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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake looked at Adri. "He feels warm again. I just want to be sure. His fever didn't go down right away in the hospital when he had his bug..."

He nodded to the nurse. "I just wanted to be sure. He just felt warm. He is like that a lot though..." He kissed his head and rested his cheek on Owen's head, totally cuddling the little guy. He rubbed his back as Owen just watched Adri as he cuddled against his dad's chest.

Jake thought it was nice she was asking to go out again tomorrow night. He first wondered when she said talk that it was bad but when she mentioned the date got ruined he thought maybe it wouldn't be all bad. "What's the topic of conversation?" He asked softly. Jake felt better that Adri's mom was there to help watch Owen. He trusted his father, but Adri's mom did have more experience with kids because she had more and was around for all of them. "Of course we can. I just have to figure out what to wear..." He smiled a little. "No vests though." He teased.
"A lot." She said honestly. They would talk about a lot. They would be stuck in the spot they were in. She want to be able to get it out privately so she would create the date and make sure it was all possible before she took him out. She didn't have impossible plans though so she was sure she could get it all done by tomorrow night.

"You can wear whatever you want." She told him and smiled. She was nervous but she knew it had to be done so they would get through it and hopefully come out of it even stronger.

Her mother came into the room and smiled at Owen and Jake. She gave Owen a kiss on the back of the head and kissed the top of jakes head. She gave Adri a hug and kiss and told them she was going to get some rest before going sightseeing tomorrow.

Adri sat on the bed and then moved in to get as comfortable as she could. She rubbed Owen's foot and sighed. "Unless you want to talk about it now. Mom said don't go to bed angry." She said softly. She would understand if he didn't but Owen might be a good buffer to keep their voices down and to actually talk things through.
Jake nodded. He knew there was a lot that they needed to discuss so he wasn't at all surprised. "Okay. I'm in."

His eyebrow raised and gave her a look. "Anything I want?" He smiled a little, trying to lighten the mood. It was nice they both were smiling. His eyes looked into hers for a quick second.

"Thanks for coming mom. Thanks for helping with Owen. Make yourself at home." Jake smiled at her mother. "Tell grandma bye. Give her a wave?" Jake waved at her mom and the best Owen did was hold his hand out to her.

Jake scooted over to give Adri room. His arm went around her. "If we talk about it now do we still get to go on a date tomorrow?" He looked at her. "We can talk now. But if things get too bad, I'm cutting it off." He motioned to Owen. "I don't want him upset." He looked at Owen then Adri. "Are you upset?"
She nodded her her head, "If we talk about it now we can go on our date tomorrow." She promised.

She agreed that if it got too bad they should cut it off but she hoped it wouldn't be too bad. "I'm not upset. I'm scared." She said softly.

"I'm scared that there is some other woman that has another kid of yours. I'm scared that if we get married I won't live up to what you want me to be. That I can't have kids or if I do they won't be what you want. I'm afraid of not giving you the life you deserve and I'm constantly wondering if I am your right fit. All of these promises have been made to be before and my heart was crushed. I'm afraid of it happening again. So I push you away just in case it does happen again and I'm sorry that I let my mind get the best of me. I work a lot because if you do decide that I'm not good enough at least I have somethings keep me occupied this time." She admitted and looked at Owen.

"I don't want to lose you two but there are things I need to fix internally before I can commit. When I dream of a wedding I dream of walk down the aisle to you and Owen. I know that's what I want but I have things that may not be fixed in the next two years." She looked up at Jake.

"I think I need to see someone on my own and discuss my problem with them. I need to get back on the right track. I told you I was in this for the long haul and I am. I just have to ask you to wait a little bit longer. I don't know how long. We may still have the 2018 wedding but I'm not sure yet. I don't know what's wrong with me but I want to fix it before we marry each other."
Jake just listened to Adri and took everything in that she was saying. He was figuring how to reassure you he wasn't going anywhere. He kissed her head. "This is going to sound awful," He let out a sigh. "I don't think I have any other children, but I don't know. I'd like to think if I did have more kids out there that the woman would have come forward. For that even being a possibility, I'm sorry. I made stupid decisions." He looked at her. "I feel like maybe we should talk about what we both want the other to be when we get married. So we know. There's no surprises. If you can't have kids, that's okay. I will still love you. Do you have reason to think you can't? How can any child of ours not be what I want?" He looked in here eyes. "I would love our child just like I love Owen."

He kissed her head again. "Adri...I love you. I knew I loved you after a very short time of us dating. Before that, I knew I had to be with you. I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my life. I want to make you happy. I want to give you everything that you want. I get scared that I'm not maybe the best fit for you or who you want. I wonder if some model who can just go travel with you would be better for you. I think that it just shows that we want what's best for the other. But you are what's best for me."

