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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"You don't listen when you are hurt, though. You will not fight John Cena. I forbid it." She said putting her foot down on that.

Adri didn't have to be told twice to get in the shower. She traded spots with Jakr and went to get the shower warmed up. She peeled off of her bikini and let it hand on the short rack to dry. When Jake joined her she was nice and toasty and she was already clean bu the water felt so good that she stayed in the shower.

"Where's my baby boy?" She asked and helped him clean his body. "He's not loose in the room is he? I don't want him attacking my stuff...I mean, our stuff."
Jake agreed to not fighting John Cena. "He's not in my weight class anyway." He laughed at his own joke.

His eyes checked her ass out as she walked away and into the house. Once he was done with getting Max clean and a bit dried off he let him in the house but kept him cooped up in the kitchen so he wouldn't get the furniture wet or any carpet.

He climbed up the stairs and into the shower with Adri. He shivered a bit. "Damn it was cold." He looked at her when she asked where her baby boy was. "I'm right here...Oh wait you mean Max...He's pinned in the kitchen. I didn't want him getting my house, I mean our house wet and it's bigger than his kennel." He grinned and kissed her before getting clean and putting his trunks with Adri's. "Baby what kind of modeling are you doing Wednesday?" He kissed her shoulder and just stayed in the warmth a minute.

He climbed out but told Adri to hold on a minute and ran the dryer, letting Max out on the way and grabbed towels that were in the dryer getting warm and wrapped one around himself then came back to tell her she could come out. "Okay come on." Once she was out he wrapped the towel around her. Max followed close behind Jake. He rubbed her arms to keep her warm before kissing her. Going into his closet he found athletic pants and a tshirt to put on to go start the fire.
"Does he have his blanket though? The tile floor is much too cold for him to be laying on, even if he is covered in fur. My boys deserve the best." She shrugged her shoulder, "You get the best girlfriend in the world and he gets the best things in life from the best mommy in the world. It's only fair."

She shrugged her shoulder, "Whatever they want me to wear." She said softly. "Whatever it is I am sure it will be cute. They always design cute stuff. If you come by and check it out, before you go to the doctor, you can see." She stood under the water and gave him a hug. "I was thinking of getting a shower head that plays music. How does that sound?"

She stayed in the shower until he got back. She smiled when he wrapped the warm towel around her, "Ooh that's nice. Thank you baby." She kissed him back and smiled at Max. She put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Since they were going to be sitting by the fire she should be warm. She did take one of his jacket just in case though. She went to the pantry and grabbed the marshmallows before going outside.

"Will you get us some sticks?" She asked him "I'll make you the best marshmallow you have ever eaten if you get me the right stick."
Jake was a bit worried that the items would be rather revealing, but she wanted to do this and he wanted to be supportive. "I'll be there babe." He grinned at her and kissed her softly. "A musical shower head could be a lot of fun. We can go for that. Totally."

He smiled at how Max followed them both everywhere. He seemed a little more attached to Adri and that was alright since he bought him for her anyway. At least he knew the dog would protect her if something were to happen.

Jake followed her outside. "Baby...are we having a fire outside or inside? I was thinking inside...but I can build one where ever you want. He picked up Max who gave him kisses and Jake made a face but smiled.
"Oh." She got up and went inside. "This house is too big." She told him and changed spots. She pulle dout for marshmallows and put them on a paper towel. She could indulge but she couldn't overindulge. She did have a photoshoot and she needed to look camera ready.

She put the bag back in the pantry. She found a blanket to curl up under took her seat on the couch. She looked down at Max who looked so sad sitting on the floor by himself so she moved to the floor. He sat on her lap and she scratched his sides. He got riled up and started to run around. He brought a toy over and she played with him for a bit.

"Baby will you bring a him treat? My baby wants something to chew on."
Jake laughed a bit. "You wanted this big house." He kissed her cheek. "Baby we have a fireplace in the living room, bedroom, and outside." He went to the fireplace in the living room and started one. He grabbed a Powerade and Max a treat.

He sat down on the couch and leaned down to nipped at her neck. "I do want something to chew on. Oh you meant bad." He kissed her cheek. "Max sit. Max sit." Max tried jumping up to get his treat. Jake pulled it back. "No you sit for a treat. Sit Max." He leaned down and helped him sit. "Good boy." He gave him a treat. "We need to work with him on learning commands better. He should sit before he gets a treat or fed or let out. He should know he sits and waits. He has to know we are the Alphas babe."

