Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"She has five kids. She knows how granbabies work. She is also Catholic and is barely holding on with my choice of career. I'd rather not make her a grandma before our wedding. Now go shower." She sent him off and made her phone call.

By the time he was out, she hopped in really quick, got dressed in a dressy but casual dress and grabbed her purse that was acting as her over night bag. She made sure she have everything and walked into the bathroom to grab the make up bag and stuff that into her purse before going to Owen's room and giving him a kiss.

She went downstairs and said good bye to her mother. She gave them the name of the hotel they were staying at and the room number and everything before they left.

She took Jake's hand and walked with him downstairs. They got in the car and it took them a block away. "I couldn't be that far away my boys." She smiled and got out of the car with them. She already had their key and she took them up to the room.

Technically a suite that was kitted out with roses and chocolates and all of the romantic things that a room could have. There was a hot tub on the patio and the delicous aroma of a delicous meal already cooking. On the patio there was a table for two but to lead them there was a butler with white gloves and all. He took their bags and se them in the room. He got them two glasses of champagne and then lead them to their table. Every one would leave after dinner and leave them alone for the night.

"For dinner I chose a pesto salad with shrimp or chicken. There will also be fresh baked bread and plenty of champagne. And a Jake salad before dinner and a cheesecake for dessert. Outlandish I know but it will be delicous. I just know it."
Jake stopped. "Uhhh we did make her a grandmother before we got married...forget about Owen?" He grinned a bit, but she knew he was technically right.

He thanked her mother for watching the boys for her and told her if she needed anything she could always call his dad. He walked down to the car with her and chuckled when it only went a block away. "Why didn't we just walk?" He teased.

Jake looked around and was quite impressed. "Wow all looks wonderful." He grabbed her and kissed her softly before sitting down with her at the table to eat. He held up his champagne glass. "Here is to a good night of just us." After the toast he took a drink and set it down before digging into his salad.

"I'm I allowed to ask? Was your concerns something I did or something from your past? Mixture of both? I'm just trying to understand. If it was me, I'm sorry."
She wanted to say that he made her a grandmother before their wedding but she held her tongue. She smiled at him and shrugged her shoulder, "I know, I know but you know."

She gave him a look, "With all of our stuff, to be spotted by the paparazzi, and then get stuck in a corner? I don't think so. Plus these heels weren't really made for walking."

She raised her glass and clinked it to his for the toast and took a sip. "I'm glad you like it." She said softly and took a bite of her salad as well.

"I've done this before. I've fallen in love and had the big proposal and told my family about it and then I find out he's already married and had kids and I was basically his life away from his real life and I was scared of it happening again. Realistically I know that you won't do that but there is something about my first experience that is holding me back. Mom thinks I just need to talk through it. Then there's the thing I hate talking about and I'm sure that screwed me over for the rest of my life but I don't think about and I don't talk about it and move on." She shrugged her shoulder.

"We aren't supposed to be talking about this." She said softly.
Jake checked out her heels. "Very true. Those may cause you to break an ankle. I would not want to be the guy to be responsible for that." He smiled at her.

He reached for his hand and held it as she talked. "And we don't have to. Sorry. I shouldn't have asked. But...just know I will wait and do anything I can to help. I love you." He smiled at her and kissed her hand.

"You are the only woman I've been with who would take the time to do this. And not just expect me to do this kind of thing." He grinned at her and ate. "Who did the food? It's delicious."
"I know and I love you too. I'll kick this thing in the butt and we will be married by our 2018 date. I don't want this to hold us back any longer than it has." She smiled at him.

She looked at the food and shrugged her shoulder, "No one special just Gordon Ramsay." She said casually. "My new friends have connections. One of the creative directors is best friends with him and he's doi this for me. I owe the cd a big favor but anything for my boo." She rubbed his hand.

"We get to meet him after dinner. He's a really cool guy. I would say we can take a private cooking class from him but he might curse us out." She laughed.
He smiled a bit and nodded. "Alright." He meant what he said though. If he needed to give her more time then they'd take it. "Do we want to still look into places so then we know the place?"

Jake about choked when she mentioned who cooked dinner for them. "What?!" He chuckled. "The many perks of having a famous fiance."

