Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake smiled. "I know. You like having our family together. I was thinking...because of that, when Owen gets older, we can get someone to home school him. That way if we want or need to travel, he can come with us. But then when he gets older to play sports, I want him in an actual school so he can do that. I want him to have that opportunity. By then maybe we will have more kids." He smiled at her. That meant like 8 years down the road, so he hoped by then they would have kids of their own.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes with a grin. "Babe...really? You are so talented and loved by a lot of people. I'm sure if anything your new friends at VS will invite you. I mean come on..." He shook his head again.

He kissed her shoulder and then her cheek. "Thank you baby. You have no idea what it means to me to have you in my corner. About everything. Work. This surgery. Owen. Everything. My queen." He kissed her softly and placed his hand on her hip as he kept kissing her slowly and deeper.
"There is a school called Avenues that Suri Cruise attends. It's partially home schooled. Owen would learn a second language, have a healthy lunch option and get the world's best education. I kind of want him to go there. There is one here in New York and in LA but we can always have a private tutor teach him in Vegas with the same curriculum. My boy is smart so he is going to use those smarts." She said confidently. They could get him into a normal private school for middle and high school but primary school could be Avenues to get him a head start.

She shrugged her shoulder. "You never know." She laughed.

She kissed him back and moved into his lap. She scratched the back of his head and kissed him even deeper. As long as they broke the rule together and one didn't seduce the other into bed, she figured it would be okay to have a little fun. And if they didn't tell their therapist, she would never know.
He thought about it. "I'd want to look more into it. I don't know how that would work when we are home in Vegas. But he is smart and does need to use his brain. He's a hell of lot smarter than me and I'll be damned if we let him get by without using his skills. That kid could do anything he wants to. I have no doubt." They both were pretty proud parents that was for sure.

"You are like the popular girl in school who thinks no one likes her...oh my...I wanted to smack girls like you in school." He teased and gave her a playful look.

Jake knew the therapist put a rule in place and honestly he didn't know what would be more fun, breaking it, or having the will power not to break the rule. But her lips tasted amazing and her skin against his, it was something he missed for a while. Being intimate together had been nonexistent since before his fight. "You know...I have a lot of tension built up...since before the fight..." He said between kisses and ran his hand slowly up her body under the water. It stopped at her chest where he rubbed her gently and teased her nipple.
"You didn't even know girls like me in school." She shot back and gave him a kiss to ease the burn.

She smiled and kissed his neck when he started to talk, "So this is round one." She said softly. "And who knows where the night will take us." She kissed along his jaw and then came back to his lips. She kissed him passionately and moved around so she was straddling his waist.

"Unless, you wanted to keep that tension built up and wait until we are done with therapy." She offered. She would let him be the good guy with this one.
He gave her a look. That wasn't nice. But it was true...he didn't exactly hang out with hot sexy girls like his fiance. Not until he started fighting anyway. He kissed back softly.

He let out a small moan with a smile. His hands traveled over her body. "Round one huh? You know I can go the distance. I do have amazing stamina. Check out my stats." He said with a chuckle before kissing her back, pulling her closer to him. It was nice to feel their naked bodies pressed together.

Of course she'd make him make the decision. "I don't follow rules, you should know that..." He said with a grin and nipped her bottom lip. This was a long time coming, plus, things were going well, why not let them grow closer as a couple by being intimate. "I want you Adriana..."
"I love you Boo. You know that. Iml Ad you didn't have girls like that in high school. One of them might have pinned you down." She smiled.

"Then take me." She whispered back and he took her again and again. In the hot tub, in the kitchen, in the shower and bedroom and back against the patio. It was nice being together with no restraints and not having sex also took a strain on their relationship. They felt so much better afterward.

When they were finished, she crashed on top of him next to the fireplace. They had a blanket and some pillows and the fireplace right next to them so it was nice and toasty but probably next very comfortable for Jake.
He did know that she loved him and he appreciated the compliment.

Jake was exhausted. The was the most physical activity he had since the fight. Maybe sex was how he could get his work outs in. He smiled at the thought, and would bring it up to her in the morning. It was nice to be together and not have to worry about Owen waking up or any outside drama. It was just the two of them.

The floor wasn't that comfortable, but for now, having Adri curled up on him was better than moving. He watched the fire a moment before looking at her. She was beautiful and loved him. Being together fifty years probably would still not make him realize why she picked him of all guys. But damn was he grateful. This reminded him of their first night in the house, their first night being intimate. That's how he fell asleep, holding her, thinking of that very night.
At some pint she got off of him and laid next to him instead. Then her alarm went off and she very much wanted to stay in bed rather then go to work. It was the first time she felt like that in a long time. She got up and tried her best not to wake up Jake and then went to take a shower.

