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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"Our wedding day." He corrected her. "There will be no drama and a lot of fighters there who can just nicely pick people up and nicely set them down outside." He smiled with a kiss to her shoulder.

He acted offended that she thought those were his only dance moves. "Baby I got skill..."

Jake held her close as they slept. He got a good night's sleep before waking up rather early. After climbing out of bed he grabbed basketball shorts and gave Adri's head a miss. He patted his leg at Max who jumped off the bed and headed downstairs with Jake. He let him outside before putting his leash on him and took off for a run. He eas anxious to get to the hospital and see his boy. It was time to bring him home.
Adri woke up around eight and then went back to sleep for a little bit. She couldn't stay asleep though so she woke up and got out of bed around nine. She wanted to get her workout taken care of so she put on a pair of running shorts and put her hair up in a top bun. She found a shirt with a built in sports bra and went for a run on the treadmill.

She made herself some eggs for breakfast and ate it before taking a shower. After her shower, she put on a nice casual dress and some comfortable shoes. She took the car seat and put it in the car. She buckled it into the seat and shook it to make sure it was really secure. She checked the diaper bag to make sure they had everything they needed inside of it. Once they got Owen they were brining him home so it didn't need to be full stocked but he needed clothes, a blanket, a binky and she guessed a bottle but they would have to make it at the hospital for he ride home.

She walked back into the house and checked her emails. She called her agent and told him that she and Jake were interested in doing the show but they needed a couple weeks before they could film. He was going to talk to the producer and get back to her later. He also talked about a few jobs she was offered. She supposed now that Owen was coming home, she could look into them. He was going to send her an email with all of the jobs attached and she could pick from there.

When Jake came back, she gave Max some water. "We need to get gas before we go to the hospital." She told him and gave him a quick kiss. She gave Max some food and rubbed his back.
Jake kissed her back but kept his distance cause he was all sweaty. "Okay baby. Anything else we need?" He grabbed some water for himself and leaned against the scounter.

Amy came in and said good morning and grabbed some cereal. "I'm going to probably stay here today and see Owen when you get home. I'm going to go get groceries for myself." Jake gave her a nod, "I don't mind you eating our food."

Jake gave Adri's cheek a kiss. "Max hasn't been fed yet. I'm going to go shower but I'll be back and make myself an egg and bacon bagel and then we can hit the road when you are ready." He ran up and got in the shower. After he got dressed in jeans and a button up shirt. It wasn't an Affliction shirt. He put on some casual boots and headed down to the kitchen to start his breakfast. Nerves came over him as he poored himself some chocolate milk.

Jake sat at the bar as he ate. "I hope he had a good night."
She shook her head, "Just gas."

"I'm sure he was fine. We didn't get any calls so he didn't have any problems. He is coming home tonight." She said flipping through the email her agent sent her. She frowned, "I have to make a call and I'll be right back." She went to her office and pulled the email up on her desktop. She called her agent to confirm it. She immeadiely started making plans to travel to LA. She was really excited and then she remembered she had a newborn coming home today and she told Jake she would time off.

She told her agent that she definitely wanted it and he told her the dates she needed to be available. She wrote them down on a sticky note and went back downstairs. "Are you ready to head out?" She asked Jake and rubbed her lips together. "I have somethings to run by you when we get to the hospital."
Jake watched Adri go to the office. He knew what type of call it had to be and he frowned a bit.

While she was gone he ran up to brush his teeth and make sure he had everything he needed for Owen. He came downstairs and grabbed some water for his stay at the hospital.

"Yep I'm ready." He walked to the car and got in to drive. "Why don't you bring it by me now cause I'll be thinking about it till you say something. You got a job offer didn't you?"
Adri grabbed her purse and walked with him to the garage. She got in the car and smiled when he told to tell him now. She was excited for it and it felt like she was goi to burst so she might as well.

"Well...I got a job and it's something that I just cannot refuse. I told you I'd take time off and I did. And I'll be here for a few more days while Owene To settled but I need to act on this before the opportunity passes by." It felt like she was asking permission and she hated it. She'd be back as soon as she could. Jake had Amy while she was away.

She looked at him, "I was offered Calvin Klein. It's a perfume ad maybe a commercial but it's my first step into the big leagues. And rumor has it that I am on the list for Sport Illistrated Swimsuit Edition."
Jake thought maybe that Adriana would want to stay a bit to at least see him. He knew she wasn't thrilled about Owen but maybe she would miss him. Maybe she didn't miss him at all.

