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Defiance (Marvel) Lady/Fox

Tony yelped a little at the cursing, whining softly before calming at the sound of steve’s voice, twisting his head to try and see the other, whining softly as they spoke, calming a little. Sighing softly as he calmed, cuddling up close to loki as the other sat down next to him, resting his head in the other’s lap, calming slowly. And it was a few long moments before he steadied enough to talk. “.....Loki?”Tony muttered sounding confused and lost. Not completely together, and still in a fairly bad place, but steadying.

“...We all have those. Different secrets.I’m sure they’ll forgive you.”James said eyeing grant though, curious but not pressing, relaxing at natasha’s promise. “Sir is downstairs with Dr. Banner and teh Captain. Along with Loki. There has been a misunderstanding concerning his sex life they are sorting out.”Friday provided.
"it's okay Tony." Loki promised. "i won't let them hurt you anymore." he promised. "they won't rape you ever again. i'll... i'll do horrible, terrible things to them!" Loki growled, glaring at the two men he thought had hurt Tony, well, in a bad way. "i'll keep you safe." Loki promised.

"well... to be honest, i've had people turn on me for a lot less, so... i'm not sure that's true." Grant admitted before blinking a little. "...oh. well that's... fascinating." he pondered a bit and then. "you said Loki was fucking Tony before right? maybe he was having 'sadist sex' with Bruce and Loki walked in on it." Grant mused, Natasha snorting. "it's BDSM but yes, that's probobly what happened. though, one would think, as sadistic as Loki is, he'd just sit back and enjoy."
“Not hurt.....well...I am...but not...Steeeeeeveee.”Tony whined a little looking annoyed at being denied his normal cuddles, even if he was nearly laying in loki’s lap for cuddles. He liked steve, the man ran warmer then normal people, he was the perfect person to cuddle. “...okay...I’m okay...”Tony muttered blinking slowly, starting to think better. Starting to come up.

“ah. Well. We’ll protect you.”Lexi said smiling a little before frowning thinking that over. “Yes. He was.”Friday said. “Yes, but he probably didn’t expect to walk in on something like that, and he was hurt by the hulk-”James pointed out, well aware there were few people who knew about loki’s bashing by the hulk. “Makes sense he’d think bruce was hurting tony. Though, where he got steve would sit back and watch, puzzles me. We’ll just have to wait for them to come up.”James said shrugging a little.
Loki looked confused for a moment before he nodded, realizing that Tony was really okay. "promise me you where a willing participant Tony." Loki urged. "you wanted them to, right?" Loki asked, looking very nervous even as he let Steve sidle up to them and snuggle Tony, though he let Tony stay in Loki's lap. he had to admit, the fact that Loki had tried to protect Tony from being raped made him feel a lot better about the man. well, godling.

"or maybe Loki and Bruce where doing the hitting and Rogers walked in on it?" Grant guessed. "and Steve laid a beat down on Loki and Bruce? i can see it." Nat admitted. "in any case, let's get you lot settled into your rooms." she offered with a smile. "we'll worry about Tony's sex life later." she decided. "you can take your pick of these three rooms." she stated, indicating the three doors at the end of one of the hallways.
“Totally willing. I mean, steeeeveee tastes like apple pie and freedom.”Tony whined a little, down enough that he just drew out the captain’s name because he knew it annoyed steve when he did, “And brucie-bear is amazing and awesome, and I totally wanna have his science babies, and do this all the time, it’d be awesome right?”Tony said, getting to that happy drunk stage of being subbed out, coming up enough think better. Squirming around till he laid over both men’s laps, pressing his face into loki’s stomach even as he held onto steve’s shirt, as if to make sure he wasn’t leaving anytime soon. “.....There’s people in the tower.”Tony said frowning a little as his knowledge of extremis and the computers reasserted itself now that he was thinking again, frowning a little as he slapped a palm against steve’s shoulder to get his attention. “The Klondike is here.”

