Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"Well, it's a boy and I imagine he will look just like you." Layla snapped back. She put her hands up, "I don't want to pressure you into being in his life. I ca raise him on my own. I just need a little financial help until I can get on my feet." She rolled her eyes to not telling him sooner. "I didn't know until the third month. And I didn't even know if I wanted to keep it. I had a life of my own that needed to straighten out before I involved you."

She picked up the ultrasound photos and put them back in her purse. "Condoms break, Jake. And I remember you being very drunk one night and complaining that figuring out which way the condom went on was taking too long so you went in bare."

She laughed in his face, "Then have your lawyer draw up some child support contracts because this baby is yours. I still have your number. I'll call you when I can get a paternity test done." She smiled smugly. "And if you get curious about him later...yes, he is healthy and he is due in November." She gave her belly a pat and stood up. "I'll talk to you in a few days." She smiled and left Adri and Jake in Luke's office.

"Threatening her isn't very smart, Jake." Adri said softly. She rubbed his back, "I know you're upset but threatening could make it worst." Adri sighed and put her head against the back of the chair.
He wasn't stupid and knew condoms broke but he wouldn have remembered one breaking. He was the one to always dispose of them. He didn't remember ever not wearing one. Not that he may not have but didn't remember it.

Once she left he really didn't need Adri telling him how he handled it was wrong. "Well I'm sorry one has walked me through this before. And upset..upset doesn't really cut it." He got up and paced.

"If he is mine it was really shitty to wait so long and why not call me up and say we needed to meet up. Why just show up. It doesn't seem right. She's messing with me. I can feel it."
She nodded her head. There had to be a reason behind waiting that long to tell Jake. There was the possibility that she was trying to handle it on her own and she figured out she needed the extra help. Or she could be messing with him, someone could have hired her to get in his head, but that didn't make sense since he didn't have a fight coming up. Now it was a good thing he didn't have a figure coming up because she would have screwed with his mental state.

"I don't want to talk about her here anymore, okay? Let's just go home, save Max from the kennel of doom and take him for a walk. We can talk about it then." They had a lot of what ifs to talk about.

If he had a kid things would change completely. The child would come first, always. He might try to balance things but the baby would come first. She imagined he would want to see him and be there for him like his own father never was. She sighed and stood up. "Let's head home." She held her hand out for Jake to take and she picked up her gym bag and purse.
Jake stared off for a moment and shook his head in disbelief this was all happening. How could he be so stupid and careless. He let out a sigh and nodded at Adri's request to go home. At least she still wanted to go home with him. "I have to grab my bag." He said quietly before going down to the locker room to get his gym bag. Luke looked at Adri and gave her a small smile. Luke was a good friend and would stand by them no matter what.

Jake went out to his car and tossed his bag in the back and got in. He drove home and the drive was quiet. If he didn't have to pay attention to the road he would space out. Once he got home he got out and grabbed his bag after he parked the car in the garage. He let Max out of the kennel and it made him feel better he was happy and excited to see them.

"You wanna go for a walk Max?" He got excited when he heard the word walk. Jake couldn't help but wonder what Adri's family would think of him and he just kind of froze. He didn't want Adri to leave him or her family to think less of him or his own sister. He grabbed Max's leash and hooked it up to his collar. "Adri you coming too?"
Jake driving gave Adri the chance to think about his, possibly, new position in life. When she thought of their future, she thought she would be the one with the big belly. She could be still but it wasn't the same. She wanted to be the first to give him a kid, now she could be the second. She sighed and put her head against the headrest. She didn't want to believe the baby was his but Layla was so sure that he was.

She smiled when Max came out of his kennel with his little tail wagging happily. She picked him up and gave him a kiss before she set him down. She needed to find a vet to get him fixed. At least her little baby wouldn't be getting some stranger pregnant. She set him down so Jake could get him ready for a walk.

"Yeah, I'm coming. I just need to change my shoes." She took her heels off and went upstairs. She slipped on some walking shoes and came back downstairs. She took the leash from Jake so she could walk her baby boy. "You ready?" She asked and patted her pocket to make sure her phone was in her pocket.
He gave her an nod, "Yeah I'm ready." He opened the door and headed out with her. His hands were stuffed in his jeans, he wasn't sure if she wanted to touch him. Or for him to touch her. He wasn't sure what she was thinking about the whole thing and she had every right to be upset.

