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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake shook his head. "Uh no. I'll wear something tight and revealing you just let me worry about that okay? Just trust your man."

He ate the second marshmallow. "You are in charge of s'mores when we have fires. Best I ever had." He looked at Max. "He doesn't need a marshmallow babe..." He sighed. "Let's go upstairs. You're up. I can start a fire up there. We have more room in our bed." He leaned up and kissed her softly before getting up.

Heading upstairs with her and Max he thought about it. "You mean besides you?" He smiled a bit. "Well, I have to workout then I'm training for awhile with Luke. about I take you out to dinner. It's been awhile. I'm going to take my girl out." He smiled and kissed her cheek before starting to make a fire in their room. Max jumps around like he wants to help. "What are you doing tomorrow?"
She frowned slightly, "Fine." She grumbled. "It better be good though."

She agreed to going upstairs and she followed him up with Max in her hands. She set him down on his bed but he ran around the room. She shook her head and got on the bed.

"I can't go out and eat babe. I don't want to look bloated when I'm taking pictures. You can take me out Wednesday night though. We can celebrate then." She smiled at him and watched him build the fire.

"Im going to work out for a bit and then come home and have, shave, shave. Possibly get my eyebrows done. Definitely get my nails done." She checked her nails and sighed.
Jake sighed a bit. "How bloated can you look from one meal?" He finished making the fire and then got Max back on his bed. "Stay. You sleep here."

He climbed up on the bed and crawled under the covers. "Fine if you won't let me take you out, then let's watch a movie from home. And here I like that I'm going to take you out and you tell me noooo." He kissed her shoulder.

His arms wrapped around her and he snuggled into her. "I love you." He kissed her softly and looked to see if Max was on his bed. He snuggled into Adri. "What you shaving?" He grinned at her.
"You'd be surprised." She said softly.

"I didn't tell you no. I said you can take me out on Wednesday. It's my first back to modeling. I want to make a good impression and have everything be perfect." She smiled when he kissed her shoulder and she laid down and turned on her side.

"I love you too." She pushed him back with her butt, "Don't be naughty. I have to make sure everything is smooth before I take any pictures." She liked to keep it neat anyways and if she wasn't completely shaved, she was neatly trimmed.
"Baby I'm sure you will look sexy regardless of what you eat. But fine I'll take you out Wednesday."

Jake nipped her neck. "I was just asking...I can inspect everything for you to mske sure you didn't miss anything babe." He smiled and snuggled close to her.

Max snuggled in his bed and let out a sigh. Jake liked the tule of him not being in bed with them in case he and Adri decided to be intimate but he liked cuddling with his buddy Max. "Where do you wanna go out to? A nice dinner. What else?"
Adri laughed and shook her head, "I'll keep that in mind tomorrow night. If you are lucky I might let you check." She rubbed his arm and smiled happily.

"I don't know. Surprise me with something special. Take me to your favorite place that you like to eat and then your favorite place afterwards. Not the gym." She turned to face him and wrapped her leg around his waist.

"How does that sound?" She rubbed his cheek and looked into his eyes. "Then the next time we go out, I will take you to my favorite places and I promise I won't drag you to the mall."
Jake was so in love with Adri he couldn't help but want to be close to her and spend every minute he could with her. He loved and lived for moments like the present where he held her and cuddled before they fell asleep with a fire going in the fireplace in their room.

"I can't take you to the gym? That is my favorite place, well besides here with you." He grinned and kissed Adri's lips softly. He had a few ideas of where he could take her.

His head nodded as he looked back into her eyes. "Sounds great. But how can the mall NOT be included in your favorite places?" He teased. "You won't have to get too dressed up if you don't want. Be comfortable." He grinned at her. "You are wonderful you know that?"
"No you can't take me to the gym. You ALWAYS take me to the gym. Take me somewhere else. Some where special to you." She stroked his chest and smiled at him. She kissed him back and laid her head on her pillow.

"Oh trust me the mall is one of my favorite places but I will not be taking you to the mall. I already know where we are going. Two places in fact." She smiled excitedly. "I can't wait to take you."

She nodded her head, "I know. I'm the best."
Jake rubbed her side and snuggled close. "I know two places I'm taking you too." There was one place he wanted to take her but wanted to wait a bit first before he took her to a specific special spot. He loved how she rubbed her chest.

"Good I don't want to go to the mall. The last time we went to the mall I bout a couple grand purse and a dog." He laughed a bit.

"You coming to the gym with me tomorrow? I'm going to be training awhile. You may get bored. I could always go myself then just come home and get ready for our date." His eyes closed as he got comfortable.
Adri laughed, "I know it was a really good day for me. You got me a wallet too." She reminded him and kissed him. "I wonder what it will take for another purse and wallet. Ooh or maybe a pair of shoes next time." She wiggled her feet and laughed. "We could make that a tradition. Everytime you win a fight, you get me a new pair of shoes?! Which is a better deal than getting me a new puppy."

"I am going to the gym with you tomorrow but date night is the day after tomorrow, Wednesday night. Tomorrow is Tuesday." She kissed his cheek and and closed her eyes so she could get some sleep.