Jake thought things over a moment. "I can't be angry at you for wanting you to fix things going on with yourself. I will be here for you, in anyway I can. If we need to wait two years, three, four...I'll wait. I don't want to do this until you are ready. If there is something I can do I'll do it. If you need to talk or need reassurance from me, I'll give it to you. But I can and will reassure you that you, are the only woman that has ever had my heart..."
"Thats all I needed to hear." She said softly and gave him as much of a hug as she could with Owen on his chest. She closed her eyes and felt like this huge weig was lifted off of her chest. She wasn't nervous anymore. She didn't feel the need to hide her feelings. She was happy that the truth was out and now she could really work on herself.

"Not being able to have kids is a fear that every woman has. I don't know if I can or can't have kids. I just fear that I may not be able too and you'll hate me for it." Even if she couldn't though they had the money to do IVF and if that didn't work they had the money for a surrogate but that was a last case scenario.

"I don't want you to think that if there are other kids I'm going to leave. It will be hard but I will get over it. The hardest part about having Owen around is Layla. I imagine the hardest part of having other kids around will be their mother. I love you."
Jake leaned into her. "'re my queen. I want you to feel like you can come to be and talk about anything. I'm here..."

"Adge...I could never hate you. Ever. Nothing you could do or didn't do. I can't say it wouldn't be hard, but we get through it together. And maybe you didn't carry this guy for nine months or give birth to him. But you're his mothet in every way that counts. Every way that matters." He kissed her cheek.

"I love you too. No more talk about me going out and finding someone else. I don't want anyone else. I want you. Only you. Thanks for talking to me. That was a big step. Means a lot baby." He kissed her softly.
The next afternoon, Owen was released from the hospital. He wasn't completely better but his temperature was down quite a bit so he was free to go home. Adri spent time with Jake and Owen in the morning but she also made a few calls to get their date set up for the night. She also called a grocery delivery service to get some Pedialyte delivered to the house.

Adri held Owen while Jake signed the release papers. They all got in the car and were taken home. Adri's mom got some balloons for Owen's arrival home. He liked to look at them but he wasn't trying to play which signaled that he wasn't 100%.

He didn't want to be passed off to anyone. He wanted to stay with Adri, not that she minded. She rocked him back and forth and told him he'd be staying with grandma tonight so he had better get used to being around her.
John had stopped to help take care of Max and was there when they all got home. He didn't stay too long so Adri's mom could spend time with them and Owen could rest.

Jake made a Pedialyte bottle and handed it to Owen. Even if it took a bit to get down it would be good for him. He needed to stay hydrated. Jake cuddled up on the couch with Adri and Owen with a blanket. He was tired from only sleeping a few hours.

"He will be fine. He probably still isn't feeling well. He may even be a bit scared. It's gotta be scary having a seizure." He kissed his head. "My poor buddy." Max seemed extremely concerned and went to try to sit with them on the couch. "'re not a lap dog dude." Jake chuckled and Max licked Owen's cheek that got a smile from Owen. Jake looked at Adri and smiled before kissing her.
"Which might explain why I can't put him down." Adri said softly and moved Owen around so he could drink his bottle. "If we leave while he's napping, he'll be fine when he wakes up."

Adri rubbed Max's head and moved over a bit so he could squeeze between her and Jake. In order to do that he had most of his body on Jake and his head on Adri's lap so Owen was kind of laying on his head. At that point, Adri's didn't think he minded though.

She gave Jake a kiss and smiled at him. "Why don't you look for some cpr classes so we know what to do if anything ever happens?"
"Plus he loves his mommy." He rubbed his head and kissed it. "Yeah he will be okay. Is your Pedialyte good?" He smiled at Owen.

Jake pretended to be annoyed. "You constantly get between me and my girl. We may have to have words. You're lucky the boy doesnt feel good." Jake looked at Adri. "And you say Owen stole him? He just finds both of you."

He pulled out his phone and looked up classes for cpr. "We have to sign up a bit in advance. I did find a place back home though. That's stupid but they only do it so often." Then he found one in NY. "How about in two weeks?" He asked Adri.

Jake felt that they were getting along a lot better since thry had talked. "How dressy do I need to get tonight? Jeans? Dress pants?" He looked her over with a small smile. He wanted her badly.
"Maybe we can hire someone to give us a private class a bit sooner? I can wait but," She shook her head. "No I can't. You didn't see him. You didn't see how scary it was and I couldn't do anything about it. I need to get this done now." She said softly. "We have a pool and I know it's covered but we don't know CPR. What if something happened and he fell and in? What would we do?" She didn't like thinking about it but they needed to think about it. They needed to have solutions to problems that may never happen. They needed to be prepared.

"It's up to you." She smiled. "Really. We aren't going to a restaurant or anything. We are going somewhere special though. I am wearing something nice but not a gown. So just dress nice. No vests." She teased.

