Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake grinned, "Yeah but you lo..." He stopped and nodded. "You like what does that say about you?" His lips kissed her back slowly and deeply. He groaned at the door opening. "Yeah more or less like that....yeah..." He nodded and pulled her back real fast for one more kiss before letting her go.

"Ooo yes! I get to swipe the key." They got to their room and Jake swiped the card and opened the door holding it open for Adri. Once she walked by he gave her butt a squeeze but played it off like nothing happened.

Going inside the room he set his back down on the couch and collapsed on it. He was tired and he knew Adri would make him shower and if she wasn't involved in that shower he wouldn't get back up. "We're sleeping in tomorrow yes?"
"I had a feeling the song went like that." She smiled and kissed him back. She to push the doors open button so they could get out of the elevator.

"And next time you can push the buttons on the elevator as well." She said mocking is excited tone. She looked over her shoulder when he squeezed her butt and rolled her eyes when he pretended nothing happened. She set her bag down on the side of the bed by the window. She turned on the hot water and let it run in the shower.

She stood in the doorway and took off her shirt. She ignored the fact that Jake could be watching her. She peeled her pants down her long legs and kicked them away. She reached behind her and unclasped her bra. She toyed with the hem of her panties but didn't pull them down yet.

"Would you like to join me?" She asked and walked into the bathroom. "Take off what you can. I will do the rest."
Jake totally was watching her from his spot on the couch. Damn she was sexy and he was one lucky guy. He seriously wondered what kind of question was that. Join her? Why the hell would he not join her? But he did just sit down, he didn't care. He got up and undid his jeans one handed and was a bit impressed with himself. Once those were down and off he tried with his shirt, one handed but was pretty bad at it.

Walking into the bathroom he looked at her in his boxer briefs and tshirt. He was hurting so it made it a bit harder to get his shirt off. "I'm afraid if I pull my shirt up over my head I will get stuck...." He said quietly.

His eyes looked over her body. "You are sexy, you know that?" There was a possibility he could get to look at that sexy body for the rest of his life. He would be quite alright with that.
She laughed and walked over to him. She lifted his shirt up and had him take his good arm out of it and then his head. Once those were out of the holes it was easy to slide it off of his bad arm. She bent over and pulled his briefs down.

She smiled cockily, "I know. I was a model after all." She teased and kissed his cheek. She started to unwrap his arm when her phone rang. She looked at Jake and slowly stopped unwrapping his arm. "You do this and I will be right back. I just want to see who it is." She kissed his temple and went to get her phone.

Her stomach dropped when she saw the contact. It was a face she hadn't seen in a long time and didn't want to see now. She deleted the contact info so if the person called again it would just be a random number.

She walked into the bathroom again and stepped into the water. "Can I get a hint as to what we could possibly be doing tomorrow?"
Jake smiled. "That's right. My girl was one sexy model." He nodded at her going to check her phone. He started to unwrap his arm.

He looked up at his girl when she walked in the bathroom. "Who was it? Everything okay?" He looked at the wrap. "Can we keep using this wrap you think or should we get new tomorrow?"

He climbed into the shower with Adri. "You want a hint? I don't give hints out for free you. It will definitely cost you." He grinned at her.
"I didn't recognize the number. Probably a telemarketer." She smiled at him and got under the water. "We can use it tomorrow. As long as you don't get it wet it should be fine. If you are worried about it you can wash it when we get home."

She nodded her head to hint and glared at him when he said it would cost her. "I'm pretty sure I just gave you a show before this shower. I think that is enough payment for a small hint." She used her pointer finger and thumb to use the small gesture. "Please?" She pouted her bottom lip out and batted her eyelashes.
Jake nodded to her about the telemarketer and wrap. "Okay. Probably wouldn't hurt to wash it later."

His eyes squinted at her. "A small hint...driving." He smiled at her and kissed her cheek. He knew she would never get it with that but it was a hint. "Don't use that look with me again...that's unfair." He chuckled a bit. If they ever had a daughter and if she did that, damn Jake would be done for.

