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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake laughed at her saying she was innocent and pure. " forget the things you've done to me and with me..."

Jakeshrugged. "I'm your ass. You love me."

He watched the two play with a smile. "He looks pretty happy." He gave her a kiss then got up going to the kitchen. "Want a drink babe?" Grabbed water for himself and whatever Adri wanted and returned to the living room, purposely letting her see him in his sweats.

"Are we continuing to break a specific rule?" He grinned and sat down next to her.
"I'll take a water. And Owen will too." She gave his butt a slap before he could sit down and she put her legs across his lap and leaned back against the arm of the couch.

"I don't know, are we?" She asked and held his hand above the blanket. "I feel like we should take her seriously. The no sex thing was probably a serious rule that we were supposed to follow. It was probably set for a good reason." She shrugged her shoulder. "But with you inh Ode sweats wanting a massage later, I don't know if I'll be able to keep my hands off." She smiled.

"Are we still going to the therapist?" She asked softly. "I know all of our problems aren't so,fed but the biggest one is, right? And she didn't even help with that, my mom did. We can keep going but maybe once a week instead of every three days. How's that?"
He smiled at her when she smacked his butt. "O...come here big guy. Come here." His son snuggled Max and shook his head no. Jake looked at Adri. "That little shit." He held the bottle out for him and then he crawled over for it.

"I agree. It probably does have a beneficial reason to be in place but you have a sexy model that is rubbing your are you not supposed to rock her world?" He grinned at her.

His thumb caressed her hand as he thought about it. "Donyou think we both were just mad and bullheaded to listen. Maybe now that we're in a good spot we will pull more from it. Let's keep going. At least for a bit. Even the three times. For another week or so. See how it goes. I think it's helping me personally. It helped you tell me how you felt about me and your job. And we sat down with you offers. I think that helped. A small amount but it did." His free hand rubbed her leg.

"And thank you. This is a time I want your full attention and you are giving it to me. It means a lot." He leaned over and kissed her. "I think we both have made progress together and separately."
Adri pushed Jake's shoulder, "Don't call him that. He's comfortable. He doesn't want to move. I can't blame him." She laughed.

"I mean mom helped me more than she did but we can keep going. It did help with those things, you're right about that. Okay." She told him and nodded her head. He was probably right. It would help in the long run.

"Yeah, well you aren't annoying me right now so..." She teased. "I will have to check my emails before bed but it can wait." She held her hands out for Owen and picked him up. She let him sit on her stomach while he drank from his skippy cup.
Jake gave her a look with a small smile. "I don't care if he's comfortable or not. I'm his father. If I tell him to come to me. He gets uncomfortable and comes to me. Wait till he's thirteen and sitting in his room...comfortable, and you want him to come down for dinner. But he's comfy playing video games. I'm going to say...he's comfortable. He doesn't want to move. I can't blame him." He grinned and moved so he wouldn't get hurt.

"Let's finish what we start okay?" He gave her hand a small squeeze.

"Ouch..." He grabbed his chest pretending to be in pain. "That's fine. Unless...we break rules then no email checking during that." He teased back with a smile. Jake let go of her hand just long enough for her to pick Owen up. Jake's head rested back against the couch. After a little bit Owen snuggled against Adri. "You know you're his favorite person right?"
"Dont be a dick." She laughed. "He won't be addicted to video games when he is thirteen. And he better listen to his mother. If he doesn't then you are going after him."

She nodded her head, "Okay. We will finish it out." She agreed.

"I know." She kissed Owen's temple and rubbed his back. "He might go to sleep a bit early. He's still fighting whatever he had. Then you can get your massage and who knows what else." She smiled and reached her hand out for him again. She kissed the top of Owen's head and rubbed his back. "Google when he should start walking. I want him to walk."
"Don't call me that in front of our son. That's not nice." He was smiling and teasing her though. "I never said addicted..."

"Put him to sleep. Owen go to sleep." He joked. "Yeah, he's doing better though but he does look a bit tired. He may just want some mommy cuddle time. Daddy always wants mommy cuddle time. Always." He smiled at her.

He grabbed his phone and googled it. "It says between 9 and 12 months. So any time." Jake was on his phone for a few moments. "Oh no. Oh boy..." He let out a huge sigh. "We have a problem."
"You called him a little shit. I can call you a dick." She laughed.

