Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"No. I just barely missed the queen. So close though." She teased and kissed him back. "I'm looking at images of this parlor's tattoos. I think this is where I want to go. It looks like they are pretty close too so we can walk or take the car." She smiled at him, "That's great Boo. I'm glad to hear it."

She shook her head, "I'd like to be comfortable while a needle pierces my skin over and over again. I'm not nervous. Getting a tattoo is like getting married. We are committing to it now and if we don't like it later on down the road then it will be a long and painful process to reverse. When I get married I want it to be forever. That is why I a open to getting a tattoo with you. As lo as I have the same commitment then I will happily do this with you."

She put her hand on his knee and patted it, "We should go see her. She needs to meet her grandson and see my ring." Adri wiggled her finger and smiled at Jake. "I won't be able to wear it until the tattoo gets healed. I might just wear it on my other hand until the tattoo heals." She shrugged her shoulder. She didn't want to take it off but she didn't want it to irritate the already irritated skin of a tattoo.

"Are you going to change or are you wearing that?"
"Oh no babe, I'm sorry. Maybe next time." He looked at the images with her. "Sounds good. Dad and I asked around and we actually heard that it was a good place." It was a nice day so walking with her would be nice. "Let's walk babe."

Jake smiled at her and gave her a soft kiss. "I love you. I wouldn't have given you that ring and asked you to marry me if I was already committed. To me getting married just legally seals the deal. Otherwise I'm already yours. I too am only getting married once. So if five years down the road you hate my guts. Sorry about your luck." He teased and chuckled a bit. "Did you find a font you like?"

"She could always come to Vegas too you know. We've already went out there once...she could try too." He shrugged but knew Adri wanted to show her ring off. It made him feel good that he had the right one made for her. "It's a good idea. It probably would irritate it a bit. What is your mom going to think to us getting tattoos?" He smile and gave her neck a kiss. "My ribs may hurt a bit." His hand lifted up his shirt to look at his upper body. His right side was the side that was bruised a bit. "Looks like it will have to be on my left rib."
"As long as you know you are stuck with me and my spending habits for the rest of our lives." She smiled at him. "Sorry about your luck." She stuck her tour out at him and kissed his cheek. "I did. It's called Bonheur Royale. It's really nice but I think King and Queen should be bigger than the other words." She her hugged her shoulder. "It's your body though. Ultimately it's up to you."

She nodded her head slowly, "She could but we both know she won't. Maybe after she meets Owen and wants to see him again, she will come down to visit. Grandparents can't resist the pull of their grandkids. Everyone knows rubbed her lips together, "She doesn't know. She was always super against tattoos growing up. I figure what she doesn't know won't hurt her. And when she sees it, it will be too late to do anything about it. I am also hoping Owen distracts her from seeing it or caring about it."

She pulled a face when she saw his ribs. She kissed it gently and agreed with him, "Left side is the best side but then you are going to be hurting on both sides of your body." She wondered if they should get tattoos tomorrow. It would probably hurt him too much if they worked on his back. He could always get his lower body and neck done though.

She switched purses so she was carrying her cross body Louis Vuitton bag she held her hand out to Jake and tapped his butt to make sure he had his wallet. She knew she had a hotel key and her phone so she was ready to go. "Will you go first?" She asked him. "At least get the finger one first and then I'll get my finger done and the. You can get your rib. Okay?"
"I know. My bank account may not like it." He chuckled and teased her a bit. He looked at the font. "I like that babe. I like how the King and Queen should be bigger too. I'll want to see the stencil first though." He kissed her cheek. "I like your ideas. Your input matters. You'll be the one who has to look at it forever too."

His head rested against the back of the couch. His fingers played with the hem on jeans. "She isn't like your mom babe. She may not want to come even after seeing Owen. I swear the moment she tries to give me parenting advice I'm going to lose it." He ran a hand over the back of his neck. "What will your mom say about me getting one though?"

"It's okay that I'll be hurting on both cause I have this amazing fiance who will kiss it and make it better. Like she just did." He smiled at her and rubbed her leg before getting up to leave with her. "Don't worry I have the money." He grabbed her hand and walked out to the elevator with her.

"Yeah baby I can go first. Just don't back out on me. If you are having second thoughts tell me before I get mine. I think I'm going to get mine on both sides of my finger. What do you think?" His thumb caressed her hand as they took off walking for the tattoo shop. "I'm not sure how big I want to get the rib tatt. I kind of want it big, like to take up my whole rib cage."
"Never doubt the powers of a grandkid." Adri said softly. "They are masterful creatures. They hypnotize all to get their way. Especially when they are little babies. All it takes is one cry and then snap into action to do anything for him. They are pretty smart. I'm sure if I tried that on you it wouldn't work." She rolled her eyes playfully, "Oh please you're the favorite child right now. Nothing you can do will hurt how she sees you."

