Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake shook his head confused. "No baby. I don't want you staying in a hotel. Especially by yourself. Come with me. It's okay. I'll just drive now so you can rest. I don't mind. If it gets to hurt too bad I'll wake you up and let you take over. Okay?" He kissed her cheek before getting out of the car.

Going in to use the restroom and stretch his legs a bit. Coming back to the car he grabbed a water from the back cooler.

He went to the driver side. "I'm ready as soon as you get out of my seat." He wasn't going to get in the car again unless it was in the driver seat. "You need to rest. Plus I know where I'm going. I also got a good nap in."
She sighed, "If you ae feeling up to it then fine. I just don't want to take a five minute nap and then have to switch again." Sh smiled when he kissed her cheek and let him think about it while he went to the bathroom.

She got out of the car when he came to the driver's side. "As long as you are sure." She said softly and moved to the passenger seat. She put her hood on to block out the sunlight with her sunglasses and closed her eyes. In no time she was sleeping soundly in the passenger seat.

She didn't realise how tired she was. It didn't help that she was starting to crash from the energy drink.
Jake let Adri sleep for a few hours. He had rock music playing quietly. It was loud enough for him but was quiet to let her sleep. It wasn't to difficult to drive with his arm hurting. It was a tolerable pain and with being his right arm it wasn't too bad.

Once he was about a half hour from his home he placed his hand on Adri. "Baby...Adri...we're a half hour out babe. Figured you'd wanna see the pretty view. The nice stretch of farmland and mountains."

The view was what he missed about home. Vegas was nice and all but nothing beat the mountains. "This is what I meant about farmland." He smiled and glanced at from time as he drove.
She woke up and stretched her arms up over her head. It was a nice nap. She moved her seat up and let the blanket fall to her lap. She looked the window and nodded her head, "It's beautiful babe." She with a yawn.

She smiled at him and kept looking out the window. "How's your arm?" She asked softly and popped her neck.

"Do you want me to drive you home? I'm up now. I can take over if you want me too."
Jake shrugged at her question. It was hurting but wouldn't hurt him any less where she was sitting. "We don't have much farther to go baby. I'm okay finishing." His hand went palm side up on her leg to hold her hand.

Once they got to his town he smiled a bit. "This is it babe. This is my hometown. Black Hawk, Colorado." He started pointing out little places around town. Churches, bars, stores, the school. He made a few turns and there were only a few traffic lights in the whole town. "You could just about walk anywhere you wanted to go in town." He then pointed out the ice cream parlor and pizza place. "Those were big places to go on dates at." He smiled at her.

He turn another turn. "This is my street." After driving a few blocks her slowed down and turned into a driveway to a two story home. "This is it... You ready?"
"If you say so." She said softly and held his hand.

She looked at all of the places he pointed at with a smile. She brought his hand up and kissed his knuckles. "It's cute little town." She smiled at him and looked out the window again. "Are you going to take me on a ice cream date? You know the best way to my heart is through my sweet tooth." She gave his hand a soft squeeze.

They got to his house and she pulled down the sunvisor. She used the mirror to check out her hair and makeup before they went in. She smiled at Jake and took a deep breath. "I'm really nervous." She laughed and got out of the car with him. She took his hand in hers again. She used him as a safety net and tried not to let her nerves get the best of her.

"Good luck kiss?" She asked softly before he knocked.
Jake smiled at her question about a ice cream date. "I could totally take you out on a date, but I do more than just ice cream." He smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

Once he parked he smiled at her checking herself out. "Baby you look beautiful. Don't worry." He caressed her hand before getting out of the car. Once he grabbed her hand again he then brought her's to his lips and kissed it softly.

At the door he stopped and kissed her slow and softly. "I love you...don't be so nervous. They will love you...well Amy will but mom doesn't even like me sometimes." He teased and turned the knob.

"Hey...anyone home? Aim? Mom?" Just then Amy came practically running down the stairs and his mom came into the living room from the kitchen. He laughed a bit as Amy screamed and ran over to give him a huge hug. Jake let go of Adri's hand and hugged his sister. She had the same color of hair as Jake and was rather skinny like Adri, "When did you get into town? What are you doing here?"

"We just got here... For a visit for a few days."

