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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

He groaned at her comment about having to get the door.

"Oh you could get it WITH a robe on, tonight is one night I'm not sharing your sexy body with the world. So sorry." He smiled and kissed her softly as he let out a moan as she grabbed him. His hand smacked her butt when she got up after he let her up. "Yes ma'am."

While she was gone he pulled his boxers off and dropped them on the floor. They could pick up their room later, their clothes were all over, for sure. He laid on the bed with his arm behind his head. He wondered if there was such a pose that a naked guy could be in that would be sexy. That would be something that he would have to ask her that.

When she came back and opened her robe he looked her body over. He was one lucky man to get to look at her and that body for the rest of his life. Jake took a bite of the strawberry and kissed her back. "What the strawberry or your fiance?" He grinned at her and stole another bite and another kiss. His hand slid to her stomach and move up her body then back down. His hands then pulled her robe off of her shoulders. "You said naked baby. This robe doesn't make you naked."
"Both." She let her fingers crawl up and down the middle of his chest and smiled down at him. She kept her arms bent so he couldn't get the robe off right away. "You have to warm me up first." She said and moved the robe so it was shelling her breasts from his gaze.

She moved her hips back and forth against his cock. She smiled at him and finished the strawberry. She licked her fingers and then bent over backwards to grab the champagne. She took a sip and then poured some in his mouth. She put the champagne back on the ice and moved forward. She pushed back so he was inside of her.

She moaned happily and wiggled her hips so he was inside of her all the way. "That's working." She said softly and let the robe fall down her shoulders again. She moved her hips a little faster and slowly let the robe fall and she threw it on the floor with the rest of their clothes. She put her hands on his chest and started to bounce.
His body shivered slightly to her touch. She was amazing and could drive him crazy. He grinned at her and pulled her down for a kiss when she covered herself again. He let out a moan as she moved over him. Jake followed her every move with his eyes, not missing a single thing, especially the way she teased him by licking her fingers and then bending backwards. His hand slid over her ass and smacked it.

He took the drink of champagne she offered him. It was nice, romantic, and very sexy. Once he entered her he let out a little moan that only grew as he moved in her completely. "Yeah that's making me hot too." He whispered and leaned up to kiss her chest after her robe fell off her shoulders and off of her. His arms wrapped around her body as he held her close to her. His mouth nipped and sucked on her little buds of nipples.

Jake moaned against her chest as he bounced on him. He looked up at her, into her eyes. He grinned as he kissed her deeply. His hand grabbing her hair to pull her head back to nip at her neck and offer it kisses. He let out a few moans of her name.
She smiled when he sat up and joined her. She wrapped her arms around him, with one hand going through his hair and the other on his lower back. She rubbed her lips together when he pulled her hair back and tugged the hair on the back of his head as well. "Careful.." She purred. "Or you'll be at weigh in with red scratches down our back." She threatened and bit his bottom lip.

That would make the talk of the town. His usually clear white skin marred with red scratches. She giggled and ran her finger up and down the base of his spine. She looked into his eyes and teased his lips with hers. She wanted a kiss but she made him work for it before their tongues met again.

She took her time with him, even though he had to be up early for press conferences and what not. She wanted to celebrate at her own pace. If he got tired then he could take a nap tomorrow. She moved her hips a bit faster and moaned. She tilted her head back and enjoyed the feeling of him inside of her. It felt like it had been forever since she last had him.
His jaw dropped when she grabbed his hair back and gave her warning. He just growled in approval with a shrug. He nipped back at her bottom lip. "Don't tease me...mark your territory," Jake whispered. She was his, and he was hers. He could care less if he had marks on his body from her. Hell it turned him on, just the thought of it did.

He shivered under her touched on his spine. She was teasing him again. He leaned closer to her when she teased him with her lips. He kissed her passionately, in the middle of the kiss he pulled her hair then to the side a bit and kissed and nipped at the side of her neck, her head tilted to give him better access.

It was totally okay with him that she was taking her time. He didn't want to rush the night. They could stay up all night for all he cared to celebrate. She felt amazing on him. He let out a moan into her ear. After a bit of her moving on him he grabbed her and rolled her onto the bed with a passionate kiss. His lips moved all over her body slowly, starting with her lips, moving to her chest where he let his tongue and mouth play with her nipple before slowly kissing down to her stomach and giving her a kiss between her legs, he then moved back up her body slowly. When his lips met hers again he slid back into her and started moving into her slowly but deeply.
"Keep it up and I will." She whispered back and smirked playfully.

