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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"I know." She said to not caring what other people thought.

She rolled her eyes when he went to go get chocolate milk. She didn't agree but if Jake wanted to give it to him then fine. She wouldn't argue but she didn't like the idea of giving a ten month old chocolate anything.

"For him? I'll just toss some stuff together. A salad does sound nice though. Maybe spinach, carrots, broccoli and I don't know what else."
Jake was kind of fooling himself, he'd drink the gallon by himself. He wanted to find little things he could do to stay active even if it was just walking.

He grabbed the veggies for the salad. He then grabbed veggies for smoothies. "What else babe?" He looked around before looking at Adri.

Jake's phone went off and he pushed the cart away to answer. He talked for only a minute before finding her again. "Sorry..."
She thought about what else she needed and she walked down the aisles and picked a few thing out and set them in the basket.

When he left she picked up her phone and sent her agent a text letting him know that she was supposed to stay off of her phone when she was at home with Jake and what not. She figured talking would be too much but they could probably get away with texting each other.

She put her phone in her purse and shrugged her shoulder, "Its fine. Aeverything okay?" She asked and looked at him.
He looked at what she was putting into the cart and made faces a couple times just to pick on her.

Her agent wasn't too happy that they couldn't talk if she was at home. "Said who? Sometimes we have work matters that can't wait. If it's important, I'm still calling. Will she pay your bills if you can't get any more jobs?"

Jake nodded at her. "Yes perfect. What are you doing after dinner? I have to leave for a bit." He took the cart and started heading for the check outs. "Are we done or do you need some other stuff?" He saw a sale on protein bars and grabbed a couple.
"I can pay for my bills for many years to come. I'll get an Apple Watch or something. Don't worry. We will communicate but it won't be as frequent. And honestly this might be a good thing. We will both be less stressed."

She shook her head, "Nothing. I was going to go to the gym for a little bit before we start making dinner but after I have no plans."

She raised her eyebrows at him leaving. He hardly ever left unless it was to work, "Where are you going?" She asked curiously. She was done shopping so she took the cart to the front to check out.
He still wasn't thrilled about not having communication but let it go for now.

Jake thought about some things. The therapist wanted him to do something for him. Maybe that would be a good time to do something for him. But he had no idea what to do. When she took the cart he pulled his phone out to look for casinos. It would be hard to get a game of poker in while she was working out though.

"I'm meeting someone. The therapist said I needed to start doing things for me. I'll be gone an hour tops." He followed her to the check outs. He looked at the tabloids just to humor himself. He didn't see any of himself or Adri so that was good. The next thing he turned to was MMA magazines. "Will you be good watching Owen while I go out?"
She laughed a little and shrugged her shoulder, "That doesn't really tell me where you are going but yes. I can watch Owen. I was going to call my family for a chat and I think Amy and Luke are on their way home." She reminded.

She wondered who he knew in New York but at the end of the day if it was homework for the therapist, she didn't mind. It was probably just his dad anyways.

"Can we make one quick stop before we head home?" She asked softly. "It really won't take that long. In and out. I know what I need to get. You can wait in the car if you want."
He nodded. "That will be nice. That way they can see Owen. You'll find out later...I'm still working out details." Jake admitted.

She'd be surprised with what he was really doing, but he thinks she will be pretty happy about it. Or she could be pretty angry, he would later find out.

Jake nodded to her wanting to make a stop. "Where are we stopping? We don't have to rush home. Dad's fine with O. What do gou need?" He asked curiously as the unloaded the cart, paid for their items them put them back in the cart to head to the car.
"You'll see when we get there." She smiled and walked out to the car with him. They got the groceries in the back and they were on to the Apple Store.

They had to go down below the ground to get to the store which was pretty cool. Then she found a representative or he found her and then he got her everything she wanted which was mainly two matching Apple watches, except one was rose gold with a rose gold metal band and the other was black on black for Jake. Then she got a few new phone cases and then she got the new big iPhone to match her watch to top it off.

She smiled at Jake, "Do you want a new phone?" She asked him and pulled out her card. "I got you Boo." she tried to keep the second watch a secret so he could open it up when he got home from where ever he was going.
He looked at her confused. "Okay..."

When Jake saw what she was getting he just shook his head a bit and knew why she was getting it. He just looked around and let her do her thing. His hands were in his pockets.

"No. My phone is fine. Thanks though." He said softly and gave her a small smile. He had no idea she got him a watch and when she was ready he walked out to the car with her. When they got in the car he just got quiet and looked out the window. It was something he wasn't sure how to bring up and didn't know if it was a battle he should even attempt to make.
She was happy to go home and play with her new toys. She had to set up her new phone, which she did in the car. "This thing is fricken giant." She showed Jake compared to her normal sized iPhone 6.

She put a case on it and she would out the screen protector on it at home. When they got the penthouse, she helped get the groceries up to the penthouse and helped put them away and then she went to play with her toys before they started to make dinner instead of going to the gym she got all of her things transferred on to her new phone.