His eyes watched Max as he sniffed around and walked around excitedly. Jake thought about what if he was the father, he would have to step up. He didn't want to just cut a check and be done with the kid. He wouldn't let it ruin his career. A lot of people have kids with women they aren't married to. It happens.

" me what you are thinking please." He spoke quietly. "And please tell me you aren't going anywhere." He looked at her with a look in his eyes of pure fear. Adri literally had been the best thing to happen to him, he didn't want that to change now.
She rubbed her lips together and thought of what to say. She frowned and looked at him, "Jake, I'm not going anywhere." She reassured him. She put her arm around his waist. "I'm not going anywhere." She promised. "I just thought it would be me, you know?" She shrugged her shoulder.

"I love you and if he is yours then it will make things harder." She said softly and looked down at Max. It wouldn't be that hard if he just signed the checks and never saw the kid but she would never ask him to do that. Whatever he did with his kid was his choice.

"I guess the big question is, what are you going to do if he is yours? Are you going to get custody or let her keep him with visitation? Are you going to help with child support on top of that? You need to tell your lawyer before this gets out of hand. Preferably before you go in for a DNA test as well." She frowned and bit her tongue, "If I'm being completely honest I don't know what else you should do."
Jake let out a big sigh of relief. His arm wrapped around her and he kissed her temple. He nodded at the fact she thought she would be the one to carry his first child. "I know so did I..." He said quietly. His head shook at the idea of how careless he was.

"Adri...I've been thinking about this since the minute you told me. What would I do? I can't and won't be a dead beat dad that just throws money at his mother. I can't. I'm not going to fight for full custody unless she is unfit to be his mother. I'm beyond frustrated and angry she is just now telling me. And I still feel like something is off with it. I will want visitation. If I'm his father I want him to know I'm his father and that I'm here for him. I don't think it's fair for me to have to pay child support plus have visitation. But that tends to happen doesn't it? The father gets screwed and still has to pay so especially with my profession I probably will have to." Jake hoped it wouldn't effect their house and eventually getting married. He still wanted to marry Adri. He was still madly in love with her. "I sent him a message from Luke's office while I waited. He has a heads up."

Jake thought about what she was saying. "I love you for wanting to help and I understand you don't know what to tell me. Just support me and being next to me through it all will mean more than you could imagine. "I love you..."
She nodded her head at his plan. It seemed reasonable. His lawyer would know what to do from there.

"i'm trying my best. Don't beat yourself up over it. Mistakes happen and this could be a great thing in the end. It could be your son." She said trying to make him feel better. "A little fighter like you, perhaps." She bumped into him playfully and shrugged her shoulder. "We have to look at the good side. We have a big new house and we do have the nursery set up. It wasn't supposed to be used so soon but we have it if we need it."

She rubbed her side and looked down at Max. She couldn't believe she was talking about a kid of his. What was she supposed to feel in this situation? She couldn't be mad it was before her time. He didn't cheat. He didn't even know about it until now.
Jake smiled a bit. This woman he was walking with was truly amazing. How many women would be trying to see the bright side of things all the time. Especially the possibility of him being a father to someone else's child. She was absolutely right. A little fighter just like him. But he wanted Adri's little fighter. No someone else's. Not someone who really didn't mean anything to him. "Adri...I get mistakes happen but if he is my son, he wouldn't be a mistake to me..." He said quietly. "But you are right. We have the space. We could take good care of him."

He would call his lawyer when he got home to figure out what the best move would be. He was anxious to find out if he was the father or not. It was nerve wracking and frightening to get attached if he wasn't the father. In a way he wanted to be because he knew he could and would give the child a good life, but he wanted Adri to be the first of everything with him in that aspect of their lives.

Jake kissed Adri's temple. "You are amazing and I love you so much for you being so positive about this and promising you'll be right next to me through it all. No wonder I love you so much." Jake rubbed her side with his thumb. " a way you did give me our first child...Max is our boy." He smiled at her and kissed her softly. She was trying to make him feel better, he wanted to make her feel better as well.
She nodded her head, "I didn't mean it like that. I meant the condom breaking was a mistake or the drunk night that she is claiming happened was a mistake. The baby is the great thing." She said softly.