She giggled when he spun them around so he was on top. She draped her arms on his back and as he moved down her nails tickled his skin. She would need to add a lot pressure to make scratches. She wanted to tease him with the opposite end of the spectrum. He was back up and inside of her again and wrapped her legs around his waist. When he thrust into her she would pull him in so he would go deeper.

She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. She opened her eyes and looked lovingly into his. She rubbed his cheek and smiled at him, "Fuck me. I want to be sore in the morning." She whispered against lips and placed a soft kiss on them.
"Promise?" He grinned at her and wiggled his eye brow.

His body shivered under her nails. He didn't know if she truly knew what her nails did to him. They could relax him and turn him on. He let out a little moan against her body as she ran them over his back. Then when she pulled him and he went deeper he let out another moan.

Jake looked in Adriana's eyes when she touched his cheek. A grin quickly formed at her request. Damn he loved that woman. "You want to be sore from your man?" He raised an eyebrow as he kissed her back. She didn't have to tell him twice and he didn't even wait for her answer. His hips started thrusting into her. He started off slow but hard before picking up his pace. His forearms moved to the bed to get closer to her, his chest pressed against hers. He moved her head to the side even while she was on the bed to get back to her neck where he kissed and sucked softly as his cock thrusted harder and deeper into her. Before long he was pounding into her.
By the end of their love making she fulfilled her promise and marked his back with scratches. She fell asleep in his arms. She was not a happy camper when the alarm went off. She hti snooze a couple times before she actually got out of bed and got into the shower. She forgot, for a moment, that she was engaged until she saw her pink diamond sparkle in the bathroom light. She sent her family a picture of the ring and told them that she said yes.

After her shower, she started her make up and walked into the bedroom to get to the closet. She pulled out a dress to wear for the day and set it on the bed. She paired it with a nude shoe and went to finish her make up.

Jake had press stuff to do and then the were going to walk around the city with Amy and John. She wanted to look good for press and if they were spotted by paparazzi while they were out and about she would look good then too.
Jake reluctantly let go of her when she finally got up to get ready for their day. He wanted to stay in bed with her all morning but they both knew they couldn't. She could shower first and he could attempt to get more sleep. It was successful till she set the dress on the bed. His one eye opened as he peaked at her Adri. He checked her out as she turned to head back into the bathroom.

He climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around her from behind where he kissed her neck and gave her shoulder a nip. "Morning baby." His eyes looked at her in the mirror. "How's my fiance this morning?" That sounded nice to say. He started the water for a shower of his own. Mentally he tried to decide on what to wear for the press conference.

When the water was ready he climbed in and took a nice warm shower. When he got out he let his body air dry as he walked to the bedroom to pull out his clothes for the conference. He got dressed and went back into the bathroom to brush his teeth and put on cologne and spike his hair up a bit. "Did you tell your parents yet? I want to call them and check on O and Max."
"Good morning, fiance." She said happily and bent forward to do her mascara. "I am as happy as it gets. How are you?" She smiled when she saw his back. "I sent my brothers a picture of the ring. We can FaceTime them, let me put on a bra first." She blew him a kiss and went to the bathroom to put on her bra.

She grabbed her phone and started the call to her mom. When her mother picked up, she was dressed in her pajamas and had Owen in her arms.

"You can set him down to sleep you know." Adri teased and showed Jake. "We have some news for you but he claims he told everyone so you probably already know." Her mother acted innocent and then she showed her the ring. "I'm getting married!"

Maria got excited but she had to contain it because she was holding Owen, trying to get him to sleep. "We can start planning the wedding. It's going to be big and beautiful. I know what church you are getting married at. We can try on dresses. I have to pull mine out of the attic so you can try it on. It may need a few pins but I know you will fit it. Summer is way to hot so we are not doing a summer wedding but maybe fall or winter."

Adri smiled, "We can talk about wedding plans but I want to enjoy my engagement. So I don't Jake and I are going to start the planning until...I don't know not for a few months at least." She looked at Jake for back up and gave him her phone. "We can talk abbout it more when we get back. We have a very buy day Mama. We need to leave soon."
"I'm on top of the world baby." He gave her another kiss.

Jake smiled as he listened to Adri and her mom talk. He chuckled a bit when she mentioned that Maria could put Owen down. A smile formed when he saw how excited Adri was when she showed the ring.