His mom just stood right into the living room from the kitchen wiping her hands on a towel. She also had light blonde hair, she had stress induced wrinkles and just looked exhausted and a bit angry, but she forced a smile, "I wish you would have called the house is a mess. I could have cleaned. And you brought company the courteous thing to do Jacob is to call someone." The house honestly just looked lived in but not dirty. They didn't have a mess anywhere at least not in the living room that Jake could see.

"Ma, I wanted to surprise you. The house is fine." He turned a bit to Adri. "Speaking of company...I brought my assistant and girlfriend, Adriana. Babe this is my mom and sister." Amy went over and gave her a hug. Jake was kicking himself, he should have warned her that Amy was a hugger. "Nice to finally meet you, Jake's talked a lot about you."

Jake looked at his mother before walking over and asking her quietly, "Are you seriously going to be pissed at me? Or you going to give me a hug?" She gave him a hug but was still clearly a bit annoyed. He glanced at Amy and Adri and rolled his eyes a bit.
"Shouldn't you knock?" She asked but he opened the door. She supposed he did live here so it wasn't really intruding. She entered the house with him and smiled when his stater came rushing to his arms. She let go of her security blanket and stood off into the back as he said hello to his family.

She told him to cll and she would tell him her 'I told you so' later. She would have been just as upset if he came to her place unannounced. For now, she was just happy to be out of the car.

She smiled when he introduced her and she stood by his side. His mother wasn't in the welcoming mood but Amy scooped her into a hug and she hugged her right back. "All good things I hope." Adri laughed and smiled at his mother. "You guys can call me Adri. Every one else does."

She trie dnont to smile when he rolled his eyes behind his mother's back. "Jake and actually brought something for the both of you. I forgot it in the car but I will go get them. I think you two are going to be really proud of him." She went out to the car and popped the trunk. She grabbed the gift baskets she made them and took them back into the house. She gave each lady one and went back to Jake's side.
Amy assured Adri it was only good things. Amy then asked how the drive was while Adri went out to the car. When she came back in he wrapped his arm around her as they opened them. Amy was obviously thrilled and excited, "Jake this is so awesome. You have your own signature shirts through them? This is so cool. I'm very proud of my big brother. Ooo an autographed picture. I'm definitely keeping ahold of this." She giggled a bit and told Adri how good the baskets were put together.

Jake looked at his mom as she just kind of looked through the stuff and didn't say a word. "Not your style Ma?" His mother, Eileen, looked at him, "I don't want to support my son getting beat up for a living, you knew this." She tossed them aside and he looked away sighing already getting annoyed trying not to blow a gasket. "Yeah well Adri worked hard on putting it all together for you. I thought you'd at least like a shirt with my name on it." She looked at him, "No you mean your father's name on it who has been nonexistent in your life." He rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. "That's not my fault. I've not been here 20 minutes...and you already are laying in. Now you know why I never come home." Amy sighed and looked at Adri apologetically, "You thirsty? Want to come pick something out of the kitchen with me?" Amy was trying to get Adri out of the middle of a soon to be heated argument. She got up and walked to the kitchen. "Let them argue it out and hopefully they will be fine. I'm so sorry you have to see her like this...great first impression eh?" She opened the fridge for Adri, "What sounds good."

"I bring my girlfriend home because I'm excited to show you how well I'm doing and for her to meet you and you got to be all pissy the minute I walk in the door. Sorry, yes I should have called but I thought you'd be happy to at least see me, hell Amy was happy why can't you? Would it kill you to be happy for me just once in my life?"

His mother shook her head and this time rolled her eyes. "My son chose to get beat up for a living, why would I be happy about that? We've been through this Jake."

"You didn't seem to care that I got beat up as a kid. Why do you care now."

"That is unfair Jacob!"

"Is it? You know my whole life that piece of shit told me I'd be nothing. MY name is on that shirt. MINE. I'm finally something and my mother can't even be a tad bit proud of me."

"I don't understand why you'd walk around as a Daniels but threw a fit when your stepfather wanted to adopt you. You father hasn't been around that's a slap in the face to your stepfather. The man who raised you."

