Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake watched her from the door and smiled. His girl wanted the bag and wallet but he could tell she was being responsible. He smiled when she came back out and kissed her temple. "I'm proud of you for just walking away." He wrapped his arm around her then started to walk to the puppy store.

"I did promise you a puppy didn't I..." He smiled a bit. "I do want to kind of look at shelters too. To be able to rescue a puppy would be cool. But we definitely can look. But...if you fall in love with one you said we are just looking...remember that." He smiled at her.

Once they got to the puppy store he looked at the dogs that would get bigger, like the labs, mastiffs, and great danes. They were all cute and honestly Jake wanted to take them all home. He looked at Adri.
"I am coming back to get it." She said softly and looked at it. She needed to be smart though. She could get it later.

She nodded her head, "I was promised a puppy." She smiled at him. "We can look at shelters too. I know, I know. I will try not to fall in love with them." She told him but she didn't know if she believed that herself.

While Jake went to the big dog, Adri went to the smaller dogs. They didn't have bulldogs but they had a pretty big selection of puppys. She knew if she was given the opportunity to hold she would want it so she didn't ask to play with any but she really wanted too. She walked over to Jake and put her cheek on his arm, "See anything you like?"
He chuckled at her coming back to get it. "I'm sure you are beautiful." He smiled at her.

"You will fall in love with them. I know you Adriana." He smiled at her but didn't realize he to would be guilty of that same thing.

Jake loved the little things Adri did, like put her cheek against his arm. It was her way of showing affection to him. "Yeah babe. I like all of them." He laughed a bit. "I do really like the Mastiff. He's brindle and very cute." He took her over to show her. "He would get huge though. Did you find any you like babe?"
"It's hard not too when they are so damn cute." She said softly.

She looked at the big puppy in the window and greed he was very cute. "Massive poops." She said softly. "And he wouldn't be allowed in the bed because he would get way to big." She nodded her head, "I like the ones in that window, over there. And that window and that window." She laughed.

"This guy is adorable and he looks really sad but that adds to the cuteness of his face. We can check the pound if you want. If you're feeling really adventurous we can get two. We don't have to get a puppy from te pound. We can get an older dog there and a puppy here."
He looked the mastiff over. "But he would be a good dog to run with me. And a good guard dog." He wrapped his arm around her and then went to look at the puppies she liked.

"Let's look at some shelters babe. We can always comeback here and get one. "I think if we do get two maybe we should get one first, let them settle then maybe the second. Maybe the puppy first and make sure the older one that is good puppies. I do still want to rescue a pit... can we just buy them all?" He grinned at her.

"Why don't you stay and look a minute, I have to find a bathroom, I'll meet you back here in a minute." He kissed her cheek and went out of the store. He was gone for a little while before returning. "Okay sorry."
She nodded her head, "He needs to be trained very well. He's going to be a huge dog. We can't let him jump on people or bite or destroy the house."

She agreed to what he said about getting two dogs and letting settle in before the next. "We could but that's a lot of food. Our yard might not be big enough." She laughed. They had the space for three. It would be a challenge to go from two in the house to five but she was sure they could make it work. "Let's start with one, maybe two, and then see where we are at."

She stayed by the mastiff and he kept looking at her with his big sad brown eyes. Against her better judgement she asked to see him in a playpen. She smiled when came back walked him to one of the empty pens. A few seconds later the mastiff joined them. His little tail was wagging and he was happy to be out. She was sniffing everything. Biting shoe laces and wanting to be pet only go try and bite fingers.

"I think I fell in love." She said softly and scratched behind his ear. "He's so cute." She told Jake and sat back.
Jake smiled and laughed at her. He sat down next to her and played with the puppy. "Why did you get in here with him Adriana?" He looked at her with a stern look. "You want him now don't you?" He asked softly with a sigh. He was thinking shit, they were going to come home with a puppy.

"We were going to go out to eat remember?" He kissed her cheek as he climbed up on his lap and started licking Jake's face. Jake just looked at Adri with a smile and look like, shit, he wanted him even more now too. "I think he likes us..." He let out a sigh.

Jake looked the dog over again. She wanted a smaller dog though and he didn't want to take that from her. He pet him and scratched his back by his tail which the dog loved.
"Because he told me too." She said blaming the puppy. She slowly nodded her head and looked at the puppy.

