Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake had no idea what was going on and it was probably best. He smiled and rolled his eyes a bit. "Already? You should probably tak to her about your dreams for a castle wedding so she doesn't get her hopes up baby."

"Wait...why would you need to transfer money?" He looked at her confused.

He got up and put their room service dishes outside the door for someone to get it. He gave Adri a kiss on the cheek. Before finishing up in the bathroom to head out. "Is everyone going today? Or just us? I am ready when you are love."
"To get the dress cleaned. It has aging stains on it. She worried about taking it to her normal place because it might get ruined." Adri shrugged her shoulder. Wedding dresses were expensive to get cleaned so it made sense to her. Might not make sense to a male like Jake.

"I think Amy is going with us. Luke and Rick are going to stay back and meet us at the weigh ins." She looked at her outfit one more time before deciding to just go with what she had on.

She grabbed her purse and walked with Jake out of their suite down the hall to Amy's room. She knocked on the door and looked through her bag, "I forgot my phone. Will you get it for me please? I can't run in these." She poked her bottom lip out to beg him a little and then gently nudged him towards the room to get it.

While he was gone Amy opened the door and her hair was a little messed up and so was her lipstick. Adri smirked, "You are so lucky I sent your brother to get my phone. Luke, you better hide before he gets back. Unless you aren't feeling well enough to go Amy."

Amy smiled, "Umm...actually. We were going to go get lunch. So we will meet you at weigh ins."

Adri nodded her head, "Have fun. Be safe. I am going to get my hair done tonight. Jake is paying. You are welcome to join me." She giggled and walked back to the room. "Amy is going to hang back. So it's just me, you, the Tower of London and the Crown Jewels."
Jake sighed when Adri wanted him to go after her phone. "Really?" He groaned but gladly did it for her. He nipped at her lip that was sticking out with a grin before taking off to their room. He jogged down the hall.

When Adri met him as he was coming out of their room he looked at her confused. "She feeling okay?" He handed her phone to her. "You have a message from your mom. I'm okay with some time with you." He kissed her cheek and headed down to the lobby with her. There was a car waiting to take them to their sight seeing destinations.

Her mother let her know she had an appointment for Owen in a couple of hours and would keep her posted.

Jake enjoyed the Tower of London and the Crown Jewels more than he had thought he would. They got stopped a few times for fans who wanted pictures with both of them. "How does it feel people want your picture too?" He smiled at Adri.
"Yeah, she is tired from jetlag. She's going to get some rest before weigh ins." She took her phone and listened to the message from her mother before they left.

She loved listening to the history of the Tower of London but when it came to time to see the Crown Jewels she was bouncing like a kid in a candy store. She was so happy to see everything and the way the sparkled in the light. She wanted to put the crown on. Hell, she wanted to put everything but that would never happen. She could only view them through the glass.

They didn't get stopped for pictures until they left the building. Everyone knew Jake was there because of the fight. Some of the people that followed the tabloids knew she was there to support him. It was nice to take pictures with everyone. There was one dad and daughter duo and the daughter took a picture with Jake and the dad wanted a picture with Adri. It was really cute.

"You know, it is kind of nice." She smiled at Jake and kissed his cheek. "Do you want to do a little shopping before we head back to the hotel?" They had a couple hours before he needed to be at weigh ins. They could risk it. "I think I am just going to put you in all black. You look badass and sexy in all black and you would do with anything I wore. So if I don't find anything we have that option."
"My sexy celebrity fiance." He grinned at her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"You want me in all black huh?" He thought it over. "Sure love we can go shopping. Just a few places okay? I don't want to cut time too close." He had the driver take them to the places Adri wanted to go to shop.

Once they got there he got out with her and looked around. "So you are picking my outfit out for the party? I have no say? I thought I had been doing an okay job picking out my outfits lately. Have I not?" He looked at her pouting a little. It was something he wanted to look good for her for though. It was her special night so he would do anything he could for her.

While they were out Maria called Adri.
"Oh hush." She said to his teasing about her picking out his outfit. With him it was easy. It was simple but classy. Plus, who didn't like a guy in an all black suit?

"No tie, I think. You will look good without it." Finding him a suit took about forty five minutes so when they got back to the hotel he had to get ready for weigh ins.

