Defiance (Marvel) Lady/Fox

Steve snorted a little. "i'm younger than you are." he protested before he snorted. "well. it would be a pretty nice way to go." he agreed before smiling, looking pleased to have them for himself. "i can share if i really have to." he promised, tugging on Tony's hair. "get some sleep."

Bruce examined Tony for a moment before he nodded. "you where having sex with Loki right?" Bruce asked, not sounding upset, just curious. oddly so. "was he good? i always imagined he'd be good." he admitted, licking his lips a little. "i bet he'd cry." ah, good old Bruce, sadist extraordinaire. he loved to make his subs cry, Tony especially. "i'm living here, i don't have anywhere else to go. besides i thought you might like to meet Hulk properly." he admitted with a grin before frowning at Tony. "Tony seriously. are you okay? did Steve say something? i can go punch him for you if you like?"

Grant smiled at Lexi, thinking pretty much the same things. "yeah, Avengers only. Pepper was pissed, it was pretty awesome." he admitted. "of course you are, we're all about breaking the rules." he admitted before tensing violently. "...i don't have sex." he stated, quite firmly in face and Natasha winced and leaned over to James. "his lover, Phil Coulson died in the Chitauri Attack." she murmured, soft enough she knew Clint couldn't hear. "He blames himself and he's still struggling with it." she admitted before smiling innocently at Clint. "i totally wasn't telling him you are a eunuch." "fuck you very much." Clint scoffed. "not if your life depended on it... well. maybe, if you where nice and i could do it from a distance." that got Clint to bark a laugh and help himself tot he contents of James fridge, who rolled his eyes but grinned. he liked these people, even if he felt bad that he knew Phil was alive and wasn't saying anything. but, he still had just a little bit of Loyalty to Phil, who had honestly tried to give him a second chance, he'd let Phil and Clint meet on their own. it wouldn't be hard with Phil still trying to track him down.
“I was. And it was amazing. He’s never had nice sex. And I don’t mean good sex, I mean nice”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “he’s good. Pretty to.”Tony snickered a little before grinning, pleased. “Good!Then you can complain about my sex life. And I totally know the hulk, but I have things to ask him, important science-y things that totally need his help, so good to have you.”Tony grinned pleased before frowning as he poked at the iron man gauntlet as he started working. “No, steve didn’t say anything. Steve’s awesome and I’m fine. Really.”

“Ahhh, we are about the breaking of rules.”James snickered a little before frowning, wincing a little, violently as he shied away from that thought. “Sorry. Didn’t mean anything....And you’d make a cute eunuch.”James said thoughtfully, not about to apologize, not wanting the other to dwell on things. “ could you fuck from a distance?” “....blowjobs and a hose.”James said snickering.
Bruce looked rather sad once Tony said that and he shook his head. "well damn. that's... messed up." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i take it it's going to be one of those 'never gonna happen' categories?" he asked, assuming that Loki wouldn't like Bruce's kind of sadism. "Tony when have i ever complained about your sex life?" Bruce asked, looking amused. "your a grown ass adult, if you want to have risky sex i'm sure as hell not going to say anything, considering how my tastes run." he admitted before chuckling a little. "yeah, Hulk is actually pretty excited to do science." he paused, hesitated. "i implied that we might teach him letters. you know. how to read and write and stuff. he gets bored." he admitted before scowling as he stood up and moved over to Tony, his hand tangling into Tony's hair, forcing his head back painfully, a typical position for them. "Tony. you know i hate it when you lie to me Kitten." Bruce growled. "your not fine and you ill either tell me what's wrong, or you will tell me to play with you. i might have been gone but i don't tolerate this kind of behavior Tony." one of the nice things about Bruce, was he never sounded like Howard when he chastised Tony, every word was terse and firm, but it was layered with affection, like Bruce loved him because Tony was misbehaving, not despite it.

"i would not!" Clint protested, scowling at James. "your just jealous because my dick is bigger than yours." "are we having a dick measuring contest?" Grant asked, looking amused. "because i'm pretty sure i would win." he admitted. "no. i'm fucking him. a ten food pole with a dildo on the end." she informed them with a chuckle when both Clint and Grant grimaced at the thought. "nasty, Nat. just nasty."
“Yea, it was. But it was good to.”Tony smiled a little before shrugging. “probably. But he might be okay with you watching.”He said shrugging a little, before snickering. “True. You don’t complain. It’s nice.”Tony snickered amused because he was well aware that some other people-pepper- would complain loudly and at volume about his sex decisions to anyone who’d listen. “Awesome. And if anyone could teach him, me and steve can. We’ll try.”Tony promised before groaning as his head was pulled back, whining softly as he blinked up at the other, not answering but not avoiding either, simply silent since he didn’t want to get pepper in trouble. “Do you ever tolerate any sort of behaviors?”He muttered whining softly, squirming a little. “...I made stuff for steve.”He muttered not answering, but not avoiding either.