Jake laid down a bit on the couch. "Why are you cuddling with the dog and not me...this seems so wrong right now." He laughed a bit as he took a drink of his Powerade. He handed it to Adri to offer her a drink.
She watched Jake with Max and clapped when Max sat. Even though it took quite a few times for him to do it, he did it and he deserved praise. Jake was the enforcer and Adri was the praiser, it worked. "We will start training him soon. The book I got said he needs to be trained for an hour. We should only focus on one command at a time, until he gets it and then we can move on."

She smiled at Jake, "You see, I have been doing my research. I am a good dog owner." She puckered her lips for a kiss.

"You can come down here and cuddle us, Jake. You are supposed to be my big spoon after all." She took his powerade and took a sip. She held it away from him until he got on the floor with her and Max.
"I'm proud of you for doing your research love." He kissed her softly. "I love you."

Jake groaned. "Baby the couch is more comfortable." He reached for his drink. "Babe...Adriana give it to me." He smiled and groaned at her. He remained on the couch for a few minutes and tried reaching for his drink. "You are evil. Stealing a man's drink after he offered you some." He shook his head at her.

He climbed on the floor giving her a look. "I still say the couch is more comfortable." Max climbed over to him and he pet his head looking over at Adriana. "Come baby. Come here my little spoon." He smiled and chuckled a bit. Adri's phone went off.
"I know the shouch is more comfortable but our baby is on the floor." She leaned over so the drink was further away from him, "No." She laughed when he groaned, "No. Get down here." When he got on the floor, she waited until he got comfortable and then she gave it back.

"You see how happy he is to have you down here?" She moved closer to Jake and kissed him, "I like being your little spoon." She said softly. She kissed him again and Max laid between them where it was the warmest.

She sighed when her phone went off and let it ring. When the call came in again she got up and went to check it. She didn't recognize the number she answered it anyway, "Hello?"
Jake look at Max who was in fact pretty happy his parents were cuddling with him. "You could have put him on the couch you know. We all could be up there comfy right now. But noooo you had to stay down here...spoil your dog." He smiled at her.

He took a drink once he got it back and kissed her. "I like you being my everything." His arm wrapped around her and he groaned when she went to get up.

It was just the company she was modeling for on Wednesday giving her the address and some information she needed. They told her to be there an hour before the shoot was to start to get her ready and in make up. They also voiced they were happy to have her back.

While she was on the phone Jake got up laying on the couch and pulled Max up on the couch with him and he laid right on his chest and he pet him after pulling the blanket on as he waited for Adri to get back.
"Oh please. You would have thrown a fit if I had him on the couch. He can't be on the couch for the same reason he can't be on the bed. And that couch is leather. There is no way I am letting my handsome baby boy scratch my leather couch."

She wrote down the information for the photoshoot. She told them that she was glad to be back and could wait to start working again. Once their conversation was over she hung up and walked back to Jake and Max. She looked on the couch and then she looked on the floor. She shook her head, "Who is spoiling him now?" She teased and sat by Jake's feet.

"He took my spot." She pouted. "We should have started the fireplace in the bedroom. It would have been so cozy and warm in there."
Jake laughed a bit. "I don't know what you're talking about. He just jumped right up here. Not sure what happened." He shrugged a little.

He thought about it a moment. "You have a good point. I should have. We can let this die down and we can go up there and I can start one and cuddle in bed." He shrugged a little. "The beauty of having our place we can do what we want." He put Max down by his leg on the blanket.

"Come here my big baby. You can have your spot." Jake held the blanket open for Adri to crawl in and cuddle on his chest.
She rolled her eyes, "Sure. More like you couldn't resist his charm, or those big puppy eyes, and gave him just what he wanted."

She shrugged her shoulder, "We might just end up sleeping down here. We've had a long day. That romantic and soothing sound of their re crackling might just lure us to sleep." She watched him move Max out of the way and she happily climbed Ito his arms. She got comfortable and she felt Max adjust to them.

"This is nice. I like this." She smiled and rubbed his side. "We should do this after fights so you can wind down from all of that excitement and come back to earth."
Jake shook his head. "No I wanted to lay on the couch so I did what I wanted and he didn't need to be alone on the floor so I brought him with me." He shrugged a bit rubbing her back resting his cheek against her head.

