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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"Baby I was just making conversation. Fashion is your life. I just was curious what you like and don't like. I'm sure you have certain things on guys you really like...I know I do with women. Especially my woman." He smiled at her.

He smiled at her having to eat heathy. "Should we diet together? Or should we just diet when just ourselves have to? I feel bad for just eating whatever in front of you. You're pretty good in front of me...I'll be more considerate." He took a sip of his wine and looked out the window.

He shrugged. "I don't know. I figured it would be at least a year with your work and we havent really had time to start planning. And that's something I'd like to do together. But honestly..." He shrugged and smiled. "I can't wait to make you my wife. Being able to call you wife would just be amazing. Why? What were you thinking?"
"I know. I'm sorry. I just don't want to talk about clothes right now. Okay?" She smiled at him and nodded her head.

"I feel like I'll be dieting for the foreseeable fture so there's really no reason for us to have to diet together unless you have a fight coming up." She shrugged her shoulder, "I can handle it. Go ahead and eat whatever you want." She smiled at him and rubbed his hand.

"I don't know. I think if I want to put as much time as possible into planning the wedding, we would have to wait until after the holidays most likely. I feel like there is too much going on through the end of the year. I want to put my all into planning but I have contracts that I signed and have to complete and will take my time away so I can't put as much time as I want into planning."
Jake nodded. "Okay sorry. You're off work and supposed to relax. I'm sorry..." He smiled at her and squeezed her hand.

He shook his head. "You can enjoy certain things too. You just will have to work it off in the gym. I know you're trainer will help with that. As long as it's nothing crazy and all the time. I would love to go to the gym and work out with you. Or run or anything." He chuckled a little before sighing.

Jake thought about it and nodded. "I understand that. But I'm afraid if you wait for you not have a contract or work, it will never happen. Unless we set a time that you know one contract is up and then say hey...for example this summer I'm taking off to plan the wedding. I just don't want it to keep getting put off." He said softly and looked down at their hands. He wondered if it was that she wanted to put her all into planning or something else. She never said she wanted to do that before. Before she wanted to hire a planner and let the planner do much. He sensed something else was up but kept it to himself. "What season are you thinking for the wedding?"
"You'll be back in the gym soon. Once this surgery is up, you have to heal but you'll be back in the gym after that. You'll be fine. You're healthy, you heal fast. You just have to give it time. Don't go back into the gym until you know you are ready. Then you can beat Luke up to your hearts content." She smiled at him and hoped it all worked out that well. "While you're down why don't you focus on something else? You said you wanted to open a gym. Why don't you start writing down what you want in your gym? Your ideas for it?" She asked. He needed a distraction to keep him from getting too antsy.

"I don't want to keep putting it off. I'm not trying to put it off. It's just...I like working. I want to plan the wedding but I want it to be the wedding of my dreams. I don't know where to start with planning a wedding. So I have to take the time to find a planner that I can sit down with and share my vision with and make sure that they can create it. I just want it to be perfect." She explained. "If I have to take weeks off to plan the wedding then I will I just don't want to tell my vision to someone and then have the complete opposite at the wedding."

She thought about it. She was pretty sure they had this conversation before. "I can do spring because my allergies are insanely bad but I do want a garden for the pictures, which is why I want the castle wedding. I also want the option to have it indoors, just in case it rains or something. So it would either be early summer or late winter." She explained.
Jake nodded to her idea of him keeping busy with something else. "I need to watch tape, I need to get Bisping's technique down. This could be really good for me. But I like the idea of getting ideas for the gym down."

He understood where she was coming from with her wanting her dream wedding. He took a drink of his wine. "I want you to have your dream wedding. Well...if you want to do early summer or late winter, we either have to wait a year for the next summer because I feel this early summer is too soon with your contracts and the holiday. Maybe this next late winter so you have almost a year..." He shrugged. "I'd kind of would rather say early summer so it's nicer, weather wise." It could be almost two years if they wanted to wait for certain seasons or for her not to be busy. He wasn't sure how he felt about that but it wasn't a huge issue.

