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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"Scheduling won't be a problem for the next few months. I cannot take any more jobs. It's in the Fashion show contract. I am devoted to Victoria's Secret but they will allow us to complete any contracts we had signed before we were chosen for the show." She told him. But with that came a rigorous work out schedule and a demanding meal plan.

She shook her head to getting highlighters. "Too much time. I'll do it the old fashioned way. It's for the whole year. I'll keep the calendar on my computer updated to link up to your phone. When the fashion show is over, we will have weekly meeting where we can go over job offers that I receive and figure out scheduling that way." She told him.

When they got to the penthouse she did what she said she was going to do. She went to the office and copied her schedule to her planner for the entire month. Ow she knew everywhere she needed to be with no worries. She even copied phone numbers so she could call Liam and secretaries to her new bosses.

Owen was down for a nap when she came out of the office and as a small test run she had a decent sized stack of papers to go over with Jake showing him how she picked jobs when she was on her own and then giving him the stack so they could go through it together. In the end it wouldn't matter because she was saying no to all of them for the fashion show but it was practice. It was also a way of her showing him how busy she could be, how she picked jobs and what she had to deal with when jobs were offered to her.
"So you can't even take small jobs? Wow." He didn't know how she would really feel about that, but maybe like she said that's why she wanted this job and the benefits that came with it.

Jake liked the idea of getting together weekly to go over job offers. "Alright. Sounds like a good plan." He smiled at her. She was trying and he was seeing that and he appreciated it.

While she went to the office he put Owen down and then just relaxed on the couch watching tv. When she came in to go over offers he sat up and shut the tv off. "First...can you go over your meeting with me? I want to hear about it." He smiled at her and moved to sit close to her. After she explained the meeting he listened to how the offers worked and started to look through them with her. Some of them were really good, regardless of the time away from home they would require. "Are you sure you can't take any of these? This kind of sucks. Babe these are awesome offers." He showed her a couple he thought she'd really like. He then got to the one she was talking to the therapist about. "Babe...this one is in a can't even do this one?" He looked at her. "And it's here...and it would put my girl on tv...hell this could get Victoria Secret publicity cause it's not for another company it's a show..." Jake's phone went off and he checked to see who it was then put it on silent and put it on the arm of the couch. "Sorry." They were working. He didn't want her on a phone while they had family time, it was only fair to not be on it while they were going over things for her work.

After they finished going through the offers he gave her the papers and looked her over. "I'm taking you out tonight. Dad's going to come here to watch Owen. That way he can get him in bed and we don't have to take him out.
"It was a meeting." She said softly and shrugged her shoulder. She looked at him and went over the meeting. She tried to play it cool so if he didn't see, interested she would just change the topic but she was very excited to be a Victoria's Secret model and be an angel at that. That was the top of the rank. She was overjoyed.

She went over the offers with Jake and shook her head, "I have to be available to VS for publicity and the website ad photo shoots and what not." She told him and looked at the offer he was holding up, "if be gone for two weeks minimum. After a seven week trip away from home." She told him. "So while you Max and Owen went home, I'd be here for another two weeks." That was how she thought. That was how she chose her jobs based on her schedule, how long she was away and how long she'd be gone.

When they were finished, she gathered the papers and nodded her head to dinner. "What time?" She asked so she knew when to start getting ready. She went back to the office to call her agent and tell him what happened at the meeting with a little more enthusiasm because she knew she would get the reaction she wanted out of him. She wasn't sure if Jake was just playi along or really meant what he showing. Then she dropped the bomb but he was pretty cool about it. She could still do the Carl's Jr. Half time commercial and the other little things she had planned.

He would pull back u less the offer of a lifetime came through. He knew she wanted Harpar's Bazaar so he would fight with the VS people to get her that cover. Once their meeting was over, she went downstairs to watch TV and wait for Owen to wake up. While she waited, she cuddle Max who out his head in her lap and got up on the couch between her and Jake.
Jake listened and was really truly excited and happy for her. The man was also extremely proud. "I'm not going to lie, it's going to be pretty awesome seeing you on commercials and ads. Do you get to keep the merchandise? " He asked playfully. "I'm really proud of you baby. My girl's a VS angel. I'm one lucky man."

He thought it over as she explained it. It would be cutting it short with his surgery but this was a great opportunity. "Adge...I think you should take it. It's two weeks. We're here together now. I can take the boys back, I have dad to help then you can come home after. I think you should do it." Jake really meant it.

