Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

He let out a small sigh. "But it's slower now after a fight and I'm technically injured. It will pick up again." He didn't want to be selfish but it was hard. If he needed her to set something up for him he wanted her able to do that. But he didn't see a problem with her modeling too as long as when he had fights she would be there. "You can't be upset with me that I'm worried about losing you." He lookrd at her in her eyes.

"I think it would be great for you to do this Sinful thing....I don't know how to explain what I'm thinking, feeling, or worried about. I'm going to need you during fights. So I guess that's a concern of mine. But if you promise it won't interfere with it then I'll support you. Affliction has been great to me and I know it's a great opportunity." He was supportive of his girlfriend.

Jake knew it was just coffee but she still kept it from him. Why keep it from your boyfriend if it wasn't anything? Normally when you keep something from your significant other it's because you know it's either wrong or would upset them. Was he jealous? Of course, he knew who Adri was and what he has. He's jealous cause he's afraid of losing her.

"I don't wanna lose you Adge..." He had a new nickname for his girl...
"I'm not getting upset." She said with a tone that suggested the opposite. She took a deep breath, "I'm not getting upset." She said again with a softer tone. "We spend a lot of time together. I know your downtime. I know when you are busy. I can manage working for you and working for someone else part time. You don't need me after fights unless you're injured anyways."

She bit her lip and looked up at him, "You won't Jake. I told myself when I took this job I wouldn't quit until you retired. You're not even close to that." She smiled at him and got off of the couch.

"The realtor places closes at four so I need to know when you want to go in. Tomorrow or Friday?"
"If you can manage both then great. But I want you around after fights. At least a little. That's my down time. When we can maybe do things together. Not that we can't other times but I won't be tied down training." He looked down. "But I get what you're saying and if you think you can do both great."

He smiled a bit. "Yeah? Until I retire huh? You can put up with me that long?"

"Let's go tomorrow. Let's get it done. I probably should start packing yeah?" He got up and looked around to decide where to start. "Luke said the guys can come and help. That will be nice." He went to his room to start with some clothes that he wouldn't need. He wasn't sure if Adri picked up on that he loved her, still wanted to be with her, but may need a bit of time to trust her.
She chuckled a bit, "I'm not sure, but I'll try." She smiled at him and picked up her phone. She checked the schedule for the right time and then called the realtor. There was a small snag but she was able to get the process done tomorrow at 3.

"I'd start with getting boxes. I have a few in the car that I don't need. If you want them." She was so busy getting her stuff packed that she forgot about having to pack his stuff. "I have to run to the tore to get some more so we can get everything packed though."

She looked around his place and rubbed her lips together. He wouldn't be able to do much with one arm. It took her a couple days to pack all of her stuff. His place was two times bigger. It would take forever.

"Mark everything that you are taking and make a note of things you want donated. I'm going to get boxes and I'll be back in a few. Don't hurt yourself trying to pack stuff. If we don't get it all done we can always come back after you get the house and continue packing. Okay?" This was shaping up to be a long night but they would get through it together.
"Yeah I'll take the boxes if you don't need them." He started going through his clothes though to decide what he wanted and needed and what to get rid of. It was hard deciding on which Affliction stuff to keep. He kept his very first group of clothes they sent him. He wondered if they could somehow hang it up in the house somewhere or maybe that was kind of stupid. He also wanted to keep the shorts he wore for the fights. There were some he wanted to keep too to work out in. He kept a few shirts he liked but there was a huge pile to donate.

Once Jake got the boxes he started on some random things in his room that he could do one handed. He wrote where the box belonged on the outside.

After awhile Jake stopped and looked around his place. This was where it all started for him and he was going to move on to a bigger and better house. A house with Adri. It was bittersweet for him. He got back to working on going through things to take or get rid of.
She gave him the boxes from the car and popped them open so she could fill them with little things. Then she ran to the store and bought more boxes. She wasn't sure how many they would need for his place so she bought twenty to start off with and she could get more later.

She went back to Jake's and brought the boxes inside. She looked for the local Uhaul company to fill out the form to borrow a truck. She ordered it now and she could pick it up when they were finished packing it up. Their cars weren't big enough and this just made it easier to move in. She could get dollies at the Uhaul place too.