“maybe....I’m finding this talk about tony’s sex life distracting and better then worrying about anything else.”James said because now that they were here, somewhere where he knew people watched, that what was left of shield was, it made him twitchy and nervous. And he was totally nervous about introducing lexi to steve. Smiling slightly as he smirked, watching Lexi wait for grant to choose his room before choosing hers, smirking at Natasha. “ we have to give them separate rooms?They’re going to be rooming together.”He muttered to her, smirking a little as lexi disappeared into her rooms to look around.
Steve scowled a little and shook his head at Tony's blatant attempts of annoying him but refused to get aggravated while tony was 'down'. he didn't fully know what that meant, but he knew Tony was very sensitive at the moment and would not like it at all if he yelled at him. "no Tony. no having science babies with Bruce." Steve ordered, looking amused. "and you can't stay like this all the time, who would make amazing things that further humanity?" Bruce asked with a chuckle, though he stayed back since Loki went tense anytime he got any closer than he already was. "yes there are." Steve agreed before blinking a little. "oh. you mean new people. that's okay we'l go check it out later, i'm sure Natasha can keep the corralled for now." he promised Tony, Loki chuckling at Tony's smacking of Steve. "Klondike?" Bruce asked, lifting an eyebrow. "James." "ah."

"Well, that's true but thinking about Tony having sex makes me feel faintly ill." Natasha admitted, well. more like lied. everyone wanted to have sex with Tony, he was sweet like that, it was just that most of them had more self control than others. "yes. Tony insists so we can each have a place for privacy. even if she, or he, never uses it they'll still have assigned rooms where they can go to get away from the others if they have to." she admitted with a smile. "go on, get settled, i'll go order dinner. with you, Steve and Bruce all here we're going to need a lot." she admitted. "will you be okay on your own or did you want to come see my rooms?" she offered with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
Tony smiled sweetly, relaxed at not being yelled at, because he acted out when he was down, finding reassurance when he wasn’t yelled at. “But science babies would be awesome!They’d be cute and smart, and I’d totally be better then anyone else. And brucie-bear should totally have kids.”Tony whined a little before going quiet, considering that before huffing. “Fine. For humanity, I will be normal.”he said starting to settle, starting to come up with each sentence, before nodding. “Kay. We’ll check later....and yes, klondike. He’s a frozen treat that I sorta wanna take a bite out of, even if I’m fairly certain it’d make me sick. Sorta like a klondike.”Tony said well aware that none of the people in the room would be surprised at the desire, since tony usually wanted to have sex with everyone, even if he didn’t act on the feeling.

“Liar.”James smirked at her, snickering a little. Thinking that over before nodding. “That’s good. Makes sense to.”he said smiling as he looked in and saw lexi had curled up on her bed for a nap before smirking at her. “....I thought you were going to order food?”He asked as he headed for his rooms, teasing her mostly, just to see if she’d come out and ask him directly. Feeling a little off balance, this whole flirty thing they had was leaving him confused sometimes.
"Science babies would scare me." Bruce admitted. "also i can't have babies, the accident made me infertile." he admitted. "i don't have any swimmers." Loki snorted, tucked his head to hide that he had laughed and Steve snickered. "as long as your happy." Steve agreed with a smile at Tony. "being normal is overrated, just be yourself." he suggested stroking Tony's back, examining the welts he had left across the others back. "everyone wants to take a bite out of James." Steve admitted, Bruce nodding. "oh god yeah." Bruce admitted with a grin. "i would love to have that man on his knees." Steve chuckled again. "not sure he'd allow it but you could always offer. i doubt Natasha would mind." he admitted with a grin. "ou feeling any better Loki?" "yes. i'm sorry." Loki said. "when i saw him.. the tears, and you where holding the whip... considering y previous encounters with Tony i had assumed he didn't like such things and I overreacted. i suppose, considering the intelligence within these walls that rape here would be all but impossible." he admitted. "i was in a bit of a panic and not thinking straight I suppose." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "huh. i never thought you'd defend Tony so strongly." "...i admire Tony." Loki admitted. "it's very rare that someone is smarter than me. it's even rarer to find a man so selfless he would murder himself to save people who hate him on the best of days." Loki admitted. "an despite all this he has the self confidence of a flea." Loki admitted, wrinkling his nose, making Bruce laugh. "he's complicated and beautiful, of course i'm going to be fascinated by him."