"6:30? I'm going to treat you to a nice dinner and then some other fun stuff. Are you free tomorrow in case we are out late?" He got comfortable again on the couch. He moved a bit from a little pain from throwing the ball.

When Max jumped between them he looked at him, "Really bro?" He teased Max for being closer to Adri than Jake was. "You're lucky you're cute and I love you." He rubbed his belly and leaned his head back. Jake's free hand reached for Adri's.
She shrugged her shoulder, "I didn't ask. Maybe. I don't know." She thought about it and shrugged her shoulder.

She looked at Jake and shook her head, "Jake I can't take anything. This was just a practice run. This is part of my homework." She explained. It worked and she was happy about that but all of these jobs would be denied because she had to focus on VS.

"Alright. Yeah. I don't have anything to do. The girls meet up with a trainer together in the mornings so I will probably do that but other than that nothing to do."

Adri rubbed Max's head and gave it a kiss. She held Jakes hand and kept her free hand of Max's head.
"Well you need to ask...geez. You can even tell them your fiance wants to know. I don't care. It's just for me it's not like you are going to model them for someone else...right!?" He smiled as he tried to be playful. He was trying to move passed their last fight. He apologized, he offered to buy her a new phone, he didn't know what else to do.

"This was sent before your meeting, what if you make them date the contract before today? Or maybe call them and see if when VS is over you can do it." He really wanted her to take some of the better jobs. Even if it meant being away from home, they were good offers he didn't want her to pass up.

He gave her a nod. "Alright. Who knows maybe we will come back early, but at least this way our options are open."

Jake rubbed his belly as he held Adri's hand. "You can change the tv if you want. It was just a movie on tv I was watching." He moved closer to Adri, so his head was close to hers. "Hey..." When she looked at him, he kissed her softly. He kept kissing her, not wanting to stop, he needed and wanted to feel that intimacy with her.
She smiled at him and nodded her head, "Right." She agreed softly and looked at her lap. "I'll ask someone the next time I go in. Okay?" She gave his hand a squeeze and watched the movie.

"Jake, I'm not cutting curves around Victoria's Secret. If I get fired from that I become black listed. I think I'll keep my job and pass on that one." She told him. "We can stay out if you want. They meet up all of the time so I can miss one and just meet with them later." She told him.

She knew he wanted to feel something by the way he kissed her and she wanted to feel closer to him too but how could she when she felt conflicted about if she should even be with him. If she was such a self centered fiancé then he should find someone better. Right? She kissed him back and rubbed his cheek.
He nodded to her asking next time she was in. "Okay." He smiled at her, caressing her hand.

"I don't want you to get black listed, I just don't want you to miss out on an amazing opportunity. Maybe call and tell them at a different time you'd love to." He appreciated her giving up gym time with fellow models that would probably soon be her friends. "You sure? I understand if you want to go tomorrow when they get together." He really was trying to be supportive and show it.

He let the kiss deepen and even let his tongue play with hers. He knew they agreed to not have sex. Making out wasnt off limits.
"It depends on what we do and what time we get back." She told him about going to gym tomorrow. She would see how she felt in the morning and decide if she wanted to go or not.

She kissed him a bit longer and then pulled back. She gave him a small smile and gave his hand another squeeze. "I miss you." She said softly. She missed the old him. She couldn't figure out where they started to wrong but she had a feeling it was about him not being able to work. He couldn't train, he had a lot more time on his hands and she was the busy one. The roles were changed and he obviously didn't like it. She needed him healed and back in the gym, then maybe he would go back to normal.

"Let's finish the movie and take a nap." She said softly and tried to hold back a yawn.
He gave her a nod about the gym. He wanted to give her the option. Working out was important to both of them.

Jake didn't feel like he was different, he was just more vocal about how he felt. Things were getting to him more. When she pulled away he smiled slightly. "I miss you too...." His thumb caressed her hand.

"You can. Or I'll just lay with you. Owen will probably be up before too long." He smiled at her before turning back to the tv. It kind of sucked she wasn't into kissing him much. He wondered if it was the fighting or him. His head rested back against the couch. He stared off instead of watching the movie. He just wanted them back...
He was probably right about Owen. She thought about it and stood, "Alright, I am going to take a nap before our date and then I will start getting ready." She told him. "Wake me up in an hour and a half. Screw it, wake me up in two hours." She kissed his forehead and Max's when he sat up and she went upstairs to take a nap. Max followed after her and took Jake's spot on the bed.

