Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

She moaned out loud when he started to hit g-spot over and over again. She really wouldn't last long if he kept that up. Every thrust he made and every sound he made seemed to echo through the empty house amplifying their love making.

She out her feet on the ground so he could move and fast and deep as he wanted too. She grabbed his hips and dug her nails into his sides a little bit. When that wasn't enough she wrapped her arms around him and held his upper half to her body.

She felt her orgasm growing and she arched her back to get him in that perfect position. In a few thrusts she screaming his name and trying to milk the cum out of his cock.
The moans that echoed through the room and house just fueled Jake to keep going into her. When she would moan from him hitting her g spot he just thrusted faster into her. He loved the sound of her moans, knowing it was he that was causing her pleasure.

He loved the feel of Adri's hands and nails digging into his skin. Jake loved the way she held his body close. The feel of her naked chest pressed against his was extra sexy. His body was getting a bit sweaty from the activities but was well worth every move into her.

Once she arched her back and he felt her begin to orgasm he kissed her neck and nipped slightly before himself moaning. Once he felt her orgasm on him it set Jake over the edge and moaned her name into her ear followed by more moans and him trying to breathe. He kept moving in and out of her until he knew they both were finished. His lips then began to kiss her face and neck, anywhere he could kiss.
She laid back an sighed as he slowed down. She moved to her side so his weight wasn't on his arm. She wrapped her leg around him so he was still inside of her. She smiled at him and kissed him. "That was well worth the wait." She said softly and stretched her arms over her head.

"I love you." She said softly and put her head on his chest. They needed their bodies to get back to normal before she got up to clean herself off. She snuggled him for a few minutes and then she got up and wiped herself off. She got back on the floor and took her spot next to him. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The next few weeks were full of unpacking and getting back to their regular diets. Jake was cleared by his doctors two weeks after his original appointment. Adri bought stuff for the house and made it a real home. She took her time with each room and made sure anyone who stayed would feel like they were st home in the house.
"It is very worth the wait." His lips pressed against hers. "I love you. You feel amazing by the way." He grinned at her before kissing her again.

Jake snuggled close to her after they both were cleaned up. He held her closer before falling asleep with her. He was a very happy man.

Jake helped Adri with unpacking as much as he could. He got the gym and the man cave/theater area all set up how he liked it. Jake was a bit sore still with his arm so he did what he could to work out. Luke didn't press it much, he didn't want it reinjured but they slowly worked on gaining strength in it. It was nice to relax in the hot tub for a bit after working out.

One day after waking up and going for his run he came in the house and smiled at Adri. "When are we having our party beautiful?"
"Soon. When the house is perfect and we are settled. There are still a few boxes I need to unpack and there are boxes in the garage that I need to take back to the packing place so they can reuse them."

She looked at Jake and went to the kitchen. She pulled a smoothie out of the fridge and handed it to him. I can work on the invitations and I will set a date that works for us.

"But we should go tosh day dinner first. My parents are a little upset that we got a house and they haven't met you. And I'm tired of hearing my brothers chew me out for it. So this weekend you are going to meet my family. Okay?"
"I'll get the ones in the garage babe." He kissed her. "You coming to the gym with me? Or are you staying here?"

He took a drink of his smoothie. His girl so was so good to him. "Thank you." He kissed her cheek. "Do I thank you enough for all you do for me?" He looked at her confused a moment. "Cause I am really grateful babe. Thank you." He smiled and made a mental note to do something nice for her.

Jake nodded, "Great let's do it. When we going shopping for my clothes? Are they coming here? Or we going there? Why not invite them here. That way they can see the house and meet me." He grinned at her. He was excited to finally meet her family. "Will they like me?
She sighed and looked down, "I'll come with you, I guess." She didn't want to work out but she had to if she wanted to look good. "As your assistant I make sure you buy me a pair of shoes or get me a manicure every now and then." She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "So yes, you thank me a lot. You may not know it all of the time though." She laughed. "You know I am happy to do anything for you." She said softly.

