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Defiance (Marvel) Lady/Fox

"what's worse is that Sam doesn't know better." Steve pointed out with a snort and a shake of his head. "it's almost as if he doesn't know me." he admitted with a chuckle. "well, i wouldn't mind doing nefarious things to James." Bruce admitted with a sharp grin. "it's always fun adding people to my little collection." he admitted. "and i'm always up for a threesome." he admitted with a sharp grin at Natasha and James. "well damn." Bruce muttered, examining the arm. "can this be removed?" he asked James, carefully examining the skin but not touching yet because he wasn't sure how badly that would hurt. "you've been bitten by a snake?" he asked, examining the spot where the mark was. "venomous probobly, Steve was bitten like that once, he got an infection too." he admitted. "i can fi this, no problem. you'll be uncomfortable for a few more days but you shouldn't be in any active pain. i'm going to have to stick you though, i need to drain that infection. i can give you pill based antibiotics so you'll only need t be stuck the once." he promised, already gathering his needles so he could drain the infection and any lingering venom. he was well aware that Jame's body was busy fighting off the snake venom, which was why the infection had set in. giving him an anti-venom would only make James body attack the anti-venom instead of fighting the venom and the infection. "okay are you ready? this might sting... and stink." he warned, not just James but the girls too. infection reeked when it was inside the body, when it was pulled out it was one of the most disgusting things a person could experience. with the warning in place he started draining the infection and soon had the arm cleaned out, a bandage in place and James was done. "if you can remove the arm I'd suggest doing so for the next few days so it doesn't rub and aggravate. if i where you I'd talk to Tony about redesigning that thing." he admitted. "he's a genius and if you lay down ground rules he doesn't get too annoying." he promised with a grin before scowling. "now. someone go get Ward for me."
"Ialways did wonder about his level of intelligence."tony snickered a little."....I have no idea what to think of this." "Don't think to hard on it. I doubt he'd make you."Lexi said studying the vague interest and amusement on the winter soldiers face instead of being upset by bruces words. "True....and it can be. Its...hard but yes."James said making a face at the idea of taking it off before nodding."diamond back rattler."he said making a face at the idea of being bitten before tensing, swallowing thickly."okay...just once..."james muttered tense and waiting for the other before nodding."yea I'm ready." "...that was disturbing and disgusting."Lexi voiced looking a little sick to the stomach. "I'll ask him...I'll probably need help getting the arm off anyways."james said a little freaked at the idea of having tony poking around his arm, but knowing it needed done before looking at lexi in amusement as she left to go get ward.
"well, i think he had his head bashed in a few too many times." Steve admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "Of course i would never make him." Bruce agreed, looking mortified. "i'm a sadist, not a rapist. sex is only fun when both parties are enjoying themselves. not that i won't say no to a well planned pseudo rape scene but rape for real is disgusting." he admitted before nodding. "if it hurts more to take it off than to leave it in, then feel free to leave it in." Bruce stated simply. "Comfort here is more important, your body will start kicking the infection now that it's been drained." he admitted. "and the antibiotics will really help with that as well." he admitted. "just the once." Bruce agreed before setting to work before he nodded. "very disgusting." he agreed, sounding very distracted as he flushed the wound out making sure it was as clean as it was going to get before bandaging it up. "like i said, just make sure Tony understands what you won't put up with. if you like, i can ask him for you and set the ground rules myself?" Natasha offered, watching Lexi go, Bruce nodding. "Tony always listens to Nat and i imagine she'd know better than anyone what you need an how to keep you comfortable. there, all done." Bruce said. "I'd do a full physical but i think you've put up with as much as you can for today. ah, Grant. dude, relax I'm not gonna beat you." "...yeah well... you might." he admitted, letting Bruce lead him to the Medi-pod. the one that had healed Clint after he'd been shot while fetching Loki's scepter. it would do a full body scan, muscle, bone, organ, tissue and skin and Grant knew that he was going to have to start admitting to things he didn't want to admit to. especially since he was pretty sure Phil had no idea what he had been signing off on when it had happened. he settled onto the bed and closed his eyes and let Bruce run the scans and winced when Bruce's first words where. "what the fuck?"