He moved his arm a bit and saw some of his bruises were healing up a bit. "It is starting to look better baby." He showed Adri.
She frowned at his hint, "Well that hint wasn't any fair. So I will give you whatever look I please." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"It is looking better and it's only been a couple of days. You might get better sooner than you think. You just have to keep relaxing." She smiled at him and tugged him into the shower. She closed the shower door. She gave him a kiss and started to soap up her body while he got his body wet.

"Are we going to drive race cars? Or do you have to drive us there? Are we driving go carts, bumper cars?" She asked and kissed the back of his neck. "Tell me a better hint!"
Jake laughed a bit. "Baby you didn't say what kind of hint. Just a hint."

He shrugged, "Yeah but its healing on the outside but who knows from the inside. We will see. Sorry I keep bugging you about working out or running. It's really killing me baby. I miss it already. I like staying healthy and fit. Don't want to get fat and have my girl not find me sexy anymore." He kissed her softly.

"A better hint....hmmm. Farm." He grinned at her.
"You really think I'm that vain that I'm going to leave you if you gain a little weight? I'd miss the six pack I curl up next to but I wouldn't leave you." She kissed him softly. "If you keep asking me to work out, I might leave you though." She warned and rubbed his sides.

"You're going to get better and you can work your ass off after you do. If I know you, you will add another hour to gym time to make up for what you didn't do. Which means I will be stuck at the gym for another hour. Unless we get the house then I can do furniture shopping and you can work your ass off." She smiled happily and kissed him again. "How does that sound?"

She thought about the next hint and bit her bottom lip. She soaped up his back and frowned, "Tractor. Are we driving a tractor?"
Jake just looked at her his hand went to her hip. "No. I don't think you'd leave me if I gained weight. But I do want to look good for you." He kissed her back softly.

"I'm sorry. I will work my ass off so you will want to be at the gym so you can spend some time with your boyfriend." He kissed her shoulder. "You probably won't even miss me will you? Yeah babe you can shop. As long as you don't spend all our money." He smiled at her before nipping at her shoulder.

Jake's fake fell and he sighed. "Really? You guessed it from my hint? Dang it...." He then smiled. "No. I'm not going to take you to drive a tractor. But if I did, it would be a John Deere. Just so we are clear. Hey wanna massage me while you are back there?"
"And I want to look good for you but you don't see me stressing out over working out." She said softly. "In case you haven't noticed I am ALWAYS with my boyfriend." She reminded. She rubbed his cheek, "Of course I will but then I will remember that I am decorating our house and I will feel all better." She giggled when nipped her shoulder.

She got excited for a minute when he acted like she got it. She hit his good shoulder when he told her no. "I don't like you." She grumbled and rinsed out the cloth she was using above his head.

She piled the cloth on the top of his head and used her thumbs to press into his muscles in small circular motions. "Like that?" She asked moving her hands up and down. "Does that feel good?" She whispered behind his ear and kissed where his neck and shoulder met. "Do you like that?" She asked moving her hands up and down. Her voice took a slightly more sensual tone, she moved from ear to ear and teased him with double entendre questions.

"Don't you want to give me another hint?" She asked and moved her hands forward. She used her pointer fingers and ran her hands down the v-lines that led to his crotch. "If you want me to continue you will tell me." She said with a sing song voice and moved her fingers back up right before she could touch him. "Please, baby?"
Jake smiled. "I like you are always with your boyfriend. He likes your company. And he doesn't like a lot of people's company. So you should feel special."

Once he got went from the cloth he looked back at her. "Hey! Not nice."

When he heard her ask if he liked what she was doing his eyes closed and he let out a sigh. She wasn't nice. She wasn't nice at all. She was driving him crazy and she knew that.

"I do like that...a lot...and you are not nice...and play unfair...I was going to take you riding..." He said quietly.
"I'm sure you do, Jake." She said softly and kissed his shoulder.

"Oh!" It finally dawned on her just what they could be doing. "Okay, I got it. And since you were such a good boyfriend and gave me a good hint I will continue this massage outside of the shower." She took the cloth and turned him around so he could wash the soap off of his back. She rubbed his chest with the soapy cloth and slowly moved her hand down.

She looked at his cock and back up at him, "Am I cleaning that too or can you handle it?" She moved down to clean his legs and feet and then got back up. There was only one spot left to clean.