It was a little surprising to him that Maria had so much planned in her mind already. He just hoped that Adri did what she wanted and just didn't do things to make her mother happy. After all it was Jake and Adri's wedding. He wondered if Adri would want to wear her mom's dress, she did mention having one made for her.

"Hey mom." He smiled at her seeing her with Owen. "Is he being good? Is he sleeping okay? Do you need more money for anything? Do you anything?" It was only like a day, but he did miss Owen. "Will you give him kisses for me? Thanks a lot for doing this. It really does mean a lot."
"He is being as wonderful as a newborn can be." She smiled at Jake and panned the camera down so he could see Owen. "He is fine, Jacob. I can handle a baby. I had five of them myself. More money? You left two envelopes full of money. You two are acting like Ricky and I are in the poor house. We have everything we need. Do not worry." She kissed Owen's forehead and continued to rock him. "Enjoy your trip. We will be here when you get back. Have fun today. Take lots of pictures. I have to put him down now." She kissed the camera and gave Jake one last look at Owen before hanging up.

"She's going to be insane." She groaned and went into the bedroom. She put on the dress and turned her back to Jake, "Will you zip me up please?" She asked and stood up straight since the dress was very form fitting. When the dress was zipped, she slipped on her shoes and put her wallet and other essentials in her bag. She checked to see how much money she had in pounds and then double checked that her debit card was on travel mode.

"Don't forget that we need to get a t-shirt from your fight. I think it would be cool, when we had enough shirts, to make a quilt or something. I know it would be too late for Owen but for a future kid or we could drape it over the foot of our couch." She shrugged her shoulder, "What do you think?"
Jake hung up Adri's phone and set it on the table. He sat in the chair to put his socks and shoes on before grabbing a watch. Jake had a thing for watches so maybe when they went shopping for the launch party.

He stood up and kissed her neck and back before he zipped up her dress. "You look...amazing babe. Damn. You always look so sexy and beautiful." He gave her butt a little pat before grabbing his phone to check his schedule and emails. "Dad and Amy is going to go with us today to the press conference. Is it okay if they sit with you during?"

"Okay baby. We can get a shirt. That does sound kinda cool to make a quilt. Does your mom do that kind of stuff?" He talked to her as he looked over his phone. "I want to look for watches while we go out shopping too. We can do that while we shop for our launch party clothes. But I think it would be nice to get a watch for every win here on out. Then when I get to be champion get a bigger more expensive one. I then can leave them to my boys when I'm gone." He kissed her cheek.

"We should get a picture of us all dressed up. We didn't take one last night." His phone went off that the others were ready and waiting in the lobby. "What is going on with Lucas and Amy?" Jake looked at Adriana. "Everyone is ready when we are."
Adri smiled and did a little turn for him. "Thank you, thank you." She nodded her head to John and Amy sitting with her, "That's fine. It makes it easier to go sightseeing afterwards. We are going to Hampton Court. I booked us a private tour. We will be walking the same halls as King Henry the Eighth. Amazing right? Maybe we can find a place to dress up, although french fashion might be more fun." She thought it over and shrugged her shoulder. "It still might be nice to dress up though. Wear a crown." Her eyes light up and smiled at Jake. "A huge shiny crown, could you imagine?" She smiled at the thought and looked at her ring. They still needed to tell the world.

"Yeah, mom sews. I am sure will love the chance to do this for us." She smiled at his watch idea, "That sounds like a great idea babe." Financially, that was a better plan than her quilt idea. Hers was more sentimental.

She agreed to taking a picture and she stood next to him. She took a couple of them standing together and then she put her hand on his chest to show off the ring and her big happy smile. She took his phone and looked at the pictures. If she didn't like it then it got deleted. She sent herself the remaining photos and thought of what she put as her caption when she told her followers she was engaged. They should tell the group first and then when they got in the limo she would let it out.

"Nothing that you need to worry your pretty little head about." She smiled at jake and kissed his cheek. She was sure how he would take his best friend having feelings for his sister. It could end up ugly but she hoped it all worked out for Luke and Amy. They both deserved to be happy.
Jake smiled at the ideas she had planned for them after he had to work. "That sounds awesome babe. See the whole king and queen theme with us seems so fitting. Except King Henry the Eighth had his moments..." He gave her a look. "He cheated, had his wife killed." He shrugged. "You want to dress up as a King and Queen? You realize you have to leave the crown when you leave right?" He chuckled a bit. He loved her and she was his queen. All day every day, soon forever. "I want one of those stick things...a sceptre?" He wasn't sure that was the right name. "I could use it to beat people with it." Jake chuckled at the thought. He was in fight mode.

