Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake thanked Maria again when she handed the glass to him and he took a drink. He couldn't help but roll his eyes with a smile at his girlfriend trying to get her mother to allow Max to eat inside.

Once Jake had his order to get the salad he was on it, well until Richard stopped him and with a big question. Jake figured he wasted no time at all, but he didn't mind. Jake smiled at her father. "Well sir, I love Adriana. I love her a lot. We just bought a house and a puppy together. I know if we break up, I get the house and she gets the puppy...I mean look at her." He said jokingly as he glanced at Adri with Max. "But sir, I really hope that never happens. I'm planning on marrying her someday and having more of a family than those on four legs. But I figure we can take our time with the house and dog first." He grabbed the salad out of the fridge.

Jake glanced back at her dad and spoke quietly, "You and your wife raised an amazing woman. I couldn't ask for someone better to fall in love with and for some unknown reason I have yet to figure out, she loves me. No way I'm letting her go." He thought of using the Hulk wnd Black Widow reference but doubted he'd understand and probably not the best to share his anger issues with her dad. But he wished he could voice how she completed him.
"I thinks acts a good answer, Richard. Leave him alone. He looks like a nice young man and he makes Adriana happy." Richard grunted softly and picked up the wine. He moved out of the way for the fridge so Jake could grab the salad.

Adri grabbed the small bag of food and put it in Max's bowl. She filled another bowl with water and set them in the kitchen. She put a bed down behind her at the table so she could keep an eye on Max when he was done eating. She hoped he would sleep but she put a toy in the bed to keep him entertained. Her mother came out of the kitchen with the lasagna and set it in the middle of the table.

Her father said a prayer over the food for everyone's long life and for new love. He prayed that it lasted and there was a slight threat about hurting Adriana's feelings. She gave Jake's hand a soft squeeze and her father finished the prayer. Everyone was focused on getting food on their plate but once they started eating Alejandro, the brother born right before Adri, spoke up.

"So Jake when's the next big fight? Against who?" He asked, hoping for some insider information.
Jake caressed Adri's hand as she squeezed it. Honestly, he didn't expect any less from her family. She was amazing and the only girl, he would have to win her family over and he was okay with that. He loved Adri and he would do whatever he had to to win her over. His hand brought hers to his lips for a kiss once grace was finished.

Jake finished his bite before speaking. "Well I don't really know yet. I'm hoping to make my way to the championship fight. It pays a lot to be in the main event and even more if you win. So that is always a plus but I want to be the champion. So whoever I have to fight to get there I will. I actually got hurt my last fight so I'm making sure to train and heal before rushing back in. But you all can come sometime. I can get you seats with Adri even. She gets up pretty close." He smiled at his girlfriend. Jake liked Adri being so close.

"We're actually planning on going to see the next couple fights just to do some homework and enjoy where we aren't rushing around." Jake glanced down at Max a few times. He leaned over to Adri, "Thought he was supposed to eat outside?"
Adri nodded her head, "Up close and personal for every single fight. He says I can watch in the back but I know he likes to have me out front where he knows I'm watching." She rubbed Jake's back and smiled at him.

"He's just a baby. I don't want him to get lonely and he's being good. As long as he doesn't per in the house he will be fine. Mom will grow to love shrugged her shoulder and looked back at her puppy. He was still eating and he didn't get much of nap with them so he was bound to fall asleep after he ate.

"And you can't fight forever Jake. What will you do when you are too old or when you are tired of beating people and getting beat up in return?" Her mother asked. "You bought the house, you want the family how will you support my grandkids?"

Adri looked at Jake and then her mother, "He is in his prime so there is no need to worry about retirement yet and the only grandkid you have now is Maximus. And he is very upset that you told him to eat outside." Adri gave her mom a playful look and her mother squinted her eyes.

"Why isn't he eating outside?"

Adri took a bite of garlic bread to stop from talking and her brothers laughed.
She was right. He liked knowing his girl was out front watching him kick some ass. It helped him in a weird kind of way. "It's true. I like looking out and seeing you cheering me on." He smiled at her.

Jake just smiled and shook his head. He knew that dog was spoiled so much already but he loved seeing Adri so happy. He watched him a moment until her mom asked her question.

She had a good question and concern and he loved Adri for being willing to jump in and answer for him but he could understand her concern. "Well I'm hoping by the time I do retire I will have enough money saved up that I can just live off of that. But I do have a dream of opening up my own gym where I can train other fighters. By then I hope to have gotten better knowledge for fighting and I could be right in their corners for fights. If I become champion I could possible do some publicity type of things, like autograph signings and things like that. But I'm hoping to have such a good relationship with my one endorser, Affliction that they will at least clothe our children." He gave Adri a little smile and wink at his own little joke, he knew Adri would understand but probably not her family. "I do plan on doing anything I need to, to support my family. They are the most important thing to me."

