Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"I can drink the coffee here. If you could get a fresh fruit plate that would be nice. Just strawberries and grapes." She said softly and closed her eyes. She was nervous and she was still stressed about the events of the week.

"I don't need anything else. Just peace and quiet so I can be relaxed before the show. I don't want to be stressed tomorrow at all. Whatever happens, happens at this point. This whole week has been fucked, I would be surprised if something goes wrong tomorrow." She scratched her forehead.

"I'll probably wake up with a huge as pimple or something." She sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "You and mom should go to lunch somewhere before the show. You aren't going to find anything to eat at the venue so eat before you get there. We have to stay for the after party for a little bit so we will be there for a little while." She told him. The last time she asked him to do something with someone it didn't work out very well. She was hoping that she was asking him to take out with her mother things would go better.
Jake could handle the fruit and lunch. "I can handle all of that." He said softly. The last time she asked him to do something he did exactly what she asked of him but Andre had to be an ass. Jake knew her mother would be a lot better company than Andre was.

"Adge it will all be okay. It will all work out. You will go to the venue and get ready and nail your walk and do amazing. I have no doubt." He gave her another kiss on her shoulder. It was all words to her though and he knew that. She wouldn't probably feel better until after her walk. "You've been wanting this forever. Tomorrow is your day. Try not to stress too much. Enjoy it. I know it's easier said then done but just try. I don't want you looking back and realize you didn't enjoy any of it."

Jake grabbed her hand and started pressing on certain pressure points. He was trying to help relieve her headache. "Want a back massage?"
"I think it's too late for that." She honestly. She wasn't enjoying it. She was enjoying pieces. She enjoyed the first day when she was excited to find out what she was wearing and then show Jake around. She didn't enjoy the second day at all; between having the other girls whispering behind her back, Jake and Andre', and then the button flying off of the coat yesterday completely sucked ass. She didn't enjoy her morning but she did enjoy spending time with mother and Jake though. With this pattern she didn't think tomorrow would be a good day.

"I want to get tomorrow over with, spend friday with my mom and then go home." She felt defeated. She came to New York feeling on top of the world and she was too cocky with it. it was kicking her ass and it was going to send her home crying. She wanted to try and see the silver lining. If she did well it opened more doors to her doing more fashion shows and hopefully those would go smoother.

She rubbed her face and turned the light off. "Not really Jake. I just want to get some sleep." She said softly and turned so she was laying on her stomach.
Jake felt bad that her trip wasn't better. It also killed him that she blamed him for a lot of it. He sighed and also felt defeated because he had no idea how to help her if there was anyway to help her.

He watched her thought a moment. "Did I ever tell you about my first fight in the UFC?" He smiled a bit and shook his head. "I was about as nervous for that as I was for my last fight. I wanted nothing more at the time than to fight in the UFC. It was what I worked my ass for." He let out a sigh. "I was over on my weight and had to lose like five pounds. I remember running around the parking lot of weigh ins just so I could make weight. I was thinking how stupid would I look that my first UFC fight I don't even make weight." He smiled a little. "Then I went to the venue for the fight itself. I forgot so much stuff and panicked. I had Luke just go buy stuff. I guess that's why I was such a hard ass on my assistant. That way I knew it would never happen again. I felt like it was such a disaster and felt stupid for forgetting what we needed." He rubbed her back and gave the tip of her nose a kiss. "But it was one fight. It only got better after that."

Jake ran his fingers through her hair. "It can only get better baby. I believe in you."
She turned her head towards him and shook her head, "No, you didn't." She said softly and listened to his story. It didn't make her feel 100% better but it did make her think. If he could forget everything and still win then she could have the world fall apart around her and still rock the runway. The world wasn't going to fall around her, she was going to make it crumble beneath her. She took a deep breath and released it slowly. "Thank you, Jake. I kind of feel a little bit better." She said softly and gave him a soft kiss.

She wrapped her arm around his waist and cuddled him. "If things suck completely tomorrow will you pack our bags and pack bags for Owen and Max so we can go to Cancun and escape reality for a bit? I don't want to hear what the headlines would say about me. It feels like everyone wants me to fail."

