Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

She laughed and rolled her eyes, "I did not mean right now. You will definitely be putting a ring on it before we have any babies. And it better be a big pretty ring." She flipped him off with her ring finger and kissed him.

"We did get a little crazy this month. No more crazy purchases and I guess I'm going to have to wait on getting the Louis bag too." She sighed and looked down at Max. "Worth it I think." She said softly.

She frowned and linked her ankles behind his back. "....where did you go?" She asked softly.
He let out a sigh. Great she had him trapped now with her legs wrapped around him. "Well see...At the store we got our new clothes at...that cashier was really flirtatious...she wanted to feel my muscles and stuff...That's kinda what you walked over after she asked that." He looked down as he put his hand in his pocket.

He pulled the receipt from his pocket. "She wrote her number down on my receipt." He thought a moment. "But um the reason I was gone so long was because I had to try to avoid that store because of that."

He leaned over and grabbed a shopping bag and handed it to her. "Because I went back for your Louis bag and wallet you wanted."
"Which was why it was so awkward when I came over." She nodded understanding what was going on at that point her heart started to race when he continued his story but it didn't take the turn she was expecting. "Avoid it?" She asked shaking her head.

"You didn't." She said softly and pulled out the smaller box. She could feel the tears pooling U.K. In her eyes and she pulled out her wallet. She knew the bag was the one she wanted with out even looking.

"Baby.." She wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you." She wiped her eyes and laughed. "I'm so lucky to have you." She kissed him again and looked at the wallet.

"You're the best you know that, right? I was supposed to get it myself." She pushed his shoulder and kissed him again. "Thank you."
He smiled and rubbed her legs when she opened her box. "It's the right one right? I got in there and panicked, that I wasn't getting the right one, they seem to look alike. That's the first time I've bought a purse."

He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "You are so welcome. Baby I feel like the lucky one. You are so good to me. I just wanted to do something nice for you." He kissed her softly. "Plus my baby has to look good right? Especially when you root on your man at fights."

Jake chuckled when she pushed him. "You said I'm the best then push me. That's not exactly nice." He laughed again and kissed her again slowly. "You are welcome. Does this mean I don't have to worry about flowers now? And am I getting lucky tonight?" He laughed as he teased her and looked to see what Max was doing.
"It's the one I wanted." She said and rubbed the wallet. "It wouldn't matter if it wasn't. You bought t for me. That's all that matters. I can wear it tonight when we go to dinner." She set her wallet on the counter.

"You don't have to worry about flowers and there is a strong chance that you are getting lucky tonight. If Max allows it." She added. They did have a puppy to think of now. And that puppy may have to use the bathroom while his parents were in the middle of doing their thing." She kissed him happily.

She rubbed his cheek, "We should take him for a run and then we should come back and start getting ready for dinner."
"That will be nice babe." He watched her. "I'm glad you would like a two grand purse regardless if it was the one you wanted or not." He teased. "One of the many perks of dating a fighter yeah?" He kissed her softly.

Jake kissed her back. "If he knows what is good for him he will allow it." Jake sat on the floor and Max ran over. "Yeah you think you can give Momma and Papa some alone time tonight? Please?" He scratched behind his ears.

"Baby...I have to get his kennel set up before we are leaving him alone. Do you think he can keep up with us? He is still kinda small. Maybe a walk?" He looked at Adri.
"Definitely but there are thing that I like better." She told him. "Like your butt." She reached back and gave it a squeeze. "And your arms." She rubbed his arms and gave them a squeeze too. "And you." She squeezed his lips to make them pucker and then she kissed them.

She hopped off of the counter and sat on the floor with them. "If we tire him out before bed I am sure he will let us have some alone time."

She looked at Max and tapped her fingers on the ground. She got him to play and she looked at Jake. "We are taking him with us. He doesn't need his kennel yet. Unless you want him to sleep in it at night." That would probably be best since he wasn't sleeping with her and Jake.

"We can take him on a walk or a soft jog. If we do a walk I don't have to change though. I think I can agree to a walk."
Jake stood there and let her basically molest him in their kitchen and just laughed as she touched his ass, arms, and then kissed him.

"Oh then in that case I'll take him on a five mile run before bed." He laughed a bit. "But you make a good point."

Jake looked her over as he played with her. "Depends if you are going to get up and keep an eye on him if he gets up. But he will also whine all night I'm sure. But he is not sleeping in bed with us tonight."

