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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"I thought your mom was our back up? You know she'd take him anytime...and may or may not bring him back." He chuckled as he teased a bit. "We will find a backup babe."

He shook his head quickly. "No no baby. Not what I'm saying at all. Dogs are just unpredictable sometimes." Jake stopped and thought about it. "As are babies." He looked at Owen and gave her a nod. "Alright baby. I love you. I'll be back." He left to grab the subs.

Max sat up and looked at Owen when he cried from losing his pacifier. Max let out a whine, in his own way to let Adri know Owen was upset. He looked from Adri to Owen. Once he stopped crying Max laid back down and put his head on Owen's stomach. It was pretty clear he was being a protective big brother. His eyes watched everything going on in the room, both Owen's and Max's.

Jake was gone almost twice as long as Adri suspected before coming back. He carried the platters of subs in and put them in the fridge as well as the platter of toppings for it. He then went back out to the car for a few bags of chips and cookies. "How'd they do babe?"
When Adri heard Jake's car int he driveway, she set Owen in a vibrating seat on the floor. She pushed a button so it would continue to ply white noise. Max moved off of the couch and laid on the floor next to him. She patted his back and went to help Jake get the food from the car.

"They were fine. I think Max is going to be a great big brother. We won't be able to tear him away from Owen." She smiled happily. "You have a to do list while I am gone though. We need a covering over the pool, a sensor that lets us know when someone or something is in the pool, It would be nice to have a cleaning company come and clean the place. That or we can hire a maid. And there was something else but I can't remember what it is."

She leaned against the counter and sighed. "Will you make a bottle? It's almost time again."
"Of course he's going to be a great big brother. I can see them both getting into trouble together." He smiled and peaked in at the boys. "Baby I already have the pool stuff written down to do." He kissed her cheek.

Jake made a bottle and put it in the warmer. He then got two plastic containers that had the sections divided up and he measured out the formula so all they had to do was dump it in the bottle with the water and shake it up then warm it. "Baby did you grab the bag on the passenger seat?" He looked around like he was looking for something. "Can you?"

When Adri got to his front seat a bouquet of white roses sat on his front seat.
"I am sure you do but he is home now and we have him all the time. He will be crawling in no time and then walking. The sooner that is off of our plate the better. And you clean up after yourself pretty well, but it would be nice to come home to a nice clean house from top to bottom. It's just a thought. If you are too busy to do it, I can find a company when I come home. Okay?" She smiled when he kissed her cheek.

"No I didn't." She said about grabbing the bag. She walked outside to grab the bag and smiled when she saw the roses and pulled them ut of the car. She took them in the house with a dopey smile on her face. "You loser." She teased and pushed his shoulder. She set them on the counter and kissed him happily. "Thank you Boo. They are beautiful." She kissed him again.

She looked for a vase but couldn't find one because she didn't really get flowers. She found a nice glass and put some water in it with the packet of flower food and put the flowers in them. "I love you."
"Alright baby. I'll get it taken care of. I promise."

Jake laughed. "What?!" He looked confused but had a smile on his face. "You got flowers but you call me a loser? Why am I a loser? And according to my record...I'm no loser baby." He grinned and winked at her before kissing her back. "You are welcome baby. Not as beautiful as the girl they are for." He knew it was cheesy but it was true.

"You need a vase? That mean I need to get you flowers more often?" He looked at them in the glass she found. "I love you too babe." He grabbed the bottle and went to go get Owen. He crawled on the floor and kissed Max's head. "Can I borrow your buddy?" He scratched behind his ears. "He's probably getting hungry." Max looked from Owen to Jake then sat up a bit. He looked at Adri. "Has he been like this since I left?" Jake turned back to Owen and smiled at him. "Hey big boy. You hungry?" He picked him up and gave him some kisses before getting up with him to sit on the couch to feed him.
"You're a loser because I said so and that's probably the only time someone is going to call you a loser."

She nodded her head, "You should have seen the look her gave me when I accidentally knocked his pacifier out of his mouth." She rolled her eyes. "He looked at me like I hurt him." She checked the time again and decided to feed Max little early. Since he didn't need to be by Owen's side right now, it was a good time to feed him. When he heard his food clanking in his bowl, he looked a little torn before going to his food and eating.

