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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

She finished cooking breakfast and took them outside. She had the strongest temptation to kick Jake into the pool but she didn't. She went back in for the toast, butter and jelly and set them on the table as well. "Orange juice or apple juice?" She asked and got what he wanted. She sat at the table and called Jake over.

"I made you what you wanted. A nice healthy meal. If we eat up now, we can take Max for a walk and let the food settle before we go and work out."

She buttered her toast and ate it like that. She relaxed in the sun while she ate and looked over their beautiful back yard. She sipped on her apple juice and looked at Jake. "I think I am going to be a nudist today. It's the perfect day for it. Not too hot and not too cold. The sun is out. There is no need for clothes today."
He looked over his shoulder. "Apple please."

Once she called for him he got up and walked over to sit down. He started to eat. "Thanks for breakfast." He said quietly. He gave her a nod about eating and taking Max for a walk before going to the gym. "Okay." He said quietly as well.

He gave her a small smile. "Yeah it would be a good day for it. I can go to the gym alone today. It's not a big deal. That way you can stay here and relax." He went back to eating. It was clear his head was somewhere else.
She watched him respond with his one worded responses and she got a little annoyed. She dropped it and ate breakfast in silence. It was hard to make a joke when she felt like she was talking to a brick wall.

Once she finished breakfast, she placed her plate in the sink and put the butter and jelly away. She drank another glass of apple juice and then she went to put on some pants and a t-shirt so they could walk Max.

"I don't want to be sore tomorrow when I am doing the photoshoot so I think I am going to stay back and train Maximus for a bit. When you come home I will go to the store and get some groceries. Okay?"
Once Jake was finished with his breakfast he got up to put his plate in the sink. After they were both done he cleaned everything up for her.

"Okay. I understand. " got ready for their walk and got Max ready. He didn't like the fact his mood instantly changed with the idea of this baby. He had so many mixed emotions about it he didn't know where to begin sorting it out and he didn't know if his girlfriend wanted to even hear about it.

She may think when he asks to marry him, that he was afraid of losing her. No, truth was, he had been thinkig about since they moved in. Hell he wanted to talk to her father the day he met him, but didn't want to rush it. He already knew how he'd ask.
When they were ready to take Max out, she hooked him up to his leash and grabbed a bag just in case he pooped. She made sure she had her keys and locked up so they could walk Max around the neighborhood.

The was quiet to her. The only real noises were that of the birds and cars going by. It was weird how quickly moods changed from this morning. She was happy for Jake, she wanted to be happy for Jake but it hurt knowing that she wasn't the one giving him the baby. She had no idea what her parents would say.

She held Jake's hand as they walked and she rubbed her lips together. If it was his things would never be the same. If it wasn't then it was a big sigh of relief and they could go back to normal. They would both be pretty tense until they found out who the father was.
It was nice to Jake that Adri was holding his hand. He didn't want things to be different for them but if he was the father, it would be different for them. He wanted to talk to talk to her but didn't know how to. It was hard enough to talk about his feelings but with a situation like this it was even harder.

His thumb caressed her hand as they walked. He watched Max walk and be all excited to be out walking. He was checking everything out and walking fast. Max saw a bird and tried taking off after it. "I don't think you can catch him buddy."

"Adge? Can we talk when we get back before I go to the gym?" He asked softly.
She smiled at Mac and cute puppy antics. Even if he did catch the bird, she didn't know if he knew what to do with it. "If he ever does catch a bird or small animal, you are dealing with it right? I can't handle dead animals." She squeezed Akes hand and looked down at her baby boy.

She nodded to them talking at home. The can we talk question was never a good question to be asked. It made her anxious and nervous. There was only one thing that he could want to talk about right now.

She licked her lips and made Max's walk a little bit longer before they turned around and went back home. She gave Max some water and put his leash away. She sat on the couch in the living room and hugged a pillow.

"What's up boo?" She asked softly.
Jake smiled and shook his head. "He's a goof. But he probably will catch something and yes, I'll take care it. I promise." His thumb caressed her hand still.

Once they got home he went in and grabbed some water himself. He followed her to the living room and sat down next to Adri. He looked down as he searched for words to say. He knew before she felt bad cause she didn't know what to tell him to do. He wasn't looking for direction, just someone to talk to or someone to maybe tell him it would be okay. He wasn't entirely sure what he was wanting or looking for.