"I have two cameras." She smiled. "When does your dad get here with Owen?" She asked. "I can take an awesome slow on of his his cute self crawling towards me while you're off doing your thing."
Jake didn't really comment about the new phone. This to him was just proof she had an issue with her phone being attached to her.

He put the groceries away and sent his dad a message. "He should be here in a half hour..." He said softly.

Jake watched her a minute and then just gave in. "I'm glad you like it, but I thought you were supposed to disconnect while you were home?" He asked her softly.
"I am. I will. It's just us right now. When Owen gets here the phone will go away. Unless he does something cute." She sighed and could see he was visibly upset so she slipped her phone into his pocket and stepped away. "Just don't leave with it." She said softly. It was their only way of keeping in contact when he left after all.

She smiled at Jake and washed her hands so they could start making dinner. She got the salad ready so he could prepare the fish. She did get a text which she was able to check who it was from on her watch but she didn't reply.

"I am allowed to be on it every so often." She said softly. "I won't use it when we are in bed. I can leave it down here. If we go on a date then I won't be on it. There are times when I will stay off of my phone. I'll give it to you if I have too but if we are just relaxing on the couch next to each other why can't I be on it?"
He sighed a bit. She seriously thought it was just when Owen was around that she shouldn't be on it. Then she put it in his pocket. That made him feel a bit better. He washed his hands and started to get dinner ready with her.

"Thank you." He said softly. Jake turned some music on for a soft background noise while they cooked.

He rolled his eyes a bit. "You really don't get it do you?" He looked at her. "So while we are sleeping you won't look at your phone? The date I get and appreciate. But if I'm sitting with you trying to talk to you is it awful to have your full attention? Do you realize how much you are on it? Or how much it interrupts us?" Her phone went off almost on cue again. He gave her a look, like see? "That's what's frustrating is when you're home, you're still not completely mine..."
"We lay in bed before we go to sleep all of the time. Whether we talk or not, there are times when we are in bed decompressing from the day and just staring at the ceiling or something. I won't be on my phone at that moment." She explained.

"I can't control when I get phone calls or texts. People message me. I can't say, don't message me I'm at home, okay you can message me I'm not at home." She told him.

She didn't know what to tell him to make him feel better. "Okay." She said softly. She walked over to him and grabbed her phone out of his pocket and then went upstairs to get her other phone that she used for work. One phone was personal and the other professional. She took the professional phone, the new one, and turned the data off so it did not work. She couldnt receive calls or make calls or receive texts.

"No data, no bars, no good. I'm keeping it for my schedule but that's it. Alright?" She looked at her personal phone and pushed it towards him, "You keep it." She slid that one into his pocket and went back to chopping the vegetables for the salad.
"Fine..." He said softly, but felt she still didn't get it.

"I know you cant, but you can control when you check them. Breakfast. Movies. Discussions. Lunch. Dinner. Bathtime for Owen." He looked away and went back to cooking.

He looked at her when she came back downstairs. "Can you honestly look at me in the eye and tell me you didn't buy that watch partly because the therapist told you to disconnect?"

"I shouldn't have to keep it for you not to check it. Were home alone and I haven't had your full attention. I'd hope you'd want to spend time with me and take advantage of alone time without Owen instead you spent most of it on your phone..." He started to feel like he would never be first with her.
"I can't do anything on this watch besides see who calls me and kind of send a text. I can leave my purse and not worry about getting up to see who is calling. It's all on my wrist now so when we are talking on the couch I can look and ignore it. I cannot be disconnected from my phone 24/7. If my parents or brothers call me I'm going to answer. Off its someone else then I'm not worried about it when we are doing whatever together."

At this point she was just ready to throw the damn thing out of the window. "Fuck it then Jake." She picked it up and smashed it on the floor. The screen cracked but it probably wasn't broken. She picked it up and threw it away and went back to cutting the vegetables. Now she didn't have a phone to worry about.

She chopped angrily and wasn't really paying attention to what she was doing and she cut her finger with the sharp knife. "Fan-fucking-tastic." She mumbled to herself and wrapped her fist around it and went to bandage it up upstairs. Then she thought she should have stayed downstairs so she could spend time with Jake while her finger bled out.
"I'm not talking about when your family tries to get ahold of you. But that's not very often. I don't expect you to be disconnected all the time but right now you have no balance. Why not set a time every morning to check messages like I do? Do I interrupt us all the time?" He let out a sigh.

When she threw it on the floor he sighed. "Again you can't tell me you did this because you wanted one and not because of the therapist...and the fact I'm talking to you calmly about it and you're getting this upset supports there is an issue..." He said softly and kept cooking.

He let out a sigh when she cut her finger. It was something he let her handle on her own a moment before going upstairs. "Are you okay?" He walked over to see her finger. "Do you need stitches?"
"It's not an issue anymore. It's gone. So just drop it." Shed check her emails in the morning and she'd just do it that way from now on.

"It's fine." She said softly. "No I don't need stitches. When it stops bleeding I'll put a bandaid on and go back downstairs. Go cook. I'll be there in a second." She told him and ran her finger under cold water.

when he left she stared at her reflection while she waited for her finger to stop bleeding. If he felt so neglected what was the point of staying with her? If she was so selfish and self centered why did he want her? She needed her phone for work, she broke her phone and threw it away, that didn't solve the problem so what would? Were they really going to work this out? She asked herself for the first and she really didn't know the answer.