Adri grabbed the diaper bag from upstairs and brought it over to Jake. it had a burping cloth and changing supplies, just in case it was needed. "You might want to wait until after you burp him but I think he needs a change too."
"You are the only person on this planet I will not punch for calling me that. I may have to toss you in the pool though."

Jake laughed a bit. "Who looked at you like you hurt him? Max or Owen?" He laughed again as Max didn't know where to go when he heard his food. "It's okay. I will protect him while you are gone. If you eat now then you can hang out when you both are done..." He shook his head when he took off to eat.

"Thank you baby. We can just load up the pack and play with supplies babe." He gave Adri a look. "Seriously? Did you leave it for me?" He teased with a smile. Amy came in from her apartment and smiled at them. She wouldn't just show up but Jake told her a time to come over when he figured everyone would start to come over. She came over a little early to see Owen before everyone else came over. "How has he been today?"

"He's been good. You can take him once I'm done feeding him. He needs changed though." He grinned at his sister who was shaking her head, "You are awful."
"I better not get tossed in the pool." She warned.

"Max did. He looked at me like I was hurting Owen when Owen started to whine for having his pacifier knocked out of his mouth. It was an accident. I dropped the remote, bent over to pick it up and I brushed it out of his mouth. So you better be careful around Owen when Max is around or he will give you dirty looks." She teased.

"No. It shouldn't be that bad. He's wet. He didn't poop. After he eats he might though. Enjoy." She kissed his neck and put her flowers on the coffee table where they would be seen by everyone.

Adri rolled her eyes when Jake passed the dirty diaper duties to Amy.

Adri's parents came about an hour after Amy and once Maria dropped the cobbler off in the kitchen, she scooped up Owen. Her father came in with a gift bag full of clothes and toys for Owen as a baby shower gift. Adri stayed in the kitchen and cut herself a small piece of cobbler with a scoop of ice cream. She went into the living room and took a seat next to Jake.
Jake looked at her. "What are you going to do if I did toss you in? Nothing." He flexed his arms teasingly.

He laughed at Max's reaction to Owen. "I can handle the looks. Are you sure it was an accident?" Jake fed, burped, wnd changed him before handing him to Amy.

Jake thanked her parents for the gifts and told them they were unnecessary but appreciated. When Adri came in with cobler he looked at her. "That's supposed to be for after we eat. Which everyone can do whenever. And I'm disappointed you didn't offer me some." He smiled and opened for a bite.

A half hour later Luke and his father stopped in. Jake got up to get the subs and toppings out for everyone to eat as they wanted to and offered everyone drinks. His dad and Luke dug into the food. Luke hesitated to hold Owen, afraid he'd break him.

"Since everyone is here, I wanted to tell you all. In a month I'll have my next fight. In London. Against Vitor Belfort." He looked at his father, "I can get you there if you want to go..."
"It was an accident. Even I know not to wake a sleeping baby." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"But I wanted it now." She smiled at Jake and when he opened his mouth for a bite, she picked some up and the spoon almost made it to his mouth before it turned course and went into her mouth. "MMM. It's so good mom. Thank you." She smiled at Jake. "There is more in the kitchen. Enjoy."

Maria gasped, "You can't take my grandbaby to London."

Adri sighed, "He is staying here with Amy, unless she would like to go then I am sure you will have no objections to him staying with you."

She agreed to that and looked at Amy, the look more telling her to go than asking if she was staying or leaving.
Jake looked at Adri shocked then tickled her hips. "You 3ait until everyone leaves. You're going swimming." He gave her a look and shook his head. "Pay backs suck. Remember that babe."

He laughed at her mother's protests about taking Owen to London. "Maria I don't ever want you to feel like you have to take him." He knew that wasn't the case but needed to voice it.

Amy debated. "I've never been out of the country. It could be fun." She nodded about going. "It could be a fun family thing." Their dad agreed to go too. The pressure was on even more now to win. He couldn't have his family come to their first fight in London and lose or get knocked out cold.

"Well Adri and I are planning on staying a few extra days." He kind of put it out there so they knew he wanted alone time with her. "I just want to see you fight son." Jake smiled proudly. He never had family watch him before.