The more Jake thought about it the more he got nervous. "We need to figure out what we're doing. Are we getting married first? Or building or finding a house. I don't want to do both and be stressed out." Jake still thought something was off with her and the wedding but if she really didn't want to get married, why did she talk about a bigger house.
"Early summer is a good time. I do like the idea of making sure the weather is perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. That gives us enough time to save, plan and prepare to get married." She smiled. That gave her two year to get mentally ready to get married. It was perfect. "When we get home, I will start looking for planners. Okay?"

She shrugged her shoulder, "building a house is a long term goal. I do want to build the house of our dreams but there are a list of thing we need to do before we get there. We need a plot of land, we need to make sure it's in a good school system, we need a blueprint. That will probably take as much planning as the wedding. I can live without building a house right now. So let's just focus on the wedding."

She smiled at him and felt better. It wasn't that she didn't want to marry him. She did want to marry him but she wanted to be engaged for a little while. She wanted to be his fiancé. She wanted to finish out the year with her last name and then take his. It was nothing against Jake. She just didn't want to rush into a wedding.
He nodded to her talking about a early summer wedding. "Okay..." He said softly and offered a smile. He wondered a little if she really would or not. He still felt like something was off.

"Maybe we can at least talk to someone who designs houses or blue prints to kind of get an idea of what we want or maybe make a list when we get an idea." He shrugged. Jake was also fine waiting a bit for a house. It was all a lot to do at once.

After a few moments of silence the waiter brought their food. Jake was a bit relieved. But then his questions in his head started to go off and he was curious. He wanted them to be honest with each other. He took a bite and wiped his mouth before looking at her. He looked deep into her eyes. "Is that the only reason you want to wait so you can plan the best wedding?"
"So I guess that would be late June 2018. I would say early July but with July fourth, I don't think that's a good idea." She thought aloud.

"That's a good idea." She told him and added that to the mental list of things they needed to do.

She took a big sip of her wine and looked at Jake. "Not entirely." She said honestly. "I am trying to manage everything out Jake. And honestly looks won't be here forever which means my job won't be here forever. I want to get this out of my system before I settle down because I know you'll love me no matter what I look like. And I have this naggi feeling that once we get married you'll want to start having kids and that doesn't affect you as much as it does me. My world is on pause for a good two years and then I'm supposed to do what? My career isn't going to wait for me. I can't just leave a newborn. I feel like you're ten steps ahead of me with Owen and I'm going to get pulled forward whether I want it or not. At least when these contracts are over I will be ready to plan the wedding. We have a general idea of a time frame we are both comfortable with for getting married. I need a timeline and I need to be able to know we stick to that timeline. I am comfortable getting married in two years, are you?"
He gave her a nod. That didn't seem too horrible of a wait. They could plan a nice wedding in that time.

Jake listened to her and finally the truth was coming out. He sort of understood what she was saying but at the same time it was a lot to take in. So she wasn't as ready to start a family as she seemed to be. "A nagging feeling? Owen is still young. I don't exactly want two kids in diapers. But we are waiting almost two years to get married. That's a decent wait...but..." He let out a sigh. Their marriage and future family was being put on hold for her work. "You told me you were in this...with Owen and I. I don't want to be ten steps ahead of you. We need to be together." He said softly before taking a drink. "Yeah. Two years is fine."

He started to eat quietly. He had a million thoughts going through his head.
"I know, he's a baby but I feel like I you have one with some random girl and you're going to want one with me soon to really live out what it's like. That's just what happens after people get married. My parents got married and Andre nine months later. I don't want that. I do want kids with you. I just don't want them right after we get married."

By the time they got married Owen would be three and be walking and talking and who knows what his little personality would be loved being his mother. She loved being around him and watching him grow but she wasn't ready for another one or carry one. Maybe she was all in her head but they were legitimate fears that she had. He would be ready for number two and she would give it to him even if she didn't feel ready.

"I am in this. I want the wedding. I want you and Owen. You can't make me feel bad if I tell you I'm not ready for more kids. I'm not giving you back a ring. I'm not asking for a break. I'm just asking for a 2018 wedding and to just have Owen and Max. We have to kids which is honestly one more than I thought we would have at this stage. I'm not backing out of anything." She told him.

