Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"There's nothing wrong with that. As long as it's you I'm drooling over, right?" She smiled and kissed his shoulder. "He might want to be there for Owen like he couldn't be for you and Amy. He might pick it up really fast and surprise you." She laughed and nodded her head, "Yeah I thought you would agree with me on that."

Adri looked at Jake like that very idea wasn't just swimming through her head, "I mean...if you insist." Adri grabbed a bag and started filling it with goodies. She grabbed anything and it seemed like everything. Sour, sweet, soft gummy candy shop, hard jawbreakers. She wanted it all. She avoided coconut because Jake didn't like it but everything else was free game.

"I don't think candy would survive and international fight." She said about making her parents a goody bag. Her bag was plenty big enough for the both of them, and probably Luke and Amy as well but she wasn't sharing with Luke and Amy.
"It better be me." He gave her butt a little pat. "I'm sure he'd do fine. Luke on the other hand...not sure if he would know how to change a diaper. But then again I don't think you thought I knew how to do that...and look at how I surprised you with just how good I am at it." He grinned proudly.

"Good point." He didn't think about it not surviving the flight back. "We could just find some at the airport and put it in their bag...your parents would never know." He joked. "I'm totally kidding. I'll just tell your mom we got them candy but you ate it all." He teased and kissed her shoulder. Once Adri had everything picked out he paid for their ice cream and candy. They then started heading back to the tattoo shop on the way to the hotel. Jake didn't talk much as he was eating his ice cream on the way there. He stopped outside a clothing store. "That's a pretty skirt." He pointed at the skirt in the window to get Adri's attention away from her ice cream as he stole a bite.

Once they got to the shop again Jake went in to grab the lotion and thanked the artist on the good advice of the Indian food. As soon as he had the lotion purchased he headed back towards the hotel. This was a pretty good day after a win. Jake felt pretty lucky.
Luke, John, Rich and Amy all went home before Adri and Jake. It was rare that the couple got to get away together so they took the time to be a young engaged couple in love. Amy didn't pick up Owen immediately because she needed to get adjusted to the time zone again. She did pick him up a couple days after arriving and took him home, along with the air cleanser so his asthma wouldn't act up at home. With the help of Luke, most days and nights, they had Owen pretty comfortable at home.

Adri enjoyed her time in London but couldn't wait to get to the launch party for the perfume and cologne ads. It was her first really big contract so she was super stoked. She couldn't find anything to wear in London but her agent set her up with a stylist that would get some items and bring them to her apartment. Jake was already set with his black on black suit. It was one of their first red carpets as an engaged couple. It was a big night for the both of them. Their finger tattoos were still a secret but his big tattoo was all over instagram and what not.

They had a long flight back to LA and Jake had to carry on his suit because their stuff continued on to Vegas when they landed. They were only staying the night and then they had a flight home early in the morning. When they got to her apartment, she was sipping on a cup of coffee to keep herself awake. She had to get her hair and make-up done and she had to pick a dress. It was all a big stress for her since she didn't know what she was wearing and could only hope the stylist had something she liked. Thankfully the stylist had a really great time that didn't really let her feel the stress of the situation.

They even offered to give Jake a quick haircut to keep him sharp for Adri's arm candy. While she was getting her hair done, the clothing stylist showed her a wide range of dresses to choose from on a clothing rack. It was a hard choice but Adri picked the white pencil dress. It was in her comfort zone with a pencil shape so it wasn't that big of a surprise that she picked it. Maybe next time she would venture out to some thing more daring. Since she went with white, she could go with any color accessories but she wanted to keep it simple so the big statement was the ring. She put on a skin toned pump a pair of diamond stud earrings and she was finished. Her make up was light and elegant with a feminine light pink lip. Her hair had a soft wave to it and was kept out of her face. Any stress she had melted away when she saw herself in the mirror.

She smiled at Jake a lot more relaxed than she was before, "Ready to be my arm candy?" She asked and pinched a piece of lint off of his shoulder.
Jake was a little anxious to get home but was excited to go to the launch party with Adriana. It was special to her and he wanted to be supportive because he was really proud of her and how far she had gotten in her career in such a short time.

He drank his own coffee and he kissed her cheek when he noticed she was stressing out a bit. It would be something that would be easier for her once she had a dress and he knew that, "You would look beautiful in anything Adge." It then was time for his haircut and he made sure he was shaved and showered before he started to get dressed.