She closed her eyes and rubbed the side of his hip. She could hear his heart thumping away in his chest and she fell asleep to the soothing sound of his heart beat.
His hand cupped her chin and cheek a bit. "No need to thank me babe. I'm glad you feel a bit better. Even if it's just a little." He kissed her back. " are my queen. Nothing will change that. I promise I will be right here no matter what."

Jake wrapped his arms around her and let out a little sigh. A sigh of contentment. He gave a small smile. "Anything you need baby. I'll even book it first class." When she said she felt like everyone wanted her to fail he pulled back and made her look at him. "No...that's not true. You mother and father are so proud of you. I remember you being so worried what they'd say about you modeling again. Now your mother is in New York to see her baby girl walk in Fashion Week. For Mui Mui. Your parents believe in you. Mui Mui believes in you or they wouldn't have picked you of all people. My family believes in you. You had fans today at the Jimmy Fallon show. You had fans today at the Deli. Babe most of the time when we are out fans don't just want my picture they want yours too." His forehead rested against hers. "When I was getting angry about what people were saying about Owen you told me not to let it get to me because they don't know...and people will always talk." His thumb rubbed her back. "And most of all your King believes in you more than anyone else. Why else would I be here Adge?" He gave her another small kiss before wrapping her back up in his arms.

He held her close as she started to fall asleep and he was perfectly content holding her as she slept. He really did believe in his girl. Before long he too had fallen asleep. His plan was to get up when she did to go get her fruit for her.
Adri had one stress dream where the coat didn't fit and since she couldn't fit it and they paid her, they made her walkout in just the shoes and jewelry. Everyone laughed at her and then she blew up to epic proportions and every threw donuts and junk food at her. She woke up from that dream and got a glass of water before getting back in bed. The rest of her dreams were fairly pleasant but she couldn't remember them like she remembered her nightmare.

Her alarm went off at eight and she got out of the bed. She took another shower to be completely clean. She put on lotion and then she put on the nude colored underwear that she had to wear for the show. Her outfit was very basic with just a white shirt and jeans. She didn't bother with makeup because she would get it done at the show. Same with her hair, she put it in a ponytail and that was it.

She grabbed her purse and went to the front room. She made herself a cup of coffee and sipped on it. The driver would take her to the venue and then come back for Jake and Maria when they were ready to go. Food was the last thing on her mind because she was so nervous. The excitement was there but it was masked by the nerves.
Jake got up while she was in the shower and got her fruit for her. He even got bananas even though it wasn't on her list of items. He would eat one or two throughout the day he figured so it made sense to grab some as well.

He smiled at her when she walked out to the main room. "Got your fruit. Bananas sounded good to me so I grabbed some for you too just in case."

Jake wrapped his arms around her. "Enjoy it. Have fun. We will be there later, front row. You got this baby." He smiled and kissed her. "Need anything call me." He gave her a tight hug. "Want me to walk you down?"
She grabbed a couple grapes and ate them and then she grabbed a couple strawberries and ate those as well. "Thank you for the fruit." She said softly and made sure she had everything that she needed for the day. She grabbed a banana to take with her just in case she needed something to snack on.

She shook her head, "You don't have too. I'll see you later." She hugged him back and kissed his cheek. "I should have everything but keep your phone on you just in case."

She kissed his other cheek and left to get ready for the show.
Once Adri left Jake changed to go to the gym to work out. On his walk down he texted Adri's mother about her mentioning grabbing lunch beforehand so he told her when he would be by to get her to take her to lunch. He also mentioned calling Amy and if she wanted he could do so before lunch so she could see Owen too.

Jake got a good work out in and seemed to be feeling a bit better about things between Adri and himself. He really hoped for her sake things ran smoothly. He lifted and ran at the gym before heading back to shower. Once out of the shower he just put on boxer briefs and ate some of the food he gotten for breakfast. There was a movie on tv that caught his attention as he emailed his offers back.

Jake started to get ready and put on his black suit Adri picked out for the launch party but added a bit of color to it for the walk. He put on his deess shoes and new watch. It was important for him to look good for Adri. She deserved the best and he wanted to give it to her. Once he was all ready he checked the time and waited a bit before going to get Maria.

He made his way to her room and knocked.
Maria was dressed very nice. When she opened the door. She had to put on her shoes and she was still putting on her earrings. "I'm almost ready." She told Jake and invited him into the room while she finished up. She laughed when she noticed that they were almost matching.