She laughed, "I wasn't checking for money. I was just checking to making sure you didn't lose it." She smiled, "Wouldou be terribly angry if I backed out after you got your finger tattoo?" She asked curiously. She knew she would be upset. This was supposed to be something they did together as a symbol of their relationship. "Don't worry babe. I'm getting the tattoo. I just need to see how painful it is before I get it."

She nodded her head, "That might be cool. I don't have that luxury though. I'm pushing it with one tattoo. My agent would kill me if I got two even if they were small." She thought about how big that tattoo would be, "that's pretty big, Boo. I think it'll be nice though. If the script is big then it will be easier to read. Then you can get the 3D knight piece over your heart and what ever else you come up with. Maybe I can sign your butt and you get that tattooed on." She giggled.
"Owen does have a way of hypnotizing people. Look at Luke. Luke was never going to touch a kid, he held Owen and I think he now wants kids." He laughed a bit. "I'm your mom's favorite?" That made him feel good. He loved her parents. They were so good to him and Owen, he couldn't ask for better in laws.

"Yes I would be pretty upset. Not that I have this tattoo and you don't but that we agreed to do it together and you bailed. It would make me wonder if you'd bail on us." He kissed her cheek. " can't gauge the pain with me. I'm a fighter. I get beat on for a living. My pain tolerance is probably way different than yours."

Jake shook his head and rolled his eyes. "It's your body. You should be able to do what you want with it. You'd look sexy with or without tattoos. Hell look at other famous people a lot of tattoos." He looked at her. "You think it's too big? I can always have them stencil it and put different sizes on and see which looks the best." Jake shook his head and rolled his eyes. "You are NOT signing my ass. You could sign my chest over my heart though. I'd get I wouldn't."
"Well you did give her a grandkid to spoil. So I'd say yes, though she probably wouldn't admit it unless you asked her privately. Don't be so happy about it. You took the title from me, you ass." She teased.

"Well I know that but I want to see you get it first and then I'll get it." She said softly.

She laughed and shook her head, "It's my body but if I want to get paid to model other people's products then I need to have a clean canvas. They need to be able to mold me into whatever they want. High fashion models don't have tattoos." She shook her head again, "Not too big. When we see it in your body we can decide if it's too big or not. I think it will look really nice. I can't wait to see you when you are all tattooed. It's going to look sexy as hell." She smiled happily.

"I want to sign your butt. Right on the top curve of your ass. No one would even know it was there. It would be my little secret on your cute butt. It would suck though. I wouldn't be able to touch your booty until it healed." Her face light up, "It could say Property of Adriana."
Jake smiled proudly. "You know that means...I'm the champion of the kids." He stood up proud and puffed out his chest. "I'm not an ass...give her another grandkid and then you'd regain the title. But I'll hold onto it for you." He gave her back a pay.

He shrugged. He didn't like that. It's his body if he wanted to pierce it or tattoo it up it's his canvas to do as he pleases. "But I feel like if you want to get something you should be able to. Just one thing I don't entirely agree with but will respect it." He kissed her head and wrapped his arm around her. "We will test it out. Will you help me put the lotion on it?"

He shook his head but smiled. "No Adri. You're not signing my ass. Sorry. I do want to do something for you. Like a kiss or something." He shrugged knowing she'd never get it so it didn't matter. "I do think it would be cool when O gets bigger have him sign his name or draw me a picture and I get it tattooed on me. I could do it for all our kids. Maybe pick an age and have them do it." He kissed her head as they arrived at the shop.

Going in Jake looked around. A guy covered in tattoos and piercings walked up and asked what he could do for them. Jake explained what they both wanted. And then what he wanted and the guy got to work on their K and Q tattoos. Jake stood with his arms around Adriana from hehind as he looked at other work.
"Then I won't be favorite child for a while." She grumbled.

She smiled and nodded her head, "Any time." She pouted when he said she couldn't sign his butt. "No fun." She said playfully. "I'll just get you drunk and sign it then." She teased. "Isn't the big tattoo for me?" She asked, "I am the queen you are referring too right?" Or was she the queen he was referring to right now? She smiled and looked ahead. She had a feeling he wouldn't get a tattoo of her name for the same reasons he wouldn't get something with his name on her body. They could say they were together forever but something could happen and the last thing either of them wanted was to be stuck with the other person's name on their body.