“...I know you wouldn’t. It’s just....hydra.”James said shuddering away from the thought of what hydra had done, and everything that had gone wrong. While he enjoyed sex, he had trouble giving in these days, even if he was in control, and trusted the person. Dealing with sex, had just gotten horribly pained and broken after he’d lost natasha. “...For now I’ll leave it in. It hurts, but it’s not....a good design. It probably should be taken off later.”James sighed looking down at the arm, considering that before relaxing, glad that the other was done. “...Yes. If you would. It would make me feel better.”James said relaxing at Natasha’s promise to talk to tony herself, since she knew what he needed, adn would be able to explain it to the geius. Moving away as he nodded, not wanting to give the other a chance to give a physical. “It’s okay. Really.”Lexi said moving with grant and bruce, standing guard, ad despite her words making sure bruce didn’t do anything before startling, frowning. “What?”She said looking at bruce.
Bruce nodded. "i understand." he promised with a smile. "and hey, if you ever do want to, you know, let loose some tension just let me know. even if it's not with me, i have a good circle of people who could help you out even if you never actually go there." Bruce admitted. "even if all you need is a good cuddle, i got guys for that." he promised with a smile. "but, i think Natasha would shoot me if i didn't send you to her for things like that." he admitted with a chuckle. "well, Tony can probobly fix it without ever having to touch you." Bruce admitted. "all he'll need is measurements and we can get those remotely." he admitted. "he might ask you a bunch of questions that you won't really get the purpose of though. just be sure to answer them as correctly as possible." he ordered with a smile, Natasha chuckling as she nodded because it was true, Tony asked some very odd questions, but somehow even though it didn't seam important it always came into play in the finished product. "....yeah." Grant said softly when Bruce stared at him. " this what Hydra did to you?" Bruce asked, sounding sick. "some of it. most of it was Shield actually." Grant admitted, voice soft. "like i said. i only betrayed them because they betrayed me first." "...what did Shield do... Grant? what did they do..." "have you heard of T.A.H.I.T.I?" Grant wondered. "that's what they did to me. only, because of the experiments from Hydra, i could handle more than just a little blood transplant." "almost all of his internal organs are... alien." Bruce admitted. "similar in structure to the Chitauri bodies i was allowed to examine but not the same structure. this is something new." "it's Kree." Grant stated simply. "the paperwork. i tried to kill it but..." "because you didn't want anyone to know that Phil Coulson signed off for you to have all of your perfectly healthy organs to e ripped out and replaced with Alien counterparts." "...i don't think he knew. i don't think he understood." Grant admitted. "but he still signed off on the procedures and he didn't follow up and i spent three months in Shield camp undergoing inhuman testing just to see how much my new organs could handle. 'in the name of science' because i wasn't human anymore so i didn't have the same rights as humans." he whispered, swallowing thickly and Natasha closed her eyes, wondering if Clint knew yet. probobly, since he was the one leading the investigation into Grant. this was... bad. she had no doubt Grant was telling the truth as he knew it. whether or not that was the whole truth, well she'd be finding out after she did some more serious digging.
“....I’ll keep that in mind.”James said before looking at Natasha, raising a eyebrow. “You’d hurt him if I went to someone else for cuddling?”Not what he wanted to, but he wanted to tease her some. Efore nodding a little. “Okay. Well that’s good. It sorta freaks me out to consider him getting close.”he said looking thoughtful before going quiet, considering that. “Okay....answering questions is important. I can do that.”he said looking pleased with having directions, having orders. While he was good with following his own directions, of doing things, he still liked having orders. “what?”Lexi paled looking at grant, tensing a little. “Yes...we heard about it.”James frowned looking sick himself, staring at grant. Swallowing thickly, he wanted to deny it, but....well. He knew what shield was capable of, at times nearly as bad as hydra. “;....are these doctors dead?The ones....that did...”Lexi said, the growl in her voice like a tiger sharpening her claws, flexing, testing the limits and getting ready to attack and see what would happen, wanting to hurt someone for grant, wanting to make sure no one else would have to do that. And....”..coulson?”She paused looking at him.
"of course i would. your mine Barnes." she stated with a smirk. "although, i would be willing to share you if you want." she admitted. "i won't go for it but i think you'd like spending some quality naked time with Bruce." she admitted. "since we all know i'll kick your ass if you try to dominate or hit me." Bruce chuckled a little at that, grinning because watching them was cute. "yeah. well, i bet the others haven't." "it was a program designed to bring back a fallen avenger using Alien DNA. the man in charge canceled the program when it became evident that the aliens Genetic impulses where directly affecting the subjects health, thinking and brain functions." Bruce reported. "only he didn't have the authority to, and the tests went on without him and he was never the wiser. i never knew who was the original task leader of sorts over the Tahiti projects, i'm assuming it was Phil?" "yeah." Grant looked away from them, trembling. "i never knew names, i never saw faces..." he whispered. "so...i don't know if they're dead or not." "....god i really don't want to have to say this." Bruce admitted, closing his eyes. "i'll have to run tests Grant." he whispered, Grant tensing. "i need to know how the alien biology is affecting your human physiology." "oh...oh, those kinds of tests... those kinds of tests don't hurt so that's okay." "no it's not, but i swear i won't do anything unless you know exactly what i'm doing and agree, okay?" "...yeah, okay. can i go now? i don't like being in labs." "of course."