She got dressed for her morning workout and then looked at the menu and ordered Jake breakfast. She gave him a kiss on the forehead and then went to work.

She had a pretty good day. She had her workout and then a meeting and then a photoshoot with express clothing. Then she was free to go. She grabbed a few things for their q and a video tonight and then she went home. She smiled at Jake and picked up Owen when she walked in.

"How was your day?" She asked. "I got a camera and tripod for the video tonight. There's so many questions on Twitter and Instagram right now, it's crazy." She sat on the couch and let Owen stand in her lap.
Jake rolled over and groan from the pain in his ribs. He opened his eyes and sighed when he saw that Adri was gone. He knew she would have to leave before him, but he hoped he would have woke up to wish her a good day. Then he noticed the breakfast and he smiled.

He got up and grabbed the bacon and took a picture of himself eating it with a huge smile. He sent it to Adri, "My girl is the best. Hope she has a good day. Love you." He posted the picture to Instagram captioned, "My girl loves me, she ordered me breakfast." After he ate, he showered and got dressed to head back to the penthouse.

When he got home he smiled at Owen who was playing with Adri's mom. He asked how he was and took over for her so she could sight see or do whatever.

"Hey there gorgeous." He leaned over and kissed her softly. "It was good. We just hung out. I did find some possible cabins..." He made a face. "They are bit pricey...maybe we can rent it this year and then work on buying it...but I did do research on how much to charge a night vs weekend. Which weekends are peak times. And, I figured it would help if we advertise it as ours. We have to have a bit of a security deposit though, I don't want people trashing it." He gave her a look and a small smile as he looked away trying not to chuckle. "Not sure who would do such a thing..."

"You bought a new camera?" He gave her a nod. "Yeah it's blown up. Which questions are you thinking?"
"We can look at them tonight." She smiled. "Yeah I bet they are pretty expensive. I didn't really think about how much a ten bedroom cabin in Denver would be until just now. We just have to be smart about buying and renting it. Maybe we should ask a financial planner to look at it with us to make sure we are doing the right thing and going about it the right way."

She nodded her head to the new camera, "Apparently it's the best camera for making videos. A lot of you tubers use it. I got a tripod so it will stand up while we film. And that camera will be good for future use. Candid photos of the family and all that. We won't use it for filming YouTube videos that often." She said softly.

She looked at all of the questions on her phone, "I like this one, do you have any hidden talents?" She smiled. "What questions do you like?"
Jake liked the idea of talking to a financial planner. "Sounds good to me. I'll give one a call and let them know what we plan to do and maybe I should find one in Denver. You know that means...trip to Denver right? We could go see a football game! Jake's eyes lit up. "Dude! Yes!" He smiled and chuckled like a little kid.

"We can use it though for Christmas and birthdays. To capture it on film for Owen." He smiled at the idea. "I think it's a good investment." He kissed her shoulder tickled Owen's belly. He grabbed at Jake's hand and laughed saying no.

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Do you? Have hidden talents?" He looked at them with her, since she had it pulled up on her phone. "We already did what my routine is before a fight....hmmm." He skimmed more of them. "Ooo this one. What is your favorite date?" He looked at a few more. "This is one is good too. I want to answer that one. Do you guys get jealous of each other's jobs? Adri with male models and Jake with ring girls." He looked at her with a smile.
She laughed and nodded her head, "It might best to find one in Denver since that's where the cabin will be." She rubbed her lips together, "We could go to a football, I gues. I don't know why we would though." She teased. "We would have to plan the trip around a home game. Figure it when they play at home and we can go then."

She smiled, "I guess you'll just have to wait and see what my hidden talent is." She smiled. "Owen knows what it is. Don't you buddy." She kissed his cheeks and smiled at Jake.

"There are a lot of questions that we already answered." She said still skimming through them. He picked a couple good ones. "Any plans for future how to fight videos?" She laughed. "You each inf me jui jitsu went viral." She smiled. "Actually, both videos went viral." She smiled cockily and looked at Jake.

"How about...why are we in New York right now? I can't answer that yet. But it will be a fun tease. And when is your next fight?"
He gave her a look. "You don't understand why? What?! Hello...The Broncos kick a...butt...." He looked at Owen. "Because your man loves the Broncos. I have since I was a kid." She said yes and he got excited. "Yes! Football season is just around the corner. It won't be hard." He attacked her cheek with kisses. "We can rent out a box. Or sideline...hmmm choices."

