back tears. Part of him wanted to call Adri but didn't want to leave Layla until he knew she was okay. "Do you need anything?" He asked quietly. "You did a really good job. I may be the one who gets in the octagon to fight but you tougher than I am." He gave her a smile to try to make her feel better except he knew she wouldn't be okay until she could hold their son.
Layla looked at the wall comically, "That's something you should kept to yourself." She laughed.

Layla listened to the doctor explain what was going on. She didn't try to hide the worry in her face. She was scared for her baby. "Is he going to be alright?" She asked softly and took a deep breath.

"We are working to make sure that he is going to be alright. We won't know for sure until we get the tests done." He glanced at Jake and back at Layla, "His father is a fighter. Fighting is in his blood. He'll pull through and someone will come get you as soon as possible. Until then try to get some rest. He will be with you soon." He gave her a reassuring smile and walked out of the room.

She was once brink of tears. She wanted him to be healthy. She knew she should have tried to keep him in longer. Maybe if she did something differently he would be okay right now. She shook her head to being okay. She was in physical and emotional pain. She didn't want to talk. She wanted to see her son and hold him. Se wanted to fight for him. He was to young and too little to have to fight. She took a deep breath and wiped her eyes.

"I just want to see him." She said before breaking down and crying.

It took a couple hours to get the tests done and figure out what was going on. A nurse came to inform Jake and Layla that they would see heir son soon but first they needed to wash up and put on some protective clothing. They were given face masks to cover their mouths and Layla was moved to a wheel chair. They were taken to a room and their son was in a small bed with oxygen tubes in his nose.

The doctors came in soon after that, "The tests have concluded that he has Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, or his lungs haven't fully developed yet. We have him on a breathing machine and we will monitor him closely to make sure he does get enough oxygen through his body. This genetic, so it's not something that be cured with an antivirus or antibacterial. It takes some time. It is common for babies to get worst so we will keep him in the hospital for an extra 4 to 6 days. His lungs will develop gradually over the next few days or the next weeks. His needs to stay in this environment though. To keep any foreign contamination away from him you two will be the only only allowed in the room for now. Do you have any questions?"
When she broke down Jake moved and sat on her bed facing her and gave her a hug. "He's going to be okay. Like the doc said, his old man is undefeated and he will be too. We named him Owen cause he's a fighter." His hand rubbed her back in a soothing way. He was just trying to comfort the woman who just gave birth to his son.

After she calmed down a bit he walked out of the room and grabbed his phone. He knew Amy was probably still on the plane or just getting to the airport so he didn't want to bother her. Plus he just needed Adri. He called her and his head was down looking at the floor praying for her to answer. When it went to voicemail he sighed a bit. "Call me as soon as you get this..." He hung up and gathered himself. Jake hadn't cried but was close more than once.

He went back in Layla's room to wait for any word on their son. They both almost jumped up when the nurse came in. They both gladly washed up and put the protective clothing on. Jake about burst into tears when he saw his little tiny son hooked up to oxygen and monitors. "When can we hold him?" Jake asked looking at the doctor knowing Layla wanted to hold him as did he. "And we should expect him to get worse before he gets better?"
After a couple hours of dong the celebratory drink thing with her future coworkers, Adri caught a cab to her hotel room and crashed. She made sure her alarm was set up before she went to bed but once her head hit the pillow she was dead to the world. She set her phone on do not disturb mode so anyone who called got sent to voicemail but if Jake called twice in a row it would set off the ringer. So when Jake called, it went to voicemail and she wouldn't get that until she woke up.

"You won't be able to hold him until he is a few days older. We need to keep his temperature regulated and having one of you hold him could throw his internal temperature off." He said softly. "You can touch him though. Just be wary of the tubes." The doctor moved out of the way so Layla could get a better view of her son.

She rolled forward and rubbed his arm. She put her pinky on his palm and he wrapped his tiny fingers around it. Tears rolled down her face because she felt like she failed him. It didn't help that this was genetic and she could deal with this with future children, unless jake was the carrier.