Jake shook his head almost laughing. "The man that raised me? You still are protecting him...he didn't raise me he beat me. I would rather them call the name of a man who was nonexistent than a man that beat me." He shook his head. "You are unbelievable. You are making a total ass of yourself in front of my girlfriend...the woman who put a lot of time and effort into planning this trip so if you'd at least pretend to care that would be great. Then I'll be out of your hair and you can go back to hating me." He started for the kitchen his temper was boiling.
"There's more than his shirt and picture in there Mrs..." She didn't want to call her Daniels and she wasn't sure of her husband's last name so she let the sentence die off. She looked from Jake to his mother and could already see where he got the stubbornness from. It wasn't his stepfather. "I wouldn't want a bunch of shirt with his face on it since I get to see it everyday. You guys grew up with this face so I put some Las Vegas shirts in there too. And a magnet for the fridge." She said trying to defuse the situation.

She followed Amy to the kitchen because that really wasn't her battle to fight. She rubbed Jake's back before she left and she bit her cheek. "It's fine. Nobody has a perfect family." She shrugged her shoulder and sat at the kitchen table. "I'll take a water."

It was hard to ignore the blow up happening in the room next to them. She was starting to think the baskets were a bad idea. Maybe it was too much for a first visit. Amy loved hers but Adri could have done something different for his mother.

"Jake talks about you a lot you know? He wants you to come visit. Maybe see a fight, but don't tell your mother I said that." She whispered the last sentence and winked at Amy. "I can take you to the mall and we can go gambling. I'm sure your brother will pay for anything you want to do but may I suggest using a code name for Thunder Down Under? I really don't think he'd appreciate me taking you a strip club."
Amy grabbed a water and handed it to her before sitting across from her at the table with one of her own. "I would love to come visit but I feel wrong about going and leaving my mother here alone. She will never travel there. OOooo a strip club huh? Wait. Does he even like you going?" She laughed a bit.

Jake walked in and went to the fridge. He noticed his mom still bought junk, he knew Amy also wanted to eat healthy. He grabbed a water. He shook his head and looked at the girls. "I see mom hasn't changed."

A few minutes later his mother walked in. "I'm sorry I just don't appreciate having company without any warning. I didn't want a dirty house to give a bad impression but I'm sure my loud mouth did enough of that on it's own. " She walked over and shook Adri's hand. "I'm Eileen Sanders. You can call me Eileen or mom." She smiled warmly at her and Jake looked at her with confusion across his face. What the hell is going on? He looked at Amy like what hell? It was like she made a 180. She either was sorry or she was extremely bipolar and Jake couldn't figure out which. His head just shook and rolled his eyes. "You guys staying for dinner? I'm sure I have stuff to make beef and noodles and pototoes. Do you need me to go get a place set up for you to stay? Or did you get a hotel?" She offered a smile as Amy looked at Jake confused too.

"Adri got us a hotel room. We will be back tomorrow though." She smiled at them. "Oh okay."

Jake looked at Adri, "Want to see my old room?"
Adri laughed, "i e been to one but not while I have been with Jake. He takes up a lot of my time." She smiled at her. Jake was right. She did like Amy. She didn't know why she was so nervous meet them. Those nerves seemed silly now.

"It's totally fine. I told Jake to call first but he wanted to surprise you guys." Adri smiled warmly at the woman and looked at Jake.

She nodded her head, "I'd love too." She stood up from the kitchen table and walked over to Jake. "You aren't going to make me clean it are you?" She teased.
"Sorry I wanted to surprise everyone. Won't happen again..." He rolled his eyes again and let out a sigh.

Jake smiled. "I won't make you clean it." He took her hand and headed upstairs. He went into the first room to the right. There were sports posters hung up everywhere. The walls were blue and he had a desk in the one corner with a picture of him and some girl. The bed bad a plaid comforter on it. "I'm honestly surprised neither of them have changed it yet." A few pictures of him in high school and younger. "I should have hid these pictures first." He shook his head a bit embarrassed.

"Baby I'm really sorry about my mom." He shook his head. "It's probably not over either. I swear she's bipolar." He wrapped his arms around her kissing her softly.
She stood in the middle of the room and looked around. It was cleaner than she thought it would be, just a little dusty. She smiled at him when she saw the pictures of him in his youth. "You were a cute kid." She kissed his cheek and sat on his bed. "No, I like seeing your baby pictures. Even if you aren't really a baby in them." She laughed.

It was her turn to shake her head, "Don't worry about it baby." she stood up and wrapped her arms around him. "I like to think that she changed because she really likes me." She laughed.

"We can stay for dinner if you want. We have to check in before midnight but we have plenty of time for you to catch up and eat some home cooked food."
He moved hair from her face and kissed her slowly. "She probably does like you. She likes you more than she likes me." His forehead leaned on hers and he tried not to show he was hurting a bit.