"Sweet we can have her make it. That way it will mean even more being made from mom." He smiled and kissed her temple.

He posed for her to take some pics. A few times he stole a kiss on her cheek, one he kissed her lips softly, then another he even made a goofy face. Jake was pumped for this fight and now engaged to the woman of his dreams. He was on top of the world and nothing could bring him down and he showed that through the pictures with his goofiness or the big smile on his face and how he had his arm around his future wife.

Jake gave her a look. He knew what that meant. One or both of those two had to have a thing for the other. That could be bad. He grabbed his wallet and made sure they had a room key. After they walked out and headed to the elevator, Jake grabbed her hand laced their fingers together. He smiled as they got in the elevator thinking of how they took the trip up and he chuckled a bit and kissed her cheek. Then he thought about Amy and Luke. "I don't know if I like the idea of something happening with them..." It was a random thought, he knew that. Luke was his best friend and Amy his sister. If they didn't work out then it could be awkward or they could put him in the middle. Yes if it worked out it could be nice but a lot could happen. Jake just left it at that as the elevator took them to the lobby and he walked out to meet the gang.

John was dressed in dress pants and a button up shirt. It was obvious he didn't dress up a lot but when he did he looked good. Just like Jake. He gave him a hug before giving Amy a hug who had a simple black dress on. Luke and Rich were there too dressed up with button ups and ties. He gave them the handshake, man hug. It was obvious Amy and Luke were talking as they waited.
"I know but it would be nice and sort of geeky but so cool at the same time." She gasped and figured it out, "Castle wedding. Castle wedding! We could get married in a castle or a palace. Baby it would be beautiful. Maybe we could loan two crowns for pictures. It would be so beautiful. And we could do it in the Spring so flowers are in bloom and hopefully the castle, or palace, gardens are fully bloomed." She smiled at Jake. "That is what I want. And if we got a sceptre you can't beat people with it."

She frowned when he gave her a look, "They are adults. Let them figure it out. Don't meddle with anything. Think of it as...if it works out, Luke becomes your brother. You guys are already like that but it would be official."

Adri looked at the group, "I am very upset with all of you. I thought I could trust you a little bit more. Especially, you Amy." She shook her head and used her to playfully wipe a fake tear out of the corner of her eye. When Amy saw it she went girly and gave Adri a hug and then gave Jake another hug. "Not even a hint. You all suck." She said playfully and accepted everyone's hugs and congratulations. They had a little bit of time to look at the ring before they got into the small bus that would take them to the press event.

As they travelled Adri pulled out her phone and posted the picture of her and Jake with her hand on his chest. She captioned it, "Forever and always. #IDo #SoonToBeMrsDaniels."
Jake was frozen a moment. A castle wedding? Really? He let out a sigh but smiled. He could tell she really wanted it. Like REALLY wanted it. So therefore, Adriana would get it. "Where are we going to find a castle for a wedding? Should we asked to talk to the Queen?" He teased. "You know this could get expensive right? What if I take you to White Castle instead?" He smiled widely as he teased her. "We will find a castle baby."

"Or if it doesn't work out he is miserable for awhile, it effects my training and then is awkward around each other." He agreed to let them figure it out though.

Jake rolled his eyes but smiled with pride, that sounded like something he would do to everyone. Pretend to be mad for a minute. Amy looked at her after she hugged Adri. "He threatened us all with bodily harm if we told. We had no choice. We all were threatened." Jake shook his head. "You all are traitors. Throwing me under the bus. Amy was the worst to keep her mouth shut. Pop was probably the most loyal." John just chuckled. "Pop has my back. Rich and Luke could have gained up on me so the threatened part is bull crap."

Once in the bus Jake wrapped his arm around her. She sat to the right of him and he pulled his phone out and took a picture of them together. He then grabbed her left hand to put on his cheek as he kissed Adri's cheek. He then posted that phone with the ring clearly visible with his own captain, "I love this woman. Can't wait to marry her. #SheSaidYes #LoveInLondon."