"I'm down with not moving but you have to get up and let Max out again." His other hand rubbed behind Max's ears who groaned in approval. "He likes behind his ears scratched and rubbed."

He let out a yawn and thought it over. "We could go out after a fight, come home chill in the hot tub a bit. Start a fire and just relaxing. I'm totally down. Plus maybe a massage from my beautiful loving girlfriend and assistant. Sounds perfect to me." His hand moved to her cheek and tilted her head up to meet his so he could kiss her. "It will be a month or so before I get a fight scheduled so I wondered if the next fights they have out of the country, you would want to go?"
She smiled and shook her head, "You big softy." She teased and kissed his cheek.

"But the whole point of not moving is to not move." She groaned. She looked down at Max and smiled at him. "I guess for him I will get up when he needs me too." She said softly. She wanted a puppy which meant she had to tend to him. His comfort came first now.

"If you are lucky you will get a massage." She smiled and kissed him back. "Are you kidding? I've been waiting to leave the country. Hopefully I won't have to work but if I do, I will see if I can take some time off or maybe come back early." She shrugged her shoulder. "We will see when we leave." She rubbed his arm and closed her eyes.

"Who do you think you will fight? Any guesses?"
"I don't know what you're talking about..." He denied being a softy. He had a reputation to protect, especially in the cage.

His hand ran through Adri's hair. "Baby I can get up with him. I can get up now and let him out again so if we fall asleep we don't have to worry about him."

"Baby I don't want you to have to rush back. You've been wanting to go to a fight sometime and travel. I thought this would be perfect. There is one coming up soon in London..." He looked at her and watched her with her eyes closed. Damn his girl was beautiful. His lips pressed against her temple. "What would we do with Maximus?" He tilted his head up when he heard his name. "Baby...look..." He nudged Adri. "He looked at me when I said his name."

Jake thought about it a bit. "I don't know babe...I hope someone high on the rankings. Tyron Woodley would be an easy fight but that means I have more fights before the title shot, Rory MacDonald or Johnny Hendricks is who we want. Then I would only have a few to beat before the champion." His chest rested against her head.
"I don't wanna get up." She grumbled. "And I don't want you to get up." She liked the feeling of him playing with her hair and she was getting comfortable on top of him. Just a few more minutes and then she would take Max out.

"Baby, I'd love to travel. I want to travel but I have to think of my other job. I will figure out the schedule and then if it doesn't interfere with the fight then we can go and have a good time and do some sight seeing." She stroked him with her thumb and yawned. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at her boy.

"He's learning his name. He's so smart." She blew him kisses and used her other hand to stroke his head. "We can probably ask my brother to watch him for us. I would say my parents but I know they don't want to get up and let a puppy out." She shrugged her shoulder. "I will see what we can do. Maybe we can even get your sister down here to house and puppy sit for us."

She nodded her head, "Maybe you can call one of them out on tv and get that fight?"
"Alright, alright. I won't move." His hand kept playing with her hair.

Jake thought about it a moment. "Baby, I just thought it would be fun. If you can't go there will be other fights. Not a big deal." His lips pressed against her forehead.

"Maximus is super smart. He takes after his dad...duh..." He laughed a bit. "I would love for Aim to come. I may be able to bribe her. Or guilt her...we have no one else. We can't take him..." He nodded a bit. "Yep done. But then we would have to lie and say we needed her longer so we can spend time with her and take her places."

Jake stopped and looked at Adriana confused. "Wait...You want ME to call one of them out on tv? You want me to be that cocky guy everyone hates?" He looked at her confused. "You legit think I should do that?" It wasn't a horrible idea. Normally he didn't care what people thought but her family now knew about them and he didn't want to embarrass her. "I want to earn the fights the right way babe..."
She rolled her eyes, "I was thinking he takes after me but if you want to believe that he takes after you, you can do that." She laughed.

"I don't think we will need to bribe or guilt her. She loves you Jake. She will do whatever you ask her to do." She nodded her head to asking her to stay later though. "I told her I would take her out and show her the city when she came down. We have a few shows to go and see." A devilish smile grew on her face and giggled. "I can't wait for her to come and visit."