She yawned and stretched her arms out. "I love you baby. Good night." She turned off the lights and listened to the fireplace rumble. This was something she could really get used too.
"Oh how could I forget. The wallet too." He kissed her back. "Wait, wait...why am I buying you something when I win. Shouldn't you buy me something for winning?" He pulled her closer to him. "You are not getting a puppy every time I win."

"Crap right. Date Wednesday. Do you need to do anything else to prepare besides shave? Do you need a specific dinner or anything like I have to before a fight? I'll take care of anything my girl needs." He smiled and kind of enjoyed being on the other side of things. He was super proud of his baby girl.

Jake smiled at her and waited until she had the lights out before he gave her another kiss. "I love you too babe. Night." His eyes closed again and he felt like he was in heaven holding his girl as they listened to the fireplace. He fell asleep before he knew it. Once asleep he kind of hoped the alarms didn't go off too early. His bed and Adri was way too comfy.
"I'm giving you a message every time you win. Think of it baby. It's a special treat for both of us." She tried to sell it to him but she didn't think it was working. "Or if we are out of the country you can buy me a shirt and write who you fought on it and the date you fought them. Actually that might be really cool."

She smiled at how sweet Jake was being, "I don't need else anything but a full night's rest. I doubt I will get that with my baby though." She said talking about Max. "I might need a new razor but I can get that myself from Target. Do you need anything from Target? I think I'll get some baby oranges will I'm there. I love those things."

Adri drifted off after getting her good night kiss. She didn't wake up until Max cried to be taken out. She groaned and got up to take him out and then got back in bed. He slept for a little bit longer and the next time he cried the sun was peaking up. Adri groaned and shook Jake, "Max wants to go out."
"Can I get in writing I'm getting a massage after every win? Actually the shirt idea sounds cool babe." He could do that. A shirt wouldn't be too much.

Jake chuckled a bit. "Hmm. Some bananas sound good too. And maybe check my powerade supply." He grinned knowing she would roll her eyes and despise the idea. Okay so he had a bit of an addiction but that was the worst thing he put in his body besides an alcohol drink from time to time. "We need to call them maybe they would supply us with cases." He smiled with his eyes closed.

He slept through Max crying the first time until Adri got up and then back in bed. Once he started to cry again and Adri shook him he didn't open his eyes. "So let him out. He's your dog..." The bed was way to comfy to get up. But after a few seconds he sighed and got up. "Come on Maximus." He grabbed a hoodie as he walked downstairs with Max. He let him out and stayed outside with him while he did his business. He came in with him and fed him and gave him water before going back up to bed. He took the hoodie off and climbed in with Adri. "You owe me." He said snuggling into her.
Adri rolled her eyes, "I'll think about putting it in writing. That's not going in my contract though." She nodded her head to bananas and rolled her eyes to powerades. "I sent them an email. We are just waiting to hear back from them." She told him, shaking her head.

"Babe..." She groaned. She always got up with Max he could do it this once for her. She was about to get up and take him out herself but Jake finally got up and did himself. She was almost asleep when he came back. She huffed in response to her owing him. She would let him know the unwanted truth about that later.

Te next time she did wake up, she did so on her own. She smiled at Max in his bed and bent over to pick him up. She set him on the bed and let him crawl over to Jake and give him some kisses. As long as Max didn't get comfortable on the bed, he was fine. This was payback for the attitude she got this morning.
Jake got a bit more sleep until Adr let her dog onto the bed to crawl on him and kiss his face. He let out a growl. "Adriana..." He let out a sigh. He pretended to nip at Max.

His one eye opened and looked at his girlfriend. "You know you could have crawled on me and kissed me to wake me up. That would have been a much more pleasant way to wake up. His breath reeks." He looked at Max and petted him. "Okay, Okay out of my face dude." He scratched behind his ears.

"For that you owe me breakfast. I got up for you to let him out. Now you had him wake me up. Oh yeah you owe me breakfast. A good yummy breakfast. And a good morning kiss."
"I'm sure you would have loved that but Max wanted to be the one to wake you up in such a special and loving way." She kissed his got out of the bed and pulled the blinds open to let the Las Vegas sun into the room.

She walked back to the bed and picked up her boy. She kissed him and rubbed his tummy.

"You get up with him one day and suddenly I owe you the world. What are you going to be like when we have a baby? I'm telling you right now, I am not doing everything on my own." She set Max on the floor and walked with him out of the room. "Wash your face and I'll give you a kiss." She called out as she was went downstairs.

She pulled out the eggs and bacon and started to make a light breakfast. She pulled out some wheat bread and butter so they could have some toast with their breakfast.
Jake groaned. "Jerk." He hid his head under the blankets. Now she was just being evil. Really evil.

"No way you kiss that dog all the time before kissing me." He got up and ran after her and wrapped his arms around her. He rubbed his cheeks on hers. Max started barking at them and Jake just ignored them. He started tickling her and picked her up.

"I'm tossing you in the pool. That will wake your ass up." His hand smacked her ass as he started to head down to the pool.
She stuck her tongue out at him when he called her a jerk.

