Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Either way she wasn't giving him enough. He would have been more upset if they made out and got hot and heavy and then she stopped. He would have been pent up in no time. He was right he stopped when she wanted them to stop. She could not deny that. She didn't expect him to be happy that she stopped them from making out but it wasn't far that he was using it against her. Excuse her if she wanted their first time together to be special. He probably didn't care about sentiments though.

"I have my condo for a few more days. You don't know if you want me around any more. I think space is the best thing for us right now. I'll be back at seven tomorrow morning to work and then I will go back home." They both said their piece. He was upset, she was in the dog house. She wasn't breaking up with him. She was just giving him space.

She picked up her keys and purse. She could finish packing up and find a new place to live. At least find a hotel near by until she found the right spot. "I'm sorry I hurt you.I will see you tomorrow." She walked to the door and left. On the ride home she started to cry because it felt like she was losing the best thing to ever happen to her. When she got home she cracked open a bottle of wine and sat on the couch. She set her alarm for five in the morning and drank from the bottle while she packed her things. She did that until she got tired then she curled up with a blanket on the couch.
It was unfair to say Jake didn't care about sentiments because they didn't really have a lot to see if he cared or not. Adriana was the first girl he really cared about to even worry about sentiments. He wasn't using it against her, he just felt he should have realized she wasn't completely in love with him for the signs he decided to ignore.

He let her leave even though part of him wanted to go after her. He wanted her to stay but he was upset and hurt. He needed time. Just a bit of time to figure out where he really stood with her because he still didn't know.

Jake grabbed his ipod and put it on the speaker dock before getting into bed. He laid down trying to clear his mind but all he could do was think about Adriana. Paperwork was just filled out for them to get a house together. Jake wanted to be with her, to start a future with her. She needed to see her ex to see how she really felt about him. That hurt. That stung deep. He knew on his own how he felt. Jake felt bad that she was hurt so badly before but that wasn't his fault but he still was paying the price for it. His eyes drifted to her side of the bed and he let out a sigh. Why did he miss her already?
The next morning sucked for Adriana. She managed to get almost everything packed last night but at the risk of a serious hang over. She was slow to get up. She set her alarm for five so she could possibly get a run in but that wasn't happening. She took a pain pill and a quick shower before laying down for a little while longer. She got up again at six fifteen and started to get ready for work.

She wasn't in the mood to get all dressed up and fancy so she stuck with black jeans and a tshirt. If she needed to get dressed up she could put on a blazer. She put her hair up in a messy bun and she was out the door. She stopped by McDonald's to get a greasy breakfast before she went to Jake's place.

She let herself in and sat at the bar. She wrote down the schedule so she wouldn't have to look at the bright screen of her phone. Today was Affliction day. He had a meeting to view his line of shirts and possibly sign a few limited edition posters. Then tomorrow they had to go back so he could discuss his idea of donating his shirts. Their meeting was at nine and it wasn't that far away. To get there early they would have to leave at eight.
Jake woke up around 6:30 and since she said she would be there at 7 he got up and decided to shower. He didn't sleep well and looked like shit. He was hoping a shower would help with that. It was kind of hard doing things by himself. Once he was done and got out he went to the bedroom to change. He was in a lot of pain, forgetting his meds the night before didn't help anything. As he tried to get his shirt on he cursed rather loudly. A grunt followed.

Frustration easily overcame him. He normally would talk to Adriana about his fear of still hurting and being set back even more but he wasn't ready to let her in like that again yet. Jake felt like he was back to really being a bit alone.

He couldn't get his shirt on without it hurting so he said fuck it and just went out to the kitchen. He opened the fridge to get out things to make a shake. His right elbow staying close to his body.
The cool granite of the counter top felt really good on her forehead. She told herself to sit up when Jake entered the room but if she moved to fast the world would spin and she might get sick. So she opened her eyes and turned her head.

She could tell he was hurting by the way he was positioning his arm and the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt. She would at least get it on his bad arm and leg him do the rest when he was finished with breakfast. She would normally make it but she felt like crap and breakfast technically was not in her job description. Keeping him fed during lunch and dinner were but that was it.

