Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake let his hand play with hers as his hand continued to run through her hair. "I just hope maybe they will at least let me run. I don't have to start using my arm to bench press or anything but just let me work out somewhat." He chuckled a bit. "My baby has been feeding me good food and I'm going to get fat. Then she won't find me as sexy anymore." He smiled a bit.

As soon as Jake heard she wanted to do it he wouldn't protest. "What do I think? Hmmm." He leaned down and kissed her lips softly before leaning back again. "I think you should do it if that's what you want to do. I hope you aren't gone long when you travel. Or maybe I could travel with you." It would be nice for them both to travel. He wanted to see sites with Adri, their road trip together was nice. He could train could work out anywhere. If he was training it may be a bit harder but she supported him, it was his turn to support her.

"I support whatever you want to do. You reassured me you wouldn't quit. You're with me until I retire and that was my main concern so, I'm excited for you. Plus my baby is freaking hot so no wonder all these people want her modeling for them." It was his turn to be proud of his girlfriend.
"You can always lift the two pound weights." She teased and rubbed his hand between hers. "You're getting stronger. I am sure you will feel much better in a few days." She agreed to them gaining weight. They weren't being as health conscious as they used to be. "We do need to get back on the diet and I was thinking of taking a kickboxing class. A full body workout to get me in shape. Plus we have a gym now so maybe I can hire a personal trainer to come here. We may not have a ring but we are getting mats, that's good enough right?" She asked.

"I would never be gone too long. If I am doing bathing suits again I need to be by a beach with golden sand. Or maybe that pink sand beach again. Who knows. I can't be by the pool all the time though." She shrugged her shoulder. "I'd love for you to come with. When I'm not working we can be tourists." She laughed.

She kissed the back of his hand, "I'll probably be with you longer than that, Jake. I'll call them tomorrow and let them know I am ready to work but that means we go back to your healthy diet tomorrow. I have a few pounds to lose."
"Will you spot me with two pounders just in case?" He smiled at her. "Baby why take a kickboxing class when your boyfriend knows mixed martial arts?" He looked at her confused. "I can teach you stuff. If the doctor okays me working out than we can work out together. That means if you can keep up." He said playfully to her. "Yeah we need to get back to the binder. I've been bad. Really bad."

Jake looked at her. "What pink sand beach? These suits how revealing are they?"

"Let me up baby." He kissed her with a long deep kiss. He went and grabbed some pillows and blankets and tossed them on the floor before starting a fire in the living room. "Let's sleep here tonight." He grinned at her.
"Of course. I'd hate for you to get hurt." She tessedWe can try to work out together but I don't want to over work you when you are training or anything." She said softly. "If you are up for it then let's do it. We can go to the store and get the stuff I need and then we can start when you are healthy. But I do need to start working out soon." She grumbled.

"There are a bunch of them. They are so pretty. I'll take you to one." She winked at him. "Depends on the suit." She shrugged her shoulder. "The good part is what ever I model will be made for me and I get to take them home. So you get to see me in those bikinis at home by our brand new big pool."

She sat up after their kiss and laid back down after he left. "Ooh so romantic." She laughed and started to spread out the blankets.

"You can look at my digital portfolio if you want. I just have to grab my iPad."
"We can always play it by ear too. If I have a fight coming up we can have someone take over. But it would be fun. We can spar." He grinned. "I can teach you some wrestling moves. But no cheating. You fight dirty." He grinned at her remembering their fighting match in their old living room and how he told her he loved her.

Jake smiled at her. "I would love it if you take me to one. That would be nice." He looked out the window. "Shit I forgot about our pool...and hot tub...." The wheels started turning. "We could go sit in the hot tub for a bit...before bed." He grinned at her and kissed her softly.

"I would love to look at your portfolio babe. Do I get any sexy pics just for myself?" He grinned at her and pulled her back to him for a kiss.
"If you teach me how to fight, I won't have to cheat." She told him and smiled. "And I only cheat because you won't let me win." She reminded.

She looked up at him and saw the wheels turning in his head. "Aren't you tired? I've been sleeping on a couch. I've spent my days packing bags. We can get in the hot tub tomorrow. Right now, I want you on this floor." She patted the spot next to her on the floor and fluffed her pillow. She covered up in a blanket and slipped out of her clothes. She tossed them bay Jake's feet and smiled at him. "These are my ready for bed clothes in case you haven't noticed." She told him and tucked the blanket under her legs.