While he did that, she hung his suit up and called her mother back, "How did it go?" She asked. She hoped it wasn't anything too serious. If it was, she would feel guilty for keeping from him. He needed to be focused on this fight though. It wasn't like he pull out, telling him would result in his head no being in the game.
Jake liked what she had picked out for him. He gave her a nod about no tie. He didn't really care for ties that much anyway so he was extremely grateful for that.

"I'm going to go change babe." He kissed her cheek and went to go change into his weigh in uniform.

Maria seemed a little worried but just from concern for Owen. "Well honey it's nothing too serious. His asthma is acting up. They put him on a breathing treatment. Which is fine. Your father and I have it under control. He is fine. Don't worry and you can tell Jake whenever you feel is the time to." Owen cried a bit in the background and her father soothed him. "Just have Jake focus on his fight. If things get worse I will call you, okay?"
"Can you get him an air purifier for me? Which ever one has the best reviews. Put it in whatever room he is staying in so he isn't inhaling dust or anything. That might help." She said softly. "I'll tell him after the fight and if he gets worst we are coming home. Okay? Thank you mom. I love you." She sighed and hung up the phone.

She thought about sending Amy home so her parents could get a little break but if she did that then Jake would know something was wrong. She really hoped Owen didn't get worst. She needed him to be strong so she could be strong and feel better about not telling Jake.

When he came back into the room, any worry that was on her face faded. She looked at him in his little shorts and smiled. "Damn, if we weren't at the risk of running late I would jump your bones." She snapped his shorts to his hip and kissed him lustfully. She scratched from his spine to his ribs playfully and gave his butt a spank. "Love you."
"Absolutely. I'll look into which one is the best and get it. Don't worry. I've dealt with sick babies before. He is fine. If he gets worse I will call. Your father is keeping him from me though." She protested and teased. "Love you too. Wish Jake luck for us."

Jake smiled when she mentioned jumping his bones. "You'll be happy to know I picked the shorter shorts for tomorrow too instead of the board style. I figured you'd like that." He kissed her back and shivered a little when she ran her nails over him. He loved the way they felt over his skin. "Love you too. You can always jump my bones when you get back later...just saying...may help me relax."

He put his warm up pants over his shorts and then the UFC shirt over that with his hoodie. He pulled his shoes on when Amy messaged Adri that her and Luke were in the lobby and Rich and John were on their way.

"I'm ready..." He got up and grabbed her hand to head down to the lobby.
"I will be happy and so will every other woman watching the fight. Maybe I can get you in a speedo for the next fight." She giggled. "We will see. I can't mess up my hair right after I get it done." She said to jumping his bones later.

"Everyone is down stairs." She told him as he got dressed. She took his hand when he was ready and they made their way to the lobby.

She let him get in his mind frame when they got to the bus. She spoke to Amy about when they were leaving and where they were going to get get their hair done. Instead of leaving the hotel, there was a pretty nice spa downstairs so they could give that a try. While they got their hair done, they could get their nails done and get pampered. She invited Luke along as a joke and he politely declined. John was excited for the weigh ins but he wasn't sure what to expect in person.

Adri explained it as best she could. Each man would go on stage and get undressed then weighed. Once both men were weighed they would psych each other out and then they would leave the stage and get ready for the big fight tomorrow night. "it's kind of sexy...when it isn't your son." She smiled at John and bit her tongue. "It'll be fine and fun."
"There are rules against that Adriana!" He smiled at her. "That could be for the after party when we get home." He thought about her hair. "You could come back to the room before you go..." There were options if she wanted him bad enough.

Jake started getting focused the minute he got in the bus. He got quiet and just looked out the window.

John listened to Adri, "You know when you first learn about it people think it's just a bunch of people beating each other up. It's a lot more than that. More training and skill than like a bar fight, which I've seen enough in my day." He chuckled a bit. "It's like wrestling in school but with more skills and techniques thrown together. But that training and technique could mean nothing if you get hit by one lucky punch. The best fighter can get punched at the right time and it's all over." He looked at Jake hoping that wouldn't be the case for him. "The Octagon girls are going to be here too right?" John smiled as he joked. "I also like the female fights."