She popped open a few boxes and started to pack up the office. She would start with the rooms they barely used and move down from there. His bedroom furniture and the kitchen would be last. She pulled her phone put and played some music to fill the silence. It wasn't as fun as drunk packing but it would do for now.
In the office she came across some fan mail to Jake. Some were of kids who looked up to him and then some were women who left their number or a sexy photo.

Jake was working on some of the movies and fight tapes he wouldn't need from the living room. "Adri? Do you think the guys should come tomorrow? How soon can we move in?" He called out. He would be a huge mess without her. He kept him grounded and on schedule.

He got up from the floor where he was packing the living room stuff and headed to his office. He leaned against the doorway. Part of him wanted to just walk in and kiss her but he was afraid to. He was still afraid of getting hurt again but he missed her. Missed being close to her.
She smiled when she saw the fan mail from kids. She could probably get a binder and put everything away neatly so he could look at it when he was feeling down or something. She didn't know what to do with the other photos but it wasn't her place to throw them out. he kept the pictures for a reason. She slipped them all into a manilla envelope and put them in the box with everything else that was in the desk.

"When do you want to move in?" She asked him back. "If you want to move in tomorrow I can stay here while you go to the meeting with Affliction and if I need to I can stay here while you sign for the house. It may not be neat but I can get it done." She could pull an all nighter tonight as well that would help make tomorrow less hectic.

She looked at him and shrugged her shoulder, "Once the keys are in your hands you will be able to move in whenever you want. I don't know what you are doing with this place but as far as I know you don't have a deadline to be out." She went back to packing everything up. "If I put your suitcases on the bed will you be able to pack your clothes?"
He looked her over. Jake was only half listening to be utterly honest. "Oh uh um...I'd like you to come tomorrow. Unless you don't want to. I would like some insight on the donating stuff from my girlfriend. I think it would be nice." He ran his hand through his hair. "We don't have to be in a rush to move in. I'm going to just sell this place so we can just go at our own pace. I can have the guys come tomorrow and even help pack stuff up."

His eyes looked in hers. "Yeah I can probably get my clothes." He spoke quiet, like there was something on his mind.

He turned to head to his bedroom and went in opening drawers. He started getting out clothes he knew he wouldn't wear. "Adri..." He looked at her. "Where are you going?" He asked softly. She kept referring to the house as his house, and him signing...this was supposed to be their house. Not just his.
Adri frowned slightly but didn't say anything. She thought he was just picking Affliction shirts he didn't want and donating them. The company was trying to make it a publicity stunt. She didn't understand what he needed help with. He needed help moving out more than he needed her at a meeting but she nodded her head, "Of course I will be there." She said softly.

"I think more hands would really help. You only have one arm and I can't pack this entire place myself by tomorrow." She probably could but that would mean no sleep and a lot of caffeine and that would not result in a good work ethic for a meeting.

She followed him to his bedroom and got his suitcases from under the bed. She opened them all up and laid them out on the floor and bed. She started to head out and he called her name, "Jake..." She replied and poked her head back into the room. "I'm going to the office to finish packing and then the guest bedroom and who knows from there."
Jake could hear something in her tone. "You know what it's fine. You stay here if you want. Take the day off. It's cool." This whole situation was killing him. It felt awkward and he was getting frustrated and slowly getting annoyed. He felt like they got a lot out in the talk but did they progress anywhere?

He just nodded to her and let her go. "He wasn't asking where she was going in his house now, but where she was going to live. Was she moving with him? Was she finding her own place? Right now he didn't know anything that was going on and he hated that. That's why he wanted an assistant, a good one to let him know what was going on with his life.

He grabbed the one suitcase and threw it across the room in frustration. He sat on the bed and put his head in his hands and sighed. Jake was trying to keep it cool and was struggling hardcore.
And now he was being sarcastic, exactly what she wanted to deal with. She should take the day off just because he said that. She could go apartment hunting since she didn't have a place to go. She supposed it was her fault for giving up her condo before she had a new key in her hands.

