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Defiance (Marvel) Lady/Fox

"I am the best. Don't ever forget that."tony snickered a little before startling slightly, looking up at steve as he hlushed, wondering if the other had heard their conversation before holding out a hand."gimme the coffee. I'm still going to sleep, but can't waste good coffee."he looked amused as he yawned, starting to fall asleep even as he drank the coffee, looking at the other."you staying?"he muttered asking cause it wasn't overly odd for tony want to have a puppy pile, even though it was rare he actually asked if the others wanted to stay
Steve smirked at Tony a little. yeah, he'd heard that conversation. "you do know you don't have to seduce me. you could just ask." he pointed out with a chuckle. "and for the record, yes i would be open to a threesome with you and Loki, or you and Bruce." he admitted. "or just you." he hesitated and then. "actually i was hoping you might... you know. teach me. you and Bruce, or Loki since he seams to know what he's doing." he admitted before he smiled. "yeah, I'll stay. scoot over you bed hog." he ordered, climbing into the bed with them, looking startled when Loki rolled so he was pretty much laying on top of them. "hmm, Tony, he smells good." Loki mumbled, rubbing his nose over Steve's chest, making Steve blush bright red. "Tony. Tony. we should bottle his scent and sell it as perfume. we'd be rich." Loki purred/slurred and Steve snorted. "okay, if you can figure out how to do it i might consider letting you." "really?" Loki asked, blinking at Steve who smirked. "no." "...i don't like him Tony. he won't share."
Tony flushed brighter at that ducking his head a little."where's the fun in that?"the billionaire looking like be was going to brush off the attraction he had for the other as simple lust instead of what it really was. Easier to deal with it that way before nodding."we could do that. If you want."he said looking pleased with the idea before frowning a little, looking down as he thought before snorting."I'm not a bed hog. Your the bed hog."he grumbled snickering as loki laid on them."don't sound so upset loki. Someone's already bottled apple pie and justice. I'll buy you some."tony snickered tiredly.
"hmm. true. okay, feel free to seduce me then." Steve teased with a smile. "i would like that. when Bruce hit me with that, whip? i really... i kind of... it felt different than i expected." he admitted. "i wouldn't mind trying it again but i'm a bit... intimidated at the idea of actually asking him." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "i think it would be better if you here there. i always feel safer with you." he admitted with a smile before snickering. "just because i'm bigger than you. your the one who spreads out like a cat and hoards all the blankets." "okay. i want it." Loki agreed, Steve rolling his eyes because that was ridiculous. it didn't really matter though because soon they where all asleep.

In the morning, Clint was sitting at the table, eating his breakfast while glaring at a piece of paper in his hands. "Morning Clint. what's up?" Steve asked, having poked the boys awake for food. "Nothing. just my mandatory yearly physical." he stated. "I'm perfectly healthy but I'm low on some vitamins or whatever so they want me to take pills." Steve winced at that because he knew how hard it was going to be to get Clint to actually take the vitamin supplements. Clint sighed and folded the paper and shoved it into his pocket and grinned at the sight of a sleepy Loki still in his leather pants. "well that's kinky." "your a tattle tale so I'm not speaking to you." Clint just laughed.
“oh. Okay. Well. I will.”Tony said blushing and squirming a little, before shivering at the memory of that. “Yea. It was a whip. And we’ll try. And let loki watch, while I take you apart. It’ll be hot.”He said looking interested in the idea before huffing, “I do not. I so don’t hoard the blankets.”Tony sulked a little as he went to sleep.

“...If it makes you feel better, the rest of us have to take them to.”James said as he walked in, looking equally annoyed with having the antibiotics for his arm, along with vitamins to make sure his super soldier body would actually start gaining weight instead of looking nearly sickly thin as it consumed itself to function at peak levels. Lexi to, was nearly frighteningly skinny, lithe, but definitely no softness to a body that needed more then what she’d been given. “It is kinky.”Tony agreed following loki in, before looking at clint, huffing a little. “you’re to awake for this early.”
"yeah. whip. it was nice. sharp." he admitted. "but with a thud and i liked that a little bit." he admitted, blushing hard. "do you think Loki would be okay with that? the way he reacted when we where hitting you. makes me think he wouldn't like watching people get hit." he frowned a little. "but they where hitting at the club, real hitting. i could see the welts from the seats." he admitted. "you do hoard the blankets."