"We can go shopping after we workout. We are going there because mom always cooks on Sundays. I think we should take it one step at a time. They meet you first and then they will come and see the house when we have our party. Okay?" She kissed his forehead. She smile dat him and rubbed his cheek, "Baby of course they will like you. They will, okay baby? They have too. "

She looked down at her clothes. "I have to change."

She ran upstairs and put on some work out clothes; a sports bra and a pair of shorts with a cute tank top over it.She laced up her Nike's and went downstairs. She got some water for the both of them and walked to the gym. It was nice having it in the house.
Jake rolled his eyes. "Oh okay. So I don't have to do anything nice for you then? You have it taken care of on your own? Sweet. Makes my job easy." He grinned and nodded. "I know and I love you for it. I'd be lost without you. You know that right?" He kissed her softly. "And I don't just mean because of being my assistant but because I love you." He looked in her eyes a moment.

"Baby steps. Got it." His eyes closed when she kissed his forehead. He looked back at her. "Why do they have to?" He smiled a bit.

Jake looked at a fight magazine while she changed. Once she came back down he totally checked her out and then walked to the gym with her. He started of with lifting, first curls then bench pressing. He then got some gloves on. "Still wanna learn some stuff?" He smiled at her.
"OH I know, you'd be lost with out me." She laughed. "If you want to do something nice, I like pink roses." She smiled at him. "I love you too Jake."

She looked at him, "Isn't it obvious?" She asked curiously. "Because I love you. So they have to too."

She followed him to the gym and nodded her head, "Easy stuff. Alright? Don't go too hard on me. Save that for the bedroom." She teased. She as already warmed up. She ran on the treadmill while he did his curls and bench pressing. When he was done teaching her, she would do some sit ups and work on her abs and ass.
He smiled at her. "Can I have you order your own flowers?" He grinned a bit joking.

Jake hoped that was the case. She had brothers, that seemed to be protective so maybe they wouldn't like him. He couldn't blame them if they didn't, especially with his temper. But she was her Black Widow to his Hulk.

He laughed. "You like it rough huh? I can turn things up baby." He winked at her. He then showed her the proper way to punch. He had her do some combos into her hands. He then showed her how to block. It may not be a bad thing to teach her some self defense moves. He was normally with her but just incase he would feel better if she could handle herself. He found her extra hot when she was learning how to punch and block.

After awhile he grabbed her and brought her down to the mat and started kissing her.
"I might just schedule an entire spa day if you do that." She half warned.

She punched and blocked how he taught her. It took a couple tries to get it right but she was working on perfecting it. It was fun to box with him. The combos took a second to grasp because he was calling them out pretty fast.

She frowned he got her on the mat. "I thought you were teaching me something." She said after kissing him. "We should be working out, Jake." She wrapped her legs around him and moved around so she was on top. "Sex after dinner."
Jake laughed. "I am teaching you. So I added a kiss to the mix." He grinned. "You just got ontop of me. That's good. But I'm holding you to the sex after dinner though. Also they do say you burn a lot of calories having sex...just saying." He got her in a head lock and told her how to get out of it.

"You have to stay calm and not use all your energy tried to get out. You want to try wearing me out. Use your body weight to your advantage." He showed her how.

It was fun teaching her how to fight a bit. That way when she watched his fights she knew what was going on a bit more. "We can work on your cardio too babe if you want. You can run with me." He let her up and smacked her butt. "You did good beautiful."
She rolled her eyes, "I'm sure you'll be holding a lot thing against me." She kissed him. "We can feast that theory later."

It was odd to have a conversation about sex and then be put into a headlock right after. That was hard to get of and it took a lot of tries before she knew what to do. She wasn't comfortable with it though.

She smiled when he smacked her butt. She smacked his in return. "Race you to the shower? That will help with our cardio." To get to the upstairs shower they would have to run down a hall and upstairs and down another hall. "On a count of three." She smiled at him, "One..." She took off and then yelled two three in the hallway. She got a head start she could be happy with. Especially if she made it to the shower.
"Oh you know I will." He grinned at her.

