Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"You don't even have a fight yet. And I know every one else is training but you need to relax. If you want to get back in the ring, you will take it easy and heal. If you ask again, I'll let Luke deal with you and we can see what he has to say." She hoped that threat sat with him for a while, at least until he got better.

His mother put in her own two cents. Adri rubbed her lips together and looked at Amy. She put her hand on Jake's thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. They would need to leave soon and she knew it or he would explode. She really didn't want to drive back this soon after arriving.

"Any where really. As Jake knows I just go to the mall and walk around for a bit. My favorite store is a Express but if it catches my eye I will buy it. I will probably have to clean out my closet before we move in together. You can always come over to my place and pick through my clothes though. I have way too much of everything." Adri laughed.

She looked at Jake and Eileen, "he's really good at fighting. Watching him fight is a scary experience but it's amazing. He's talented and he puts his all into what he does. It does sound scary and like I said it can be hard to watch but he trains his ass off to make sure that when he is in the ring he knows what to do." She said trying to defuse the situation between mother and son.
Amy liked the idea of going through Adri's closet. She liked her style. "That would be nice. Maybe I will have to come for a visit soon." Not soon enough with her mother being the way she was, no wonder her brother never came home. She couldn't blame him.

Jake looked at Adri, his hand going onto hers. She supported him and knew how hard he trained and worked, that really was all that mattered to him. It would be nice though if his mom at least respected what he did, but he didn't care. He was happy. For the first time in his entire life, Jake was happy and the woman sitting next to him had a lot to do with it. He lipped, 'Thank you' to her and squeezed her hand.

Eileen shook her head, "I still don't get it. He whines more then Amy does about their upbringing." She looks at him, "You could have went and worked for Dale. And really worked hard for your living." Jake looked down and shook his head, a smile formed on his face, he couldn't keep his mouth shut anymore. He shot a look at his mother and his smile was gone, "You really want to do this in front of my girlfriend? Cause I will. Why not just air all the skeltons in the closet. May as well let her see all the dark shit I gotta deal with then maybe she will understand a little more why the hell I'm such a mess."

Amy shot Adri a look that showed she wanted to crawl under the table and hide and she would take Adri with her.

Eileen looked at her son, "Oh don't you dare blame me."

Jake was figuring may as well get everything out now and then maybe, just maybe they could act like a somewhat normal family tomorrow, if he stuck around. "I do blame you. You blame you cause you never let crap go. I was sitting here keeping my mouth shut and this woman next to me knew I was getting angry and Amy knew I was getting angry and they both tried to calm the situation down but you couldn't shut up about it. I'm a fighter mom! For the UFC. I'm looking at buying a house worth over $1 million dollars. So please tell me why in the world I would have stayed and worked for Dale? A man who freaking hates my guts and if I ever see again I beat him up worse than my last opponent. Like Adri said I work my ass off for every fight. I'm good at what I do. It's a lot more than just getting into a ring and fighting someone. It's not just a bar fight. And if you decided to take a little bit of interest in my life you would know that. I have a multi-million dollar clothing company now has my name on clothing. MY name. If you hate me for leaving then fine. Hate me. I'm sorry I couldn't stay. I came home because I missed you guys and I wanted you to meet the woman I love. Instead you make yourself look ridiculous. You get mad cause I didn't call, you could have just been happy I showed up at all." He looked at Amy. "I'm sorry I haven't come home. I'm sorry I left you here to deal with her. If you ever want to come to Vegas I have a spare room, the new house will have a spare room. You are always welcome. If she gets her shit together, we may be back tomorrow. If not, we can find something else to do. But I came here to spend time with you too." He pushed his chair out and put his silverware in his plate, he was done eating anyway, and grabbed his plate to take it to the kitchen, wanted to badly throw it in the sink but didn't. He took a deep breath.

Amy normally would have went to check on him, but she was no way leaving Adri alone with their mother, who was sitting there taken back by all he said. She did feel a bit stupid for all that happened in front of her son's girlfriend. Amy just offered Adri a small smile.
Rubbing his leg was doing nothing since Eileen continued to berate Jake. Adri could only do so much before Jake blew up. She looked at Amy to make sure she was going to be okay.