“It totally isn’t.”James huffed a little before staring at lexi. “....we should. We should totally make them drop their pants.”Lexi said sounding amused at the idea, snickering at teh idea of the pole and dildo. That was just nasty. “....Evil, Nat.”James muttered shuddering a little amused.
he grinned a little. "well. that would be very fun too." he admitted with a grin. "of course it's nice. after all, how could i ever complain when i would really like to pin him down and... hmmmm." Bruce went a little glassy eyed for a moment before snapping out of it. "i'd like that, and Hulk would too." he admitted with a smile. "i'll let Hulk out tonight in the Hulk room you built, he'll feel more comfortable there and this way Steve can meet him too." he admitted before shaking his head. "no. not really. stop deflecting Kitten." he ordered, running his fingers through Tony's hair now, using his blunt nails to gently scratch at the others scalp, not too painful but a nice little tingle to help Tony settle a little. "oh." Bruce nodded. "and Pepper didn't like that and now she's being super bitchy?" Bruce guessed with a sigh. "we've been over this Kitten. it's not your fault and she will get over it. she's going to bitch just to bitch and that's not your fault. do you want me to hurt you Kitten? would that help or should i call Clint or Loki for you?" he offered. Bruce didn't snuggle, so when Tony needed a snuggle or a gentle fuck it was up to someone else to help the guy out. for the last year or so, that had been Clint, since Clint needed snuggles too. Bruce was honestly glad that Loki was hanging around, it was good for Tony to have more options.

"it totally is." Grant huffed. "and i'll whip it out right here and now to prove it." "i'm game." Clint admitted, already unbuttoning his belt, making Grant blanch since his bluff had been called and Clint smirked because he knew he'd won. against Grant anyway since Grant wasn't willing to get naked at the moment. "i'm sorry, did you think i was nice?" Natasha asked, pretending to be surprised. "i apologize, i never intended on giving that impression."
“hmmm, true. It’d be nice to have input.”Tony muttered shuddering at the idea of letting bruce call the shots even if he was the one screwing loki. Perking up a little as he nodded. “Good!And you’ll like the hulk room. It’s epic, with epic furniture and places and stuff for him. It’ll be great.”Tony muttered a little manic before frowning, looking up at the other. Whining a little as his head was scatched, sighing softly as he leaned into him, “Hmmm. Yes. It’s a good thing. Powerful thing to. Would save alot of people. Stood up to mjolnir, not happy about it.”He muttered settling some, shuddering a little as he relaxed, closing his eyes. Thinking about it before....”Jarvis, is steve still here?”he asked, a answer in itself, cause while it wasn’t always, he liked letting steve watch bruce hurt him, sometimes, if he was in a particularly bad place and wanted to punish himself even more. Not that steve or bruce-though he knew bruce had guessed- were aware of why it wasn’t always, simply sometimes if he was feeling particularly brutal to himself.

“Really?”James smirked looking amused as he stood to tug his belt loose. “...I think you just lost.”Lexi muttered smirking at grant turning away as james undid his jeans, before snickering. “No, I really didn’t think you were nice. And I think we should let Natasha judge.” “She’s sorta biased to you, you know.” “Yes, but you have no desire to see my cock, so it has to be natasha.”
Bruce smirked a little, well aware of what Tony was thinking. "i knew you where going to do things to it." Bruce snorted, amused. "you made furniture for the Hulk, really?" he asked, looking very amused. "you do realize hes more likely to smash them then sit in them right?" he asked with a grin before smiling at the other. "good. i suppose it also has extremely destructive capabilities as well or you wouldn't have kept it to Steve only." he admitted before tilting his head when Tony asked for Steve, refusing to wince the way he wanted to. Tony was worse off then he thought. Steve was indeed there and he seamed to know what he wanted because Jarvis informed them that Steve would be waiting in Bruce's rooms. "okay Kitten. up." Bruce ordered. "we're going to my rooms and i'll make you cry for me, My Sweet." Bruce purred, smiling as he urged Tony up with a hand to the back of Tony's neck, guiding him to the elevator and down the hall to his own massive rooms. Steve was already waiting, his shirt off and sweat gleaming off his muscles, showing what he had been doing until then. what he always did, pounding on Tony's special heavy bags. he hadn't asked for his own set because he didn't want to have to share with Vision or War Machine or some crap like that. "Hey... uhm." Steve hesitated, fidgeted and then looked at Bruce who chuckled. "isn't that sweet. Tony, Steve wants to learn how to make you cry." Bruce informed Tony, making Steve flush across his entire face. "if.. if Tony's okay with that. i mean... i've..." "well Tony? where are you sitting Kitten?" he asked, well aware that if Tony was too low he couldn't make good decisions for himself and if he was too far down Steve would have to wait till after they handled Tony and he came back up to talk about it.