"Let's just go for a walk. Let him get used to the neighborhood before we go on a jog." He got up and started to ask Max if he wanted to go for a walk. The dog got super excited. "I think that is a yes." He held his hand out to help Adri up.
She smiled and took Jake's hand. She clipped the leash to the collar and gave Jake a plastic bag just in Max pooped on their walk. Soon those poops would be human sized or even bigger. She shuttered inwardly and grabbed her keys.

"It wasn't only nice for Max,but it was nice for them as well. They would get to see their neighbors and the other houses on the block. They lived in a quiet neighborhood full of million dollar homes. Most had established families living in them and weren't a young couple starting a family. She was pretty sure she and Jake were the youngest homeowners.

She spoke to their immediate neighbors' wives when she and Jake moved in and they were surprised by Jake's profession. She was pretty they saw her as a gold digger as well but she didn't really care what they thought. She had a job of her own. Two, in fact and only one relied on Jake's money.

"So my parents are ready for all of their kids to get married and start reproducing so I am sorry beforehand if they put you on the spot."
Jake put the bag in his back pocket and walked out of the house with Adri. "We need to teach him not to pull too much on the leash. We need to keep calling him by his name too so he learns it. And we need to discuss commands. Like Come, No, Lay, Sit. Whatever else we want."

He realized a lot of the neighbors thought he was crazy for being a fighter but hey, honestly it was a profession and he worked hard if not harder then some people to get where he is. He went from a small town in Colorado to living in a house worth over a million dollars. Jake laced his fingers with Adri's as he grabbed her hand.

Jake let out a laugh when she mentioned marriage and kids. "Well I'll be ready with an answer. Don't worry. I can hold my own." He kissed her shoulder before watching Maximus.
"High five. Play dead. He has to know the cute commands too." She smiled at Jake and shrugged her shoulder. "He should learn the important ones first and then progress into the fun ones, I guess."

She raised an eyebrow and tried not to smile to big, "Oh really? Well, I don't want you to feel like you need to answer anything." She gave his hand a squeeze, "But I am interested in how much you have thought about it."

She rubbed her lips together, "Can I just say, I don't care how you propose, if you propose, just please don't do it at a fight. Before, during or after. Okay? Too many people watching and its televised and that a lot to take in at once."
Jake rolled his eyes with a smile. "I know baby. You want him all smart and can shake and all. I'll work on it with him as much as I can. An actual trainer may not be bad when I start really hardcore start training myself for fights. But I can do some now. It will be fun and you should be with us so he listens to both of us. Come and sit are the most important I think. If he takes off he needs to know to come back."

His thumb caressed hers as they walked and she sparked interest about their future. "Adge...we bought a house together. I plan on forever with you...I want to marry you and have a family with you someday. I'm just not in a hurry for it. Why not get settled in our house first and take care of a puppy." He thought about it a bit. "It wasn't long ago you still couldn't tell me you love me so I'm not going to rush you into anything. I hope you know I want forever with you but I don't feel like we have to put a ring on it and make it official just yet. I will. Just not yet. And when I do...I'll ask your father's permission like a gentleman."

Jake rolled his eyes. "Gosh Adriana give me some credit. I can be romantic. Am I not romantic enough?"
"I will be there to help train him. I'll be there every step of the way. Except when he poops. Then you can be there." She laughed and kissed his cheek.

She liked his answer. She nodded her head, "I think I can agree to that baby. We will be together forever but we have to take it one step at a time. A house and puppy today, a proposal next month, and a kid the month after that." She teased. "Don't worry. I'm not ready to get married yet. Or have kids for that matter. Like I said kids can come when you are a champion."

She laughed, "You are very romantic. I am just letting you know where not to do it. Other than that you have full control of how you propose. And a unique ring would be nice but it is not expected."
Jake rolled his eyes. "Thanks babe. You know what I'll take his poop. You can take the baby's poop." He smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

His arm moved around her shoulder and walked closer to her. "Wow you move fast. And baby last time I checked you gotta wait 9 months for a baby." He teased back. "Babe I'm hoping I'm a champion sooner than later. I want to bounce back of this injury stronger than ever and keep working my way up." His fingers caressed her shoulder.