Jake's great thing. She started the change in Jake but the baby would test his patience in ways she couldn't he would have to focus on another being and not be so self centered. She wouldn't be the main thing in Jake's world anymore. She didn't want to think of it that way but it was true. He was afraid of losing her but she was the one that should be afraid of losing him. What if he wanted to be a family with Layla? He already was a family with her, pretty much.

She looked down when he kissed her temple and she forced a smile, "I love you too, Jake." She rubbed her lips together and wondered if she made him a promise she couldn't keep. She rolled her eyes, "Yeah. We have a beautiful furry baby together." The rest of the walk was pretty peaceful. They walked until Max start panting and then they made their way back home. Once there, she gave Max some water. One he got his fill, he went to his bed and took a nap.

Adri checked her phone for a response from the powerade people but didn't find one. She did find an email with her schedule from the company she was modeling for. They wanted her on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday night. At least she had something to keep her busy during all of this.
Once they got back he called his lawyer and filled him in more on what was going on. He advised him not to pay her anything until a paternity test was done. He also told him to try to get one done as soon as possible so they knew right away what the story was. Jake kept glancing at Adri. He knew she was upset about the whole thing and he knew she said she wasn't going anywhere but he still wanted to make sure. He just bought this house to build a family with her. Now that was completely screwed up.

Jake finished up after getting all the information from his lawyer and went out to sit by the pool. He wasn't trying to sunbathe or anything, he just needed to think. He still hadn't found his spot yet to do that. He had the basement in the old place but the new house still needed some time to get used to it before he found his spot. He replayed in his mind his time with Layla. He remembered how they met and originally hooked up. No wonder Adri took her time with him. He was a player and completely ridiculous. What did she see in him now?

Jake hoped if he was the father he could tell his family before the press got a hold of the information. He knew though, if he was going to be a father now or later, he would never be like his stepfather. Then he wondered what if she kept the child from him because of his temper. He couldn't blame her. Maybe that would be best. The kid didn't deserve a father who lost his temper when things didn't go his way. Jake had no idea what to feel or what to do. He put his forearms on his legs and put his face in his hands.
Adri found her happy place in the kitchen. It was the kitchen of her dreams with the double oven for all of her cooking and baking needs. Her huge fridge which had space for everything. She could even fit in it when the shelves weren't in there. She had a pantry stocked full of spices and other cooking goodies. Jake had the gym and she had the kitchen. She rubbed the granite counter tops and rubbed her lips together. She could see Jake sitting by the pool and as much as she wanted to comfort him, she felt like he needed to be alone more.

She thought of what it would be like to have a baby in the house. How much it would change the dynamic of their little family. It made her smile. He probably didn't think it but she knew Jake would be a great father. With the hell he grew up with, he would fight to make sure his kids were happy and safe. She'd be there when he got a little too heated but he'd be fine doing it on his own. She was sure of it.

She opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of wine that was tucked way in the back. She popped it open and poured herself a glass. She didn't normally indulge unless she was at dinner. After today's event she thought she deserved a drink. Jake did too but he would probably enjoy a beer more than wine.

Adri's phone rang after her first sip and she checked the caller ID. It was a number that wasn't programmed but she answered it.

"It's Layla. I found a doctor to do the DNA test and his only open time was Wednesday at 2." She gave the doctor office information

"You are that confident that he is Jake's?" Adri asked.

"Oh sweetie I know he's Jake's. He couldn't be any one else's. I wanted Jake. I got Jake but I couldn't take that attitude so when he said leave, I never came back. Like I said before, I don't want Jake. I want help. I need help. At least until I can get on my feet." Layla sighed. "Look I'm tired and my feet hurt. if you want to have girl talk we can do it later. Just tell Jake to be at the office early to fill out the paperwork. Thank you." She hung up and Adri set the phone down.

She walked out to Jake with her glass of wine and sat on one of the reclining chair. "Layla called. You have a doctor's appoint at two. I'll put the information in your phone. I won't be able to make it, I don't think so at least. I have a photoshoot on Wednesday at 12."
Jake looked up when Adri came outside. He offered her a small smile. Then she told him about the appointment. "Is it just a regular doctor appointment or is it a time a test can be done?" He laid his head back against the chair he was sitting in and closed his eyes.

