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Defiance (Marvel) Lady/Fox

“Hmmm. We’ll have to. It’ll be great.”Tony snickered a little. “Yea...I guess. Just stop touching them.”Tony said sounding vaguely anxious even as he twitched, not moving away from the other’s hands but not liking it either. Snickering at loki’s confusion. “Remind me, I’ll show you the playboy bunnies later....and’re definitely posing for pictures later.”He decided smirking a little, grinning around the cock in his mouth as he realized he’d managed to shock loki, humming pleased at the sound of the other, simply enjoying what he was doing, smirking as the other came, straightening as he wiped his mouth, smirking down at the brunette spread out over his car, making sure he was okay before shifting him a little, drawing the other’s legs around his waist, scooting him closer and pushing into him, growling quietly as he fucked the other, shivering. Enjoying it as he rested his head against the other’s shoulder, focusing on making sure the other was having fun.

“Ahhh.”Lexi snickered amused at natasha’s assessment of tony, that was just amusing before staring at Grant, raising a eyebrow. “....That’s a long time.”She said not about to admit how long it was for her, or that she knew it was even longer for James. “What?”James choked on his coffee, having heard about melinda may, staring at grant. “Yes, that could cause some hard feelings.”Lexi agreed grinning as she finished her food, leaning back into the chair with a quiet sigh, relaxing as she closed her eyes, sleepy now that she was full.
"alright." Loki agreed easily, letting his hands drop away. "i will." Loki agreed with a grin eager to see what else Tony had to show him before chuckling a little. "i will be more than happy to pose for pictures." he agreed before looking stunned at Ton, mouth wrapped around his cock and so nice. so very nice. "hah... that was... yes." Loki decided, loose and pliant, all too willing to see what else Tony would do to him, moaning as he realized it was sex. he liked this. this was the best. all loose and slick and hot and him still feeling the aftershocks of his orgasm still as Tony slid inside and made him see stars, making soft, content, happy sounds that grew more and more eager and desperate the closer to another orgasm he got. "oh, oh. fuck, fuck. Tony! Tony! Tony! Yes!" he clenched tight around the invading cock, shuddering and trembling as he came all over Tony's stomach, and his own. "oh i like this. yes, fuck i like this. more. please? fuck me more." "What, the fucking, hell?" a voice demanded and Loki paused and turned to look at Steve rogers, whose eyes where narrowed. "Anthony Edward Stark what the hell are you doing!?" Steve demanded, Loki blinking a little. "well that's hot." he admitted, staring at Steve and wondering how he'd be in bed? "Natasha's 'Tony Senses' started tingling so she texted me, and i find you fornicating with the worlds number one wanted villain!" "hey! i served my time!" Loki hissed. "i spent a thousand years in punishment fuck you very much!" Loki stated, sliding away from Tony and sniffing in annoyance before smiling at Tony. "come by anytime. you know the address." he offered before vanishing in a swirl of green smoke and fire.

"it's not that long. she punched my V-card you know." Grant admitted with a chuckle. "she was very pleased with herself." he admitted. "yeah, May was amazing." he admitted almost wistfully. "she always knew what i needed." he smirked. "the last time. we actually fought for dominance. it was hot." here he sulked. "she won though." Natasha laughed. "you expected anything else?" "...well, i had hoped she'd hold back a little!" he whined. "she didn't though, not even a little bit!" he grumbled, shaking his head before smiling at Lexi. "you should go take a nap, you didn't sleep well last night." he admitted, wathing Bruce nearly falling asleep in his own meal even if he was still shoveling in mashed potatoes. "i think Mean Green could use a nap too."
Tony smiled a little groaning as he shivered into a orgasm, leaning back to look down at the man, smirking as he kissed the other lightly. “I like this. Definitely more.”Tony muttered as he pulled out of the other, going still, not looking around as he realized who it was. Going utterly still as he resisted the urge to dive in the car and hide, as if it’d stop steve from yelling at him. “...Yea...okay...”Tony muttered watching tony go, looking uncomfortable and lost as he used his shirt to clean himself up before tugging on his jeans, even as he pulled up the hood to the car, yep. Definitely avoiding looking at the blond, because despite what loki said, he was well aware steve wouldn’t want him. And knowing that, and having steve find him like this freaked him out. “....Don’t use my real name, please.”he said sounding upset and anxious as he started working again.