"And if I'm being completely honest, it feels like you are just waiting for me to back out just so you can walk away and say it was my decision. You are the one with the problem with my schedule, who feels neglected who wants and is ready for all of these things and I'm not. You could find some woman ready to give you everything you want and more and you stay with me miserable. If I don't make you happy then you shouldn't be with me." She didn't think it would hurt that much to say that but she tried to stay strong and not cry in public.

"If I don't make you happy then go find someone that does."
"Well we aren't your parents Adri. Our life and situation is different. Just because they had a kid right after getting married doesn't mean we will do the same thing."

Jake closed his eyes a second and shook his head before sighing. "I'm not trying to make you feel bad about anything. I'm just asking so I understand. I'm not getting angry. I'm not raising my voice. I'm being passive aggressive. I'm just asking so I understand how you feel and what you want." He let out sigh. "I'm not saying it's a bad thing but it's more than just you asking for a 2018 wedding. You want a 2018 wedding and no more kids till probably 2020."

Then the rest came and he was a big blindsided by her last comments. He put his napkin on the table, his appetite was gone. They couldn't even have a date without fighting. And now it seemed like he was the only one with any issues. He took a minute not sure how to answer that comment. They were in public and he didn't want to make a scene. "And what is it you think I want right now?"
"Jake that's the problem. I don't know what you want. I can't figure out what you want and you won't tell me. I just want to know the truth. It sounds like you are not happy with me. That's the feeling you put off in therapy that you aren't happy. You aren't happy I work, you aren't happy about my schedule, you aren't happy when I'm at home and you're not happy when I'm gone. I tried to get a watch so there somewhat of a balance where I'm not on my phone and I can be away from it and you aren't happy. I destroy my phone and haven't replaced it and you're still not happy. I'm starting to think it's just me. You aren't happy with me and I'm growing into and if I keep developing the way I am then you won't be happy with me in the future."

This wasn't the place to have this conversation and she knew that but she needed to get it out there. That was how she felt. She felt like she wasn't good enough and then when she tried to make things right it didn't work and she proved that she really wasn't good enough.

She gestured for the waiter and asked him for the check. She was trying her damn hardest not to cry. she didn't know what came next. Did she move into a hotel, did he go back to Vegas, were they broken up, were they together? Would they be together at the end of the night? She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him but she wouldn't keep trapped to her if he wasn't happy.
Jake took a second before he decided to reply to her. He needed to choose his words perfectly. But he had a feeling he'd fail to do that. His eyes looked around as he figured out how to explain how he felt and what he wanted. "I thought honestly before we got our food I had explained to you where I was coming from with the schedule and wanting to spend time with you uninterrupted. You broke your phone like a five year old. No that wasn't what I wanted...I want you to have a phone so if your family or myself need to call you I can. If you travel...I have no way of being in contact with you without a phone."

He took a breath and stop as she asked for the check. He pointed to her ring on her finger. "The day I put that on your finger, I told you what I wanted. You. I didn't know it was a crime to want to spend time with my fiance. Or want to marry her. Or have some uninterrupted time with her. But it's clear here I'm the one being difficult and I'm the one with the issues." He tossed money on the table and got up walking outside, he had no idea where he was going, but he wasn't getting in the car and he needed to clear his head. A thousand different emotions were flooding him and he just wanted to flip out so he was walking before he made a huge scene.
Not making a scene would have been easier if he didn't throw money on the table and storm out of the restaurant. One patron got a picture of it and posted it on Instagram and then it blew up from there. Adri didn't know about it, she didn't have a phone but it did take off.

Adri stacked the money neatly and left before the check arrived. She put her coat on and got in the car with her driver and asked him to take her home. Now came the hard part. She walked in, knowing Owen would be in bed by now, but not knowing if she should stay here or find a hotel somewhere else.

Instead of moving out completely, she moved out of the room and into the smaller room downstairs. That way she wasn't gone but they had space. She sent an email to the therapist to ask for an emergency one on one meeting in the afternoon tomorrow and then she took a shower and climbed into bed.
John wondered what happened but didn't say anything. Instead he left when Adri said it was okay and texted Jake to see if he was okay. He got no response from him.

Jake ignored hiz phone and just walked around. He felt like Adri didn't understand where he was coming from with anything but if he said anything then he was the problem. So he wouldn't say a word. He was so frustrated they couldn't even go on a fucking date together.