She pulled out something to wear on their date and hoped the place wasn't too fancy because she wasn't going overboard with clothes or make up. She put on the basics and go.

She got into bed with Max and closed her eyes and took her nice long two hour nap.
He nodded. "Sure. I can do that." He gave her a small smile. Jake finished the movie and looked at his work emails. He answered a few.

He looked up some ideas for their date. Once he felt it was all planned out he put his laptop down and went back to watching tv. There wasn't a lot for him to do.

When he heard Owen moving around he went upstairs to get him. "Hey buddy!" He smiled at him and changed him before taking him downstairs. "We have to wake up mommy after bit. She needed a nap too." He sat on the floor with him to play.

After Adri's two hours, Jake picked Owen up and took him upstairs. He laid him on the bed and he crawled to her saying her name.
Adri felt Owen crawling on the bed and opened an eye. She smiled at him when he started calling her name. When he got close enough so she scooped him up and gave his chubby cheeks some kisses. He laughed and showed his gummy smile.

She laid him on her chest and rubbed his back. "Is your dad here?" She asked softly. "I'll start getting ready when he gets here." She sat up with Owen and had him stand up on the bed and bounce a little bit.

She gently tossed him on the bed and tickled his sides to get him to laugh again. She looked at his gums to see if he had any teeth poking yet. "I think he's getting his bottom teeth." She told Jake and pulled Owen's bottom lip down to show him. "No wonder why she's drooling so much. We gotta get you some teething toys, huh buddy?" She asked and kissed his cheek. "We will go tomorrow okay?"
Jake smiled and watched them a moment. "Not yet. He should be any minute though." He sat on the bed and pet Max's belly.

"I kinda wondered that. I wasn't brave enough to stick a finger in his mouth though." He looked in his mouth. "He wants teeth so he can eat some protein." He tickled his stomach and kissed his head. "He's happy he got some sleep."

Jake stood up. "I'm going to go let Max out." Max perked up and jumped off the bed when he heard the word, 'out.' Jake headed downstairs and grabbed his leash, attaching it before taking him down to his area. After walking him around a bit he found his dad in the elevator going back up.

After going in he unleashed Max. "Grandpa is here!"
"I think we are both happy we got some sleep." She watched Jake take Max away and she directed all of her attention to Owen. She kissed him and tickled him and cuddled him as much as she could in the ten minutes she had with him.

When she heard the front door open, she took Owen out front and welcomed john into the penthouse. She passed Owen over to him and tickled the back of his neck.

"I'm going to get ready." She told them and went upstairs to get dressed. She kept her make up super minimal with a light foundation, eyeliner and a bold red lipstick. She put on her little black dress and her black Louboutin heels. She put her hair up in a high bun and she was ready to go.
Jake spent a few minutes with his dad and Owen before he went up to shower fast for their date. He was in and out rather quickly, then he saw Adri, as he stood in his towel. "Wow..." He looked over her. "You're beautiful." He smiled and walked over to give her neck a small kiss before heading to the bedroom to get dressed.

He put on black pants and a button up red shirt with a black vest over. He put his watch on and spiked his hair up. Jake was quite excited for the date.

After he went downstairs to find John get Owen his dinner, Jake gave Owen some kisses. "Alright buddy, we have to get going..." He looked at Adri, "You ready gorgeous?" He smiled at her.
She didn't feel like she was wearing anything special. She didn't take an hour to get ready. She was super basic. But she smiled and thanked him anyways.

When he came downstairs, she smiled at him again. She was by Owen pushing his hair down so it wouldn't stick up so much. "Yeah I'm ready." She told him and grabbed her purse and coat just in case it got cold.

She stopped him at the door and kissed him. While she kissed his she took off the vest and tossed iron the back of the couch. She smiled and looked him over. "Handsome." She patted his chest and she was ready to go.
Adri could be in sweats and he would still find her attractive. "Of course."

When she took the vest off he smiled. "Thank you." He wakked out to the car with her. "Was the vest too much? Did you not like it?" He acted offended but joked with her.

Once they got to the car, he told the driver where to go before getting in with Adri. He let his finger caress her leg. "Any idea where we are going? Or doing?"

Before long the car drove up to The Ship, which is a restaurant. "I heard it's one of the best meals in the city." He shrugged and held her hand as they entered and got table.
"I didn't like it." She confessed and shrugged her shoulder. "You look better in just a shirt and nice pants."