"I know but we can always go out to eat." She smiled when the puppy attacked Jake with kisses. "I think he does too." She said softly. She reached over and picked him up. He was a heavy little guy but nowhere near as heavy as he would get. "Look at this face. Look at this cute face. I couldn't leave him in there. He was begging to come out and play."

She kissed the puppy and he puppy kissed her back. She set him down and picked up a toy to play with him. "We can go to lunch and talk it over." She offered. There was the chance that he would be gone when they came back though. She knew she wanted small but when she held the mastiff she couldn't help but fall in love with him.
Jake watched her and the puppy. He laughed when she told him to look at his face. "He's cute. It's all his fault huh? He haven't even bought him and you are already blaming him. Poor pup." He scratched his ears.

He looked at her and let out a breath. "Put the puppy down for a minute. Come here..." Once she did and he put his hands on her hips. He knew if they waited the cute guy could be gone. "Do you REALLY want the puppy? Is this really the one you want right now?" He looked into her eyes.

Jake was a complete sucker for Adri. Anything she wanted he would give her just to see the smile on her face. Her happiness was all he wanted.
She put the puppy down and walked over to Jake. The puppy wasn't very fond of being ignored and walked over to them. He jumped up to get their attention. Adri wanted to pick him up but held firm and looked at Jake.

She didn't come in here looking for a dog. She didn't come in here for a mastiff. They were going to look and then they were going to walk away. She looked down at the puppy and back up at Jake. They could still adopt a pit.

She nodded her head, "This is the little guy I want." She didn't even have a name for him. "He's perfect and you know it. I know you want a pit and we can get a pit and name him Ali and all that. Do you want him?" She asked back because this had to be a decision they made together. She was a big girl she could take it if he said no.
His eyes looked in hers and he chuckled as the dog jumped up at them. He wasn't sure about having to share Adri though. He knew they didn't go in there looking for a dog but he would get it if it was the right move for them.

"Adri, I'm the one that originally liked him. We can worry about what else we want later. I thought you wanted a little bulldog that could lay around with you." He looked at the dog. "He's not going to want to lay around much babe. At least not for awhile. He's going to need walked, and maybe even run. And you like you said training. Which I can do."

His eyes went back to Adri. "I don't know Adge..." He looked deep in her eyes. The dog jumped up and bit at his pant leg. He leaned down and picked him up. "I guess we are going to have to get fast food, or you're making something because we also have to go to Petco." He smiled. "Let's bring him home babe...."
"I'd be happy with any dog, Jake. I don't think we could have a lazy dog if we tried. We are always doing something. He's perfect for you to run and train with. And when he's tired he can come over and cuddle with me. Or just plop down on his bed and you can cuddle with me." She smiled at him.

She looked at the puppy. She sighed when Jake said he wasn't sure. They need a puppy right now. They still had boxes to unpack. Her smile slowly grew and gave Jake a hug. "I'll make you anything you want." She kissed the puppy and kissed Jake again.

"He's going to be the best little guard dog ever. And he's going to be a mommas boy." She held him while Jake filled out the paper work for him. She rubbed his cute little head and kissed him over and over. They were in for some long nights and a lot of training but that cute face would make it all worth it.
Jake hugged her back and kissed her softly. He couldn't help but smile when she light up about the dog. "If he pees in my car I'm bringing him back." He gave her a serious stern look.

"He's not going to be a momma's boy...he needs to be manly and tough if he's a guard dog." He let out a sigh but filled out the paperwork. He didn't know about a dog in a new house. A puppy in a new house. Jake wasn't looking forward to pee on his floors. His brand new floors, in an over a million dollar house.

He got all the paperwork finished and looked at her. "Alright. Let's go we have to stop at Petco to get him a leash, and a bed, food, water and food bowls, toys. Good thing I have my credit card." He teased and walked out with Adri and their new dog. Once in the car he looked at the two of them, he pulled his phone out and took a picture of Adri and their dog.

"Name possiblities...go...and we name him together."
"No you aren't." She laughed and hit his arm. "He is going to be a mommas boy and he's going to be a ferocious guard dog." She accepted the puppy kisses and smiled at Jake. "You might have to work on making him ferocious though. Right now he seems like more of a fighter than a lover."

