Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

She giggled when he said hi and she rubbed the back of his head, "Hi." She whispered back and rubbed her lips together. She nodded her head, "I missed you too."

She smiled when he kissed her again and again so he was kissing her teeth at one point. "No we don't." She whispered but kissed him again. If she wanted him to stay on the schedule she was on they needed to leave now but some things wer emroe important than staying on a schedule.

She put her hands down and dropped her purse and phone. She kicked her shoes off and she pulled him back into her by his belt loops. She kissed him passionately, lovingly, and a little lustfully. She couldn't deny that she wanted him. She wanted him the moment she saw him.
Jake kept kissing her slowly and deeply before sliding his tongue into her mouth. "Make time..." He whispered before his hands went down to slide his hand under her shirt. His fingertips slid up to her chest rubbing gently. He then slid his hand to the bottom of her shirt and started to pull it up and off her. His lips moved to kissing and nip at her chest. He then moved back to her neck. As he kissed her neck his body pressed hard against hers.

"We could give the house one last fun time before we move out...then we can break in the new house too." He grinned at Adri before nipping her lip.

His eyes looked deep into hers. "I love you." He said quietly.
"We are going to be late...' She whispered but she still wasn't putting up a fight. She lifted up her arms when he pulled her shirt off and she took his off as well. This was not how she imagined their first time but she really didn't want to stop. She moaned softly when he kissed her neck and she rubbed his back. She pressed lips against his shoulder and then took a deep breath of his cologne.

She rolled her eyes at him and pulled her lip from his mouth. "I love you too." She rubbed his cheek and then moved down to rub his chest and then moved her hands down his ribcage to his hips. She reached behind her and unzipped the skirt she was wearing. She let it fall to the ground so she stood in front of him in a lacey black bra and thong set.

She unbuckled his belt and then unbuttoned his pants and pulled the zipper down. "One last round of fun." She repeated and looked into his eyes, "But," She said putting her finger on his lips to stop him from saying anything, "it has to be quick."
Jake lifted his arms as well to help with the shirt and let his lips seperate from hers long enough to get it off. Then he shivered slightly when she ran her hands over his chest. He loved the feel of her fingertips and nails along his body, especially his chest and back. His eyes looked her over as she stood in front of him in her sexy bra and thong. How did he get so lucky?

He knew she wanted their first official time to be special and he was fine with waiting for that. They could break in the new house in that way. He was completely content with how they had been having fun. He started to walk backwards and grabbed her hips pulling her with him. He got to the couch and sat down and pulled her onto his lap.

His hand slid between her legs and he started to rub her slowly but firmly as he went back to kissing her. His tongue finding hers and playing with it gently.
Sex had been the last thing on her mind but now she was remembering what she was missing. She was wet in no time but some. Of that was because of the kissing. The touching just enhanced it. She moved back to sit closer to his knees and slid her hand into his pants. While he rubbed her she stroked him.

Instead of giving him exactly what he wanted she teased his head. She rubbed the sensitive spot under the head and then she gave him the occasional stroke. Her main goal was getting him on the edge. She could work him up and then leave him high and dry. That wouldn't be very fair though. He had a long meeting with the realtor after they packed up his house.

She smiled to herself and kissed him again. She gave the head of his cock a nice squeeze and then moved her hand down to massage his balls. It didn't take her long to cumand once her body came down from its high she moved between his legs and wrapped her lips around the head of his cock. His pants were sort of in the way but she did what she could to get him to cum.
It was like she could jump into his mind and she knew exactly what it was that turned him on more and the things he liked. It all felt amazing. Her touch was just right. She knew how to give every part of him just the right amount of attention that it was extremely pleasurable.

When she moved to put him in her mouth he let out a moan and moved her hair to watch her face. Normally guys didn't want to just cum quick but in this instance since they had to be fast Jake didn't care. She felt that damn good, it took no time for him to be at that point. He let her know so she could decide to move away or not.

Once he had finished he pulled her back up to him and kissed her extremely deeply. "Does that count as make up sex?" He grinned at her and gave her lips a peck.
She ducked his head and en she bobbed her head and took more and more of him into her mouth. When he moved her hair out of her face she looked up into his eyes and winked at him. She flicked her tongue over the hole and then flicked over the sensitive under head.

When he was close to cumming she kept going. Keeping her mouth around his head and using her hand to stroke the shaft. She felt that first burst and she unwrapped her mou and milked the rest of his cum out with her hand. They were fast but hey we're still running a bit late.