"not a liar." she teased with a smirk. "just in denial. or maybe i'm just repressing." she mused with a shrug. "oh, Jarvis already ordered the food." she said, waving him off, pouting at him. "i want you to come with me for snuggles." she admitted, never one to be afraid to tell others what she wanted. "or maybe even sex. if your well behaved."
“....Steve will have my science babies then. He’s super, super. He’d be like the world’s best babysitter.”Tony decided before sighing softly as he was stroked, arching a little into the other’s hand. “Okay then. Even if that means talking about apple pies and humming star spangled banner during blowjobs?”Tony said teasing steve before snorting, looking up at bruce. “Totally should try. That hair just begs to be pulled.”Tony said, he was definitely going to sulk when he realized James had cut it short again. “...I’m a switch. I can play either side of this.”Tony smiled a little as he sat up carefully, before eyeign the three men in the room with him, utterly bemused at the conversation going on. Not sure how to consider it, before huffing. “What!I have so much self confidence, that I’m a god in my own head. Definitely better then the anyone, except maybe Spangles.”Tony huffed as he pushed to his feet, heading for the door. “Come on I wanna go interrupt Klondike’s sex life.”

“You are totally repressing. You could kiss him. I doubt he’d mind.”James said looking a little unsure, not quite sure why he was pushing her towards tony, when he wanted her for himself, but he was. Smirking a little as he followed her towards her rooms. “Am I ever well behaved?”
"i am super." Steve agreed, looking amused. "and yes, if you must." Steve sighed, rolling his eyes but not looking quite as annoyed by the idea as he could have been. "yeah, i like his hair long." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "either side of what?" Steve asked, making Loki blink at him. "...oh my god you have no idea what your doing, do you?" "no. not really. i was hoping to learn. it's... i like it. what little i know." Steve admitted and Loki sighed and fished a card out of nowhere and handed it to Steve. "you have enough self confidence to pretend you have self confidence at any rate." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "anyway i just came to tell you i'm running a double shift so i probobly won't be here tonight or tomorrow." Loki admitted, stroking Tony's hair. "i have to go though, i'm already late." he admitted. "good thing i'm gorgeous." he admitted with a smirk, checking his watch, still in that odd place. Loki seamed to be content now that he knew Tony wasn't being hurt against his will and he gave Tony a kiss before he vanished while Steve tucked the card into his wallet. why not? might learn something.

"i could, but i'd rather kiss you and i know how jealous you can get." she teased him with a smile. "your not going to get rid of me." she admitted. "and you can be well behaved if you have the right incentive."
“I must.”Tony grinned a little before looking at steve amused, before sharing a look with loki. “He’s learning, it’s cute. We’ll figure it out.”Tony said looking amused as loki gave him the business card, before rolling his eyes. “I pretend nothing. And okay. Well. Thanks for telling me. I’ll see you later, yes?”He smiled kissing the other back, looking amused as he left.