She smiled and walked with him to the car. Adri sat with him in her lap while Jake drove to Petco. She thought of a name for him. "Trojan. Chico. Bubba. Maximus. Rocky." She tried to think of more fighters. "Achilles." She was coming up short with names. She looked at Jake, "What about you? He needs a strong name."

She looked at the puppy, "And a kennel. That way he isn't tearing up the house when we are gone. We can get him a huge kennel to sleep in and use the bathroom in until he is potty trained."
"Oh he looks ferocious now babe. He just needs to get his growl down." He laughed a bit and shook his head.

Jake thought a moment and shook his head. "I'm not naming my dog after a condom. Sorry Trojan is out." He shook his head. "Chico...nah. Maximus isn't bad. Rocky is cool. Like Rocky Balboa. Then if we get a female dog we can name her Adrian." He grinned at the idea. "I do like Achilles too." He thought a bit. "Hmm. I like Hulk. Or Hercules. Thor. Atlas. Michelangelo, Rafael, Donatello, Leonardo. Apollo. Titus. I'm not helping narrow it down much am I?" He laughed a bit.

Jake nodded at her suggestion. "Do we want kennel for outside or do we want just a place to tie him up?"
"We are not naming our dog after a turtle." He cut Trojan and she was cutting ninja turtles. "I like Maximus and Hulk. Since he is going to be huge. It works." She smiled at him. "No you didn't no arrow anything down." She laughed.

"I think he deserves a dog house. It gets really hot in the summer and he needs a complete cool down place. Although I doubt he will be outside too much during the summer. I think a Kennel would be good to start off with and then later we can get him a dog house to chill out in. I don't like the idea of tying him up. We have a fenced in backyard. He should be fine."

She rolled down the wid ow so he could smell the air as Jake drove them to Petco. "Thank you baby. This is perfect for us. We can take him to my parents house and he can sit in the backyard while we eat. Or he might just sleep if we take him for a walk before dinner."
Jake let out a sad sound when she shot down the ninja turtle names. "He wouldn't be named after a turtle per say, but an artist..." He argued. "Hmm I like Maximus. Max for short. But I also like Hulk. Cause I'm like the Hulk." Jake couldn't decide. "Maybe you should decide. Or let him decide which he likes better."

Adri was right, a dog house probably would be better. "True. We need to make sure he can swim too or at least if he falls in he knows how to get out of the pool." He rubbed his head a bit.

Jake smiled at Adri. "You're welcome baby. Or love, if he pees in their house they will hate me." He smiled at her a bit as he climbed up on his interior to stick his head out the window. "Babe...don't let him scratch up my interior please..." He got a bit nervous. Jake loved the dog but he also loved his car, it was his baby after all.

They arrived at Petco and he parked and headed inside. "You're lucky we picked a pet friendly watch your momma spend a lot of daddy's money." He said to the dog petting his head with a nod.
"Do you want to be Maximus or Hulk?" She picked him up and turned him to face her. "Max or Hulk?" She set him down, "Since you are the Hulk. I think he should be Maximus. And I think he likes that idea very much."

She nodded her head, "I didn't even think about the pool. We can get in the pool with him and see if he can swim. If not we can get him a dog swim float thing. I forgot what they are called."

She shook her head, "He's a puppy baby. They can't be mad at him or you." She took Max off of the door and held him up a little bit so he could still sniff and not scratch up Jake's interior.

The first thing they did was get him a collar and leash so they didn't have to carry Max through the store. She found the dog beds and got a huge one he would grow into. Then she found some cute stainless steel feeding bowls and an automatic water bowl for outside. She let Jake choose the right type of food and she went a little toy crazy.

"I'll pay for his stuff so de you paid for him. And because I went a little crazy."
He nodded. "Alright Maximus it is. Welcome to the family Maximus." He rubbed behind his ears.

"We can get in with him. I'm sure he can swim. If he is around it starting this young, he will probably love it and just get in to cool off." He kissed her cheek and smiled at her. "A dog swim float thing huh?" He teased her.

Jake took Maximus with him to pick out the food. He actually knew a bit about the food, what was good and healthy vs what had a bunch of fillers and crap. He got one of the better ones but not the most expensive kind. He got him the puppy version. Jake grabbed the biggest bag as he was sure this little guy would eat a lot.