She kissed him just as deep and pulled back. "I'd say so." She kissed his forehead and sat there for a second before getting up and getting redressed. He was driving to the Uhaul place so she could fix her hair and make up on the ride there.
His girl was the sexiest woman in the world. "You are something else..." He sighed, but it was a happy pleased sigh. He stood up pulled his jeans up and buttoned and zipped them. He ran his hand through his hair. Bending over he grabbed his shirt off the floor. "Do we get to break in every room?" He grinned at her and smacked her butt.

He used his hands check himself to make sure he looked okay. "You ready babe?" Once she was he walked out to his car with her and started for the Uhaul. He drove a bit fast since they were running late.

His hand reached for Adri's. "Babe I'm sorry getting so upset..." He glanced at her as his thumb caressed hers. "Do the guys need to go to your place and help load your stuff up?"
She tucked her shirt in and used it for a second. She out her shoes back on and picked up her bag and phone. "I'm ready." She looked over the house and nodded her head, "I'm ready." She walked with him out to the car and fixed her lipstick. Her hair just needed a slight comb to the side and she was good.

She kissed the back of his hand and smiled at him, "Thank you for apologizing. I'm sorry for going to see him." She gave his hand a squeeze and looked out the window.

She shook her head, "My apartment is empty. I moved the last of my stuff out while you were at your meeting. That's why I have my brothers truck." She looked at him, "How was your meeting?" She asked softly.
He couldn't help but smile at the fact that she looked adorable with sex hair. She was definitely adorable and sexy and she was all his. His head nodded when she thanked him. He almost spoke up in protest about her going to see him, it wasn't that she saw him it was that she kept it from him that he didn't like but it didn't matter now. His thumb caressed her hand.

He smiled when she asked about the meeting. "It went great babe. They are going to auction off some of the clothes and then give the money to charities I have set up. One being for abused kids. So it was really nice." He smiled at her a bit proud to be helping people. "Also they asked where you were. Sometimes I think they like you more than me." He grinned at her.

They got to the Uhaul pick up place. "Can you drive it? Or you want me to?" He grinned a it. "I know you can ride me our new home..." He kissed her deeply.
"I'm glad it well. I hope it all works out." She proudly smiled at him and rubbed the back of his hand. She laughed a little bit, "They probably do. I'm prettier to look at." She teased.

She went into the building to get the truck. The guy pulled it around for her and she went outside to get it. It was a lot bigger than she thought it was but it was the size they needed. She frowned at Jake's joke and hit his hip.

"You to get the house first." She reminded and walked to the door of the truck, "I can do this. I just have to get my heels off." She got in the truck and kicked her heels off. She turned it on and she drove out of the parking lot with out hitting anything or one. She drove it back to Jake's place but she couldn't back it into the driveway so she got out and let him do that.

She went into the house and pulled out the sandwiches and drinks for Jake and the boys. She ate a sandwich while she was in the kitchen before the real work started. She stood in the doorway and smiled at Jake, "The dolly is in the back. I got two of them."
Jake drove back to the house then once Adri arrived with the truck he got in after a playful swat at her butt. He backed the truck up so they didn't have to carry the furniture very far.

Luke showed up with perfect timing as soon as they got the truck ready. Jake and Luke discussed how to pack the truck where it would all fit and make sense.

They started with the big items like the couch, bed, dressers. "Hey Adge...can we put the tv maybe in the truck...I want to put it somewhere it wont break or think it will fit in my car?" Everything else got packed nice and neat and tight. Jake tried to carry a few things but Luke got after him. He instead used the dolly.

"What do we need from your place babe?"
"We can put the tv in the backseat of the truck." She hit the unlock button and let Luke handle it. For her part, Adri stayed out the way. She didn't want to break a nail and she really wasn't in lifting shoes. She could break an ankle trying to wheel heavy things out. the boys seemed like they had it. Right now her job was making sure they stayed on time.

"My place is empty except for the suitcases. I don't have anything to pick up." She told him.

"Are we almost done packing up the truck? We need to leave in thirty minutes to make it to the real estate place." She wrapped up a couple sandwiches and grabbed a gatorade and water. She would drive to the office and he could eat in the car.
He let Luke get the tv. He was a bit cautious as he loved his flat screen plasma tv. Plus it was a tool for his training.

"But babe do you need anything from your storage taken to the house?" He walked by her and wrapped his arm around her long enough to give her a little kiss.

Jake looked around the house. "Uh...yeah maybe. We have the basement yet. But Luke said him and the guys can grab that while we are at the real estate place. He can even meet us at the house after to unload." Luke nodded as he went by, "Yeah us guys can get this. Jake can't lift anything too heavy anyway and you don't want to break a nail so we don't need you here." Jake smiled and looked at Adri when Luke gave her a hard time. "I'll finish up some small stuff and then we can go." He kissed her cheek and did exactly what he said.