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Owen you holding out on Daddy? What is her hidden talent? Do you sing? I know you can damn." He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

Jake smiled and rolled his eyes. "You were awful with that. But it was fun. We could do another one of me kicking your butt. When I can get back in the gym, I do want to do some work out videos." He rubbed her leg.

"That's mean to tease them about New York. We could be very vague. My fight I don't know yet. I don't want to give a lot about my injury and have Bisping use it to his advantage. We aren't getting into that. They know I had broken ribs and a punctured lung. Let's leave it at that." He skimmed through more. "What is one thing you do not travel without and why? What shows do you watch? Together and by yourself? What music do you like? I like those questions that let them know us personally a bit better." He kissed her shoulder. "I thought about posting a prefight playlist..."

"Adri...have all these ideas that I want to do...Like what do you think of me doing a blog? Where I can upload work out videos, workout playlists, diet plans, etc." He looked at her for her idea. "It's something I can do when I'm not training. If I'm training and don't have time, I can just hold off posting anything. I can get sponsors to put ads up on the site. What do you think?"
She laughed, "If it's just the two of us then maybe we should just get sideline seats."

"Maybe." She said to being able to sit. She gasped like she was upset and pushed his shoulder. "I wasn't that bad."

She nodded her head to how he would answer the fight question. She liked the questions he picked out and there were a few more questions they picked out together.

"A blog could be cool for you. Something to help aspiring fighters. I think you can write down little note when you are training and I can post it or your dad can post it to help you keep up with the blog." She offered.
Jake smiled like a little kid. "I've never had sideline tickets." He chuckled.

He laughed. "I mean awful because you kept goofing off. Like trying to lick me and kiss me. There is no licking or kissing in any fighting..." He shook his head rolling his eyes.

Jake was excited to the Q and A session. "Are we doing a special appearance of the rest of the family? You know O won't sit still forever. We can do a quick appearance at the beginning or end. Maybe end. Talk it up?"

He smiled and kissed her. "Thanks babe for being supportive of it. I think it would be beneficial for aspiring fighters too or just people who want to work out. I appreciate you wanting to help post stuff too." She was pretty great. "And you wondered why I want to marry you..." He said softly with a smile.
"It's not my fault you looked good in your thingy. I forgot what it was called. But I had fun. That's what matters right?" She smiled at him.

She laughed, "He can make a special appearance. Probably at the end. The last question could be when are we having kids and then we can show off Owen. We can be trolls."

She laughed and handed him Owen. "You take this guy and I'll set up the camera." She grabbed everything and set it all up in front of the couch. She made sure she could see Jake and Owen in the view finder and then flipped it around so they could watch and make sure they were in focus and all that. She hooked up the camera so the battery would die on them and then she took her seat on the couch.

Owen played by their feet withe Max watching him from the couch, next to Adri. "We asked you guys on Twitter and Instagram to post some question you want us to answer and we picked a few good ones to make this video. We love our fans and we feel like this is a great way to give back and give you information about us and you know it's true since it's coming from us." She smiled at Jake. "So let's get it started."
He smiled, "Gi. It's not a thingy. It's a gi." He chuckled. "Yes as long as you had fun. But you fight dirty." He kissed her.

He rolled his eyes to her saying they could bring him in when they brought up kids. "Yeah he's going to be an only child for a bid. Well..we have Max. We may get more kids...four legged kids." He told he her with a look like she didn't think of that part of it.

Jake played with Owen while Adri got the camera ready. He then put him on the floor and sat up to get ready. "Do I look okay?" He asked her with a smile. He did like that they were just dressed however, not a lot of effort into it. It was the real them, not all glammed up.

"We will start off with some easy questions...What is your favorite type of music? That's hard to pinpoint just one. I like a bit of everything. It depends on my mood. I like anything from rock to rap. Especially when I need to get in the zone to get ready for a fight. If there are songs that I can get pumped up with that's what I listen to. But then again being from Denver I do like a bit of country. Maybe we both can upload a playlist we both like to share." He looked at Adri for her answer.

"What is one item we can't travel without and why? Well if we travel with Owen, it's a pack and play to keep his from getting into too much stuff. But honestly my ipod for my music. Music is good to listen to during work outs or just to relax or even keep me company on the plane. But I also travel with my watch my girl got me." He showed the camera and smiled at Adri. "Because well, I need to know what time it is."
"Are we having more four legged kids? I can always go for another puppy or two." She smiled at him and rubbed his shoulder with hers. "Please say yes." She smiled.

"My favorite kind of music is whatever is hot on the radio. I love some Queen Bee and Adele." She nodded her head and looked at Jake, "As for country I mean there are a few songs but I'm not a big country fan."