"i didn't loose i'm just choosing not to strip in front of a dozen people who might take offense." he scoffed before blinking when Clint snorted at James. "see. the thing about this? is that i don't bluff." Clint admitted, unzipping his pants and tugging it out with no shame at all and laid it on the table. "Someone get a ruler!" "i eat on that table!" Alex protested even as he grabbed a ruler and measured because he had no shame either. "i suppose it's impressive enough. Grant's really is bigger though." Alex admitted, Grant sighing as he shuffled over and mimicked Clint, his face on fire but doing it if only because he knew he could beat Clint, and did. "dammit." Clint grumbled before glaring at James. "go on then. show us your monster."
“Uh-huh. Good furniture. Even a Wii remote that even thor can’t break. So hulk can have it to...and can’t!they’re awesome and flexible and not breakable. Totally perfect for Hulk. I’m insulted you’d think I’d give him inferior breakable things.”Tony huffed a little before nodding, nearly shyly. “It’s powered with a mini-repulsor, extremely destructive if used wrong.”he muttered not about to admit to anyone but bruce why he didn’t want anyone to have it, knowing steve would be worried about that. Whining a little as he was ordered, but quiet as he followed after bruce, sighing softly as he was guided. Looking the super soldier over as he watched steve, “I could make you some you know. Take with you to your new apartment.”Tony muttered before frowning, looking confused as he looked up at steve, thinking about it. The fact that he was thinking and not simply answering meant he was mostly okay. “Low but I’m okay. I can still make decisions.”Tony said rubbing a hand over his face before nodding. “It’s okay.”

“Me either.”James said snickering a little before smirking at alex. “Does that mean no sex in the kitchen then?”He asked curious before laughing at alex’s measurements, snickering as he watched the other two. “...Wow. This is some display of masculine vanity.”Lexi mused snickering as she watched them before turning away as james pulled his pants down and laid his cock out, bigger then clint, but not quite as big as grant. Huffing a little, as he pouted at natasha. “Does this mean I have to live with the loss of your affections? I mean, I’m not the best here, though I've been having sex the longest of any of them."He pouted a little
"that's pretty epic Tony." Bruce admitted with a smile. "he'll love it." he admitted. "i love it and i haven't even seen the room yet." he admitted before fighting back the urge to gasp. god, Tony had given Steve a repulsor, this was worse than he thought. he never imagined Tony would do such a thing and not admit he was in love with the Captain. "i don't want to have to share and i'll have to share if i take them back to Base." Steve admitted. "i'd rather stay home and pound the bags in peace and privacy." well wasn't that interesting, Steve still thought of the tower as Home. "good. now answer succinctly. do you want Steve to learn how to make you cry?" that was a code word sort of. it was Bruce's way of letting Tony knew they would not proceed unless Tony specifically said 'yes Steve can hurt me ' or 'no i'd rather he didn't right now thanks'. Tony had to be specific. Bruce knew Tony hated that but it was important because he would not let Steve touch Tony without a one hundred percent green light from Tony.

"not this one." Alex said, sneering at the table. "i'll have to bleach this." he admitted before chuckling a little at Lex, Natasha rolling her eyes. "Barton has no modesty at all." she admitted. "he was raised a heathen so i'm not surprised." she admitted. "fuck." Clint whined, realizing he was the smallest before blinking, surprised when he realized Grant was actually bigger than the super soldier. "Jesus Christ Alex!" Grant said. "where the hell do you keep that thing!?" not wanting to be left out, Alex laid himself out too. bigger than Grant even. which was hilarious because Alex was kind of tiny. "i tuck it." Alex admitted with a smirk. "now. are we done with the pissing contest?" he demanded. "yes i believe Alex is the winner." Natasha admitted with a snicker before rolling her eyes at James. "trust me, it wasn't your cock that got you into my pants." she assured him.
“It is.”tony smiled pleased that bruce liked it, shoulders tensing a little, fidgety even if he hadn’t heard bruce’s gasp. “Only thing strong enough to work, everything else broke every time Thor hit it. Repulsor was needed, and steve’ll be good with it.”Tony muttered sighing quietly. “....Yea. I can see that.”Tony said perking up a little though at the idea of steve thinking of the tower as home, before frowning at bruce. Strugglign to think clearly before sighing. “Yes, he can hurt me. It’s okay.”He promised, not about to admit to why he wanted the other, but because he needed it to.