"What do you consider a unique ring? And I'm thinking the ring should cost more than your bag you just got." He smiled a bit at her. "My baby probably wants a very expensive pretty ring." He would by her any ring she wanted if he could. She would wear it forever so she deserved the best.
She nodded her head, "I figured you would say something like that." She laughed. "Well a baby's poop wouldn't be as big as his so I think I am getting the better end of the deal. They both probably smell horrible though."

"Let's just say kids will come later. I am sure you will be well into your championship when we start having kids." She smiled at him, "Agreed?"

She thought about a unique ring. "You know, something different. A pink diamond or a yellow diamond. Something that no one else will have. You could even design something and that would make it even more special." She put her arm around his waist. "I mean it as long as it looks pretty and sparkles in the sun I will be happy." She shrugged her shoulder, "But a big colored diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds wouldn't hurt."
Jake laughed a bit. "True they probably do but babies poop a lot." He laughed again.

"Agreed beautiful." He even kissed her on the agreement. "Wait we can still practice though right?"

He nodded at her suggestions. "At least 2 carat?" He smiled at her. Jake liked the idea of actually designing her own ring. He did like that she would have her own and no one else would have one just like hers. He actually thought about starting to design it now so when he knew when he wanted it, he would be ready for it. He already knew that Adriana would be the woman he would marry so why not start designing it. She completed him and wanted her to have a ring she loved and was something she was proud to wear.
She rolled her eyes, "Yes we can still practice."

She nodded her head, "That's a good place to start." She laughed. She rubbed his side and shrugged her shoulder, "I trust your judgement."

The rest of the walk was peaceful. Jake didn't have anything to big this week. He just needed to train and get his injured arm back to full strength. This was her first week of modeling too. She took Wednesday off so she could work with the other company. When they got home she started getting ready. She got in the shower and the. Spent her time doing her make up. She curled her hair and while her hair set in curlers, she ironed Jake's shirt and pants. She pulled out some black shoes and a black belt.

She pulled her dress out of the garment bag and found a seamless thing to wear under it and a strapless bra. She put those on and then called Jake into the room so he could get dressed. She took the curlers out and combed through the curls with her fingers. She stepped into her dress and shoes but she needed Jake to zip her up.
Jake worked with Max on some simple commands giving him a treat if he listened. He worked with him while Adri showered and ironed his clothes. He then played with him a bit after their little training session.

As soon as she was out of the shower Jake went in to take his turn in the shower. "Max come on buddy." He had the puppy follow him into their bedroom and bathroom so Adri could keep an eye on him while he got in the shoulder. Jake kissed her shoulder and neck as he walked by. Damn his girl was hot and he couldn't help but kiss her.

He climbed in the shower and once he was done he wrapped a towel around his waist and got out to get dressed. He put on a pair of boxer briefs under his new grey pants and green shirt. He kissed Adri's neck again as he zipped her up and looked at her in the mirror. "Damn my girlfriend is hot. Man. Mmmm" He just looked her over a moment before going into the bedroom to put his belt and shoes on. He then went into the bathroom to look in the mirror to get his tie on and tie it. His head was tilted up as he got it tied. "Am I good?" He turned to Adri to make sure his tie was straight.
Adri smiled when he kissed her and watched the puppy while Jake showered. She quickly realized watching the puppy didn't equal mako sure he was in the room. She always had to keep an eye on him or he would get into something he shouldn't. She finally gave up and sat on the floor and played with him while they waited for Jake to get out of the shower. When he was out with his towel on she got up and put on her dress.

She looked at their reflection and smiled at how good they looked together. "We are hot." She turned to face him and straightened his tie. "If the tie is too much you can take it off and slide it into your pocket." She rubbed his arms and kissed him softly.

She picked up her new purse and wallet and smiled at Jake. She handed him Max's leash and grabbed a blacked to protect his leather seats until she could find some seat covers. She scooped some food into a doggy bag and put it in her purse. "Are you ready? You want me to drive?" She asked and looked him over. She was kind of nervous but she didn't want to pass the nerves on to Jake.
Jake smiled at her in the mirror. "We are pretty hot. We will have to take a picture of our hotness." He smiled and kissed her neck. "You smell good..." He watched her fix his tie. "It will be fine. I may take it off after." His hand rubbed her side. "You sure about taking Max?"