Jake laughed and shook his head. "You should have stayed quiet about Max babe..." He took a few bites. "No food scraps either Adriana." He gave his girlfriend a stern look.
Adri looked at Jake and shook her head, "Not going to happen. They will have some Affliction stuff but they are getting regular clothes too." She told him. "Nice try though. You'll get more endorsers soon. Maybe Powerade and Gatorade since that's all you drink." She teased and bumped into him. "They should start paying you, though. You are always seen with one of the two. Especially during fight time."

She rubbed his back, proud to call him her man. "Max and I are proud of you, no matter what you do." She told him with a happy smile.

She sighed, "I can stay quiet about my baby. Every thing he does is cute and magical." She ate dinner and gave Jake a look, "I'm not. He's not even hungry anymore. Look, he's sleeping." She smiled at Max and how cute he looked. The rest of dinner went off without a hitch. The brothers pestered Adri about getting them tickets to one of Jake's fights soon and she told them she would try but Jake pretty much told them they were getting tickets already.

She just didn't want to be there with her brothers and be the only girl again. After twenty four years, she still hasn't gotten used to it.
"They would look cute in Affliction clothes like their father and soon their mother." He gave her a grin and wink. Jake thought it was awesome Affliction wanted Adri to model for them. "They should. We should talk to them. And sorry sometimes I get tired of water and it's better then soda and alcohol. Give me a break." His hand rubbed her leg.

The next thing Adri said caught Jake a bit off guard his whole world stopped for a moment. She said she was proud of him. He didn't hear that a lot and it meant more coming from Adri. He knew she hated seeing her boyfriend fighting all the time but she supported him the whole way through. She even looked after him when he got hurt. He fell a bit deeper in love with her at that moment. "Thank you babe. That means a lot." He said quietly but kept his eyes on her with nothing but a lot of love.

Jake soon snapped out of it and looked at Max sleeping curled up in a ball. "I'm surprised you didn't try eating with him on your lap." He chuckled a bit. "I'm sure you thought of it."

Jake would get her entire family tickets. "Maybe Amy would come to the same fight. That would be awesome to have our families there together cheering for me." Once dinner was over Jake offered to help clean up. Max only lifted his head to see what was going on but soon went back to sleep.
She helped Jake clean up dinner and whenh they were in the kitchen she gave him a hug and kiss. "I think they like you." She said happily and kissed his forehead. It would have been really hard for Adri to date him and gave her family hate him. Now that she knew they liked him she was relieved and very happy.

"Just wait until we get home and test that pool." She laughed and went back to the dining room to pick up the bottle of wine. She capped it and took it into the kitchen. She helped Jake with the dishes and one by one her family came io the kitchen. While Adri dried the dishes her mother put them away.

"So when do we get to see this new house Adriana?"

She rolled her eyes, "I am trying to get it decorated and then every one can come to the housewarming. I'm almost finished, so soon. Right Jake?"
Jake hugged her tightly before rubbing her back. "Did you doubt that they would like me?" He looked at her and smiled as she kissed his forehead. He never would want to come between Adri and her family.

"Mmm...can't wait..." He wiggled his eyebrows at her with a smile before following her. Once the dishes were done he leaned against the counter and smiled at Adri.

"I promise you all will be invited over for a housewarming barbecue and maybe even just dinner sometime. We would love to have you all over once we're settled in a bit more. We're still trying to make it ours." Jake smiled at Adri and grabbed her hand squeezing it. "Adri's doing a good job decorating."
"No. Of course not, but I was a little nervous...after last time I thought they may not trust my judgement but they like you."

She smiled at Jake, "You made it easy. You let me do whatever I want." She kissed his cheek and put her arm around his waist. Max came walking into the room and Adri picked him up and gave him kisses. "It will be interesting with this one. our first night together. I am hoping he sleeps most of the night."

Her father laughed, "Doubt it. You have a newborn. You won't be getting much sleep for a while."

Adri looked at Jake, "It's a good thing you don't have a fight then. Maybe we should take him on one more walk before bed."
Jake gave Adri a small nod. "You couldn't help what happened. Sometimes you have to follow your heart." He gave her a shrug before he shook his head when Adri gave Max kisses. The dog was getting more action then he was, but Jake understood, they were at her parents'. It seemed though he was falling deeper in love with her.