“Seriously?That’s....huh.”Lexi stared at him, looking slightly amazed. After all, she lived in a world that she’d started young, so very young. The idea of getting it to grant’s age and “I’ll have to keep in mind that you like getting your ass kicked.”Lexi said smirking at the man a little before frowning, “....Yea he could use a nap.” “You to.” “Your not my dad.” “Yes I am. Now go.”James ordered looking amused as he watched lexi shuffle off towards the bedrooms, not even surprised when he saw her duck into grant’s room instead of her own.”Come on Bruce, we’ll get you a room to.”
Loki panted into the kiss. this was the best sex he'd ever had and it was the most simple too. he really couldn't believe it. "....Tony." Steve's voice was a warning but he didn't use the full name again because it was very rare that Tony honestly asked for something. "what the hell!? are you suicidal!? do you have a danger Kink or something!? that's fucking Loki! you remember, turned out friend into a mindless Zombie, tried to kill everyone we know and care about, slaughtered dozens of people in two days and rained an army of Aliens down on us!? Bad guy! Villain! remember!? what the hell are you doing fucking him!?" Steve demanded, refusing to turn this into what it really was. him being jealous. "How long has this been going on for Tony? it can't be healthy..." Steve protested, examining the clothes Tony was wearing. filthy, covered in Oil. "if you need sex, there are other, better places to go. you know Clint would have you in a heartbeat and i know that B..." he swallowed the name down because mentioning Bruce was only going to piss Tony off. "i know i don't live here anymore but your still my friend Tony. please, tell me, why the hell are you fucking him, of all people?"

"yeah. i know. but it's different for guys in Hydra." he admitted, wrinkling his nose. "they're just as sexist as anyone else after all and men just... they aren't normally used the way the girls are. there are exceptions of course but my handler didn't need that from me so i never needed to." he admitted with a shrug. Grant chuckled a little as he watched her leave, his face soft and affectionate and Natasha chuckled and prodded Bruce. "come on big guy. bed time." "yeah. sounds good. need my sleeping bag..." Bruce mumbled, forgetting that he wasn't camping at the moment but letting Natasha guide him to bed anyway. she smiled at him, soft and affectionate and kissed his forehead. "sleep well Nat." "you too Bruce." Nat said, her voice full of amusement as Bruce conked out, shaking her head before she looked at James. "i do love him." she admitted. "but not the way i love you." she admitted. "Bruce is one of the most complicated men i know, and at the same time the most simple." she admitted, watching James.

"he likes you." she admitted. "he has an instinct about these things, knowing when people are safe for him." she admitted with a smile. "i bet if you let him, he'd crawl up all over you like a big cat and just snuggle you for hours. he's touch starved really. for a long time he couldn't touch at all because any physical contact was a threat. too used to being hit and hurt and abused. Tony was the first person who could touch him and i followed after and then we where all snuggling." she admitted with a smile. "and soon he was right int he middle, desperate for everything we could give him, providing he was still top dog. he doesn't do orders. he's like the uber dom." she admitted. "you and Grant and Lex, your all touch starved too. would do us all some good to get a good cuddle going."
Tony winced a little, shuddering away from the others tone, not about tell the other he sounded like howard, even if he knew the other wasn't howard."yes it was loki."he agreed as he worked, avoiding the others eyes before sighing quietly, shoulders slouching a little, letting the other yell at him before answering.someone put him in my bed. Figured it was thor playing a prank on me, but he was weak and said sex helped...."he shrugged."sex is fun. And....about 12 hours?yea he showed up last night."he said dispassionately, simply hiding mostly, for once not fighting back. "Clints on a mission with spidey, and and bruces still wondering the world."he muttered sighing a little."it just happened and it was fun."he shrugged.