Within 20 minutes he was ready and grabbed one of the sandwiches she had for the guys. He also told everyone else to eat up. "You ready babe? Let's go get our keys to our new house." He smiled a goofy smile.
"We can stop by the place with the truck after the meeting. It's really not a lot of stuff. Unless Luke can stop by and grab it while we are gone." She wrote down the address and her unit number. She left the pin number on the note and gave it to Luke. Might as well get it done while they had the Uhaul.

She stuck her tongue out at Luke's jab at her, "I just got these done and I already risked breaking them this morning. I'm not going through that pain again." She checked her nails and smiled at Luke and Jake.

She grabbed her purse and walked him out to the truck. Her brother didn't like other people driving it so she couldn't let Jake drive. She drove them to the office and parked the car. She pulled out her phone and took a picture of her and Jake, "First big step. #NewHouse" she captioned it and sent it off to the world. They got out of the car and she held his hand as they walked into the building. It would take hours to sign the papers but it would be worth it.
Luke said he would take care of it and meet them at the house. He didn't want them to worry about anything while they were at the realtor's office. "I'll take care of it guys. Even if Adri is a butt." He smiled at her before getting back to work. Jake shook his head at both of them. At least his two favorite people in Vegas liked each other and got along so well. They also were people he could count on.

Jake ate as they went to the office. "I've thought of getting a truck like this. With the extra garage space I could but maybe should wait since we're buying a house." He smiled at her. Jake pulled her close and kissed her slowly and deeply before getting out to head in. He needed to seal the deal with a kiss.

They went in and signed what felt like a million papers. "Am I buying a house or doing an autograph session?" He smiled at her. Once they finished signing the papers he talked to them fast about putting his old place on the market. He wanted to go through them since they were so good working with them on purchasing the house. They got the keys and went back out to the truck. Jake smiled at her holding the keys up. "We got it baby. The keys to our new house." His eyes looked into hers with a huge smile.
"You're a bigger butt." She shot back.

"My brother loves this thing. I love that I don't have to rent out a truck when I need to do things that require a truck. I can just trade mine for his for a day." She nodded her head, "We will definitely have the space for it. I thought you liked your car though." She smiled and kissed him back.

"Oh shut up, you love it." She teased and kissed his shoulder while he signed the papers and then slid them to her. Her hand was hurting she could only imagine what an autograph session was like. She was glad when they finally got it. The keys were given to them in a small envelope. "I can't believe it. We got a house." She hugged him and kissed him happily.

"Let's go move in."
"I do love my car. I wouldn't get rid of it. I'd have a car and a truck." He smiled. Jake liked all vehicles. He was a typical guy in that manner. Anything with a motor he loved it.

Once they got to the house he saw Luke waiting in the driveway with the guys ready to unload. Jake looked at Adri. "I'm going to see if we can have just a minute...I want just us the first ones in the door." He looked in her a eyes a moment and then got out once she parked and grabbed the keys from the envelope and motioned for a Luke to give them a moment and Luke nodded with an understanding.

Jake held Adri's hand as the walked up to the door. He looked at her with a huge grin before unlocking the door. "We're home babe." He kissed her temple before walking in.
"As long as it isn't a motorcycle." She smiled at him and shook her head.

She smiled, he could be sentimental at times. She could tell he was really excited and she was too. It was their first home that they would grow in it and have kids in it. It was really something. She walked with him through the mantle. She was slightly surprised he didn't pick her up but that was reserved for marriage purposes.

"We are home." All of the furniture they requested were in the same spot. It all looked like a shell for now but they would make it their own soon. She smiled Jake and gave him a hug. "We are home baby. We need pictures to put on the walls and paint and...and who knows what else. I we have closets to ourselves. I have a wall for shoes. We are home." She smiled at him and kissed him again.
Jake's forehead wrinkled. "I can't have a motorcycle?" He looked at her confused.

He was in fact keeping the moment of carrying her in for when they would get married. That was why he didn't pick her up, even though he debated picking her up over his shoulder to be goofy anyway. Plus they wouldn't allow him to carry heavy boxes or furniture so he figured he'd get yelled at for picking her up too.