She rubbed her lips together and flipped through the books. When their tattoos were finished, the artist came over and showed them. Adri liked hers and it was small enough to be hidden between her fingers. She took her ring off and put it on her other finger for the time being. Jake was up first though. "Do you want to hold my hand while you get your tattoo?" She asked Jake and kissed his cheek.
"Like I said...I'll hold the title for ya till you're ready." He winked at her.

Jake smiled. "Yes the big tattoo is for you. Well you are MY queen. And you always will be." He kissed her softly. If they didn't work out he'd still have the King of hearts tattoo on his finger. And he ccould live with that. His future women interested would just have to deal with it. He wouldn't regret it or ever get it removed because it showed their love and he could never regret that. A name tattoo that isn't your child or blood relative is a curse and the relationship usually ends. He does not want that for he and Adri. He also couldn't regret his rib tattoo either. He truly believes the symbolism of the tattoo. He's a big tough guy to everyone else but she knows inside his heart.

He liked his tattoo as well. The rib tattoo he would need to ser on but he would do that after Adri got hers. "Baby you don't need a reason to hold my hand." He winked at her. "But it may be pretty painful so you probably should." He teased with a smile then followed the artist into his room. Jake sat in the chair as the guy prepped. He wiped the area with alcohol then put the stencil on and once Jake liked the placement on the one side the artist started.
Adri walked to the back with Jake and watched the artist set up the tattoo. She was getting nervous herself. She didn't like needles and now she was about to get a tattoo with Jake. That was part of the reason why she wanted Jake to go first. She wanted to build herself up before she got her own.

She held Jake's hand and kissed his knuckles. It was a small tattoo so she shouldn't be as nervous. It probably wouldn't take that long and hopefully it wouldn't hurt too bad. She had nothing to worry about compared to the piece Jake was getting done on his ribs.

"I'm kind of nervous, Boo. I don't like needles. I'm going to need you to hold my hand." She said softly and watched the artists start to work on Jake's finger. She looked up at Jake, "How bad is it?" She asked him. She knew his pain tolerance was higher than hers but she wanted to know what he thought of the pain.
Jake wasn't worried at all about their finger tattoos. It was his rib tattoo that he was a little nervous for. It was more from the fight the night before and if it would be too tender to get it done. His thumb caressed Adri's hand.

"I'll hold your hand baby." He smiled at her. "It's not bad at all. It kind of feels like a pinch." He didn't really want to explain it kind of felt like a needle going into your skin over and over again. A really small needle. But it did kind of feel like a pinch too. "I may need you to hold my hand for my ribs. I'm afraid that will hurt a little."

It took not even 15 minutes for the artist to do both sides. Jake looked it over and showed Adri with a smile. He loved it. "I love it baby what do you think?"
Adri smiled and nodded her head, "I like it." She smiled at Jake and the artists wiped off any excess ink and wrapped it up in a clear covering. He moved everything he used for Jake and started pulling everything out for Adri. She and Jake traded places and she gave Jake her hand to hold.

She rubbed her lips together nervously and smiled at Jake, "I'm being a big baby aren't i?" She asked and looked at the placement of the tattoo. She put her finger next to Jake's to see how they looked together. She liked it and got ready for the tattoo to begin.

"I need you to keep breathing and focus on Jake if it gets too painful. Keep finger your straight and don't move around. If it gets too painful tell me to stop and we will take a break. Okay?" Her artist asked and she nodded her head.

She looked at Jake and heard the buzzing start. It sounded a lot worst now that it was her tattoo being done. She gave Jake's hand a squeeze and frowned when the tattoo started. It stung but it didn't hurt as bad as she thought it would be. However the artists had to keep telling her to breathe out because she would tense up and forget.

It didn't take long for it to be over though. She only had the one side done and she was pretty pleased with the results. She smiled at Jake happily and kissed him. They traded places while the artists threw away all of the ink he used for Adri and moved the ink he used for Jake over so they could get the big tattoo done.
Jake bled a bit from the tattoo. The artist told him he was a bleeder. "Yeah well you should have saw me last night. I infact am a bleeder." Jake smiled at Adri.

He grabbed her hand and kissed it. "No you're not being a big baby. And if you were your my big baby." He smiled at his own cheesy comment. It was nice of the artist to suggest a break, especially for a less than a 15 minute tattoo.

