Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Adri was actually having a little fun dancing. Probably too much fun dancing. This was all a ruse to get Jake upset so they could go have a good time but there was nothing wrong with having a little fun before the real fun began. She only saw it as dancing and having fun. Not to mention the alcohol was slightly warping her judgement. Jake was busy talking about the fight anyways and he was probably sore from taking elbows to the ribs. She might as well get her dance in while she could.

When the song was up, the Dj swiftly moved into the next song and she knew it was only a matter of time before Jake came and whisked her away. She smiled when he came on to the dance floor. He was a little more aggressive than she thought he would be and she put her hands up.

"Relax. It was a dance." She defended and Alex agreed. "You're so jealous sometimes." She rolled her eyes and raised an eyebrow at Jake.
Jake gave Alex a stare down. He didn't want to get too carried away and start drama and have someone take pictures for the press to get the wrong idea. Except he did think it would be Adri and his little secret if the world thought they got in a fight in London, where they got engaged, but really they just faked it all so they could get busy together.

"It looked a little bit more than that...You were dancing awful close. So you'd be fine if I picked a girl to dance with like that?" He shook his head. "You'd be mad...but whatever...enjoy your dance...I don't even care anymore." Jake shrugged and turned to walk away.

Jake walked away pretending to be pissed off and annoyed. He went down a hallway towards the bathrooms. He looked around for a spot for them to be alone. There were a couple private rooms and one wasn't being occupied. He leaned against the wall with a pissed look on his face.
"You're just being a drama queen." She argued. She rolled her eyes when he walked away and she let him walk away for a little bit. When he got far enough away, she chased after him. She turned the corner when he leaned against the wall.

She walked over, "You're a pretty good actor, you know?" She said softly but for the cameras she used her hands to look like she was talking him out of being upset.

"I think you scared that poor kid." She said softly and looked at the room behind her. She noticed it was empty and she pulled him off of the wall and into the room. She slammed the door shut to keep up with appearances and she locked it behind her. When they were in the room she smiled and kissed Jake.

"Congrats on winning Boo." She between kisses. They had a couch and the walls. It was easy tot tell what the room was designed for. She never thought she would be in one but it was thrilling to be there.
Jake still looked pissed off. "Yeah so are you...a little too good." He rolled his eyes to keep up with the appearance. It was kinda fun, almost role playing.

"Good, I hope I did scare him!" He really meant that too. Adri was his and wasn't afraid to mark his territory. "You are mine after all." Once he was in the room with her he smiled and kissed her back.

"Thanks babe." He said back between kisses. His hands moved to her hips as he let his tongue search for hers. Jake had been waiting all day for this moment. After letting their tongues play together a bit he moved his kisses to her neck as his hand slid up her hip before going back down, the second time it traveled up her leg it slid under her skirt. He pulled back and smiled as he looked in her eyes. He squatted down and slid his hands from her ankles up her legs, under her skirt. His fingertips found her panties and pulled them down and had her step out of them. His eyes didn't move from hers. "You are not getting these back..." He said softly before standing back up and kissing her.
Adri smiled, "Sounds like you are actually jealous." She teased and kissed him softly. "I'm not officially yours until I say I do." She reminded.

She smiled when he pulled her underwear off. "Don't lose those. I need them for the next fight. I am pretty sure they are lucky." They hadn't let her down the last two fights. This was a close one but they still reigned supreme. He did win tonight.

They had to be quick or else Amy might come back and find them. She wanted to take her time with him but there was time for that when they got to the hotel room. When he got back up and kissed her, she kissed him back. While they kissed she unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants open. She pushed them down while her tongue taunted his.

She flipped her skirt up so her bottom half was bare and grasped the shaft of hid dick. She stroked it in her palm and smiled at him. "Just wait til I get you back to the hotel room." She said softly.
"Oh is that so? So we can just do what we want?" He asked playfully.

He had no idea she wore the same underwear for his fights. It was impressive and hot at the same time. He had no idea she was superstitious like that. He stuffed them in his jeans pocket. "They are safe." He grinned before kissing her.

He let out a moan when she took him in her hand. His eyebrows wiggled and then he wince, "Ow...fuck..." He let out a grown. He totally forgot about his cut until it was too late. After kissing Adri, it took no time for him to forget about it. His hands moved down and grabbed her butt as he lifted her up and against the wall.