She thought about what she couldn't travel without, "I can't travel with out my phone. Especially if Jake, Owen and Max aren't with me, I need to have my phone so we can FaceTime and keep in contact." she patted Jake's thigh and looked at the next question.

"Any special hidden talents. Uh so if you watched Lipsynch Battle then you know I can dance b when I was younger my mother put me in the church choir so I can sing too. I had to be in the choir if I wanted to take dance lessons so I was taught how to sing. When Owen woke up in the middle of the night and it was my turn to get him back to sleep, I would sing him to sleep and he would be out in no time."
Jake's plan was to yes get more dogs. They had talked about it. A little bulldog for Adri and a pit for him. That way they all had their own little dog. Well Max wasn't little. He smiled. "We will think about it. Right now we travel a lot to get more dogs. Can you imagine flying with more?"

"Adri also didn't grow up near Denver where there was a lot of country music, hell that's all there was on the radio." He chuckled. "You liked that Sam Hunt song...that's country. So yeah, a few songs."

He nodded to her phone being important. "I like our Facetime dates." He said with a smile.

"You know you will have to prove that special talent later right? I need proof." Jake thought about a hidden talent. "So no laughing about this...but...I had to get pretty flexible to fight. I can do the splits." He made a face that showed he was embarrassed admitting that.

"What is our favorite date we had been on together? That's really tough. I think it would have to be London when I proposed. For the date I came up with. The one you came up with...last night for sure." He looked at Adri.
She smiled, "That wouldn't be the worst thing in the world."

She raised her eyebrows at his hidden talent. "Proof. I want proof! I'll give you mine if you give me yours. I'll do it with you. Or try too at least. Come on, please?!"

She laughed, "Last night was pretty good. I think my favorite was your date around Vegas. When you showed me how you made Vegas yours. He took me all over the city and I am pretty sure that was one of our first dates, it not the first. Then the paparazzi crashed it and that's when we became official."

"How did you not tell me you can do the splits though?" She asked going back to their hidden talents. "I really want to see this."
Jake laughed. "Alright...we can do it together later..." He chuckled a bit.

He smiled at the date she liked. "That for the most part was a good date. Stupid paparazzi ruined it. At the fountain. That could have been a romantic moment if it wasn't ruined. But it was still fun." He smiled at her. "I was so mad..." He shook his head. "I feel like I have to keep one upping myself to not disappoint you."

He rolled his eyes. "It's not something that comes up in conversation babe. You can later...if you play your cards right." He smiled at her. "What's the next question?"
"That's no fair, you bring it up in video. So you have to do it on video." She poked at him to get him to do it.

She look at the next question, "The next question is...what is it going to take to get you to do the splits right now?" She smiled at Jake and sighed.

"Do we get jealous of each other's jobs?" She thought about it. There was only one person she was truly jealous of but other than that she shook her head. "Not really. Only one person has managed to get under my skin but at the end of the day I have the ring on my finger and Jake is a hand full." She teased. "You can try to steal him away but only I can whip him into shape and keep the beastly part of him at bay." She laughed and kissed his cheek.

"He gets jealou though. Big time." She answered for him and then looked at him.

"Do you have any hidden tattoos or piercings?" She asked and showed off her one tattoo of the Q and the heart above it. "That's my only one."
"Are you going to sing on video?" He gave her a look. "It came up on video, so you have to..." He teased back.

He rolled his eyes. "We can't talk about that on camera..." He chuckled.

Jake rolled his eyes a bit. "I will admit it. I tend to get a bit jealous...but let me explain. My fiance gets to dress sexy and pose in sexy poses with guys dressed sexy. I mean watch the Nick Jonas video..." He made a face picturing Adri in the shower. "So seeing that can be kind of hard. I think if she had to see me making out with another girl in the shower and it looked really hot she'd get a tad jealous too. With my job, I don't have anyone kissing me or posing with me that has to touch me. But with her it's more like...well crap I want do that with her. That's kind of hot. At the end of the day, I trust her. Sometimes the other guys, not at all. With Nick, I trusted Nick. I honestly wasn't that jealous about that..." He looked at Adri, because he wasn't oddly. "I think deep down we both know we would never cheat on each other so that helps. But I do get jealous, cause I know what I have. She's amazing. I don't want to lose that. Any guy would be getting a catch. Me yes I'm a handful." He smiled and put his hand on her leg. "And she's right she's the only one that can keep the beast at bay." Despite the fact that sometimes she was the reason the beast came out, well their fighting.

"Well my rib tattoo can be seen at any fight. So I'm not taking my shirt off. But I too have one on my finger." He showed his off. "We got them together."