"I'm sorry I had to play dirty tonight. I'm normally a very good girl. You shouldn't have told me I had a surprise coming."
Jake smiled at her offering to finish the massage out of the shower. He liked the sound of that but then finally realized it was just a back massage coming his way. She was evil.

When she started eyeballing his cock he gave her a look. "Oh baby I know I can handle it but can you?" He smiled. "I can get it." He said a bit saddened and frustrated.

"Yeah it's fine." He held his hand out for the cloth and just looked away as he let out a sigh. She had mentioned before that they improvise but there hadn't been any improvising so he figured there wouldn't be especially any anytime soon.
"Oh please, I know I can handle it. I don't want to rev you up and not be able to bring you down." She told him and finished washing his legs. She kissed him and handed him the cloth before taking it back. "We have to wash that arm first unless you want to do that yourself." She didn't want to hurt him further and she wasn't exactly sure where the pain was so she would rather he washed it than her.

She moved under that water so she could wash off the soap residue. She got out of the shower first and dried off. While she waited for Jake she washed her face and brushed her teeth. She got a fluffy towel ready to dry off Jake. She put some lotion on the nightstand in the bedroom and went back to help Jake dry off.

She smiled when he got and lovingly dried off his back and legs first. She turned him around and dried off his chest and his good arm. She kissed him softly and dried off his penis. She gave him the towel so he could dry off his arm.

When he was finished he would notice both of their lack of pajamas. She walked into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. "Do you think I'll be doing this when we are old? I'd say yes because you probably pulled something doing something you shouldn't have done but you were too stubborn to listen to reason." She smiled at him and patted the bed. "Come lay down, handsome. I owe you a massage."
"I can wash it babe." He kissed her back and washed his arm and winced a bit. It was sore from not really having decent pain meds but he was trying to man through it.

He finished washing the rest of his body before rinsing off under the water. His arm felt kind of nice under the water. He shut the water off and climbed out of the shower. He kissed her back when she kissed him. A small moan escaped his lips as she dried his dick off. Jake then dried his arm off.

He grabbed his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth. He nodded at her question. "Wait why do you think I would be doing something I shouldn't be doing? Hmm? I would never...but I think you would take care of me. That's one reason why I love you." He finished up with with his teeth and came into the bedroom area. He kissed her deeply before laying on his stomach. "You take very good care of me babe." He got comfortable and closed his eyes. "Babe? When is a good time to have kids do you think? Would you want to wait till I was retired?"
"Because you would totally be doing something you shouldn't have been doing. You're stubborn like that. You don't take 'no' very well." She smiled and kissed his cheek. "Of course I would take care of you. It is my job afterall."

She waited for him to finish and kissed him back when he kissed her. She sat on his butt and put lotion on her hands and rubbed it in her palms to get it warm. She put her hand prints on his back and then started to massage the lotion in. She was happy to give him a quiet massage but he wanted to talk about kids.

"After we are married would be a safe bet." She laughed. "I don't know babe. If you're champion you would have a good chunk of time off before they made you defend your title again. As long as you keep winning you won't come home hurt too bad. I think it would be alright to have kids at that point. I don't want our kids to go to school and get in a fight and thinks it's okay because you to go to work and fight, you know?"

She pushed down to get a deep massage going on his shoulders. "I just want to make sure they know that fighting is only for defensive reasons. Not because they are angry. As long as they know that I will be fine."
Jake listened to her as she worked on massaging his back. She was good at this. He could totally get used to this as he grew old. "I don't want you to do it because it's your job Adri but because you want." He started relaxing under here hands. It was a bit distracting though that she was naked on him. Why did she have to be so damn sexy.

"I'll make sure out babies know right from wrong when it comes to fighting. I promise that. I also understand marriage should come first and I'm totally okay with that but for that to happen normally both participants at least declare their love for each other..." He wasn't saying it with attitude or to be mean but just being honest. Why ask her yet if she can't tell him she loves him?

He then got quiet and just let her work on his massage. She was relaxing him to the point he could almost fall asleep right there on the bed like that. There was a huge knot in his lower back and his right shoulder.
Adri smiled, "I do like doing this. It keeps your skin nice and soft and I get to rub you down." She bent over and kissed the back of his neck.