"Of course I'll take some sexy photos for you one day." She smiled at him and kissed him back. She got up to get her ipad and then she brought it back to Jake. She flipped to her photos and let him flip through them. There were various levels of modeling. Some catalogue stuff with cute outfits for each season. Some face shots with minimal make up. Then the bikini pics came and it started off in one pieces, then he typical bikini by the pool or beach photos from that they progressed into the micro-bikini's that her family wasn't proud of. After that came the 'covering my boobs with arm/hands' pictures, some showing off the butt pictures.It was a big portfolio but variety was key when you were trying to get a job.
"I think you'd still cheat." He grinned at her. "I know you."

Jake let out a bit of moan as she got out of her clothes. "You want me on the floor huh...well I better listen then." He took off his clothes since she took hers off. He wanted them to both be wearing their bed clothes. He kissed her should before she got up. His eyes looked her over though when she went to get her Ipad.

When she came back he leaned his head against her as he started flipping through the pics. He liked a lot of them up until the micro-bikini' pics. Well he liked them. She was sexy as hell and loved looking at them but really didn't like the fact other people saw his girlfriend that way. "" He was kind of quiet but something was clearly wrong. "Please tell me you aren't doing this kind of modeling." He looked at her with the micro bikini pics up. "Baby you are sexy and but..." He let out a sigh.
She watched him flip through the pics and she told him which ones were her favorites and where some of the pictures were taken. When they got to the micros she felt him tense him and she rubbed his thigh.

"It's what the company sells, baby. I don't know if I will be in micros again. I do what they tell me to do." She said softly. "I can request not to do micros. I know my family doesn't want me to do them. When I was single it wasn't that big of a deal. Now, I see why it could be." She shrugged her shoulder, "I will see what I can do. If I have to do micros then I will do as few as possible. Okay?"

She looked into his eyes and kissed him softly. "I can wear one of my old ones in the pool tomorrow." She offered. "But they aren't really for swimming."
Jake looked at her. She was trying to compromise and it meant a lot that she would try not to do them or do as little as possible. "Thank you" He said softly. He wondered when the had kids and they got older if they came across some of those pics what they would say. But then again everyone does things they probably shouldn't at some point in their life and she supported him and going after his dream, he had to support her doing what she enjoyed as well. "That means a lot that would try to do that baby."

Jake kissed her back and thought about it a moment. "I could go for my own private little show even. You could try some on again and show me in person what they look like." He kissed Adri again before smiling at her. "I was thinking more like you could be naked in our pool tomorrow." He grinned at her.

Jake set her Ipod on the couch once he was finished looking through all the pictures. He wrapped his arm around her and snuggled in close. "Do we have stuff for you to make me breakfast in our new kitchen tomorrow?"
"I could give you a little fashion show. I'd have to find my bikini box first though." She smiled and wrapped an arm around him. She rolled her eyes, "I feel like I should have known that was going to be the request of the day. I'll think about it." She promised.

"I will make eggs and toast with bacon tomorrow morning before your doctors appointment. Then we need to go grocery shopping for healthy food. I found this diet called Whole Thirty. It will get our bodies back to normal from there we can get back one ur binder of recipes. It going to be so much fun." She said sarcastically.

"We have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow. Doctors, groceries, boxing gear, unpacking and the pool. I don't know how we will fit it all in. We might have to go swimming at night." She stroked his side with her thumb. "Are you swimming naked too or just me?"
"I will go find that box right now!" He pretended to get up before kissing her again. "Of course it was my request for the day. Hell you can be naked all day every day at home." His lips pressed harder against hers.

"Eggs are healthy. What is this diet? I do miss my after workout shakes. I know this sexy and amazing woman who makes the best of them." He nipped at her neck. "Are you on the new diet?"

Jake thought it over. "We can swim anytime. Night would be fine. Hell it could be fun. With the lights on. The hot tub may even help my elbow." Then he really thought over her question. "Oh hell yeah I'm swimming naked. I have my own pool. I may never wear a suit unless I have to." He chuckled a bit.
"We have to eat a certain way. Like if we wanted bacon then it would have to be real bacon. None of that gmo stuff. All fruits and veggies have to be organic. We can't eat candy or junk food. I don't remember what else, there are a long list of rules. But by then end of it all of that bad stuff is flushed out of our bodies. It's like starting over." She nodded her head, "we will both be on the new diet."

She rolled her eyes, "Oh god. I can just imagine you stripping down every night and getting into the pool." She laughed.