She slipped her shoes on and put on her other earring. "Where are we going to lunch?" She asked and ran a comb through her hair. She picked up her purse and turned to Jake, "I'm ready."

She walked out of the hotel with him to the car, "This is going to be nice. Some mother in law and son time. Are you guys going to start planning the wedding when you get back? I got my dress cleaned and it's sitting on Adri's bed. I was her tiny size when I got married so it should fit her like a glove. I can't wait to see her in it. She's going to look beautiful."
Jake smiled and walked in her room. It was nice he got along so well with her family. Hell he thought of her mother more than his own and she treated him better as well. It did tend to make him miss his mother a lot.

"Take your time. We have plenty of time. You look very nice by the way. I see why Adriana is so beautiful." And truly meant that. "Scarpetta. It's an Italian place. It got good reviews online and the workers at the desk highly recommended it."

He opened her door of the car for her before getting in himself. "You know, I don't know what she has planned. I don't think she's in a huge hurry to get married and I think talked about hiring a wedding planner. I'd get married tomorrow..." He looked out the window and thought about the weeks past events. "I love her that much." He said quietly. He let out a sigh.
"Italian food sounds wonderful." She said softly and made sure she looked alright before walking out with him.

"I'm sure she wants to marry you soon. She's just a little preoccupied right now. You just wait and see the second she gets home it will be wedding talk all the time. I'm sure of it. All she dreamt of when she was little was her wedding. We knew she was going to be a diva on her wedding day so we saved up. It's the only wedding we have to pay for. We know it's going to be spectacular." She laughed and noticed Jake seemed upset.

"You two are going to have weeks and days. There is nothing wrong with that. You two just need to talk it out. Whatever frustration is there or it will only grow and make a bigger rift in the relationship. She loves you, I know she does because I have never seen her happier. She's scared, you brought Owen home and she is traveling so much. She doesn't want you to have pick between being there for him or being there for her. She will sacrifice her happiness so you can be there for your son. You two need to sit down and talk and be honest with each other. Ask questions you need to know the answer too. Do it before you get married. It's easier to break up than to go through a divorce later and I'm not saying it will come to that, I'm saying You can't go into a marriage not knowing what the other person is feeling or thinking. Okay?"
"I know you guys probably want to help pay for the wedding but, we can take care of expenses too. As soon as I get paid for the fight my plan is to pay off the house and then we will have some left over to put in the wedding fund." Jake chuckled a bit. "She is going to be a diva on her wedding. I do not doubt that. She wants a wedding at a castle. Being in London gave the idea of a castle wedding. It probably doesn't help I call her my queen." He smiled proudly.

Jake really listened to what Maria was saying. He wondered though if it was him that made her happy or her career jumping off the ground. She made a good point about sitting down and talking but honestly he was a bit afraid to. What if it resulted in a huge fight and she left. The last time they had a huge fight she left for a few days and went back to modeling. But she was right. They needed to talk before he kept it in and he exploded and it would just be worse. "I understand what you are saying. It honestly is nice to get some advice from someone who's been married a long time. I know I need to talk to her but she doesn't need the stress right now. It can wait until we get home."

They arrived at the Italian restaurant and he got out and opened Maria's door for her. They went in and Jake told them they had a lunch reservation and was seated. He looked over the menu and then looked at her mother. "You said Adri doesn't want to have me pick between her and Owen. I don't want to have to make her pick between her work and me and Owen. She doesn't have to be in Owen's life. And sometimes..." He looked away and wondered if he should say this to her mother or not but he felt he could trust her. "Sometimes I think she kind of wishes she didn't have to worry about having a family just yet. She got thrown into this full time and I know it hasn't been easy. Sometimes how she says things I get a little offended and I don't know if I'm looking too into it or taking it too personally." He let out a small sigh. "All I know is what I want and how I feel. And I want her because I've never loved anyone that much before in my life."
She laughed, "It's not entirely your fault. That kind of things happens when you are the only girl with four brothers." She shook her head, "Richard and I probably spoiled her a little too much growing up. I'm amazed she is as girly as she is." She said softly.

"Don't keep pushing it off. Don't keep creating excuses. Let her have tonight and tomorrow. Maybe even Saturday to rest but you need to talk soon. If you want your relationship to last then you need to communicate no matter where you may end up at the end of the conversation." She smiled and rubbed her shoulder, "Richard and I had our fights but at the end of the day we knew we were made for each other. We fought hard because we knew we were meant to last and once all of those frustrations went away we were closer than ever."