"And what do you have planned for the hotel?" He spoke in a sexy tone as he moved her ever his tip and slowly slid her down on him.
She giggled softly and rubbed his cheek, "Don't pop a stitch and ruin playtime." She said softly. She wrapped her legs around him and anchored herself against the wall. She put her hands behind his head and looked down at him as she slide down on him.

She moaned and her eyes fluttered. Her thighs tightened around him to ge their grip again and she rubbed his cheek. "A nice hot bath, a massage and a hot night of sex." She said answering his question.

She wiggled her hips to get him to start moving. She cupped his cheeks and kissed him again. "I love you so much." She sighed and tightened her inner muscles so she could feel her walls saueezing his cock inside of her.
Jake looked up into her eyes. This woman was good to him. He'd return the favor in LA. He kissed her neck and nipped softly at it. "Sounds wonderful. All of it."

He started thrusting into her deeply. He started slow but deep. His pace picked up with each thrust. "I love you so much." She felt amazing. Every part of her felt amazing.

He moaned into her ear as he nipped at it. His thrusts moved deeper and faster into her. His breath was warm on her ear. A few moans of her name escaped her lips.
She squealed when he started to fuck her faster and deeper. Witht h music blasting, it would be hard for anyone to hear them so they could be as loud as they wanted. "I love you too." She said softly and kissed him, moaning into his mouth as they kissed.

It didn't take long for her to feel her orgasm building. She gripped his arms and her nails bit into his skin. She moaned his name a few times. Once her orgasm started, she let out a loud moan and her thighs gripped his hips tighter to keep from slipping.

She hoped he came deep enough inside of her that she wouldn't be dripping cum out on the dancefloor but she could always go tot he bathroom and wipe it off when the time came.
He loved when she got close that she dug her nails in him. It turned him on that she marked her territory, whether it was intentional or not.

Jake felt her around him and he let out a moan of her name into her ear. His cum shot deep into her as he kept moving into her until they both were finished. He looked in her eyes and kissed her softly but with more want.

He set her legs back down on the floor as he tried to breathe but didn't move his eyes off hers for a moment. His knee spread her legs. He knelt down and used his tongue to clean her enough on the outside of her and around her lips. His eyes still locked on hers while his tongue worked. Then he stood up putting her skirt down. "No going and cleaning up..." Jake liked the idea of her going back out with his cum deep in her and no panties on. He grinned at her and kissed her before pulling his pants up.
His tongue worked her to a smaller orgasm compared to the one she just had. She smiled at his 'command' and nodded her head before kissing him. She could taste both of them on his tongue and she loved it. She rubbed her lips together and wiped his mouth for him. "Your mouth smells like sex." She told him and kissed him again. "Tastes like it too." She bit his bottom lip and sucked it before letting it go.

She rubbed her skirt down to make sure it was flat on all sides. She used the mirror in the room to make sure her lips stick wasn't smeared. She had faith that it wasn't but it she had make sure. She ran her fingers through her hair and smiled at Jake.

"God I love you." She said softly and kissed his neck. She took his hand in hers and opened the door. She stepped into the hallway as Luke and amy were turning the corner, presumably to come and check on them.

Amy looked her over and then looked over Jake, "Are you two okay?" She asked hesitantly.

Adri nodded her head, "We had a nice long talk. We are doing much better now." She gave Jake's hand a squeeze and looked at him, "Right?"
He just grinned and kissed her back as he buckled up his belt. "You love it though." He kissed her back. It would soon smell and taste like alcohol when he got back to the table to get a drink. After their fun together, he definitely needed something to drink.

His eyes looked her over. "You look sexy baby. Don't worry." He smiled at her. "I love you too beautiful." As soon as he stepped out of the room with her his smile faded to play in with the fact that they had just 'talked.' He saw Amy and Luke and he sighed, continuing to play along with their plan.

He rolled his eyes before looking at Adri, "Yeah...right. If that guy touches you again..." Jake shook his head, Luke looked them both over, "Why I don't I buy everyone a round..." He lead Amy and the couple back out to their seats. Jake would be lying if he didn't wonder a bit of how Adri was when he wasn't around, but trusted her so really it didn't matter. Normally, thinking about it would leave him in a bad mood and possibly cause a fight, a real one, but he didn't care. She just fucked him at a club, after his big win, and she declared her love to him, and voiced wanting more of him later. Not to mention she had a ring on her finger telling the world she was going to marry him. That was enough.