“Ah. Well, it’s amazing any of them get dressed at all, heathens all of them.”Lexi snickered a little watching them before smiling a little. “Don’t whine. He’s a super soldier, sorta comes wi-”Lexi paused realizing what had happened, before looking at grant in curiosity. “interesting....”She hummed a little before laughing out loud as she realized alex was the biggest. “Yes, I agree. He wins.”she smirked a little amused as they did up their pats again. “Oh. Good.”james said smirking at natasha, though he was mostly curious about how he HAD gotten into her pants, he wasn’t questioning it yet.
"he'll do amazing with it." he promised Tony with a smile. "i can see why your so careful with it." he'd have words with Pepper about it later, he was about the only person who could reason with her anyway. sometimes. it was more like he intimidated her but it was kind of the same thing right? "good Kitten." Bruce purred. "no more thinking now." he promised. "tell me your Safeword." he ordered, running his fingers through Tony's hair before setting his hand on the back of the others neck again and urging him to his knees. "why call him Kitten?" Steve asked softly. taking Tony's assent as permission to talk. "it's a trigger word. a name that lets him know he doesn't have to be in charge and can just enjoy. calling him Tony will start bringing him back up and you should never use his full name. it makes him think he's in trouble and makes him think of... undesirables." Steve paused and then winced as he realized why Tony always recoiled when he used his full name. he'd never do that again. "okay. what's a safe word for?" "it's like a panic button. if he uses it, it's because he doesn't like what i'm doing, because his subspace sipped, or various other reasons. we also use the red yellow green system. it's the same basic principle. green means 'i like this keep going' and he usually only uses that when i check in. yellow means 'slow down a bit, i need to adjust or settle' and red means 'stop, give me a second and let me see if i need to stop or not' and the safe-word is 'stop, cut me loose, let me free, i don't like it at all'." Bruce explained. "i also have a safe word and if i use it, it's so Tony knows it's not his fualt i'm stopping and that he was a good boy. i've had to use it before when i got a bad cramp and once when i got sick with food poisoning in the middle of a scene. Tony was really sweet when that happened." he admitted with a chuckle. "where are you sitting Tony?" Bruce asked, wondering how the talking was affecting Tony.

"i am a heathen." Grant admitted. "i lived in the woods about five miles that way for about... oh, from the time i turned thirteen to the time i turned twenty one so, yeah. heathen." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head before smirking, very smug that he was bigger than James was before sulking at Alex who looked even more smug than Grant had. "fuck!" Grant said, looking startled when alarms started going off. "Bus is incoming! it's those bastard Shield Agents. Melinda May on point." one of the people who where monitoring the border cameras in the monitor room and Grant sighed. "alright, run the drill." Grant ordered. "you all know what to do, snap to it. make sure you all take one of the new people with you, no one and nothing get's left behind." Grant ordered, watching everyone scrambling. a few dozen left out the front door, gathering all the quintets which went invisible as soon as they where in them and the others all started slipping out hidden doors into hidden tunnels and within minutes the entire place was abandoned. "wow." Natasha was impressed and Clint nodded. "and where are you going?" Nat asked Grant. "to one of my other sanctuaries. they're not as big but i have dozens of them so until this one is safe again we're going to have to split up." he admitted. "they all know where t go and how to stay safe." "Why not come back with us to Stark's Tower?" Clint offered. "you'd be safe enough there and i'd like to get in on this hunting Hydra business." Clint admitted. Grant hesitated and then looked at James, willing to let him decide, since it would directly affect him and Lex more than anything else.
Tony hummed a little, pleased that the other was okay with him giving it to steve, that the other would take care of pepper. Sighing softly as he leaned into the other, pleased with not having to think as he slid down to his knees, “Spangles.”He muttered answering, because it was natural, it was so utterly amusing really, because the man’s safe word usually had captain america tags to it. “Undesirables?I’m desirable. I’m awesome.”Tony muttered only half listening as he leaned into bruce’s side, resting his head against his hip, “...Kay....’m as grass....happy....low..”Tony muttered babbling a little, more then normal not making sense. Being tired or being down stopped the filter from his mouth to his head working. He was definitely more open like this.

“Thats....well. Makes sense.”Lexi smiled a little thinking about that, before snickering listen to them before tensing, gun appearing in hand as the alarm went off, tense as she considered what to do. Watching everyone leave before looking at the others. “That was impressive.”James said watching them go before sighing, thinking it over. “....Yes. The tower. If needed, we can leave.”James said uneasy, even if he trusted steve, it worried him because it worried him to take lexi there. "Let's go."
Bruce smiled a little at Tony. "Tony doesn't know. does he?" he asked, his head tilted. "well that's okay." he promised with a smile before grinning when Steve made a small, surprised sound. "you are very desirable Kitten." Bruce promised. "Shirt off then." he ordered. "pants too. off." he commanded. "get naked for me Kitten." Bruce urged with a smile. "so, this is what's called Subspace?" Steve asked softly. "i've read a little bit about it but none of the websites or books could agree what it was." "that's because it's different for everyone." Bruce admitted. "Kitten, will you tell Steve what your space feels like?" he asked. nor ordered, because sometimes Tony couldn't make words make sense and they could revisit that question when Tony wasn't down so far. while Tony decided if he wanted to answer or not he gathered the leather shackles and the doeskin flogger and the paddle, the cock ring the nipple clams and the collar that belonged to Tony. Bruce had one for everyone he hurt on a regular basis. so far there was only two, one for Tony and one for Clint, but Bruce knew, now that he was stable, the collection would grow. he would be setting up a play room too, with a chest for each person he played with. but that was for later. "Toy's, Tony?" Bruce asked, letting Tony decide if he wanted something special, or rather, something extra.