When she walked into the office she heard the crash of something hitting the wall. She sat on the office chair and stared at the ceiling. This sucked big time. One the fence with her boyfriend, she had two days to move out of her condo, who knows what the next hurdle would be. She picked up her phone and called the Hilton, "Hi, I'd like to book a suite starting two days from now for about a week." She put her phone on her shoulder and went back to packing. "You don't have any rooms?" She sighed, "Then can I stay in a small room and then move up to a suite when you have one or something?" She asked and waited while the receptionist tried to figure something out. "Alright, thank you for trying." She hung up the phone and tried the Marriott. She went through the same conversation with a better result. She got a standard room for two days and then a suite for a week after that. It was better than nothing. At least she had a tiny kitchen to work with.

Packing up the office was fairly easy. Once the papers and other items were out of the drawers, the big stuff was left. She found the boxes for the computer and the printer and stuffed them both in their respective boxes. She moved on to the guest bedroom and started to pack the hangers that were in the closet away and took the pictures down. She turned her music back on, in case Jake wanted to throw another fit, and stuffed the boxes.
Jake just sat on his bed and rubbed his head a bit. He let out a sigh. This wasn't working for him and he needed to do something about it. He let out a sigh and got up and went to go find Adri.

Once he found her in the guest room and he turned her music off. "What am I missing here? I try to talk to you...I feel like I'm getting no where. I feel like I'm the one in the wrong or something with how you are acting with me. So what am I missing?"

He looked at her trying to figure it out. "And I take it I'm moving into MY house not OUR house is that what this is? Cause that's how it's sounded the last two days."
"I don't know what you want me to say Jake. I was in the wrong. I fucked up. You don't trust me. I'm not going to grovel for you to trust me again. You either do or you don't. What do you want me to say? What do you want me to do?"

She put the item in her hands in the box and scratched the back of her head, "You don't trust me and you want me to move in with you? What sense does that make?" She rubbed her lips together and looked at him.

She didn't know what to say to him. It was his house. She couldn't afford to live there like he could. If they broke up he would get the house and she would get kicked to the curb. There was no changing that at this point. It wasn't all about the money though. She spent months with this guy. Working for him. She makes one mistake and everything she has done becomes invalid. She untrustworthy and made to feel like shit because she went to a coffee shop and told her ex to leave her alone.

"It's your money. It's your name on the deed. It's your house." She said softly and bit her bottom lip.

She rubbed her forehead and looked confused for a second, "How did you even find out? Andrew called her and told her where he would be. She never wrote it down and she never mentioned that cafe before. So how did Jake even know where she was? "Were you following me?" Maybe this trust issue came long before she met Andrew for coffee.
He just stood there and listened to her. He wanted her to fight for him instead of just give up and practically walk away. Out of anger he was going to say 'nothing.' But instead just let her talk.

She made a valid point about the not trusting her but moving in together, that didn't make a lot of sense. Jake looked down and let out a sigh.

Then the more she talked the angier he got. He smiled and nodded a bit. "Alright...what do I want you to do or say? Maybe give me some damn sign that you want me or us...instead of just rolling over like you don't fucking care. Or act like I mean more to you than a fucking job. I ask you to come with me tomorrow to include you...I'm trying to reach out and let you in a little bit again...and you get half pissy that I want you to come with me. I'm sorry I thought it would be nice since it was an idea we had together. But it's fine I'll do it on my own." His jaw and cheeks flexed from the anger but he kept his voice down to not yell.

"And then to answer your question, first of all does it matter how I found out? Or are you just pissed you got caught? Second, I was out taking the paperwork to the bank. For the house I was buying for US to live in TOGETHER. Then I saw MY GIRLFRIEND'S car at the coffee place. So I thought hey, why not run in and say hi, I hadn't seen you all day, I went from being around you 24/7 to hardly seeing you yesterday so I thought hey that's cool we ran into each other. But no instead I saw some guy holding MY girlfriend's hand. It kind of felt like someone punched me in the gut. I didn't know who this guy was and here I am wanting to move into a house with you and you were holding some guys hand. That wasn't mine. So sorry that I instantly had a thousand thoughts run through my brain...But no I wasn't following you. I was doing stuff for move forward in our relationship. You asked if I wanted a house just for more space or a forever home, and I picked a forever home with you. Then after one day it's like you can't even stand to be in the same room as me like I'm the one who did something wrong." He shook his head and started to walk away.
"I told you that I loved you multiple times and you brushed it off. After all of that time. After telling you multiple times that I would tell you when I knew I truly meant it, you shrugged it off like it didn't even matter." She wiped the one angry tear that threatened to fall.