She sent a silent prayer when he managed to pull out the blender. He had the really good one that was really loud. Of course he would chose the loudest thing in the room to make his ear fast. Why couldn't he eat a banana like a normal person? She got her head off of the counter so she wouldn't have to deal with the vibrations of the blender against her forehead. She put her hands over her ears so it was as loud. She checked the time on her phone and turned the brightness down so she didn't have to squint when she looked at it.
He threw everything into the blender and looked at her. "You look how I feel...except I think you had more fun last night than I did." He turned it on before she could reply to his statement. Jake knew he was being a little mean at the time but he didn't really care.

Once it was blended up he put it into one of his big shaker cups and put the cup part of the blender into his sink to rinse it out. He grabbed a yogurt from the fridge and took a bite after opening it up. He sat a seat away from her and ate his yogurt and drank his shake.

After his yogurt was gone he went back to his room to give his shirt another go. He would get it one way or another. He took a deep breathe before trying to get it on and a loud scream and wince escaped his lips. "Mother....fuck... fuck!" His hand shook and twitched from the pain and as he gritted his teeth and blinked the pain back.
She was surprised he didn't accuse her of inviting her ex over to finish the bottle with her. Covering her ears didn't do much to stop the rattling of her brain. She sighed when it was finally over and she out her hands down. At least he quietly ate his breakfast.

The pain meds helped a little bit. They at least stopped the throbbing. The orange juice she got with breakfast helped get the cotton mouth feeling out of her mouth. She felt better knowing it would be an easy day. He would be in a meeting where she wouldn't have to talk. She could sit back and relax. Maybe take a nap in the car while he went to the meeting. But his dominant arm was injured and it wasn't like he could write stuff down. She needed to be there just in case.

Her heart raced when he screamed in pain. She knew Karma was a bitch but she didn't think she would work that fast. She walked to the back to make sure he was alive and alright. He seems to be fighting with his shirt. There was no point in letting him injury himself further. It really wasn't that hard to figure out. She took the shirt and put his bad arm through the hole and then his head. From there he just had to put his other arm in and pull it down. She went back to the front and searched for the address of the place and plugged it into the gps.
Jake pulled away from her. "I got it..." He said and looked away from her. The reason he struggled was because pain was radiating up his arm. He was being stubborn and stupid and he knew that but didn't care. He was still pissed and upset.

He got his shirt on and then slid on his shoes. He had been leaving them tied and just kicking them off then sliding back in so that was what he did this time as well. He refused to take the pain meds anymore. It was something he didn't want to become dependant on and he felt he was.

Jake went out to the living room and grabbed his shake to finish on the way and looked at her. "I'm ready if you are." He was half tempted to tell her to take the day off but he didn't. He was paying her so may as well use her to at least drive him.
She let the shirt go with out saying a word and left the room. He could hurt himself if he wanted too. If he didn't fire her she would need a new job because he was to hurt to fight, therefore not making money and unable to pay her. She did not work for free.

She grabbed her purse and walked to the door. She let him lock it while she started the car. It was going to be a long day if he kept his attitude up. He had every reason to have it but at least she eh was remaining professional and just being quiet. He could do the same and talk to her when he needed her.

She rolled her window down during car ride to get the fresh air to help her unlock her full potential. She tried to act bright eyed when they got to the building. She opened the door for Jake mainly because he was a cripple for the moment and she felt bad. But it would have been funny to watch him struggle with the super heavy door.

She walked to the front desk to figure out what floor they needed to go to then she walked to the elevator. She pushed the buttons and then walked to the floors front desk, "Jacob Daniels is here for his 9 o'clock meeting."

The receptionist clicked the mouse a couple times and nodded her head, "I'll let them know he's here."

Adri sat by the window and picked up her phone. She searched for apartments in Vegas and kept herself busy while they waited.
The car ride was quiet. He stared out the window. His hand shaking a bit still. Jake drank his shake and couldn't help but wonder how she really felt about him. Despite how hurt and angry he was, he was still in love with her.

He knew why he was being cold towards her but why was she being cold towards him? He let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair. Once they arrived he checked himself in the mirror and then got out going in with her.

He squinted his eyes at her calling him Jacob. She never called him Jacob. He sat next to her but didn't say anything. Once they told him he could come back to the conference room he stood up and headed back. He shook everyones hand and for the first time since he saw Adri and Andrew, he smiled.