"I also got a hotel room, just so we can be together without any distractions. We won't have to listen to the baby monitor. We can sleep together and take a bath. It's all done up for honeymooners so there will be chocolate." She smiled at that. "We can be a couple."
Jake wrote an email to the instructor about private lessons and explained why. "I sent an email. Hopefully she will get back to us soon." He kissed her head. "We will learn as soon as we can baby."

He chuckled. "You wearing a dress though? Is food involved at all? Or do I need to eat. I'm kinda hungry. Should we order in now? I bet mom's hungry. I'm always hungry."

He smiled and kissed her softly. "That sounds wonderful. Thank you. Are we staying the whole night?" If they stayed all night it would be hard to keep his hands to himself.
"Thank you." She told him and gave him a kiss.

"Yes I'm wearing a dress. Yes food is involved. No we won't order in. Mom can make dinner or order in if she wants." She told him answerings all of the questions she rememembered.

"Yeah. We are staying the whole night. Check out is at ten in the morning so you'll have to do that. I have to work tomorrow morning." She smiled at him and looked down at Owen who was slowly falling asleep.

"When he falls asleep I have to make a call and then start getting ready."
Jake nodded to all her answers. "I'll just get up with you when you get up to get ready. I don't want to wake him up." He rubbed her leg. It was a plan to ask her to shower together.

"Don't judge if I eat a lot..." He teased. "I can handle checking out. Is there a pool or hot tub? I wonder if swimming would hurt too much...I may try. I need to attempt some exercise." He shrugged.

"How do you feel about getting a sauna at the house? I think we talked about it briefly before. I think it would he a good investment. It has a lot of health benefits. But maybe I can get one ordered and sent to the house to be delivered by the time we get home." He suggested to Adri. "Is there anything I'm missing? I feel like we said we needed to get something or do something and I can do that while you work...if I remember what it is." He snuggled Adri a minute closing his eyes.
"Don't worry about it. I broke my diet and ordered chinese food." She shook her head in disgust, "It was soo good though. I'll work it all off tomorrow."

"You will see what else the room has for us when we get there." She smiled. "You just relax your pretty little head."

She shrugged and nodded her head, "That could be cool. Where would we put it though?" She asked because that was the big question. "I don't think we are missing anything." She said softly. "We might be but I really think we have all of our bases covered."
Jake pretended to disgusted. "You ordered Chinese food? Adriana! How dare you...and not get me any." He smiled a little. "Just work it off babe. It will be fine. A little chinese won't hurt anything." Jake knew she was disciplined and devoted to her diet. She'd work it off, he had no doubt.

He gave her a look like he was trying to figure it out. "Why are you keeping secrets? Secrets aren't nice. I think you should be honest and open with me..." He smiled a little. "Alright...But I kind of need to know what I should pack with me." Did he need to pack swim trunks or not?

"I was thinking off the side of the patio. So it's outside. That way if anyone wants to get in it after swimming, they can. We don't really have a lot of room in the house. Maybe when we build a house we can have one built somewhere it makes sense. But if we buy one we can always move it to the gym when I build the gym. I think it would be nice to have one at the gym and home, it's good after work outs or just on it's own. Plus if I gotta cut weight, it will help too."
"I can feel my body trying to get through the fatty mess that I ate and I feel gross. I shouldn't have eaten it. God I ate like all of my calories for the day in that one meal. If I am being completely honest I almost wanted to throw it up but it tasted so good." She knew that wasn't healthy but she didn't do it. She was smarter than that.

"Something nice for dinner, something to sleep in and something to wear tomorrow. Just pack an overnight bag. Throw it in one of my big purses. I would say we can share but I am packing more than you." She teased.

She nodded her head to getting a sauna. "Alright. Let's wait to order it though. I want to see it before we get it built off the side of the house, you know?"
"That's normally how it goes. It tastes so good but then makes your body feel bad. It's amazing how much better people feel when they start eating healthier. Don't do that..." He said to her about the action she almost took after eating the Chinese.

Jake thought about it a second. "Are you going to carry it? I don't want to carry a big purse. Why are you taking more? I'll just put it in one of my back packs. Its fine. I am really curious what you have up your sleeve though." Jake watched Owen a minute.

"No's not attached to the house. It will be one that we can move. So if we want to take it with us when we build a house, we can. Or if we want to move it inside into a spare room, we can. We just may see what size we want. Like how many people we want it to fit. Regardless though, my dream gym, will have a sauna room built in." Jake looked at Owen, "Looks like our baby boy is asleep...should we go get ready?"
"I know. I won't but I felt so gross afterwards. I knew I would feel worse if I threw it up though."