Once they arrived at the facility, Jake got out and grabbed his bag and Adri's hand to walk in with her. They went inside and he had to check in. He went and sat with Adri and his family. Luke sat next to him on the other side to go up with him when it was his time. He had awhile before they would get to him. When it was almost time the two went up together. He left his bag with Adri when he went up. He would weigh in first as the challenger.

Joe Rogan introduced him, "Next the Middle weight division. The challenger, Jake 'The Drifter' Daniels." Jake walked up on the stage with Luke behind him. He started taking off his clothes down to his weigh in shorts. A few girls screamed at him being barely in any clothes. After stepping on the scale Rogan announced his weight, "176." Luke grabbed his clothes and walked over with Jake to the other side to let Belfort weigh in. He shook Dana's hand and exchanged some comments back and forth. Dana congratulated him on the engagement and chuckled a bit. What a weird place to be congratulated but Jake appreciated it. Belfort weighed in at "183." John looked at Adri, "Would the weight difference be an issue?"

Belfort then walked over and they both put up their fists in the fighting position for a picture and he stared Jake down as Jake returned the stare down. Rich leaned over to John and Adri, "Belfort may seem like a bad ass but honestly he can be really nice. He's just trying to get in Jake's head, but after the fight he will be respectful depending on how Jake acts. If Jake acts like an arrogant ass then he will be an ass back." He smiled a little before leaning back.

Joe commented on the weight difference and wondered if it could play a factor in the outcome the following day, he asked Jake for an interview. "Are you ready for this fight tomorrow Jake?" Jake chuckled a bit, "Joe I shouldn't be here if I'm not. I'm mentally and physically ready. It's going to be a good fight." "Are you worried about getting knocked out, we all know Belfort's track record with knock outs." "I'm not worried. I trained a long time for this. I'm ready for it to happen." He wished him luck then interview Belfort. "Are you worried take downs in this fight?" "I'm not worried about anything. I know I'm a better fighter and it will show tomorrow." That was all he wanted to say and they both walked off the stage and Jake got dressed again.

Walking back over with Luke to sit back down and grab his stuff before they could head out. As they head out the same guy from the press conference was there making more comments, " should get in there and fight. That would be sexy and you'd probably fight better than Jake. Or better yet be a ring girl, that way Jake can just make his way through all of them...again." Jake stopped walking and squeezed Adri's hand. He was fuming, but instead of saying anything he grabbed her face and kissed her with the most passionate kiss. It was full of love, desire and want.
Adri gave Jake a kiss before he left to go get weighed. She gave his butt a small and watched him walk away. She smiled when the girl's screamed at him getting undressed. She shook her head a little but but it didn't matter. In the end he was coming home with her. She rubbed her lips together and raised her eyebrows when she heard Belfort's weight.

"I don't know." She said honestly. "I mean...Jake is smaller so he can move around faster but that's a lot of weight throwing a punch or a kick. He's really close to the top of the weight class and Jake is close to the smaller side. Ask Luke or Rick." She didn't feel like she gave him a good answer. She was still trying to figure out all of the rules herself.

Adri handed Jake his bag and got up to walk with him. She sighed when she heard the same voice from yesterday. She shook her head and looked at him, "Better than Jake, I doubt it but I am sure I could knock you out. Just tell me when." She winked at him and was going to walk away but Jake grabbed her face and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back and the press had a field day with that. When they were finished they went back to the bus.

"How about a warning before you grab my face next time?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"How about a warning before you ever do that again?" Amy asked faking a disgusted tone.
Rich answered John's question exactly how Adri did. "Let's hope his speed is better than the power of Belfort's punch." Adri knew more than she thought she did. She was a going to make a good fighter's wife.

Jake smiled a bit at Adri's comment. She was quick and witty. It was probably part of growing up with all her brothers. He liked it and found it sexy that she could dish insults back as well as take them pretty well.

Once back in the bus he just grinned at her and shrugged. "What kind of warning did you want? I didn't have much warning myself. I just went with it. Sorry...not sorry. You liked it." He grinned and kissed her again. "I love you."

Jake looked at Amy. "How about a warning if you ever think about kissing my best friend? No? Okay then you don't get one either." Amy punched his arm playfully and he made a fist raising it playfully, they both knew he'd never hit her. "You want to play this game with a trained UFC fighter?" She flicked his nose and giggled and then moved away from. Jake shook his head and kept his cool with a smile. "That big UFC fighter looked real big and bad making out with his fiance in front of the press."