He took her hand and kissed. "That's great babe. When do you have to go?" His voice showed excitement for her but he wasn't ready to say good bye to her for weeks. He felt like she was never home. The place they chose to get together. To raise a family. Maybe she wasn't ready to settle down. All these thoughts ran through his head.

"Maybe you should look for a place out there..." He spoke without really thinking...but it was already out.
"I'd leave on Friday and get back on Wednesday. So I'd be gone for five days and then when I get back I'd be home for a while. Or until the launch party. I wonder where it will be. If I'm the face then I'll be center stage." She looked out the window with a smile. Now she was even more excited about it.

She smiled at Jake and squeezed his hand, "Would you be willing to coming with me?" She knew he wanted time with Owen and the launch party wouldn't be for months so he would get that time with Owen.

"I was thinking about getting a little apartment to cut hotel costs but I don't know if it's the best idea. I'll be in LA and New York so does that mean I should get an apartment out there?" She sighed and shrugged her shoulder. "How much money really gets saved if I buy an apartment. I'd only use it every so often. It just...I don't know Jake. Do you really think I should?"
"What about after the launch party?" His thumb caressed her hand. "Yeah I'll go with you." He gave her hand a squeeze and a smile. Jake would be proud to go and support his girlfriend. He was just worried that life how it was, wouldn't work.

Jake let out a little sigh. "I'm starting to think we should sell the house." He said quietly. Jake loved their house, it was perfect for them. But just not the perfect location. "You've been in LA a lot or New York. So maybe we should get a house at one of those places so we don't have to spend so much time apart. Unless you like the time apart..." He hated being apart. He had Owen now and he had no problem doing things alone, but he wanted to share them with Adri. When he started rolling over he wanted Adri to be there to see it not watch it through a computer or pictures. He wondered if she even wanted to be there to see that or if she kind of didn't care. He had ideas on how to figure it out. He felt like he was losing her and he didn't know if she saw it that way or not.

"I'll have to look for a new gym but..." He shrugged. "I'll do whatever I have to." They arrived at the hospital and Jake parked and got out to head in.
"I don't know. This is an amazing deal to be the face of CK. It may not be their underwear but it's still a brand name fragrance. I may not have to take another job. I mean I'll take SI if they offer it but I think I'll be happy for a little while."

She frowned when he mentioned selling the house, "But you love the house. You love the gym you're at. I don't like us being apart but we don't have a choice. You work here. If you fight you are fighting here. You rarely travel. With Owen and Layla being here, moving out of the state is going to be a hassle. Especially if she does come back and does want partial custody." She shrugged her shoulder, "That's just the way it works now." She would have loved to move before they kids. She would have loved to travel the world and zip line through forests and bungee jump off of tall bridges but they had Owen to think of, and with Owen came Layla.

She grabbed her bag and walked into the hospital. When they got to the ward Owen was in they were directed to a new room. He was still being watched over closely but now he was in a more open area. He didn't have the oxygen tubes anymore and they didn't have to scrub down to hold him. Adri still washed her hands before walking over to him though.

"So he's going home today?" She asked his nurse.

"Yes he is. He is breathing on his own, his lungs are fully developed and he ate a full bottle without tiring himself out. He is ready to go home."
Jake looked at her. He did love that house, "But it's just a house Adge. I love you more than some house or a gym. A lot fighters don't live in Vegas...We could always figure it out..." He would let her think it over. He put it out there and it now was up to her to decide what to do.

Jake washed his hands before walking over to Owen. "Is he going to need medicine when he goes home? How soon can we take him home?" He picked him up and made faces at Owen who was looking around. "Hi big boy. I missed you. You get to come home today. Get to see your big brother and another grandpa." He kissed his head.

It was nice not to have to worry about his oxygen or any of his tubes. Jake kept talking to him and making faces to him as he bounced around the room with him. He loved his son but he did complicate things with Adri a bit. Jake was meaning to call Layla to figure out if she was giving up rights to him or what her plan was. He needed to know because if Layla wouldn't be an issue they could move.
"No medicine. The doctor is going to give you a list of instructions to follow and signs to look for so you know if you need to bring him back to the emergency room." She smiled and left the parents alone.