Maria looked over the menu and ordered a glass of wine to start off with while she made her decision over lunch. "Jacob of course she has to be Owen's life. She can't pick you and give him the cold shoulder. That's no way to raise a child and would you want to marry someone that did that to your child? You and Owen are a package deal now. For the rest of your life you and Owen, and whatever other children you have, will always be together. You may love whoever but if she doesn't treat your children right then she isn't right for you and your family." She interrupted and then let him continue.

"Of course she didn't want a family." Maria said softly. "When you met it was just you and her. Then Owen's mother came into your lives and threw you a curve ball. Suddenly it's you, Owen and Adri. She woke up one morning and it wasn't just the two of you. There was three. She never expected that. She couldn't be warned about that. But if she didn't want to be there for Owen then she wouldn't have said yes to you. She knows that you two are a package deal. I think she is trying. But I'm her mother and I am always going to have her back. Do you think she is trying? Like I said before, if she doesn't your son right then she doesn't deserve you. And you cannot separate the two. You can't live your life like that."
Since they had the driver he ordered a Jack and Coke to drink. He wouldn't get drunk by any means but he had a lot on his mind and a little drink wouldn't hurt anything.

"That's kind of what I meant though. Is that she didn't have to stay. But she did. Sometimes I wonder why she stayed." He smiled a little and shook his head. He meant that because he considered himself lucky to have Adri. She was an amazing woman and had no idea why she picked him of all people.

Jake gave Maria a nod. "She tries. I know she does. I know she's trying really hard to have her career and be here for me and Owen. And she's doing an amazing job. She is. I know sometimes I don't make it easy for her because I miss her. This is all an adjustment for me too. Before I wanted to I could fly out and see her. It's not that easy anymore and when she is gone working it kind of sucks. I think I do just look too into things. She came home from getting signed to be there for me and for Owen when he was born. That meant more to me that I could ever explain. I would have never asked her to come home but she knew on her own I needed her. And I know the whole thing was hard for her. I do sometimes think she kind of forgets I too was thrown into this but then again it's my own fault for getting thrown into it." He smiled a bit.

The waiter arrived with their drinks and Jake ordered the tagliatelle. He smelled his drink before taking a small sip after the waiter walked off after getting both their orders. "Your daughter is the most amazing woman I've ever met. She keeps me grounded and makes me so happy. I couldn't imagine a better mother for Owen. And I do know she tries very hard. I probably should tell her that more." He took another sip of his drink. "My trainer before I moved out to Vegas, his name was Jerry. He was older than my father but he was very wise. You know I don't have the best relationship with my mother, and I was talking to him once. And I was upset because she never supported me fighting. She's mom, it kind of made sense but you know, you want your mom to support you at least a little bit. Well I was doing well, I was winning. And he said, 'It's not about who is beside you when you are on top, it's about who's beside you when you are at the bottom that matters.' That always stuck with me. I know that I want Adri when I'm at the top and at the bottom. As well as your entire family. You and dad have been very supportive and amazing. I appreciate all you've done for me and Owen." He smiled at her. "But we are now in New York for Adriana and dreams." He smiled proudly.
Maria ordered a Parmesan crusted chicken and handed her menu back to the waiter. She looked at Jake, "We are here to support all of our children. Whether they are blood or married in. We will always support you and always help you both. That is what we are here for." She sipped on her wine and set it back down.

"You two have known nothing but the top. I fear that you when you hit the bottom it will crush you both. You are both going to need to be very strong when you hit the bottom. You're going to feel weak and powerless and you will need each other to get through it." She said softly. "I have faith that you will find a way through your dark times but it's going to be hard."

She enjoyed lunch with Jake and when it was over she was ready to her daughter walk. "Thank you for taking me out. It was delicious."
Maria was right that they didn't know the bottom. At least not together. They both had been hurt and been through things but they never had each other to get through those times. He figured the hard time were just that for a reason but if he had Adri by his side it would make it a bit easier.