Jake looked at Amy, "Oh well." He looked at Adri, "I only bow down to my queen." He gave her a wink.

The bus took the guys back to the hotel. Jake got out and stood in the lobby with the girls. "You coming up before you go?" He grinned at her. After stepping closer to her and putting his hands on her hips, "We could always ride the elevator a few times." He chuckled a bit. "When you go get your hair did...try to hurry back so I can eat, I'm so hungry but I want to wait and eat together." The guys planned on just hanging out in Jake's room while the girls went out.
"I liked it." She agreed and kissed him back. "Love you too."

Adri giggled because Jake would have been in for a show if he knew what his sister was up to when they knocked on her door this morning. She wondered how many times they would catch Luke sneaking out of the pool house. It was going to be interesting as they got to know each other.

"Maybe you should get that tattoo on you somewhere." She smiled at him and wrapped her arms around him. "Or it could be on the engagement photos or wedding invitations. If we have a wedding at a castle it fits." She shrugged her shoulder and kissed his cheek.

When they got back to the hotel she smiled at him, "As much as I would love too we have an appointment to keep and we cannot be late." She rubbed his sides and kissed him softly. "If you get hungry and you can't wait, order a chicken caesar salad for me. There are apple's in the fridge. I will be back as soon as I can."

She gave him one last kiss and then walked with Amy to the spa to get their hair and nails done.
Jake had no idea how he would react to seeing Luke sneaking out of anywhere with his sister. He wasn't stupid but he wanted her to respect her as well. It took Jake and Adriana a nice amount of time before they were physical and he honestly thought that was nice for them. They didn't rush and it was amazing.

"Maybe I will." He smiled when she suggested it on the photos or invites. "It does. You always have good ideas baby." He gave her a peck. Then when she mentioned having an appointment he looked pretty bummed but knew it was a long shot anyways. "Alright..." He said with disappointment in his voice." He kissed her back. "Take your time but hurry..." He gave her a wink. That meant for her to enjoy herself but he would miss her and wait to eat. He stood there watching them walk away and he just smiled a minute before shaking his head. Luke comes up and puts his arm around his shoulder, "Nice view huh?" Jake looked at him and shook his head with a serious face, "One of those things you don't say to me..." He walked away to head to the elevator and John just laughed.

The guys watched press and news about the fights coming up while the girls did their girly thing.

Amy looked at Adri, "So...Luke...oh my gosh." He giggled. "He is such a gentleman and so sweet and damn is he sexy..." She went on and on about how much she liked him and how their relationship was progressing in London. "Thank you guys for getting me to come to Vegas. I love taking care of Owen and now I met Luke...I didn't know I could be this happy. I feel guilty though...because of my mom." She then asked how Owen was as well as Adri's parents. "How nervous are you for tomorrow versus his other fights?"

After awhile Jake starts to get quiet and his mentallity starts to kick in for the fight. He was focusing, or trying to. Instead his head bounced all over. He couldn't focus and his father could see that so he decided to tell the guys they all should go and let him have his time alone. They said goodbye and left. Jake tried to focus and get ready mentally for the fight. He laid on the couch with his music and an apple. It would hold him over until Adri got back.
"A little more nervous than usual." She admitted but shrugged her shoulder. "I will feel better when it's over and it's nice having you guys here to support him but it's making him even more nervous. He doesn't want to disappoint you guys and he thinks losing will disappoint you." She shook her head and shrugged her shoulder. "If he does lose I don't know how he is going to act. He has won every fight since I have been with him."

It took about two hours to get their hair and nails done. Which meant two hours of listening to Amy talk about Luke and the date they went on this morning. Not that she minded. She thought it was cute the way Amy was gushing over him. She was sure Luke was feeling the same way but he had to keep it on because Jake wouldn't want to listen to it.

When they were finished Adri had it billed to the room but gave the ladies that did their hair and nails a generous tip. They went upstairs to their rooms and Adri was expecting to have to kick some rowdy men out of the suite but it was quiet.