Jake looked in her eyes, his thumb caressed her hand. "You're doing good baby." When it was over he kissed her and looked it over. "Oh shit he put it upside down." He teased and smiled at her and moved to not get hit. "You did good babe. I'm proud of you." He gave her another kiss.

The artist had him stand up to put the stencil on. Jake lifted his arm and he looked in the mirror at the size. "What do you think babe? I think is perfect. Not to big and not too small." Once they decide on a size the artist has Jake lay back on the table with is arm up and his side up. The position he needed to be in was a little uncomfortable but he held his hand out for Adri's. When he started, it wasn't too bad then it started to hurt a bit and Jake figured it was from the fight the night before.
She smiled at Jake and squeezed his hand, "It doesn't hurt as much as thought it would." She said softly. She was happy for it to be over though. She would probably not go through that again though. She immediately looked down when Jake said it was upside down and she pushed his chest but missed because he moved. "Ass." She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "That was not funny."

She watched the stencil get put on Jake and nodded her head, "That looks awesome." She agreed and moved out of the way so he could get back on the table. He had to face her while the artist worked and she pushed his hair back and kissed his forehead. She took his hand and smiled at him.

He was already doing better than she would have in his position. "You are doing great Boo." She said softly. She pulled out her phone and took a selfie with Jake. She captioned it, 'Making lifelong decisions right now' and tagged him in it. She would let their followers stew with that and then when his big tattoo was done she would take a picture of that and post it. She wasn't going to show the little one until her agent saw it.
Jake made a scared look on his face for the phone. He held her hand and was totally okay with the view being her while he got his tattoo.

The artist went over his actual bone and it was a bit tender from the fight and he made a face but refused to squeeze Adri's hand. He could easily hurt her hand so he just held it and made a small face. The rib tattoo was going to take longer so Jake tried to stay comfortable and not move.

"You doing okay man? I can take a break if you need one?" Jake shook his head, "I'm cool just keep going. If I need one, I'll let you know."

"How's it looking babe?" Jake had an idea to take a picture of their fingers together and use that as the background on his phone. "You will be on lotion duty." This was really cool to him and he hoped there would never be any question on how much he loved her now that he has these tattoos on his skin. Her love was tattooed on him forever.
Aidr smiled at Jake, "He's a fighter that doesn't tap." She told the artist. "I doubt he will be taking a break anytime soon." She kissed his knuckles and stood up to look at the tattoo.

"It looks good. I think it is the perfect start to your tattoo journey." She smiled at him and rubbed his cheek. "You can squeeze my hand if you want too." She told him and looked at their tattoo when he took a picture of them. She couldn't believe they actually did it. It felt impulsive but it felt right at the same time. If her agent did say something, it could easily be covered with make up and hidden so it wasn't that big of a deal to her.

She flipped through instagram while he got his tattoo and showed him some pictures of Owen that her mother sent her.
Jake smiled at her when she mentioned he was a fighter who didn't tap. "You know it babe..."

"You just want a tattooed covered man." He shook his head. "I'm gonna crush your hand. I'm okay. I could take a kiss though. Kisses help." He grinned at her.

"It seems like he's gotten bigger since we left." He knew it was impossible but he missed his boy. He was really grateful for her mom and dad. "He looks happy though. He's even smiling." Jake closed his eyes a minute when he hit another tender spot. "Do I need to run all tattoo ideas by you first?" His eyes opened back up and looked at her.

"You want to get food after this before going back to the hotel or what were you thinking?"
She smiled and nodded her head, "I do and you are going to look sexy covered in tattoos." She leaned forward and gave him a couple kisses. "I can give you all of the kisses you want." She told him and gave him one more kiss.

"He probably gained a little weight but he has to do that to stay healthy. That's good though. I want a chunky baby. So I can squeeze his thighs and cheeks." She switched to the picture that showed his happy toothless smile. "He is a very happy baby." She agreed.

"Oh yes, definitely. If I am going to be looking at these tattoos for the rest of my life then I want to see them before you get them."

She nodded her head to getting food. Now that he wasn't on his fight schedule he could eat whatever he wanted. That was typically Chipotle but since they wouldn't find one of those here he would have to settle for something else. "What are you in the mood for?" She asked and kissed his forehead.
"I'll take all the kisses you wanna give me. I love your kisses." He kissed her back softly.

"If he gets chubby we will have to get him active so he doesn't stay chubby. But i think he will be very active whrn he gets mobile." Jake smiled thinking of his buddy back home. "I love that smile. I can't wait to hear him laugh." Jake made another face for a minute.