"I know you want me to talk to you when things are going on so...I'm trying to." His hands played together as he found it hard to sit still. "I am scared and have so many different mixed emotions about this baby. I just want my answer so I know what is in store for my life. Hell what's in store for your life. If you choose to want to stay in my life." His head shook a bit. "I know want I want the rest of my life to be like. I knew before she showed up. And it won't change either way after I get the results." His eyes looked to Adri. "I told your father, I bought this house with every intention of starting a family with you in this house. That doesn't change with me. I still want that."

His eyes look down a bit ashamed. "But I worry what your family will think now. If their opinion of me will change. And I can't blame them if it did. I made really stupid decisions and honestly I love you and respect you for making us wait until we were ready in our relationship to be intimate. It was perfect and honestly I couldn't have imagined it any better and I don't understand why I was stupid with other people. But I was. Now I may have to live with that. You may have to live with those decisions."

He ran his hand through his hair. "I worry about the type of father I will be. Adri...this is why I didn't let women get get close to me. I didn't want to lose my temper at them or have them end up angry like me." The thought of his child being angry like him made him sad. "But then I think of the life I can give this kid if i am the father...or what kind of life could this kid have if I'm not. What...what if he has a step father..." He stared off and couldn't say it. "I guess I'm just talking to try to sort through all this...but if I can't talk to you who can I talk to?" He said quietly.
Adri watched him rub his hands together ad noted his general nervousness. She knew he didn't like talking out his problems. If punching a bag could solve everything then he would so it all the time. She looked down when he brought her family. She didn't know what to say to that. She wasn't sure how her family would react. She knew her mother wouldn't be pleased. It was admirable that he was planning on standing by him if he was his son. That was something to look up to. Her family wouldn't be worried about Jake though, they would be worried about her.

She looked down at her own hands and rubbed her tongue along her top teeth. "Jake.." She thought of what to say that would make him feel better but came up short. She licked her lips and bit her bottom lip. "Jake, no matter what I know you aren't going to be like father or your step father. You're a good guy. You care about this kid and you don't even know if it is yours yet. If he is yours then he is going to have both of his parents and I know you are going to be there for him every step of the way."

She moved over to him and gave him a hug, "I love you Jake and I know you are going to be a great father, whether it is to him or to a different child. Hopefully one of ours." She rubbed the back of his head.

"I know this is hard and like I said before it won't get easier until we know the results. If he is yours then it is something we need to work through. It won't be easy but we will try."
Jake listened to her and it helped that she knew he would be a good father, or at least attempt to be. "Thanks babe." He realized he would have to do what was right for the kid regardless. And he knew it would be difficult but they could make it through.

Then she hugged him, "I love you too babe." His hand rubbed her back, then she added that last sentence, 'Hopefully one of ours.' She didn't want this kid to be his and she said she'd stick around if he was, but he kinda wondered if she would be okay with it. He hoped their love could see it through. 'They would try.' It seemed like she had her doubts.

He went back to staring at off. He didn't know what else to say and last night was great but what if they just were ignoring the situation, and that was why they had a good time. Part of him was starting to get angry and defensive about the situation and he needed to keep his cool. "Thanks for talking to me..." He said quietly. His leg started jack hammering.
"I tried Jake." She said, and watched his leg bounce. She had been around him long enough to know he was angry but she ignored it for now and looked at Max. It was so easy to be a dog. No worries; just sleep, eat and play.

She tapped his leg and gotten off of the couch. She grabbed a bottle of water and wrote down what she needed to pick up from the store. "I don't know if I will be home when you come back. I'm going to run some errands and get my nails done. I might go to the mall. I have my phone if you need something."

She kept her voice soft and relaxed. She wasn't going to let herself get upset over the situation until she knew that he was Jake's. At that point, she felt like, she had every right to be upset. She grabbed her keys and purse and walked out of the house. Max was tired so she knew he would just sleep in his crate until one of them got back.

She started her car and drove to the store to get the groceries, which was mainly fruit. Then she went to get her nails done. She thought about getting her hair done but decided against it. She could get it deep conditioned tomorrow or the day after.
He didn't even watch her get up and then when she left with out a kiss or an 'I love you' his worries only started screaming louder in his head. His hand ran through his hair and he was half tempted to call Layla and ask her how much she really was sure this kid was his. But she seemed pretty damn sure before. Jake closed his eyes and it hit him he should probably be prepared for the child to be his and he may be doing this by himself.

Jake got up and let Max out and then put him the crate. He grabbed his stuff and headed to the gym. Once he got there he told Luke he needed him to really kick his ass during their work out and training session. Luke could tell that whatever was going on with Layla was pretty serious, but he let it go. He knew if Jake wanted to talk about it, he would. So he did what Jake needed and gave him the hardest and best workout he had since before his last fight. After Luke was done he took more steam off by using the punching bag.