"I can't wait for you to make Belfort tap out." Luke chimed on. "If you knock him out that would be even better." Jake wrapped his arm around Adri. He seemed to finally have a real family.
Adri rolled her eyes to get him riled up even more, "Whatever you say Jake." She mocked and tapped his knee.

"Amy I can tell you, if you don't come with us you are going to wish you had because my mother will be over here everyday from sunrise to sunset taking care of Owen." Maria shot her a look but didn't complain because she knew it was true. "The real question is mom, do you want to stay here or do you want to take him home?"

Maria looked at Richard, "It would be nice to have him at home. But you have everything we need here."

Adri shook her head, "We can get you a pack and play like the one we have. You're getting more grandkids in the future between me and my brothers. You guys will need it. I imagine you guys will be watching him in the future so it may come in handy." She shrugged her shoulder. "It's up to you."

Now Adri and Jake had a baby sitter when Amy had plans or wanted a day off. Perfect planning right there. Now all they had to do was get to London, watch Jake fight and be the tourists that all the locals hated.

"We have to go to a tea party." Adri said excitedly. "We'll be on London. We have to get all dressed up and have some English tea." She smiled at Jake and Amy. She was sure Luke would hate the idea but she would drag him if it meant getting Jake to go with her.
He just smiled and shook his head. "Everyone is going to go home at some point. Remember that."

"Maria we can definitely get you a pack and play. We can make sure we give you whatever supplies you'd need to and you know the code to the house if you need more supplies. So what do you say mom?" He smiled a goofy grin. Jake's dad playfully hit his arm and he just laughed a bit.

"More grandkids huh?" Jake looked at Adri with a smile. "We missing a step love?" He spoke playfully.

It was nice they had a backup plan if Amy needed time off and her parents wouldn't get burnt out with it being everyday. John looked at Amy and Jake, "I've thought about getting a place in the area or close to Vegas myself... I can always help when you feel comfortable with it. I'm sure it will take more time..." He gave a small smile. "But I've been gone too long." John spoke quietly and Jake smiled, "Well we would be happy to have to stick around. Any fight you want to go to we can hook you up." John liked that idea, he had followed Jake's career but now he could see it front and center.

Luke kept stealing glances at Amy. Amy was an attractive woman and Luke couldn't help but notice. Jake was oblivious with Owen being there and his father. Amy and Luke made small talk and he flirted a bit. After awhile though Jake made Luke hold Owen and he was a horrified but did well. Jake told Maria they planned to get photos of Owen by himself and some family photos. He honestly was excited for them.

Jake also filled Maria and Richard in on their London plans. "We are not doing a tea party." He shook his head. "No." Amy said she'd go. "There you go. You two go and fun." His eyes looked at Adri. "We are staying longer than everyone else too...You and me." His eyes looked into hers. "I need alone time with my girl." He gave her a quick kiss.

The guys soon went out to smoke more of Jake's cigars. Luke got after him cause he had a fight but he didn't care. He wanted to smoke with his favorite guys. They talked about the fight coming up and other sports and manly things. Until Jake filled the guys in on his plans for London, after the fight.

Amy looked at Adri, "What's Luke's story." She smiled and took a drink of wine not saying much more.
"I said between my brothers and I in the future. We aren't having any kids for a while Jake. Don't get your hopes up." She would like to land a major campaign before they started making a family. Possibly before marriage but she would be flexible on that.

"We can do a tea party Amy. We can get nice dresses and white gloves and fancy hats." Adri said happily.

Adri filled Amy in on Luke. She didn't know much but she did know he was a nice guy. Amy seemed interested and since she lived out here they could totally go on a date and try to make it work. She wasn't sure how Jake would react to his trainer dating his sister though. But he could look at it like he was gaining a brother.

Once they were done smoking it was time for Jake's first night with Owen. N typical newborn fashion, he did not make it easy. He got up every hour and a half and there was one point where he wouldn't stop crying.

It was a tough week the whole family. By Friday Adri was a little happy to get out of the house. She would miss Jake and Owen but she needed some sleep. She felt like a zombie. She was ready to take a nap and not get woken up ten minutes into it.