She tried to get out of his grasp so she could get breakfast started. She called Max to help her but he ran off to get a toy. She laughed as he tickled her and continued to try and push him away. She gasped when he picked her up and threatened her with the pool. "You better not. Jake, don't you do it."

She tried to get out of his arms, "Jacob. I better not hit that water."
Jake laughed when Max ran off to get a toy. "Funny your guard dog ran off on you there beautiful." He smacked her butt and went outside with her leaving the door open.

"You wanna hit the water? Is that what you said?" He pretended to throw her in but instead set her down on the ground. He pinned her down and started kissing her slowly and passionately.

Max came running out. "Max buddy. Mommy wants kisses." Max started licking Adri in the face. Jake laughed before getting up. "Victory is mine!" He started heading inside.
She called for Max but he was busy looking for a toy to bring her. She shook her head.

"Don't throw me in the water!" She braced herself to be thrown in the water but she remained dry and was set on the ground. She shook her head and kept her lips closed as he kissed her. "You don't deserve kisses." She said but as she said she opened her mouth and he was able to force a kiss out of her.

Adri picked Max and kissed the top of his head. She walked him into the house and set him down. "You suck." She told him and went back making breakfast."
Jake laughed as he followed his family inside. "Hey why do I suck because victory is mine?" He smacked her butt and walked around her to go grab the paper. Max followed Jake to the front door. "Babe I'm going to take Max outside with me to get the paper." He didn't want her worrying about where he went.

The pair went out to the front by the road to grab the paper. They got it and Jake looked at it on the walk inside. He took it to the kitchen and sat at the counter. "I'm gonna after training today. I'll just run at the gym. We then can take Max for a walk later." Max followed Adri around the kitchen.

"Is is bad I'm surprised I haven't saw anything or heard anything about me potentially going to be a father?"
"Watch him. I don't want him to run away." She called out and starting cracking eggs. It wa since moving around the kitchen and not having to look down to make sure she wasn't going to step on puppy toes.

"I'd love to take my boy for a walk." She smiled at Max and gave him a little treat.

She started cooking the bacon and rubbed her lips together when he brought the baby. "It could mean a lot of things. It could mean the she isn't sure that it is yours and she doesn't want to make a fool of herself or it could mean that she is sure it is yours and she wants, or needs, your help and doesn't want to ruin it by spreading it to the media." She shrugged her shoulder. "It might be a good thing though. the longer we can keep it out of the media, the better. The second it hits the media is when all hell breaks loose. we suddenly become a triangle. it doesn't help that I was working for you when she came along. They are going to paint one of us as the man stealer and since she is pregnant, I think I would be the man stealer."
Jake thought about what she was saying. She was right it could mean either of two things. He wasn't sure which he wanted to be true. He could give a child a good life with his profession but then again it would complicate things for he and Adri. But he knew Adri and him would be just fine. He trusted their feelings for each other and there was no doubt in his mind that he loved her very much.

"A triangle huh? Last time I checked there was no triangle." He let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. He was starting to get a bit nervous about the whole thing.

He got up and walked around and wrapped his arms around her. "Adri...You are not a man stealer. I will tell everyone we got together after her and I had our thing. And her and I were never together. I won't let them bash you. I promise." He kissed her softly. "You are my girl and I will tell the world that. I'll tell them how amazing you are and how much you love me and how much I love you." His lips kissed her back slowly.
"It what always happens. it's a tale as old as time. I don't want it to happen and we should probably tel our parents when we know if it is yours or not. I don't want my parents finding out through some magazine article." She smiled when he wrapped his arms around her and nodded her head.

She knew he would fight for her but this made things awkward now, at least it did for her. If he did propose, it would be questioned as a ploy to get her to stay or Adri would be rubbing it in Layla's face. She didn't want her world questioned. She didn't want to question her world. That was the real problem. How much of what he felt would be real if a different woman's baby came into the mix? She wanted to be marry Jake and have the big happy wedding but she wanted it at the right. Not because he was afraid of losing her. They haven't even talked about getting married yet and she didn't need to worry about it right now but it was a fear that she had.

"I know, Jake, and I love you too." She smiled at him and flipped the eggs. "I'm trying to cook though and you are making things hard."
She made a good point about telling their family first before any media got a hold of the situation. "We can do that. As soon as we know..." He gave her a nod. He still couldn't help but wonder what her family would think. Would they still approve of him dating her with someone else's kid?

Jake could feel something had changed with her mood and he looked away and let go of her. "Sorry." He said quietly and went outside leaving the door open for Max to follow if he wanted to. How did they go from where they were last night to this today? He probably shouldn't have mentioned anything about the baby but if he couldn't talk to Adri about it who could he talk to about it? He sat on the edges of the pool and put his legs in the water and just sat there thinking.

Max ran out with his ball. Jake threw it for him a few times. Adri could change her mind about everything and take Max and just leave. Honestly, he couldn't blame her. He hated the waiting. He wish he knew either way so he could face whatever could happen. But instead it was out of his control. He hated not being in control. Max came up to him and he scratched behind his ears.
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