"We are staying at the Hilton not to far from here. We will visit around noon, even if it's just to pick you up and take you out on the town, okay?" She said to Amy. "Jake does a lot more for you than you know. If you don't like what he does maybe you should just ignore it. He's a great guy. And he is an adult. He will do what he wants. You're his mother. You don't have to like it but you have to support him. He's your son."

She rubbed his back and hugged him from behind. "I think it's time to go to the hotel." She said softly. "I told Amy where we are staying and that we will see at least her tomorrow. You need a nice shower and a lot of sleep. Once you cool down and rest you'll feel better."
Amy smiled at Adri, "Sounds good thank you." She kind of grinned too when Adri said her peace to their mother, who didn't even look at Adri until she was done talking. She made valid points, but she didn't understand what she meant about him doing more for her than she knew.

Jake closed his eyes and let out a big sigh when Adri wrapped her arms around him. His hand rubbed her arm. "I'm sorry you had to witness that." He said softly. He turned around and wrapped his arms around her. "Baby, that sounds great. All of it. Thank you." Jake kissed Adri's lips slowly and deeply. "We have to get some ice cream first though. After that we definitely need ice cream." He kissed her temple.

Heading out to the door he stopped and gave Amy a hug. "I'm sorry Aim...text me later..." He whispered to her and she let out a nod. "I may take you up on visiting sometime...soon." Jake smiled, "Anytime...I mean it. We can talk later too about some ideas I have." She let out a nod as she smiled. "It's good to see you Jake. It's nice to finally get to meet you Adri." His mom got up and started clearing the table. Jake rolled his eyes and shook his head before grabbing her hand as he walked out to the car. He handed the keys to Adri and once he was in he rested his head back against the head rest. He figured they both had a rough day. He was beyond frustrated with what just happened. "We just drove how many hours...and this woman is so ungrateful and picks a fight." He shook his head letting out a sigh.
"It's nothing you can help. But ice cream always makes me feel better when I am down. I'm sure it will help you too." She smiled at him and closed her eyes when he kissed her temple.

She stood back when he said his goodbyes to Amy. Adri smiled at her and said goodbye right back. They hadn't exchanged numbers but she would get it from Jake's phone tonight. "We will call you when we figure out the days plans.we will see you later." She waved at Amy and walked out of the house with Jake.

Adri sighed when he started talking about her again, "I really want to say she is just being protective and that she loves you very much but I don't know if you would believe that." She put her hand on his thigh and using his directions she drove them to the ice cream shop and parked the car. "At least we get to eat ice cream though."
Jake looked at her when she mentioned his mom just being protective. "Do you believe it yourself?" He was really curious how Adri felt about it. "You are protective. You care about me a lot, yet you support me. You sat right at the table saying you pretty much hate it and it's hard to watch but you said I'm good at it and you support me. You'd be right there whether I won or lost. Hell she wouldn't even know..." He shook his head. It bothered him, greatly, it was his mother, but he wasn't going to let her ruin their time anymore.

"I love ice cream." He got out and grabbed her hand going in. Once inside he stopped to look at the flavors. They had a bigger selection then he remembered, even though he knew what both of them were going to get. He wrapped his arm around Adri as he looked. Once it was their turn to order he ordered cookie dough and mint chocolate chip in a waffle bowl.

Once they got their ice cream he found a booth and sat down. His elbow was hurting pretty bad but he was trying not to let on. Once Adri sat down he leaned over and nipped at her ear, "Will you help me shower tonight?" He smiled at her with a goofy smile.
"I don't think I should answer that question." She said softly and looked out at the road. "I don't hate it Jake. It is oddly appealing. I'd enjoy it more if it was someone else out there taking the punches and kicks. Maybe we can go to a championship fight or something. That way you can study the champion live and we get to watch it together. It would be fun."

They got out of the car and got their ice cream. They had the same flavored but Adri's was in a waffle cone. And the guy gave her chocolate sprinkles for free. "We can get an ice cream machine for the new place and make our own ice cream or frozen yogurt when you need to be healthy."