Amy dropped her off at the airport and went back home to take over care of Owen while Jake went to work out. The first thing Adri did when she got to her hotel was sleep and it felt amazing.
Jake knew the first week wasn't easy on Adri and for that he was sorry but it had to get easier. At least he kept telling himself that. The first few days wasn't too bad but then after that Jake got on a schedule and started to get a routine down. He too could use a nap though.

Training got pretty intense as he was training with Luke and Rich. They worked on his take down and also kicks. He actually was getting a pretty wicked high kick. Rich was a good asset to help him as he had actually fought Belfort.

It would be all training and business while he was at the gym but when he got home he took care of Owen. He fixed his schedule a bit but mostly just enjoyed some down time relaxing with his boys, Owen and Max. Max was getting even more protective. The three would watch fight tape and Luke and Amy would come over to watch sometimes too.

He knew Adri needed this time in LA but he missed her and it sucked she had to be gone after just a week of having Owen home. He would call her every day and send pictures of the boys and even a few of himself. He loved her so much and missed her the minute she left. There was no doubt he wanted her forever. He was also so proud of her and the model she was turning into. One morning he sent a photo of Owen making a pouty face and Jake making the same pouty face with a text, "Your boys miss you. Max so much he wouldn't even get in the picture."
LA was as fun as it usually was. She was kept busy with work and shopping and running at the beach. She talked to Jake everyday and most of the conversation was about something cute Owen did. The conversations weren't a slong as they usually were because of Owen and because he was on his training schedule.

One day she did look at apartments in LA and found a cute studio apartment on the beach. It wasn't very big but it would hold what she needed. It was reasonably priced as well. She wanted it but to sign for it, she needed to stay an extra day. Which would work out because she could decorate it during the extra day and not have to worry about it when she was in Vegas. All she would need to do was send some of her Vegas clothes to her LA apartment and she would be set.

She did her photoshoot for the Calvin Klein perfume ad and the commercial. It was all packed into one very long day. They were also shooting for the male version of the perfume. She was all alone for her ad but she had to grasp on to him for his cologne ad. Then they had to shoot the commercial together which was good fun. They wouldn't get to see the final cut of the commercial until the launch party but what she saw of the picture ads looked pretty sexy.

When she got home she called Jake and told him how her day went. Then she told him that she would have to stay out here for one more day to get her apartment but she was catching a red eye flight that night and would be back the following morning.
Jake was a little jealous to hear about Adri's closeness with the other model but he knew it was work so he didn't let it get too him too much. He told her he couldn't wait to see the pictures and commercial. Her boyfriend was beyond proud.

Jake had Amy watch Owen as he went to pick Adri up at the airport. When he saw her he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big passionate kiss. He grabbed her bags and walked out with her asking her all the details of her trip.

The rest of the month flew by it seemed with Jake training and taking care of Owen. Owen was on a schedule for naps, feedings, and bedtime and it kept him and everyone else pretty happy. Jake kept training with Luke and Rich, getting better and better each day. He was excited for Rich to be in his corner with him and his father and sister to be in the audience.

It was the morning of their flight and it was only a few days before the fight and Jake was nervous and anxious. He woke up early and watched Adri sleep a moment, curled up next to him. She was so beautiful. A smile formed on his face and he got up creeping in to check on Owen. He was fast asleep and should be for a bit yet so he jumped in the shower. Most of the car was already loaded up with the bags and things they needed as well as what Owen would need at Robert and Maria's. They had a lot of bags for the airport between Adri's bags and Jake's. Jake had extra ones for the fight as well. He stood in the shower a few minutes and let out a sigh. He was nervous for a lot of things with this fight. Almost to the point it made him sick. It was going to be a long flight to London.
It was going to be a long flight to London on a stuffy plane. It didn't matter that they had first class seats they would still be stuck in a plane. It was the longest flight Adri, Amy and Jake's father would take. She wasn't looking forward to the plane ride but she was looking forward to being in London. The first few days would be Jake training and while he did that she wanted to get some sight seeing in that Jake wouldn't want to do. She could take Amy while she had her.

Her alarm went off and she heard Jake in the shower. They had an afternoon flight so Owen would be picked up by her parents soon. They had to get to the airport early to go through all the steps and since they had a lot of bags so they would have to rush through baggage check.

She checked through Owen's bags to make sure they packed everything he would need. She put an envelope in there that had a little extra cash for watching him and just in case he needed something.