"You can do whatever you want O." She told Owen and rubbed his back some more. "Sometimes I question who the baby is." She teased.

"Yay. Owen when you get up tomorrow daddy is going to get you to walk. You're going to work those leg muscles out and take a few steps, okay? But only when mommy is around." She reminded.

"We do have a problem. Our son is going to be walking tomorrow and we have not baby proofed this penthouse."
"You like my dick. Remember that...You've referenced it a lot tonight." He grinned at her.

"Hey!" He smacked her leg with his free hand. "Hey...we both are your baby so there..."

Jake looked at her confused. "Daddy is huh? Is daddy having a work out session with Owen tomorrow? Baby I can't make him walk. He will walk when he's ready."

"No...not that." He handed her phone over to her to show her what someone said on instagram about their video. That someone was Tyra Banks, saying she loves Adri and work and hopes she does beat her empire. She then started following Adri and Jake on instagram and she was making connections to get Adri's information to ask her to get together sometime. Jake sighed and watched the movie pouting a bit.
"I do and I had it a lot last night." She stuck her tongue out at him. She laughed at him, "Did I strike a nerve little baby?" She asked using a voice a person would use to talk to a baby. "I love you, I love you. I'm sorry." She laughed. "I couldn't resist." She said before he retaliated.

"No you're starting training tomorrow. Baby Boo is walking before we leave New York. Huh O? You're go into walk for me." She smiled at him and kissed his forehead.

"Oh that's so cool!" She smiled and took a screen shot of the little notification that said Tyra Banks was following her. She sent Tyra a message back about getting in touch while she was in New York.

"Boo come on. This Tyra Banks, she was a Victoria secret model. She was the black woman on sport Illistrated. She's queen and she wants me to take over her empire. I have to meet her. I need too. What if I fan girl too much though and make a fool of myself. Oh god. What do I wear? Should I hire people? I should hire people right? For my hair and make up and clothes and stuff. She had people to do that. I should get people to do that to meet her. Oh I'm nervous already." She smiled and couldn't take the smile off of her face. She did hand her phone back so she wasn't on it but she couldn't wait to reply and talk to Tyra.
"I never once heard you complain baby..." He rolled his eyes but smiled. "No. I'm good. Just remember pay backs babe..."

"Don't set your hopes too high Adge. He will walk when he is ready. Or knowing our son. He will skip walking and go to running. Don't rush it." Jake chuckled a bit.

Jake smiled at her screen shotting her notification.

"I'm happy for babe. I am." He smiled at her. "But why doesn't she want to meet me?" He acted all offended. "That's crap." He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "No babe. No. Be you. She wants to meet YOU. Not you all done up how someone else thinks you should be. Or see where or how she wants to meet up. If it's casual like for you. Maybe she wants to see YOUR fashion sense." He rubbed her leg and gave her a smile. "You are super adorable when you geek out over Tyra Banks though. Worse than Nick Jonas."
"You're still practicing with him but if he starts to walk on his own and I'm not there, knock him down. Do don't push but give him a gentle bump and make sure he lands on his bum. That cute little butt." She shook Owen's butt at Jake and smiled.

"Speaking of it, I need pictures of this bare butt. I need to find a place to do his pictures or I can do them since I have the camera for it now." She thought about it and looked at Owen. "Maybe..."

Adri rolled her eyes, "Because you aren't a model." She stuck her tongue out at him and blew him a kiss. "When Tyra and I become besties, you will get tired of seeing her around." She laughed. She put her hand over her chest and nodded her head at Nick, "That was amazing. He's so cool. Such a chill guy. He was really worried about you beating him up for that video." She shook her head and chuckled.
" so need to take us doing a little work out session. We can play it to the song from Rocky. And I could be dressed like a trainer and we could dress him up in sweats and give him a head band." Jake's face lit up. "It will be so cool! Baby Drifter in Training!"

"Why do you need his bare butt? What are you doing?" He looked at her confused. "What's up your sleeve?"

Jake laughed. "I love how you already know you'll be best friends. Shit...looking at two hot models, one of which is my sexy fiance, the other probably best known model in the world, until my girl beats her out of the water. No baby...I won't get tired of that." He shook his head. "You know...I still may kick his butt for that video. That was a sexy video. That shower scene...we can go reenact that."
She laughed and nodded her head, "If that's what you want, okay." She giggled. "That would be funny." She said softly. "Yeah we can do that for sure. Just have to get the little guy some sweats. What kind of sweats did Rocky wear?" She asked.