After sitting down, Luke had another round brought out to everyone and Jake took a drink and looked at Adri, putting his arm around her shoulders. "I love you..." He leaned close and whispered a fake apology. His forehead resting on hers a moment before giving her a small kiss.
"He won't touch me again." She promised and wrapped her arm around him.

She walked with him back to the table and sat next to Jake. The fighters that were around earlier were gone. She wasn't sure if they left the club or just found another table. Adri sipped on the drink Luke ordered for the table. She smiled at Jake and nodded her head, "I love you too." She kissed him back.

She put her legs across his lap and rubbed his cheek. "We have to take a picture for your injury binder." She reminded. "And I got a shirt. You look pretty damn good on it, I must admit. A few more fights and we will have a quilt." She laughed because it would take forever to finish the damn thing. Unless she found shirts from old fights on ebay or something. That is exactly what she would do and give it to him on his birthday. that would be perfect.
He smiled and gave her a nod. "Yeah we do. We may have to find a picture online of me all bloody to add to the binder. Also, tomorrow more bruises may show up. You know tomorrow I'll feel worse than tonight." The adrenaline won't be pumping to help mask the pain. He literally had the best woman to make his future wife. Most chicks would hate that he fights for a living, instead she is right by his side the whole way and even willing to take pics for his injury binder.

His hand rubbed her leg and Jake enjoyed spending time with group. A few other fighters came over and shook Jake's hand congratulating him on the win. He thanked them while he was busy talking to those fighters a guy walked up and sat down next to Adri. He smiled at her, "Enjoying your time in London? Heard you got engaged, Congratulations." He had a wedding ring on himself, so he wasn't hitting on her. "Jake had a good win. Nasty cut though...I've had a few of those. You may want to tell him to slow down on his road to be champion. He may not be so easy to walk out of the ring one of these times. He will have to get through me to become champion and trust me, I've working harder and longer for it than he has. I don't have a time snapping his elbow..." He grinned at her as the music was too loud for anyone else to hear what he was saying. "Or his neck..."

The man sitting next to her was Michael Bisping. "Tonight's fight should have been mine." He got up and Jake noticed who it was he just gave Jake a pissed off look and walked away with a drink in his hand. It was clear that he had been drinking awhile. "What did he say to you?" Jake looked confused.
"So you want to wait until tomorrow?" She asked and looked at the cut on his brow. "It might swell too. I'll call and see if they can get an ice pack sent to the room." She pouted a little and kissed his forehead. "And you will be sleeping next to a bottle of ibuprofen. You might have a hangover tomorrow too."

Adri sat happily, swaying to the music and letting the alcohol buzz through her veins. She smiled at the guy that sat down next to her. He seemed friendly at first. She showed him her ring, "Thank you. I'm still getting used to showing it off." She laughed. Her smile slowly faded when he started threatening Jake. She could smell the alcohol on his breath and had to wonder how much of what he was saying was alcohol fueled. He couldn't really mean it. He couldn't kill Jake and he wouldn't. But even Jake said he could easily go too far and accidentally kill someone in the ring. It left a bad feeling in her stomach.

She heard what Jake said but wasn't quick to respond. She shook her head because she didn't want him to react and get hurt. This was his night and she wasn't going to let some guy's words ruin his moment. "He was congratulating me on the engagement." She told Jake and kissed him which was partially true.
"It won't take long to take a quick picture tonight and then we can take another one tomorrow." His eyes closed briefly when she kissed his head. "Thank you love. The conference doctor can get something stronger if it's needed but I'm sure I'll be fine." He said that now cause he was feeling pretty good from the fight and alcohol.

Jake watched her and he felt something was off and knowing who it was he knew he had to have said something but he let go. Luke watched and exchanged a look with Jake. Jake gave Adri a kiss. They stayed and hung out a bit longer. Jake started to get kind of tired and looked at Adri. "You ready? I'm getting kind of tired." He wasn't entirely tired, but was ready to get back to the hotel where they could be alone.

The rest of the group was ready to head back as well. Amy and Luke secretly wanted alone time as well. All in all they all had a good evening out. Jake held Adri's hand as they walked out to the bus. The rest of body was starting to hurt a bit. He wrapped his arm around his love while they headed back. "I hope Owen is awake when we call tomorrow. I miss my little buddy." It helped Jake knowing Adri's parents were there to take good care of him.