She called her bank to let them know she was traveling. It would suck to get out there and have the bank freeze her account. When she was all set up she called Jake's bank and let them know as well. When John came she told him to call his bank and she did the same with Amy.

She wasn't dressed yet so she went upstairs to get changed and put a little make up wanted somethi comfortable but cute so she went with a nice long cotton dresses. She put her hair up in a ballet bun. She put on a little eyeliner and lipgloss and she was ready to go. She had all of her entertainment needs in her purse and she could get snacks on the way to the airport.

"You ready?" She asked Jake and rubbed her lips together. "Did you get your dads stuff in the car? My parents are on their way to pick up Owen."
After Jake got out of the shower he put on jeans and one of his Affliction shirts. Since he couldn't wear it to weigh ins or the fight itself he figure the more he wore it around the airport and London the more he would get their name out there. He owed it to them since they had been very good to him. He spiked his hair up a bit before heading to check on Owen. He had his ipod charging and his laptop. He could use it to watch fight tapes on the flight.

He got Owen dressed up in a cute little onsie with pants over it and a hat for his head. He still didn't have much hair so Jake wanted to make sure he stayed warm. He carried him downstairs and handed him to his dad while he loaded up his car with his dad's bags. His father fed him and burped him.

Jake wrapped his arm around Adri and I kissed her temple. "Yeah I'm ready. I just have to grab my ipod and laptop they are charging." He then held Owen until her parents came to pick him up. He was really reluctant to giving him over but tried not to let it show. He felt bad to be leaving him for so long with him still so little. He handed him over and gave him a couple kisses. "Be good buddy." Jake put money in his diaper bag not knowing Adri put money in there too. He handed Maria a few photos of Owen. There was also one of him looking cool at his parents. There also was one with Jake flexing with Owen tucked on his muscle and one with Owen and Adri, her lipstick on his foot. And one of the three of them. There were more that they had to pick out to give out. Philip had taken a lot of pictures that day of the three of them and even one of Owen an Max.
It was a quick meeting with her parents because Adri really wanted to get to the airport early and her mother could talk the ear off of anyone. She didn't want rush Jake's time with Owen. This had to be hard for him since it was his first time leaving. When he was ready to say goodbye, she gave Owen a kiss on the forehead. She loaded Max in the back of her parents car and everything he needed while he stayed with them.

She got everyone into the car and before they left she made sure everyone had their passports. Amy was the only one that needed to run back into the house to grab her passport. Luke and Richard would meet them at the airport.

"He'll be alright baby. My parents will take great care of him." She patted his leg and had him drive to the airport. She thought it would be an easy walk through the airport but paparazzi was waiting for someone and caught them heading out. They only had to deal with them at the baggage drop off since they couldn't go through TSA.
Jake nodded to Adri saying Owen would be okay. "I know they will take good care of him but I'm just going to miss him." He had become his little buddy while Adri was in LA so it was hard to say bye. He hadn't been away from him longer than over night since he was born. But with his profession it was something he probably should get used to now at a young age as they would be traveling a lot.

He gave Amy crap about not having her passport playfully. As he drove them to the airport. Once they got there he held Adri's hand going in and dropping off their luggage. All he had with him was a small backpack that had his laptop with him and a few all small items to carry on the plane. While they waited to board, after looking in his backpack, he looked at Adri, "Our first night...we have a date." He smiled at her.

Once the boarded Jake's dad kept going on and on about first class and he had never gotten such good treatment. Hell he never really had flown before. "Adri doesn't fly but first class. She thinks she's going to see the Queen but forgets she's a princess herself." He chuckled a bit and took his seat. Jake stayed up a bit watching fight tape before taking a nice long nap. After awhile he woke up and started to get anxious. The closer they got to London meant the closer he got to the fight. He checked his bag for something again. His leg started jack hammering a bit.
"Oh really? Where are we going?" She asked curiously. She wondered what he had to go through to make plans in a different country. "What should I wear is the real question since I have a feeling you won't tell me where we are going. I did get a new Herve Leger dress. This gives me chance to wear it. I packed it for tea time but I can get a different dress for that."