"We need to hire a pool boy and a maid. I can't work two jobs and clean this place. We should throw a house warming party too. We can invite Diaz and Luke and the guys at the gym. Your sister and mother. My daily and friends. It will be fun."
Jake nodded a bit. "Sounds good to me. I've been eating way too much junk the way it is. I've never been this bad on my diet. I blame you for it." He grinned a bit at Adri. "If you weren't such a good cook I wouldn't eat so much." He smiled and kissed her softly.

"Why are you making fun of me stripping down every night? What's wrong with how I look naked?" He looked at himself getting a bit self conscious. "Is it because I haven't worked out?"

"I don't want a pool boy here for him to check you out. Now a maid...that would be nice. But she has to wear a french maid's outfit though." Jake teased. "We can hire someone since you will be working so much. A party sounds nice. We can invite a lot of the fighters. But we are not inviting my mom. Were you in Colorado for that?" He smiled and kissed her shoulder. "It would be nice to invite your family though."
"You need to have more self control, obviously." She kissed him back and laid her head on her pillow.

"I'm not making fun of you. You can swim all you want Jake but maybe you should wear some trunks. At least a little speedo." She smiled and kissed his shoulder, "There is nothing wrong with you. I just don't want to have to drag you out of the pool every night."

She rolled her eyes, "If you get a maid in a french maid costume I get a pool boy in a speedo." She smiled at the thought and looked at Jake. "Or they will both be fully clothed and only here to do their job then leave. All the pool boy will do is clean everything out, check the chlorine levels and leave. Sometimes drain the pool and really clean it."

She shrugged her shoulder, "She might like to see the new house. You can extend the invitation. If she doesn't take it then she doesn't take it. They are ready to meet you. It will be an interesting party to say the least. Maybe we should invite them early so you guys can meet before everyone comes."
He gave Adri a look. "I have self control. If I was working out it wouldn't matter so much what I ate. But the fact I'm just eating crap and not doing anything to get that weight off is what is killing me."

" What is a 'little' speedo going to do for me? May as well be naked. And if I can't work out or do certain things, the pool could actually help. Also the hot tub would definitely help with muscle aches and pain. That may be one of the best things in the house for me as a fighter. What would it hurt sitting in the hot tub for a half hour a day? Plus you and I could have fun in that hot tub and pool. Just saying." His fingertips brushed up and down her body.

Jake smiled. "Fine they can do their jobs and leave. I can do some of the pool work too. Just because I have money doesn't mean I want to hire someone to do my house work all the time. I like having a house to do that stuff. I want to mow my own hard from time to time. Plus tell me you wouldn't like to be drinking a glass of wine watching me mow the yard with my shirt off." He smiled at her and kissed her shoulder.

He let out a huge sigh. "Really? Why do you have to do that? Why do you have to be so nice and try to...I don't know make things better between her and I? She drives me nuts. Do you really think my mom and a bunch of fighters in the same house makes sense and I don't want your family meeting her like that. Plus I thought you were taking me to Sunday dinner? What happened to that?" He kissed and nipped at her neck.
"It's not for you." She said about the speedo and giggled. "Leave a little to the imagination. Come on speedos are sex when they are on the right toe of body and you, my dear, have the right type of body." Her hand slipped down and cupped his butt. "Sexy." She shrugged her shoulder to the hot tub, "Just don't come into the house all pruny from staying in the water too long. It feels weird and looks weird."

She bit her bottom lip to him doing yard work, "In blue jeans that sit low on your hips?" She nodded her head to that. "That is the only way you can do yard from now on." She said softly and kissed him. The fireplace was just the right type of romantic. It wasn't too hot with the blankets around them. It was nice and peaceful.

"Because she's your mother." Adri laughed. "She's supposed to drive you nuts." She sighed and thought it over. "So maybe that scenario isn't the best but you should invite her to see the house." She nodded her head to dinner, "We can still go. We have to get you a shirt and slacks. Some thing to show off that booty."
"Baby...there isn't much to leave to the imagination with me and a speedo..." He smiled a bit. He wasn't exactly small. "How about I have a speedo for just you and then normal trunks for when company is over?" His lips pressed against hers. "I won't stay out there too wouldn't love me all pruny?" He grinned at her.

Jake laughed a bit. "I can handle jeans. Only for you love." He gave her neck another little kiss.

"Well she succeeds in that. Fine, I'll invite her. Just for you. She won't come though so I guess it doesn't matter. You really like my ass that much?" Jake crawled over her and kissed her slowly and deeply. His tongue brushing over hers as his hips pressed against hers gently. Laying with her under the covers and the fireplace was starting to turn him on more than it initially did.
"But it's sexy to me." She pouted. "Don't you want to be sexy to me?" She rubbed the happy trail below his belly button and snapped his boxers against his skin. She kissed him back and laughed. "I would love you from afar."