"Oh I'm not scared of him. I can yell too and put his ass in a headlock." He chuckled. "My fiancé is pretty awesome for setting this all up. Thank you. But there is a time we can kick him out right? You did promise me naked time." He smiled at her.
"I think we both know we are getting married at Oheka Castle but we should go down and take a look at it." She told him. "I think we can hop on a plane and go down there this weekend and then come back up." She offered. It would be nice to know where they wanted to get married. At least they could have that done.

She laughed, "I'm a little scared of him. I'd rather not cook in front of the guy who cooks for a living. He will tear me apart." She had another bite of her salad and looked at Jake.

She shook her head, "He's stays all night. The butler leaves but Ramsay stays. Just in case we want a midnight snack or something. Don't worry he'll sit on the couch quietly." She teased.
He smiled. "Both of us huh?" He chuckled. "I'm game for going this weekend. When does your mom leave? Would she wants to stay with Owen? Maybe we can make a weekend get away of it?" He shrugged.

"Baby you're a good cook. You'd be fine. Neither of us are horrible at cooking." He smiled and patted her hand. "But probably best." He teased.

He gave her a look. "Really? Eh then we will make sure to give him work so he can stay busy and in the kitchen. But if he can make home made whip cream...that could be useful." He took a bite. "You're an ass by the way." He said with a chuckle.
"She leaves in five days. I don't think we can get away with a weekend trip but we can go down for a couple days and then come back before she leaves. I'd like to take her to dinner with your dad before she leaves."

She laughed and rolled her eyes, "He's leaving after dessert. We get to talk to him for a little bit and then he will leave." She promised. "Maybe he will send some homemade whipped cream over to the penthouse if you ask nicely." She teased.

When their salads were done, the butler came and took their empty plates and replaced them with their meal. "Do you want the chicken or the shrimp? Or we can split."
Jake agreed it would be hard to go for an entire weekend. "What if we took our parents with us. That way my dad could see it, your mom can too. We can surprise your mom and bring your dad out for a few days. Let them have a day to themselves. But I think it would be cool for our parents to see where we want to get married. Well..minus my mom..." He smiled and took a drink.

"Is it awful I can't wait to get you alone?" He asked softly with a grin to show he wanted her. Things felt like they used to. Like her coming clean about her fears helped them in ways neither could have expected. "The penthouse? I want some here for tonight." He chuckled.

Jake looked at their plates, "Share, but hold on." Jake moved to sit next to her. "I was too far away from you." He went to feed her a bite. "I love you...You really do make me happy. I just get..frustrated sometimes. But I'm very happy right now." He kissed her shoulder and stole a bite for himself.
"I'd want to go see it to make sure it is what we want before we take anyone to see it. I'd like to take them but I feel like we should see it first establish our own opinions of it and then we can bring mom and your dad down."

She smiled and shook her head, "what exactly are you planning on doing with this whipped cream?" She laughed. "Nevermind don't answer that outloud."

She smiled, "I love you too. I don't make it easy but I appreciate you giving me this chance." She fed him a bite and then had a bite for herself. "I missed this." She smiled. "I missed being the normal us."
She made a valid point. "Alright. But let's still fly your dad out. Give your mom and dad some time together here. The last time it was just your mom. Your dad's getting left out. He probably wants to take her to a show or something cool. Let's set it up. And surprise both of them." Jake smiled. "I think it's cool their still in love." He smiled bigger. "Gives me hope."

He raised an eyebrow and grinned looking her over. "You sure you don't want to know?" He nipped at her neck.

Jake took the bite and wrapped his arm around her as they sat close. "I don't think either of us make it easy. We both come with baggage. And skeletons. But I'm pretty strong. I can help carry your load." He gave her a small wink. "I missed this too." His fingers ran over her shoulder. "Mind if I snap of a picture of us? And post it? Or a couple?"
"Yeah they've been together for a very long time. That would be nice. I can call dad and ask him to come down too. He's horrible at secrets though so setting them up to surprise each other will be hard. Unless we have her go to a dinner thinking she's netting us there and then send dad to meet her instead." She shrugged her shoulder. They'd figure it out.

"I gave a feeling I already know." She laughed. "I can go in and ask. Or we can send the butler to go in and ask." She offered. He might put it in dessert though."

She shook her head, "I don't mind at all." She smiled and checked her teeth and then his teeth. She made her hair beat and made sure her lipstick was okay before she let him snap the pic. They got one smiling and then another of her kissing his cheek and then one where her tongue was almost touching his cheek.