He then grabbed a huge kennel for him too. "You took the cart woman...and I have the dog..." Jake said with the kennel, dog food, and the dog in his hands.

"Baby you don't have to get his stuff. Did you get a box to store all his toys?" He looked at Max, "See buddy, momma likes to shop, even for you." Jake hurry and paid before Adri could. He took the stuff out the car and loaded it up. "Does he have to pee before he gets in the car?"
"I'll take him if you want." She held her hands out for her baby and scooped him up and kissed his nose and smiled at Jake. Her eyes light up when he mentioned the box for the toys. She took Max to find some good that matched the theme of the house and then she met up with Jake again.

"You weren't supposed to pay." She said softly and found the leash and collar. She got Max all set up and walked him out of the store. "He should probably pee." She nodded and took him to a little grassy area where he could do his business.

"You know if Affliction makes dog stuff he is set. I think he should have a little bow tie on stand by for special occasions." She checked her watch for the time and looked down at Max. "And maybe we should get some seat covers so he doesn't scratch up the car when he gets older and bigger." When he was finished she walked with Jake to the car.
Jake knew he was no longer the only guy in her life. He really didn't like that entirely. He let out a little sigh.

"I don't always do what I'm supposed to." He grinned at her before kissing her cheek. "Yeah he probably should."

Jake laughed. "That would be hilarious. I'm sure we could talk to Affliction and they would totally make something for him. Just for him." He gave Adri a look. "Really babe? A bow tie? Seat covers would be a very good idea." Jake drove them home. He let Max look out the window again if he wanted to. "I do want him to like car rides so we can take him places with us." He looked at Maximus and Adri and just smiled.

Once he got them home he got out of the car after parking it in the garage and started to carry stuff inside. "Baby where do you want his kennel set up? You want it in the garage or you think it would be too hot out there?" He carried the bags in and left his kennel in the garage until they knew where they wanted it.
"I'm sure they would make something with your name on it for him. And yes, a bow tie. I want him to look dapper on holidays. Like Valentine's Day and Christmas and Thanksgiving. He's gotta look his best for the ladies."

She nodded her head, "That would be nice. Let's hope he fits in the car when he is bigger." She said softly. "I will look for you car seats when we get home or tomorrow."

Once they got home and the garage door was closed she let Max explore a bit. "Put the kennel by the front room. It's nice and cool in there." She grabbed the rest of the Petco bags and made a second trip for the clothes they would wear to dinner. Max followed he rup the stiars and looked around his new house. While he explored, Adri walked over to Jake and gave him a kiss.

"We are a family now." She smiled and kissed lovingly.
Jake rolled his eyes at the thought of Max having to look for the ladies. "Right...cause he's going to bring home one some day. If he did I'm sure it would break his momma's heart." He smiled at her.

"He better fit in the car or papa would be sad he can't take his buddy for a car ride to pick up those ladies he has to look good for." He laughed a bit.

Jake watched Max follow Adri around until she came up and kissed him. He kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her. "Wow, a new house and a family all in the same month. It's a lot to take in. But I love it." He kissed her deeply. "Baby...I have a confession...I kinda lied to you earlier."
She gave him a playful look when he teased her. "Whatever." She thought about it though, "We should get him neutered though. That way we can take him to the park and not worry puppies. I will be the only one having and bringing home babies in this household." She told them both.

"Papa might just have to get a bigger car for trips with Max. You wanted a tuck anyways right? Luckily he will be my little baby for a while longer and we don't need to worry about that yet."

She sat up on the counter and put her arms around Jake's neck. "You know what? I love it too." She said softly and kissed him back when he kissed her. She looked into his eyes and raised and eyebrow. "About what?" She asked. She hoped it wasn't too big of a lie. They were happy. She wanted to stay that way.
Jake smiled at her saying she was the one having and bringing home babies. "Let's wait a bit yeah? Let me meet your family first?" He smiled at Adri.

"Papa does want a truck. I would love to take him a truck. I may need to win another fight first though. The house could be paid off then maybe. If I become champion we could definitely buy a new truck and pay off the house and buy Max a girlfriend." He laughed a bit.

He hated she was looking in his eyes, there was no getting by the lie now. His hand rubbed her thighs as he stood between her legs. "Well...I didn't have to go to the bathroom while you were seeing Max. I actually went somewhere else..."
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