Adri smiled at Owen. It was the first time we could see his full face. She kissed the top of his head and took a seat in the corner. They just needed to wait for the doctor to come and explain things and then they could go home. It was a quick trip to the hospital today. Adri was happy about that. She wasn't a fan of hospitals.

The doctor came in and asked Jake to put Owen on the bed. The doctor checked his heart and breath in take. He made sure Owen was in perfect health and then swaddled him back up. "He is free to go. The discharge papers are out front. This sheet tells you all of the warning signs if he needs to come back. He should be in the clear but a small fraction of babies have problems when they go home. Any questions?" He asked and looked from Adri to Jake.

Adri shook her head and reached down for the diaper bag but it wasn't there. "Did you grab the bag from the car?" She asked Jake.
Jake listened to the doctor when he had him lay him down. He was glad his baby boy was cleared to go. Jake shook his head then he went after the doctor's hand. "Thank you so much."

"Shoot no...we were talking and I was in a hurry to come see him." He kissed Owen's head. "I have to go sign the paperwork anyway so I'll run down and get it babe. Sorry. I'll be right back." Jake ran down to the car to get the bag and grabbed the carrier to put him in and carry him out to the car. He stopped on the way back and signed the paperwork.

Jake entered his room again with his bag and carrier. "Alright sorry babe. You want to change him into his outfit you picked out?"
Adri was going to offer to go get it but it made more sense for Jake to grab it. She stayed with Owen and watched him look around the world. She changed his diaper really quick and draped the blanket over him to keep him warm.

She held her hand out for the bag and grabbed the clothes. She put the onesie on first and slipped on his pants. Socks and gloves went next and then his little hat to top it all off. She picked him up and set him in his car seat. She buckled him up and he was ready to go home.

"Do you want me to drive home so you can sit in the back with him?" She asked and covered the car seat with a blanket so Owen wasn't blinded by the light when they went outside. "I can pull it around to the front so you don't have to carry him as far." She took his keys and went to get the car. She brought it around to the front and unlocked the doors.

"And we still need gas so one stop before we head home she told him and waited for him to get buckled up. She drove to the gas station and started to pump the gas and that was when Owen started to cry.
Jake carried Owen down to the car. Once Adri pulled up he put his carrier in and the car and made sure it was secure and that his straps were secure. "Alright buddy we are ready to go home." He climbed in the back with him and snapped a picture and sent it to her parents and Amy. He then took another one that didn't have his face in it to post on Instagram and wrote on it, "Little guy gets to come home!"

Once Owen started to cry, Jake grabbed his pacifier. "There you go buddy..." He talked to him to get him to settle down. If it was safe, Jake would have taken him out of his carrier. "She will be moving again it's okay." His hand moved so Owen could hold his finger and he calmed down a bit. Jake felt bad for forgetting they needed gas. He could have stopped and had it taken care of but he was in a rush to see the little guy.

Once Adri got back in he apologized, "Sorry babe. It slipped my mind. You did tell me. O didn't like that we stopped though. He's excited to get home." His thumb caressed his little hand. Jake looked at Owen as they drove home. He wasn't ready to have Adri go but he wasn't going to hold her back from her dreams. Part of him felt like he didn't know where she stood with them and their relationship but he knew where he stood.

When they arrived home Jake got out and grabbed his carrier and carried him in and set him on the kitchen island. "We're home big guy. You ready to get out?" He unbuckled him and lifted him out being careful of his head. He held him close to his chest. "Should I give him the tour?" He looked at Adri. "When's your parents coming?"
She pumped the gas and heard Pwen crying but Jake seemed to get him settled down before she got back in the car. She nodded her head when he apologized for not putting gas in the car and she drove them home.

Max was excited to see them as usual but Adri made sure he was extra careful today. "Now you should introduce him to Max." She said softly and got on the floor next to Max. She held his collar just in case and waited for Jake to let Max sniff him. He was pretty good with him. The only thing he did that Owen didn't enjoy was when Max licked him and knocked his pacifier out of his mouth. That made Owen cry and made Max even more curious about the baby. Adri gave him a kiss and rubbed his head, "You're my good boy." She told Max and got up.

"Now you can walk him around." She shrugged her shoulders to when her parents were arriving. "I'm not sure. I'm sure they'll send a text before come."