"Nice to see you Jake."

"Thanks pleasure to be here...this is..." He looked at Adri and just made eye contact with her a moment. "This Adriana. My girlfriend." He looked down and then back at the people from Affliction.
Adri was on her phone until he was called back, then she got up and followed him to the conference room. She didn't imagine she would have a lot of writing to do specially when she saw the shirts folded on the table. She probably could have stayed out front and let Jake handle his business.

She shook hands with the men so she didn't come off as cold and she smiled at each one. "Thank you for the t-shirt you sent me in his last care package. It was very nice of you guys to think of me." She sat down and looked at all of the shirts on the table.

The men got down to business letting him know what portion of the profits he got and just what they wanted him to do. Right now he would just get to look at the shirts but in the future he would be able to have some input and let them know what design he wanted on a shirt. They had a small stack of fifty posters that they wanted him to sign for a limited edition sales promotion. It all sounded pretty cool to Adri, at least she made it look like it did.
Jake smiled and nodded a bit at Adri thanking them. "I was like a kid a Christmas and she wasn't too far off herself. I'm very grateful for all you guys have done for me and my fignting career. It means a lot." Jake really was grateful. Affliction was one of his first enforcement offers and they have done nothing but treated him well.

He went over some of the designs. And talked about when he potentially could help say what his designs were. "Jake we also want to send you and your trainer some Throwdown products and clothing to spread our work out and training products."

"That would be great. I'd be honored and proud to use and wear your products." Jake was polite, greatful, and sincere.

One of the chairmen looked at Adriana. "You've model before, yeah? How would you like to model for our Sinful line or women products?"

Jake looked at Adri then the chairmen. "Don't be stealing my assistant here, she's the best damn assistant I ever had now." He smiled and put his hand on Adri's leg under the table. It was true. She was the best assistant and actually a good girlfriend minus not telling him about Andrew.
Adriana nodded to the chairmen when he asked about her modeling career. She was surprised that he was offering her a possible job. It was perfect timing too. "Just how Sinful are these clothes?" She teased and nodded her head, "If it's a serious offer I would love to have a go at it." It wasn't like she could tell them no. She was dating one of their stars. If she said no to them who knows what repercussions it could have on Jake.

She smiled at the chairman, "He's right. We are here to talk about him. I'll give you my email and we can discuss everything at a later time."

The chairman nodded and waited as Adri wrote down her email and slid it to him. "Phone number too." He added and gave it back. He slid it in his pocket and turned his attention back on Jake.

The meeting went on for a little while longer and then they were free to go. The chairmen had another meeting right after their meeting with Jake so they were in a hurry. Adri thought it went well enough. She and Jake were professional and made it look like they weren't fighting. She wondered if the job offer would hold up if Jake broke up with her.

She walked to the car and checked the schedule. That was the big meeting of the day. Luke was going to stop by the house to get a look at Jake because he hadn't seen him in a week and a couple days. Hopefully it would be a trade off. Luke came so Adri could leave and take some of her stuff to her parent's house and keep it there until she found a new place. They still didn't know she was moving out. She supposed she would have to tell them soon.
The chairmen chuckled a bit, "It's tasteful. The most sinful is our swimwear, otherwise it is the normal tshirts, hoodies, track suits. That kind of thing. We would love to discuss something later but maybe we could do a shoot with you and Jake both with the Affliction clothing and work from there too."

Jake didn't mind she got offered a job. She was beautiful, he couldn't and wouldn't deny that. He just didn't want to lose her as his assistant and more importantly his girlfriend. Yes he was hurt and upset but he still loved her. He just wasn't ready yet to say all that to her.

Jake stood up and shook their hands again and thanked them for everything. He walked out and headed to the car with Adri. On the drive home it was quiet again and he wanted to say some things he just didn't know what yet. They pulled in the driveway and he looked at her before getting out. "Before you make a decision to model for them I think we need to talk about some things. But I'm still pretty upset and hurt about everything so I don't feel now is the best time to." He looked at her.
Adri turned the car off and parked it next to her car so she could get out easily. She looked at Jaje when he finally spoke. She frowned a little bit and got out of the car. She had to admit working with him on a photo shoot wasn't the best thing in the world right now, but that could be negotiated out of a contract. "I'll take the job if I want it Jake." She said softly and moved ahead of him so she could opened the door. She heated up his lunch and looked at the time. It was getting closer and closer to Luke time.