The doctor nodded his head, "He will get worst. Once he is through his worst he will get better much faster. Once he is past that hump, he should be able to breath on his own and we will keep him for another 24 to 48 hours and you can take him home."
Jake's heart sank when the doctor informed them that it would be a few days before they could hold their baby boy. He gave a nod but watched his son and Layla.

He had the same thoughts as Layla did. What if he carried this genetic condition and made this happen? What if his son was fighting for his life because of him. He'd give anything to take that burden from Owen. A few tears welled up in his eyes as he let Layla get some contact with her son before he would.

"Can we find out who he got the condition from so we can be cautious of it with future children?"

Jake reached out and touched his sons temple very softly. He rubbed it gently. More tears welled in his eyes and he fought to keep it together for Layla and for Owen. Honestly he didn't want to break down in front of anyone, except maybe Adri or Amy. He blinked the tears back and took a second before he spoke him to. "Alright O. You buddy are a Daniels. And we are fighters." He wanted to say more. He wanted to tell him he was sorry to make him have to fight the minute he's out of the womb but they needed him to. But he didn't. He couldn't if he wanted to hold it together. "Mommy and Daddy love you buddy."

They stayed with him for a couple hours and then Jake wanted to give Layla some time alone with him. "I'll be back in just a few okay?" He walked out to get some air. Jake needed some air to breathe a bit and he needed to talk to Adri. He called her again a few times in a row as he paced the hall outside Layla's room. Amy had landed and was on her way to the hospital according to the text he received from her. It was probably a good thing he stepped out of the room so he could meet her in the lobby but he needed to try Adri first.
"You can find that information out. You would need to go to a genetics lab though. They can break down any thing that can be passed on to future offspring. From there if you don't want to risk a child having that defect, they can tell you ways to go around it."

Layla stayed with Owen and let him hold her finger. She wished he could take all of her strength through her finger. She listened Jake's pep talk and agree with him. He was the strongest person in the room right now and she needed him to stay that way. His eyes opened up and looked around the room when Jake left. Layla smiled at him, but he wouldn't see it through the surgical mask. She got a good look at his face and saw Jake's nose and lips but her bone structure and eyes. It was a mix she could live with. He was wearing a hat so she couldn't see what color his hair was. It would be some variant of blonde. Either darker like hers or lighter like Jake's.

They stayed with him for hours but it didn't seem like it. She watched him sleep and look around. She was allowed to hold the bottle and feed him but the nurse had to burp him. She changed him and Jake changed him. It was harder since they could actually hold him but they got to be with him. Some parents couldn't even touch their child.

The nurse made her go to her room to get some rest. She didn't want to leave Owen's side but she wasn't given a choice. She got in bed and felt the wariness of the day. She was tired and ready to get some sleep. She nodded to Jake leaving and decided to take a nap while he was gone.

Adri's phone went off at five and she snoozed it and it went off again ten minutes later. She got dressed and went downstairs to the hotel gym work out. She went back up to her room and showered and started to get ready for her meeting. She noticed her phone go off and saw all of the missed calls from Jake. She did notice the lack of pictures as well. Her stomach did a turn and she called him back. She put him on speaker phone so she could get ready and talk at the same time.

"Hey baby, what's up? How's Owen? I'm excited to meet the little guy." She told him and slid her hair up into a slick high bun. "I should be home around eight tonight. Are you going to be at the hospital?"
The minute he heard Adri's voice the tears started to flow. He didn't know how to start telling her what was going on. His head was down and he tried to get a hold of himself to talk to her. "Adge..." He let out a sigh. "Things aren't good...uh. He's just so small." He wiped his eyes and sniffed a bit. "His lungs aren't strong enough he has...neo respitory distress syndrome or whatever it's called. Basically his lungs aren't developed enough. He's going to have to stay until they are. The doctor said he will get worse before he is better." He sniffed more and just looked at the floor a moment before looking up around a little.

"Baby he's so tiny...we haven't gotten to hold him. Only Layla and I are allowed in to even see him and Amy is on here way from the airport. I have gotten to change him but not hold him in my arms...." He started to cry again.

"I feel so freaking helpless cause I can't help my son."

Jake nodded as if she could see him. "I can't leave. I actually probably would need stuff eventually but I haven't even thought about what I need. Were you sleeping when I tried calling and stuff?"
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