Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake finished up his paperwork and went to run some errands while Adri was doing her thing. He was still wondering where she stood but he loved the house and would get it whether she was with him or not. He didn't need a woman to move, he just thought it was something they wanted together but she seemed to be second guessing. He didn't understand. Maybe he did something wrong.

Her ex had already gotten a cup of coffee and was sitting at a table waiting for her. He hoped she would show up and when he looked up and saw her his face lit up. "Adriana. Hey. Wow you look amazing. It's good to see you." He got up and gave her a hug. He ordered her drink and sat down across from her. He had on jeans and a button up, looking nice and clean cut.

"I was afraid you wouldn't come. But I'm so glad you did. I've missed you so much." There was a sincere tone coming from him and almost a desperation.
She gave him a half hug back and felt her confidence waver. She told herself to stay strong and think of Jake and it only helped a little bit. She bit her bottom lip and looked around the cafe. "You haven't changed much." She said softly. He still had the strong jaw and piercing blue eyes she fell in love with.

"Dont. Don't start with that. I only came here to figure out why you called me and then I'm leaving and I never want to see you again." It came out shakes but she got it out which was better than she thought she would do.

She moved her eyes to meet his eyes, "You broke my heart." She said softly. "You had no right to call me. I was happy. I found someone to make me happy and you ruined me." She kept her tone light and conversational so she didn't make a scene. "I have a guy, a really nice guy and I can't tell him that I love him because of you."
Andrew sighed and let his fingers play with his mug. "Well Ana...I called because I miss you. I left my wife. It's over and I realized I really screwed up with you." His hand reached across the table and touched her gently. His thumb caressinf her hand in a circular motion like he always used to do.

"Baby...I'm sorry and I know that isn't close to making up for what I did but if you give me a chance...I'll make it up to you. I'll make it right." His eyes searched hers and he gave her a small grin. A grin she used to find irresistible.

"Maybe you can't tell this guy you love him because you still love me. Maybe it's not meant to be with this guy. Ana baby....we fit perfectly. It was just bad timing on my part but we can be together. Please....please say you'll give me a chance."

Jake saw Adri's car and thought he'd run in and say hi to her then as he began walking up to the door of the cafe he saw her sitting at the table with another man. His hand on hers. He instantly turned and walked back to his car. He blinked because all he was seeing was red. He finally let someone in. Someone who pushed him to let in and she was crushing him. He shook his head. He took her home to see his family. They were buying a house together. And it all meant nothing. Jake drove off wanting to punch something.
"I used to miss you too, Andrew. I used to cry over you. I used to wish for a meeting like this." She looked at him and saw that cute dimple in his chin that only showed itself when he smiled.

"Bad timing Drew? We made a life together. You promised me the world and like an idiot I believed you. Why should I give you another chance? I'm finally getting my life back together you don't get to ruin it again." She looked at the wall that the door wasn't on.

She rubbed her lips together and pulled her hand back. "I thought seeing you again and finally telling you off would make me feel better." She shook her head and looked at him, "I was better off with out you. I don't need you. Most importantly I don't love you. Whatever hold you had on me is gone. It was gone the second your wife called me looking for you. Don't call me anymore Andrew. Move on with you life and let me move on with mine."

She stood up and picked up her things. She walked out of the cafe and felt like a huge weight was lifted off of her shoulders. She got in her car and put her head against rest. That did not go the way she expected but she felt so much better.

She went to the store to get some groceries for Jake's place she didn't want to get too much since they would be moving soon. Suddenly getting a house didn't seem so scary. She was going to walk into the house and tell him she loved him because that was the truth. She drove to his place and brought the bags of food.

She smiled at Jake and set them on the counter. "I hope I didn't miss anything too important around here." She said softly and started putting everything away.
Andrew tried protesing but it clearly wasn't any use. He sighed and looked at her. "It was a bad situation. Things with my marriage wasn't good...I made a mistake. Ana please?" He sounded desperate as he pleaded with her.

Once she got home Jake sat on the couch watching fighting tapes. He wasn't really paying attention. "Nope nothing important here."

