Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake shook his head, "No no no. It's not my fault. You're too damn sexy and cute I can't help it. It's your fault." He gave her a look when she squeezed his butt.

"Interesting. That would be fun to check out." He smiled at her. He wanted to go and support her job cause she supported him in everything he's done. "You don't like onions and tomatoes?" Jake gave her a small smile. " could put the sharp knife down. That is kinda scary." He laughed a bit and gave her one last kiss on her neck before going back outside to do the final check on the chicken.

He came back inside to get plates and silverware for them. "It's ready." He kissed her back with a small moan from being a bit surprised of the kiss and declare of love. "I love you." His eyes looked into hers a moment before going back outside, putting the food on their plates and setting it on the table. "You will not hold that dog while we eat." He gave her a stern look.
"I will do whatever I want while we eat." She said mimicking his tone. "And there is nothing you can do about it." She added and stuck her tongue out at him. She put food in Max's bowl and sat down at the table.

She smiled at Jake and put dressing on her salad. She set the bowl down in front of him and stood up to grab her wine glass. She topped off his glass of water and she sat back down. It was a beautiful day, which was why they were sitting outside.

"I picked a beautiful house." She said happily, even though Jake was the one to find it. "Let's live here forever, okay?"
"Oh darlin, you forget I fight for a living. There's a lot I can do about it." He laughed a bit being playful with her.

"Thank you baby." He looked at her with a smile. She took good care of him and he didn't thank her enough for what she did for him. He needed to fix that, even if it was just a simple 'thank you' he would do it. He took a bite of his salad.

Jake almost choked on his salad and coughed. "You did what now?" He looked around. "I do believe I found this house. You may have agreed to it but I found it." He smiled at her and grabbed her hand. "I would love to live here forever. As long as my forever is with you Adri." His hand caressed hers with a smile.
"Try me then." She teased.

She smiled, "You found it but if I didn't buy the magazine it was in then you never would have found it. So I am taking the credit for this place. Plus I would have found it if you let me look through the magazine first." She flipped her hand over and held his. "You know it's true."

She ate her salad enjoying the meal. He made it just how she liked it. Max finished eating and made his way out to them. She sat by Adri's foot and cried for attention. When he didn't get it he laid down and Adri smiled at Jake, "You see he doesn't get his way all the time."
"Oh baby I plan to in the pool." Jake grinned at her between bites.

He rolled his eyes as she insisted on taking credit for the house. "It was a joint effort baby. We did it together. Like we do a lot. Together." He leaned over and kissed her softly with a smile.

Jake watched Max then gave his girlfriend a look. "You didn't give him his way just to prove a point to me. And not to mention it killed you to ignore him as he whined. I like how he went to you whining cause he already knows not to whine to papa. Cause papa doesn't care." Jake kept eating. "You are fiesty tonight. I'm gonna have to take you down in the pool."
She laughed a little bit, "It did hurt. But he is going to grow into a massive dog. I cannot hold him at the dinner table and I can't carry him forever." She said softly. She looked down at her baby and rubbed his head, "Mommy loves you." She told him and leaned over to hiss his head.

She raised an eyebrow, "You can try to take me down. We have been working on kicks at the gym. I am pretty sure I can kick you in the pool before you knew what hit you." She continued to eat and sipped on her wine.

It was nice to play with him after the eventful day they had. It gave her hope for their future. If they could still mess around with each other while they were stressed then they could survive anything.
Jake just smiled at her talk about Maximus getting bigger. "I'm glad you realize that baby. I can't wait to let him run with me. He can be my running partner cause you're too slow." He winked at her being playful.

His head shook with a roll of his eyes. "Bring it. I'm a professional fighter Adriana. I think I can handle you in the pool." He took a drink of his water giving her a stare down with a grin.

"I can't wait to finish dinner so we can get in the pool. Luke wants me to do some exercises too to get my strength up on my elbow like push-ups, pull-ups, things like that. I may do that before quick. What are your plans today?" He finished up his plate as he talked.
She smiled at him and took on his stare down challenge. She nodded he rhead, agreeing that she couldn't wait to finish dinner. He was going down. She probably wouldn't succeed but she would try her best and have fun doing it.

"I think I am going to watch you do your pull ups, push ups and whatever else's. Then I don't know what I will do. Probably play fetch with Max before I dunk you in the pool." She teased.