She thought it was cute that John was excited about first class. With a flight like this it would have been hell to be packed like sardines in the back so this was a better option. She glad Jake got to treat his dad to something special like this. Amy seemed pretty happy about it too but she couldn't get a word in about it. Luke and Richard boarded with them and the group took up most of the first class seats.

Adri slept most of the flight and if she wasn't sleeping then she was watching something on Netflix or watching the inflight movie. It was late afternoon when they arrived. It was cloudy but a nice day. The time change was kicking all of them in the butt but they had some time to get adjusted to the change. Jake had a couple days before the fight.

When she landed she turned on her phone and had a voicemail from her agent. She didn't have time to listen to it since they had to grab all of their bags and find their drivers. They were all staying in the same hotel but each pair, (Adri and Jake, Amy and John, Luke and Richard), had their own cars. During the car ride they passed Big ben and the Eye of London and Buckingham Palace. Adri had a lot of castles on her tourist trap list. She couldn't wait to visit them all.

They were dropped off at the hotel and their bags were taken by the lobby boys while they checked in. When they got to their rooms their stuff was there and it was very relaxed. Adri picked rooms at the Mandarin Oriental, it was very posh and of course it came with a big price tag but it was super nice. Adri and Jake were staying the presidential suite while Amy and John each had one bedroom suites not too far away. But the part was that everyone had their own private butler.

Now Adri really could feel like a princess. "I want to go see the Royal Jewels. At least the ones on display before we leave." She told Jake and walked over to the window to check out their view. She remembered that she had a missed call and she checked.

Hey Adri, It's Mike just calling to let you know that we have a date for the launch party. it isn't the best timing but it set for the day that you get back from England. If you want to skip it you can, no one is saying you have to go. I will email you all of the little details so you can decide when you get this message. Have fun out there and tell Jake I said good luck. Love ya, bye.

She set her phone down and looked out the window. She would look a tired mess after her plane ride and the time change wouldn't help. She didn't want to miss her first real launch party either. She could worry about it later. Right now she just wanted to enjoy the city.
Jake just smiled, she should know better than him telling her what they were doing. "We're going to dinner. Not too fancy but nice I may have something similar to our date in Paris or may dressy jeans and nice shirt. Totally be comfortable." He grinned at her.

Once they all got settled in their rooms Jake came up behind Adri looking out the window and wrapped his arms around her kissing her neck and shoulder. "It looks pretty cool so far. I'm glad we took a few extra days to stay and look at whatever we want to." He just stood there a few moments enjoying the view.

"You should get ready for dinner. As soon as you are ready we need to leave. I don't want it to be too late." He grinned. "I'm going to go down to Luke's room to get ready so you can use the shower here." He grabbed his bag and gave her a kiss. "Call me when you are ready love." He gave her a smile before leaving to get ready.

Jake got dressed and waited for her to call.
"That doesn't help Jake." She groaned.

She agreed to it looking nice so far. "Yeah. It will be nice." She turned when he said she should get ready. "We are leaving right now or soon?" She grabbed her suitcase and started pulling things out. She didn't want to go overboard and wear her new dress so she found something cute and dressy instead.

She took a shower and washed the make up off of her face so she could start fresh. She let her hair down and found that was a big mistake so she stuffed it right back up. She put on a fresh face of make up before applying lotion and perfume. She went to ther room and got dressed. She was slipping her shoes on when she called Jake. "I'm ready." She told him and started to stuff her wallet, and everyone else she needed, into the purse she was going to carry.

She was excited about getting out to the see the city. She hoped Amy and Richard were to tired to miss them going out on the town. She thought they would have a big dinner or just stay in their rooms and catch up on sleep but this was a pleasant surprise.
"As soon as you are ready. Don't take forever but don't rush either."

Jake went up to their room and knocked on the door, as if he was there to pick up his date, in a way, he was. When he saw her his jaw dropped. " look beautiful baby." He pressed a kiss to her cheek. "You ready?"

When she said he was he walked with her to the elevator holding her hand. They went down where a driver was waiting. Once they got in he looked out the window as the car took them towards their destination. "I promise not to keep you out too late, but whatever happens when we get back to the hotel is free game." He smiled at her.

They arrived at a helicopter ride tour place. He smiled at her before getting out. "I figured maybe you'd like to see London from the sunset." He grinned at her.
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