She took the car seat off of the counter and put it by the front door. "I changed him before we left but he might want a bottle soon."
Jake held Owen down to Max's level. He kept an eye on Max and watched Owen's reaction to him. "They will get used to each other. "You were a good boy Max. Giving your brother kisses already." He scratched his head before he took Owen on a little tour. Max was right beside him the whole way still trying to figure Owen out. He showed Owen his cool new room before the rest of the house. Once he saw everything he headed back down to the kitchen.

"There's no rush. I'm not going anywhere. I was just curious. Baby you okay?" He gave her a look of concern.

He started to make a bottle for him. "You hungry?" He started to fuss a bit and Jake swayed a bit with him as he made the bottle. Jake went into the living room and sat down to feed Owen his bottle. Max was right there checking the little guy out. He climbed on the couch and laid his head on Jake's leg. "Baby your boy is a little jealous I think." He smiled a bit. "It's okay Max. We still love you. I'm sure you mom's favorite." He would pet him the minute his hand was free from the bottle.
"I'm fine Jake." She looked at Max and leaned against the counter while Jake made the bottle. He was doing a pretty good job of handling Owen, Max and making a bottle on his own. It was kind of cute.

Adri walked over behind the couch and rubbed Max's stomach. "You wanna go for a walk buddy?" She asked and that seemed to hold Max's attention for a bit. He hopped off of the couch and she gave Jake's temple a kiss. "I'm going to tire him out and I'll come back." She hook Max us to his leash and grabbed a plastic bag. She left the house and took Max for a big walk around the neighborhood. When they got to the dog park she let him run loose and play with the other dogs for a bit. They walked home and after getting a big drink of water, he was done. He went to his bed and crashed on the floor.

"I have to get him fixed soon. I think he is around that age." She looked at Max, "I'll take him to the vet and get his physical done as well. I'll do it when I get back from LA, I guess." She scratched the top of her head and looked at Owen.

"Do you really want to move?" She asked and put her head against the back of the couch.
"Okay baby." He smiled at Adri and watched Max run off to the door. He loved his walks. Jake finished feeding Owen and he burped him. Owen stayed on his stomach and his head on Jake's shoulder. He had a burp rag between his shoulder and Owen. He rubbed his back and let him sleep. Jake slouched down a bit so he was more comfortable.

Jake smiled when Adri came back to sit with him. "You don't want to breed him?" He looked at Max, he felt bad for him to go to the vet and come back with his man parts cut off. Poor guy.

When Adri asked him her question he looked back at her with his eyes locked on hers. He waited a moment to answer. "Adriana...I love you. I love you more than I think you know. I just want to be with you. I love falling asleep with you next to me and wake up the same way. You're the first thing I think about every morning. And the last before I fall asleep. I want to not just think about you but have you in my arms." He looked down at Owen and Max. "A house is a house. An apartment is an apartment. I don't care where it is as long as it's with you." His eyes went back to her. "I'll have to find a gym and a new trainer. I love Luke. He's done a lot for me. But if I have to move on to be with you, then I'll do it. There are gyms every where. Your job is in LA and NY. If you need to be there for a long period of time, then I want to be with you. I miss you." He didn't know how this conversation would go but he needed to be honest with her. "I don't know where you stand exactly. I know sometimes I get too clingy to you. And I'm sorry. I just love you and I love spending time with you. If you need that time apart from me, I get it."

Jake pressed a small kiss to Owen's head. "I know this all with Owen has not been easy on you or us. I'm sorry for that. I'm sure it will continue to be hard. But like I said from day one about it, I want to do this with you. I want you to be apart of it all. I find it hard for you to do that if you're always gone working. It would be easier in LA, you could work during the day and come home to us. Yes electronics makes it easier, but do you want to see things with him and us through a computer or face to face? Maybe you don't want to be here...and that's okay." He gave a little shrug. Jake wasn't trying to pressure her into anything or make her feel like she had to be apart of everything with Owen. Just that he was trying to include her.

"Then again we did buy this place with the intention of it being our forever home but...plans can change." His hand reached out for Adriana's.
"No I don't want to breed him and I want to be able to take him to dog parks without worrying about him getting some other dog pregnant. Or worst, if he sneaks out and gets another dog pregnant I do not want to have to deal, or pay, for that." She sighed and shook her head, "It's time for the big snip."