She finished eating and put his plate on hers. "Why don't you work out in your swim trunks so I don't have to wait when you are finished. I'll change into my bikini and play with Max while you work out." She stood up and kissed Jake's forehead. She took the dishes to the sink and claned them off before going to their bedroom. She had a little four legged follower following her every step.
Jake was a little jealous that Max seemed to follow Adri everywhere but then again he bought Max for Adri so he couldn't get too jealous. He got up and took the seasonings and stuff from the grill inside after making sure the grill was shut off. He put everything away before going up and finding his swim trunks. He bumped into her playful. "Oh sorry, you were in my way. So rude."

He got his trunks on, nothing but them on, and then headed to the gym. "Baby I may need your help." Once in the gym he started with normally pull ups . He wasn't doing any cheating pull ups where he barely got his chin over the bar, he pulled up where his chest his the bar. He did as many as he could then hopped down.

"I'm going to try some with added weight." He grabbed a belt and wrapped it around him and the grabbed a 25lb circular weight and clipped a chain to it. "Clip that on the belt once I get up there?"
"Yeah Jake, you are so rude." She bumped his hip back and opened one of the drawers in her closet that held all of her bikinis. She found a cute little bikini to wear tonight. She stripped and put it on in the closet. She put her dirty clothes in the hamper and looked down.

She frowned when she didn't see Max there. "Max." She called out and looked for him in the bedroom. She found him in the bathroom, making a toy of the toilet paper. She pulled the gross wadded up paper out of his mouth and picked up what he tore apart. "Bad boy." She scolded lightly and kissed his forehead.

She walked to the gym and made sure Max followed her there. She watched Jake do his pull ups with a smile. The muscles in stomach bulged out as he pulled himself up. He made it look so easy. She could barely get her feet off of the ground.She opened the door to the outside so Max could run free out there.

She grabbed the weight hook and waited for Jake to get up before she clipped the chain to the belt. She waited to make sure he was safe and then she went to the backyard and played some fetch with Max and chased him around a little bit.
Jake did his pull ups after thanking Adri for her help. He did quite a few as she played with Max. "Baby? Adge? Can you unclip me now?" Once he was done he needed help cause he didn't want to just jump down.

As soon as he was unclipped and could jump down he went down to the floor and started doing pushups. Max followed Adri and started sniffing around Jake. First he got in a pose where his butt was up in the air but his chest was down on the ground and his tail wagging. "What are you doing Maximus?" Jake just kept doing his pushups laughing at him. Then next thing he knew when he was down Max got up and was trying to climb on Jake's back. Jake laughed, "Max are you trying to help or make it harder for dad?" He went down and stayed down until Max could climb up on his back and Max tried to keep his balance before Jake started going up. Jake would go down and up slow enough not to knock Max off. He looked up at Adri, "He's yours but he's helping Dad get stronger." He grinned up at her with pride, "There will be a day he won't be able to climb up." He laughed at the thought of this big dog trying to climb on his back.

He got to the point he couldn't push up anymore and he went down on his stomach and laid there a minute. "Alright buddy. Let Dad up." He patted the floor next to him, "Come here Max. Come on." Max hesitantly climbed down. "Good boy." He petted him as Max gave Jake kisses. "You're a good boy."
Adri laughed, "Yeah you say that until he is too big and you can't get up because he is too heavy." She smiled and took a picture of Max helping Jake with his push ups and put it on Instagram. It was really cute. Even though Max was just looking for a comfortable spot to lay down and sleep.

She laid down next to Jake and gave Max some loving too. When she tried to give Jake a kiss, max would put his head between him so she couldn't reach him. "Looks like somebody is jealous." She teased and rubbed Max's back and gave Jake a kiss.

"How does your elbow feel?" She asked and rubbed his arm. "Do you think it's completely healed?"
Jake laughed at Adri and was happy when she joined them on the floor. "Well hi there beautiful." He got a little playfully frustrated that Max kept getting between them. "Yeah he is. Not sure if he doesn't want me kissing you or you kissing me." He grinned at her and finally kissed her sexy lips softly, followed by a peck.

He watched her hand on his arm. "I don't know. It doesn't hurt. Which could be good and bad. What if it's not and because I feel great I reinjure it? Or it could be great." He shrugged a bit and moved closer to her to kiss her again slowly and deeply.