"Ah, that makes sense really."Lexi said looking thoughtful at the idea as she tilted her head a little. James smiled a little watching grant, amused as he watched them go. It was fairly cute watching them all, making sure they were all safe and sound.smiling slightly at natasha, tilting his head a little with a sigh."you know a lot of complicated and simple men."he teased a little before nodding."we could use a good snuggle."he agreed rubbing a hand over his face, offering a small smile."wanna snuggle? I'm sleepy to."
Steve blinked a little and then. "oh...." he blinked a little and then. "i highly doubt Thor would tie him to your bed Tony." Steve said, rolling his eyes. "though, it's Thor so sometimes it's hard to be sure." he admitted. "i guess i just..." he shook his head. "Tony this is really dangerous. you can't trust Loki." he protested. "i don't know what he's playing at, saying he was in punishment for a thousand years because it hasn't even been a full year since he tried to take over the earth." he grumbled, but then, with magic anything seamed possible. "...i worry about you." Steve whispered, voice worried. "you lock yourself up here in your tower like a recluse... Tony. please. tell me you'll be careful? i know telling you not to see him won't work. your an adult and you can make your own decisions, good or bad, but please... don't let him hurt you."

"i guess i do." she agreed with a smile before chuckling as she leaned against him, kissing his chin. "yeah. lets go snuggle." she agreed softly, chuckling a little. "Bruce will probobly be gone by the time we wake up anyway." she admitted. "he's flighty like that." she admitted before checking her phone and going very still. "well fuck." she said. "Tony's fucking Loki. Steve Just texted..." she pondered how she felt about that but decided that Loki had been punished properly if Thor's guilty dismayed expression every time they brought it up was any indication. Tony was a big boy and she knew Jarvis had dozens of safety protocols to take down anyone who tried to take advantage of Tony in bed, because sometimes Tony couldn't understand or make decisions because the line between 'yeah i like this' and 'this is really dangerous' became one and she new if Tony got down far enough he'd let people do horrible things to him. she'd walked in on it before.
“I dunno, he didn’t know either. It was weird.”Tony shrugged a little as he worked, before frowning a little. “I rarely trust anyone I have sex with, you know that. Don’t worry,I’ll be careful.”Tony promised frowning a little going quiet for a moment, “I’m not a recluse. I’m working. Sort of important you know.”Tony huffed a little before frowning a little at Jarvis’ annoucement. “Sir?Ms. Potts is here to see you.” “....why?” “It seems she wishes to discuss your new plan for the new tech.” “Oh. That. Okay. I’ll be up in a few.”Tony paused as he started to get up, “Tell her I’ll be up after I take a shower, if she would want to talk to the good captain while she’s waiting.”Tony shrugged glancing at steve wondering if he was staying or not.

“Well, that’s okay. We’ll just make sure he knows to call if he needs anything.”james smiled a little as he got ready for bed, before looking startled, “ in the alien god?”He pondered that before frowning at natasha. “You want to go check on him yourself?”he asked stroking her hair out of her face a little, worried about her. And because she worried about tony, he did to.
"so he just showed up in your bed?" Steve asked, sounding much more curious now that he was sure Tony was being a little more careful with this than it had looked and hadn't been seeing Loki for very long. "that's.. really sad." Steve admitted, looking sad. "you trust Clint and Bruce though right?" Steve, sweet Steve had no idea that Bruce couldn't have 'real' sex. "...well damn." Steve sighed before smiling a little. "i'll go distract her while you clean up." he promised Tony. "you okay if i stay here for a while?" he asked. "Sam and Rhodey are about to drive me mad." he admitted before heading up, offering Pepper as kind a smile as he could even if she pissed him off on the best of days. "good morning Ms. Potts." he greeted her. "Tony's head to toe in oil, can i get you anything?"

"i'm sure now that he's back he will." she admitted before shaking her head. "yeah. the alien god." she admitted. "he was punished so i can't say i wish he'd drop dead and die but i don't like the idea of him being around Tony." she admitted. "no. Steve an keep Tony safe for now, i want to make sure all these Red Room girls are safe first." she admitted before smiling at him. "your handling all of this a lot better than i thought you would." she admitted.
“Yes he did. It was weird. Kinda thought he was a delusion at first, I was approaching hour 70.”He said wrinkling his nose at the rule that steve had set, no lab time after 70 without being dragged out kicking and screaming. “Don’t look so sad. I’m not having as much sex these days as everyone thinks. I mean, the reactor in my chest sorta cured me of the need to sleep with everything that walked.”Well, that explained some why he he switched gears from playboy to near celibate besides his relationship with pepper, then after the occassional hookup with Clint and bruce. Because the reactor freaked him out. “Yea I do. Don’t look so upset.”He said smiling slightly before grinning. “Good. Thanks. And go ahead, you know you’re always welcome company.”He said looking happy and pleased with steve wanting to stay as he headed to get a shower. “Good morning, Captain. And coffee would be good, I assume he has some going?”She said smiling slightly, even if she looked vaguely annoyed, whether with tony or with steve himself was up for debate.

