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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Adri cheered and clapped her hands when he got down into a split and then she started to sing Make You Feel My Love Adele's way to make up for the Disney song.

"Both hopefully. I am very proud of your body. You should be proud of your body." She rubbed his abs through his shirt and showed them off again.

"George St Pierre does front on splits." She commented. "I try not to let you get that hungry. You are super grumpy when you are hungry. But you have come close. Now I always have a cucumber cut up in the fridge for when he's a monster and then after he fights we get burritos from Chipotle."

She nodded her head, "I'm happy to have my family travel with me. And yes. We are going to look at some wedding venues soon. Both hopefuls are on the east coast so it's easier if we are both here to look at them."

Adri scratched Max's head, "Yeah, Jake surprised me with this guy. Our family is complete in New York." She looked at Owen and popped his hand out of his mouth and waved to the camera. "Bye guys."

She stopped the recording and sat back on the couch. "That was pretty damn good Boo." She smiled and kissed his cheek.
He chuckled at her clapping and cheering. Then she started singing and he raised an eyebrow. "Hot damn. I hope you realize I'm going to make you sing for me now."

"I am very proud of it. I've worked hard for my body and still do." He let out a sigh. He would be working on it now but couldn't and it was killing him.

He rolled her eyes about GSP doing front on splits. "She does a great job not letting me get that hungry. I do get pretty hangry." He looked at her. "Your sons get pretty hangry too. Especially the youngest."

Jake chuckled at her pulling Owen's hand out of his mouth. "See...hungry." He chuckled.

"That was pretty good." He kissed her head. "I was a jerk huh?" He asked with a smile. "I can't believe I didn't know you sing. What else don't I know?"
"Yeah, you were a bit of a jerk. For like two weeks and then you were finally normal. I can't say nice but you weren't mean."

She shrugged her shoulder, "You never asked." She laughed, "I don't know. What don't you know?" She asked him back teasingly. "I thinks its a good thing we are learning new things about each other. Keep up the surprises." She smiled.

"I didn't know you could the splits." She smiled. "Does that flexibility have use for a man though?" She asked softly. "I mean, I know the advantage if I could do the splits but you...I don't know."
"Normal? I started to be nice..." He rolled his eyes with a smile. "You act like I am nothing but this big old jerk."

He looked at her like she was crazy. "You don't just can you sing?" He shook his head." Then she teased him. "You're lucky I can't beat you up and put you in a headlock right now." He tickled her side. "It is nice."

He shrugged. "It is kind of an advantage to be flexible in the cage. I can flip around when I need to. If I wasn't so flexible then the opponent could have the upper hand during fights. They could move the wrong way and it hurt. Now, it doesn't hurt." He shrugged. It's not like I would normally just start doing the splits in the cage or anything."
She waved her hand back and forth. "You were a jerk when we first met. You grew out of it." She told him and rubbed his cheek.

She laughed, "That's true, I guess." She smiled. "Yeah I'm kind of happy you can't do that. But I imagine I'll get some sort of retribution when you are healed."

She shook her head, "Thats not the context I meant it in." She smiled. "I can see why it's important in the ring but in the bedroom. How is that going to help me out?" She asked him. She laid across his lap and pulled him down to kiss him. Owen was distracted on the floor. They could make out a little bit until he demanded attention.
"I grew out of it huh? In my twenties?" He chuckled.

Jake nodded with a huge grin. "Oh you will get yours. Don't you worry." He would make up for not being able to wrestle with her that was for sure.

"Oh...well...yeah. Not sure it would be beneficial for us there. I mean...I guess I can flip you around." He chuckled. Then she pulled him down to her and grinned before kissing her back. This was what he missed. Their playfulness. Kept kissing her, his hand resting on her cheek.
"Now that might be sexy. Flip me, toss me, and all that. I'll work on my flexibility, how about that?" She smiled.

They made out until the front door opened and then she pushed him back and sat up on the couch. She wiped her mouth and looked back over the couch, "Hey, mom." She got off the couch and walked into the kitchen. "What did you do today?" She asked softly and spoke to her mom for a little bit. Then her mother joined them in the living room and played with Owen on the floor.

Adri sat next to Jake and put her head on his shoulder, "I'm going to make a call really quick and I'll be right back." She kissed jakes cheek and went to call her father and ask him to come out and surprise mom. She made plans with him and they were all set. He'd be here by tomorrow afternoon and then had time to shower and clean up before dinner.

"Hey mom we want to go to dinner tomorrow. Well, we want to take you to dinner tomorrow. Some place fancy. It'll be nice. What do you say?" Adri asked.
He grinned. "You like that idea?" He chuckled a bit.