She sighed and nodded her head. She couldn't complain. He was right. "I know Jake." She said softly. She found the knot in his shoulder and she kept kneading it until she felt him relax. She stroked up and down his back and found the other knot. She shifted around a little bit, so she was sitting lower on his butt and used her thumbs to work that knot out.

When she finished with his back half she bit her bottom lip and looked down at him. She didn't feel like putting on clothes. She couldn't see his face so she didn't know if he was awake or not. She carefully got off of him and grabbed the blanket she packed. She draped it over his body. She turned the lights off and got under the hotel covers.

She thought she would get sleep right away but she kept think about why she couldn't tell him she loved him. She knew she did but she just couldn't say it. It had been a year since she saw Him. She thought she was over him. She was over him. If she was then why did she feel so excited when he called her today.

She laid in bed and tried to get some sleep. She managed to get a couple ours before she was up again. She moved around but didn't want to wake up Jake. She slipped out of the bed and looked through her bag to find her gym clothes. She changed and went down to the hotel gym. She figured Jake would sleep through it so she didn't leave a note. She ran her stress off for about an hour and a half and then went back to the room. She took a quick shower and got back in bed. It wasn't too long until sunrise. If she didn't fall asleep she could always get up and watch the news.
Jake fell asleep as she massaged his back. Once Adri was in bed she snuggled into her in his sleep. He stayed asleep through her getting up and working out and even the shower. He just moved to get comfortable but stayed asleep. He was exhausted from the day they had heading to his hometown.

Once she was back in bed her phone went off again. This time no picture came up just the number. Jake heard it and moved slightly but didn't really wake up.

He was oblivious to everything going on.
"Seriously?" Adri groaned and reached over for her phone. She didn't need the contact information to know who was calling her. She looked at Jake and ignored the call sending him straight to voicemail. She set her phone down and he called her again.

There was no way out of it unless she told him to stop calling her. She got out of bed and answered the phone call. She was going to be strong and firmly tell him to leave her alone.

She put the phone to her ear and heard him say her name. It was musical the way he said it.

She took a deep breath, "What do you want?" She asked and looked back at Jake.

"To see you. To apologize for what I did."

"I don't want your apologies. I want you to leave me alone. I'm finally happy and you mess everything up."

"Adriana." He whispered. "Please." He added and it almost sounded like he was begging. "I'll be back in town next week. Tell me you will meet me."

She shook her head, "No."

"Then think about it darling. Our coffee shop downtown. Think about it my Ana. I'll be there on Wednesday at 11. Goodbye my love."

Adri hung up and turned the ringer off of her and got back into bed. She wanted to scream into her pillow but refrained. Instead she turned to Jake and moved closer so he would wrap her in his arms.
Jake did the very thing she wanted. He curled into her and wrapped his arms around her. He was starting to wake up a bit. His lips pressed against her neck. He nuzzled into her. "What time is it?" He asked quietly.

Her body felt nice against his. Too night. He kept his lower half way from her for that very reason, and for the fact is was morning. "Can we just say in bed, naked all day?" He asked quietly without opening his eyes.

He didn't know why she was holding back from him and he tried not to let it get to him but it was starting to, he knew she cared about him with how she took care of him but it was hard to not hear it when he put himself out there in multiple ways.
"Its not time to get up yet." She said softly and got as close to him as she could.

She smiled, "I would love that. We could order room service and everything." She closed her eyes and relaxed. She rubbed his back until he seemed to go back to sleep then she drifted off as well. When she woke up the sun was up and she actually felt pretty well rested.

She kissed Jake awake, "Are we going to stay in bed all day or do you want to do your surprise? I'm fine either way."
He was comfortable snuggled up to his girlfriend. It was nice for them both to get some good well needed rest. He loved the feel of her fingertips against his back. It was very soothing.

When she kissed him awake he kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her. He winced slightly as he used his bad arm without thinking and just out of habit. He kept kissing her. Damn they were naked in bed together why would he want to get up.

Instead of saying what he wanted he just kept kissing her and pulling her closer to him. His tongue slid over hers slowly and the kiss got more passionate with each passing second.
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