“I am yours.”James said something flicking across his face, nearly to quick to see. He liked the idea of being owned, of belonging. Even if he needed to be in charge most of the time, he still liked orders, of knowing natasha would take care of him. Glancing at bruce he tilted his head, thinking about it before smirking. “You kick my ass anyways.”James pointed out as he looked at natasha. “...that’s....horrible.”Lexi said looking sick at the idea, before wincing. “Dammit. We’ll find out if they are. And then deal with them.”James decided, perking up at the idea of destroying some of shield’s projects, especially this one. Because Natasha was a avenger. It scared him to think about it like that. “...I’ll come down with you when he has to do the tests. I’ll be with you.”Lexi promised leaning into grant a little before following him out. “...So. Who gets to tell clint about this?”James asked.
Natasha smiled at him, she knew him very well, an knew what that flicker of emotion meant. "i do kick your ass anyways." she agreed. "but i'll kick Bruce's too so..." she shrugged with a grin and Bruce chuckled before nodding in agreement, swallowing hard because he knew that Shield had done other things too. he'd never told anyone that it was Shield who had funded Talbot in the first place to try and replicate the super serum. it was only after they cut the funding after the first, er, Hulk incident that Hydra had gotten involved. Shield and Hydra both had hunted Hulk ruthlessly and both had captured and experimented on him. that was why he hadn't trusted Shield, even now. he trusted Tony, and Steve but never Shield. "thanks. I'd like that. i thought you'd be mad..." "why? because Phil was our friend? that's true, but ultimately he was a Shield Agent and things like that happen. he signed off on it, it's on him that it happened. no matter that he's dead." Bruce admitted. "he did good things, Phil Coulson, but he did bad and even terrible things too. it's part of being an Agent." they all went silent for a moment and then. "he probobly already knows. if he doesn't i'd better be the on to tell him." she admitted. "he's likely to hurt anyone else." she admitted with a sigh, watching Grant flee the lab as if worried someone might change their mind and attack him. "what's worse, is that this isn't the first time Shield's betrayed him like that." Natasha admitted. "we haven't finished finding all of his files, but what we have found is... well, let's just say i don't blame him for betraying his team before they could betray him."
James smiled looking amused at the other’s words before growing serious. Pained as he considered it. Because while he didn’t deal with shield, or at least remember it mostly, he knew there was projects, assassinations that had been decided by shield agents, high ranking shield agents who made a bargain with the devil to take care of things. To change the world into what they wanted. Willing to do anything to change things. “....Sometimes the road to hell is paved with good intentions. He might have been trying to do good, but sometimes....well. Things like this happen.”Lexi said frowning a little thinking about it. “....Want backup?”James said looking at natasha, worried about her telling clint before sighing softly. Shaking his head. “Good thing I didn’t let you kill him, yes? Now we’ll find out everything.”James sighed a little, running a hand through his hair. “I’ll go start planning the next raid, it’ll distract grant and lexi from worrying to much.”He said, work to distract was something james was very familiar with.
"and sometimes people take advantage of good people. this was a case of both." Natasha agreed with a sigh and a shake of her head. "Nah, i don't need backup against Clint." she promised James. "he'll lash out, but he won't hurt me." she promised, smiling at James. "i still want to kill him." Natasha admitted. "but that's more because he's annoying now." she admitted, making Bruce snicker. "that's a very good idea. there's actually a location..." Natasha admitted, pulling up a map. "it's around this area. things have been, disappearing. Stark things. weapons that Tony was sure he'd had fully destroyed so it's a bit personal. he might very well fly backup with you on this one." she admitted. "we need this place found, and found fast before Tony goes in there himself and alone and get's shot and killed, or worse, captured." here she hesitated and then. "i think there are connections to the Ten Rings on this one." she admitted. "so Tony's taking it even more personally than normal and that's never a good thing when running ops." Natasha admitted, shaking her head. "so if you can, keep your eye out on him when he's out there? so he doesn't do anything too stupidly reckless."