She giggled when he kissed her neck, "No boxers. Just blue jeans that hang low and your sexy sweaty body." She laughed.

"It doesn't matter if she comes or not. If she sees you extending the effort she may come around eventually."

She nodded her head, "I can tell you squat." She squeezed it again and kissed him back. She wrapped her arms and legs around him. Sure there weren't flower petals sprinkled on the floor but that was probably a bit much anyways. She continued to kiss him passionately and tugged him down so their bodies were pressed against each other as much as possible.
Jake laughed a bit. "Hey be nice..." He nipped her neck as she snapped his boxers.

"I can handle that. As long as you cook naked for me sometime." He grinned at her with a little chuckle.

"Okay...okay. Stop being so damn smart about it..." He rolled his eyes though had a smile on his face.

Jake smiled. "I work hard for my body. I want you to find me attractive..." He said quietly before pressing his body against her own. His tongue slid over hers as they kissed deep and passionately. His kisses then broke and he moved to kiss and suck on her neck. His hand undoing her bra before sliding the straps down her shoulders as his lips followed them off her shoulder.
"I always find you attractive." She said softly and rubbed his back. she moved her bra away so it wasn't between them. She brought her hands up and ran one hand through his blonde hair. The other went back down and squeezed his firm ass.

"I want you." She whispered in his ear and looked into his eyes.

She raised her head and kissed him softly. She built the kiss into more and pushed his boxers down as much as she could.
He grinned when she squeezed his ass. She was good at making him feel attractive and guys like that, especially Jake who put a lot of time into being fit.

When he heard her words he leaned up and looked into her eyes. "I want you." He whispered back before kissing her passionately. He used his legs to kick his boxer briefs down the rest of the way and off of him.

His lips kept kissing her as his tongue searched for hers. Once it did he let it play with hers gently. His hands grabbing her panties and sliding them down and off of her. His body lifting up just slightly to get them off of her. He then lowered himself back onto her and the more they kissed his hand slid over her body and he started to grow hard against her.
She put her hand between and took a hold of his growing cock and stroked it to life. She felt it pulse in her hand plenty of times now she was going to feel it inside of her. She was excited. She wanted to feel it now.

She kissed him with a hunger she felt for him. She raised her hips so he could get underwear off and once they were off they were free to be together. She wrapped her legs around his waist and maneuvered his cock around so all he had to do was slip inside of her.

In the heat of the moment she was thinking about a condom or if she took her pill this morning. She always did so it wasn't something she had to worry about it.

"I love you so much." She whispered to him.
He let out a moan into her mouth as he started to stroke him. Another moan escaped as she moved him right to her entrance. She was wet and he couldn't wait to find out how she felt around him. He had felt her plenty of times but never with his cock.

He looked into her eyes with a smile. "I love you too, so much." He kissed her softly before slowly thrusting himself into her with a bit of a moan. His eyes stayed locked on hers until he was completely in her.

Jake didn't worry about a condom or pill cause he trusted her and honestly if she got pregnant he wouldn't mind it much. But he was more wrapped up in their moment to worry about it.

His hips kept thrusting into her slowly and gently at first.
She moaned as he started to thrust. He felt much better than she thought he would. It was a snug fit but not unpleasantly so. This was a big step for her. For their relationship as well. She was happy to make it with him.

She started to raise her hips to meet his thrusts. She rubbed his back and kissed his lips or kissed along his shoulder and neck. When she was ready to go harder she used her legs to pull him in tighter.

She knew she would cum soon after waiting so long for real sex. Of course what they had been doing was fun but it was only natural for her to want more. She moaned softly and kissed him again.
Jake was happy he didn't push her into just doing it at anytime. This was special for them, really he probably couldn't think of a better way or time to do have sex with his girl. The fire was nice and romantic, hearing the crackle as he moved in and out of her slowly. The glow from the light the fire gave off on Adri's face as he kissed her softly.

Once she used her legs to pull him closer he started thrust a bit harder into her. He let out moans and pleasured groans. His breathing deepened as he moved in and out of her. She felt so tight and amazing around him. It was nice feeling her lips on his shoulder and neck, he too kissed and nipped at her neck, sucking softly.

Everything they had done before was nice and he enjoyed but finally being inside her felt amazing. Jake too, probably wouldn't last long as it had been awhile since he had sex as well. He kissed her deeply letting his tongue play with hers as he moved into her a bit faster. His free hand moving down to pull her closer, going in her deeper, hitting her g spot as he was a bit curved.
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