"You are very welcome." He smiled at her. "You know we shouldn't have to wait to have Fashion Week and be in New York before I take you out sometime. Adri and I should take you guys out once a month or so. I know you love having us over for Sunday dinner but this way you get a break too." He could see where Adri got her hard work ethic from after knowing her parents.

Once they got to the venue Jake took a picture with Maria and put it on instagram with a captain, 'Here to watch Adri walk in Mui Mui Fashion week. #superproudfiance Love you Adriana' Jake really hoped Andre wouldn't sit next to them, but when he saw him starting to walk over he had to keep his cool. Damn this guy had balls. He extended his hand to Jake, "How's your stay in New York going?"

Jake gave him a nod and grabbed his hand shaking it. His hand squeezed Andre's a bit hard. "It's going great."
"Now how would the boys feel if you two always took us out for lunch?" She smiled and bumped into him playfully. "We can go out to lunch every now and then. But I don't play favorites." She laughed. "You don't have to do this. We already love you and gave you permission to marry our daughter. You don't have to win us over anymore."

Adri only let the good thoughts come to her mind. She wanted this day to go well, not only for her but for Mui Mui as well. Her tripping earned bad publicity, she only wanted good publicity. She went into the venue and was handed a robe that should be able to keep. She was taken to her designated area and got undressed and put on the robe. She had to wait for a free make up chair and then they painted her face very plain, very soft. she went back to her area and then they called her back for hair and then she got her hair done. She couldn't put on the actual coat until everyone was ready so they could do one last walk through before the show actually started. They did a couple walkthroughs in their robes in various states of hair and makeup. Finally it was about two hours before the show was set to begin and everyone was dressed and ready to go. They did their last rehearsal with the music, lights and clothing and then it was show time.

She was look thirteen which meant she would be the thirteenth girl to walk. They were all waiting in line behind a huge curtain. Any nerves she had, she put them away for now. She focused on the now and making sure she worked the runway. It wasn't the typical runway where she walked down a lane and then turned and walked down the lane again. It was a long zigzag line that all of the models would walk down through the tent to get to the other side. The music started and the first girl was out.

Before she knew it she was walking down the runway. She had to keep a straight face and the lights were so blinding that she wouldn't be able to see Jake and her mother if she tried. She didn't know when she walked past them but she could feel their support and love as she walked. She made it to the other side of the tent and had to rush back to where she started for the final walk with the designer. Once the last girl was out, all of the models followed her and the designer out clapping. A week's worth of stress for Adri, months of stress for the designer, for a 40 minute show.
Jake didn't introduce Andre to Maria. Instead after he walked away he just told her that he did the Calvin Klein ad with Adri. She probably thought he was rude for not introducing them but he honestly was quiet polite for not punching him in the face like he wanted to. Andre opened and closed his hand a few times as it hurt from Jake squeezing it so hard. Jake made sure not to do any damage but get a message across quietly. He figured Adri wouldn't have her phone but he needed her to know he loved her anyway. He shot her a text. "You will do great. I know you will. You were born for this beautiful. Love you."

Once the show started Jake kept an eye out for his girl. When he saw her he couldn't help but smile with pride. She looked beautiful. He couldn't help but wonder if she got to keep the trench coat. He would love if she had nothing on underneath and would have fun taking it off of her. He snapped a few pictures but didn't want to miss her walking by taking too many pictures. He was glad she told her mother not to scream out her name cause he could have easily cheered for her because he was that happy and proud of her. He knew she'd kill it and she did. Jake was nothing but happy for her. He couldn't wait to see her and congratulate her. Then he realized maybe they should have gotten her flowers. Did people even do that? It would be something he'd do for her when she got home regardless.

Jake clapped for the models and designer then waited until he could see Adri and they could all go to the after party. He looked at her mother. "I told her she'd do great." A huge smile showed on his face.
After walking out with the designer the girls were given time to change into their after party clothes, which of course in the haste of the day and with her nerves she forgot to bring. She would be going to the after party in a t shirt and jeans. She was a disgrace to the fashion world. She chsaid caked her phone and saw Jake's I love you message. She sent one back and say in her robe for a little bit.

She did it. She walked and she didn't trip. She did amazing. She was so happy and relieved that she got through it. Someone called her name and she looked up and raised her hand. It was a flower delivery man dropping off a bouquet of red roses. She smiled and signed for them. She looked for a note but couldn't find one attached. She figured they were from Jake and she sent him a thank you text and a picture of the roses.