She smiled, "Because I have a meeting to go to. I have a work out in the morning before the meeting. I have underwear ad pajamas to pack. Make up, hair stuff. I have a lot of stuff that I need to pack. I will carry it." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey, maybe I should get a team of people to help me out so I am not working as much. A public relations agent for facebook and twitter, an assistant to be the buffer between my agent and I, I already have the agent, maybe a hair and make up person too." She didn't need the last one but it would be nice.

"I still want to see what it will look like before it goes outside of our house. I need it to look good. To flow with the house."

She looked at Owen and smiled. Now came the tricky part of getting him into his crib without waking him up. She stood up and took him to his room. She got him in the crib and he was done. She turned on the monitor and took it with her to get packed and ready.
He smiled at her reasoning for packing more than him. "Right...for work. I'll bring my backpack. It's not a big deal. That way I have my own bag in the morning to bring back. All I need is for you to grab my clothes and I have nothing to wear home." He smiled at her.

"That's up to you babe. If you want to...don't you like being able to post what you want though? Like of Owen or us or your own stuff? Other than that I think it's a good idea."

Jake could agree to that. "Deal. Is a photo good enough?" He gave her shoulder a kiss.

Once she got up with Owen, Jake got up and let Max out then came back in and up to the bedroom. Jake grabbed clothes to sleep in and to wear home the following day. He looked through the closet to find something to wear that night. He pulled out grey pants and a black shirt. "Shower with me?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her neck softly.
"I would still have control of my Instagram and snapchat. Those are the only two I really use. The facebook and twitter are mainly used for the promotions that I have to do for work. if I don't have to do those, I will be happy." She smiled a him. "And I don't have to hide behind work anymore so I want help. I will really look for help."

She thought about it and waved her hand back and forth, "Maybe. But colors can come off differently in a picture. Pictures help but I would like to see it in person. If you fall in love with a sauna and know that is the one then we can get it but ideally I would like to look at it."

Adri pulled out work out clothes, underwear, pajamas, clothes for tomorrow and then clothes for the night. She smiled at Jake when he wrapped his arms around her, "No." She turned to face him and gave him a kiss.

"I have some calls to make for tonight and then I will get in the shower and get dressed. Plus my mom is down stairs and what if something happens?" She teased and gave him a kiss. "Not a conversation I want to have with my mother."
"Oh I see. I miss understood. I think you should do it. It will take pressure and stress off of you." He smiled at her. He really did support her and want her to succeed.

He nodded. "True. I can at least look up the type we want to show you to give you an idea then we can look at actual colors later." He thought it over, "I may have to find a gym with one here to use till we get back."

Jake was bummed she turned him down to shower together. "I'd behave. I figured it would save time and water. We always shower together. Your mom knows we are in I have Owen. I don't think its a secret I want you...what straight male doesnt." He teased with a smile. "He kissed her and wrapped his arms around her. "Indemand a make out session later..." He grinned and let her go. "Fine Ill shower alone..." He sighed before going in the bathroom.

Jake stripped and climbed into the shower. "You're missing out..." He teased and peaked at her but stood so she could see his ass.
"You think it will help with your nerve or are you going to use it to lose weight?" She asked softly. Since he couldn't work out it seemed like a sauna could be an alternative to keep him at his weight. He was still fairly good about his diet but obviously he would gain a little weight from not being as active as he was.

"You can wait until tonight." She laughed. "Then we can shower together and walk around naked and forget the rule that the therapist put in place?" She smiled and kissed him softly. "I love you but my mom is downstairs." She gave his butt a pat and sent him off to the shower.

She had her phone in her hand when he peeked and she rolled her eyes. "I can handle the wait." She laughed and waited until she could hear him in the shower to start her phone call and make sure everything was in place.
"I'm hoping both. Heat seems to help the nerve pain. But if I can relieve pain and lose weight at the same time, win win. But if I only get one of the two, I can take that two." He hoped it would help both but if it just helped him lose weight that would be better than nothing. "It's not just the weight though. It is a deep cleanser. So that could help detox both of us. It is supposed to help relax and destress people. We both could use that too." He smiled and kissed her shoulder. "It helps with circulation too."

He lifted an eyebrow. "Forget the rule huh? You rebel you..." He chuckled. "Yes downstairs, not in the same room...He hopes you give her grand babies...she knows how that happens right?" He teased back. "Fine..."

Jake showered, alone. Something he wasn't too happy about, but did it. After he was finished, he got out and got dressed. He went back in the bathroom to finish getting ready. He spiked his hair up, put deodorant on, and cologne before heading to the bedroom to put his shoes and socks on and watch she gave him. He double checked to make sure he had socks and a different pair of shoes in his back pack before checking on Owen. He gave him a kiss on the head before heading downstairs with his bag. Jake waited for Adri to finish getting ready.
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