“I am not jealous of a pipsqueak I could pick up and toss off the tower.”James huffed a little before smiling, “I’ll be well behaved for you-” “If this is the whole sex talk thing, let’s not have it. Watching you two get it on in the hallway is not something I want to see.”Tony teased as he walked into the hallway, smirking a little. "Come on spidey, Klondike, and whoever else is with you. food's here."
"it is rather cute i suppose. though he's not one i would have ever imagined wanting to know about this kind of thing." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "yeah. i'll come by once i'm off work for a bit and then go hoe and sleep for a day or two." he promised before vanishing in a swirl of flames and smoke. "i thought his magic as blue." Steve pointed out, frowning a little at the lingering emerald smoke before he snorted at James because the man was totally jealous, they could tell because he sounded Jealous. "i dunno. i kind of want to see it." Steve admitted with a grin. "don't call me spidey." Natasha ordered, rolling her eyes before she grinned. "ones taking a nap." she stated. "poor girl seams to be exhausted, let her sleep. we'll make sure to save her some food. i'll see if the other one is up yet." "it worries me when you don't use names." "...well. one is Lexi. and the other is... erm...." here Natasha hesitated and then. "well, Grant Ward." "...ah." he studied her. "and you trust him?" "i don't know if i'd go that far... i agree with what he's trying to do." "...good enough. you'll have a report on him for me? off the books of course." "of course i will." "Excellent. and of course i'll 'forget' to file the reports." he promised her, watching as Grant came out of the room to ask Natasha something before pausing when he saw the clustered group. "sorry, am i interrupting an orgy?" "well Tony will like him." Bruce admitted with a chuckle.
“Me either. It’s still awesome. I’m sorta looking forward to him telling me he’s not a virgin, or regaling me with tales from the 40s sort of sex life.”Tony snickered a little before thinking about it, “....The tesseract was blue. Maybe it was connected.”Tony said shrugging a little. Smirking a little at the sound of jealousy in james’ voice. “I only want to see it if we can join in.”Tony pointed out looking up at steve before sulking, pouting a little, though he didn’t call her names anymore. It’d work for awhile. “Okay. I’ll meet the girl later.”Tony perked up at the idea of a new girl in the tower, even if he was having sex with other people still, before tilting his head. “....Oh hell. Maria know yet?”Tony groaned a little as he smirked at Grant. “Yes you are. We’re trying to decide who gets the Klondike, and who gets to cuddle Nat.” “..there’s no orgy.”James growled quietly, sounding vaguely defensive as he headed for the living room where the food was waiting
"Tony, we've been through this. i'm not a virgin." Steve reminded him before blinking a little. "what, you think the Tesseract was controlling Loki? that's Bullsh..." "correct." Clint corrected, popping up out of nowhere as he tended to do. "Wait.. what?" "Loki was little more than i was. he needed a lot harder hit to th head then i did though." "...well shit. if that's true, why did he get punished!?" "probobly because Odin is a fuckhead who doesn't want to admit he pretty much tortured the guy. there was a lot of memory transferring." Clint admitted. "and yes, Maria knows Grant is here and i gave her just enough information that she won't try to kill him next time she sees him." Clint admitted. "we don't know everything about him yet, but what we do know is bad enough." Grant rolled his eyes. "it wasn't that bad... well, some of it was i guess but i'm still here, i'm still strong and you don't have to look at me with that freaking pity look." Grant snapped at Clint who shrugged. "i don't pity you in the least." "well good!" Grant growled, clearly unhappy about people knowing his history stalking after James and ignoring them all. if he didn't acknowledge them, then they didn't exist right?"
“I know. It’s more amusing teasing you about it though.”Tony huffed a little before nodding, yelpign as clint popped up, nearly wigging out before twisting to look at him. “Really?”He said before thinking about it, nodding a little. “If any of the legends of odin is true, well, it makes sense he’d blame everyone. Makes sense.”He sighed a little thinking about it before studying grant. “Good.”He said relaxing, he hadn’t been looking forward to fighting maria over it. “”....We all have our own traumas, to much to pity you. We’ll listen if you want to talk, but beyond that...”Tony shrugged snickering a little as he followed them into the room, settling in to eat. “.....So. Anything else we need to discus while we’re all here?”Tony said as he started to eat, looking them all over, studying them all. It was interesting really, to see so many different people together.
