Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

She kissed him back just as passionately. Partly because she felt guilty for talking to her ex. She knew it was wrong and she told herself she wouldn't meet him but she really wanted to go. Just to see what he had to say for himself. To get real closure and be done with him forever. Maybe that was what she needed.

She put her hand on his hip and moved it forward between their bodies. Jake was a nice guy and he hadn't pushed her to do anything she wasn't ready to do. Might as well reward him for being the best boyfriend ever.

She wrapped her hand around his cock and pulled up towards his head. It technically wasn't sex. She got him hard and then moved on top of him. She rubbed her wet slit against his shaft and ground against him. He would not penetrate her but he would still feel good while she rode him. They would both be getting pleasure actually.

She continued to kiss him and hoped this was a nice change of pace.
Jake's eyes looked at Adri slightly as she touched his cock, quite bit of a surprise but he was not at all complaining. He would though he if he knew it may had part to do with guilt for talking to her ex.

He couldn't help but moan into their kiss. Damn she was sexy and this very nice to wake up to. He could get used to this. He just kind of hoped it wasn't a one time thing. Maybe it was a slow step towards actually sleeping together. It would be hard for him not to want more after all this.

Truth was he wanted to grab her and push her on her back and bring pleasure to her she probably never experienced before but he knew she wasn't ready for that. Maybe she would let him touch her...He felt a bit guilty for laying there and wanting more but he couldn't help it with how he felt about Adri and how sexy she was.

His fingertips slowly slid up an down her spine as their lips pressed together. He couldn't help but moan into her mouth as it had been awhile since he had gotten lucky. He moved his kissed to her neck where he kissed and nipped gently. His fingertips now moved to her hips and slid up and down her sides.
She changed up the pace between moving quickly and getting them both to orgasm and going nice and slow to prevent them from cumming. She moaned when she felt him kiss and bite her neck. She peppered his collar bone with kisses and ran her fingers through his hair.

It was bound to get messy between them but it was nothing a warm wash cloth couldn't fix. She moved her hips a bit faster and kissed him again. She could feel her clit pulsing with need and she didn't stop moving her hips.

She sat up and out her hands on his chest. The blankets fell away exposing her body to him. She smiled down at him and reached behind her to cup and massage his balls. She blew him a kiss and moaned loudly as she felt her orgasm approaching quickly. Her nails dug into his skin leaving red marks down his stomach. Her legs tensed up and she sighed as her orgasm washed over her. She smiled and kept living her twitching hips up and down his cock.
Jake kissed her and moved his hands slowly all over her body. It was like he couldn't touch enough of her. He let out little grunts and moans. He wanted to be inside her so badly he ached.

When she sat up he smiled up at her. She was so sexy and adorable. His fingertips traveled up her thighs to her hips and then slowly up her body to her chest. His hand massaged her boob slowly before his fingertips played with her nipple as he pinched and pulled at it slightly. He let out a moan as she massaged his balls. He could feel how wet she was on his cock.

He loved when she ran her nails down his chest. He would have marks from her on his body instead of a fight and he liked that. He thought it was nothing but sexy. His hips moved up to meet hers slightly. Jake sat up to let his tongue slide over her nipple. It flicked over her slightly before he gently sucked on it.
She kept him up and kissed his forehead. Sex was an endorphin so his arm shouldn't bother him while they kept this up.

She closed her eyes when he sucked on her nipple. Feeling his warm mouth encase the hard bud made her shiver with delight. She kissed his forehead again and then used her finger to tilt his head up and she kissed him again. It was lustful and passionate. She nibbled on his bottom lip and pulled it out from its normal spot. She let it go and it popped back into its normal spot.

She smiled at him and kissed him again. "We should do this more often." She whispered against his lips. Her hand went between them again and started to pump his shaft so she could get him to cum. "We should have done this sooner handsome."
Ben's lips kissed her back passionately and wantingly. He growled a bit as she nipped at his lip and pulled at it. Damn this woman was so sexy.

He grinned at her into the kiss as she mentioned doing it more often. He was totally for that. "Hell yeah we should." He whispered almost in a grunt from her moving her hand over him. "Yeah..." He said half out of breath with another moan.