"I think we should do another YouTube video. The people seem to love them maybe another q and a?"
Jake like that idea of them going out to dinner with them and just having her dad there. "Let's do that. But we have to make sure he doesn't tell her he's coming to New York. We will have to make sure he knows to play it off or not answer his phone." He chuckled a bit.

"It's okay. I don't need it. I can handle things without it." He said confidently with a grin.

Jake shook his head. "You look gorgeous like always..." When she stuck her tongue out almost touching his cheek he made a face like he was grossed out. Then he stole one last one of them kissing. He kissed her slow and deeply. "Let's add a video then to tell them to get questions ready." Jake posted the pics then held his phone up to do a video.

"Alright..." He hit the record button. "Hey girl here came up with an awesome idea to do another video. A Q and A video so send us your questions and we will answer them."
"That's going to be the hard part. I will call him tomorrow though."

She smiled, "I know but I need to check sometimes." When he recorded the video she sat back and smiled. "In the caption out #DriftingQuestions or something. So we can click that and see all of the questions a lot easier. We can record it tomorrow evening when we are home. Maybe even have a surprise appearance with Owen and Max."

When they finished dinner, dessert was brought for them to spurge on. The appetizer and entree were relatively healthy but the dessert was a dessert so it wasn't very healthy. But it was very enjoyable.
"Just tell him he won't get to see Owen or your mom if he spills the beans. That will make him behave." Jake smiled.

He put the caption in like she wanted him to. He add the suprise part too with no hint to what it is." There all set. He put his phone down and wouldn't touch it again unles there was an emergency with Owen.

Jake took a few bites of his dessert. "Babe...I know we takked about spending Christmas in Denver. I think we should. And get a place big enough for everyone. Maybe we can buy it. And it could be a vacation spot for us. A place for over Christmas but then also rent out when we arent using it. I know a guy in Denver who can run it for us. I think having a white Christmas would be nice." He fed the last bite to Adri.

Chef Ramsey then came out and Jake stood up to shake his hand. He thanked him for a wonderful meal and Ramsey brought up Jake's fight. He was a fan of Jake's. "You should totally come see a fight. I could introduce you to other fighters."
"I've never had a white Christmas before." She said softly and nodded her head. "That's a lot of people though Jake." She warned. His family alone would mean a four or five bedroom cabin. Add her family and they would need a mansion. "Owen can sleep in our room but that's still at least nine rooms." She laughed and shook her head. "But I am adding your mother. Without her it's eight rooms." She wasn't saying no she was just saying that was a lot of house for a vacation home that's eye use once or twice a year.

Adri thanked him for making dinner with such a short notice and that it was all delicous. She smiled and watched Jake interact with him. They all took a picture together and then he left. The butler left and they were alone.

"If we did get a cabin for Christmas we need a huge tree in the front. Room and then there has to be a massive pile of presents under the tree." She smiled. "And white lights on the outside trim. And a big red bow on the door." She looked at him, "We might have to hire decorators."
"For my family, including us and mom we would need four rooms. But if we don't want everyone in one place, then we can just rent smaller cabins close by. But I want you and Owen to have a white Christmas." He smiled at her and gave her a small kiss. "But that's why too, I'd say rent it out the rest of the year. If it's in the mountains skiers will rent it out and it would he like they are paying us to use it. It would be like an investment. And if it doesn't bring in enough money, we sell it." He shrugged.

Jake posted the picture online. "That's so cool he's a fan." Jake chuckled a little. It was weird to have celebrities be a fan of him. Especially if he was a fan of them. "That was so delicious. Thank you babe."

He wrapped his arms around her. "Absolutely. We will have a bunch of gifts under a huge tree. I can't wait to go shopping with you. Especially for Owen. He's going to love Christmas and we can put lights and bows where ever you want." He smiled and kissed her slow and deeply.
"Alright and you have to add another five bedroom for my family. It might be easier for us to find a bunch of small cabins in close proximity to each other rather than a nine or ten bedroom cabin. But that would be massive and beautiful and I kind of really want a huge cabin but do they make them that big?" She was okay with the idea of renting it out. They had enough money to cover the cost of it. It would be a decent investment.

"We will have to hire a company then to decorate how I want it to be decorated. The two of us won't be able to do it alone but shopping to decorate the cabin will be fun." She smiled.