"I suppose." Steve huffed, rolling his eyes even if he looked amused. "well your twitchy today." Clint mused. "i don't know about legends, but anytime Loki, Tyr or any of the Warriors three, so called Odin's favorites did anything wrong it was Loki who took the blame and the punishment." Clint admitted. "he'd be pissed if i told you that though." Clint admitted. "...i don't want to talk about it." he admitted simply. not because he didn't want to, but because he knew they would never believe him. "yes." Bruce admitted. "i noticed that Loki was limping, i want to give him a exam and make sure he's not hurt." he admitted before jabbing his fork at James and Grant. "you two need some exams too. James you smell a bit like infection and i don't know what you smell like but it doesn't smell right." Bruce admitted, making Grant cringe and shrug. he wouldn't avoid it, they'd find out as soon as they looked deeper into his medical files anyway. no point in trying to hide it. "the Red Room mission is going well." Natasha admitted, sinking her teeth into something Russian that Jarvis always ordered for her. "Grant found over a dozen girls, and i helped relocate them into new homes." "any that we need to keep an eye on?" "just one, the oldest of the lot, thirteen. she might have trouble adjusting." Natasha admitted. "i placed her very carefully though so i think it will be okay." "Ami won't hurt anyone." Grant promised. "honestly, i'm more worried about her hurting herself than i am anything else." he admitted Natasha nodding. "she'll get the help she needs through the psychologist." Natasha promised before looking at Tony. "so... is Loki any good in bed?" she asked, looking interested.
“You popped out of no where!Everyone gets twitchy.”Tony whined a little before frowning, shuddering at the idea. “well, we wont talk about it then. No one mention it to loki. Or make grant talk about anything.”Tony frowned a little before looking at bruce, nodding a little. “I’ll tell him next time I see him.”he said smirking a little as james looked at bruce with wide eyes. James tensed, even if he knew where the infection was, and it was probably a good thing natasha hadn’t realized just how far up his shoulder it had started to spread, but letting anyone near it, even if he knew he needed help, it made him twitchy. “Fine.”He said. “I’ll see that we find a good psychologist to see her.”Tony said already considering it before nearly chokig on his food. “H-he’s fine.”he said coughing. Looking up in curiosity as lexi walked into the room, raising a eyebrow at the sight of the girl, who looked so much like james it was sorta disturbing. "There's food?"Lexi said moving closer, trying to decide what she wanted.
"no, most people are used to it by now." Clint admitted with a smirk. "your just a jumpy bunny." he teased with a chuckle before nodding. "that would be best. i don't know all of it but Loki was tortured even worse than i was." and they all knew bits and pieces of Clint's days in the circus. being locked in a cage when he annoyed someone, being tossed around like a gunny sack when the others got too drunk. being burned and stabbed and other such things when people needed to practice their knife throwing, fire juggling or other such tricks. "infection?" Natasha demanded, her eyes narrowing at him a little at him, warning him that she was about to get very pissed at him. "we already have one." Grant admitted. "he's a specialist from Shield who focused on helping people get over brainwashing of various types." Grant admitted before leaning forward. "seriously. he's kinky as shit right?" Grant asked with a grin before looking up at Lexi. "yeah, come on in, there's plenty." he promised her, Natasha giving her a smile. "we where just running a base report on how my hunt on the Red Room was going. i just told them how you, Grant and James rescued the girls." she admitted.
“I am not a jumpy bunny!”Tony huffed a little nodding a little. Though he looked a little sick at the idea of what loki went through, but willing to set it aside for now. “....Just a little one.”James said nearly squirming in place, because just knew it was worse then he’d ever admit. “The arm’s not healing well that last time on ice.”He said not about to admit to what hydra had done to him, to the arm when he returned. “Good.”Tony said relaxing as he realized that they had someone they could trust before snorting. “He is. And he’s good at sex.”Tony said simply, not about to say more, extremely private at times, over the oddest things. “Thanks.”lexi said crossing the room and sitting down next to grant with a tired sigh, still exhausted even if she couldn’t stay asleep most of the time. Smiling slightly as she started to eat, looking around at the rest, nervous at seeing so many new faces.
"you are a total jumpy bunny." Clint teased with a chuckle before shrugging. "Loki went through more than most because he's been alive since nearly before there where humans on this planet." he pointed out to Tony. "he's strong, he won't let those assholes break him, and from what Thor indicated, since he as punished and left Asgard for good they can't touch him." he admitted. "Oh." Natasha studied James but relaxed, she knew what an issue the Arm was to him and let it be. he hadn't kept it a secrete on purpose he just hadn't said anything because he hated mentioning the arm. that was good enough for her. she was coming to the wrong conclusion but at least she wasn't beating his head in. "well, as old as he is i imagine he'd have to be." Bruce pointed out before smiling at Lexi. "want some?" he