"i was raised in a circus." Clint admitted. "also heathen." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "of course it was impressive, unlike Shield and Hydra i actually look after my people." he admitted before nodding. "well. let's go then." he agreed, standing up and heading over to the last and final Quin Jet after scribbling a note on the table which was essentially a 'kiss my ass' note. they where gone well before Melinda May and the others landed in front of the house ready to raid and finding nothing but loose horses and an empty lake house manor and a note that mocked them for their attempts as they headed for Avengers Tower. Grant was a little bit worried about this being a trap but he had to trust someone and he really wanted to trust James, who had been his boyhood idol both as Bucky Barns and the Winter Soldier for pretty much all of his life.
“No, steve doesn’t know.”Tony muttered sighing softly. Whining a little at steve’s sound, eyes following the man before perking up as he undressed. “Awesome. I’m the most desirable kitten, better then the Captain and LoKitty. Definitely better then LoKitty.”Tony muttered as he knelt again, tilting his head back to focus on steve, going so quiet you could see that he was having trouble thinking, watching the toys coming out before looking at steve again. “Free. Quiet. Not.....crowded.”Tony muttered struggling to think of a better way to describe it, but to far gone to think well. “...whatever you want. Don’t need....can’t think.”Tony muttered at bruce’s quiestion, watching him.

James followed after them, watching out the window as he watched the team arriving even as they left. Frowning a little. Worried about what would happen next, before settling in to wait, nervous about what to expect when they reached the tower. Hopefully steve was still the man he remembered, that he could be trusted.
"You are the most desirable." Bruce agreed, Steve smiling a little. "You are the fairest of them all." Steve said with a smile. "That sounds pretty swell Tony." Steve admitted, able to sort of understand what the other was talking about. Subspace for Tony was a quiet of the mind. when all the thoughts in his head and the ideas crowding in went silent and allowed him to just rest for a while. "okay Kitten." Bruce agreed, stroking Tony's hair. "arms up Kitten." Brice ordered. "i'll leave you on your knees today." Bruce decided. "if your a good boy, i'll let you suck Steve off." he offered with a smirk as he rapped the leather around Tony's wrists once the other was naked all the way and pilled the chains tight so even if Tony tried to sag, he would be held up and in position. "spread them." Bruce ordered, positioning Tony's knees and ankles apart with his foot, strapping them in place with a spreader bar behind the knees and over the ankles, effectively trapping him in place. he could thrust his hips, sort of, and that was it. "hows that feel?" wanting to make sure nothing was pinching or pulling painfully. Steve still looked curious, as he always did but he decided not to ask any questions when Tony couldn't answer for the moment.

"so, you had sex with Melinda May and now she's hunting you down personally. she must have taken it hard." "...that's one way of putting it." Grant admitted, settling into his chair and letting Nat and Clint drive since whoever Jarvis was, knew them and would allow them access to the Tower. he fully intended on taking a nap until they got there so he could do a runner if he had to.
“I am not snow white!”Tony whined a little, huffing a little. Purring softly as teh other petted him, before raising his arms. “You just like me on my knees. You like being taller then me don’t you?”Tony muttered even like this, even barely able to find words, he was incapable of shutting up. Humming he tilted his head back to look at steve, “I bet he tastes like apple pie and freedom. I’ll have to remember how the star spangled banner goes.”He hummed sounding pleased with himself, spreading his legs to let bruce do what he wanted, squirming a little, nodding a little. “good. So good.”Tony muttered at the question.

“Or he was that bad at sex, she feels the need to hurt you for it.”Lexi teased looking amused as she looked at grant, trying not to be annoyed and worried about his ex-lover hunting him, looking a little relieved when they did arrive and jarvis let them land. Curious about who it was waiting for them. Hopefully it wouldn’t be to bad.
Steve grinned. "your right, your far prettier than any silly twit of a woman could ever be." Steve assured Tony. "brains are important after all." "i do like you on your knees. it makes it so much easier to slip Steve's cock in your mouth." Bruce had never inserted himself into Tony because it triggered the hulk, but he was working on that. he might actually be able to have sex soon, and he was doing a lot better than he'd used to. he could actually orgasm now without the Hulk perking up and making an appearance. "i do not!" Steve protested. "don't you dare hum that infernal song!" Steve whined, Bruce snorting. "now he's going to be sure to do it, just because you told him not to." Bruce admitted, gently running his fingers through Tony's hair, lightly scratching the others scalp again. "good boy. Good Kitten." Bruce praised, pleased that Tony was so willing and obedient even after all this time. "i'm going to make you cry Pet. your always so pretty when you cry." Bruce purred with a smile. "we'll start with the nipples. i know how sensitive those are." he teased, stroking the little nubs, teasing with soft touches before pinching, tugging and pinching and pulling on them before attaching his mouth, licking sucking and nipping until they where swollen and sensitive and sore.