She shrugged her shoulders, "Not disrespectfully but if you feel you can beat them say it. If someone asks who are you looking forward to fighting in the future, you say Johnny Hendricks is an amazing fighter. I admire his style and I would love to face him in the ring, even if it's just for practice. I'm not telling you to call him a douchebag and say you want to beat him up. There is a difference." She nodded her head, "You are earning the fights. You are an awesome fighter. I'm just saying if the opportunity presents itself go for it. You never know what it may lead to."
He laughed a bit. "Okay fine. He takes after both of us."

"What kind of shows are you talking about here?" He lifted an eyebrow and looked her over. "Babe I want to get her to move so bad. You have your family here and it would be nice for Amy to be closer. I miss being able to spend time with her."

Jake looked at her confused but with a small smile. "So I should not call any of them a douchebag? I should not tell them my girlfriend told me to call them douchebags that can't punch the back side of an elephant?" No I shouldn't do that?" He laughed a bit. "I get what you're saying. If I get an interview I'll say something. Maybe there will be a different champion before I get a shot too. But thank you babe for saying I'm an awesome fighter. It means a lot baby." His lips pressed against hers. Her opinion meant the world to him.
"Me mostly." She added.

She giggled again, "Shows that you probably don't want to go to." She kissed him, "Don't worry your pretty little head about the shows we go see. You should worry about seeing if you can get a spot in Magic Mike 3 and give your girl a little lap dance in the movie." She moved her hips back and forth and laughed.

"Ask her to move down here. Ask your mom to move down here. At the end of the day she is up there for her. if you can convince your mom to come down here then Amy will move as well." She looked down and rubbed her lips together, "How is your step dad doing? I think that is the only thing keeping them out there."

She smiled, "You know you are an awesome fighter. You wouldn't have made it this far if you weren't."
Jake shook his head but let her have the last argument on who Max took after. "He's got my good looks though." He laughed a bit.

" will NOT take my sister to a strip club." He looked at her with a stern look. "You legit want me to give you a lap dance? What is sexy about that? Why don't you give me one?"

"Mom won't move until the asshole is dead. And I have no idea. I don't really care." His tone drastically changed. He hated that man with a passion. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.

" promised me the best marshmallow I ever had...I haven't gotten one yet." His hand rubbed her back. "When you get up with Max will you make me one?"
She agreed, "Sure. He has your good looks."

She laughed and nodded her head, "It's not a strip club. It's a show that happens to involve stripping. It's Vegas, babe. It happens." She shrugged her shoulder. "Yes, I want a lap dance, little man panties and all. I will get some dollars out of the bank and tip you too. It's sexy babe. You're showing off that body you worked so hard for. I asked first. If you give em a sexy lap dance I will give you one." She offered and looked up at him. "What do you say to that?"

She didn't want to bring his stepfather up because she knew it would change the mood. She stayed quiet and was happy for the change in conversation. She wanted marshmallow now but she didn't want to get up. Her craving won out and she got up to make him a marshmallow. She set it by the fire to warm up and took max out to use the bathroom. When they came back she put it on a knife and made it gold brown. She put it on a napkin and handed it to Jake. "How's that for the best marshmallow ever?"
Jake debated what she was asking for. "For you...I will consider it. But you don't need to tell anyone about it. Or I will deny it. But I could show off this body. I did work very very hard on it. Still am working on it." He flexed for her. "What is with you aHnd little man underwear? You wanted me to have a speedo now...'little man panties.' Which no...I will not wear anything with the word 'panties' in it." He grinned at her.

He still seriously wanted to kill his stepfather. He kind of hoped Max would chew the dude's face off. The thought honestly made him chuckle to himself. "Thank you love." He took his marshmallow and took a bit. "MMMmmm very good baby. Can I have another?" He smiled at her. "I'll flex again for you..."

Max watched them and whined a bit. Jake looked at him then Adri. "What is he whining about?"
"You will wear little man panties." She commanded. "It adds to the whole lap dance thing. If you want a lap dance from me, do you want me to stay clothed? No. So you have to undress and get in some little man panties."

She made a marshmallow for herself and ate it and then nodded her head to Jake. She mad him another and she ate made herself another. She sat on the couch and looked down at Max, "I think he wants a treat." She stood up and handed one to him. She took her set on the couch again.

She picked her boy and kissed his head. "Are you doing anything after you work out tomorrow?"
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