"Adri...I can't be a father. I didn't exactly have the best role model raise me and teach me how a father should be. I have a temper a child shouldn't be around. And what if she uses that against me? What if he is mine and she takes him from me cause of my profession and my temper? What if she waits till I get as okay as I can be with this and then just takes him from me? He would probably be better off without me anyway..." He let out a big sigh and just sat there a moment.

His head lifted and looked around. "You left your baby inside all alone?" He smiled at her a bit.
"The test is being done." Adri said softly. "You won't know the results for a few days though." She rubbed his hand and rubbed her lips together.

"Hey, if he is yours and you want him in your life then he will be in your life. She can't keep him away from you. She needs you because she needs help and if you're the father, I think you are the only one that can help her. She's on her own right now. Her parents don't want anything to do with her the baby." She squeezed his hand and stood up. She kissed his forehead.

"Don't beat yourself up over this. In a few days we will find out if he is yours and if he is then we will figure out what to do from there. You're going to be a great father." She kissed his lips and sat back down.

She looked down and then looked back at the house, "He's sleeping and the door is open. If he wants to come out he can."
Jake kissed her back softly. Before she could sit back down in her chair he pulled her into his lap. His arms wrapped around her and his forehead rested against her. "Thank you." He let out a small sigh. "No wonder I love you so much. You are so amazing. Even through're amazing. I have no idea why you love me though...But I'm glad you do." His lips kissed her softly.

"She's not backing down Adge. That's not good...If she just wanted money she wouldn't have gotten an appointment so soon. She must really think I could be his father. And that scares me. It scares the crap out of me." He said quietly.

"I kinda want to go wake him up." He smiled a bit. "I could use some kisses and plus I want him to sleep well tonight." Then Jake realized if a dog kept them up, a baby would only be worse.
"I love you because you stuck with me through thick and thin. You waited for me to open up to you and you have never once pushed me to do something I didn't want to do." She rubbed his cheek and kissed his forehead.

"It scares me too. It's not something we planned for but now it's something we have to make plans for. We should probably wait until we are completely sure he is yours but we need to start making plans." She kissed his temple.

"Don't wake the baby. I can give you kisses." She proved that by peppering his face with kisses all over. "He's a puppy, puppies need sleep." She kissed him again. "We won't let him sleep tonight though. At least not until bed time. Maybe that will keep him down."
Jake may have a temper but a lot of it stemmed from the crap he dealt with growing up. He wasn't necessarily a bad guy. Or he didn't think so. He cared deeply about Adri from the beginning and that turned into love, he couldn't imagine pressuring her or pushing her into anything. Yes sleeping together would have been nice at any point in their relationship but honestly it was prefect how it had happened. He wouldn't have changed it really for anything. His eyes closed when she kissed his forehead briefly.

"What kind of plans? She should have told us sooner. Would you still have gotten with me if you knew I was having a son?" He looked at her.

Jake smiled when she said she could give him kisses. "Sounds perfect to me." His eyes closed again when she kissed his face all over but his smile didn't fade. "But he didn'et let us sleep last night. Jerk." He joked and kissed her back deeply. "I love you Adriana." In that moment he knew more than any other moment that he wanted to marry her. He felt like he should wait until the time was right but at the same time he didn't care, he just wanted this woman forever.
Adri shrugged her shoulder, "If he is going to be here with us then we need formula, diapers, clothes, blankets. We have the basics, as in a nursery, but we don't have a lot in that nursery. You might want to go with her to birthing classes, so you know what to do and you can help her if she needs it." She looked him in the eye. It felt like the right thing to do. She hated that she had to share her boyfriend with someone else but it was bound to happen now.

She rubbed her lips together when he asked if they'd be together if he had a son. She thought about it and shrugged her shoulder, "I really don't know. Things would have been different from the beginning." It wasn't a real answer but it was all she could give him.

"I know he didn't but we did just take him on a long walk. He needs to rest or he will destroy our house. We can go swimming later though. I know that will tire him out." She smiled, "I love you too, Jake." She kissed him and got off of his lap.
Adri was right, they would need to go shopping and get everything they would need. It would be hard having a newborn and figuring out a custody or visitation schedule. His lawyer would have to make sure to figure something out for when he was traveling and had fights. He couldn't really take his son to a fight. Not until he got older anyway. And he couldn't ask Adri to look after a child that wasn't theirs while she was working for him. He wanted to make things as fair as possible.