Jake turned and looked at her. "Did you do anything important?" He watched her close. He was beyond pissed and was ready to blow a gasket.
"Yes actually. I did so ring very important." She handed him a folder, "I got my bank statement and it has my credit score on it." She went back to the kitchen and stuffed all of the bags in one bag and then put them in a cabinet.

"And my bedroom is nothing but boxes and suitcases. A couple are in my car and let me tell you if those suitcases didn't have wheels I would have been screwed. I will need you and Luke and probably a couple others to help me load my stuff into a truck." She shrugged her shoulder, that was the trouble with moving. Your things couldn't be magically teleported to their proper spots.

"Are you hungry? Do you want a sandwich or a salad? Maybe some left overs." She asked and looked through the fridge for something to eat.
He put the folder on the coffee table. He looked at her. "Busy morning." He was surprised a bit that she was lying to him. "You didn't do anything else?"

He sat on the couch trying to keep calm. He leaned back and took a deep breath.

"No I have no appetite." He said quietly.
"I went downtown for a little bit. Nothing special." She shrugged it off and pulled out the spaghetti that was left over. She grabbed a plate and threw it all in the microwave.

She looked at him and noticed how tense he was. She kicked her heels off and pulled her skirt op a bit so her legs had more freedom. She straddled his lap and pushed his hair back.

"Are you not feeling good?" She asked and put the back of her hand on his forehead. "You feel kind of hot right now."
She still wasn't telling him she had coffee with some guy. Some guy who held her hand. He was trying not to blow up maybe they were just friends.

"Honestly, I feel rsther sick right now." He looked in her eyes.

"You wouldn't lie to me would you?" He asked softly. He wasn't touching her. He actually tensed up a bit when she sat on him.

"Who did you have coffee with Adriana?" He asked softly.
She looked into his eyes and was about to ask what was wrong but he asked her if she would lie to him. She slid off of his lap and sat down next to him.

"I wouldn't lie to you Jake." She said softly and looked down at his lap.

She should have known he would find out. Of course he would find out. "An old friend." She rubbed her lips and took a deep breath. "I had to see him Jake. I was stuck and I thought that seeing him would help. And it did a little I guess." The microwaved alarm went off and she went to get the food. Suddenly she wasn't too hungry either. She set it on the stove and rubbed her temples.
"An old friend..." Jake shook his head. Things were starting to add up in his head. "You were stuck? And you didn't lie you just kept it from me."

He stood up and looked at her. "What were you stuck about? I thought you wanted this move forward in our relationship. Instead, you were stuck..." Jake spoke calmly but was a bit hurt and definitely angry.

"No wonder you won't say things to me..." He opened the foor to head to the basement. "You could have told me yoi wanted to see him...instead of hiding from me. That's pretty much lying."
"You don't get it Jake. That guy broke my heart into a million different pieces and I thought seeing him and talking to him would give me some closure." She didn't know how to explain it to make him understand how she felt.

"I was using him a crutch. I was scared that you would hurt me the way he did but when I saw him at the cafe I knew you would never do that me. I knew that you are two completely different people."

She watched him walk to the basement door, "Don't go down there and hurt yourself. If you want me to leave then tell me just don't leave like that please." She stood up and bit her bottom lip, "You would have said no and you know it. It was one meeting and I told him I never want to see him again or hear from him again. I will never see him again, Jake. I promise."
He stopped and looked at her a bit hurt. "You should have told me. When have I forbid you to do anything?"

Jake looked down. "You had to see him to know I'm nothing like him? I think that hurts more than you going behind my back.

Jake didn't know what to say to her. "I don't know what I want. I need to think before I blow up."
She bit her bottom lip. She didn't know why she didn't tell him. She hoped this wouldn't blow up in her face the way it was.

"I didn't mean it like that. I know you're not like him. I knew that before. I just...I had to see him in person one more time."

She walked over to him and touched his hand, "I didn't mean to hurt you. You have to believe me. This wasn't supposed to happen like this."
"Why? Why did you HAVE to see him one last time? And why hide it from me if it meant nothing." His eyes showed his pain. He really believed she wouldn't hurt him.

Jake pulled his hand away. "Don't."