He showered in the locker room before getting dressed. Once he was done he headed home to see if Adri was there. If she wasn't she would be getting a text from him.
Adri had some pleasant time to herself. She got pampered by the nail salon. She got her fingers and toes done. She got her eyebrows shaped and all that good stuff. When she stepped o of the salon, she felt like a new girl. She stopped by the smoothie place and got a strawberry banana smoothie. She took it to the mall and walked around for a little bit.

She didn't buy anything but she did find some cute stuff. She walked past a baby store and stared at it for a little while before walking in and looking at the baby boy stuff. It was probably a mistake to be in there. She felt bad for Layla, doing all of this on her own so she grabbed a basket and started to fill it with baby stuff. Some cute clothes, bottles, binkies, and anything else that Adri thought was cute. Even if it wasn't Jake's, she was sure Layla could use the items. She even got a gift card so Layla could come get what she needed for herself.

She's ok the bags to her car and threw them in the trunk. Then she drove home. She left the baby stuff in the trunk and walked into the house. She kicked her shoes off and saw Jake typing away at his phone.

"How was the workout?" She asked and got on the floor to say hello to Max.
Jake looked up at her when she walked in and tossed his phone on the counter. "He beat the hell out of me. It was awesome." He smiled a bit. Max ran over to her very excited. So excited he could almost probably pee but he didn't. He was just excited to see his mama.

"How was the store and the mall and stuff? Do you need me to carry anything in?" He walked over to her and grabbed her face and kissed her hard and deep, he made up for her not kissing him before she left. "Don't just leave like that..." He said quietly, almost in a whisper before standing up.

"You have a half hour. Then I'm taking you out. I know you said no dinner before your shoot. And that's fine. I won't take you out to dinner but I'm taking you out. You don't have to change or do anything." He went back to the counter grabbing his phone looking at some stuff. "I'm rated 5th right my weight class...5th..." He shook his head and put his phone down.
Only Jake would see the pleasure in being beaten up. She smiled at him, "That's...great, babe." She laughed a bit and played with her boy. She gave him attention and love and then she stood up.

"It was good. There are a few bags in the back seat." She said softly and bent over to put her shoes back on so she could go outside. She was so excited to see Max, she forgot them back there. She kissed Jake back when he kissed her and frowned slightly. It took her a second to figure out what he was talking about and then she nodded her head. "I won't."

She raised an eyebrow when he declared their date night. She was going to remind him that she couldn't eat a big meal but he remembered on his own. She went to grab the bags with the food in them and let him put the food away while she used her thirty minutes to fix her hair, change her pants and touch up her make up. She put on a pair of comfortable sneakers and went back downstairs.

"That means you only have four people to beat up until you are number one. You can do it." She kissed his shoulder and peeled an orange. "So what are we doing?" She asked curiously.
Jake went out to help with the bags and helped her put them away. Max ran around following them both. "I'm surprised I have not stepped on his yet. Then just wait until he is huge and then he will be stepping on us." He laughed a bit.

When she went to get ready Max followed her. Jake shook his head. Sure that dog was his buddy when she wasn't around but when she was around that dog was her dog. But he was purchased for her. He climbed up onto the counter and was reading articles on his phone. When she came back down he glanced at her. "It's four more wins. It could be two years for that to happen..." Jake knew he wasn't very patient. He was ready to be on top but that just meant that he could spend two years getting better than ever. "But it's going to happen." He grinned at Adri. "You missed." He grabbed a banana to eat quick.

"Well love, you will find out when we get there." He grinned at her before hopping down. He let Max out as he ate his banana. "Your nails look nice. You can use them to scratch my chest later if you want..." He grinned at his girlfriend again.
"He's smart enough to know when to move out of the way." She said about Max.

"Two years is not that long and think about it. When you are champion you will have it much longer than that and these two years will feel like child's play." She smiled at him and rubbed his cheek. "It's not that bad."

She frowned at finding out what they were doing when they got there. "I can't go to the gym and risk breaking a nail and I cannot get any bruises that will show on camera." She smiled at her nails, "Thank you baby. They did a really good job today." She laughed at his little joke, "Not tonight. I need to get my rest so I will be going to be early." She picked up Max and set him in his crate. She grabbed her purse again and smiled at Jake.

"I'm ready if you are."
He wondered what would happen though if he won and then the first chance to defend it and he got beat. That would not sit well with him at all. He would use this time to get better than ever. He wanted to be unstoppable.