"You saw two seconds of a conversation. HE held MY hand and I pulled it away but you were to hot headed to notice that right? One guy touches my hand and it's like we were all out fucking on the table." She managed to keep from yelling until she got to the fucking on the table bit. "I have no control over his actions. He touched me hand and I moved mine away."

She sighed and looked him in the eyes, "I was ready to move in with you. I was more than ready to start my life with you. I think I pretty much proved that since I am basically homeless right now. So to say that I don't want this, that I never wanted this is bullshit. I'm living in a fucking hotel because I was ready to start my life with you. So fuck you if you say I wasn't ready." She used her finger to wipe the corner of her eyes to keep from crying.

She looked at the partially full box, "I just want to do my job and go sleep on my couch. Either help or go for a run or go punch your punching bag. I don't want to talk anymore." She knew if she did say anything she wouldn't be able to hold in the tears. She was barely holding them in now. She kept blinking to stop them from falling down her cheeks while he was in the room.
Jake looked at her and squinted his eyes a moment. "I never once shrugged it off. I'm more than grateful for everything you've done for me." It was the truth. He knew how she felt. Well before all this he did. And did this change her feelings? They didn't change his.

"The reason I didn't stick around was because I couldn't deal with seeing anymore. Sorry. Could you sit there and watch some girl hold my hand?" He shook his head. Clearly they still were getting no where.

It killed him she was crying and he was half tempted to say screw it all and just kiss her and make up but after their conversation now he didn't know if they could. At least not at that moment. "You seriously just said fuck you to me?" He looked at the box before looking over at her.

"Fine. Just so your fucking job..." He said quietly before ealking back to his room. He went back to packing.
Alright so fuck you weren't the best choice of words but they came out of her mouth before she could stop herself. She went back to packing after he left and did more kicking of her own ass. She wiped her eyes and calmed herself down. She had to go to the bathroom to wash her face and make sure her makeup was alright and make sure she didn't look like she had been crying.

She finished packing the guest bedroom in record time and moved to the guest bathroom. She left the toilet paper and paper towels in there but other than that it was empty. She took everything out of the entertainment stand in the living room and put them in a box. She found the sharpie on the countertop and she labelled each box.

All that was left was the master bedroom and bathroom and the kitchen. All could be done tomorrow since it was pretty late. She looked at the master bedroom door and thought over her next move. She walked to the back and stood in the doorway, "I finished the front rooms. I'll come back tomorrow and finish everything else. I'm heading home, okay?"
Jake had all his clothes packed except for tomorrow's clothes in the suitcases. He had everything on his dressers and nightstands in boxes. He wanted everything light for the guys tomorrow. After his room was boxed up and labeled he went to the bathroom and left only what he would need the following day.

He shot Luke a text to rally up the guys from the gym for tomorrow after his meeting with Affliction. Luke replied it would be done and asked if they needed to do Adri's apartment too. He sat on his bed and debated how to reply. She said she had no where to go. So he just replied with a 'probably.'

When Jake heard Adri he just sighed. "Yeah." Was all he said. What else was he supposed to say? No don't go. I miss you? I miss us? It wouldn't be that easy.
She started to walk away from the room but stopped in the hallway. She stood there for what felt like forever before she worked up the courage to say it. She didn't need to hear it back she just needed to tell him. Maybe, just maybe he would believe it this time. "I love you." She told him and then left his house and drove home.

She took a nice long shower and washed her hair. She didn't gulp down a bottle of wine because she was actually quite tired from the day's events. She laid on the couch and wrapped up in the blanket and that was how she fell asleep.

She woke up when the sunlight came in through the window. She got up and looked through her suitcase for something to wear. She put on some jeans and a t-shirt and put her hair up in a sock bun. She traded cars with her brother that morning because he had a nice big truck and she had a storage space to put all of the big stuff while she stayed in the hotel. But that couldn't be done until she Jake's house was done.

She got in the truck and drove to Jake's house. She started moving the boxes to the front room so the guys would have an easier time coming in and taking them out when they came. Whatever was left out went into whatever box she was closest too. She did multiple checks through all of the rooms to make sure nothing was left behind.