"Babe we can work more on it if you want. Or we can work on something else next time. You got out though." He kissed her cheek.

Jake laughed. "Okay. I'll race you." He got to the ready position then she took off after one. "You cheater! You have to be naked and into the shower for it to count!" He yelled after her and took off after her. He skipped up the stairs, skipping a few as he went up He stripped his shirt off and kicked his shoes off as he ran down the hall. There was no way she would be naked before he was. He grabbed her and picked her up once he caught up to her and put her behind him and then took off for the bathroom. He pulled his shorts and boxer briefs down as he got to the bathroom and turned the shower on.
She laughed when he called her a cheater and agreed to his conditions. She took off her tank top and threw it against a wall. She couldn't take her shorts off because they were skin tight ad that would mean stopping to peel them off. She tried to get she sports bra off but she felt Jake right behind her and she speed up to get to the shower first.

She screamed playfully when he scooped her up and she kicked her shoes off she got her sports bra off while he held her as well. She put her hair up in a high bun so she wouldn't have to worry about it getting wet in the shower.

When he set her down again she took off her shorts and socks and smiled at him, already in the shower with the water on. "You win." She conceded and stepped ok the water with him. For his prize she picked up the soap and washed his body. When he was clean, she turned him around so his back was to the water and she got on her knees and sucked him off hill he came. Then she stood up and washed herself off.

"I look forward to playing that game again." She smiled at him over her shoulder.
Jake smiled at her in triumph. "I did win." He enjoyed his prize for winning. "We can play that anytime you want darlin." He smiled at her and got out of the shower. He grabbed a towel, wrapping it around him before going to the bedroom to get dressed.

"We are going shopping now, yeah?" He grabbed jeans and an Affliction tshirt. He put on a watch and a pair of casual black boots. He sprayed some Axe spray on and looked in the mirror.

"Anything else we need to do babe?" Jake looked at Adri.
Once she was finished rinsing off she grabbed her own towel and dried off. She wrapped it around her body and walked into the bedroom. "Yes. Shopping right to get you a non Alffliction button up shirt." She walked to her closet and looked for something to wear. She decided on a pair of shorts and a Tshirt with casual flat shoes.

"Not that I am aware of. We can always walk around the mall though." She smiled at him and went to go put her hair in a neat ponytail.

She grabbed her purse and walked with him out to the car. "Maybe we can get lunch after we get your shirt? And possibly some pants. And possible a dress for me. We don't have to dress up but it's Sunday dinner, you know? We should probably make it look like we went to church."
Jake looked at his Affliction shirt. "What do you have against my Affliction clothes? They are free...they allow you to have money to buy something nice, or get your nails done." He winked at her with a smile. "I do have other clothes you know. I did wear them on our dates."

"Yes baby we can walk around the mall and get lunch. A healthy lunch." He kissed her cheek and grabbed his keys to his car. "I'll drive."

Jake gave her a confused look. "Should we go to church before? If they go we can always surprise them and go too." He shrugged. "I don't mind." He grinned at her and opened her door for her. He got in and took off for the mall. He had his sunglasses on as he drove and kept the radio down low and it was on a station she liked.
"I know you have other shirts baby but I want you in a new short. That I picked." She smiled at him."And you love me so you will say, 'Yes my beautiful amazing girlfriend' and do as I say." She smiled even bigger and rubbed the back of his hand.

"We don't have too. It's been. While since I stepped foot inside of a church. I'd hate to burn the building down. It would give you major points with winning over the family though. We really don't have to go though." She told him. She didn't want him to think they had to go. Dinner was a yes. Church was optional.

They got to the mall and she laced her fingers between his. He parked by the women's clothing section, which gave Adri a chance to browse through the dresses. They slowly made their way to the men's section and she picked out a few pastel colored shirts and corresponding ties. "Do you have grey pants or should we get some?" She asked him and bit her bottom lip.
Jake rolled his eyes but smiled. "Yes my beautiful, sexy, amazing girlfriend." He would do whatever she wanted.