Jake laughed at her talk about closets and walls for shoes. "That's the key components huh your closet and wall for shoes?" He smiled at Adri before he hugged her tight and kissed her back. He just looked into her eyes a bit just taking in their moment together. "I cant wait till we have it just how we want it." He gave her another small kiss. "I better get the guys. But...I'm glad we kissed and made up before we got in here...cause I couldn't imagine fighting right now and just coming in here half upset." His hands moved up to run through her hair a moment. "I love you and I'm so happy to be doing this with you. There is no one else I could imagine taking this step with." His lips pressed against hers very deeply. "Do we have to let them in?" He grinned at her.
"not while you are fighting. I don't want you getting hurt luness you are in the ring. Even though I don't want you to get hurt in the ring either." She said giving him pointed look.

"And the kitchen." She added with a giggle. "Don't worry, I will get right on decorating." She smiled at him and sighed. "I'm glad we mad eup too. We needed to before we got the house. Now we can move on and start fresh in a beautiful new house." She looked into his eyes and kissed him, "I love you too." She kissed him back and gave him a hug while she did.

"If we want our stuff we will let them in." She smiled and let him go. She walked to the door and opened it up. The guys already had some boxes on the dolly's. They were all labelled so they would easily figure out which box went where. Once again Adri took the commanding role and stood in her nice big open kitchen and watched the men work. She waved teasingly at Luke when he looked her way.
"Nice save babe." He laughed a bit. "So you mean I can get a motorcycle when I retire?" Fighters retired when they were still a bit young, definitely young enough to enjoy a motorcycle.

Jake smiled, "Ah yes the kitchen where I can watch you cook. Mmm can't wait." He smacked her butt playfully before going to get boxes.

Luke gave Adri a look before smiling and rolling his eyes. The guys got busy right away and a couple hours later the Uhaul was empty and the guys were getting ready to take off but Jake offered to buy them pizza so they stayed for pizza. They were happy to help and told Jake to take care of himself so they can get back to training. Before long it was just Adri and Jake in their house and Jake was wooped.

He sat on the couch and looked around at their house. He smiled widely.
"We have a lot of unpacking to do." Adri said softly and put her head in Jake's lap. The boxes were in the correct rooms so it was the matter of going to each one and taking everything out. First would be the closets and bedroom and then they focus on the rest of the house. Once the master bedroom felt like home she would be happy. For now they could make the bed and go to sleep.

"We can work on that tomorrow after your doctor's appointment. How bad are you hurting? We are probably going to get a call for your next fight soon." She knew he was antsy about getting back in the ring. It would be even worst if he couldn't get in the ring and he had a fight scheduled.

She rubbed his cheek and ran her fingers through his hair, "Affliction wants you to try out their stuff and as a housewarming gift they are sending some stuff over for your new gym. I got the email while we were signing the papers and forgot to tell you. "They are also sending stuff over to the gym you train at."

She picked up his hand and put her hand against it. She played with it and poked at his palm. "Also...while we were fighting I sent a few portfolio's out to my old modelling crew and they asked me back for a season or two." She said softly. "It's the same deal that I told you with the Affliction people. it won't be all the time. I might take a couple days off work for them and then come back and pick up where we left off."
Jake's hand ran through Adri's hair. "I say we wait for that...we did enough today I feel." He leaned down and kissed her forehead. It would be fun for them to even camp out in the living room their first night. A lot of people do that when they move into a new place.

"I'm not too bad. The pain comes and goes. I don't know. I'm ready to get training and fighting again but I also don't want to reinjure myself either." All he needed was to rush back and hurt himself worse. He knew that Adri had been saying that from the beginning but she was right. It would take him longer to get ready for a fight that way. "I don't know they may wait a bit. They need to keep the crowd happy too and don't want me fighting too much. They have a lot of guys wanting the title."

Jake nodded a bit. "Thanks babe. I can't wait to use the new equipment. I want to see how it is. Throwdown is getting pretty big."

He let her play with his hand and smiled a bit as she did. He really liked that, he wasn't sure why, it just was nice, and relaxing. "You...sent out your portfolio?" He was surprised a bit. "Why did you do that?"
"I was thinking the same thing." She said happy that he agreed with her and she didn't even have to say anything.

"True. So I have you to myself and we can work on making this place a home. Don't worry we will take it one room at a time. Starting with the kitchen most likely and making our way around and then up." She smiled at him and did a little happy dance. "While you are healing you can get the gym all situated and laid out to how you want it and change the beer taps in the man room. All that fun stuff."

She nodded her, "I thought I was going to lose my job. I wanted to be prepared incase I did. I would have to find a new condo and find a way to pay everything off. I did what I needed to do." She said softly. "I haven't told them yes yet but I loved working for them and I want to do it. It's always fun and it's an opportunity to travel." She bit her bottom lip, "What do you think?"
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