"I'm going on my lunch break. I'll be back in an hour." It was in the contract that she got an hour for lunch. She never took it so she could work for him all the time. Now she really needed to take the time off. "Luke should be on his way." Right after she said it Luke rang the door bell. She answered it and grabbed her purse, "Hey there." She greeted him and pulled her keys out of her purse.

"I'm going to go get lunch. Text or call if you need anything." She said to both of them. Then she went to her condo packed her little car as much as she could and took some of her stuff to her parents house. She did eat lunch with her dad and spent some time with him before she went back to work.
Jake sighed when she said she'd do what she wanted. He sat at the bar and looked at her. He wanted to say the reason he said something was because he wanted her to know he didn't want to lose her. But he let it go. He wasn't ready to let what happened go.

He was happy to see Luke. He needed some real testosterone to talk to. "What's up brother?" He let Adri leave before mentioning he needed males around. He also explained what happened with her ex. Luke was his trainer but also his best friend. He needed to run things by another guy.

"After everything Luke, I still love her...and I don't want to lose her as my girlfriend or my assistant but there's trust broken..." He ran his hand through his hair. "She's getting pissed cause I'm pissed and I'm afraid she's going to quit...or leave or both."
"This won't get better building you have a real conversation. Put away the boss employee stuff and talk like a couple. The trust will be built again but you have to let everything out. You're not a man of words Jake but you need tell her how you feel." That's the only advice Luke could give. He wished he could be more help but that's all he could say.

"It's either that or just be her boss. If that doesn't work you have to let her go. With out communication and trust there is no relationship." He patted his shoulder and sat back.

"I've seen the way she looks at you when you are working out or doing other things. She may not have said it but she loved you before all of this happened. I'm sure she loves you now. And she's been really good to you. I don't want to see her go. You're a lot better when she's around."
Everything Jake said was right. She didn't say it but he knew. He knew by a lot of what she did for him. "I know I need to talk to her but I probably should cool down a bit. You're right. She probably did love me before and now. But it shouldn't have taken seeing her ex to say it. Or for her to know..." A thousand words jumped through his mind and really all he could do was talk to her about it.

"She does make me a better person man...I know that." She calmed him down and made him happier. "I don't want to lose her period." He sighed and then just hung out with Luke for awhile they talked about fighting and watched some tapes.

When Adri came back he looked at her and wanted to say something or kiss her but instead just looked in her eyes a moment.
She felt refreshed when she walked back into Jake's house. She kicked her shoes off and looked at the schedule. The rest of their day was pretty relaxed now. It was looking like she would be off by five.

"The realtor called while I was gone and said the family accepted your offer. You can sign the papers tomorrow after your meeting with Affliction or Friday in the afternoon after your doctor's appointment. I just have to let her know when. She said clear out your day because it's going to take a while to sign all of the papers." She felt like she was being watched and she slowly turned around and made eye contact with Jake.

She went to the kitchen and got a bottle of water. There was still more than enough leftovers for him to eat for dinner so she didn't have to cook. She still had stuff in the second office. She could move it all to her car now but she would rather wait until Luke was gone but Luke probably already knew what was happening.
Jake watched her. "Thanks." Was all he said at first. So he was signing the papers and it looked like alone? Luke eas right they needed to talk. And get it all out.

Luke stayed till the fight tape was over. "I'm gonna head out. Think about what I said...." Jake nodded, "Thanks brother." Luke walked out by Adri and gave her a smile snd nod. "Good seeing you Adri. Exciting about the house. Congratulations guys." "Thanks Luke."

Jake let out a sigh as he left. "Adri? Can you come here a second?" Once she was in the room he looked at her in her eyes. "I think we need to talk."
"It was nice seeing you too, Luke. He will be back in the gym soon." She smiled at him and walked him to the door. She locked it behind him for safety's sake and went back to the kitchen. She went through her emails to see if any of her previous employers contacted her but she got nothing as of yet.