Jake nodded about her comment about things being different from the beginning. "I think I still would have got you to fall in love with me..." He grinned a bit. "I still would have kicked your butt in the living room."

His hands rubbed her sides a bit as she sat on him. "Swimming sounds nice. I could go for seeing you naked or in a bikini totally." Jake kissed her back before he got up and kissed her neck quick. "Want me to make dinner? I could throw something on the grill? And Adri...if you have a shoot Wednesday. Do your shoot. Don't rush to be done for that appointment. If the results won't be for days after, no reason for you to be there if you have work."
She rolled her eyes, "You wish. I could kick your butt right now. Now that I have some kick boxing skills under my belt. I don't want to hurt you though." She teased and kissed his temple.

"Mmm yeah, will you grill some chicken for me? That sounds amazing. Make it how you made it last time. That was the best." She followed him into the house and she checked on Max to make sure he wasn't tearing anything up. He was still sleeping on his bed and he was just so cute that she had to pick him up. She wouldn't be able to hold him when he was bigger so she had to get her fill now.

In a way she was glad she had to work Wednesday. She wasn't sure she wanted to be there while he went to get DNA testing done with his possible baby mama. She smiled and nodded her head, "Thank you for understanding, babe. I'll be here when you get back...maybe. Either way you can tell me how it went later."
Jake laughed. "Right you wouldn't hurt me...but thanks for the concern."

"Yes ma'am. I can do that. Same way. Got it." He went inside to grab the stuff he needed after starting the grill. He started first with just putting the chicken on the grill before coming back for the spices he needed. He then grabbed some potatoes and foil and butter. "Potatoes okay with it too? Would you mind maybe making a salad or something?"

Jake nodded to him being able to tell her about it later. "Alright." He gave her a small smile and kissed her cheek. "I can't wait to hear how your shoot goes. Maybe I can come by bring you food or something? Or just come by to offer love and kisses."
"I would totally hurt you and it hurts me that you think you are stronger than me for some reason. You being a MMA fighter doesn't mean anything." She said playfully. The odds of her hurting him were slim unless she took a cheap shot but he didn't scare her so she had that to her advantage.

"Thank you." She said to him cooking. She nodded her head to potatoes ad went to the freezer and pulled out some veggies eat with dinner. Then he mentioned a salad and she put them back in favor of fresh veggies. It hard doing things one handed since Max was sitting on her hip like a big baby.

"I will take love and kisses from you any day." She rubbed his cheek. "I will send you the address to the house we are shooting at." She kissed Max and set him down. She washed her hands and then started chopping up carrots and broccoli for the salad. "What else do you want on it?"
Jake kept laughing. "I'm sorry to hurt your feelings. We will have to just wrestle it out again. Let's do it in the pool tonight. That could be fun." He smiled and smacked her butt.

Jake walked by her and Max and kissed Max's head. "You are one spoiled little puppy. Just like your mama. She's spoiled too but it's okay. I love her anyway." He kissed Adri's lips. "You are shooting at a house? Which company is it for? Is it the Affliction or your old company?" He left the door open as he went out to the grill before checking the chicken and coming back in.

He opened the fridge and considered alcohol from the day he had and the news dropped on him but he thought against it and grabbed some water. He needed to get back into shape, he wasn't letting Layla ruin that. "Tomatoes? Onions? Croutons? Cheese?" He walked over and gave her shoulder a kiss and watched her a moment before kissing her neck more.
"It's the perk of being an only girl." She smiled and kissed him back. "And it's your fault too. Remember the purse and wallet?" She gave his butt a playful squeeze in retaliation to him smacking her butt earlier.

"Yes at house, we need a pool and a pretty back drop and old company. Affliction hasn't called yet." She watched him walk out of the house and went back to cutting the vegetables.

She pulled out the cherry tomatoes, onions and cheese and then went to the pantry for the croutons. She sliced the tomatoes in half and threw them in Jake's bowl. She did the same with the onion, only putting them in Jake's bowl. She smiled when he started to kiss her neck. "I have a sharp knife in my hands and you're distracting." She said softly.

She made them both personal salads and decided to wait until the chicken was ready to put the salad dressing in them. She covered them with paper towels and set them on the table outside. She came back into the kitchen and kissed Jake. "I love you."
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