She could already imagine Owen's first Christmas. He won't really get the hang of it but she knows he will have too many presents and they would have to figure out a way to send them back home. "Maybe we should donate the toys he has and then he will have all of his new toys Christmas Day. I also want to donate a lot of food to animals shelters and do a toys for tots."
"Does have to be that many individual bedrooms or sleep that many?" He knew they probably all should have their own bedrooms. We will look to see if they make them that big. We will find something." Jake was now determined. "Now I have something to stay busy while you work." He smiled and kissed her softly.

"We can hire someone. That's fine. But yes shopping will be fun. Or maybe they have exterior decorators that you just tell them how you want it and boom it's bought and done." He shrugged.

Jake loved that she was always for helping out other people. "I'm fine with all of that. We can donate food to shelters there, back home, here and LA. Since we spend time each place." He knew though if they went to visit them, she'd probably come home with a dog. Or two. "What if we host a toys for tots in Denver while we are there? Maybe we can make a two or two and a half week trip out of it."

He looked her over and then looked at the hot tub. "I'm going in. You should join me." He smiled at her as he started to take his clothes off to step in.
"For now it has to sleep that many but in the future when they get married and have kids it will have to sleep more than that." She smiled, "I'm sure you'll find something. You always do."

She nodded her head to a toys for tots in Denver, "That would be nice. You'd be giving back to your state. I like that." That was a long time to be out there but she could possibly swing it. She would be done with the fashion show and probably be prepping for fall fashion week at that point so it wouldn't be too bad.

She watched him climb into the hot tub and waited a second before she unzipped her dress and got in with him. She sat across from him and smiled, "this is very nice." She commented and laid her head back agaisn the rest.
Jake nodded. "We could always add on or change things. I think it would be a good investment. A thing we can do together. The gym will be mine. You will have your own things." In the future opening a gym in Denver for less privileged kids like himself was a dream too. "I'd love to do this with you though. Have someone run it there but we're behind the scenes. Plus I like having a place you and I can just be like...let's go. And we won't run into anyone there. We can walk around naked..." He chuckled.

He nodded to giving back to his home state. "I like that. I was thinking depending on how Christmas falls we can go the week before, the week after and then like just a couple days after the New Year. But I can understand wanting to be back to Vegas or somewhere to spend New Year so we can discuss that." He thought about it a moment. "What does my girl want to do for New Years?"

His eyes followed her in and he shook his head with a smile. "Yeah it is. It helps with my pain. But why the hell are you so far away from me?" He smiled. "Do I smell?"
She laughed, "I'm sure Owen and Max will appreciate us walking around naked." She teased and shook her head. "I love the idea. We should look into it."

She shrugged her shoulder, "I don't know. Rumor has it there are some pretty big parties we can hit up. Either here or in LA. I haven't been to one before. So I'd love to go. We will see when we are invited. If we are invited." She smiled.

She moved over to sit next to him. "Are you nervous about this surgery?" She asked softly. "Have you done anymore research?"
He laughed at their children appreciating them walking around naked. "Baby...there are going to be times we leave them at home. So we can have a weekend like this..." He was glad she loved the idea. "I think we should too. I'm going to make some calls this week." He smiled.

"Really babe...of course we will be invited. We may get invited to some in Vegas too. But with you being a Victoria Secret Angel...come on...really?!" He chuckled. "We may have a hard decision to make. Plus your man is getting big in Vegas." He smiled at her and kissed her shoulder when she came over to join him.

He thought about it. "I have done some research but most of the surgery has been on normal people. They don't work out like I do or I don't know. It has a good successful rate. But there is a chance of still having pain. About 15% of people still get pain. Some don't get any relief. Some get random pain here and there. And some get none. It may help and then years down the road I need it again..." He shrugged. "Am I nervous? Of course. This could be my career..."
"I know." She said softly. "I just like the idea of all of us travelling together." She smiled.

She laughed, "I know, I know but I am trying to keep my hopes down. I don't want to get excited about getting invited to parties and then not get invited to any and feel like a loser."

She listened to what he had to say about the surgery. 15% was a small majority. She liked that percentage because it mant an 85% chance of success. "Hopefully it won't come to that. The surgery will work and you'll be back in the ring in no time." She told him and rubbed his cheek. "Only a few more weeks. I'm nervous for you but I know it's going to work out for you."
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