"nah, i was great at Sex. it's more the fact that i stabbed her in the back." he paused. "i don't think she realizes how much she betrayed me first." he admitted. "but, then again, Shield Agents never want to admit it when they do wrong. they're supposed to be the good guys after all." he admitted, blanching when he realized Maria Hill was the one to great them. " caught Grant Ward?" she asked, looking stunned. "do you have any idea how long the last remaining bits of Shield have been hunting him!? why isn't he restrained!?" she demanded, glaring at him and hating that he crossed his arms and glared right back. especially since his glare was more impressive.
“Good.”Tony said sounding pleased that he was better then a woman, before shuddering at that. “I like steve’s cock. he probably knows what to do with it, even if he’s old and a virgin, and awesome, and totally gonna taste like apple pie.”Tony muttered, he definitely had forgotten the man was there, simply babbling because he couldn’t not babble. Tilting his head he grinned pleased with himself. “Do to. And I totally am.”he decided sighing softly as his head was scratched, nearly purring as he whined, tears already misting his eyes as bruce teased his nipples, whining softly as he turned his head looking for steve, wanting steve to.

“Ahh...yes that would be a problem.”Lexi muttered leaning into him a little, “....want to talk about it?”She muttered curious, wanting to know, but not wanting to press it. Before staring at Maria, tense at grant’s side. “No. You didn’t catch Grant Ward, this is not the Hydra agent you are looking for.”James said sounding super serious and just like a Jedi, it was a horrible sign of times that even the Winter Soldier had watched Star Wars. Tense even as his hand hovered near his gun, well aware that as soon as she realized who he was, maria was going to try and shoot him. She had a reputation as a uncompromising bitch, he knew she’d never be willing to give them a chance.
"I'm not a virgin Tony."+ Steve assured him with a chuckle. "and i more than know how to use it." he promised with a grin. "maybe i'll show you when your able to give consent." well, no one said Steve didn't learn fast. "i'm right here, uh, Kitten." Steve said, stroking Tony's lip, looking very curious indeed. "i don't think i've ever seen you like this Tony. so open and willing and obedient." it was kind of unnerving, but hot too. "he likes having his nipples played with?" Steve asked, sounding rather confused. "of course, he's very sensitive. don't you like it?" "i don't think my nipples are all that sensitive." Steve admitted, puzzled but still very curious as Bruce pulled out a pair of nipple clamps and carefully eased each one onto Tony's nipples. making sure to go slow, the pain more drawn out and less sharp and surprising that way. "there's my very good boy."

"...i really thought i was in love with her for a while." Grant admitted. "she was good at that, pulling people in, making them like her. making them feel things." Grant admitted, swallowing thickly. "i was going to ask her to make it a steady thing. strings attached, you know?" he asked. "and then i found out she was married already and that she had no real feelings for me at all." he admitted. "she's not hunting me because i hurt her feelings, she's hunting me because i broke up with her before she could." he stated simply before wrinkling his nose at Hill. "seriously? your working for Stark? you could be doing so much better." well, that was, almost a compliment. "Seriously? Star Wars?" Clint asked, looking very amused, Maria pausing as she realized Clint and Natasha. "care to explain?" Maria asked, scowling. "that man nearly killed me." "please. if i wanted you dead, you'd be dead." Grant stated simply. "cme on Maria, i'll explain." Clint stated. "come on you three, i'll get you some rooms." "what!? he's NOT staying here!" Maria protested. "i can be okay with the Winter Soldier staying here and i don't even know who she is but he isn't allowed!" "it's not your clubhouse Maria. besides, we found some... things, in his files." Clint said, dragging her away. Grant blanched, paling as he realized they must have found the hard copies. the things he hadn't been able to find and erase, the things that Skye couldn't touch. the things he couldn't hide, even if he'd tried his damnedest. "well i'm fucked." Grant sighed, shaking his head. "maybe it would be better if i left." he admitted. "James and Lex can stay here no problem, i'm the one causing issues." "your not causing issues." Natasha promised. "Tony and Steve will support your cause, though i'd avoid telling them about your plans for Shield just yet." "...yeah."
“Kay. Later.”Tony hummed pleased with the idea, sighing quietly as his lip was stroked, closing his eyes as he leaned into the other as much as the chains would allow, before whining softly, “Not obedient. I’m so not controllable. I’m awesome like that.”Tony whined a little, whining softly, gasping as the clamps were eased onto his nipples, shuddering as he tried to focus still, going limp in his bonds, hips jerking as he came, whimpering in upset worry at having come without permission, but besides loki, it’d been to long since he’d had sex to really be in control. Whimpering quietly as he hung in his chains limply.