Once he was ready he walked in the room and saw Adri. "Damn...babe. You look beautiful." He kissed her softly but barely let his lips brush hers to not mess up her make up. He would not be the reason her make up was messed up. "Is that all I am, your arm candy?" He teased. "I am ready." There was a limo outside waiting for them. He walked her out to the limo. "Is the guy you posed with going to be there? Can I punch him for getting close to my fiance?" He teased with a smile.
"For the night." She nodded her head and smiled. She laughed and rubbed his arm, "Like I haven't been your arm candy before. All you have to do is smile and pose. It's really easy." She teased and walked with him to the limo. She slipped into the car and then answered his questions. "Yes, he will be there launching the men's line and no. You must play nice tonight. But if he throws the first punch you can hit him back." She winked at Jake and enjoyed the car ride back. She was happy to be on the proper side of the road again.

When they got to the venue, there was a red carpet with a short red rope fence for the photogs to stand and take pictures of all who were entering the party. Jake got out first and then Adri followed after him. There was a very short wait for the person currently on the carpet to be escorted off and then they were allowed on. Everyone was screaming her name or Jake's name trying to get their attention. It was hectic but it was fun at the same time.

As the were wrapping up, Andre' was escorted outside so he could take pictures with Adri on the carpet. Jake was pulled to the side for a second and Adri and Andre' posed for the cameras. When they were finished she took Andre' to the side and stood next to Jake, "Jake, this is Andre'. The face of the men's cologne line." She introduced and as a group they walked into the party.

Andre' ordered three drinks for the group and Adri looked around at all of the blown images of her, Andre' and a few of both her and Andre'. To think that these pictures would be all over the world was amazing to her. "My agent should be around here somewhere. I can't for you to meet him." She told Jake and looked around. She waved to a few people she knew and introduced them to Jake but it wasn't like Jake really needed an introduction, coming off of his big win.
Jake couldn't help but smile when Adri told him he could punch him back if the guy threw the first punch. He was pretty sure though that the model wouldn't choose to pick a fight with the UFC fighter. He couldn't afford for his face to get messed up. And Adri would still probably be upset with him.

He did exactly what she said, pose and smile. Jake stood off to the side so the photographers could get shots of Amdre and Adri. The jealous part of him, sized Andre up. He looked dorky to him but he did seem like a nice guy.

Once inside Jake liked seeing his future wife every where. He was one proud guy of his girl. Jake shook the hands of everyone she introduced him too and felt bad he'd only remember probably half the names. He was bad with names but tried like hell to remember the important ones though. When he had a free moment, well when Adri had a free moment rather, he kissed Adri on the temple. "Have I mentioned how proud of you I am? These look great babe. This...this is huge."
"I like hearing it." Adri smiled and gave him a kiss. "I know. This is amazing. I can't wait to show mom and dad."

Dave walked over, "Hey darling. I have been looking all over for you."

"Same here. Jake, this is my agent. This wouldn't have been possible without him."

Dave rolled his eyes, "Oh stop it. You're the talent. I am your servant. And what is this I hear about you being engaged?" Adri showed him the ring, "You know it's supposed to go on the other hand right?"

Adri nodded and looked at Jake. "I know but it can't right now because I got this done too." She showed him the tattoo and he sighed but shrugged his shoulder.

"At least it is small. How was the trip?" He asked. "Congrats on the fight Jake. You are about all she can talk about when she is here. I can see why now that I have met you in person."

Adri smiled and rubbed Jake's back, "The trip was great but I am ready to be home and get back on Vegas time. Our plane leaves at 6am tomorrow."

Dave smiled and shook his head, "Actually, you are going to need to cancel that ticket and get a new one to New York. You've been booked at Fashion Week, you're walking Mui Mui."

Adri eyes went as wide as her smile. "I did! I am! Oh my god. I got a Fashion Week. Oh my god, I don't have any clothes."
Jake extended his hand to shake Dave's hand. "Nice to finally meet you." He thanked him about congratulating him on his win. "She talks a lot about you too." He looked at Adri and was a little surprised she talked so much about him. His arm went around her waist.