She also posted them to Instagram with the caption, 'Living my dream with the love of my life. After a crazy week the show is over. Time to celebrate a couple of my favorite people.'

All of the girls went out to join the party or go home and she stayed back and wondered if she should go to the hotel and change and come back or go to the party in her jeans and t shirt. She couldn't go to after party underdressed. The designer saw her sitting back stage alone and told she did a great job. He asked why she was sitting backstage alone and when she told him he laughed and took her to where the clothes were being held. "For one night. Pick a dress." He winked at her and left her alone to get dressed.

She found a cute Little pink dress and wore her shoes from the show and went out to join the party.

"Sorry I'm late. I forgot to bring my party clothes. Luckily the designer is letting me wear this little thing tonight." She did a little turn and gave her mom a hug and then gave one to Jake. "How was your guys' day?"
Jake checked his phone when he felt it go off and saw the I love you message. He couldn't help but smile and tell her she did amazing. Then when the next message came through about the flowers he sighed and felt like the worst boyfriend ever. He knew who they had to have been from. Damn he hated that guy.

When he saw Adri he let her have her moment with her mom and smiled proudly then when it was his turn he hugged her tight. "I'm proud of you babe. You did amazing. Just like I knew you would. And you look beautiful babe." His eyes shifted to her mom then back to Adri, "We had a great day I think. We had a nice lunch and a nice talk. It was all nice." He gave her another hug and they started to walk out to the car.

He leaned close to her. "So I feel like a total shithead and the worst boyfriend ever...those weren't from me. I honestly thought about it while I was sitting there waiting for it to start. By then it was too late. With everything going on...I didn't think about it or know if they even do that..." Jake literally had a defeated look on his face. "I was going to wait and do something nice when you got home. I'm sorry babe. I really wasn't thinking." He let out a sigh but held her hand.
She looked down at the dress and smiled, "I know I got lucky. I found something that fit. I can't believe I forgot my dress at the hotel." She shook her head and smiled at Jake and her mother. "I'm glad you two had a great day." She grabbed a passing glass of champagne and took a sip.

She stopped him from walking her out of the party, "We can't leave yet. I have to stay for a little bit for the after party and then I will change and we can go. Okay? Just an hour maybe." She finished her champagne and grabbed two new ones for Jake and her mother.

She listened when he leaned in close, "Then who are they--" She looked past jake and aw Andre standing waiting to grab her attention. She rubbed her lips together and nodded her head at jake's explanation. She wasn't upset but she wished the flowers were from him instead. "Okay." She said softly and walked over to Andre'.

"Thank you for the flowers and for being here. I'm sorry I didn't call or text. When mom came I got busy." She wasn't sure why she felt the need to apologize. He was the one to kiss her.
Jake smiled at her. "You had a lot on your mind this morning babe. Things happen." He thought about the story he told her about his first fight. "It's kinda like my fight...I had to have Luke go buy everything." He kissed her cheek. "Oh sorry I didn't realize the party was here..."

He watched Adri walk over to Andre and he took a drink of the champagne. A sigh escaped his lips. Maria could tell he didn't like Andre but didn't know why.

"I saw you got my flowers. You did amazing." He smiled at her and went to hug her. "Yeah I've been trying to get a hold of you." He took a step closer to her. "I realize I had some horrible timing. You deserve better than that guy. He tried to break my hand earlier." Andre was still trying to turn her against Jake. "But I don't regret kissing you. And I know you liked it too." He grinned. "You just don't want to look bad. I get it. Jake doesn't have to know as far as I'm concerned. Let him think you hate me." Andre winked at her before leaning in for another hug. "When do I get to kiss you again?"
"Would you have bought me a new dress?" She asked laughing. "If I had known that I would have told you." She laughed and rubbed his cheek.

She thought he would at least apologize but he didn't seem the least bit concerned. She smiled at him and brushed it off. "As much as I love working with you, we can't do that again. I'm getting married to him. I thought we could be friends but if you keep this up I wouldn't feel comfortable if you did this all of the time." She gave him the hug, "Thank you for the flowers Andre. They are beautiful." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back to Jake's side.

She kissed Jake on the lips, "I love you." She said softly and took him and her mother around to meet some designers and other afluent people of the fashion world.
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