He shook his head. "I took you home. To meet my family. I'm buying a house...with you. I've told you I love you countless times and you've not once said it back. And now I'm getting why. I don't know if I can be with you...I thought you would never hurt me...I was taking a leap with you getting this house...and last night you thought we were moving too fast...and now I know why." He shook his head. "I feel fucking stupid for letting you in." He walked downstairs.
She didn't have a good answer for him. She thought she needed to see him but she knew the second she entered the safe that she was over Andrew. She loved Jake. She took a deep death when he pulled his hand away and she felt as if she knew what was going to happen next.

"Baby...Jake...please." She rubbed his chest, she touched his arms. She tried to make him feel better. To make him look at her but he wasn't having it. "I didn't mean to hurt. I would never intentionally hurt you. I love you. I want a future with you. A future that I wouldn't be the same with any one else."

She watched him walk to the basement and she sat on a barstool. She wanted to cry but she held her tears in. She remembered from last time not to leave when he was angry he didn't tell her she was fired yet. Maybe she could talk to him when he cooled down some. If he was really breaking up with her then she needed to get back on her lease. She needed to unpack her bedroom. She needed to get her stuff from his room too.

She came home feeling like this giant weight was lifted off of her shoulders and now it felt like it was back. She wants to crawl in a hole and disappear. this time she couldn't blame her faults on Andrew. This was totally her fault.
When she touched his chest he stepped back and looked away. Then she said what he had been hoping for for months and it didn't have the same effect as he once thought it would. He looked back at Adri. "Now you say that...after months of me waiting for you to say that and you finally say it...and is it because that's how you feel or because you think you are going to lose me? It shouldn't take you having to see your ex to know how you feel about me." He shook his head. "I let you in..." He grunted as he walked downstairs. He was angry to say the least.

Jake wanted to punch the shit out of something or someone he really didn't care which at that point. He didn't worry about putting on gloves he started punching his punching bag with his left hand only. If anything he would work up strength in his left jab. It looked kind of stupid how he stood with just little jabs with his left. But he felt even more stupid. This was why he didn't let people in, he would end up hurt and angry. She was so worried about getting hurt and yet she was the one to hurt him.

He started punching more. The pain in his right wasn't noticeable to him as he was too worked up. Did he stay with her or break up with her? Could he trust her? How long had she been talking to him? The more he thought of it, the more worked up he got and he just got frustrated. He stayed downstairs awhile, after punching awhile. He went back upstairs, he needed to run he didn't care if he shouldn't he needed to get that anger out, he didn't know how else to get it out. Going in his room he slid on his running shoes.
"I said it because I meant it because i believe it with all of my being." She said before he walked downstairs but she didn't know if he heard or if he cares anymore.

It seemed like he would be downstairs for a little while. She went to her car and got one of the flat boxes from her trunk. She popped it open and took it to his room. She started to pack all of her things away so she wouldn't have to do it later. Her backseat was already stuffed with her suitcases so the box took up the space on her front seat. What she couldn't fit in her car she put in the guest bedroom . She knew his schedule and she had a key. She could come back for it later.

She called her landlord to see if she could stay in her apartment a bit longer but he already had plans for it. She needed to be out by the first and she might have to find a new job. She was grateful her parents taught her to save her money. She could always move back home but she would rather not explain how she fucked up a good relationship by dwelling on a past one. She was stuck in a hotel until she found a better apartment. She doubted she would get a good reference out of this but she still had her portfolio. She could go back to modeling if even her parents didn't approve. She liked working. She liked working for Jake.

She pulled out her iPad and looked through her pictures. She created a new album and started putting her portfolio together. Tomorrow she would email to them to photographers and see what she could do from there.
Jake went for a run and was gone for about an hour. He tried to clear his head and it was nearly impossible. This was why he didn't let anyone close. He hated this feeling. He had more questions. His mind was going to explode if he didn't ask.

Going inside he looked around for Adri but saw she already moved her stuff out of his room. He guessed he wasn't even worth fighting for now. He went into shower and did the best he could by himself but he sure wasn't going to ask her for help.