She found Jake on the couch and she laid on the couch with him. Her now straight hair moved to the side of her face. And rubbed Jake's cheek and kissed him softly. "I love you." She smiled at him and kissed him again.
Knowing Jake, Amy wasn't at all surprised. "Well he won't disappoint us. And if he loses we need to make sure we show his support. But I'm hoping we don't have to worry about that. Not now or for awhile." She smiled at Adri. "You have a way with him, calming him, encouraging him. So I'm sure you will help him no matter what." Amy only hoped if her relationship with Luke continued, she could be that for him.

Jake removed his earbuds when she laid on him, almost startling him bit cause his eyes were closed. His arms wrapped around her. His fingers touched her hair. "This looks nice baby. Kinda like when I met you." He smiled and kissed her. "I love you babe." He kissed her back again, "Where is this all coming from? Not that I mind at all?" His hand rubbed her back.

"Did you two enjoy yourself?" He snuggled into her.
"Thank you. I just wanted you to know that I love you." She said softly. "That's all." And because she felt bad for keeping Owen's news from him.

She nodded her head, "Very much. All Amy could talk about was Luke and how cute he is. How sweet he is. How nice he was when they went out this morning." She bit her lips together and hoped he didn't hear the blunder. "But I feel better. My hair is clean and how I want it now. I can do a lot more with it so tomorrow I have to get ready earlier."

She ran her fingers through her hair, "I have to figure out what to wear tomorrow night too. I'm glad we got you a suit." Even though he may not need it anymore. "What do you want to eat? I'll order it." She told him and sat up. She grabbed a menu and handed it to him.
He smiled at how cute she was with him. Sometimes she could be adorable and loving and other times she put her foot down and told him when to get his shit together.

Jake rolled his eyes but had a smile while she talked about Amy going on about Luke. Then he stopped when he heard they went out. "They did what? So they blew us off to go out? I thought she was staying in?" Jake let out a little sigh. Honestly, he didn't mind she wanted to spend time with him, hell there's times he wants Adri to himself. But they are adults and she should have said something. He gave a nod. "Nice to know..."

"Whatever you pick you will look sexy baby. Mmmm don't dress too sexy and distract me." He teased a bit before looking through the menu. "Yeah, what should I wear tomorrow to the arena? I can wear anything I want, just have to change once I get there, which isn't an issue." He flipped through the menu. "Chicken and whole wheat penne pasta. Steamed veggies and can you see if they have any nuts to snack on later if I want?" He handed the menu back to her before leaning over to grab his Pedialyte he had to keep hydrated. "Oh and can you see if they can bring up more water. I'll switch to water after dinner." His diet until the fight could be crucial to how he feels for the fight. "And more Pedialyte for after the fight tomorrow. Just see if they have it or if I'll need to send someone after some." He sat up and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. "You are amazing thank you."
"She sighed and shook her head, "It's not like that. How often do you get to come to London? They wanted to go off and have a date together. Don't be upset. And I didn't want you to give Luke or your sister a tough time." She kissed his forehead. "I know what it's like to have a brother who is protective and I am sure Luke can handle whatever you tell him but for Amy's sake I didn't tell you."

She smiled when he complimented her, "I don't know. A speedo maybe since you can't wear one in the ring?" She teased. "I can pick something out if you want. I think it's going to be chilly tomorrow." She marked what he wanted and nodded her to head to getting the extra stuff.

She went to order the food and drinks. "The food will be up in twenty minutes and the Pedialyte will be here tomorrow morning. And I am going to get out of this outfit." She kicked her heels off and and unzipped the back of her skirt. She walked into the bedroom and pulled it off. She pulled her top off and grabbed the hotel robe. When she was naked she put on the robe and played with her hair in the mirror.

She came back out to Jake and sat next to him. "Do you want to eat on the patio?"
"Babe I get it...There's times I want you to my self. But just be an adult and tell me...That's what's upsetting. Yes I would give them shit. As they would give us shit." He smiled at her.

"Adriana...tell you what...before we leave, we can go swimming and I will wear a speedo. Deal?" He held his hand out to shake on it.

"I can help you out of it..." He watched her walk to the bathroom and groaned. "You could undress in front of me you know...I would pay for a show." Jake chuckled as he put his hand behind his head making room for Adri. "Sure baby. It's not too cold out tonight?" He kept taking in his Pedialyte as he just kind of relaxed but thought about the fight. After a few minutes he got up and moved to lay his head in Adri's lap before looking up at her. His hand opened her robe and moved it out of the way. "That's better." He smiled at the sexy view as he grabbed one of her hands and just held it.
She smiled to him wearing a speedo. She thought about it and shook his hand. "Okay." She laughed. "I can't wait for that. The day after tomorrow we are totally getting you a speedo and you can pick what I wear to the pool. Fair?"