"Because it's adorable and tiny and it's not going to be like this forever. I want a picture of his bare butt. We need pictures for his one year book and for the walls though. So that's the main reason for the pictures but I want some pictures of this cute little butt." She smiled.

She rolled her eyes, "We aren't doing anything to reenact your crazy childhood fantasy." She gasped and made Owen jump and she rubbed his back and got him back to sleep, "Sorry buddy. Sorry." She said softly, "There's a rumor that they are doing Life Size 2! What if she wants me to be a part of it. What if I was in a Disney movie?! Babe, that movie was my childhood. I could live my childhood with the queen of my life. Oh my god. I could die."
Jake just looked at her and smiled. "Well Rocky 1-3 they were grey sweats." He laughed a bit. "Rocky 4 was black sweats. Those are the only ones I know for sure." He chuckled because the grey sweats came up again.

"I was going to say we aren't putting his butt on the wall are we?" He laughed a little. "We should family photos too?"

He shook his head. "That is not a childhood fantasy. How is doing my fiance in the shower a childhood fantasy? I didn't know my girl when I was a child. You know I was talking about you right?" He teased. "Oh god...I told you we had a problem...I'm no longer your favorite person. Wait...Tyra Banks is the queen of your life?" He raised an eyebrow. "I'm marrying mine."
She rolled her eyes at the grey sweats, "I guess he needs grey sweats." She smiled. "His little butt is going to look even cuter in great sweats. Boo, we can film you training him and then when he finally does walk we can post the video on our instragrams." She smiled. "That would be so cute."

She shrugged her shoulder, "Maybe...maybe not." She smiled and looked down at Owen. "Maybe not, I don't think he'd appreciate it when he gets older." She sighed. "So just his cute face on the wall. And yes, we can take family photos too."

She frowned, "No not that, and we did that last night sir, but Thra and I are not red acting any childhood fantasies." She shook her head at him.

"But how cool would that be?" She smiled. "I mean if you want to be the queen in my life, you can." She teased. "You're still my favorite person Jake. You just have some competition now."
"You asked. I'm just being honest. We can watch Rocky if you don't believe me..." He smiled at her. "I can dress up like Rocky's trainer." Jake thought this would be the coolest thing on anyone's instagrams.

"He would kill us if he found out when he got older we had butt pics on the wall. We couldn't would you feel?" He shook his head. "We will leave that for mommy to have on her phone and show off to her friends." He chuckled cause that was even worse.

Jake shrugged, "And we could do that again tonight, I mean there is no rule of only once and done." He understood now. " Why not?" He grinned. "That would be hot."

"It would be cool babe." He rolled his eyes. "No babe. Not the queen of your life. King." He flexed his bicep for her. "I bet she can't do that." He said proudly and then did both arms. "Or that. Remember, I can give you children. She can't." He smiled as he teased her and rubbed her leg. "Want me to take him upstairs?"
She rolled her eyes at his flexing, "I mean you're jealous of the queen so if you want to be the queen you can." She teased further.

She laughed, "No she can't give me kids...wait, she has a kid so yes. She kind of can." She raised her eyebrows and looked at him. She smiled and shrugged her shoulder, "I like you too much." She said softly. "I can't give you up like that."

She looked at Owen and nodded her head, "yeah. I think he's out now." She said softly. She let Jake take him and Owen moved a little but settled into Jake's chest. She didn't know how well that transfer from chest to crib would go but she was glad she didn't have to do it. She took max out to use the bathroom and then went back upstairs and he went to be with Owen.

Adri grabbed the lotion Jake was talking about and changed into one of his shirts. She took her bra off but left her undies on. She took it downstairs and turned the TV. "The bed is more comfortable and if we do some thing, we will at least be in bed for it and if we fall asleep we fall asleep in bed. So come."
He rolled his eyes. "Not what I said or meant and you know it Adri."

"You like me? Just like? Wow..." He smiled and shook his head at her. "I'm not feeling the love."

Jake got up and gave her a kiss before taking Owen. It took him a bit to get him laid down and to stay asleep. Jake rubbed his back and made sure he had his pacifier. That kid was cute when he slept.