“oh. Grant...I’m sorry.”Lexi winced swallowing thickly, shifting, leaning into him a little, while she wouldn’t give in and hug him, not because she didn’t want to, but because she didn’t want the others to think he was weak and needing it, even if she logically knew they wouldn’t use it against him, she couldn’t do it. “Well, we’ll make sure she doesn’t find you.”she smiled a little. “The force is strong in this one. He’s young in the way of the force.”James said smirking as he waved a hand at grant, he really did enjoy star wars. “Sadly, he watches them quite often. You get used to the geek qoutes sooner or later.”Lexi said with a smirk.“No, we really don’t.”James said simply, smirking at the question of whether they wanted to explain or not, looking amused as they headed inside. “It’s Tony’s clubhouse. I don’t think Stark’s going to have a problem with us staying here.”James said glancing at clint, curious about what was in the files, watching clint go. Knowing tony wouldn’t turn them out, even if he was doing it to keep steve happy. “ can’t go. Besides, once she really thinks it through, she’s totally going to have issues with me staying here.”James pointed out before snorting. “Yes...lets get through taking through hydra first.”Lexi said looking amused. “Steve’s distrusting what’s left of shield anyways, if we give him a excuse to fight it, he’s going to be paranoid and weird. Lets not get him worked up just yet.”James wrinkled his nose a little.
"Your my obedient little Kitten." Bruce teased with a chuckle. "Good boy." Bruce said as the other went limp, rolling his eyes as Tony came all over the floor, slapping him across the ass. "straighten up Kitten." he growled. "we haven't even come close to finishing. remember what i said, when i'm hurting you, you can cum all you want. this counts." he promised, stroking Tony's hair. "that was. wow." Steve admitted, sounding stunned, surprised and very turned on. "i'm going to use the flogger on you Kitten. you love the flogger, don't you baby? i'm going to make you cum and cum until all you can do is lay there, take it, and cry." Bruce promised, running his fingers through Tony's hair before turning to Steve. "come here. stop watching Kitten, you have lessons to attend." "oh. right!" he moved over to Bruce, noticing they both stayed within Tony's sight but decided not to ask about that just yet. instead he took the flogger and ran the strands through his fingers before handing it bac to Bruce. "i wanna feel what it feels like." Steve admitted, Bruce shrugging. he didn't bother asking if Steve was sure, he just lashed out, striking Steve from shoulder to hip, the hit hard enough to send Steve to his knees with a gasp and his cock swelling in his workout shorts. "oh my god..." "good right?" Bruce asked with a chuckle. "...yeah. that. yeah. wow. is that what it feels like for Tony?" "better for Tony." Bruce admitted. "when your down, everything feels, more." Bruc admitted, flicking his wrist, the very tips of the flogger hitting Tony in the back, leaving a dozen bright red spots like dots on Tony's back, just to keep him down while he ran Steve through how to hit Ton safely. soon though, Steve was bringing the flogger across Tony's back in a splay of pain and welts, Bruce making a satisfied sound and Steve shuddered. "i didn't expect to like it this much." Steve admitted, panting a little. "the noises he makes. god."

Grant shrugged. "yeah well. i learned a lot younger that Shield Agents couldn't be trusted." Grant admitted simply. "i've been stabbed in the back so many times i guess i just got used to it." he admitted. "....the force is weak in that one. the Sith Lord has filled him with anger and Hate." Maria snapped right back, rolling her eyes. "no, just bitterness, betrayal and depression but that's close enough." Grant admitted with a shrug. "i like the Lord of the Rings better but i guess i can get used to it." Grant admitted with a grin. "she'll be fine. she never had much of a spine. she just does whatever her superiors tell her to do." Grant admitted. "in this case, that's Tony. so long as Tony wants us here she'll keep her mouth shut." he admitted before nodding. "yeah, Steve Rogers is one of the fw decent people left in this crappy ass world, i'd rather not bother him over something like this when he hasn't got a whole lot going for him anymore." Grant agreed. "well come on then." Natasha ordered. "Friday? three rooms please, same floor if you can?" she asked hopefully. the rooms where assigned and Natasha led them down to them, each room more like a full sized apartment but it was Tony after all.
Tony purred at the praise, whining quietly as he straightened up, struggling to focus on the other. Shuddeirng as his hair was petted, closing his eyes as he nodded eagerly. “I do, I do.”He muttered agreeing, Twisting his head to look at the other two, resting easier when he could see them both before gasping as steve was hit, struggling in his bonds, to try and get to the other. Not understanding steve was okay, only recognizing the pained sound of being hit. Whimpering softly as he shuddered, groaning as the flogger hit his back. For the moment, his worry about steve forgotten as he was taken care of. Soon enough hanging limply in his bonds, utterly relaxed and quiet, stirring a little when he heard the others talking, whining quietly as he lifted his head to look at steve and bruce, tears sliding down flushed cheeks.