His mouth went back to her chest to suck on her nipple hard before nipping at it as he felt his cum start to build up. The more she pumped his length the more it built up and he moaned as his cum made it's escape from his cock, it shot out of him. He moaned against her chest and looked up at her to kiss her deeply.
She kissed him back and then went to a wash cloth. She wiped him off and she wiped off her chest. She disposed of the cloth and laid on the bed next to him. She tugged him down on top of her and kissed him again.

"Are we staying in bed all day?" She asked completely willing to stay in and watch to or talk or do what the just did or do nothing at all with him. She rubbed his cheek and stretched out her body.

She rolled over and grabbed the menu for room service, "Either way we are going to need breakfast. What would you like?" She asked and moved over so he could see the menu too. "I might just get the fruit salad."
Jake kissed her back and interrupted her asking what they were doing that day with more kisses. He watched her and smiled at her.

"I say stay right here in bed. We will just have to call Aim later..." He let out a sigh but he wasn't ready to get dressed. Then she mentioned breakfast. "What would I like? Can I have anything?"

He kissed her neck before nipping at it. His lips then made small kisses as they barely brushed over her skin as he made his way down the center of her body slowly. He moved his body down between her legs as his lips were at her stomach his eyes looked up at hers before he got between her legs with his lips. "I'm okay with this for breakfast..." He said quietly as his fingers spread her lips to slide his tongue the complete length between her lips.
"I'm pretty sure you can get anything. Maybe not the dinner items though." She said not really getting what he was eluding to just yet.

She smiled when he kissed her neck and she moved away from him only because he tickled her. She felt him moving down and she stared at the menu. When he was between her legs she lowered the menu and looked down at him. She raised an eyebrow and licked her lips.

"Alright but I don't want to hear anything about you being hungry when I am digging in to fruit salad and possibly French toast." She told him and moaned when he started to eat her out. The thought of food slipped from her mind and she out her hand on his head. "Oh god." She moaned and bit her bottom lip.
His tongue continued to play with her clit. His hands moved under her butt to lift her hips closer to him as his tongue moved around her entrance. He took turns playing with her clit and then sliding his tongue inside her to taste her.

Jake had been wondering for months how she tasted and he finally was getting to find out. She tasted amazing and honestly he couldn't get enough of her. His tongue moved deeper into her.

His hand reached up and played with her nipples. She had no idea the things Jake could do to pleasure her.
Her hand went to to the top of his head and pulled on his hair to get him where she wanted him. her feet were on his shoulders, opening up her legs and lips to him and showing off her flexibility.

She looked down and watched him eat her out for a little bit. She felt her orgasm coming and her feet slipped. Her heels dug into his back and her hand went to the back of his head, she wanted him focused on her clit.

She let her arousal be known with very loud moans. She wasn't how sure how thick the walls were so she didn't want to be too loud. She begged him not to stop when he came back up to her clit. Her toes curled and she screamed his name as she came. A rush of fluids came from deep within her and coated his tongue.
Once she started started moaning more as he got to her clit he didn't move and made sure he gave it the pleasure she desired.

His tongue then moved around her to clean her up from her orgasm. She tasted amazing he was instantly addicted. He kept moving his tongue around her to make sure she was clean and then tease her before crawling back up to her.

"Hi there." He smiled at her and kissed her softly to let her taste herself on his lips and tongue. "You taste so good babe. I love you..."
She sucked on his tongue and nodded her head, "I do taste good, don't I?" She laughed and kissed him again. She picked up the phone and ordered French toast and a fruit salad for breakfast. She stayed in bed until the knock on the door came. She put on a robe and got the food and gave the busboy a tip. She brought the food to the bed and they had a happy breakfast.

The rest of the trip went fairly well. As long no one brought up Jake's career. Adri didn't get anymore phone calls from her ex offend which made the vacation easier. She didn't have to stress over what he wanted. She forgot about him a lot especially when she and Jake experimented with being together. Every night was amazing she truly couldn't wait to have him inside of her.