She walked to the back of the couch when he asked to see her. This conversation could one of a few ways. Either she was fired and broken up with fired but still hired or he just wanted to talk. She was leaning towards the second one since he seemed to tell the world she was a great assistant today.

Putting up walls was easy. If he did break up with her she would take it in stride and move on. Never show them your weak spots. She sat on the couch near the arm and leaned back on it. "Let's talk then." She said softly and looked at her hands before looking at him again.
He took a breathe and searched for his words. "I don't know where to maybe the most important part...I love you. Nothing that happened or could happen will change that." His eyes looked into hers. He missed her. He missed her like crazy but he let down his walls and she hurt him.

"I wanted to talk about Before you gave Affliction an answer. I didn't say something cause I'm a jealous guy, I said something because I don't want to lose you." He looked away a moment before looking back.

"You hurt me. And I'm upset. You were afraid I would hurt you and instead you hurt me. After I let you in. I let you in feeper than I ever let anyone in before. I never thought you'd hurt me. And I to be honest don't entirely understand why it took seeing him to realize your feelings. Did I do something? I know I'm not the easiest fuy to get along with and I'm sorry." He looked down.
She stayed quiet and let him talk. She would look at him or at the wall behind him. Sometimes she would look down at her hands. She knew she was in the wrong. She shouldn't have went off to see Andrew without consulting Jake. It felt like she was never going to live this moment down though.

She rubbed her lips together and sighed. "You didn't do anything wrong. I had the problem. I had to say goodbye to him and really mean it. When I saw him it was to say good bye because I had finally found someone better than him. Someone I thought I had future with. You wouldn't know what it feels like. and I don't know how to properly explain it." She said softly.

"I said it before and I will say it again, I'm sorry for hurting you. I didn't mean too. I did what I felt I needed to do to move on." She shrugged her shoulders. She didn't know what more to say or how else she could say it. "I can't make you trust me again but I can promise you that I will never see him again."
Jake nodded a bit as he listened to her. She mentioned finding someone better. That made him feel better. "I guess what bothers me most is not that you went to see him that you couldn't tell me. If you would have come to me and said what you just said to me I wouldn't have liked it but I would have understood and trusted you."

He let out another sigh. "Adri, Like I said it's not the seeing him part that really hurts. How do I know that when you say you are going somewhere that, that's where you are going now? Or when I ask about your day, you don't leave something out? It makes me wonder if there is anything else you didn't tell me." His eyes drifted down to the floor. "That and I feel like you just kind of are giving up on us. I feel like you screwed up and you know and you know I'm pissed so oh well whatever happens happens...kind of like you don't really care if end up together or not when just two days ago we were talking about that house and a nursery of all things."

He got quiet and stared at the floor a minute. "I forgive you for going and seeing him. I'm working on the not telling me part. And it's not going to probably be something that happens today, or maybe even tomorrow. But I am trying to." His eyes went to Adri's, "I wanted to talk to you before you make a decision about the Sinful line because I want you to do it if it's something you want to do. In the process though I don't want to lose my assistant." He made it clear today she was the best he had. "But more importantly I'm working on trying to keep my girlfriend..."
She looked at him but she really didn't know what to say. He asked for space she gave him space and then she didn't care about their relationship anymore. She couldn't do anything. Right in the situation. Did she pull back a little bit, of course she did. That's what happens when you the person you are with you aren't sure if you want to be with them.

At least she she knew she wanted to be Jake when she went to see Andrew. He was treating this whole like she slept with the guy. She went out for coffee. She knew he was jealous and she had to question if this argument of his was all jealousy. If she had guy friends would throw the same fit. Did he really want her to ask for permission before she did anything?

"If I took another job it would just mean working part time for them. It would mean taking a day off, and letting you fend on your own, while I went and worked and did something I enjoy. The only time you really need me is during a fight week anyways." It would make more sense to work part time for Jake and make that boss-employee relationship smaller so they can work on their actual relationship. "You're not going to lose me if I take another job. There will be a schedule I can work around and You will have a copy."

"I don't see how a job would change us. I worked for five hours today and you don't have anything to do for the rest of the day. So I would take the rest of today and go work for Sinful or whoever else. It's just a job Jake."
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