He had a job where the only time he was busy was when he had a fight. When he didn't have a fight he could do whatever he wanted. She had a job where if she was trending or in the spotlight for something her phone would blow up with offers. He wanted a mother for his child and a wife and she was being pushed into that mold but she was starting to realize that she didn't fit in that mold yet. She rubbed her forehead and put it against the marble countertop.

Maybe the therapist was right. She couldn't have it all. She couldn't keep stringing Jake and Owen along hoping they would wait for her to be ready to fit into that mold. Maybe the best thing to do was let them go so Jake could find the person to fit that isn't want to let them go but maybe that was the best thing for them.
"You didn't need to get so mad and throw it down. Why is it so bad that I want your undivided attention sometimes? I'm trying to talk to you to figure out something that works...most people have set hours that they work and they go home to their family and leave work at work until the next day. But it's not just work with you..." He sighed.

He rolled his eyes a bit. "Just go replace your phone after dinner since you need it so badly. I'll stay home with Owen so you can do that. Forget I said what you gotta do for work..." He walked away and downstairs.

As soon as he got to the kitchen Owen and John arrived. "Hey big boy!" He picked Owen up and attacked him with kisses as he laughed. He asked John what they did. John explained they went to this science center where Owen could play around with different exhibits.
"I dont have an office to just leave work at. If I'm not traveling to a job then I am at home. If they need to contact me, I am at home." What was she supposed to do? Work on the plane. She wasn't even on it that much. That was like her telling him not to work out before dinner if he had a fight coming up. That was him working.

She rolled her eyes when he walked away and didn't say anything to him. She would love to not fight after therapy. Just once she would really love that.

When her finger stopped bleeding, she wrapped it up and went downstairs. She put on some disposable gloves and then went downstairs to finish making her salad. "Go do your thing after dinner I'll stay here with Owen." She told him. She was always the one to walk away. Now this time he could and go do whatever he had to do.

She would take his watch back tomorrow since she doubted it would be appriciated at this point. Maybe her not havi a work phone would work out in their favor anyways. Now everything would be sent via email. She print it out and she and Jake could go through it together.

When Owen crawled over to her, she picked up him and gave him a few kisses before setting him back down and letting him crawl around.
"Adri...I'm not asking you to give it up completely. I'm asking for balance. I don't work out while we watch a movie. I set time aside for working out. You have an office at home..." She didn't see the issue so she wouldn't really make a valid effort to fix it.

Jake really didn't like fighting after therapy or shit, at all. When she said to go do his thing he just shrugged. "I'll figure something else out it's not a big deal."

John could sense some tension. "Do you want me to just take Owen tonight?"

"No." Jake said, "I want him home tonight. We will be asking you to watch him in a day or two for a date...that is if Adri still wants to go with me." He said softly as he watched the fish cook. John gave him a nod, "Of course. Just let me know when. You guys have a good evening." He said bye to Owen then left.

Jake let things go because he wasn't about to fight with Adri in front of Owen but he was sure he could sense their tension. "Dad said he took him to a science exhibit. Where he could play around with stuff that made him look like was in Honey I Shrunk the Kids and other fun little science stuff. He loved the bugs."
She shrugged her shoulder at him. Whatever he wanted to do.

"We will call you soon." She told John and walked him out of the penthouse. She locked the door behind him and went back to finishing her salad. She got everything cut up and mixed together. She had enough to munch on through out the week.

"I heard John talking about it." She said softly. "Sucks we couldn't be there but I'm glad he had fun."
Jake was frustrated but tried to let it go. He knew deep down she didn't want this life...not right now anyway. She was young and wanted to work and travel. It was something she needed to admit and tell him. It would hurt and upset him but he was mentally preparing for it.

Her agent on cue started blowing up her phone again with more offers. Other models were congratulating her on social media. Jake ignored the notifications and put the food on the table once it was ready.

"We have time to take him probably would be fun." Jake walked over and picked him up. "You want to go back and get mommy to play with the bugs?" He said Adri's name as Jake put him in his high chair.

After sitting down to eat, Jake gave Owen some food to feed himself.
She frowned at the trash can. She was pretty sure she turned it off and even if she didn't the screen was cracked and she wasn't cutting her finger again. The battery was almost dead so she was sure it would stop soon.

She nodded her head, "Yeah. That would be nice. I'm not playing with bugs though." She rubbed Owen's cheek when he called her name and she put the salad on her plate with a little dressing and half a piece of fish on top.

She ate a little bit and tried to keep Owen from throwing his food on the floor. She wanted to spend as much time with him as she could before the month was up because she really didn't know where this was going with Jake. "I'm going to take him for a walk..." she sighed and rolled her eyes. No she wasn't. She didn't have a phone. "Nevermind. I'll just sit in the floor with him." She wanted him to see all of the lights in the city she would figure it out tomorrow.
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