“Makes sense.”Lexi said thoughtfully frowning a little before frowning. “....Not how that works. You need to watch the movie again.”James decided frowning at maria. “Oh, he quotes Lord of the rings to. And Doctor who. Don’t get him started, it’s bad enough he’s on star wars at the moment. Don’t get him going.”Lexi whined a little making a face. “otherwise we’ll have to listen to 50 years worth of movie stuff, and he’ll never shut up.” “....Okay.”James frowned looking worried about maria still, frowning a little as they headed inside. “we’ll keep it from him as long as we can....”James said startling, going utterly still at Friday’s answer, looking ready to bolt, even as Lexi froze, looking ready to leave as they looked around their rooms. Freaked out at the AI
Steve smiled a little when Tony struggled against his bonds to protect him. that was sweet. "i'm fine Tony." Steve promised with a shake of his head. "god he's gorgeous." Steve breathed, reaching out and stroking the tears off Tony's face, licking the tears off his thumb with a shiver. "What the Fuck!?" Steve startled at the sound of a new voice. "Get away from him you rapist bastards!" it was Loki, of all people, barreling into them with enough force that Bruce was flung back into the wall and Steve was knocked off his feet. Loki planted himself over Tony, spinning a staff. not the staff of destiny, thank god, but a normal looking staff with a single gem on the end. "Son of a bitch!" Bruce gasped, his skin rippling, green crawling along his flesh like a blush before it receded and his skin settled once more. "Loki, what the hell!?" Steve demanded, getting to his feet, Loki snarling as he swung the staff to make sure he kept his distance. "get away from Tony!" Loki hissed, keeping his eyes on the pair as he carefully eased Tony out of the shackles. "don't worry Tony, i won't let them hurt you anymore." Loki murmured, stroking Tony's hair, trying to protect the man. "we're not hurting him... well we are, but only because he wants us to." Bruce assured him. "that's bullshit." Loki snarled, though he looked a little more hesitant now, clearly recognizing the stages of a BDSM kink play but he was sure that Tony wasn't into that kind of stuff. so he was going to stand guard until Tony could say for himself if he was being raped or having consensual sex. Loki wasn't about to move from Tony's side until he was sure he hadn't been raped. Loki knew better than anyone just how horrible that could be.

"that is how it works. the path to the dark side." she huffed. Grant just smirked a little. "Lord of the Rings is clearly the best." he admitted. "Don't worry about it. there are other places we can go if she's too much of a problem." Grant promised them before tensing, just as pale and shaken at the A.I as the other two where. "it's okay." Natasha promised. "you know i wouldn't let anything happen to you. Friday is nothing like Zola. she's a sweetheart and runs the house." she explained. "and tries to keep Tony from blowing things up." Natasha admitted. "Friday cannot directly interact with the world though." she admitted. "she can't hurt you and she has a non-violence programming that means she couldn't hurt you even if she was capable." Natasha promised. "it's perfectly alright, though i don't know why your freaking out." "...Zola took a... personal interest in me." Grant mumbled. "it hurt. a lot." that made Natasha want to be sick. most people didn't survive when Zola took an interest. as far as she knew, James was the only person who ever had, aside from, apparently, Grant.
“Kay.”Tony muttered relaxing a little as the other promised he was okay. Shuddering as he leaned into steve’s hand, sighing softly before jerking, whimpering, whining as he jerked at his bonds. Wanting free, not sure what was happening, but trying to get away. Whimpering softly as he was pulled out of the shackles, whining softly sounding upset and lost at the angry voices around him, curling up as much as he could, looking so lost and broken, struggling to think, before blurting out the only thing he could think of. “Spangles!Captain!Stars!Pie!Apples!Capsicle!Captain!”Tony blurted out in a jumbled mess, and it’d be bruce who recognized his normal theme of safe words, struggling to figure out what was going on.

“Is not.”James growled eyeing Grant. “true. Hopefully not.”Lexi muttered well aware that james wanted to stay here, or at least be with steve and natasha, even if that meant dealing with Maria Hill. Swallowing thickly as he looked at natasha, nodding slowly. “Promise,vixen?”He muttered tense and upset before forcing his body to relax. “James?”Lexi muttered looking at him, worried as she relaxed. “It’s okay....just takes some getting used to.”James said sighing quietly. This was okay. It’d be okay.
Loki startled when Tony started belting out words and he nearly jumped away from the other, recognizing panic when he heard it, but Bruce was moving forward so Loki held his ground, smacking the fingers that reached for Tony. "ouch! son of a bitch..." Bruce cursed, nursing his fingers. "Tony. it's okay Tony. your alright." Steve urged, keeping his distance but speaking up, just to try and calm the other down. "your a good boy Kitten. it's okay." Bruce assured Tony as well, gently moving back, away from Loki and held his hands up. "we're just going to be right here, Loki's just gotten real scared Kitten, he doesn't know what's going on, so he's going to sit with you and keep you safe." Loki eyed them but gently eased himself down next to Tony, stroking the man's hair because that had always made Loki feel better. he was still watching the boys though, ready to attack if they even twitched the wrong way.

"Is too." Grant stated right back with a grin. "i think we'll be okay." Grant admitted, looking worried. "i just hope no one gets mad at me... later." he admitted. "in my defense ahead of time, it wasn't my secret to tell..." he stated firmly, Natasha lifting an eyebrow but not questioning it, not for now anyway. "i promise Wolf." Natasha assured him. "it's just fine." she promised before frowning. "Friday? where is Tony at anyway?"
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