She laughed from the room. "You don't have to pay for this." She told him.

She shook her head, "It's cool but there are heaters out there to keep us warm if it gets too cold. Or we can do other this to stay warm." She wiggled her hips and smiled at him. She watched him opened her robe and she rolled her eyes. "Really?" She held his hand and with the other hand she back of back of his.

"We should get our tattoos here since we got engaged here. While I was at the spa getting my hair and nails done, I did a little research and found a little tattoo parlor that we can hit up before we leave."
Jake rolled his eyes and chuckled a little bit. "I didn't agree to you picking out a speedo. I agreed to wearing one..." He laughed a bit as he only could imagine the speedo she'd pick out. "You're damn lucky I love you so much." He gave her a nod, "Fair."

"Mmm other things to keep warm. I like the sound of that." His head nodded, "Yeah really...what? You can't blame a man for enjoying the view. gotta think of it this way, there are millions of guys who look at your pictures and thinking you are drop dead sexy. Which you are. And there are probably guys who have you as their phone or computer wallpaper, which is a little creepy but I can always understand why, drop dead sexy." He pulled her down for a kiss. "But I get the real thing. And 90% of the day it's covered it clothes so this guy sometimes just wants to admire what is his. The same reason you want to see me in a speedo." He kissed her again softly.

"That actually is a great idea babe. I think my knight piece though I'm going to wait and get it in Vegas...or maybe even back in Colorado. But I was thinking maybe I would get my king quote here. I thought about getting it down my rib cage. What do you think? You could help pick the font out. But something older looking or royal looking. But it would also depend if they can do it on my condition after the fight." His thumb caressed her hand and his eyes kept looking her over.

Room service knocked on the door and Jake got up to get it since Adri's robe was wide open. He got it and tipped the guy before carrying the food in. "Can anyone see us on this patio?"
"But you get to pick what I wear in return." She smiled when he said fair and she attacked him with kisses.

"If that's the case then you go put on your robe and take off all of your clothes. Because women all over the world have done the same thing to you. And you heard some of them at the weigh in because that wasn't me cheering when you took your clothes off." She bit her bottom lip and wondered if that argument would work.

"One tattoo at a time cowboy." She laughed. "That knight piece is going to take a long time, as in multiple visits, so you might want to get in Vegas where it's easier." She nodded her head to where he would get his King tattoo. She frowned a little bit, "You're going to be in great condition after the fight." She said softly. "You have to be."

Adri waited by the bedroom door frame until the front door was closed and then she came out and walked to the patio doors. "I guess we will find out." She smiled over her shoulder and walked out on to the patio. There was a beautiful view of the city and the courtyard was beneath them but they were so high up she doubted she would get caught in her robe. She turned to Jake with her arms out on the stone rail and wiggled her body down to the floor and back up while saying, "I think we are safe."
Jake could have fun picking out Adri's item to wear. His eyebrows wiggled playfully at her.

"Wait...are you saying you didn't cheer for me? Your man got up on that stage, practically in his underwear for you and I didn't even get a cheer?! I'm offended." He smiled a bit and kissed her cheek.

"Babe our tattoos are going to be nothing and it's going on our fingers. The quote wouldn't be bad to get with ours." He gave her a nod about knight piece. "Yeah I thought about that. I also thought about going to a big famous artist. Like Ami James, Chris Nunez, or Kat Von D. I'm sure Kat would love to do my piece." He smiled at Adri a little bit, curious what she'd say to that. "I better be in good condition."

Jake carried the food out to the patio and watched her with a smile. He turned and went into the bathroom and did what she said he should do and put his robe on after stripping himself. He tied it closed before walking back out, grabbing his drink and sitting down to eat with her. "This smells really good. Baby how often do we get to have dinner in London on such pretty patio, in robes?" He chuckled a little. Jake wanted to travel more places with Adri so he could say that they could do cool stuff like that. "I love you Adriana. Thanks for putting up with me. I know it's not easy." He rubbed her hand.
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