She shook her head, "Probably dinner somewhere with a view of the city." She didn't know where else they could be going or doing.

She smiled and walked into the restaurant with him. They sat their table and she looked over the menu. She wasn't sure what she could eat but there was a range of salads that she could choose from so she'd pick one of those and maybe something with chicken and vegetables.
"Do you not like the style or just not the style on me?" He was just curious what she liked on him versus other guys. "Why haven't you mentioned it before? Is there anything else you don't like that I wear?" This was new tk him.

He smiled. "The view here may not be the best, but I have a plan for the view after." He kissed her cheek.

He looked over the menu and a shrimp and pasta. "You up for some wine or champagne? Can you drink that or should we stick to water?" He rubbed her hand a bit with his fingers.

"I know this is a date...but I want to say some things..." He let out a sigh. "I'm sorry for the fighting. I'm not trying to be a jerk. I'm trying to handle everything and your work is a lot to figure out. And I really am trying to understand it all. I think that's been my biggest issue, not fully understanding. Plus...I love you. You're my best friend and of course I want to spend time with you. Sometimes I feel like its hard to get time together and maybe it's cause I have so much time now but then when I do, I didn't always have you full attention. I have some ideas for that. Let's get two phones for both of us. That way we have a personal phone for family and friends then a phone for work. And if we're not really doing anything I don't care if you are on your phone. But if we have a chance to have Owen free time, I kinda want that time with you. That's limited private time. I don't think I've explained that well. I've noticed you're trying. I love you even more for that. I feel awful you feel like I don't really support you and your work. Cause I do. I love how far you're going. You're so sexy and talented. And you chose me. I'm proud to call you mine Adriana. I love you. If we can get through these five weeks, we can make it. I have no doubt. We are making progress I think."
"I just don't like vests by themselves with a button up." She shrugged her shoulder.

She walked into the restaurant with him and smiled. "It's nice." She told him and gave his hand a squeeze.

"Hey,I know. And I'm sorry too. It's not just you picking fights and I could be a bit better at seeing how you feel about things." She nodded her head to keeping time with him and Owen limited to private time." She smiled at him, "I love you Jake. You know that." She said softly. "I love you a lot." She reached out and held his hand. "I want this to work out. I want to be with you and max and Owen. I really do, you know that." She said softly and smiled at him.
"I'll remember that. What if I had a tie?" He smiled at her.

Jake played with her hand when she grabbed his before squeezing it.

"It's okay. I feel like these five weeks is the time to get every little nitpicking thing out. And we work it out." Jake knew everything she was saying was true. "I know Q." He stood up a bit and leaned over the table to kiss her deeply. "We want you with us. We love you. I love you. Our family wouldn't be complete without you." He looked in her eyes and kissed her again. He sat back down.

Someone a few tables away saw them, recognized them and snapped pics posting them online saying how cute they looked. "What did you decide about the wine?"
She thought about it and nodded her head, "That might be better. " she said softly.

Now how was she supposed to say the next thing without him flipping out? She supposed on a date wasn't the best time to say it. She just hoped that he remembered this conversation later. She kissed him back and rubbed the back of his hand.

"I think one glass of red will be fine." She smiled and looked over the wine selection she hnaddd it to Jake to let him pick it out. It was his date after all
"What type of clothes do you find most attractive on a guy?" He was learning something new about her. It may be small but at least something.

Jake smiled at her and ordered a white wine that the waiter recommend. Just a glass for both and he asked for water as well. He then ordered Citric Ceviche, red onion, fluke, cilantro, leche de tigre.

"This is nice to get a night out with you. We should do this more often. I know we talked about it but have gotten busy." He caressed her hand as the waiter poured their wine. Jake thanked him.
"I just didn't like the vest with the outfit that's all. You didn't need the vest." She told him. "Alright? Your clothes are nice. Your dress nice. The vest was too much."

Adri ordered herself a glass of red wine and kept dinner simple with the house salad and grilled chicken on top.

"We should go on more dates." She agreed and looked around the restaurant. Maybe then he wouldn't be so upset when she travelled. She go on a date with him, take Owen and max somewhere and then they could all do something as a family.

She smiled and thanked the waiter when he poured their wine. She took a sip and looked at Jake. "How soon were you thinking of getting married?" She asked curiously.
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