Jake chuckled a bit. "Don't worry, I'll get the queen's approval first."

Jake thought about food. He really didn't know what sounded good. "What do you suggest for an American to try?"

"We have so many different ethnicities here just about anything is good to try once. But there's this Indian place a few blocks down. It's really good. I suggest trying that." Jake looked at Adri. "What do you think baby? We can walk around after, hit some shops?"
Adri nodded enthusiastically, "I'd love some spicy Indian food. And if you are offering a chance to go shopping, I will not turn you down." she smiled at Jake and kissed his cheek. "We have to get something for Owen and Max anyways so we should hit up a few shops while we are out and about. We can catch a cab home if your tattoo hurts too much." She added.

She rubbed his hair back and smiled down at him. She checked out the tattoo again and smiled at the progress. His skin was red from the irritation and his bleeding but the actual tattoo looked really nice.

"Are you going to be able to handle a chest piece? That would be much more complicated than lettering boo. And it's going to take a lot longer." She said softly. "How often are you going to come home with a new tattoo?" She also asked because she knew they could be addictive.
"Yeah I'm excited to see what we can find for Owen. We should get something too for us. To keep...since we got our tattoos and engaged here. Like let's get a bottle of wine babe. Keep it and we can have it on our wedding day." Jake smiled at his idea. That honestly was a nice idea.

"I don't want entire chest piece. I want it on my shoulder. You mean the knight piece right? I want It on my shoulder down. Yeah maybe a bit on my chest. I'm okay with it hurting and taking awhile. Babe... I can handle pain. I am a MMA fighter after all. Do you think I'm that weak?" He teased her a bit.

"Not very often. I just want the knight piece after this and maybe something for my kids. But that doesn't have to be for awhile. Who knows maybe other idea may come up but as of now that's all I want." He looked in her eyes and smiled before the artist told him he was done as he wiped the tattoo off.

"I'll let you look at it before I put the plastic on it." Jake stood up and looked at it in the mirror then just by itself. "I think it looks wicked cool. Baby what do you think?" He turned to let Adri see.
"We can go to the Eye of London and take a picture to take home. We might want to get mom a copy of the picture though, or else she was try to take ours." She had to admit, she liked his bottle of wine idea better than he picture idea. They could always do both though. "A bottle of wine for our wedding day. I think that is a brilliant idea."

She smiled and rolled her eyes, "Yeah you're okay with pain until it comes to work out and then you are aching to get back in the gym. Do you really think you will be able to train with a fresh tattoo? You can't soak in water and you are always drenched in sweat after you train. I don't think it is a good idea." But she wasn't the professional.

She nodded her head, "Okay. That sounds like a plan." She said softly. She was happy to hear that Jak was done with his tattoo. She looked at it and smiled. "It looks awesome Boo. It looks so good." She gave Jake a kiss.

"I am starving. Let's get out of here and get some food." She rubbed her stomach and walked with Jake to the front of the parlor. She was a little shocked to hear the price of the tattoo but she guessed she was paying for the name of the store where they got it, the service and the ink.

"Now where is this place you told us about?" She asked the guy that did their tattoos and he walked out the door and pointed out the directions.
"We can totally get a picture. And we can get two. I mean it's only right we get your mom one after she's taking care of our sick kid while we are gone." He had a valid point too. He'd buy her anything she wanted. "Hey I had a brilliant idea...mark the calendar." The artist chuckled a bit.

"I could get it worked on after fights like this. It would be a bit different on the shoulder to train. I'll figure it out." He shrugged.

Jake paid for all three tattoos and also tipped the guy and shook his hand to thank him for the good work and the suggestion for the food. He kept his shirt off even with the plastic around him. "How do I look in plastic? Sexy?" He smiled and took Adri's hand as they headed towards the restaurant. He hoped he was done bleeding before they got there so he could take the plastic off and put his shirt on. He didn't think that part through when he suggested food. The artist gave him a paper towel to use if he needed it.
"He's not sick. He has asthma. He will hopefully grow out of it like I did. Especially if you want him to be as active as you do." She laughed.

She nodded her head, "You could I guess." She agreed and kissed his cheek.

"You look sexy in anything you wear." She told him and wrapped her arm around his waist as they walked to the Indian restaurant. "I think you should keep the plastic on so you shirt doesn't cling to the tattoo. We are going shopping after this, it's going to be a pain for you to keep your shirt from touching your tattoo." She warned but if he took off the plastic wrap then he could deal with it himself.
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