Once he was done with the shower, he got dressed and went out to the living room. He started to wrap his arm back up wincing a bit but he didn't care.
She felt like she didn't belong. Jake didn't want her here and she didn't think he'd be able to cool off with her around. But if she left would he want her to come back tomorrow? She couldn't really ask him right now.

She separated their clothes in the laundry and bagged her clothes up and found a spot for them in her trunk. She made sure she didn't have any lost shoes under his bed or in his closet.

She put the plate of spaghetti she heated up back in the fridge and sent the pictures to the photographers now. There was no point in waiting and if she did lose this job she would like to have a new one right away.

Through the wonders of instragram she got in contact with one of the companies that she used to work for. They always told her she could come back. Might as well start with them.
He was hurt and angry but he wasn't going to fire her. She had been the best damn assistant he had ever he wasn't going to replace her unless she wanted to quit then he wouldn't fight her. He wasn't about to beg her to stay if she wanted to go. Plus, it was her who screwed up so why would he have to beg her for anything.

Jake found Adri and he didn't know how to talk to her. He was upset and he felt like he had every right to be. "How long had you been talking to him?" He asked quietly but still obviously hurt.

"I'm trying to wrap my mind around this and...I can't. I just can't. Why the hell would you tell me you want to buy a house with me when you still were hung up on your ex? And why would you bring up that damn nursery in that fucking house just last night...then turn around and ask if we were moving too fast? I'm stupid for not picking up on the signs. At least I can say thank you for not sleeping with me when you weren't into me. Guess I should have picked that up as a sign too." His eyes looked away as his head shook. "I see you also packed up your running off to be with him?"
She looked up only when he spoke but she was always aware that he was in the room and what he was doing in the room. "I only poke to him once before we met today. And we only spoke for two minutes. He asked to see me and since then I wondered if I should go and see him or not." She said softly.

"Because I wanted the house with you. I wanted you." Her voice rose so she stopped talking and took a deep breath. "I saw the nursery and I thought it was cute. That's it!" She looked at the counter and put her head in her hands. She calmed herself before she spoke again, "I was supposed to spread my legs because you told me you love me?" She asked incredulously and scoffed.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head, "Do you really want me to stay here, Jake? I have an apartment until the first of the month and I think it's best if I just stays ere. You already said you don't know if you want me around. I'm making it easier for you."
"When did he first contact you? You got to understand my trust is a little out the window. This is still trying to sink in and I'm trying to process this." He looked at her.

Jake sighed. "Wanted." He nodded at how she explained everything she 'wanted.' Then the nursery was only cute. Not something she wanted for 'their' children. "No Adriana you weren't. That's not what I'm saying. I never once pressured you or even asked you..." He picked up on she didn't exactly argue not really being that into him.

He sighed a bit at her question. The truth was yes, he did want her to stay but he was hurt and upset. He felt like he had every right to be. "Maybe you should figure out what you want before you start assuming you know what I want."
"This first time he called was...he called me a week ago. He called twice. I didn't pick up the first time. He called again and I picked up when you were sleeping just to tell him to leave me alone." She bit her bottom lip and shrugged her shoulder.

She rolled her eyes when he said 'wanted'. He knew she didn't mean it like that but whatever. "No Jake you didn't have to say anything. You just sighed heavily or pressed your lips together or let your shoulders sag. YOU didn't have to say anything. Your body language said it all."

What she wanted right now was to go home. She was in the wrong and she knew it. She didn't know what he wanted from her. "I just want to know if I still have a job." She was losing her condo, might as well start completely over.
He wanted to believe her but right now things were such a mess he didn't know.

Jake looked at her getting a little upset. "Well I'm sorry but the reason I was getting frustrated was because we would be kissing and I was not even pushing for anything more and you'd just stop. What the hell was wrong with making out with my girlfriend? Yes at time it was a little frustrating. And yes at times I would have loved to have wanted more. But when you wanted to stop I did. I was just happy being with you." He felt like she was starting to attack him and he didn't know what he did wrong with this.

She didn't know what he wanted from her, neither did he. Well he knew what he originally wanted from her but he didn't know if that was possible now. "I haven't fired you... This has to do with you and I as a couple. Not you and I as employee and boss." He walked to the living room. "I'll sleep on the couch." He said quietly.
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