Jake looked at Adri when she mentioned Max sleeping all night. "Maybe swimming and a long walk..." He wasn't worried about the lack of sleep, but the lack of time to have intimacy with Adri.

"Yes we need him on a schedule if I have a fight coming up. I will need my rest."
Adri nodded her head, "That might work. Just wait until you guys see the pool. I can see a bunch of fourth of July parties happening at our place. And Christmas!" She gasped, "Imagine the tree we can get. We are going all out. It's going to be so much fun." She smiled even bigger.

"We will get him on a schedule soon." She told Jake and looked down at her puppy. "We cannot let you control us forever, cutiepie. You will sleep at night." She set him on the floor to walk around and he sniffed the kitchen floor. Adri watched him and then scooped him up and took him out back. They walked back into the kitchen and she took her spot next to Jake again.

When she got back her mother packed Jake a to go plate of lasagna and bread. "Are you ready to go babe? Someone already went to the bathroom."
While she took Max outside he talked to her brothers and dad about fighting and how things work behind the scenes. He even offered letting them come to weigh ins so they can see everything. A mental note was made to get the guys some Affliction merchandise. Or then he wondered if that would be too cheesy.

Jake nodded at Adri. "Sure babe. If you want to. I don't want to rush you."

He went to grab Max's stuff. "Do we need a dog bag, like a diaper bag for Max?" He winked and smiled at Adri. "I love you baby." He laughed a bit then went to tell her family goodbye.
"That would be cute. We could a bowl and some food in the bag just in case. I like that idea." She told him. Even if he was kidding she was getting one now. Jake had a type of diaper bag when he went on fights. She didn't call it a diaper bag but it had snacks, drinks, spare clothes. Max should get one too.

Her brothers groaned and took turns teasing her as she kissed them and said good bye. Her mother gave her a hug and whispered, 'Good pick.' to her. Her father gave her a hug and kiss and told her to visit more often.

When they were ready she took Max and put him in the back seat. She got in the passenger seat and held Jake's hand as they drove home.
Jake rolled his eyes. "I was joking Adriana. Joking." He let out a sigh but smiled at her before shaking his head.

He gave her mother a hug and thanked her for a wonderful dinner. He then shook her father and her brothers' hands. He thanked everyone and even thanked them for letting them bring Max.

Once in the car, heading home he glanced over at Adri. "I like your family. They are really cool. I was thinking...may get them some Affliction merch? Or too cheesy? I just want to do something nice for them. Plus then they can wear their shirts to the fight." He grinned at her before going back to the road.
"You shouldn't have put the idea in my head." She stuck her tongue out at him and smiled at Max. "My baby boy deserves the best." She scratched the top of his head.

"We got your family Affliction merchandise. I think they would enjoy it. It would be very nice of you. And it gives them something to wear to a fight. I guess I will invite them to your next fight." She sighed and smiled at Jake.

"i can't wait to jump into that pool. It's going to be so nice. I can sunbathe naked. You know what that means?" She asked, "No tan lines."
"You would have thought of it on your own." He smiled at her and held her hand as he drove.

"I like the idea of getting them stuff. Let's get a basket together okay? I know you aren't working right now...but we need to call Powerade. I think they will jump on endorsing me. Like you said I drink their stuff a lot. Probably more than I should but it's better than soda but it still isn't great. But let's call them and see what happens." He grinned at her.

"I can't wait for you to sunbathe naked around the pool. I am excited to get in the pool. I want to see if Maximus can swim. That would be cool if he can." He looked back in the mirror at Max. "You're gonna love the pool. I have a feeling." He looked at Adri. "We will probably come home and see him lounging himself by the pool." He laughed a bit.
"I will put together some baskets and call Gatorade in the morning. Luke wants you in the afternoon. He wants to really test out that arm strength." She squeezed his bicep and smiled at him. "I think you are all healed but he knows your body more than I do. Which is really weird to say." She laughed.

"If he can't swim I'm getting him a life vest and we are going to have to figure out some type of pool cover or an alarm that lets us know when someone or something enters the pool. That's good for future use too. At least until we are sure our kids can swim."

They got home and she let Max run free around the house. They soon found out that Max could swim. He was too sure about the water at first but Adri picked him up and walked with him in her hands. He figured out how to doggy paddle. He swam around for a little bit and Adri helped him up on the ledge. "We may not have to take him on a walk after all. His going to tire himself out by swimming." She told Jake and kissed him softly. "Now I believe there was something promised to you." She rubbed his cheek and kissed him again

It was odd for Adri. She kept checking back on Max to make sure he was okay. While she was into what Jake was doing, a piece of her was always making sure her baby was fine. Before they could go to bed, Max had to get a bath to wash that chlorine off of his body. She used her blow drier to dry him off and then she was able to get to bed.