Jake took Max's leash but squatted down to pet him while he waited for Adri. "I can drive baby. Just tell me where to go. You think he will be good in the back seat? I'm going to let him do his business before we go. We should just take him out every so often to stay on top of him." He smiled at her before taking him outside. Jake found a spot in the yard to designate for his spot so they wouldn't have landmines throughout the yard.

Once Max was done Jake opened the door to the back and let him in. He opened Adri's door for her. "You look very beautiful babe. I love you." He smiled at her before putting his sunglasses on and getting in and heading to her parents.
"I'm sure. I want them to meet my baby boy." She bent over and rubbed his head.

She nodded her head, "He has to get used to it some how. He can't sit in our laps forever." While Jake took Max out to do his business, she got the back seat ready for Max. She tucked the blanket in so it wouldn't slip around and she put a towel over the door handle so he wouldn't scratch that either. She helped the little guy in the back seat and smiled when Jake helped her into her seat.

She gave him the directions and thirty minutes later they pulled up to a nice sized family home. She gave Jake a kiss and got out to get Max out of the car. She let him pee on the front yard and walked to the front door. She knocked first and then keyed in opened the door.Once they got into the house the sound of conversation could be heard the kitchen.

"Hello..." Adri called out and closed the door behind Jake.

The conversation stopped and her mother was the first to emerge from the kitchen. She looked down at the puppy and then up at Adriana and then to Jake. She gave Adri a hug and Adri led Jake into the kitchen. "Guys this is Jake and this little guy is Max." She introduced, smiling at Jake. "And this is my mother Maria, my father Richard, and my brothers Andrew, Alex and Alejandro. My oldest brother isn't here but I am sure you will meet him and his wife soon." She looked at everyone and picked up Max.

Her mother was the first to say anything, "Welcome to my home, Jake, and he better not make a mess in this house Adriana." Once her mother approved, or at least spoke, her father came up to him and shook his hand and then her brothers did the same.
Jake checked himself in the mirror before getting out with a long sigh. He wasn't sure if he was really ready for this. What if they hated him.

He got out and held her hand as he walked in with Adri. When he saw his mother he was smacking himself inside for not bringing flowers or wine or something, anything. He smiled at her.

Once in the kitchen he smiled at everyone and said hello. He shook the guys hands hoping to remember their names. A names. Great not easy to mix them up or anything. "Thank you for having me ma'am." He looked around a bit. "You seem to have a lovely home."
They were invited inside and Adri set her bag on the counter and pulled out Max's food and bowl.

"Looks like you found someone who will spoil you as much as Dad." Her second oldest brother, Andrew teased.

Adri rolled her eyes, "You could take a hint from Daddy and Jake. They know how to please a girl." She stuck her tongue out and smiled at Jake.

"Does he now?" Alex asked, his tone disapproving. Her father's eyes flicked from her to Jake and back.

"So Jake, what do you do?" Richard asked, his voice deep and booming with out even yelling.

"I told you he was MMA fighter." She said softly.

"Right. So you beat people for a living." He said and sipped on his beer.

Maria stepped in, "He's just giving you a hard time. If you make Adri happy then you make us happy. Do you want somehting to drink?"
Jake smiled at Adri until her brother eyed him. He understood he would do the same thing to a guy Amy was dating. "I do know how to treat a woman. Plus Adri deserves the best." He gave her another smile.

Then her father asked what he did. He was going to answer but Adri could before he had a chance. He smiled and gave her father a nod. "Yes sir I do. I get paid well to beat guys. But it's a lot of work, training, dedication and discipline."

Jake looked at her mother. "Water is fine ma'am. Thank you." He watched Max to make sure he was being good.
Maria got him a glass of water and gave it to him. Adri asked for a glass of water and her mother gave her a glass of water as well.

"So what's for dinner?" Adri asked and bent over to pick up Max. She gave him a kiss and he kissed her back.

"Wash your hands before dinner Adriana." Her father grumbled. "And maybe your face."

Maria looked up and frowned at her, "He's eating outside. We are eating lasagna with a small salad and homemade garlic bread."

Adri smiled and held Max's face, "But he's just a puppy." She said using her baby voice.

"Outside." Maria repeated and checked on the lasagna. "Boys set the table. Adriana, get the bread and put it on the table. Jake the salad is in the fridge. Richard the wine is decanting put it on the table."

The kids snapped to place and Richard walked in front of the fridge to block Jake from grabbing the salad. "What are your intention with my daughter?"
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