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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Adri heard Jake leave and came out of her room to get something to eat and watch TV. The chicken on her salad last night was pretty good but she didn't have time to get her leftovers since she was left at the table and didn't want to sit there embarrassed. She ordered Chinese food and really didn't care how fatty it was. She was hungry and Chinese sounded good.

She got her food and started to eat when Owen woke up screaming. She knew it wasn't his normal awake and ready to get out of the crib cry so she wiped her hands off and went upstairs. She picked him up and felt how hot he was. She looked for the thermometer but she couldn't find it. She tried to shush him and rock him but nothing worked.

She got a cool towel and put it on his forehead but that just made him angrier. She left him in his diaper and rocked him to make him feel better but all he did was scream and cry. She had half a mind to take him to the ER.

She looked at him and wished he could tell her what was wrong. She looked at the phone on the counter and tried to call her dad but he didn't pick up. She felt more alone than ever since her mother was on a plane. She gave up and called the hospital and took Owen downstairs to wait for the ambulance.

It got there in no time and they got in and on the way Owen had a seizure and she never felt so helpless. She didn't want to let him got put the medics had to get him stable. They got to the hospital and he was rushed to a room and she wasn't allowed in and she had to fill out paperwork but she couldn't write anything neatly. She wasn't thinking about anything but Owen. She kept getting to make sure he was okay. The medics didn't believe that he was hers so they kept telling her to leave the room. She could hear him crying in the room and she was so lost. She just needed to know that he was okay.

Finally a nurse told her that he was okay but they were pumping him with fluids to get his temperature down. She had to fill out the paperwork now and call the child's parents because she couldn't make any decisions if anything happened. It would fall on the Doctor.

She used her phone to call Jake and told him which hospital to come too and then when Owen was moved to a room she gave him the room number.
Jake wasn't gone that long he felt. Maybe an hour. When he got back it took him a minute to realize that Adri and Owen were gone. Max ran around the penthouse and it didn't take too long before his phone was ringing and it was Adri. He could hear the panic in her voice. He didn't even get off the phone with her before he was going out the door. He told the driver where to go. Luckily before he left, he thought to grab the court order papers, saying that Jake was Owen's father.

He couldn't sit still in the car as the driver drove to the hospital. A million thoughts went through his head. He wished they got the paperwork started sooner on Adri being a legal guardian. Guilt also kicked in, he should have been there. His son needed him and daddy wasn't there. Owen seemed fine earlier in the day, he didn't know what happened.

He didn't care if it hurt, he ran into the hospital and asked for directions on where his son's room was. He jogged to the room and stopped when he saw Adri, he grabbed her and without thinking or a word, he just hugged her. It took him a moment and then he asked how he was. "Is he okay? What happened? I'm sorry, I just took Max for a walk...we both needed exercise. Are you okay?"
She hugged him back as tight as she could and she felt like she was being pulled back from whatever emotional cliff she was standing on. "I don't know what happened. I thought it was just his teeth and he was so hot but nothing helped so I call the ambulance and he had a seizure and..." she could continue because her son had a seizure right in front of her and it was easily the scariest moment of her life.

"They won't let me see him for security reasons. I can't prove I'm his mom so they keep telling me to stay out here." She told him and looked into the room.

"They're pumping him with fluids to get his fever down. They said it was going down but they won't tell me anything else. They are checking for any brain damage and waiting for you." She looked at Jake and pointed him to the doctor.
He hugged her when she said he had the seizure. He wanted to tell her it was okay that Owen was okay, but he didn't know that yet. His arms wrapped tighter around her. For a few minutes, he didn't now what to say. He just listened to her talk about what happened. He took her face in his hands. "I'm sure he's going to be okay. We have a fighter." His lips pressed against her forehead.

Jake was glad she thought to call the ambulance. At least they were there when he had the seizure and she wasn't alone, she'd be more upset if she was alone. He moved over to the doctor. "I'm Owen Daniels' father. This is my fiance, Adriana. How is our son." He pulled the paperwork out of his pocket to hand to the doctor to prove Owen was his. "Adriana has all right to make decisions. I have the number of my lawyer if you need to call. We've filed the paperwork but I have written proof from his actual mother stating it was okay."