Once they got back to the hotel Jake stopped and looked at Adri. "I owe you a night walk. Up for it? Or is it too late?"
Adri nodded her head, "I'd love a walk." She put her arm around his waist and said goodnight to Luke and Amy before directing Jake a certain way. "If we get lost my phone is still charged so I will navigate us home." She smiled at Jake and kissed his cheek. A walk might help clear her head.

She tried to act normal at the club but what Bisping said made her skin crawl. it didn't help that Jake had a no tapping rule. Even though he promised her he would tap if he reached his limit. What if he didn't know his limit and got so injured he couldn't fight any more or even lost his life? He had Owen and he needed a father. He barely had a mother. She rubbed her lips together and squeezed Jake's hip lovingly. They had to protect their fighters against stuff like that though, right? She sighed, she didn't want to think about it.

She looked at her ring and watched it shine in the moonlight. "Who do you think you will end up fighting next?" She asked softly. "Now that you are number three does that mean your next fight is number two and then the champion? Or will you fight to defend your spot?"
He gave Amy a hug and said bye to the guys. Jake wrapped his arm around Adri's shoulders. "You cold babe?" It wasn't something he was worried about, getting lost. If they would find their way back. He figured it was a guy thing, to not worry about getting lost and just walked around.

His fingertips ran up and down her arm and he could tell she was deep in thought and he had a feeling it had something to do with Bisping. He kissed her temple before smiling at her looking at her ring. "I don't know what they will have me do. Since they skipped Bisping they may still make me fight him to truly be number three. But it may also depend on what number two and one do. But they will have one and two fight. And then the winner of that will fight reigning champion. So the champion can change before I even get to him. There would be at least two fights yet if not a third. Before a shot at the champion. Why babe?"

"We can plan the wedding around your schedule and if I need to push getting a fight I can. Dana knows we're engaged so if we set a date he will know how to schedule fights." He tried to make it seem like it was the wedding she was thinking of, and maybe it was. "In all honest babe it's up to Dana. He could never give me a title shot if he didn't want to. He's going to give it to who's going to bring in the most money. He can technically schedule me a title fight in a couple months or make me defend my spot." Jake walked quietly for a few moments and just looked around the city. They truly were in a very pretty place.
"Why did they skip Bisping?" She knew he told her why but she couldn't remember. He didn't look injured at the club but it could be healing and he was masking any pain he felt. She smiled and played it off like she was thinking about the wedding. "I don't want you to miss out on any fights for the wedding. Especially any that could boost your career. I am okay with being engaged for a couple years. it gives us more time to make it the wedding we want." She shrugged her shoulder.

"Then Dana will be the first person we tell when we pick a date." She smiled at Jake and kissed his cheek as they walked. When she was ready to turn around she looked up at Jake, "Are you ready for you massage?" She smiled at him. "We should get it in tonight before you get too sore to want one. And maybe tomorrow to soothe your aching muscles we can take another bubble bath. I think your dad is going to take you to dinner tomorrow. Just the father and son. Amy and I have a tea time/etiquette training in the late afternoon as well. You are welcome to join." She teased.

They turned around the block so they could start heading back to the hotel. "You never know when the queen will invite you to tea. This information may come in handy one day." She knew it probably wasn't going to happen but a girl could dream of meeting the queen.
"He is on medical suspension for not getting a ct scan after his last fight. Basically he needed medically cleared to fight. It's getting to be pretty common to make sure we don't take fights too quickly back to back." He looked down and shook his head no really sure why in the hell he was going to say this next part but he was, "It's like you know how mom always talked about me being punch drunk? Boxers used to get so many fights and not really heal after and rush into another fight that they'd get punched too many times that they literally walked around like they were drunk all the time. And with all these new studies about concussions and such, they are trying to just protect us fighters." He looked at Adri. "I may have to get medically cleared before they will give me another fight because of getting cut up and the blows to the head. Just to watch their backs so if something were to happen they can't get sued as easily."

Jake liked the idea of letting Dana know first. "You said you weren't technically mine until we get married so I'd rather NOT wait YEARS. A year or so...I can live with. I can live with not rushing to plan the wedding so it's everything we want it to be. But I don't want to just keep pushing it back either." He gave her a nod to heading back. "A massage actually sounds amazing right now. I am starting to get sore." He had no idea his dad wanted to take him out. "I should take dad out instead of him taking me out..." He shook his head at how backwards that was but he knew how his dad would probably get, being a father himself, he got it. "I'll let you two ladies have fun. I wouldn't want to intrude." He kissed her cheek.