His heart sank a moment when he mentioned canceling her ticket. He was a little annoyed the waited until then to tell her she had been booked for Fashion Week. He knew this was her dream and he was beyond happy for her but was just wondering when she got booked and why she wasn't told earlier so they could plan ahead a bit. Amy was under the impression they'd be home tomorrow morning and he'd be home for Owen. He missed Owen tremendously but now would have to wait another week. It wasn't like it was close he could just go and get Owen and take him with them to NY.

"I don't think you have to worry about clothes Adge." He smiled at her and gave her a hug. "I'm proud of you baby." His eyes gave Dave a look, but didn't mean for it to come across badly, he was just upset they didn't have more notice. He had a son to think about now but he was sure her agent didn't think about that or even care about that. "I'll go make some phone calls..."
She hugged Jake back and kissed his cheek. "Thank you." She rubbed his back and watched him walk off. "So tell me everything. When is the show? When do I walk?" She was excited to get there and do her thing. It was her first runway. She wanted everything to be perfect.

"The show is on Thursday but they want you out there tomorrow for fittings. So they can alter the outfits where ever they are needed and have them ready by Tuesday. On Wednesday you will do a walk through and final fitting. Then Thursday you walk. So you will have a busy few days but you are going to work it. And who knows, if you stand out, you might pull a Mui Mui campaign out of this." Dave smiled and kissed her cheeks, "I have to go mingle. Enjoy your night. You look stunning."

Adri looked around for Jake but couldn't find him so she mingled with the crowd. She could only imagine that he was slightly annoyed that she wouldn't be coming home with him. She wasn't going to ask him to stay with her because she knew he wanted to see Owen. If he could make it on Thursday that would be great but she wasn't going to force the issue.

She pulled out her phone and sent her mother the good news and asked her if she wanted to come and see the show. Her mother answered right away with an of course and Adri thought it might be a good idea for Jake to go home so he could fly out with her mother on Wednesday.

When he came back, she smiled at him. "So I'm going to be busy this week. I don't want you to be stuck in the hotel room. Go back to Vegas and then fly out with mom on Wednesday. She wants to come to the show."
He went and called Amy who said she was fine with Owen to stay as long as they needed to in NY. Jake vented a moment to his sister about his annoyance but told her he would be staying with Adri. He needed to support her. She gave up a lot for him. He needed to do the same for her. This was her turn. He then called the airlines to change their tickets to NY.

Once he got back to the party he went straight for the bar. He needed a drink. A few photographers inside the party took Adri's picture and within minutes there was an article about the couple having trouble in paradise already, as they noted the ring on the opposite hand and Jake not by her side. They look into every little detail for something that isn't there to make a story.

Jake grabbed a drink for both of them and went to find Adri. He handed her, her drink and listened to her orders for him. "Not going to happen. I'm going to New York with you. I already changed our tickets. Amy is fine with Owen. I just need to let her know when we will be back." He gave her a smile. "Plus I'm sure you will get booked a job after the week so I want to spend as much time with you as I can before you are sent off somewhere else." He smiled and gave her a small kiss. "I'm really proud of you Adriana. I know you've been dreaming of this for a long time. It's your time babe."
Adri smiled and accepted his kiss, "Thank you Boo." She said softly and sighed. "But we have spent the last two weeks together. This last week was just us. You miss your son, I can't fault you for that. I will only really need you there on Thursday. You don't have to stay." She told him and shrugged her shoulder. if he wanted to go with her still then he could but she really wasn't forcing him to be there. she would be fine on her own since she would be busy keeping her schedule for Mui Mui and she was hoping she would be able to watch a show too.

They stayed at the party for a few more hours. She had to take a few more pictures with Andre' next to the their big billboards and holding their fragrances. A few reporters came up to her and asked her what it was like to go from small time online catalogues to being the face of a fragrance and she was grateful and over the moon happy. Some reporters asked about how Jake was handling her modeling with Andre' since they both appeared to be topless in the picture but Adri let them know that it was just a job and she was more than happy with Jake.

The jetlag was really getting to her though, so when she found him, she said goodbye to Dave and thanked him for all of his hard work in getting her out there. She also said goodbye to Andre' and then she was ready to go back to her apartment. "I'm ready to sleep." She said with a yawn. "What time is our flight to NY? My fitting is at three so I need to be in the state early."
When she made comments like that it kind of made it sound like she didn't want him around. "I guess if you want time to yourself then I will let you go." They may have just spent two weeks together but if she has to leave for work again how long is she going to be gone. They could figure it out after the party he didn't want to get into it and a potential fight there. It wasn't the time or place. He then also heard her talk about Owen and it struck a nerve a bit with him but also chose to let it go.