Hours passed and Jake didn't come back to the penthouse. John worried about his son but didn't want to intrude so he didn't try caling much after the first attempt.
Once all of her thins were moved into the third bedroom and bathroom, she let john go home. He would most likely be leaving with both Jake and Owen and Max soon and she would just downsize to a smaller apartment somewhere. Before he left she did ask him to come back around eight in the morning.

She stayed up for a little while and wished she had her phone so she could call her mother to talk and bring her out to New York so she wasn't alone.

She stayed awake waiting for Jake to come home but he didn't come home hours later. She eventually fell asleep. She didn't get a good rest. She woke up around seven and checked on Owen before getting ready to workiut. She didn't check to see if Jake came home last night. Instead she waited for john to come and before he could ask anything, she slipped out of the penthouse and went to the gym.
Jake just walked around the city the entire night. He had to think and cool off. Walking around was the only way he really could do that. He hated not being able to work ot or run. At that point though, he was so upset he didn't care and almost ran just to get the anger and pain out.

Adri was blaming everything on him. If that made it easier for her to sleep at night, he'd take the blame and shut up. He was over being the bad guy for wanting time with her and undivided time. He would never say a word about her work or traveling. He was going back to not saying a damn word about anything.

When the phone store opened he went in and bought three phones. One replaced Adri's broken one, one for woek for her, and a work one for himself. Both of hers would sync with her watch and Jake's for the calendars. Adri's phones were the newest and best ones he could buy.

Jake finally went home. When he arrived John shook his head at him, "Where have you been? I have been worried. Your phone's been going to voicemail."

"I was just walking around. And no...I dont want to talk about it." He put the phones for Adri on their chargers and put a note with Adri's name on it. Jake went upstairs to change. He put on athletic pants and went downstairs telling John he could leave. John hesitated.

"I'm fine...go."

"You're not too tired to watch Owen?"

'No. It's not like I would have slept if I was here..."

John sighed telling his son if he needed him to call. Needing him about anything. Jake nodded and finished feeding Owen his breakfast. He was quiet even with Owen, who he moved to the living room after he was done eating. Jake sat on the floor with him to play.

Jake was hurt and upset. The anger vanished with time. But he wasn't leaving unless she kicked him out. This was where she was a bit right. He was waiting for her to end it but only because he didn't want to. It was something he was fighting to keep. Plus she said it was all his fault and if he left, that's not taking a chance to fix i5.
Adri worked out with the girls and then showered and changed at the was trying to avoid being home as much as possible so she asked the girls to an early lunch and they went to a rather healthy restaurant. They talked about their families and how much Adri's life would change and all of this other stuff that would normally make her excited and happy but now she had this bitter taste one her mouth about it.

After lunch she walked to the therapists office with Liam in tow. The paparazzi had been following her around all day asking her if she was broken up with Jake, how life was with Jake, if the wedding was off and that made her feel worst but she ignored them and walked into the building. Then someone decided to do some research on the building and what was in it and then started piecing the puzzles together.

While she waited, she used the phone in the waiting room and dialed her mother's number. If she needed anyone right now it was her mom. She called and asked her to come out right away. She gave her the card information so she wouldn't have to pay for it and told her to send her the email so she knew when and where to pick her up.

When it was her turn to go into the office, she walked inside and sat on the couch and told the therapist everything that happened from her point of view and then sat back and stared at the floor. "Now he's not happy and I've never felt more depressed. I was working out with Victoria's Secret angels today. I am doing something I always dreamed of and I'm not happy. This isn't how this is supposed to work."
Jake spent the day with Owen and ignored all the speculations online. He didn't care what anyone thought. They needed to figure out where to go from here and everyone else could mind their own business. Plus if he went online and read too much he'd probably flip out and make things worse.

The therapist wrote some things down. "Adri...I'm going to be honest here. I'm not taking sides, remember that. First, did you buy a watch so you could work around being disconnected?" She gave her a look. "Jake loves you and enjoys being with you. He is adjusting from you being around to you not. He is trying new ideas to be better about it. How did the meeting with the offers go? Did he seem understanding and supportive or the opposite? Also you were on a date...I'm not saying you shouldn't have told him how you felt but was that the best time?"