The doctor let both of them go in to see Owen. Jake held Adri's hand tightly. He had no idea what to expect.
She didn't want him to have to be a fighter. She wanted him to be a healthy happy boy. She should have stayed home this morning when he felt warm. She thought it was his pajamas. She took his pants off and left him. She didn't even think about it. If she paid more attention. If she wasn't so focused on getting out of the house then she could have prevented this.

She couldn't take her eyes off of Owen. She let James hand go and walked over to him. He was still upset but not crying. When she picked him up he melted into her arms and calmed down a little bit. She looked at the doctor and listened to what he had to say.

"We are going to do an eeg test to check his brain activity but the seizure did not last long so we doubt there is long lasting damage. He has a fever but as I understand it he's in a new place, to ably caught something when you took him somewhere and its running its course. The seizure was sparked by the fever. It never happened before right? So we are assuming it's not epilepsy. He's coming down from his fever and like all babies he's building immunity." The doctor said and looked at Jake and Adri. "We are going to keep him until his fever goes down completely and then you can take him home."

"He was born premature." Adri said softly. "Is this going to happen a lot?" She asked.

The doctor shook his head, "No the fever got to a point where it sparked a seizure. It's possible to hit this point again if his fever gets that high again but we can't say for sure it's not epilepsy it there is a very small chance of that being the case."
Jake watched Owen and Adri. He rubbed Owen's back. His son looked tired and scared. All Jake wanted to do was make him feel better. "No it's never happened before." He went back and forth from watching the doctor and Owen.

"How high was his fever exactly? What should we look out for just to be safe? Is there warning signs? Or what's a temp we should take him in if it gets to?" Jake wanted to be prepared just in case he got bad again.

When the doctor walked out of the room to give them some time before doing the eeg, Jake kissed his head and rubbed the back of it. "Hey buddy. It's okay. Mommy and Daddy are both here okay? Just rest." Jake motioned for Adri to sit down with him. "You okay Adge?" His hand touched her side.
"He spiked to 102 which triggered the seizure. I'd say if he ever gets to 101 he should be in the hospital. Adri did well cali g the ambulance to get him. If this does happen again take his clothes off and get him in some cold water until the ambulance can arrive and the cpr if his heart stops beating."

Adri watched the doctor walk out and looked down at Owen who was watching Jake and Adri. Adri hugged him tigheter to her chest and looked at Jake. "It's my fault. If I wasn't in such a rush to leave this morning he would t be here. I thought he was hot because he was in his fleece pjs. I took his pants off and left him. If I just paid attention he wouldn't be here right now." She said softly.

There wasn't a way to spin it to not make it her fault. Now he was in the hospital again and couldn't come home until his fever was down. She hated feeling this helpless. She was really screwing up everything she worked hard for.
Jake gave the doctor a nod and thanked him. They would need to take a class on baby cpr just to be safe. He didn't want to hurt Owen because he didn't know what he was doing but also wanted to be prepared, just in case.

"Adri, it isn't your fault. You didn't know it was going to get this bad. You had no idea. A lot of times, he is just warm. You didn't know." He kissed her head and sat down next to her. He rubbed his leg and watched him. "It could have happened to me too." Jake felt responsible for taking him out so much.

"I probably should call dad..." Jake didn't move though. He just wanted to stay with Owen. Owen snuggled to Adri and hid his arms under his body against Adri. He sucked away on his pacifier. "I wonder if we should get Pedialyte for the house."
"If you guys weren't here it wouldn't have happened." She said softly. She asked them to come because she didn't want to be alone but she would rather be alone and have one not be in the hospital.

"You didn't want to come. I should have listened to you. I shouldn't have made you guys come." She looked at Owen and rubbed his cheek. "You shouldn't be in here again Baby Boo." She told him and rocked him back and forth.

"My mom leaves in a couple days. She can help with Max and Owen on the flight. You guys can go home. He'll be in a familiar spot. He'll feel better in Vegas. He isn't used to this weather. There's too many people. Maybe when he's older but he's too little." She said softly. She didn't want them to go but for Owen's health it was probably best they did go back to where he was comfortable. Back to his doctor for a second opinion to make sure this doctor wasn't missing anything.