He let her do her thing and just went to the bar to do his own thing. He talked to a few people. While she got her pictures taken and did her little interviews. "Still 6am." He gave her nod to her ready to sleep. Jake stood up to head out with her, his hands in his pockets. He let her get in the limo first before getting in himself. He stayed quiet in the car for the most part.

"It seemed like you had a good time." He gave her a smile.
She didn't let his comment get her down. either way she was going to New York and he could go or he could go home. All he could talk about was getting back to Owen, she was trying to give him that. he didn't have to think about it too long though. She was able to distract herself by rubbing elbows with fashion society and reporters.

"Great." She would be in a rush from the airport to wherever the fitting was. She hoped she wasn't late. She could always leave earlier but she doubted that would fly with Jake at this point.

"Yeah, I had a great time." She said softly and rubbed her lips together. "It was a lot of fun. I can only hope for more parties just like it in the future." She looked out the window and sighed, "Did you like it?" She asked.
He grabbed her hand and kissed it with a smile. "I enjoyed seeing you on the red carpet. I enjoyed seeing you light up when Dave told you about Fashion Week. You looked really happy and that makes me happy. I didn't know a lot of people but in time after a few of these I will." He smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

He was ready to get home and he felt that it was a little unfair to her parents and Amy but Amy said they were fine. "I want to go to New York with you. I've never been. There are some gyms I can check out while you're working. It could be fun. But after that I have to get home for Owen and Max." His fingetips ran over her knee. "I may not get a chance to go out if I have a fight or something so may as well go ahead now and go when I can."

"We both may need to go shopping though. We both need clothes." He kissed her shoulder.
"I know. I was so surprised. I didn't think I would get anything but he said he found out this morning and obviously he couldn't call because we were on the plane and he would rather tell me something that big in person anyways. This is the true start to high fashion. Who knows, next week Vogue could be calling." She smiled at Jake and put her hand on top of his.

She smiled and rubbed his cheek. "You are going to believe I am about to say this but you are going to have to go shopping when I'm at work. I have clothes at the apartment. I have a weekend bag. It won't be a lot of stuff but I will have clothes. You have the suit which is perfect. You can get a new shirt for the show and be done with that. You might need to take mom shopping. I have to get her a ticket when we get home. I need a hotel room for the three of us. A car." She rubbed her temples.

It looked like she was going to be getting all of her sleep on the plane and what sleep she didn't get would be replaced with coffee. This was what she wanted though. She wanted Jake to want it with her but it was kind of hard to travel all the time with Owen. Before she would have had to battle his fight schedule, which was an easy battle to win. It was hard pulling Jake away from Owen.
Jake didn't know if he really believed Dave just found out but really it didn't matter. It was he who had Owen and had responsibilities.

"Adge...babe...just pack. Because I'm not packing for you. The rest your man will take care of. Don't worry about it. I'll get a hotel for all of us. A driver. A massage when I know your schedule. I'll take care of it. Don't worry about anything. I'll be your assistant this week." He could sleep at the hotel so sleep wasn't so important for him.

"I can shop on my own Adri. I'll be okay." Jake couldn't help but wonder if she got more jobs how much they'd see each other. Especially with him having Owen. Despite just getting engaged he was a little nervous about their future all of a sudden.
Adri smiled and put her head against the headrest, "Really?" She squeezed his hand and leaned over and gave him a kiss. "Thank you. And mom needs a ticket." She reminded, but she supposed that could wait. It was only Sunday, technically early Monday morning.

It did make her wonder if she should get an assistant. She wasn't that big yet, at least she didn't think so. It would be nice having someone to juggle all of these tasks, while she got some sleep or while she was working. At the same time, she hated relying on someone else to do it. She wanted it done right and only she knew how to do it right.

As long as she didn't trip on the runway, she could be looking at a busy rest of the month. If she did get bigger jobs, then she wouldn't have to work as much. The bigger jobs paid more so she wouldn't need to work as much. As much as she was enjoying the jetsetter lifestyle, she did have other responsibilities that she needed to take care of. And she had a feeling Jake would flip, if she didn't start planning the wedding soon.
"I will get everything taken care of. I'll do what I can tonight then tomorrow if I need to." He kissed her cheek. Jake got a head start on his phone looking at hotels. He saw the article about their 'trouble in paradise.' He showed her his phone.