Adri looked at her hand, "The thing is I am always going to travel. My family is out here. Amy just moved down here. I don't want to lose all of that. At most I am gone five days a month. That's no reason to move. And what happens I have to go to New York are we going to move there too?" She didn't think a few days apart was that bad. Then again she grew up in a household where her father was gone for months. "It's not about time away from you. It's about looking at this million dollar house that we bought to grow in and wondering if we really want to leave because I am gone for a few days."

She sighed when he made it about it Owen, "It's not about not wanting to be here. It's not about Owen. It's not about you. I don't think it's worth it." She didn't want to move. It was a hassle and with Owen it would be even worst. If Laya told Jake she wanted visitation, or that he didn't have full custody, then their plans were squashed. She didn't want to deal with it right now.

She agreed that plans changed and tried not to look at Owen. "Maybe we shouldn't have bought the house. We should have rented somewhere." It would have been so much easier. It would have been even easier if they had some time as a real couple as well. She shook her head and bit her bottom lip.

"Let's wait and see what happens after CK. It's a great contract. I won't really need to work once I sign it. After the photoshoot, if I don't get Sports Illustrated then I will have some down time. But if things pick up we can talk about moving again. Okay?"
Self consciously his hand moved over his junk when she mentioned him getting the snip. "Poor guy. You don't want to pay puppy child support?" He joked. "Too soon?"

Jake listened. Maybe she was right about it not being bad but seemed more than only five days a month. He nodded. "Alright. I was just offering to make it easier. I'm sorry." His hand grabbed hers and his fingers played with hers.

"I'm sorry my head is everywhere. I am really proud of you baby. Very proud."
"I'm trying to be a responsible dog owner. And our next dog will be rescued from the pound." She was glad he had a sense of humor about it.

"I know you're trying to help but I have it all figured out in my head. Changing things just makes me stressed and confused." She looked at their hands and shrugged her shoulder.

"I know you are." She said softly. "When do you go back to work? Any news of a fight? There has to be something soon, right? You still want the championship, that hasn't changed in the past few days has it?"
"I want to pick the next dog. I want a pit rescue. But Max is a good work out buddy." His head rested on the back of the couch.

He gave her a nod. He had to trust her. "Alright baby. I trust you." He held his arm up so she could come closer.

"I should be getting a call anytime. I'm guessing they are waiting because of Owen. Any day I should have it. And no it hasn't changed. If anything...I want it that much more. I honestly feel great and at my best athletically. Mrntally I'm getting there. I think now that Owen is okay and everything with dad seems to be checking out." He kissed her head. "I want to make you both proud."
"You can pick the next dog, if you want. I just think it should be a rescue." She said softly and looked at Owen on his chest. "I know you do. I am going to make a salad. Do you want something to eat?" She asked and moved closer to kiss his cheek and then she got off of the couch and went to the kitchen.

She saw the left overs in the fridge and changed her mind. She made herself a plate and she got Jake what he wanted. She ate her spaghetti and nodded her head as he spoke. Once he was back training for a fight, he would have his hands full and he would have less time to worry about her being gone. Or the time would go faster because he would always have something to do.

"Do you think it will be local or will you have to travel for this one? That would be fun to get out of the country and see the world. Will you be okay with travelling?"
Jake was a little hungry. "Yeah maybe a sald too babe. Thank you." Jake got up to go let Owen down. They had a pack n play with a little bed and changing table area in one that he laid him in and put his blanket over him. Max got up to follow Jake and sniff at the pack n play. "He's just sleeping buddy." He gave Max's head a scratch.

He moved to the kitchen to eat and check his work phone . He sat down to eat after grabbing a drink. "It just depends baby. I would be okay with traveling. If Owen is doing well we could always take him along with Aim or just you and I can go. On his phone he saw a missed call from Dana White. "Speaking of...I bet that's why Dana called..."

He got up to go to the office to talk to him. Dana White congratulated him on Owen. Jake gave him a small rundown and explained he was keeping him as private as he could. Dana understood then offered him a fight at the next UFC. It was against the fourth ranked fighter so a win would bring him closer to the title fight. It was a nice payout just for the main event fight then if he won he received even more. He also explained a few endorsement changes. Jake signed up on the spot.

He hung up and went back out to Adri acting all pissed off.
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