offered her some Thai curry. "Don't give her that!" Clint snapped. "don't eat that." he ordered Lexi. "it's the spiciest shit Bruce can legally have delivered. the stuff he normally eats? you have to sign a Release form before they can bring it out to you. never, ever eat anything Bruce offers you because two thirds of the time it's a nasty, dirty trick." "i'm wounded that you would think such mean things about me Clint." Bruce teased, shaking his head. "I would never play such a dirty trick on a naive innocent girl who doesn't know me well enough to know better." he smiled ever so innocently, ignoring the way they where all looking at him. Grant just snorted. "it can't be that hot." he scoffed, snagging a spoonful of Bruce's curry and stuffed it into his mouth and froze, forced himself to chew and swallow and in a strained voice reported. "'s not that bad...." he managed to sit for another full minute before he raced into the fridge and started draining the milk into his mouth straight from the carton while Bruce laughed his sadistic little ass off.
"Am not."tony whined a little."...good. he just needs looked after."tony muttered looking relieved at the idea of loki being okay before studying james thoughtfully." just needs cleaned up and all..."james muttered because while there was reasons he didn't mention it, it wasn't the ones she'd thought of, though that didn't help he never talked about it."....okay. I won't eat it."Lexi said eyeing the bowl, not trusting bruce to not be playing a trick. "No...I think yoube spent time with steve. Which means your totally evil and would play a trick."james said before laughing out loud as grant bolted for some milk. "Next time, don't take stuff from the sadist."tony warned laughing a little
"he could use a guy like you and Cap." Clint agreed with a smile. "I'll be the judge of that thank you." Bruce informed James. "the infection doesn't smell too strong though, a dose of antibiotics and a good cleaning probobly will take care of it." he agreed. "are you trying to claim i'm a punk?" Steve demanded, looking amused. "you where the troublemaker when we where kids, not me. you where always playing tricks on me." he complained, though they all knew that was a lie. "there is NO way you eat that crap!" Grant protested, leveling an accusing finger at Bruce who smirked and started gulping down his meal and even reached for seconds, and then thirds, and then finished the entire family size before grabbing the second family size serving of curry, ignoring the way that everyone was staring at him for eating 'lava in a bowl'.
“Well....fine. You can look at it after we eat.”James grumbled not happy about it, but willing to let him look at it, if only because natasha trusted them. Before snickering, smirking at steve. “You are the punk. Even as memoriless as I am, I know that.”James huffed a little. “I agree. You’re the troublemaker.”Tony grinned looking amused at steve. “....that’s...horrible. Stop. You’re making me hurt just watching that.”Lexi whined shuddering a little with a smile as she considered the other.
"good." Bruce stated with a grin. "and i'll look at Grant after you." Grant grimaced a little and nodded, poking at his food, no longer hungry. "i' totally not a punk." "of course your a punk. you have a swear Jar at the Avengers Base." "it's not my fault they don't know me better. besides, it's funny, and Vision busted my bike, he deserves to be punked." "What? i lived in Thailand for like, six years, of course i can eat the food." Bruce scoffed. "besides, i like the burn and Hulk doe too." he admitted, polishing off the last of the curry before reaching for anything that anyone else hadn't finished, proving exactly why there was never any leftovers when Bruce was around unless someone specifically saved it from Bruce's unending stomach. once the table was cleaned and cleared, the leftovers no one else wanted down Bruce's gullet, Clint headed for the Gym so he could pound some bags, ignoring the way Grant followed him so he could hide from Bruce. they all knew Grant wouldn't escape Bruce's clutches for long. "Lexi, Natasha, are you two coming? i'm sure James will feel better if your there to stop me from doing anything nefarious." Bruce admitted.
“You totally are. That jar, I think I nearly pissed myself laughing so hard when Rhodey told me about it. He should know better.”Tony said shaking his head in amusement. Laughing quietly at the wide eyed look on lexi’s face as she watched bruce eat the food. Amused even more when grant followed clint out. “Yea. We’ll come, though I think James wants nefarious things to happen to him.” “only if Natasha is doing them.”James said twitchy and not wanting to do this as they headed downstairs. Knowing that this was going to be bad when Natasha realized what they’d done. Stripping out of his shirt he winced a little at the red streaked skin, and slight smell to infection. While it was bad, the skin around the metal dead and red streaked, it was worse then it normally was since they’d used rattlesnake venom to harm him, to punish him. While it would have been deadly to most, the poison was just enough to make his body misfunction, to force him to heal it, and to deal.
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