Sleep didn't come easy since a certain puppy was up every two hours to pee or play or to cry and get some attention. It wasn't fun but it was one of the joys of having a puppy. The next morning she was up early enough to send the Gatorade people an email win Jake's information, informing them that Jake would be interested in an endorsement with them. After that she made him breakfast and fed Max.
"That sounds good babe." He kissed her temple. "I'm sure he does. I hope it's strong enough. I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit worried about it though."

Jake shook his head. "He doesn't need a life vest Adri." His eyes rolled a bit even though she was rather adorable with Max. Once they got him home and got in the pool, Max showed them how good of a swimmer he was. Jake kissed Adri back when she mentioned her promise. He grinned into the kiss and nodded.

Jake wasn't too thrilled about getting woken up every two hours and he really didn't like Adri jumping up every time he made a peep. He was trying to share but he enjoyed sleeping next to his girlfriend. It helped him sleep.

He got up in the morning and went for a run and came home to Max greeting him and he bent down to pent him. He walked in and kissed Adri before eating breakfast. Once it was time to head to the gym to train with Luke he was dressed ready to go. They started doing some drills to see how his elbow was. Luke got after him for favoring it and that they really needed to test it and Jake realized he was right and just started to go full go with it. They were getting a good work out and train session in as Layla, a girl he had seen only a couple times, walked in. She had long brown hair and a nice pregnant belly. He didn't even notice her walk in, but Luke did.
Adri was using a punching bag with one of the trainers holding it for her when the woman walked in. She stuck out like a sore thumb because it didn't seem right for a pregnant woman to be in a gym full of boxers. Unless she was a girl friend. Adri kept an eye on her, only to call out if someone wasn't paying attention and got to close tot he pregnant woman. It was a good thing she was looking out for her though because she was making a beeline straight for Jake.

She stopped what she was doing and grabbed a towel to wipe off her sweat. She put the towel around her neck and approached the woman, "Do you need Jake or Luke for something? Because they're busy but I will take a message for you." Adri smiled. She knew Jake didn't like to be bothered while he was in the ring. She wasn't about to let her run his focus.

"I think it's pretty important that I speak to Jake." She said and gave her protruding stomach a rub.

Adri glanced down and then looked back into her eyes, "About what?" She asked but she had a feeling she knew the answer.

"His child." Layla said happily.

Adri looked from Layla to Luke, then Jake and back to Layla. She debated if she should cut his training short but she decided against it. They could have that conversation later. "Well he is busy for the next two hours, so maybe you should come back. But a lot of women claim they are pregnant with his kid and it never really works out. So if this isn't his kid then you should just leave and never come back. Okay?" She was trying to be professional and be the assistant instead of the girlfriend but the possessive girlfriend side was certainly poking through.

"Oh I get it. You're the new girlfriend. Sweetheart, you can have Jake and all the anger issues he comes with. I can't raise a kid on my own since I'm can't work as a ring girl anymore. So I will see you in two hours and probably when the baby is born since I'm not going to keep him from his son and who knows...I'll probably be around for the next eighteen years." Layla smiled triumphantly and walked away. She would be back in two hours and Adri could feel it.

Adri bit her bottom lip and stared at the ring Jake was in for a second. She shook off whatever she was feeling and walked back to her punching back. With a renewed vigor she started punching the bag again. If that was Jake's kid she didn't know what she would do. She wasn't going to be happy about it though. What if that's Jake's baby? She thought to herself and let out a deep breath. What fi he had other kids? She felt her stomach turn and she looked at Jake, oblivious to it all.

About an hour and half into Jake's training she gave Luke a signal to wrap it up. She needed to speak to Jake. "Kitchen, now." She pointed and followed him to the gym's kitchen. "There was a woman here earlier for you." She started and started putting his smoothie together. She threw something into the blender and slammed the button down, "She is going to be here in thirty minutes." She opened his tumbler and slammed it on the counter. "And she is pregnant. Heavily pregnant and by the sound of it she thinks it is yours." She stopped the blender and poured the badly mixed smoothie into the tumbler and gave it to Jake.

She wasn't mad at him. She was mad at the situation. She was confused and she was kind of scared. She didn't want to lose Jake if it was his and she didn't want to deal with baby mama drama.
Luke just looked at Adri before glancing at Layla, then back at Adri. He had remembered Layla but it was never a thing that lasted too long. At least not to his knowledge. He got back to working with Jake and just kind of let Adri handle the situation. It wasn't his place to say anything so for once he stayed out of the situation. He wrapped it up when she told him to.