Jake smiled and sat back and gave her a look, like they were two teenagers who were making out and her mom just came home. "Hi mom." Her mom filled her in on the small shopping trip she was on and a few site seeing places shes went to.

He gave her a nod when she got up to make her call. He checked her out as she left the living room. Owen was happy to see his grandma and Jake talked to her mom a bit about her day and what Owen was doing.

Her mother seemed excited about dinner, "Well who will watch Owen or is he coming with us?" Jake wrapped his arm around Adri when she returned to the couch with him. His fingertips ran up and down her arm.
"John can watch Owen. We are going to take him to dinner after you leave but since you leave so soon, we have to take you out first." She smiled. "I mean, he could go with us. He'd look adorable all dressed up but I think it would be best if he stayed home."

She was glad her mother was excited to do this with them. It would make surprising her at dinner with her father so much more fun.

Adri got up and grabbed the memory card from the camera and her laptop to edit the video. There wasn't much that needed to be cropped out so it was a simple edit. She added a title card and an ending card and let it render. She did do a few 70's porn music and slow mo shots when she showed off Jake's abs. She set Jake the link to promote it and she posted it and then posted the link of her Instagram and Twitter.

"Jake was thinking of doing a blog for when he is training of all his diet plans and work out schedules. I told him it was a great idea. Don't you think? You are the most nit picky person I know, maybe you can help him edit?" She looked at Jake and then looked at her mom. "It's just an idea."
Jake smiled but rolled his eyes. "Before she leaves we can dress him up and take him to a child friendly restaurant with grandma. Maybe you can even take him on a date." Jake offered.

Jake watched the video. "Adri..." He sighed and shook his head but posted it anyway. "You are awful

He sat with her on the couch the made a painful face. His entire face turned a different shade of red and he let out a groan. It took a minute for the pain to pass.

Her mother gave her a look. "I'd love to help. I think it's a wonderful idea Jake."

"Thank you." He gave her a smile but it was forced. He was still in a bit of pain. His head leaned against Adri.
Adri rubbed his cheek when he put his head on his shoulder. "Why don't you go take a hot bath? That might help with the pain." She said softly. She wasn't surprised he was in pain. Between last night and this morning there was a lot of excitement. His body was starting t react. Maybe they pushed it too far.

"Stay here for a second." She told him and went upstairs to get the bath started. She got it nice and hot to help soothe his nerve pain and then went back downstairs. "You're good to go." She smiled.

"We might take Owen for a walk or something. Let us have girl time and you can relax. Okay?" She sent him off to the tub. "If you need help just yell or text me." She smiled and kissed his cheek.
Jake agreed maybe a hot bath would help. Heat did help it. "Okay." He pulled her back and gave her a kiss before she went upstairs.

He smiled and kissed her softly. "Thanks baby. I love you. You're so good to me." Again this girl wondered why he wanted her and to be with her. Things like that. The little things. Breakfast waiting for him. Drawing a bath to ease his pain.

He got up and gave Owen kisses. "Protect the ladies little man." He laughed and squealed. "You ladies have fun. I'm going to probably turn music on just in case I don't hear you." He went to the bathroom and stripped down carefully, he turned on his ipod and bluetooth speaker. Jake then slipped in the hot water. It felt good as he leaned back closing his eyes.
After Jake got int he bath, Adri and her mother stayed around and talked for a little while and then they took Owen for a walk. Maria needed something to wear to dinner tomorrow so they did a little shopping as well. They made it home about an hour and a half later. All Maria needed were shoes and maybe some jewelry.

Adri checked on Jake to make sure he was okay. "Your son is just like you. He whined while we were shopping and then fell asleep when I held him." Her mother got Owen out of the stroller and into his crib for nap time.

"I'm going to get dinner started." She told him and went downstairs to get dinner ready. She checked her meal plan and found what she was making for dinner and started to prepare it.
Jake only stayed in the tub for about an hour. He got out and just put on boxer briefs and shorts on. He left a shirt off so his body could breathe a bit.

He did some research on the cabins in Denver and even sent an email to some financial advisers. He also looked into how to set up his blog. When Adri found him he was in the office working on those things. He couldn't help but chuckle at his son. "It was past his nap time can you blame him?" He smiled. "That's my boy though."

"I'll be down in a few baby." He smiled at her.