"Ma does make a mean beef and noodle dinner. It's honestly my favorite." He smiled a bit. He really was missing his mom and sister but after arguing with his mom he kind of wondered why he came home. He hoped he didn't start regretting it.

"Anything else you want to do tonight before we check in? If you need to leave to rest just give me the word and we can go." He stole more kisses from her. "Hey were kissing in my bedroom..." He wiggled his eye brows at her with a smile. "We could break in the bed..."
She smiled and kissed him again, "Then let's stay for dinner. Your sister kissed you. Spend some time with her. she is very interested in traveling. She just doesn't want to leave your mother here alone. Do you think we can convince her to come down for a trip to the spa? Or should we wait a while?" She rubbed his cheek and scratched at his light stubble for the day.

"I kind of want ice cream. Cookie dough or mint chocolate chip. Or both." She told him and bit her bottom lip. "Maybe we can leave a little after dinner and get some ice cream. We deserve a treat after all the driving we did."

She moaned softly as he continued to kiss her. "I'm surprised you haven't pushed me to the bed yet." She laughed. "Don't tempt me in your mother's house." She whispered against his lips and looked into his eyes. "It's not nice and it's not how I imagined our first time. Trust me it will be worth the wait. I'll light candles and get roses and make it all nice and romantic." She rubbed his back and sighed. "I promise, you'll love every second of it."
"We can bring the spa up to Amy. I'll work on her but won't go...and I honestly don't want her to come and stress me out." He would just tell her they were leaving if she got too bad and fought with him too much.

Jake laughed a bit. "Both huh? You know those are my teo favorite kinds too? So stopping is a must."

Jake nodded at Adri. He knew nothing would happen at hid mom's and figured not till they probably got their new house. He wasn't rushing her and he understood her hesitation with it. "I know. I was only kidding, I honestly was talking about a real nap in a bed." He kissed her cheek.

He walked back down to the kitchen where his mom was cooking and Amy started to talk shopping with Adri. Jake sat at the table listening to the girls before leaning over to Adri. "Is that medicine in the car baby?"
"She loves you. She just has a different way of showing it." She shrugged her shoulder. "I don't want your mom to feel left out and I don't want Amy to feel guilty for leaving her." She said softly. It could be a really fun girls trip if Amy came on her own though.

"I was hoping you would say yes." She laughed.

"If we take a nap we won't sleep tonight." She kissed his cheek when he kissed hers. They went back downstairs and she offered to help Jake's mom but was shot down, in a relatively friendly manner. So she went to Amy and they easily started a conversation. First it was about her first, rude, encounter with Jake and then it turned to shopping.

"Yes. Should be in the cup holder. Don't take more than four. I gave two earlier."
Amy just laughed at the encounter. "That's Jake. Especially before he lets someone close to him. But he can be a jerk at times..." She shot him a look and he wasn't amused. He didn't really care for them talking about him right in front of him.

He looked at Adri, "What would happen if I did?" He looked at her confused but then went out to the car. His mother looked at Adri when he walked out. "Why does he need medicine for? Why is his arm wrapped up? He got hurt didn't he? I've told him fighting isn't the thing to do. He could pick any other profession but no he picking fighting. He's gonna end up with a bunch of kids and be too punch drunk to take care of them." Eileen shook her head.

Amy looked at their mother, "He's good at what he does...lay off a little. Plus Adri seems to keep him in line and take care of him." She turned to Adri. "You have him wrapped around your little finger. He would do anything for you. I can see it." She smiled at her.

Jake grabbed two pills saving two for later and took them. He stretched his neck and arm a bit before going bsck inside. His mom yelled at him to set the table.
"You're not supposed to take more than 8 a day. I gave you two strong pills this morning. Two when we bought the bottle. Just don't try it. Okay?" She watched him leave and looked at his mother when she started to berate Jake. "It's not that bad of an injury. He is more upset that he can't train than anything."

She looked at Amy for some help and Amy came to the rescue. "I am trying. He can be a handful sometimes though." She said softly and then looked over her shoulder to make sure Jake didn't hear her. She was starting to see what Jake meant by his mother not being supportive. She felt bad for him. She kind of knew how it felt. Her parents, her entire family, wasn't supportive of the minor modeling career she had. It didn't feel good to feel like you weren't good enough. She hoped he didn't feel that way and she really hoped his mother didn't rub off on him while they were here.