He then chatted with the guys until they arrived at the conference. Jake got out and then helped Adri out. They walked in together holding hands. The press were snapping pictures left and right. He gave her a quick kiss once they got inside and he let her go sit with everyone else as he went up to his table. He shook Dana's hand and Joe Rogan's. He sat down and gave Adri a look. He was more relaxed then he had ever been. Luke mentioned it as he sat next to Adri and Rich. "I don't know if I like how relaxed he is. I'm hoping it's because of you and not that he's getting too cocky."
She frowned and gave him the 'hell no' look when he told her he could take her to White Castle. "This is what we are going to save for. It doesn't have to be next Spring it could be two Springs from now. I want my castle wedding."

She sighed and shrugged her shoulder, "Hope for the best."

Adri nodded her head, "That is actually true. Rich and Luke would have protected whoever gave me a hint." She looked at Amy specifically. "But it's fine. It's whatever." She shrugged it off. "I enjoyed the surprise."

Adri did a makeup check and before she got off the bus, she rubbed her dress and tugged it down so it was flat. She made sure Jake looked good and then she got off the bus with him. When they broke off she took her seat next to Luke and waited for this whole thing to begin. "He better not be getting cocky. We have a wedding to pay for." She smiled at Luke and understood the nerves he was feeling. The opponent was a strong fighter. If Jake wasn't head right then he could get really hurt. "I won't let him get cocky." She said softly.
Jake sat behind his name plate and someone brought him a water and a powerade. He sat back while the questions went to the other fights. They were the main event so they would probably wait towards the end to get to them.

Once the questions turned to their fight he took a sip of water and waited for his turn to talk. A person asked if Belfort thought it was wrong that Jake was taking Bisping's spot. Belfort nodded a bit. "It is kind of shitty a guy win's a fight and then is on medical suspension. Then this punk comes in and takes his shot. I hope Dana makes him go through Bisping if the times up for him. We had to go through the other guys to get here. It's bullshit he got this fight. I can't wait to knock him out."

Jake just smiled a bit and shoot his head and the rep let him have a response. "I didn't make the decision to put me into this fight. I just wanted to fight. I want to get one step closer to being champion. I'll go through anyone I need to. That's part of becoming champion. Bring Bisping. I'll fight him too."

"Jake do you think you are really ready for this fight after your injury?"

Jake nodded. "I do. I've worked hard, trained hard and went over new techniques and feel better than ever. I had time to let it heal and get it's strength back. I'm ready to show everyone it's stronger than ever."

They asked how Belfort would defend against Jake's jiu jitsu training and take down. "I'm going to knock his ass out. He came a long way to come get knocked out."

He obviously was trying to get into Jake's head. They went back and forth with training and even a few things from the last fight, "Jake, people say you should have tapped out when you hurt your elbow but you didn't. Would you have done anything differently knowing you got hurt."

Jake thought about it a moment and looked at Adri. "Well the thing is, I don't think I would have. I'm not a guy to quit. So Vitor is going to have to knock me out or it's going to decision. I won't tap out, I'll go to sleep first. But with Belfort I don't have to worry about him getting me into a situation to tap out. I don't know if he know's how to put someone into a submission."

Belfort chimed in, "You will go to sleep don't worry. I knocked your trainer, Rich, out. I'm going to knock you out."

They kept talking a bit before the press conference ended and Jake got up and was talking to a few of the other fighters. Luke looked at Adri, "He's stupid to not tap but with Belfort, he's right about not having to worry about it." He touched her arm. "Are you worried about him getting knocked out?"
Adri kept a straight face during the interview. Not that she really needed to until Jake started talking about not tapping out. It was a stupid rule that he had with himself. Something she couldn't break him of. One day he was going to put in the position where him not tapping could cost him his career, his entirely livelihood could be gone because he didn't want to look weak.It pissed her off but he didn't care. His macho persona was more important than looking ahead at what it could cost him.

She looked at Luke and shrugged her shoulder, "Just because he doesn't have to worry about it, doesn't mean it shouldn't be in his mind. Jake has been training. He has been adapting to his opponents weaknesses. Belfort could be doing the same thing. He may not use the ability but that doesn't mean he doesn't have it."

She looked up at Belfort and Jake, "Of course I am worried about him getting knocked out. It's the stupid no tapping rule that has me worried the most. This fight is either going to be really quick and end with a knockout or it's going to be really long and both men will end up bruised and bloody with a lot of broken bones." She shook her head and rubbed her lips together.