She pulled her ear away when he nipped at her. His mouth was warm but his lips were cold from the ice cream. "Of course. That's the only way I get to rub that body of yours." She licked up her ice cream and she smiled at him.
"Baby I was asking if you thought that was where my mother was coming from. I know you don't like it but you don't love it either. But you support me. You're in my corner. You'd be there if I won the championship or if I got knocked out. That's the difference. I don't want her to love it but respect what I do enough not to be rude about it." He kissed her cheek.

Jake thought a moment. She honestly had a good idea. "We can go to any UFC event you want to. It would be fun to go and just watch." He put his hand on Adri's leg. "Ooo that sounds nice. I also want a popcorn maker too for our kovie room. Can we get beer on tap too?" He smiled at her.

Then he heard her wanting to rub him down and the way she licked her ice cream turned him on. "Stop that. That is so unfair. That's mean..."
"I want to go to a championship fight. A really big one with front row seats. Can we do that?" She asked with a small smile.

"Yes to a popcorn maker. I'd love that. Maybe the house always has it and we can buy it from the seller." She smiled at him. "If there is a man room I'm sure you will find a pace to throw a beer tap."

She laughed. "How am I supposed to eat my ice cream?" She asked. "It's a cone. It's not meant to be eaten with a spoon." She bumped against him and kissed his cheek. She licked her ice cream again and rubbed her lips together. "This is really good." She said softly.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?"
Jake nodded at her with a smile. "Baby, we can go to multiple fights. I can go to any I want and you can go with me too. We will have VIP passes. But Rich acted like he may want me to be in his corner if I don't fight the next event. Which if he's fighting I shouldn't be anyway."

"We can always buy our own if we need to. It's not that big of a deal. We will most definitely find a place for a tap. I wonder if I can get whiskey on tap." He grinned a goofy grin. It was amazing that just going to get ice cream with his girlfriend put him in such a better mood.

Jake gave her a look. "Get a bowl like I did and yes use a spoon." Once she deliberately teased him just gave her a mad look. "Really Adriana? Really?" He shook his head.

"You...but since that probably happen, we can go to the mall if you want. I also have a place I wanna take you later in the afternoon." He grinned at her and took a big bite of ice cream.
"Going to a fight with you is going to be a lot more fun than watching you fight. Less nerve racking this way. I will find out when the next fight is. I'd love to see a Rousey fight too. She is doing a fight in July to get her championship back. So we can go to that one too." She smile dat him and kissed his cheek.

"If we did get a new one we would have to get one that looked like the old school popcorn machines. And instead of DVD's a system that has all of our movies copied and all we have to do is push a button and the movie is on the screen." She smiled really big, "That would be cool."

She frowned when he told her to get a bowl. "No thank you. Cones are better. And they are hand rolled. I couldn't pass it up. It's just so good, baby." She licked up from the base and spun the cone around so she stopped it from melting down. She laughed at his upset face. She knew it wasn't fair but it was funny.

"You will have me soon enough until then we will have to improvise. There are other things we can do." She shrugged ehr shoulder, "If you are up for it, that is." She smiled at the surprise, "Where exactly are we going later in the afternoon?"
Jake kind of rolled his eyes at her wanting to see Rousey fight. "You know that chick is pretty cocky..." He wasn't a huge fan of her because of that but if Adri liked her then h"e would go to a fight she wanted to see for her. She went to his fight despite her not really wanting to. But then again she kind of didn't have a choice as his assistant.

"That would be pretty cool. Let's focus on the house first and then we can see about all the extras." He laughed a bit. "We are making it our own before we even know if we can get it or will even like it."

Jake just kept giving her a look. "Remind me to never bring you out for ice cream again. You're rude." He turned his back to her until she mentioned improvising. He peeked over his shoulder. "What you got in mind? I can't do physical activity for a month..." He gave her a look like, she was the one to tell him no on physical activity.

"You will see tomorrow afternoon. It's called a surprise. If I told you, It wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" He finished his ice cream and bowl. "Baby can we stop at the carry out on the way to the hotel?"
Adri shrugged her shoulder, "She's a good fighter. I want to see one female fight and she is the only female fighter I know." She explained.