With a chuckle Jake looked at her in her eyes. "Baby you know if I had any pull in the matter I'd let you meet the queen. But I don't think my money is any good here. They'd probably laugh at me." They got back to the hotel and he headed up to their room.
"I'd rather have you get medically cleared than find out the hard way that you shouldn't have been in a fight." She knew they were mainly doing it to protect their asses but it made her feel good. You've been knocked in your head quite a few times. When was the last time you had a check up?"

She shrugged her shoulder, "I'm not rushing anything." She said softly. "I like the idea of being engaged to you. It means planning our future and really growing with each other. Then we get married and start exciting our plan. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to be engaged for a while." She smiled, "Let him take you out. He wants to celebrate with you. He wants to do something that he never got a chance to do."

She laughed, "You don't want to go to our tea party?" She pouted. She shrugged her shoulder, "I was happy touring house and looking at the Crown Jewels. Maybe we can meet the president instead. American Royalty." She smiled at Jake.

When they got to the room she took a shower and let him join her. When they got out, she grabbed her lotion and took it to the bed. She quickly rubbed it into her skin and then she would start his massage.
Jake gave Adri a look. She was acting like his mother a bit with that statement. But he let it go. There was no way he'd tell her that. "Before we got together." He knew she'd qant him checked before long if the UFC didn't force him to themselves.

He didn't mind being engaged to her a bit, but he was also ready to start their future together. He truly loved this woman. "I will. I get it. With Owen I understand. It's been nice havint him here. I know Aim likes it too." It would be nice if he could have both parents at his wedding, but he'd rather have his father than mother if he had to choose. He was zero drama and supportive.

Jake couldn't help but steal a few kisses in the shower. Once they were out he crawled onto the bed. He would give her his back first then roll over for her to rub his chest. "That's not fruity chick lotion is it?" He got comfortable closing his eyes.
she nodded her head when he said a year ago but that felt so long ago. He had a number of fights since the last time he got checked out. Who knew what was going on in his body right now.

After the shower, she took a seat on his butt and started to massage him. She laughed a bit, "Maybe, maybe not." She continued to rub his back. "Is the big tough fighter really worried about smelling like fruity chick lotion?"

When he turned around she put lotion on his chest and ragged her finger through it to sign his chest. "Will you get checked out for me? Make sure there is nothing bad going on in that beautiful head of yours before get in the ring again?" She looked into his eyes and raised an eyebrow. "Please."
Jake chuckled a bit at her question. "A little bit yeah. I have a reputation to uphold babe. Don't want other fighters think I like to use chick lotion..." It did feel good though. That's honestly what he was thinking about. She was good at giving massages. "Ma'am are you available to hire for massages?"

His arm moved behind his head and he watched her and her finger as it ran over his chest. How did he know this question would come up. He let out a sigh as he looked back in her eyes. Damn why did she have to be so adorable and make it harder for him. It would ease her mind and probably wouldn't be an awful idea. "You want me to get a ct scan so they can officially say I'm crazy?" He smiled a bit trying to crack a joke.

"Yeah. I can do that for you baby." He didn't know though what he'd do if something came back wrong. He wasn't ready to retire. There were goals he still needed to accomplish. It also may be something he doesn't have a choice about. They may mandate it before he can fight again. Her hands over his skin felt so good. "I love your hands on me. It helps me relax so much."
"Yes but I am crazy expensive. I don't know if you could afford me." She teased. "I bought a massage lotion that is supposed to warm up as I knead it into your skin. I thought it would be perfect for a night like this but sadly I forgot it at home under the bathroom sink. So you get aloe smelling lotion that is supposed to firm and smooth the skin. When we get home the massage will feel much better."

She frowned at him, "I want you to get a CT scan so I know you are safe when you are in the ring. I don't want you to get hurt. You have a baby and a fiancé to think of now. I need to know you'll walk out of the ring and you'll be in our future." She smiled when he agreed and she bent over to kiss him, "Thank you. It means a lot to me." She said softly and continued to massage his chest.

When she was finished she laid on the next to him and kissed his cheek. She checked the time compared to the time in Vegas. "You want to call mom? Owen should be awake if she kept to the schedule."
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