She got Owen to sleep and she looked at Jake. "I'll come home as soon as I can. Maybe I can get this expedited so I can go home a couple weeks early."
"Adri, you didn't know this would happen. He got sick. It happens. It's getting colder. People get sick." Jake really did't want her feeling guilty or blaming herself.

"You didn't make us come. We wanted to be with you. Five weeks would have been a long time apart. For all of us. We're here, we will just watch where we take him. It will be okay." He let out a sigh. Jake watched him sleep a bit.

He let out a sigh. "I don't want you to get out of work early. You can't do that. I won't let you. He will be okay." He kissed her head then Owen's. "Do I need to go get your mom from the airport? Is she staying with us?"
She could, technically. It was a family emergency. If she couldn't stay because they needed her st home then VS would let her go and she would just have phone meetings to be caught up with the other girls.

"She staying at a hotel close to the penthouse." She said softly. "The car is picking her up. I was going to go and pick her up but I'll call her and tell her what happened." She said but didn't move because Owen was finally asleep and she didn't want to disturb him.

"Jake I'm sorry." She said softly. Her rushing to do something for work out Owen in danger. Ned time it could be worst and she didn't want that on her conscience. "I shouldn't have blamed everything on you. I was stressed and scared and I didn't mean it. It takes two to tango and I know it's not easy being with me and I'm sorry I keep pushing everything on you."
Jake still wouldn't want her to risk missing out on anything because of him or Owen. He didn't want to risk her resenting either of them.

"You can go get her if you want. I understand." He rubbed her leg and wrapped her arm around her with his other arm. Luckily they had some time before she had to be picked up. Jake just hoped that they didn't come to do Owen's EEG while he was asleep. He finally is getting some rest.

He kissed her head. "It's not your fault..." Then he realized he didn't know if she was apologizing for Owen or them fighting. That apology seemed genuine regardless. "Let's just get him home and we can worry about everything else then okay?" He kissed her head again. "I love you..."
Adri shook her head, "I don't want to leave." She said softly. "He needs me more than she does." She said softly.

She nodded to getting him home and worry Ping abo everything else later. She kissed him back, "I love you too."

The doctor walk in with the EEG machine and Adri looked at Owen. "Is it going to hurt?" She asked and the doctor said no. It was just a monitor to check his brain activity. She didn't out him down but she did let the doctor connect all the sensors to his head and watched the monitor but she didn't know what they meant.

The doctor watched it for a minute or two and then turned to them, "Everything looks normal. He just needs rest and fluids and he will be fine."
Jake knew better than to argue with Adri about getting her mom. She didn't want to leave Owen. That was another reason he didn't want to take him home to Vegas.

He watched the monitor too with no idea what it meant. A sigh of relief overcame him when the doctor said he was okay. Their poor son has been through so much and wasn't even a year old yet.

"Why don't you have the driver bring your mom to the penthouse. She's going to want to be close. She can stay in the spare room. You can come back into the master. With me..." He said softly before rubbing Owen's back. "Why don't you let me take him and you go call the driver and your dad. I'll call mine after."
She looked at Jake and then Owen. She nodded her head and slowly gave Owen to Jake so she didn't wake him up. Once the transfer was complete, she grabbed her phone and called the driver and her dad and then she called her mother to let her voicemail know what was going on. The driver would take her to the penthouse to drop her stuff off and then bring her to the hospital.

She came back into the room and took Owen back so Jake could call his dad. Both of their parents would no doubt come and check on the three of them but only she and Jake could stay the night.

She laid Owen on the bed and rubbed his cheek. She curled up beside him and kissed the top of his head. She slid her finger into his hand and smiled when he gripped it tighter. It took her back to when she first met him and how strong his little grip was despite being so small and fragile.
When Adri handed him over, Jake held Owen tight and protectively. He kissed his head. "You need to stop scaring us bud. Especially mommy. You gotta be strong for her okay?" He rubbed his back.

Adri took Owen and Jake kissed her and got up to call his dad. He filled him in on what happened and instantly, John felt a bit responsible for not catching onto him having a fever. He had been playing and acting normal. Jake reassured him, it wasn't his fault. John said he'd call Amy and Luke.