"Should we stay here and make out or get in the pool? You look drop dead sexy by the way." He grinned at her and checked her out in her bikini laying next to him.
"I think you are fine. It's scary going back into any sport after an injury. You have every right to be nervous about getting back into the swing of things. You'll be fine. I mean, you did all of those pull and push ups just fine. I think you are healed." She smiled and kisse dhim again. She got on her knees and then got up on her feet.

"Pool time." She smiled and looked down at her bikini of choice, "Thank you, baby. I have to go get his shampoo and a towel for him before we get in though. So give me a second." She kissed his forehead and went to ge tthe items she mentioned. When she came back she set the stuff down by the hose and walked over to Jake.

"Ready?" She asked and walked with him to the pool. She looked down at Max, "Are you ready Max?" She asked him and pushed Jake in and then cannonballed into the pool.
Adri was totally right and he nodded. "I think I'm ready to get back in the cage. I'm ready to kick some ass." He nodded a bit.

Jake watched his love get up and walk away. He watched her butt before petting Max. He got up and waited for Adri before going to the edge of the pool with her. Once he got pushed in he knew it was on like Donkey Kong.

Jake come up and grabbed her. "Oh you are gonna get it." He started to tickle her before tossing her into the water. Once she came up he shook his head. "That wasn't nice. What if I got injured?" He reached back after her and Max started barking and jumped in swimming to them barking and getting between them. "This is going to get old quick dog."
She laughed when he tickled and threw her around the pool. She swam back to him and splashed him with water. "Don't be a baby." She teased. "I would never intentionally hurt you." She puckered her lips like she was going in for a kiss and then splashed him again.

She watched Max swim over to them and smiled, "No it's not. He is a good boy and he is just doing what you wanted him to do. he is being protective. Huh, Max?" She picked him up and rubbed their noses together. "He's my good boy." She set him back in the water and let him swim around. He swam towards the stairs and got out of the pool. He sat on the edge and watched Jake and Adri swim.

Adri swam to Jake and wrapped her arms around him. "You're a good boy too, you know." She smiled and kissed his cheek. "No need to get jealous of Max. I love you both."
Jake shook his head when she was giving Max love. "Yeah yeah. Good job Max." He actually liked when he swam to the edge.

His arms wrapped around Adri. "I'm a good boy huh?" He pressed his lips against hers softly and lovingly. "But you love me more right? Cause I bought you Max." He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at her. "And a bag and wallet." He laughed a bit and kissed her again.

"Thank you for today babe. You've been nothing but supportive and loving. You helped me get my mind off of everything. I could be inside freaking out instead I'm in my pool with my love, my love wrapped in my arms." Jake kissed her softly. "Kissing my love. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than right here with my girl." His hand rubbed her back before kissing her again.

He then jumped up and fell back into the water holding her close going underwater with her.
She shook her head, "I love you more because you cuddle me at night, but if I let Max in the bed he would cuddle me too, and because you make me feel special and loved. You treat me like a queen and you just make me feel good." She thought about it, "Everything else is a plus. A big plus."

She smiled at him, "That is what I am supposed to do. It's what I signed on for when I became your girlfriend. I will lift you up and I will never knock you down." That was good. If they wrote their own vows, when and if they got married, she needed to remember that.

She took a breath as they were going down from his jump. She Kissed him and blew bubbles into his face. Then she swam up to the surface. She laughed and went under to push her hair out of her face. "I love you." She kissed him again and floated on her back.
Jake's forehead wrinkled a bit. "Adriana you are a queen. You're my queen. When you play chess you always have a queen to protect your king. And only a king bows down to his queen."

He kissed her back before coming up laughing. "I love you too." His eyes looked into hers lovingly.

"You know with what you just said, I just fell a little bit deeper in love with you. And it was very fitting for me. For us." Jake smiled with an impressed and happy smile on his face. "Just when I thought I couldn't love you more, you say something like that." He kissed her again and floated next to her holding her hand.
That was a good one too. She doubted he was thinking about wedding vows though. "Remember that." She said softly. "That phrase may come in handy one day." She smiled at him and rubbed his cheek.

"I could say the same about what you said. You give me a new reason to love you everyday." She said softly.