Lucky for her she had a little time before Jake was due home so she wet to her condo and started to pack up the truck. She asked her neighbor to help her with things she couldn't do herself. Once the truck was packed she drove it down the road and unloaded it all into her storage unit. This was going to be fun. She went from having a care note, rent and cellphone bill to have a hotel bill, car note, cell phone bill and storage util bill. She needed a place to stay and quickly.

She bought a case of gatorade and water and subs for the guys to snack on while they moved Jake's stuff. All she needed to do was get the uhaul truck but she couldn't do that alone.She needed someone to drive her there and drop her off so she could drive the truck back.
Jake heard Adri tell him she loved him and he stopped a moment then said it loudly back, "I love you." He finished the room before going to bed. He laid awake awhile it was hard for him to sleep despite all the packing he did. He figured it was from all the fighting with Adri, plus he missed her.

The next morning he got up and showered before heading to his Affliction meeting. They asked where Adri was and he mentioned them moving and she had some business to take care of. They discussed the terms of him donating items for charity. They decided on them auctioning off certain items and then the money they earned from the auctioned items would go to the charities he discussed. The lesser popular and more common items they said could be donated to a thrift store or Good Will if he liked. He shook their hands before signing the paperwork on the details and then headed home.

Jake told Luke that he would call or text him when they were ready for them since he wasn't entirely sure when that would be. When he got home he saw Adri's car and he let out a little sigh. He headed inside and tossed his keys on the counter and looked for her.
Adri came out from the back with a few things in her hands that needed to go in boxes or they would be left behind. She looked up when she saw the shadow on the ground and acknowledged Jake.

"Can you drop me off at the Uhaul place so I can get the truck? Everything is done here except the fridge. If you aren't leaving it plugged in then it needs to be defrosted. I can always come back and do it myself though." She found a box for the stuff in her hand and looked at Jake again.

"Once we get the truck the house is ready to be emptied. I got food and drinks. I'm not sure how many people are coming but I'm sure you'll snack on whatever's left in the new place." She rubbed her forehead and tried to think if she missed anything. "It's it that far so after you drop me off you can come back here and make sure I miss anything when I walked through."
Jake looked at Adri when she asked about taking her to the Uhaul pick up place. "Sure..." He grabbed his mail and looked at it quickly. She was always thinking ahead. "Did you use my card for the food?" He held onto his mail to put in his car so it wouldn't get misplaced. He looked at her a bit surprised she didn't ask about the meeting with Affliction but he let it go.

"Alright. I'll do a final check. I'll let Luke know to get the guys ready." He shot him a text explaining they were going after the Uhaul but wouldn't be long. Luke said he'd get the guys ready.

"Luke's on it." He grabbed his keys then went to walk out the door but instead grabbed Adri and pushed her against the wall before pressing his body against hers. His lips pressed against hers hard and deeply.
Did she use his card? She shrugged her shoulder, "Probably not. I'm used to using my debit card unless it's something big." She shrugged her shoulder and looked through her email to find the address of the place. Her brain was everywhere right now trying to get him packed up. Once the truck was full they would leave it in the driveway, come back and then take it to the new house. She checked through the reminders on her phone to make sure she was thinking of everything that needed to be done.

When e told he rluke was on it she grabbe dher purse and started to walk tot he door. She was paying attention to her phone so she didn't know what he was doing. She tensed up when he grabbed her and put her on the wall, "We don't have---" She started but he kissed her and didn't let her finish.

The tension in her muscles relaxed and she started to kiss him back. She put her arms around him and held him close to her. She missed him. The way he smelt and the way her felt against her. Not just his lips but his body as well. She put her forehead against his and looked into his eyes.
Jake missed her too. He missed the way her hand fit in his or the way she'd sit close to him on the couch. She also smelt amazing and her skin was always soft against his. But he hadn't felt her skin on his in what seemed like forever. He didn't want the kiss to stop but when it did he let out a sigh and looked back into her eyes.

"Hi...." Was all he could whisper out at first as he was having trouble catching his breath. His hands went to her hips caressing softly. "I've missed you Adriana." He whispered again. His eyes looked into hers a moment.

They had sometime before Luke would be there. He knew they should go get the Uhaul but he wanted to kiss more... Jake kissed her again softly before nipping her bottom lip..."You know we have some time..."
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