"You are going to probably hate me for this, but maybe it's you that doesn't feel good enough for him. Maybe it's you who wants him to find someone else instead of that being what he wants. From talking to him, I have no doubt that he loves you and wants you. He wants to make this work. Was therapy his idea? What ideas are you contributing? I see it how you threw a fit he wanted time alone with you and broke your phone like a child, instead of putting it away for a couple hours. You had two extremes. Either you had your phone how you wanted it or not at all. Adri you're running away from your problems instead of trying to fix them. You did it when you started modeling. You assumed you two were over so you started to run away. And now you're picking your career over Jake because it's easier to push him away than to work on it." The therapist felt it was time to be brutally honest.

"Jake is far from perfect so don't even think that's what I'm saying. But he is honest and recognizes when and where he had screwed up and been stupid and works on fixing it or himself. Since you met him, has his anger in a whole gotten better? Has he made some adjustments and changes?" She let out a sigh. "Now before you start thinking I'm telling you to not have a career that is not at all what I'm saying. You have to put forth effort if you want the relationship to work. Running away is not going to work. Both of you need to find balance between work and your relationship. It seems that you go from one extreme to the other. There are thousands of models and celebrities that their relationships last but it takes work. On both sides."
"I can't do anything now the stupid watch besides see who is calling and read texts. If I have a job emergency and my phone is ringing away in the other room and I can't see who is calling and check then there goes my career down the drain. If I have the watch the phone can be in my office and if I have a work emergency, I can tell him and go answer it. Im not using the watch to have a conversation with my agent."

"Yeah going over the job offers went great. He kept telling me to take a job that would not only keep me here another two weeks but would also violate my contract with VS. so yeah great. I get that it wasn't the best time but if I said nothing and then brought it up here then I lied over dinner. Then I would have been back in this spot."

She rolled her eyes, "Oh my god about my fucking decision to get this job in the first place, again!" She shook her head. "Fine. Fine. I shouldn't have gotten the fucking job alright. I should have just waited until I was out on my ass on the street. Because I didn't know if we were together. All of my eggs were in one basket and that was him. If, and even though we didn't, IF we broke up I was back in my parents house. And I was not going to crawl back to my parents house until I got on my feet again. What should I do? Should I quit to make up for that mistake or can we all just move the fuck on? I try to protect myself and now it's the worst decision of my life. It just keeps thrown back in my face. I can't do anything about it. I don't work for Jake anymore. I'm not financially dependent on him. Get over it."

She grabbed her purse, "I think it's been established that this is all my fault. My job, my schedule, my decision to protect myself for the big IF something went wrong scenario. If I quit my job then I threw a fit. If I keep working then I'm doing anything to fix it. So I pick one and at this point neither one will make me happy." She left the office and took the stairs so she wouldn't have to wait for an elevator. She didn't eventually get on the elevator so she wouldn't have to do all of the stairs down the tall building.

Liam was always a step behind and she got upset at him first because he was around and all that she had. "You're fired. Stop following me. Stop doing whatever. Just go away." She told him in the lobby and walked out onto the street alone and immeadiely surrounded by paparazzi until she got in the car and drove off.
The therapist knew she was already upset and probably wouldn't hear a word she was saying and Adri validated that. "I was only saying you run away Adri. I understand having a back up plan. But is Jake really the type to kick you out on your ass and not help you and make sure you have a job or a place to go? Yes he can be a jerk but that big of a jerk? I'm sure he didn't want you to lose your contract but was trying to show you that if you wanted to take a certain job, he'd be okay with it. That would be supportive of it, even if it meant you staying another couple weeks to do it. He was doing what you wanted him to do and then you still give him crap for it. Maybe you should ask yourself what you really want."

She shook her head. "I never said it was all your fault. And here you are running away again. You're not asking what to do to fix it or asking for my help you are running off when you hear something you don't like. You both are to blame in this relationship. But you both have to work on the parts you are individually responsible for."

Before Adri walked out the door she put her pen down. "You know you seem more worried about blowing a job opportunity than missing something with him or Owen. Maybe you already made your decision..."