When they got back home he got on the computer and did what he could off of the list. The hotel and driver was done. As well as the plane ticket for her mother. He'd wait until they arrived to get her a massage scheduled.

He thought a bit about their future when Amy sent pictures of Owen. Damn he missed that kid. He didn't want to travel all the time and have someone else raise his son. He didn't want to miss out on the things his father did. Once he got home he needed to stay home awhile. He felt like Adri sometimes still had bad feelings about Owen. Her priorities and Jakes were different. He wanted to do it together but he kind of felt like he was doing it by himself. And that was her choice. She was focused on her so he should focus on himself too. When they were together he'd give her his everything but she seemed to be fine with time apart so he shouldn't let it get to him if she didn't care.
She smiled and gave him a kiss, "Thank you Boo." She glanced at the article and skimmed it over. She rolled her eyes for the most part and shrugged it off. There would always be something wrong. If there was one thing tabloids loved it was a huge messy break up.

When they got ther place, she put her dress back on the rack and took a quick shower to wash off all of the make up. She thought about the tabloid, even though she didn't want too. She had to wonder if they were doomed from the start. They were at different points in their lives. She was starting to make a name for herself and he had a family at home. She loved Jake and she wanted to grow with him but he was already five feet up and she was barely off of the ground. It was difficult and it would continue to be difficult until they could find a common ground.

She got out of the shower and dried off. She put on her panties and gave Jake a kiss on the temple. "Don't stay up too late. She set her alarm and pouted when she saw she only had two hours to sleep before her alarm would go off. She climbed into the bed and slept like a rock. It wasn't the bed she was used to but it was her bed and it felt amazing to sleep in it.

In no time at all her alarm went off and she hit snooze a couple times before finally getting out of the bed and getting ready for their trip. She pulled out her weekend bag and started packing the basics of what she would need.
Jake didn't want to end up like other famous couples and break up. There were plenty of couples in the spot light that have made it work. He would do whatever he had to. He wasn't sure if it came down to it if she would give up modeling for him or their family but he'd give up fighting without hesitation. Or if he had to put fights on hold for them...he would. He never loved someone like this before and he hoped that showed. The tattoos on his body should say a bit about how much he loved the woman.

He gave Adri a nod and smile when she told him not to stay up late. By the time he could go to bed he wouldn't have gotten much sleep so he just crawled in bed and wrapped his arm around her snuggling close. It was just nice to relax with her a moment. It wasn't the fighting he lived for but the little moments like that.

When her alarm went off he almost wanted to hold her down and stay no. But instead let her get up. He felt bad she would only be able to get some sleep on the plane. She did get to fly first class so he hoped that would help. He finally got up and took his turn in the shower. He found a set of clothes that were clean. A pair of athletic pants and tshirt. "Babe you won't be here when your cutout will arrive. How will you survive without it?" He teased. "It probably wouldn't hurt to have a few things for me to wear here so when I visit I can travel light. If you get booked how long do you think you'll be gone?"
"I can always have it shipped to Vegas. And I would if I wasn't afraid of Max tearing it apart." She zipped up her bag and set it by the door so she didn't forget it. She made herself some toast to fill her stomach for the moment. She would buy snacks at the airport for when she got hungry on the plane.

"I doubt I will get booked right away. And I don't want to get booked right away. I want to go home and snuggle my boy in our bed. I want to see Owen. If I do get booked it could be a couple days or it could be a week. That's just what happens in this line of work." She shrugged her shoulder. "You know I will come home as soon as I can." She said softly. The only reason it felt crazy right now was because they were going from his work travel right into hers.

"You can have clothes sent here if you want. A suit, some jeans and a few shirts. I don't care. Just don't send your entire closet." She smiled at him and checked the time. "Are you almost ready to go?" She asked and stretched her arms over her head. "I can't wait to get back to sleep."
"Max probably would tear it apart. I'd be okay with that. I was going to say there is only room for one king in our house but he's just a prince anyway." Jake smiled at him and grabbed his bag and put it by the door as well.