“Oh. Well. I’m sure tony’ll be okay.”he muttered sighing softly as he nodded. “we’ll start looking for homes for them in the morning. We’ll find them good places.”James said looking at natasha, almost sadly, shrugging a little as he yawned. “I think I’m feeling a little shell shocked......numb...I’ll probably freak out later.”He muttered
Steve snorted a little. "so he was in your bed all night and he didn't, you now. do anything?" he asked, just needing to make sure. "never mind, go take your shower, i'll ask Jay. it's likely that you wouldn't know if he did anything anyway." he admitted. "i'll feed Pepper a lie too fr you, no need to get her riled up." he admitted before watching Tony. "didn't you have that removed?" he wondered, his head tilted a little. "in any case, i think you need more fuck buddies." he admitted with a shake of his head. not that he had any right to talk, considering he had gone celibate as soon as he realized he wanted Tony bad enough that he actually got jealous when he smiled at other people instead of him. it was very hard some days because his sexual appetite was immense. it was easier to ignore his growing desires of he exhausted himself so he spent much of his time beating the shit out of heavy bags. "i'm not sure. i just got in. Tony was getting close tot he seventy hour mark." he lied. "i thought i was going to have to drag him out kicking and screaming but he seams to be handling the new constraints well. Jay is there coffee going?" Steve asked, he could go for a cup himself. "and none of that yuck that Nat drinks this time."

she smiled at him and shook her head a little and crawled into bed with him, sighing a little. "okay. just promise you won't be gone in the morning?" she asked, sounding plaintive, almost pathetic. begging him to stay with her because she was desperate to not be alone anymore and since she finally had him again, she was not letting go.
“Don’t think so. I mean, he was sorta tied up.”Tony muttered shrugging a little before tilting his head, nodding a little. “I did. Still....scars you know. Sorta like giving up alcohol. Once I got over the first few weeks, it’s not so hard to give up.”he said shrugging, though with extremis his libido could rival nearly steve’s, it was amazing he wasn’t stark raving mad yet, considering he’d cut himself down to the bare minimum to not go insane, or make steve uncomfortable. “I do not. I’m not taking sex advice from a 90 year old virgin.”Tony growled sounding vaguely annoyed, because well, discussing sex with steve just made him twitchy, because he wanted the other so bad. “Ah. Well that explains why he’s a mess then.”Pepper said looking a little amused. “Of course, Captain. It’s been nearly 70 hours, there’s always coffee.”Jarvis promised, “And it’s Sir’s good coffee, not Natasha’s.”The AI promised getting in on the game. “Coffee it is then.”Pepper smiled heading for the kitchen, moving to get them both a mug before pausing, looking around as she realized that tony had moved everything around. Wondering if he’d done it simply be annoy her. “by the sink, and what are you doing here pepper?”Tony said as he walked in, brown hair slicked to his head, half dressed in just jeans and socks, looking comfortable and vaguely tense, he so knew what she was doing here. “I came to talk to you about the tech patent you sent. You can’t keep it just to him.” “Yes I can. I sorta made it.”