Jake went down and saw Adri and then the minute she started ordering him around he knew something was up. "What's going on Adri? What's wrong?" He wiped his face with a towel he had, trying to catch his breathe and as she started talking to him. He was so confused why she was slamming things down and angry. So a chick showed up for him. So what? Then she dropped the bomb shell. "Wow...Who? Who was it? What was her name?" He was trying to do that math on who it could be that there could be the slightest possibility.

"Why are you mad at me? Adri I NEVER cheated on you. Not once. The thought never crossed my mind. Plus you're always with me."
Adri opened her mouth to say the name but she never got it. "I don't know." She said softly and crossed her arms. "She didn't tell me. She just rubbed her belly in my face."

She frowned at Jake, "I'm not mad at you." She said with an angry tone. "I'm not." She said defensively. "I'm just caught off guard. I don't know what to do and I normally do. This is out of my control. If it is yours then it's yours. I can't help you. I can't make a decision for you and I wouldn't want too. I just...I don't know. I think you should call your lawyer because is confident it's yours. We need to take a shower and get changed before she comes back. I'll ask Luke if we can use a spare office."

She went to the locker room and took a quick shower. She didn't bother with make up since she really didn't have time. She got dressed and went to the main part of the gym. She found Luke in his office and asked if they could borrow one for a few minutes. Since there wasn't a spare office, he said they could use his for as long as they needed.

Adri waited for Jake to come and sent him up to Luke's office and then waited for Layla so she could walk her up.
Jake stood in the kitchen a moment not really wanting a smoothie. He may be a father soon or he may not. His body leaned back against the counter. He just hoped he wouldn't lose Adri of something like this That was his first fear. She obviously was upset and he didn't know what to tell her. She said she wasn't mad at him and he believe her but that didn't mean she believed him when he said he didn't cheat. His hand ran through his hair and he walked to the showers.

He showered quick and then got dressed. He was trying not to stress too much. Most of the time when he had slept with a woman he wore condoms. Whether they said they were on the pill or not he wore condoms. Adri was the only one he felt like he didn't have to with. Once he was dressed he left his stuff in his locker and went out to look for Adri.

Once he saw Adri and she sent him to Luke's office he stopped and grabbed her hand and wrapped his arms around her. "Hey...I love you....You know that right?"

He went up to Luke's office and waited.
Adri nodded her head, "I know. I love you too." She smiled at him and sent him off.

They didn't have to wait long. Layla walked into the gym and looked for jake but only saw Adri. Adri walked over to her, "We are borrowing an office so we can have this conversation in private. Follow me." She said and walked her to the office.

She sat on the side with Jake and let Layla sit across from the both of them.

"Hi Jake." Layla smiled and wiggled her fingers at him. She rested her hands on her stomach. "I think it's obvious why I am here." She gave her belly a pat. "Seven months on Wednesday." She said before any one could ask. That was around when Adri was hired and at that point she didn't live with Jake. She went home because he didn't want her around at night for personal visits.

"Why did you wait so long?" Adri asked.

Layla rolled her eyes, "I didn't realize how expensive babies are and my parents are too thrilled that I'm having a baby out of wedlock. They helped with the nursery but that's about it from them. Not to mention, I would think the father would like to know of his son." She bent over and grabbed her purse. She pulled out a few ultrasound photos and showed them to Jake. "Handsome isn't he JD? He looks just like you."

Adri looked at the pictures and felt a flare of jealousy. She was the one that was supposed to do that with Jake not some ex.
Jake shook his head a bit frustrated. Not even sure if he wanted to look at the photos. "How can you look at an ultrasound and think a baby looks like anyone?" It was obvious he was getting angry. "I like how when she asks you why you waited, your first response is babies are expensive. So you don't really care if I'm in the baby's life since you didn't bother telling me the minute you found out. So sorry I'm calling you bullshit." His hands pushed the ultrasound back to her.

"I'm not giving you any money until I know you really are carrying my child. And I'm not really sure how this happens when I protected myself every time and I don't remember ever having an I call your bull shit again." He figured she just wanted money from him so he was waiting for her to bring up threats. She could ruin his career with one phone call.

"If...and I mean IF that child is mine I will pay for things the child needs. But only if. And go ahead and call the media...the truth will come out if it's not mine and so far...I haven't done anything wrong." He wouldn't look away from her. He never had someone come after him like this and he swore if he lost Adri because of it, this woman would pay. He didn't care if she was pregnant or not, she'd pay. "Just remember if you screw me over, I have more money for lawyers than you do. And trust me. I have the best damn lawyer in Vegas."
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