Liam stopped when she fired him and looked at her confused. "Did I do something wrong here?"
"I didn't know. I didn't know how he would treat me and I wasn't going to let myself be put in the position where he could have left me out on my ass. I was going to live in his house until on my feet. I wasn't going to move in with my parents again. That wasn't running away. That was problem solving and quick thinking." She rubbed her lips together, "I agree he was very supportive at the wrong time. I tell him I feel like he doesn't support me and then he's suddenly okay with me being away for a minimum of two weeks? I'm taking that with a grain of salt."

She tried to think of what Jake needed to work on because it seemed to be rip on Adri week. Everything she was doing wrong was getting pointed out to her and she didn't know what Jake was supposed to be working on. He knew everything she was supposed to do though.

"I didn't confirm that having a bodyguard was a good idea before I hired you so I have to let you go. I will pay you for the rest of the month though. And I will do a recommendation or whatever else you need. Alright? But you are no longer my body guard." She explained and walked away.

She found her mother a hotel to stay at while she was out here. She would only be there a couple days but if jakes dad wasn't staying with them then her mom wasn't either. After filling some time, finding the room, getting checked in and then decorating have e room with some New York goodies, she decided it was a good time to go home. Her moms flight didn't land until 2 am so she had eleven hours to go.

Adri sat in the car outside of the penthouse and saw all of the guys camped out waiting for her to come back. There was a small pang of regret in firing Liam but she shoved it down and opened the door. She put her hands up and kept her head down and went straight for the door.

When she got into the lobby she took a breath and went for the elevator. When she got to the ny house, Owen was down for a nap and she went straight to the guest bedroom. She washed her face and laid across the bed.

She laid there for a moment before she got up and went to Jake, "I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got this job in the first place, I'm sorry I don't talk to you about my schedule. I'm sorry I broke my phone, I hired Liam with out asking, I'm sorry I'm not your assistant anymore. I'm sorry we always fights I'm sorry I can't fix it." She said softly.

"I can't do anything about the job. I'm stuck in the contract. If we have to sit down every week to go over job possibilities and schedules in the future then fine. That's what we will do. I'll get a new phone. I'll get a phone number just for you so we can be in contact. Liam isn't around anymore so we can find a new bodyguard for me together. What more should I do to make you feel better?" She asked him.
Jake was in the office emailing some guys at the gym to send over tapes so he could watch them. He figured he'd be inside for a while with Owen so that would give him something to do plus he needed to keep his mind on something good. When Adri came in the office he looked up and listened to her talk. He was waiting for her to break up with him and was surprised but happy she didn't. This moment was new for him, because she didn't ever come apologize to him after a fight.

He was confused. "What are you talking about? I don't want you to get out of the job. For the new phone, it's on the counter. I got you two. If you use both or not is your decision. Why isn't Liam around?" He shook his head. "Obviously I'm the problem not being more understanding about things. Take whatever job you want. Just...let me know when you can what your schedule is like and I'll work around it." He shrugged.

"I'm fine Adri." He wasn't being an ass, he just had in his head it was his fault so why make her do something to make him feel better. He was the one who got upset she went to see her ex. He was the one who wanted to spend more time with her. He was the one that want undivided attention. He was the one who wanted to get married and have a family with her. He was the one that didn't like Liam. He knew her apology was because she felt she had to. She blamed him forever everything. "It's all my fault anyway."
She sighed knowing that it wouldn't work but she did apologize. What was happening between them wasn't going to be fixed easily. If it could be fixed at all. She still stood by what she said if he wasn't happy then he could leave. Why stay with someone who doesn't make you happy.

"My mother is coming for a couple days. I got her a hotel room." She told him and left the office.

She went back to her room and took a nap to pass the time. She probably wouldn't be able to sleep tonight but she could show her mother around and take her to dinner. She'd find something to do to waste time with her mother.
Jake didn't say anything to her mother coming. It was a way to keep her busy and away from Jake. She obviously didn't want to spend time with him so he answered some emails for interviews. He also replied back stating he needed to discusd with his family before taking certain offers.

He got up letting Max out and taking him for a small walk. He knew Adri was there so he assumed it wasn't a big deal. While he was gone, Owen woke up crying andwas burning up.

Jake texted Luke. She reached out to her mother, he needed his friend. "Keep this to yourself, but things aren't going well man. Part of me is ready to just come home."
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