Jake shook his head. "I'm not going to beat you up at the gym. Especially before you have a shoot. Wow what type of guy do you think I am?" He started to head out to the garage to his car. "I can't get like a five minute chest scratch? I didn't mean like a...." He put his hand up in a clawing manner, "rawr a legit chest scratch. Like a back scratch but chest. Or I'd go for back and chest." He opened her door for her before getting in on his own side. His sunglasses went on before he took off.

"I don't know after we get just may be willing to do that for me." He drove a bit before arriving to a spa place. "Two words for you...couple massages." He said as he parked and looked at Adri with a smile.
"I don't know what you would have planned. I am just making sure you know the rules." She told him. "You want me to use my nails to scratch your chest like I would scratch your back?" She asked him to make sure she understood that right. She laughed a bit and shrugged her shoulder, "We will see how good you are wherever we are going." She laughed and followed him to the garage.

She closed her eyes on the drive there. She held back a yawn and tried not to fall asleep. When the car stopped she opened her eyes and saw the spa. She smiled at Jake, "Couples massages, that sounds wonderful." She unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car with him.

She held his hand and walked with him into the front desk. They were taken to different changing rooms so they could put on the robs and then they met back up. She walked over to him, "Do you think we can take a mud bath too? I hear it's really good for the skin."
Jake loved her smile and went inside with her. He never had a professional massage before so he didn't know what to expect. He was a guy who beat people up so it's not like he did this often.

Once he met back up with Adri he smiled and gave her a look. "Uhh well yeah! I mean duh..." He gave her a look. Why did he need a mud bath for his skin. "A couples one?" He wouldn't do it for himself but for Adri would take a mud bath.

He took his robe off and laid face down. "Adge...this is for you to relax before you have to go back to work. We can do anything you want." He smiled at her, he enjoyed seeing her smile. He was more in love with that woman that he felt he expressed.
Adri smiled happily. She nodded her head, "Of course a couples mud bath." She had a feeling he didn't know what was going to happen. he was going to get mud in all of his bits and pieces. That wasn't the fun part, but it would relax him in amazing ways.

She walked with him to the room and slipped her robe off. She put it on a hook on the wall and laid on the table. They had a little time before their masseuses came in. A male and a female. The male came to Adri and started her deep tissue massage. The female did the same to Jake. Adri was lost in heaven for the most part.

"Now I wish I didn't get my nails done earlier. We could have gotten couples mani-pedi's." She teased. She felt her body relaxing under the pressure of her masseuse's hands.
Jake wasn't too thrilled to have some dude touching his woman and relaxing her in ways he couldn't. But hopefully she remembered that he was the one who brought her there for that relaxation.

Jake let out a sigh. "Adriana....not know we could skip you giving me a massage after fights and I could just come here..." He teased back.

He got quiet and really relaxed. He could easily fall asleep with how relaxed he was getting. It seemed they both needed the massages to relax. "I know no big meal but about salads? That way you don't have to cook for me. Or I can go home and cook?" He liked they shared the house work. But today she deserved a break.
She chuckled. "I want to rub your body too." She said softly. "Maybe both. We can come here and get a couple's massage and then we can go home and massage each other in other ways." She giggled.

"Ooh a fruit salad would be really good. I'm sure thy have them here. We can always eat here. That way we oth don't have to cook." She said softly. She flipped around so her masseuse could get the front of her legs.

She looked over at Jake and closed her eyes. "Whatever you want to do boo, but I need to be back before nine so I can do what I need to do before bed."
Jake smiled when she said she wanted to rub his body too. It made him feel good. Then she commented about other types of massages. He definitely wouldn't object to that. "Sounds good to me baby."

"We can get one here or somewhere else babe. I say neither of us should cook." Jake also filled over and closed his eyes being extremely relaxed. He chuckled a bit. "Do you turn into a pumpkin at 9?" He teased and looked over at Adri and smiled as he watched her. Just looking at her he knew how lucky he was.

"Maybe we could do this before my fights and then you can massage me after. Yeah. I like that idea." The girl massaging Jake couldn't help but check his body and muscles out. The whole time she was trying to figure out why he looked familiar.
"I do actually. I turn into a pumpkin." She laughed. She agreed to doing this before or after a fight. "I'll be happy with either one. This is nice."

After their massages, they were taken to the bathing area. They were normal tubs but instead of water they had mud in them. "You're about to get some mud in some weird places." She smiled at him and removed her robe. She was in her underwear, at least her bottoms, and she would most likely be throwing them away after this.

She stuck her toe in to test the warmth and then she got in all the way. She wiggled around a bit to sink completely. But she managed to get comfortable. She set her head back on the pillow and closed her eyes. "Get in baby the mud is fine."
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