James smiled a littel closing his eyes as he pressed a quiet kiss to her forehead, nodding a little. “I will matter how freaked I am....or what happens...I’m not going anywhere.”he muttered.
"he was.... okay. i'm definitely asking Jarvis." Steve admitted, shaking his head. what kind of ropes could contain Loki? "yeah." okay, Steve could understand that. he didn't like people fucking him because he was 'pretty' either. he wanted someone to fuck him because they wanted to fuck him, not because they wanted to fuck Captain America. "i'm not a virgin." Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes. "i might not have the same experience but even by modern standards i'd still be a slut." he admitted. "it's been a while but i'm definitely loose." he admitted with a chuckle before hesitating. "that's... they still say that right?" he asked before heading up to Pepper. Toy frowned a little as he realized everything had moved and cocked his head, wondering if he was being pranked before offering Tony a smile. "should i scram?" he asked, helping himself to a cup of coffee and pouring one for Tony and Pepper, handing Tony his first because he fussed more about him. "you made something for Bruce?" Steve guessed with a smile before glancing at Pepper, wondering what had her feathers ruffled. Tony had made something for specific people before, Steve's shield, War Machine's suit, he'd made a new fight suit for Sam. Vision himself was under a Tech Patent so no one could try to claim him or control him because he 'wasn't human'. He couldn't really understand why Pepper was having issues with this now of all times.
"I don't believe you."toNY said snickering a little, looking amused as he looked at the other."yes...they still say that though I don't know if it applies to you."tony said as he left."no stay."tony said smiling as he sipped his coffee, sighing softly."no, and I'm not sharing it. He's the the only one I trust to share it with."tony said looking stubborn and annoyed as she rubbed a hand over her face. "Tony it'll helpful to alot of people." "No." "Tony-" "no!"tony growled sounding anxious and annoyed as he looked at steve. "I made you a new toy. If you want it. I mean..."
Steve chuckled a little. "Tony. my first month off ice, i fucked sixty two separate Shield Agents just because i could, they where pretty and they where willing." he pointed out. "if that doesn't make me 'loose' i don't know what does." he paused. "mostly it was because of the buildup." he admitted. "i haven't had a partner in a few months now because i don't like the idea of someone having sex with me just so they can say they fucked Captain America." he admitted before watching Tony and Pepper, his head tilted. he wondered what it was that Tony had made? probobly something that could help, but could also be very misused. a drug maybe? "...wait... the thing your fighting about was made for me?" Steve asked, looking quite shocked before glancing at Pepper. he had the feeling that whatever Tony had made, it had the potential to be good yes, but it also had the potential to kill hundreds if it wasn't used correctly. just like the Ark Reactor or the Icer guns that had come out through shield in a smattering wave of not existing and then suddenly being everywhere. "i always want anything you make for me." Steve admitted simply. "those pills you and Bruce made me where the best you know." they helped slow his metabolism so he wasn't starving no matter how much he ate. and Bruce had made him super nutrition bars, sense heavy packed protein bars that would be enough to run a normal person for an entire day. he knew Bruce went through three or four a day himself and Steve liked to have them for breakfast with a protein shake and then stuff himself with whatever he wanted the rest of the day, usually store bought protein bars and whatever else he felt like making or ordering.
“....that’s awesome, and I want to hear more about that, when we have time. Later.”Tony said snickering a little at that thought. Frowning a little at pepper nodding absently without looking at steve as he sipped his coffee. “Indeed. And only you. Well. And Barton. But only barton. Maybe Natasha to. But she has to be nice to me.”Tony sulked a little before twitching at pepper’s glare, waving a hand. “Don’t even think it. It’s not happening Pepper, so go.”He ordered looking annoyed and upset, anxious because he knew this wasn’t going to be the end of it, even if she left. Swallowing thickly before looking at steve. “They were the best. Always.”He grinned a little before poking the other. “Come on. Lab time, then I might get some sleep. But after you see your thing.”
Steve chuckled a little. "sure. no problem. actually, maybe you could explain a few things?" he asked. "there where a couple of things i've come across that where hot, but... weird? no that's not the right word..." he admitted before chuckling a little. "yeah Barton is going to need one. and we'll see about Natasha." he agreed before wincing a little as he realized Pepper was really going to get on this one like a bulldog on a bone. shit. "honestly i'm not sure what's more amazing, the ear things you made that let us talk to each other without Shield listening in or the pills." he admitted with a smile before chuckling as he followed Tony. "you should eat food too." he admitted, heading down the the lab and blinking when he realized there was a blood red rose on the desk next to a plate of spaghetti and a letter from Loki informing that 'you need to eat Stark, god are you trying to see how long it takes to starve to death?'. Steve scowled at it but didn't say anything and didn't try to take it away since he knew Jarvis would already have taken a sample and tested it for anything off. he'd talk to Jarvis about it later.
“Yea, I can explain everything. I’m a genius remember?”Tony grinned happy at the idea of being of a use to steve. Before smiling a little, pleased with the knowledge that even without knowing what it was, steve wanted his team to have one. Trusted tony to know what to give them. “definitely the ear things, I mean come on, no one else could have made it so it was built into birdbrain’s hearing aid so he didn’t have to worry about wearing something else.”Tony grinned amused before frowning. “I eat!I eat.”He grumbled not hungry even as his stomach growled, pausing to stare at the food. “...I am not starving to death, Rudolph! I’m not Captain!Don’t give me that look.”Tony sulked looking at them both in annoyance, even if loki wasn’t there, he was glaring at the rose as if it was loki. Sulking, ignoring the food as he got what the other was there for. “Here.”He said. Holding out two bracelets that looked almost identical to the iron man bracelets tony was wearing, he waved a hand as he started to explain about the force field and shield built into it, starting to babble as the anxiety and upset of pepper’s visit started to set in.
Steve chuckled a little. "yes i know." he admitted. "you really are a genius." he admitted with a smile before shrugging a little. "i know. i didn't even know he was deaf until you gave him that thing and he started crying and cursing you all in one go." he admitted with a chuckle. "i thought he was gonna turn you into toothpaste." he admitted. "you don't eat. Jay? when was the last time Tony ate something?" Steve demanded, well aware Jarvis would happily tattle on Tony before he blinked at the bracelets, examining them before exploring them with his fingers, checking their strength and their weaknesses and half planning on practical use even though he barely understood what Tony was saying, writing everything down in his sketchpad without thinking about it so he wouldn't forget, questions to ask Tony, things he wouldn't think to say during his mad rambling. like how much force could the field take? was it a dome or a sphere? if a building collapsed under him would the force field protect him or would he still need to tuck and roll and other field related questions that he knew Tony would answer once he got the rambling of how it worked out. Steve didn't understand much of it, but the parts he did gave him more questions and he knew Tony was just happy that Steve had listened without getting annoyed. and honestly, Steve loved it when Tony got like this, so animated and excited. he was so freaking adorable like this. "this is amazing." Steve finally informed Tony once he wound down, rattling off his questions back in a familiar pattern that had begun just after they had captured Loki. Tony would deliver something, sometimes just for him, sometimes just for the avengers, sometimes for everyone and he would listen and then he would ask and it was familiar and comforting and Steve loved it because it was just the two of them, interacting in a way that wasn't fighting.
“I know. Not many knew he was deaf. I don’t think even most of the shield agents knew.”Tony said looking amused before snorting. “Me to. Sorta had the suit on call, just in case he tried.”he said before grumbling as jarvis tattled it’d been nearly a day since tony had eaten. Smiling as he explained, hyper and happy, settling down after awhile as he dropped onto his stool, rocking back and forth just a little on the rotating school, simply to jittery to sit sit when his stool moved. Smiling happily at steve he nodded. “Thanks. I try.”he said before smiling pleased as he started to answer questions, pleased that while steve would still have to work with it, and learn how much the field would protect, and how to work with it best, he’d done well. Relaxing as he rubbed a hand over his face. “I’m hoping bruce shows up soon, I know he wont like it, but I figured if I test it out on the hulk, I can figure out exactly what kind of hits it can hold up to. I mean, it took a blow from Mjolnir last time thor was here and stood up to it and the lightening, but it would still be nice to try.”he smiled sleepy and calm now, not even noticing he was eating.