The drive back was pretty simple too. They got home in record time because they were both excited to get home and view the house. Their road trip home was do it enter with regular pictures on Instagram. She pulled into the drive way and turned the car off.

"Are you happy to be home?" She asked and got out of the car.
Jake was loving the physical advancement their relationship was going in. He enjoyed being closer to her. But still no mutter of the word love from her lips. Jake didn't get it.

He enjoyed the rest of the vacation and even talked Amy into coming for a visit after they got settled in their new house if it all worked out. His mom let up a bit and even got to give her a hug and say good bye to her. No one knew he stopped paying on the hospital bills for his step father and he had no intention to see him.

"I am happy to be home. I'm excited to go see the house."

He had his photo shoot that went well. He honestly had a good time with it then they went to check out the house. The minute he saw it he fell in love with it and knew he had to have it. It was perfect for them. Everything they wanted was in that house.

They got home from looking at it and he sat on the couch and looked at Adri. "What you think babe? Should we get the house? I really love it. It's perfect for us. It has everything we discussed we wanted."
"Are you kidding? I'm in love with it." She sat on the couch and out her head in his lap. "It's perfect. It's beautiful. And lucky you, there's already a beer tap ready to go. It's like it was made for us baby." She smiled at him and pursed her lips for a kiss.

The house was truly perfect. It had been on the market for a while but no one put in the right offer. The owners were ready to seek and if she and Jake made the right move they could have it by the end of the week. Things were moving fast for them but their future was becoming real.

"Did you see the nursery though? It was so cute baby. Gender neutral so we wouldn't have to change a thing and the realtor said all we had to was tell the decorator what pieces we wanted and we could buy them. I know a baby is a long way off but that nursery was perfect."
Jake leaned down and kissed Adri's lips. She was right everything in that house was perfect. He smiled at her and ran his fingers through her hair.

"So we should make an offer. And soon. We can get this place for a nice price and a good deal with the furniture. I say let's do it babe." He smiled excitedly.

His eye brow quirked up a bit. "Nursery? You're thinking about the nursery?" He was a bit surprised. He still hadn't heard an 'I love you' but she was interested in the nursery. "Yeah it was nice baby. "
"We should make an offer. I don't want to wait to find a realtor but I think we should so we don't get screwed in the process of getting the house. Did you talk to your lawyer about finding someone? I mean it should be pretty easy. We just have to set a day aside where we can sign the paperwork."

She smiled at him and nodded her head, "It was a cute nursery. We can have one decorated and in the house. Gives us less to stress out about when we are trying for a baby." She shrugged her shoulders. "You have to admit it was kind of cute." She rubbed his cheek and sat up.

"Wednesday I have somethings I need to do at my place and I need to get groceries, so I was wondering if I could take the day off. Or at least take the morning off while you do your interview and then come back. I have to start packing my stuff up. I need to be out by the first which is coming a lot faster than expected."
"Yeah I did I can call him now and set everything up baby. I'll take care of it." He kissed her again with a small slow kiss. He smiled at her. They were buying a house together.

"It will be nice to have it all taken care of. Especially if I have a fight going on and your pregnant." He grinned at her. The thought of her pregnant with their baby was pretty nice.

"Sure baby. I can always come over and help you pack up. I'm sure Luke will help. Hell we can get guys from the gym to help us move and make it super easy and fast." He kissed her and got up to call his lawyer. Before he knew it they had a meeting set up for Tuesday afternoon to sign paperwork for the house.
"We are getting a house can you believe it?" She clapped happily and attacked him with kisses. "You're like a dream come true. A true Prince Charming."

She smiled and nodded her head, "Yes. That would be the perfect time to already have a nursery set up. But if you really wanted we could buy everything and box it up and put it in an attic or something until we are ready to use it. But if we did that I would need you home and healthy to put everything together."

The extra hands would be a big help but she didn't want Luke and guys from the gym packing her things. "I can pack everything up. I will need the help getting everything on the truck though. I doubt I will be ready for the truck tomorrow. So we can wait to do that." When he got up to make the call she went to the kitchen and started to make dinner.

"You don't think we are moving too fast do you?" She asked him.
Jake returned every kiss with his own and a smile. He didn't feel like Prince Charming but was happy she felt that way.