When she made it back downstairs, her mother followed her into the kitchen. "You two seem to be getting along a lot better..."
Adri smiled at her mom, "I took your advice and told him the entire truth. I wish I spoke to you before I paid this expensive ass therapist." She rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulder, "Yeah we are in a much better place and now we won't leave the therapist's office in a fight any more...hopefully. I think the woman wants me to quit my job, she keeps bringing up me getting the job when I thought Jake and I were over." She groaned.

"Will you peel the lettuce off for me and wash it?" She asked while Adri made the black bean burger patties to cook in the pan. She made a small deconstructed one for Owen and hoped he would eat it. She had his baby food on reserve just in case he didn't like it.

She made the four of them burgers and the fries were being baked. Probably not the healthiest thing in the world but they were usa grown organic potatoes and she wanted fries. They were having a healthy burger and fries. They weren't even having bread. Instead of the buns they were using lettuce.

She had some water to go with her meal. Her mother had a soda. Adri had a cup ready for whatever Jake wanted to drink and she set it all down at the table. "I'll feed him when he wakes up." She said looking at Owen through the baby monitor.
Her mother smiled at her. "Honey, I've told you for awhile communication is key. You're just too worried of what he is going to think. But I promise you, being honest and talking about it will be better than holding it off. It just adds anger and tension." Her mother smiled. "Want my opinion?"

Her mother worked on getting the lettuce pulled off. She put it in a bowl to clean for their burgers. "This all looks delicious." She asked about where the two of them get their recipes for such healthy and delicious meals.

She thought it was a good idea not to wake Owen just to feed him. Jake came down and walked over to Adri and kissed her shoulder. He had put a shirt on that the sleeves were cut out and ripped a bit. One of the kinds that Adri liked so much. He wanted to leave clothes off his side but not make her mother eat with him shirtless. "Will you do me a favor after we eat Adge?"
"Your opinion helped me the last time. It may help me this time." She told her and nodded her head warily though. She didn't need another woman telling her that she made a bad choice jumping into a job because she thought her relationship was over. She was tired of hearing it.

"Give you a massage? I'd love too." She smiled. She rubbed his hand, "What do you need me to do?" She asked so he could really tell her what he needed.

She put some ketchup and mayo on her fake burger and ketchup on her plate. It took away from the healthiness but she needed to make it feel like a burger. "Ooh mom, I'm going to be in the Super Bowl Carl's Jr/Hardee's commercial. I get to eat some type of burger they are releasing and by eat I mean, take a bite and then spit it out after the take. I don't think I told you that." She smiled proudly.
She gave her a daughter a look. "Maybe she isn't telling you that you screwed up but showing you a pattern. You jump into your work when you're afraid something is going to happen with you and Jake which, can't help your situation. No wonder you think the man resents your job at times. When times get tough you run to work instead of to him." She gave her a side hug. "I can't blame you for that. Your father was the same way. But maybe she isn't telling you that you screwed up but trying to show you what you are doing before you do screw up." She gave her daughter a kiss on the head.

Jake smiled and looked confused. "How did you kinda do that?" It was a little creepy. "I wasn't going to ask for a full out massage but since you offered, yes please." He smiled at her. "But I was going to ask if you'd rub some cream on my ribs. It has lidocaine in it to help with the pain."

After grabbing a plate he sat down with the ladies to eat. Her mother voiced how proud she was of her daughter. Jake smiled proudly. "My girl's blowing up. But could get the whole burger for your man. He can eat it. As long as I'm not in the gym by then. God, I hope I'm in the gym by then."

"Babe you want to watch a movie tonight?" Jake thought massage and movie sounded fantastic.
"And how did Dad stop doing it?" She asked curiously. If there was a way to stop what came naturally to her then she would like to know. "When he is mad at me and I don't want to be in that environment, I go to work. I take a job and I am away for a little while. I can clear my head and then come back to him and we are in limbo as to whether we go back to normal or not. I hate it, I do but I can't stop myself from wanting to get away every now and then."

She smiled back at him, "You put on my favorite shirt and you're wearing grey jogging pants." She rubbed her lips together. She would have said and you aren't wearing underwear but her mother didn't need to know that. Those grey pants were too much for Adri. She could see everything from the cute curve to his butt and the nice dent on the opposite side. "As long as I can sit on your butt while I do it I will be happy." She smiled.

She laughed at Jake, "I could but if you really wanted a burger, you would go out there with me. Filming will take a day. I was going to make it a three day trip but I can make it two. We get the day before and then we leave when filming is done. That way you can have a burger that isn't a few hours old. You still look good Boo." She promised.