"Someone needs to talk him out of no tapping. He won't listen to me or you." She looked at John and back at Luke. "Do you think he would listen to his father?"
Luke crossed his arms as he listened to Adri. She had a point about Belfort also training and possibly adapting. He gave her a nod about it.

"Adri...I'm a little worried." He looked at her. "He could get hit easily. If he gets knocked out he's on medical suspension. Either him getting knocked out or him possibly going to sleep cause he gets his air supply shut off isn't a good situation. Any time anyone loses consciousness it's not good. But getting caught with his arms or legs isn't good either." When she shook her head he looked her over a moment. "Does it bother you he does this? Like are you legit worried for his safety or his career." He smiled a bit at her.

His eyes went down to John before giving her a shrug. "We could try it. But have you brought up Owen? Maybe a different approach is best. Remind him he has a family now and a future wife to think about it. I'm worried more about his personal well being then his career. Jake can get a job training or doing whatever. But these guys are getting better and better and he has to be on the top of his game or he could get seriously hurt."
"Are you kidding? My stomach is in knots right now. The day of the fight it's even worst. He could enter the ring an able bodied person and he could leave it in a stretcher. He has won so far and I can only hope he continues to win but one day he going to lose and I don't know if I can handle that. I have seen his book of injuries and I have seen his worst but I have never had to witness it first hand. I don't know if I want to be there when he loses because I don't know if I can watch it happen. I love him and I support him but I can never be comfortable with his job." She smiled at him so if Jake was looking their direction it would look like a happy conversation.

"I've brought up Owen. I have brought up future kids. I don't know what else to say to him." She did know what to say that would probably shock him to his core but she didn't want to play that card. Not yet at least.

"I know and he wants to be champion and all of the guys he is going to fight from now on are only going to get harder. What am I supposed to do? He is stubborn and hard headed. He doesn't listen. He has a goal and he is going to see it through to the end the way he planned it in his head. There is no other way for him."
Luke sighed but turned his back to Jake so he couldn't tell anything was going on. "I didn't mean to worry you. We just both know how stubborn this guy is. But you have more say than he lets on." He gave her a smile. "He's trained hard. I know how hard and what he has put in, but this is the first fight I'm worried about. But I have faith in him."

Luke looked at John, "We can try to have him talk to him too but we don't want to get too into his head right before the fight. We don't want him afraid but not cocky either. He needs to be confident." He touched her arm before looking at Jake.

Jake was making his way slowly over to them. He was getting stopped by press wanting more answers and pictures. Once he got to them he asked his dad what he thought. "It was different. Your opponent has a big mouth." Jake laughed. "I hope you knock HIM out." Jake chuckled, "Thanks Pop." He grabbed Adri's hand and gave her a quick kiss. "What did my baby think?"
"We have three options. If he gets out this fight the winner then either John talks to him, Rich out him in a hold until he is forced to tap or I tell him something he will be pissed off about but it might make him think before he gets back in the ring." She nodded her head to waiting until the fight was over. Right now he needed to be focused.

Adri smiled and kissed Jake back, "You were great." She rubbed his chest and kissed his cheek. "This is going to be a nail biter of a fight. I can feel it in my bones." She wrapped her arm around his waist and looked at Luke.

"How are you feeling about it Boo?" She asked Jake and looked up at him again. "I don't want you getting cocky on me. Keep a level head and stay confident. Okay?"
Luke gave her a nod. "We can go through them all if we have to. We may need you there Rich making him tap, you telling him to as it's happening. Maybe your voice will stick with him."

Jake put his hands on her hips. "It's going to be a good fight yeah. It's going to bring in a lot of money for the UFC." His head rested on hers a moment.

"I'm not being cocky. Confident is actually how I feel. I have in my head I'm going to win. But I need to remember my training to make it happen. One wrong move..." He gave her a small kiss. "I'm good baby I promise."

They headed out and Jake had a hold of Adri's hand. The press snapped pictures and asked more questions as they walked out some really stupid questions. Then one was directed towards Adri, "Adriana! Adriana! You are so sexy." Jake kinda smiled thinking they were just a fan until he kept talking, "Why are you still with this loser? Is it because of his bastard son? Do you feel bad for him? Or do you just need the money? Jake's just a man whore piece of shit." Jake had enough and turned to go after him. He was fuming. John stood between him putting his hand on his chest. "Son...keep walking." Jake's jaw flexed snd he let out a sigh and turned to keep walking.
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