She nodded her head, "That's true. We probably shouldn't get attached to a house we don't even know if we can get. But it's so pretty. I can sit by the pool and not have to worry about creepers watching or tanlines. I guess I will have one creeper watching me if I suntan naked." She said looked right at Jake.

"But what if I am a really good girl? Can we get ice cream then?" She pouted but he turned his back on her. "Oh no Mister. You are so not getting anything." She stuck her tongue out at him and crossed her arms.

"Oh you ass, you can't use my words against me." She finished her ice cream and continued to tease him. "Babe we just ate at your mom's house. And we just had ice cream." She sighed and nodded her head, "If you are hungry, I guess we can."
Jake nodded in agreement. "Yes she is a good fighter. I'll give you that. I could also win my fights if I used kidney shots. I instead like to knock my opponents out." He grinned. "I'm okay with wanting to see her fight we can do that. Now if Gina Carano fights in the UFC, which probably won't happen, but if it does we can definitely see her fight." He smiled at her.

"It is a nice house babe. And you would have one creeper whether you suntan naked or not. My girlfriend is hot. I'd look at her in a parka, one piece, two piece, or no pieces." He grinned and kissed her softly.

He shook his head. "No, no ice cream. And I can use your words against you. And I will. Just as I'm sure you'd do the same with me." He kissed her shoulder. "No baby I don't want food. I want something to drink. I figured it would be cheaper then the machines there and they may not have what I want." He grinned a goofy grin.
"Well you don't have to worry about me in a parka anytime soon." She smiled.

She shook her head, "No I wouldn't." She lied. "I would never use your own words against you." She tried to keep a straight face and looked away. "If you won't get me ice cream then I will find a boyfriend who will." She stuck her tongue out at him.

She smiled when he kissed her shoulder, "Let's go get you something to drink." She said softly and slipped out of the booth. She held her hand out for his and kissed him softly, "Don't worry. I won't leave you because you won't buy me ice cream. I'll make my own at home and tease you that way."
Jake gave her a look. " forget I know you a bit. You would too. Any chance you could." He gave her a look. "Oh, well then...guess I'll find a girlfriend who will...give massages every night."

He kissed her back. "You are evil...remember two people can play the teasing game. Just remember that. Paybacks suck." He smacked her butt before heading out to the car. "And you better not leave me over ice cream. Or you would need to find a new boyfriend and new boss." He made a face at her like, now what.

He got in the car and got comfortable. "There should be a gas station carry out down the road here on the left. How are we on gas should we fill up while we are here? What should I get you to drink babe?"
She rolled her eyes to him finding a girlfriend that would rub him down every night. "I'm an angel." She corrected. She giggled, "What? Like finding a new job is going to be hard."

She drove him to the gas station and turned off the car. "Might as well fill it up. Why don't you fill up the car and I will get you what you want to drink." She smiled at him and grabbed her wallet.

"So sweet cheeks, what do you want to drink?" She smiled at him and pulled out a twenty dollar bill.
"Angel my ass..." He shook his head and rolled his eyes. The events of earlier wasn't even a thought in his mind at the moment. "I wouldn't give a good recommendation." He smiled.

Jake got out and went to pump the gas. He smiled at her. "I can come in...You may not be able to find it. It's Grape Faygo pop. Also some bottle water and blue powerade please?" He handed her some money for his drinks. "Thanks baby. I love you." He smacked her butt as she walked by.

He used his card for the gas and leaned against the car as it went into the car.
"I don't need your recommendation. I have had other bosses." She reminded him. He could try anything and she would have a come back for him.

"If I can't find it we can trade spots." She shot him a look over her shoulder when he smacked her ass again. She walked into the store and got the water and powerades first. Then she got some Arnold Palmers and went in search of his soda. When she couldn't find it she asked the guy behind the register and he got it for her.

She bought everything and then back to the car. "Do you want your drink now or can you wait until we get to the hotel?"
Once he had the gas tank full he got back in the car and waited for her. He was getting a bit tired, it had been a long day.