He thought it over. "It's been a long while since I've went myself. What kind of church is it? We should go. It would be nice." He smiled at her and squeezed her hand.

He looked at the shirts she picked out. He wasn't sure about the pastels but then he kind of liked the green one. "I do have grey pants. And black ones. We can grab a new pair if you'd like." He knew she would like him in all knew clothes that she picked out and he wanted to make her happy so why not grab all knew clothes, it was an easy way to make his love happy. "Are you getting a matching dress? And shoes cause we know you can't buy a new outfit without shoes." He winked at her.
"We were raised Catholic and everyone stills practices it. Except for me, obviously. Since we broke wife a few rules already." She smiled at him. "If you want to we can go. I know exactly which church we are going too. Since it's the same church they always go to."

She pursed her lips. She didn't want the pants he had t be a different color of grey than what she wanted. "New pants." She walked with him to the pants and let him find his size and she picked the color and cut.

She smiled at him," I wasn't even thinking of a new outfit for myself. How thoughtful Jakey." She kissed his cheek and finished getting his stuff before she dragged him up to the dresses again. She found a red one but it was far to sexy for church and family. It was more like a dinner date dress. She found a pink dress that was right across her bust but flared out the more it went down. It ended mid thigh and everything was covered so it was perfect.

I have shoes that will match this perfectly believe it or not." You won't have to suffer through me trying on shoes."
"Then let's go to church. If we go up in flames we can go together babe." He winked at her and kissed her cheek. He carried his clothes for her.

Jake looked her over with the red dress. It definitely was sexy. "Get both dresses. I'm buying." He smiled at her. "You can wear the other when I take you out sometime. Which I need to do more often love." He kissed her cheek.

He went to go pay for everything and the cashier recognized him. "You are Jake Daniels." Jake nodded, "Yes I am." "Wow, I can't believe such handsome guy is checking out at my register. I watch every fight of yours. You are so good. Wow you look so much more muscular in person. Can I...feel your muscles."
"Aw thank you baby." She blew him a kiss and took both dresses. While he went to pay she wandered through the isles to make sure she wasn't missing anything she might like. She was obvious to the person at the register when she walked over.

She put her hand around his waist and smiled nicely at both of them. The girl gave her a weird look and she looked at Jake to see if she was giving her the same weird look. "Am I missing something?" She asked and ran her tongue over her teeth to make sure she didn't have food in her teeth.

"I was thinking we can drop these off at the car, Dhe said about the bags, "And then we can walk around the mall."
Jake just smiled at the girl and shook his head. Adri came over and he smiled at her. "No baby." The cashier let out a sigh as he handed his card over. He waited for her to finish with his card. As she had him sign the receipt she put her number on his copy. "Have a good day now." She smiled at him and took the receipt putting in his pocket.

"Yeah sure babe we can do that. Why don't I just run them out quick. Where should I meet you?"

Once he knew where he kissed her quickly and took the bags to the car putting them in the trunk. He came back to where she was and came up beside her, "Well hey there good looking...what's a hottie like you doing out here by yourself?" He smiled at her trying to be sly.
"I'll be to the mall door." She pointed wherever was and she walked over and waited for him. She smiled when he came up behind her and she took his hand in hers. "Maybe you should join me. So I don't get lonely." She smiled at him and started to walk

She did a little window shopping. Nothing really caught her eye until she purse in the window. A beautiful bag, that looked so pretty and would look n better on her arm. "Just going in to look. Okay?" She walked in and found the bag right away. It was big enough to carry snack for Jake and it was fashionable. She glanced at the price and buy her lips together. She expected it to be expensive. They did step into Louis Vuitton. She also didn't have to pay rent anymore so there was a chance she could get away with it. But she did have a mortgage to think of. She set it down slowly and saw the matching wallet.

She would go over her finances and then if she was in a good spot she would come back and get the bag. And possibly the wallet. She took a picture of it so she could look at it when she wanted to impulsively buy something.

"There's a puppy store if you want to go look." She said softly. "We should probably wait to get a puppy but that doesn't mean we can't look."
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