She helped Jake set the table as much as she could. If he couldn't do something with his arm, she was there to help. She kissed the top of his arm supportively and sat down next to Amy again. "Any embarrassing stories of Jake that you would like to tell? I am sure my brothers will fill him on all of the embarrassing things I did in my youth."
Jake shot Amy a look. She just giggled, "I have lots of stories. I doubt you will be here long enough though. Hmmm...let's see."

Jake walked over, "Remember pay backs suck." He crossed his arms waiting.

"He used to talk in his sleep and I'd have random and crazy conversations with him. I will never forget the time he told me he wanted to be a superhero. So I asked him what his special powers would be, he said 'being me, duh.'" She laughed.

"I was smart in my sleep. It's hard work being me."

"Yeah the second was coloring tough guy."

"I was probably like what 8...leave me alone." He smiled.

"He also wanted to be a Ninja turtle even through jr high."

"Ninja turtles are still cool..."

Eileen put the pans of food on the table. "Alright you two...enough. Time to eat." Jake sat down next to Adri. His mother made beef n noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans and gravy. She asked them what they wanted to drink. Jake stuck with water and Amy said grace fast so they could eat. Jake cut in, in no time. He wad pretty hungry and missed her cooking.
Adri laughed, "That sounds like something he would say now." She smiled at Jake. "I'm glad you grew out of that." She laughed again and blew him a kiss. He would get her embarrassing stories soon. Her brothers had enough to fill a book.

"Please tell me Ninja Turtles is the nerdiest thing you are into." She begged teasingly.

She rubbed the back of his hand when he sat down next to her. After a quick grace they were digging into the food. Adri tied a little bit of everything. She was surprised by how good everything tasted. She wasn't doubting his mother's skills though. "Everything is delicious Eileen. Thank you for cooking." Adri smiled at the woman and had a sip of water.

Jake was eating like she hadn't fed him all day. The last time they ate was Chipotle though. After a nice filling meal, Adri sat back, "Would you like Jake and I to do the dishes?" She asked still trying to get on Eileen's good side.
Jake shook his head. "No, I love comics and any superheroes." He gave a dorky grin.

Eileen smiled at Adri, "You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. It's Jake's favorite." She kept eating and then shook her head at her offer to do dishes. "No no. I have it under control. You didn't come to do chores, but to visit."

Jake gave Adri a look for even offering for him. He kissed her cheek. "Please let me go for a run. Please? Just a quick one?"

Amy looked at them, "When you coming over tomorrow."
Adri shook her head, "You know what, you can do what you want. You have asked me to run multiple times and I gave you the same answer each time. If you want to run go ahead. I don't think you should but it's your arm. I'm not your mom. I'm not your doctor. Do what you want." She shrugged her shoulder and let him sit with that answer.

If he came back hurting it was his fault. He was a grown man though. Maybe he needed to learn by trying himself and seeing why it was a bad idea. It would be very annoying if he was hurt longer because of a dumb mistake but it was all on him.

Adri shrugged her shoulder and looked from her to Jake, "Afternoon most likely. I don't know about him but I will most likely sleep in."
Jake knew Adri was a bit tired of him asking to go for a run by her response. "Okay... I'm sorry. I just don't want to get too behind." He kissed her cheek. "You're right, I probably shouldn't."

His mother looked at him, "You don't need to be training anyway. You already got hurt. How did it happen?"

Jake sighed. "A armbar. But I won the fight."

"You just messed up your arm...when you going to give it up Jake?"

"Not for awhile so can we maybe just let it go? Either support me or just be quiet about it please?"

"Sorry I don't like the idea of my son getting hurt."

He shook his head and bit his tongue. Amy looked at Adri, "Where do you do your shopping?" Her next question was about make up. It was partly to change the subject from Jake and Eileen. His mother didn't want to let it go. "You are stupid for fighting you know that? Who chooses to fight for fun. Don't whine to me about your step father keeping you in line when you jump into a ring on your own to get beat up."

Jake was fuming. He put his fork down his appetite was gone. He looked at Amy and then Adri. His sister stepped in, "Mom...we have a polite..."

Jake's leg started jack hammering in and he was ready to blow a gasket.

"I'm just speaking the truth. He whines about his so rough up bringing but then choses to fight on his own...doesn't make sense."
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