James sighed quietly as he leaned back into his chair, rubbing a hand over his face as he looked up at natasha, offering her a small smile as he closed the last file. "I think that's the last family. They'll all be good for the girls."
Steve nodded. "i like that he trusts us that much." Steve admitted with a smile. "he walks around with his hearing aids all the time." he admitted. "i never thought he'd be comfortable doing that." he admitted before smirking as Jarvis tattled. he wasn't very happy that Tony was so manic, but there was nothing to be done about that right now. "i think he'll be more okay with it than you'd think. i got a file report on him the other day, Shield agent noticed him. kept his distance, smart man, but saw Bruce release the Hulk into a cave and Hulk didn't go nutters so i think that's what Bruce has been doing, gaining control over the Hulk a little." he admitted. "and he's got a legal prescription for Valium and like minded drugs." he admitted. "shit Tony. this thing can stand against Mjölnir!?" Steve asked, astonished. "Jesus that's epic." Steve admitted, looking at the bracelets with renewed awe. "these are mine now." he informed Tony. "you can't have them back." and he knew that, more than anything, would prove how much Steve loved them. it wasn't very often that Steve of all people, got possessive of things. typically, it was only things Tony gave him that he got like that over, though he was that way over the shield and suit and his gun from the nineteen forties and his and Bucky's dog tags. other than that, it was all stuff Tony had given or made him. "okay super nerd. bed." Steve ordered, making the nickname light and affectionate once Tony had cleared his plate. "you need sleep, your about to drop dead." he admitted. "get some Rack." he ordered, grinning at Tony before heading to his own rooms and drilling Jay about Loki before getting a work address from the A.I. intending to go grill Loki in person.