“Okay. Be careful though.”James said, though he trusted her to take care of herself, he still fussed a little. “Hm, he’s not that annoying. Just think, him and Lexi will soon enough be wrapped up in themselves to bother you. They just have to give in.”James snickered well aware that even if him and lexi were knocking boots, nothing would distract either her or grant for to long, even if it was amazing sex. Frowning a little as he straightened, “Let’s go then. I’ll plan the mission with them, and we’ll back tony up, and whoever else wants to come. Steve probably. Between the two of us we should be able to stop tony from being to foolish.”James said frowning a little as he headed for the door, map in hand as he considered what to do next.
"He is pretty annoying." Natasha pointed out with a grin. "not as annoying as Tony is sometimes though." she admitted with a chuckle. "i'd appreciate that." she admitted to him with a smile. "Tony's an annoying little bitch but, he's kind of the glue that holds us all together. he's like all of our little brother. only, you know, most of us fuck him." Bruce admitted with an impish grin, Natasha laughing a little as she followed James, intending on helping him distract the two.

later that night, well, more like early, very early the next morning Loki and Steve where sitting at the counter in the kitchen. Loki was wearing only a pair of leather paints with silver chains dangling off of them and a set of nipple clamps. they where talking about, of all things, Bondage. "so being tied up can be a good thing?" Steve asked, Loki chuckling as he picked up Bruce's teapot, something that would normally have caused a havoc eruption. Bruce had a sixth sense about his teapot, but no Bruce appeared to yell at them for touching said teapot so Steve decided it was okay to drink the tea that Loki was pouring for him. "It can be, if ou like it. when i'm tied up the right way i feel... cocooned. held. safe." Loki admitted. "i imagine Tony feels the same way. supported and held up and able t let go." Loki looked very amused when Steve, good old fashioned Steve, wrote that down like he was taking notes. "...i'm sorry, i gotta ask, is there a reason why you haven't taken off the things on your nipples?" "they're called Nipple Clamps and yes. right now they're numb, can't feel them. once i take them off the pain is going to hit and i'll drop. i don't do well in Subspace without someone there to keep me steady. i have to be around someone who knows what they're doing to i go sour pretty fast." Loki admitted. "so they stay on until i'm with someone who can stabilize me. usually i go with one of my co-workers, but you where sitting there looking like a lost puppy and i couldn't help myself." Loki admitted with a grin, Steve snorting. that wasn't the first time he'd been called that.
"Well, in that case I'll treat him like I do steve."james decided, high praise indeed for a man who usually didn't like anyone out of his tiny, very small circle of friends. Letting tony in, protecting him, was a big step.

"....there's a lost puppy in my kitchen and a bondage slut on my counter....have a died and not known it?"tony eyed the two as he walked in, his hair sticking up every which way, except for the parts that were matted down with oil and grease. Blinking bleary even as he crossed the room to get some coffee for himself. Obviously having every intention of returning to the lab as soon as he refueled.
"i think Steve would like that." Natasha admitted with a chuckle and a smile. "and Tony will protest, a lot, but he'll like it too." she admitted with a smile.

"good morning Tony. no, not dead. just sleeping." Steve teased with a smile. "have you been up all night again?"he wondered, Loki rolling his eyes at the stupid question. "Tony? Loki needs someone he can trust to 'sub out' with." Steve declared suddenly, making Loki startle so bad he almost dropped his teacup. "would you mind sitting up with me? i don't know how to help someone whose in subspace and Bruce is being grumpy." "you don't have to Tony. i can go to Thane's house." Loki assured him. "you look like you really need to sleep." Loki admitted, grabbing a cup of coffee for Tony before he burned himself.
"...if I was sleeping you'd be naked captain, so no. Not sleeping wither....and nooooooo I wouldn't do that with you here to yell at me for it. I got some sleep."tony said before startling, blinking as he woke up some more, considering the two."I would. And why is bruce being grumpy?"he said frowning before growling at loki as his coffee was taken away."give it back. And I'm fine seriously. I'm not even close to my mark yet, so I don't have to sleep."he grumbled, lying through his teeth, he so needed sleep
"Am i usually naked in your dreams? i could take my clothes off." Steve offered, looking amused. "No you have not gotten any sleep. you got like, two hours." he chastised before he shook his head. "Bruce is being grumpy because... well, Shield." Steve admitted. "i learned a few terrible things today." he admitted with a shake of his head, Loki snorting as he blew on the coffee, a thin stream of mist coating the top before he handed ot to Tony. it was now the perfect temperature for guzzling. "seriously though, Tony. i don't like the idea of Loki being ith some person we don't know while he's under, what if someone takes advantage of him?" "what do you care all of a sudden?" Loki wondered, giving Steve a baffled look. "you hate me." "...i'v recently learned that nothing is black and white. not even you." he admitted with a sigh. "plus, Clint vouched for you so..." he shrugged and Loki blinked. "that little traitor. he tattled." "what, you want people to think you wanted to take over the world?" "well... no. i guess not."