"What was your first impression of each other?" He chuckled. "Um...I thought she was drop dead gorgeous but this was when she started as my assistant and I figured she was just another chick that couldn't hack it and I'd be firing or make cry within the first week. Boy was a I wrong. The first day, she made the best smoothie I ever had. And was on top of my schedule and knew exactly what to do. That's one of the things I love about her is her organization." If only they communicated that organization their relationship would be golden.

"Who do you look up to the most?" Jake thought about that question. "I'd have to say my father. He's very wise. He's a bit rough around the edges but will give you honest advice. Even if it's not what you want to hear. He has a big heart and means well. He's also a hard worker."
"Yes, I said I would." She laughed and tried to think of a song. She started to sing Make a Man Out Of You from Mulan and smiled at him. "It's the first thing that came to mind so don't judge. Oh and..." She got off of the couch and went down to try a split. She didn't manage to complete it but she got down far enough before falling over.

"You're just breaking all of the hearts today." She pouted and lifted his shirt to show off his tattoo but lifted the wrong side so she moved the shirt over to the other side and showed it off, confidently showing off his abs at the same time. She put his shirt down and smiled happily. "And more on the way." She winked at the camera and smiled at Jake. "Love you."

She raised an eyebrow, "He was a bit of a jerk, honestly. I introduced myself and he told me not to interrupt him while he was working out. So it wasn't love at first sight but I do love him now."

"Professionally, Tyra Banks because she built an empire and in some ways it feels like I am walking her shoes and, no offense to her, but I am building my empire and it's going to be bigger and better. She paved the way for me to make that happen and I love her for that. But casually, I look up to my mother. She raised five kids and never missed a beat. She doesn't get enough credit for all of the things she did for my brothers and I. I lean on her for support and love and I'm so happy to have her in my life."

"Why are we in New York?" Adri smiled and looked at Jake, "We can't really say. I can tell you it's big and you'll see a lot more of me later in the year. Contracts have been signed and costumes have fitted. I can't wait to tell you guys but there is this big thing planned so I can't but it's going to be big when you find out."

She watched Owen play on the ground, "Last question, how is Owen doing?" Adri bent over and picked him up, "How are you doing buddy?" She asked and tickled his belly. "He's not walking yet but he's crawling and getting into everything. He has a tooth coming in and he's my chunky drool monster." She sat him between her and Jake and let him play with a toy. "We had a bit of a scare but he's breaking out of his fever and he's getting better."
He raised an eyebrow. "Really a Disney movie? No Adele?" He sighed and got up. "You're lucky I have the right pants on to do this..." He ended up doing the splits with his right leg out front and the left behind. "I can't do both out side to side. Men shouldn't do that..." He shook his head and then rolled over and got up.

He sat back down and shook his head. "Really? More of my abs to come or more tattoos?" He chuckled. "You are proud to show off those abs aren't you?"

Jake nodded. "I was a jerk. But you did interrupt my work out. That's not professional. Or cool. My workouts are important." He argued. "I also had to be a jerk to make sure that she could handle the job. She passed."

"Ooo I didn't do one professionally. Professionally...George St Pierre. Despite the fact the guy is from Canada he is one of the best MMA fighters that ever was in the UFC. He holds the record for the most wins in title bouts and second longest combined winning streak in UFC. The guy fought 27 times and only lost twice in his entire MMA career. But I have to say I'm coming after those records he holds." They both told the people they look up to professionally that they were going to out do them. "He's also a classy guy and has a bit of sense of humor. The guy ate a cold piece of pizza off the floor after a fight because he was that hungry." He looked at Adri. "I've been that hungry haven't I?" Jake honestly would love to get him to come down and train. He was in the weight class below Jake but was one of the best fighters and if they trained together then he knew he'd be at the top of his game. But if GSP came back to the UFC they may have to fight each other.

"I can tell you why I'm in New York. I'm in New York because my girls in New York and I have the time off of work after my win that I can and we don't normally have the oppurtunity to travel together so we took advantage. may be checking out a wedding venue. But have no exact date set yet." If they wanted to cut that part out Jake would be fine with it. The beauty was they could edit any of it out if they wanted.

He looked at Owen and smiled when Adri picked him up. "He's trying to walk. He stands up and goes to let go and falls on his tooshy." He kissed his head. "He's our little warrior. He's getting big and he's super strong, I think he just likes scaring his parents..." He looked at Max. "And here's Max for all the dog lovers. He and Owen are best friends. We actually had to have Max flown out here for Adri and Owen. Owen missed his brother and Adri missed her oldest." Jake smiled. "Thanks for the questions. I hope you enjoyed the answers and spending time with our family." He looked at Owen. "Can you wave bye?"
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