Natasha nodded and looked at Grant and Lex. Grant looked delighted to have the girls in loving homes, and a bit worried about how they where going to handle this. he was also a bit annoyed because Bruce had left this morning and he hadn't had a chance to ask more questions. Grant wasn't sure what a sadist was but he was curious. still, he'd let Bruce take one of the Jets with the assurance that Nat, Clint or James would bring it back when they went out to see Captain America or something. not that Grant was too worried about it, he had a feeling it was going to end up in Stark's hands, but that was okay. better than ending up in Hydra or Shield control.
"Me to. It's good to see."tony smiled a little. Sulking as jarvis tattled."really?"tony smiled looking pleased with bruce learning some control, knowing the other would feel better about it."well good. Maybe testing things on him will go easier now."tony grinned because everyone knew that the science Bros tested most things on each other."yea they can. It was epic. Thor was utterly fascinated really. Said it was something his brother could do with magic but he'd never seen anyone else do it....wait...maybe it was thor who brought him here...."tony frowned a little as he considered that, wondering if thor had played the prank to give tony time to question him about magic and all. Before grinning pleased steve was so possessivery of them."good. I did make them for you."he looked amused. Sulking a little as he was ordered to bed, even if it was a sign of needing sleep that he went without arguing to badly.

Lexi smiled leaning into grant a little bit, sighing quietly."don't look so worried. They'll be okay. And you did tell them we'd keep in touch, make sure everything really was okay as time goes on. It won't be to bad, it'll be okay."Lexi said mostly trying to reassure herself.
"Yeah, really." Steve agreed with a smile. "though, the Valium worries me a little. so does the Diazepam and the... what is a medical marijuana card?" he asked, baffled, examining Bruce's recent medical history on his Stark Tablet. "i suppose i shouldn't worry, Bruce is a doctor after all he knows what he's doing right?" he asked, glancing at Tony. "i bet it was pretty awesome. can i have the video footage later?" he asked hopefully before blinking a little. "i highly doubt Thor did it. you know how sad and upset he gets when we bring up his brother. i was under the impression he wasn't even sure where Loki was last time he visited." he admitted. "i might share them with Clint. maybe." Steve decided. "perhaps..." he didn't really want to share these though, even if Clint needed them more. he chuckled a little as Tony went to bed and spent the rest of the morning making sure Loki wasn't a threat. he never noticed when a quinjet landed on the roof and Bruce got out, winking at Jarvis and pressing a finger to his lips to indicate Jay should keep quiet before he settled himself into Tony's lab and started playing with something biological that Tony had been struggling with.

Grant smiled a little. "i can't help it." he admitted. "i am worried. i know they're going to good homes but what if they feel abandoned?" "they won't." Natasha promised. "i already had a long talk with them, explaining that they where going to get mommies and daddies of their very own." here her lips twitched. "little Annabell informed me that she wanted two daddies instead." she admitted with a chuckle. "they're all really excited and they know they can call here if they ever have any trouble and all the parents promised they would come here from time to time so they can play with the ponies and such." she admitted, leaning back. "They're all going to be fine." she promised them.
“It’s a relaxing drug, it’s along the lines of the rest of them. It’s fine. And he is a doctor, he can figure it out.”Tony smiled a little before nodding. “Ask Jarvis, he has video. It was great.”Tony agreed before frowning, considering that. “Well....okay. You’re right. Well I still want to know.H”e grumbled before smiling quietly. “Maybe. Dn’t worry about it, if you don’t want to share, I’ll find something for clint.”he promised as he went to sleep. And by the time he stumbled into the lab the next morning, despite the sleep, the man was tense and anxious, getting woken up by pepper wasn’t his idea of a pleasant morning. Already arguing with jarvis was he stepped into the lab he paused at the sight of bruce, sipping his coffee. “....You dragged your ass over her cause Steve freaked out?I should have totally tried that earlier. Dammit, Banner.”He grumbled.