Jake listened to her explain getting booked. This was all knew to him so he had no idea how any of it worked. It was nice she was sort of explaining it to him so there wouldn't be any surprises again. He gave her a nod. "I just didn't know if we needed three tickets home or maybe just two..." He gave her shoulder a kiss.

"There isn't enough room to have my entire closet sent here babe. You'd have to give up closet space and that isn't happening." Jake teased her and debated on getting anything to eat before taking off for the airport he decided he'd just get something there. "Yeah babe. I'm ready." Once the driver was there he carried their bags out to the car and got in with Adri to head to the airport. Jake looked at his phone on the drive to the airport. He too was tired, as he didn't get any sleep at all. But then he saw a photo of Andre and Adri on Andre's instagram. There were two pics. One of them together at the party and then a pic of their ad. His captain read, "Got to hang out with this beauty again. Thanks Adri for making the ad so beautiful. It wouldn't be the same without you next to me." Jake made a face. "Really? What's up with this Andre guy?" He handed his phone to Adri.
"I don't know yet and I'm tired of buying tickets and then being charged an inconvenience fee for having to cancel them. Just get the ticket tickets for you and mom and then we will buy my ticket the day before if I am coming home. Okay? Let's hope I am coming home." She sighed. She was glad she wasn't single. Leaving Max at a pet hotel for this long would be upsetting for their relationship. At the same time, she would probably just take him with her wherever he could go.

She locked up her apartment and double checked the door. In the car she tried her best not to close her eyes because she knew she would end up falling asleep on the drive tot he airport. She looked at Jake's phone and smiled at the picture and caption.

"What are you jealous?" She teased and kissed his cheek. "He's just being friendly. This is a big moment for us." She shrugged her shoulder. She pulled out her phone and liked his picture and reposted it with the caption, "Thank you for the great opportunity CK! Andre and I hope we make you proud."

She smiled at Jake and kissed his cheek, "You know Louis Vuitton hires couples to do modeling jobs sometimes. If you were smart, you would work on being a model for them and save me money on new purses." She batted her eyelashes and shrugged her shoulder.
"We can wait. That's fine."

"No I'm not jealous. I think it's a little weird. His captain is a bit weird to me." He started looking at other things on his phone. A few UFC articles and some other news articles. His free hand rested on Adri's leg.

"What would I model? I don't have to work on being a model. I have a better body that half the models out there. Andre...I mean come on...I could bench press him." He rolled his eyes. "Please...You'd pay to look at me in a speedo." He smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "I should start charging you. And you don't need a new purse." He gave her a small kiss with a smile. She always liked the expensive stuff, but then again his girl had good taste so it made sense.

Once they got to the airport and got checked in he went to get some breakfast. He found a restaurant that had breakfast sandwiches. He'd eat, nap on the plane then nap at the hotel. And that is what he did. He slept on the plane after his stomach was full. More sleep would be needed though before shopping.
"It's just him being friendly. Don't worry about it." She rubbed the back of his hand and gave it a soft squeeze.

"The men's line. A wallet or a watch or belt. They make more than purses." She laughed. "Tom Brady has done it. If this MMA thing doesn't work out for you, you have a back up as a model." She smiled and nodded her head, "I would pay to see you in a speedo but I don't have too. I just have to pout a little." She sighed softly and pouted her lips, "But I saw a really pretty one that I liked. It's called the City Steamer MM. If you were wondering."

They got through the airport relatively fast, since it was early in the morning and since they were first class passengers. She got a water and a breakfast sandwich from Starbucks while Jake got a real hearty breakfast sandwich from a real food place. She thought about getting a coffee but she needed to get some sleep before she decided to replace it with caffeine. When they got on the plane, she put on her eye covers and got as much sleep as she possibly could.

The plane was about an hour from New York when she woke up. She lifted her eye mask and saw Jake sleeping beside her. She put her legs in his lap and nibbled on his earlobe until he woke up. "You know...if you had your own jet we could be sleeping in a bed." She whispered. She covered with a nice fleece blanket and since her legs were over his lap he was partially covered. "And we could do all of the things couples do in a bed." She added and her hand rubbed his inner thigh. She giggled and kissed his cheek.

"There is a club that I have always wanted to join but it's so exclusive and hard to get into. Do you know what it is?" She asked and put her head on his shoulder, "Club 33 at Disneyland." She answered and looked up at him, "Were you thinking of something else?"
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