Once she came back out he smiled at her when she had his soda. "I can wait. But baby did you only get one?" He never could find it in Vegas they may have to stop at the store before going home to get a case or two of it. Not that he drank much soda anyway but this stuff was decaffeinated and brought back memories of his childhood. "You have to try this stuff it's amazing."

"Baby I'm ready for the hotel. I'm getting tired. I bet you are too. But hey...does our hotel have a hot tub?"
"No I got three and I get a sip of one. If I like it I will take the third one." She smiled at him and pulled up the directions to the hotel.

"That is exactly where we are going." She said softly and pulled out of the lot. They were only fifteen minutes away from the hotel so it was an easy drive. "Yes they have a hot tub. No we are not getting in it tonight. We are going to shower together and then get some sleep."

She parked and grabbed her bag and his. She handed it to him and put it on his good shoulder. "You can sit down with our stuff while I check us in."
Jake laughed a bit. That was his girl. "Fair enough. We may have to get more tomorrow if you like it. They have other flavors too. Lots of other flavors. Peach, strawberry, cola, dr faygo, cotton candy. That's just the ones I remember. " He honestly hadn't had a flavor he didn't like but the grape was his favorite. "I forgot about the cotton candy. We will have to grab one of those too. Damn we will just have to grab multiple ones." He smiled at her.

"I know we are headed there. I was just sharing your man is wooped. My mom wears me out." He joked a bit.

He got out and grabbed there bags. "Thanks babe. I can stand. It shouldn't take you too long." He walked in with her holding her hand. His lips kissed her shoulder. "You gry us the presidential suite?" He joked. A normal room was enough for him. Jake stayed close and handed his csrd to her to pay for the room.

He looked at the desk girl. "Do we get chocolates on our pillows? " He was giving her a hard time but kept a straight face.
"Cotton candy soda? That sounds a little too sweet to me and I have the worlds biggest sweet tooth." She could already feel the cavaties forming in her mouth.

"I can upgrade us if you want." She smiled at him and walked to the desk. She got them a normal suite with a king sized bed for them to share. It had a living area with a tv and a small kitchen and a nice big bathroom.

The girl as the desk looked confused for a second and Adri shook her head, "We don't need chocolates. We need sleep." She frowned at Jake and took their key she gave Jake one and took her bag back.

"You know you have a resting bitch face, right? That was really not nice of you." She walked with him to the elevator and pushed the button.
Jake shook his head. "It's just flavored cotton candy and it is all decaffeinated. It's been a long time since I've had it though." Normally Jake stuck to his shakes, smoothies, Powerade, or water. Once in awhile he would have an alcoholic beverage.

"No we don't need upgraded. I was only kidding." Jake looked at the girl who was looking at him confused. He chuckled when Adri shook her had at him. "I like chocolate. You like chocolate. Especially once a month." He teased but only said the last part quiet enough only she could hear and only after she said he had a resting bitch face. "I was only joking around. At least I didn't ask if she took foodstamps...My uncle would ask at every restaurant we would go out to. Every one. Mcdonalds, nice sit down places, you name it...he would ask there." He shook his head. "And the mean part was he would let the girls go ask their managers before he would tell them he was kidding."

He followed her into the elevator. "You seriously didn't let me hit the button? You don't let me joke with the desk lady, you don't let me have chocolates, you don't let me push the button. You don't let me have any fun at all..." He fake pouted. Jake was tired and being playful. "Have you ever heard of the song, 'Love in an Elevator,' by Aerosmith?" He wiggled his eyebrows at Adri before kissing her cheek.
"It sounds like sugar flavored sugar. If you like it I will give it a try. I'm not much of a soda drinker though. You know that."

She smiled and shook her head, "You're such a brat, you know that?" She teased and kissed his forehead. She made a show of pushing the button to their floor and leaned against the back wall as the elevator went up. "No I haven't. How does it go?" She asked softly. They had a little bit of a ride to go. She smiled at him and moved between his legs and kissed him softly. The next kiss she gave him was a bit more passionate.

Her tongue rubbed against his bottom lip. She nipped it gently and then the doors opened. She leaned against the wall next to him and put her hand on top of his. "Did the song go like that?" She asked asked and walked out of the elevator. "You can swipe the key and open the door if you like."
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