She agreed to watch a movie while she massages him but she did have to feed Owen at some point. She looked at the monitor and he was still sleeping. "You picked the movie last time. I want to watch Finding Dory. I heard it's super cute."
"He never really did. But the thing that makes it different for you, is your job requires you to leave home. Think about what goes through that boy's mind. You have a fight and you leave for a week. What's he supposed to think? What's to stop him from wondering if you're going to decide to not come home..." Her mother meant well and was really trying to help. "Your father would come home every night and we'd talk about it. I fully get needing time away. But do it when you're at a high not a low. Imagine how that homecoming will be." She winked at her. "Find something else to do to calm down after a fight. Step away. Chill then come back and discuss. But don't leave town every time things get hard. That's running from your problems baby."

Jake grinned and raised an eyebrow. "So I just need to put this on when I want a massage. Done." He gave her a look about talking about sitting on his butt in front of her mother. "I don't care where you sit..." He grinned at her and wondered if they'd break the rules again that night.

"Let me know for sure when but I can probably go. Unlesd its during surgery recoup time or something." A dsy get away may be nice for them.

Jake rolled his eyes. "May as well watch it with O..." He smiled at her. Jake leaned over and kissed Adri. "Thanks for dinner. It's really good. But the mayo and ketchup...probably isn't on your meal plan." He teased, like it would add much calories compared to the fries.
She listened to her mother's advice and liked the way she explained a million times better than the way the therapist did. "Can I just pay you five grand an hour and we talk to you instead?" She half teased. The therapist wasn't working. Her mother got her and Jake past the hard point in their relationship. Did they really need the therapist anymore?

She smiled, that was the right answer. "I've got you covered Boo." She told him. "I just have to wash my hands really well before I touch Owen. Or if you can wait a few hours until Owen is in bed that might be better. Then that pain medicine will work into your body and help you sleep."

She didn't think about the surgery. She was sure it was after the surgery but she wasn't sure how much later.

"If he will sit through a movie yeah. He doesn't have that long of an attention span though." She kissed him back and ate her dinner. When they were finished, she washed the dishes and put them away. Her mother grabbed her dress and gave them both a kiss and hug before heading to her hotel room.

Owen woke up not too much later and she let him finish waking up before she set him down to feed him. He didn't like the deconstructed burger, so she went to plan B and fed him his food. She cleaned him off and took him to the living so they could watch their movie as a family. "Two and half hours until bed time and then massage time. Do you know what grey sweatpants do to me?" She asked. "Look down right now. Why aren't you wearing boxers?" She asked him laughing.
She shook her head no. "You can come talk to me for free."

Jake frowned a bit but she had a good point about waiting till Owen was in bed. "I can wait...but I get a back and chest massage with that deal."

If it was possible, Jake would definitely be with her. He was going to try to be with her as much as possible when she traveled.

He gave her mother a hug bye and even walked her down to the car, because it was New York and late. When he got back up to the penthouse he watched some tv.

Jake looked at Adri when she sat down. He figured if Owen just played while they watched the movie, that would be fine too. He looked down. "What?! They're comfy. My girl wanted me to relax...The boys needed to air out. And yes...I know what they do to you...the sweats and my shirt." He grinned and wrapped his arm around her.
She agreed to his terms and patted his thigh.

"You might as well just have it out. That's toning but a tease. That's walking around in a thong and one of your shirts. You can see my whole ass but you can't see everything. You're a tease." She told him and relaxed against him when he pulled her close.

"You're lucky I love you, you tease." She smiled and kissed his neck. "I love you." She said softly and looked down at his lap. "I can't focus on the movie with that thing just poking through." She grabbed a pillow and put it on his lap. "Control yourself." She teased and kissed his neck again.
"If your mom wasn't here, I may have just had it out." He teased back. "You can walk around in my shirt and a thong. I'm fine with that." He grinned and shrugged. "And you're not a tease?"

He smiled at her and kissed her head. "I love you." Jake laughed. "I'm not doing anything. I'm just sitting here..." He hit her with the pillow and pulled a blanket over them. "That better?"

Owen played on the floor with Max and his toys. He pulled on Max's fur and climbed all over him and Max just laid there letting the little guy do his thing. "Who drools more?"
She shook her head, "No I'm not. I'm a very good innocent pure woman."

She grabbed a second pillow and hit him back. "Ass." She said softly and then he draped the blanket over them. She smiled and nodded her head. "Yeah, that's better." She wrapped her arm around his waist and watched the movie.

She looked down at Owen and Max and shook her head, "I would say Owen but Max can't keep water in his mouth after a drink. So it's probably tied." She shook her head and smiled at Jake.
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