"You make me happy Jake. That is all I can ask for. Just keep making me happy."
Truth was that day he was thinking more about marrying her then he ever had. He really wanted to make Adri his wife but he wanted to ask her the right way. He would ask her father's permission and do it in the most romantic way he could think of. He already was thinking of ways he could do it. But he wasn't sure when would be a good time, plus he kind of needed a diamond but he felt it was time to get a jewelry store starting to make it right away. "Don't worry. I will file it up in the wonderful mind of Jake." He narrowed his eyes at her with a grin before laughing at himself.

"Everyday? I'm that awesome everyday? Really? I will remember that on days you are pissed at me. I will also file that away for a rainy day." He laughed a bit.

He looked at her and his smile faded. "I can't promise I will always make you happy. Chances are there will be times I piss you off and you wanna throat punch me. I'm a big royal pain. And there are days that I wonder, why, why do you stay with me." He shook his head. "But I can and will promise you I will try every single to make you happy. Whether it's by buying you a pretty purse, or a puppy. I will do it." He pressed his lips against hers. He was very proud to be able to call her his girlfriend and he couldn't wait to call her his fiance.
"So I should go write it down somewhere?" She said to his filing his quote away comment. She laughed and kissed Jake. "I will put it in your phone so you cannot forget it." She smiled at him.

She rolled her eyes, "Oh god. Don't let your head get big. I will not be writing that down. I hope you forget. I did not mean to fuel your ego." She teased.

She smiled and looked down between them, "I don't need purses and puppies. I just need to know that at the end of the day you will get in bed and hold me all night. Even when I am mad at you, I will always want you to be there. I probably won't want you to touch me, though." She rubbed the back of head and smiled at him, "I love you Jake. I want to be there for every moment of your life and I want you to be with me." She looked into his eyes, "I know you won't always make me happy and I won't always make you happy but we will try our best to make each other happy and that is what counts. When you are down I will lift you up and I know you would do the same for me."
Jake laughed. She was right, she kept him on track. That's why he hired her, to make sure he got where he needed to when he needed to, so why not have her write that down too. "That sounds great. I'll give you Wednesday off since you're so great. Oh way you already have the day off." He shrugged as he teased her.

"My baby is good at fuelling my ego. She makes me feel like I can kick anyone's ass. That I can do anything." He kissed her slowly and deeply. His hand rubbed her back.

His eyes looked into her's as they talked. Jake rested his forehead on her head. "I love you Adriana. I want to be there for everything and I want you next to me through everything. I know you will do everything to lift me up. I want to do the same for you. I can promise I will be here at the end of the day. No matter how crazy life gets. Or how pissed at me you get. Even if I'm upset or angry at you...I'll always want you here. With me." His lips brushed over hers. "I could win a million championships but they won't mean anything without you. I mean who else will schedule the interviews?" He teased and chuckled a bit.

"How about we get Max cleaned up and shower ourselves and I'll make a fire and we can cuddle?"
She laughed and shook her head, "Yes I have Wednesday off already. This is why I write things down for you." She chuckled and kissed him, "You are lucky you are handsome. That is all that matters."

She nodded her head, "You can kick anyones ass. I wouldn't go to John Cena and pick a fight though. That just seems dangerous." She scratched the base of his neck.

He was being so sweet and sincere and then he ruined it. She splashed him playfully and swam away. "Way to ruin a good moment." She told him and got out of the pool. She kissed Max and set him on the ground again. She went to get her towel and she dried off. "Don't get out of the pool until you are ready. It's freezing out here." She told him and used her towel as a blanket.

She agreed to washing Max and cuddling near a fire. "Anything to get me warm again. Ooh do we have marshmallows?" She asked ad grabbed Max before he could run away. She took him to the outdoor shower and stated to give him a bath. She would towel dry him and then he could finish drying off by the fire.
"I could take John Cena." He made a face like she was crazy. "But if I got hurt, I have you to nurse me back to health." He thought back about his elbow, that was rough but she stood by him and even gave him some tough love to get through to him to be careful.

Jake laughed. "I was only kidding baby." He swam over to the edge and motioned for her to come down to him to give her a kiss. "You know I love you. If I had to choose you as my girlfriend or you as my assistant, easy choice. I'd pick girlfriend any day." He climbed out and rubbed her arms to keep her warm. "Baby go get in the shower and warm up. I got Max."

"I think we do. We can roast some. Go get the shower warm for me." He could see little goosebumps on her skin as he started to take over Max's bath. Once he was done he went in with the towel around him to join Adri in the shower.
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