" could. Totally wandering around as a nudist now would be okay with me."tony said blinking more to get awake before sulking."that counts as sleep. I got some."he huffed."ahhhh. I'll have to talk to him later."he muttered before studying steve for a long moment, wondering how much of steve's attitude was because tony liked loki. Guzzling down the coffee with a muttered thank you he smiled."I'll take caresponsibility of him...and clint did tattle but it's not his fault. We sorta made him."Tony said covering for his friend before pointing towards the door."bedroom, Rudolph."
"i'll think about it." Steve promised with a grin before chuckling a little. "the agreement was eight hours or more per seventy hours of lab time." Steve reminded Tony. "so no. two hours is not enough." he admitted. "i think that would be a good idea, you always make Bruce feel better." Steve admitted with a smile. "Caresponsibility?" Loki asked, looking amused before shaking his head. "i think i'd feel safer with Bruce." he admitted with a chuckle even as he obeyed the order and headed for the bedroom. he'd let Tony take the nipple clamps off, he didn't like doing it himself. "Will you be okay on your own Tony?" Steve asked, a bit worried, and a little jealous too. "you don't want any help?"
" hasn't been 70 hours of lab time, therefore 2 hours is perfectly acceptacceptable."tony huffed a little before frowning thinking over the word."shut up. You know what I meant."it was adorable when he started making up words because he was so tired."well I'll ask bruce then."he said before sighing looking at steve, nodding a littl."yea we'll be okay, though you might want to check on us in a few hours just to be sure."he said smiling
Steve shook his head. "you hit the bar Tony. you'll be expected to sleep at least six hours straight before i'll let Jarvis unlock the lab." he stated simply. He was so mean wasn't he? Loki seamed very amused by the interactions. "i can do that. i'll bring you some coffee." "i don't drink Coffee. it makes me jumpy. the caffeine." Loki admitted. "Hot Cocoa for you then." Steve agreed, Loki offering him a smile before heading off to the bedroom with Tony, humming as the nipple clamps where removed, dropping just like that. it was hard to imagine that someone could have abused Loki when he was so very responsive to everything. "i should... yeah." Loki murmured after a moment. "i totally should. she'd love you. yeah." well that made sense didn't it? sounded like Loki wanted to introduce Tony to someone.
“Fine. I’ll sleep. I’ll tuck me and loki in bed and we’ll sleep.”Tony huffed sounding a little annoyed at being barred from the lab, but it was okay. He knew better then to argue with jarvis when he was listening to steve’s instructions, since he’d writen it into the code without being able to reverse it, that Jarvis was to listen to steve. Settling in with a smile as he stroked a hand through loki’s hair, “Okay. I’ll meet whoever you want, rudolph.”He muttered watching him. “...what do you want loki?Sleep?”he said not sure, looking the other over.
Loki nodded. "Sleep sounds good. I'm exhausted. i hate pulling double shifts." he admitted. "yeah. you'll like her. i hope you will. she's amazing." Loki admitted sluggishly. "i want a kiss..." Loki admitted, pouting at Tony. "i want... uhm. i don't know. don't make me choose." he asked/pleaded. he didn't like having to choose, it made him think and thinking was bad when he was this far down. he smiled at Tony, sleepy and content. "your really pretty Tony, did you know? Steve is pretty too. do you think Steve would let me seduce him? you'd have to be there too of course, because i like you the most."
“Ah, yea sleep is good.”Tony said smiling a little, leaning down to kiss the other gently. “Shush, it’s okay, shush. I wont make you chose. Go to sleep, sweetheart.”He muttered pressing a kiss to the other’s forehead, sighing quietly as he closed his eyes. “I know. I’m amazing. And he’s pretty to. And maybe. He might.”Tony said ignoring the twinge of jealousy at the idea, before smiling. “Well, glad to know I’m the best. And relax, sleep. We’ll see about seducing steve tomorrow, okay?”He muttered stroking the other’s hair.
"i like sleep." Loki admitted before smiling at Tony. "okay Tony." he murmured. "you are amazing. best ever." Loki agreed. "i think Steve wants to fuck you." Loki admitted. "bestest. Tony's the bestest." he mumbled before settling in to sleep. "Thank you Tony. this is the best." "he's really cute like this." Steve admitted, walking in with some coffee and hot cocoa. "i was hoping to get ere before you guys went to sleep." he admitted with a chuckle. "want your coffee or are you going to sleep too?"
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