"We may as well just leave it's dumb to pack it up. Who knows when we will need it too."

Jake nodded. "Just let me know and I'll call Luke."

He stopped when she asked the question. "What?" She was having second thoughts. He was ready to jump on board with this and he thought she was too. "Do you think we are?" His forehead wrinkled as he tried to figure out where this was coming from.
She walked over to him and put her hands on his hips, "I am happy. I really. it's just all coming at us so fast, you know? You haven't even met my parents yet. Buying a house together is a big step Jake. I just want to make sure we are both up for it, is all." She kissed him and looked into his eyes, "I guess I am just nervous. I don't want this house thing to fall apart. We both want it so bad. I'd hate to lose it." She said softly.

"I was thinking spaghetti for dinner with garlic bread. Does that sound good?" She asked him. "And we can pop open of those bottles of red wine to go with it."

She leaned against the counter and looked him over, "How does your arm feel? You have an appointment with your doctor next week. If you don't feel better it's more couch time. If you do feel better I am sure you will be back in the gym the day after the appointment"
His eyes looked into hers. "Adri I want this. And I want it with you. If you don't want it then you need to say something now." She was dragging her feet with things. He was taking a leap of faith and he needed to know if she was with him or if he was jumping alone.

"That's fine." He made a small smile. "Sure"

"It's so so. Sometimes it's fine. Sometimes it hurts. So we will see I guess. I hope if anything I can run." He let out a sigh and sat the counter looking over paperwork.
"Hey. I'm with you all the way. We are just so excited for this house, I would hate for something to happen and we lose it. That's it. I'm excited and nervous but I'm ready to start my life with you." She felt like she just put her foot in her mouth and she was going to choke if she kept talking.

She nodded to him running. She tried to keep her working out a secret. She tried to only do it at night when he was sleeping so he wouldn't feel the burn of not being able to run. Now that they were home, they were eating cleaner as well. She was originally going to keep him on his diet but that didn't work and he brought those sodas home which were nothing but sugar. It didn't look like he was gaining too much weight. he still had his six pack. She was sure any weight he did gain would be dropped the second he started training again. She just hoped he didn't put himself on an all liquid diet.

She made them dinner and put it all on a plate. She handed it to him and sat next to him at the bar. There was paperwork they both needed to get in order to make sure buying this house went off without a hitch. That was on the list of things she needed to do tomorrow. She still wasn't sure if she was going to meet her ex but she had the morning off incase she felt the courage to see him again. She had to go to the bank to get a statement so she would be in the area. She supposed she could grab a cup of coffee while she was down there.
Jake filled out the paperwork as he ate but made sure not to get any food on it. That way the paperwork was ready when they were. He stayed a bit quiet the rest of the night still wondering if she really was in with this house or not. He really was confused with where she stood on a lot of things. He wasn't a guy to push or even really ask so he just let it go.

The rest of the night he watched some fight tapes and just relaxed. He went to bed rather early as he tired from finally getting his actual pain meds back for his elbow.

He also slept in since he couldn't get up and run. Jake actually caught up on a lot of rest and sleep that he normally didn't get. His body probably needed it.
They didn't talk much for the rest of the night which was probably a good thing. At least she couldn't get into more trouble with him. After dinner she washed the dishes and finished up some laundry she threw in the washer.

The next day was fairly boring. Nothi exciting happened except they had more paperwork to fill out. Most of the day was spent doing that and getting rid of junk that Jake didn't need or use. If it was salvageable it would be donated. If it wasn't it was thrown out. There was still a slight rift between them and she didn't know how to fix it.

Wednesday she got up early and went to her apartment. For a good portion of the morning she cleaned her drawers out and put her clothes in suitcases and out her shoes in boxes. Her bedroom was in boxes by the time she was finished. She took a quick shower and got dressed. She put on a cute top with a tight pencil skirt and pumps.

She went downtown but she went to the bank first to get the paperwork she needed from them. She drove by the cafe her exboyfriend would be waiting out and before she knew it she was parked and walking in. She just needed closure and this would give her the closure she needed to be with Jake.
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