When Jake returned to Owen's room he had drinks for Adri and himself. He climbed on the bed behind Adri. "If Owen wanted to take a family vacation he could have went about it differently. I like staying at nice motels with bigger beds for three. These are small." He teased trying to lighten the mood. The three of them have been in the hospital too much. He held her close. If she waited to call for help, this could have ended up very different. Luckily their baby boy would be okay. All he wanted was for Owen to feel better so they could get him back to the penthouse. His eyes closed.
Adri could kind of see why Layla chose to walk away from them. It was hard to love something so much and then see it suffer in the hospital and not be able to do anything about it. Layla would rather not see it all than see and feel helpless. Adri could see why Layla walked away but she would never do that herself. Did she hate being in their position, hell yes but this was when Owen needed her most and she couldn't walk away from him.

She waited for Jake and owen to both be sound asleep before she felt the need to have a silent meltdown. She was so stressed and so freaked out about everything. She didn't feel like herself. She was t happy about anything. The joy in her life was quickly being drained. She put her kid in the hospital, she had a huge fight with Jake that almost had them broken up again. What more could possibly happen to her? She'd probably get fired next.

Her side of the pillow was wet and gross so she grabbed a few tissues to lay down to cover it up but it just soaked through. She ignored it and tried to get some rest but her phone started to go vibrate and she had to answer since it was her mother.

Her mother came to the hospital about an hour and half later and saw Owen and Jake and then they sat outside of the room and had a little chat about life and Adri had her much needed shoulder to cry on and get the emotions out and all of that.
Jake didn't even feel Adri get up. The beds weren't that comfortable but he was exhausted.

Her mother listened to her and let her cry. "I wondered what was going on when I saw in the tabloids you two had a fight and had been going to therapy. Then I get a call to come out. I knew there had to be some truth to it." She hugged her daughter.

"Adriana...what do you want? What do you want from that man? If you haven't told him, tell him. If you're not ready to be a wife do not marry him. Don't do that to either of those boys or yourself." She didn't want Owen or even Jake and Adri going through a divorce. "That little boy may not see you two fight, but he feels the tension." She made sure not to take sides, but tell her to figure out what she wanted and inform Jake so there is no surprises.

"Adri, honey, what are you scared of?" She knew there had to be a reason she wouldn't fully commit to Jake. "Why are you hesitant?"

Owen woke up fussing a bit. Jake woke up noticing Adri was gone and figured she was with her mother. He picked Owen up and laid him on his chest. "Shhh it's okay buddy. We will get to go home soon. I think grandma is here."
Adri looked at jake and Owen laying on the bed together. She wanted that. She didn't want to lose that but she wasn't ready for that either.

"I told him I was ready. I told him I was in this to get married and have a future together. I can't back away from what I said. I do love him with all of my heart. I do want to be with him I want to marry him. I'm just not ready to do it yet. What if I tell him and he walks away? What if he doesn't want to wait and he breaks up with me? I can't lose them. They make all of this worth it. Traveling and then coming home to smiles and hugs and love. I can't turn that away." She said softly. "I can't risk losing that."

She saw Jake wake up and she watched him move Owen on his chest. She smiled a little and looked at her mom. "How do I say I'm not ready to get married yet to that? What if he finds someone better after I tell him? Then I'm alone again."
Her mother was slowly putting the pieces together. "But why are you not ready? What's holding you back?" She needed just a few more pieces to put the full picture together.

"You still need to tell him. It only fair. But just be honest with him. don't trust the man. Trust that if you go to him with honesty and tell him the timing is wrong but down the road you want to take the journey, just not now, you need to trust he will wait until you are ready." She looked at Jake and Owen. "I wont say he wont be upset or hurt but I don't think he'd leave you. I think he needs and wants you like you need and want him."

She patted her daughters leg. "You two don't have it easy. It's hard being in the spotlight. I believe you two can make it work though. Adri, I've seen how the man looks at you. He is crazy about you. He wouldn't just leave you. Has he ever threatened to leave before or tried breaking up?"
"What if there is someone else?" She asked softly and looked at her mom. "What if there is another Layla out there waiting for him to. Evoke champion or something? I don't want to be the woman who loves the man with fifteen different baby mamas. I love Jake and Owen. I don't care for Layla but she's manageable. What if there is someone else?"