He went to go find Adri and when she told him to come with her he gave her a look. "You want me to come? Okay." He teased and went with her to the bedroom. He took off his shirt and climbed on the bed on his stomach. "Did you get a good look at me in my sweats when I came to lay down?" He asked her with a smile.
"You are such a tease, it's not even funny." She told him and got on the bed. She sat on his butt and got a scoop of the lotion and started to rub his back. She wanted it to be firm and feel good but at the same time be gentle so she didn't mess with his nerve.

She moved back on his thighs and rubbed it into his butt and gave it a few slaps and pats to watch it giggle. "I know where your son get his cute ass from." She smiled and and poked it before having him turn over so she could massage his front.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" She asked softly. She could check her planner but she didn't want to get out of bed and she was busy rubbing her fiancé's abs.
"So are you...just saying." He got comfortable and closed his eyes.

"Um really? I thought this was a massage not a play with my ass fest. You are awful." He rolled over. "Maybe all of our babies will have cute asses like their daddy." He smiled at her.

Jake thought about it. "I don't know if we have anything specific planned. I don't know if I want to take Owen out with him getting over being sick. Maybe your mom will want to watch him and we can go out and do something. What does my girl want to do?"
"It's big babe. You have a phat ass. With a P-H. Like women would kill to have an ass like yours. We need to show it off more. Booty shorts!" She slapped his ass and laughed.

"Maybe they will. It sucks that we didn't get newborn photos with Owen. But I want newborn photos of all of the kids. And then I want pictures of the kids all together. And then all of us as a family. I have big plans for our future." She told him. She was excited to see it all and live it with him. Part of her wanted to get married and start popping them out now but the bigger part of her wouldn't let her and it sucked.

"Dad gets here tomorrow afternoon, like three or four. Our dinner reservations are at seven. That gives him time to get her, clean up and get changed for dinner. I'm going to get dressed at mom's hotel so she doesn't see him or suspect anything. I feel like I have a meeting in the morning but I have to check before bed. Mom and I will get there first and then you should come with dad. Should we let them have the table and we break off into our own table or should we stay together?" She asked him.

"And after dinner, I want to go to Cartier. We can look at wedding bands but I want to look at earrings. I want pearl earrings and diamond earrings. They're a staple I should always have but I didn't bring any and I hate myself for it. When we get to Vegas I'm hiring a pr team and assistant. I just don't want to have to train one." She groaned and out her head on his shoulder. "That's so much work. You got lucky with the best assistant in the world."
"Stop...." He rolled his eyes. "You are obsessed with my ass."

"We can do all of that with our kids. We have plenty of pics of Owen. He won't feel deprived. Trust me."

Jake rubbed Adri's legs. "Um...let's let them have their own date. I have a feeling they will insist we stay but I think they deserve a nice night. This is like jacket dressy or just button up dressy?"

He let out a sigh. "A jewelry store?! Really?! Fine..." He gave her a small smile.

Jake's arms wrapped around her. "I know training an assistant is the worst. Especially to get them to do things your way and exactly like you like it." He grinned with a nod. "I got very lucky. Too bad I probably won't find one just as good as you. Definitely not better."

"If you have a meeting tomorrow can maybe one of our parents can watch O for a bit?" He ran his fingers up her back.
"Just a button up and slacks will be fine. Mom and I are the main attractions." She smiled.

"Oh shut up like you aren't already planning on looking at the watches." She poked his cheek and bent over to give him a kiss. "You're such a baby sometimes. Should I go grab a diaper?" She teased.

She smiled, "Your father has some tall heels to step into. He is doing a good job though. So far. He only asks for help when he really, really needs it."

She looked at Jake, "And what will you be doing tomorrow?" She asked him curiously.
"Of course you are. I may bring a jacket. In case my queen gets cold." He smiled at her.

Jake kissed her back with a grin. "I am are." He teased. "No..." He gave her a dirty look.

"Baby...Pop will never wear heels. He will never make a smoothie like you. side for me, I'm marrying the best smoothie maker. That kind of won me over. Not gonna lie. Your talent for smoothies and cooking. They say food is a way to a man's heart. It definitely helps. Dad is doing a good job though. He's taken over as assistant and babysitter. Let's do something nice for him too."

He hesitated with his answer. "I have a project but that's no rush. I want to go to the casino. And I may take dad with me. The therapist said I need to do stuff for me. I don't really do a lot just for me. You go shopping, that's your you time. I work out, but that's also work. I want to go play poker." He smiled at her. "Plus I'm pretty good."
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