“They wont. They know we’re going to still be around, and that they were getting families to.”lexi said smiling a little. “They’ve never had a chance to have this, all they know about it, was from books. They’re going to be fine.”James said smiling slightly at grant, tilting his head a little.
Steve nodded. "i know. but i fuss, i can't help it." he admitted with a sigh before nodding. "i'll ask Jarvis." he promised. "yeah well, i want him to die a slow and painful death so..." he shrugged. "but, i guess he's been punished and he doesn't seam to be inclined to cause problems. i won't bother him so long as he toes the line." he promised Tony, hating that he was going to have to 'share' the genius but... well, there was nothing else for it. telling Tony what to do was only going to end in a disaster. "...i really should share it... Clint actually needs these more than i do... but i want them..." he mumbled, sulking a little because he hated having to share but he would because he liked Clint. "Steve freaked out?" Bruce asked, looking up from the microscope he had been playing with. "i actually showed up because i was ready to come back." he admitted with a grin. "i'm earlier than i expected though." he admitted. "i was in Wyoming when i came across Natasha. she punched me." he admitted. "so i stole her Quinjet." he snickered a little. "she's gonna be pissed but it's totally worth it." he admitted before studying Tony, a bit worried. "are you alright?"

"it's good." Grant agreed with a smile. "to have a family i mean. i never really... opened myself to the possibilities of one myself. all i had was Garret and that ended... bad." he admitted. "i'm glad these girls are going to have a chance to really have loving homes." he admitted with a smile, tensing when Clint walked in. "your a bitch." he informed Natasha even as he dropped three unmarked boxes onto the table. "i love you too Clint." she scoffed, handing a box to James, Lex and Grant. "these are Packages. specially designed by Tony Stark." she informed them. "Avengers only." she admitted. "those and those we care about anyway." she explained with a smile. "go ahead, open them." inside where credit cards, untraceable with no spending limits. a phone, most of them already programmed with Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint and Bruce's numbers. Clint had done that himself. they also had each others numbers programmed in. there was a GPS system that was small enough to fit into a watch. it would tell them, not only where they where and how to get there, but where Government agencies where, where police checkpoints had been set up and other such things as well as an entire list of Stark properties, Safe houses vetted by one or more of the more paranoid Avengers and hospitals that could be accessed 'no questions asked' policies in place. "it was designed for Bruce, but we adapted it for the people we cared about as well in case one or more of us ever have to go underground." she admitted. "these will keep you safe, as well as in contact." Natasha admitted with a smile. "this is amazing... why do i have one?" Grant wondered. "because we want to keep in contact with you." Natasha stated simply.
“I know. It’s sorta adorable, grandpa.”Tony teased a little before nodding. “I’ll make sure he understands that. Not that I think he’s intending to cause problems. Unless he means to seduce me to death. Which you know, really wouldn’t be a bad way to go....”Tony hummed thoughtfully before snorting. “No, you can have them. I’ll make something for him.”He promised. Frowning at bruce, the billionaire eyed him, wondering what he knew, before nodding. “He did. It was horrible. My sex life should never be interrupted. I’m making a new rule, none of you are living here, no one gets to interrupt sex.”Tony whined a little before frowning, going still. Wondering if natasha had told him before snorting. “Not surprised. You sorta bailed on her you know. And I’m fine. Really. Awesome. Great.”Tony said waving the other’s worry off with a smile as he settled in to work.

“Yea, it is.”Lexi said looking at the group of people around her, and while her bonds between them was different, and not the same. She could see a family forming. Maybe. She could do it. She wanted to relax, and be with them, even if she knew her existance would cause problems for james, eventually. Startling when clint walked in, she looked up at him, pausing. “avengers only?”She said looking amused as she reached out and took the box, looking through it. “I think I’m goig to like getting along with you guys.”James said looking amused as he sorted through everything, tilting his head as he looked at grant, smirking a little. “Besides, you’re going to have sex soon....soonish, maybe?Sorta makes me wanna know where you are. In case I have to deal with you sometime.”James said smirking at the man, simply being bitchy because he could be.
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