She knew it was a long shot. If they wanted Jake's money they would have come for it by now but what if someone else was out there. Jake was a wild child before they were together. She did the math. Owen was conceived around the time Adri started working for Jake. She just didn't know if she could handle another woman having his kids.

"It's stupidly selfish I know but I wanted to be the mother of his children. Me, alone. What if I can't have kids or what if I only have girls?" She put her head against the wall and sighed. "He had a hard childhood. I want his future t be perfect."

She shook her head to him threatening to leave. "Not once." She said softly.
Her smiled a little. Her concern was a valid one. "Would it change how you feel about him? Would you love him any less for his decisions he made before you? He's been faithful to you hasn't he? Maybe he just needed you to help him grow up." She looked at Jake. "He's a decent man Adri. He had a tough childhood and not exactly the bwst man to raise him. You have to respect him and he proud he's stepped up to care for Owen."

She giggled a little. "If you only have girls you will be jealous of that man's heart belonging to another girl." She shook her head. "If you can't have children do you think he would look at you different or leave you? Or if you have girls? Come're letting your fears take over your mind. Give the man some credit. Voice them with him."

She looked at Adri. "Honey, I believe you both can make each other's future perfect. He loves you. If he hasn't threatened to leave, then he doesn't want to. So stop trying to push him out...You need to talk to him. You can't expect him to not be upset but talk and work it out together. Reassure him you love him but want to wait. But I still haven't heard a real good reason to wait..." She raised an eyebrow.
She shrugged her shoulder, "I doubt it but it wouldn't be easy." She said softly.

She let pled down and felt a little stupid that she was even scared about this stuff but they were legitimate fears of hers. She looked at her mother and then at Jake and Owen and nodded her head. "Alright. Thank you. I needed you." She said softly and put her head on her shoulder.

"We agreed to get married early summer 2018. That gives me time to get over what is holding me back and talk to him and get a planner and then get married. Hopefully no cold feet but my feet are in ice blocks right now." She sighed. "I'll talk to him." She promised. "Will you watch Owen for us? I have a date to retry with him."
"Adriana, if you think marriage is easy you aren't ready to get married. It's never easy. It's very tiring at times and stressful. Luckily you two will at least not be worried about finances but other topics come up. Rough times come up. You work through them together. You two will stop thinking individually but as one. Until you're ready stop being selfish you are not ready to get married. You can not be selfish in a marriage. It will be about him and your family. Their happiness comes before your own. Your father and you children come first. I'm not saying at times don't take time for yourself or you will lose your mind but it can't be all about you in a marriage." She patted her leg and kissed her head.

"You're welcome. I'm here anytime. For either of you. If he needs motherly advice I'll give it to him. He doesn't have a mother worth marriage advice." She giggled a bit with a smile.

She thought for a moment. "You need to really figure out what it is holding you back. And maybe work on it together. Honey, you realize he isn't the man who broke your heart. But you're making him prove he isn't." She smiled at her askinf to watch Owen. "I'd love to. Word of advice...don't go to bed angry. Talk it out together. Sleep together. Take that moment to snuggle together and remind each other you're in this together. And how much you love each other."

Jake rubbed Owen's back. His fever wasn't going down. He remembered when they had the stomach bug, his fever took awhile to break. He hit the nurse button. Jake didn't know how high it was but he was really warm again. The nurse came walking by Adri and went into Owen's room.
She nodded her head and looked into the room again. She saw Jake push the button and she got up and walked inside. "What's wrong?" She asked and felt Owen's back and forehead.

The nurse came in and looked at Owen and then Jake. After hearing his concerns she did a check and saw that it was slowly coming down. It was out of the danger area that was for sure but he was coming out of it and would be fine. "Just give his little body some time." She said softly and left the room.

Adri looked at Owen and rubbed his cheek. "Tomorrow night can we go out and talk?" She asked softly. "I ruined our date I want to make it up to you. Owen will be in good hands. Mom said she'd watch him. I'm sure he'll be home by then."
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