"no they don't." Clint grumbled. "i'm not sick, i don't have an infection, i don't have to take pills." he grumbled even as he glared at Bruce when the man came in with a bottle and set it in front of Clint. "take, them." Bruce ordered, voice very firm and Clint shuddered a little, obeying instantly despite his protests. Bruce looked pleased and patted Clint on the head in the same way he often did to Tony before grinning at Loki who flushed a little. "it's my dancing outfit. well, one of them anyway." Loki admitted with a grin. "Steve thought my show was very nice." "i did. it was... fascinating." Steve admitted, flushing a little. "i've had three pots of coffee." Clint admitted, indicating the coffee pot in his hand that he was drinking directly from.
“hmmm, I’m to tired to be finding you this hot right now.”Tony teased with a yawn before snorting, nodding. “I do. I think he was more surprised and hadn’t been aware that I liked it, and was worried about it not being okay,”Tony said before frowning a little. “...I’ll ask about the club.”He said sounding a little worried.

“You do. If I have to, you do.”James grumbled, glaring at natasha as she followed bruce in with his own bottle of pills, looking unhappy with the conclusion of pills. “....I always knew you had a kinky side, Cap.”James said distracted by the discussion of steve’s sex life, abandoning the discussion on pills. “....I think you’re going to die or something drinking it like that. Enough coffee.”Lexi said looking at teh man with wide eyes as she walked in. “No!No wasting coffee.”Tony said making grabby hands at the coffee pot.
"oh. so he thought you where being taken advantage of, not that he didn't like the idea of hitting..." he muttered before nodding. "i don't think the club is being very safe." he agreed. "i cannot think of one single reason why Loki would still work there when he has the apartment he has." he admitted.

"i don't. shut up. no one asked you." Clint growled, shaking his head as he popped a pill, Bruce growling at James. "Take. The. Pills." he ordered. "or i'll do to you what i do to Tony and crush them and mix them in your food." "i did always have a kinky side. i just didn't... you know. know it was okay to be gay and stuff." he admitted with a shrug. "let alone be into the kids of things i think i might be into." he admitted with a grin before snickering at Clint's dismayed expression. "aaw but no. Coffee, Lexi." Clint protested, hissing at Tony's grabby hands. "no! it's mine! get your own!" "relax Tony. i'll get you some." Steve promised with a chuckle before rounding on Clint. "hand it over Barton!" "what!? no! it's mine! get the hell off Rogers!" Clint ordered, sulking when Steve managed to wrest the pot away from Clint and handed it to Tony.
“Yes. Exactly....and we’ll look into the club. If it’s not being safe, we’ll take care of it.”Tony growled softly.

“....I am not a child. You wouldn’t have to do that.”James grumbled even as he eyed Natasha, taking the pill reluctantly, even if he considered that his girlfriend would probably force feed it to him if he wasn’t better at being good about taking his pills. “Well, you did grow up in a stupid era. Good thing you’re here now.”Tony decided looking amused at steve, and curious to. Quite willing to explore those things he was into. “Nope, you don’t need anymore, and I need some to go convince Grant to get out of bed.”Lexi snickered a little before snorting amused. “Mine!my tower, my pot, my coffee!”Tony growled looking annoyed and upset he wasn’t being given the po, humming pleased as he took the pot, using it as a cup himself as he drank it. Lexi rolled her eyes as she made some more, amused that they had more then 2....actually six different coffee pots on the counter, looking amused as she made grant some, before heading back out to go wake up the other.
"I did grow up in a stupid era." Steve agreed with a chuckle, grinning at James when he reluctantly took the pill. he didn't doubt that Natasha would force-feed James either. "it's mine!" Clint complained, sighing as it was taken away and sulking. not many people knew it, but Clint was actually worse than Tony when it came to coffee. "Grant can stay in bed, he'll be fine." Clint complained, scowling at Tony as the man drank his coffee before he sulked at Steve who shook his head. "three pots is way, way more than your allowed to have Barton." "you just don't love me."

Grant was not happy to be awake and kept trying to hide under his pillows and blankets when Lexi tried to wake him up. "I'm emotionally compromised." Grant whined. "leame alone. i wanna sleep till the end days or until my death, whichever comes first." he informed her, sounding very tired which meant he probobly hadn't slept well during the night.
“Mine.It’s mine.”Tony growled possesively as he held onto the coffee pot. Sulking a little as he watched the other, before huffing. “We love you lots. But you still don’t get that much coffee.”he grumbled. “You two need regular food to.”James said frowning a little, wondering if that was enough of a hint to make steve cook for him.

“we’re all a little emotionally compromised.”Lexi said before sighing, resting a hand on his back, hesitating, before rubbing gently. “You’re not going to die grant. Come on, james has probably conned steve into cooking for him./”
"it was mine first you possessive little shit!" Clint complained. Clint was the only person who could call Tony names like that, no one was sure why but Tony didn't actually get hurt when Clint called him things like that. "don't need food. need coffee." "you need food." Steve scolded, rolling up his sleeves and got to work. baby quiches, waffles, pancakes, hash-browns, bacon, omelets toast and sausages where soon in the works along with breakfast smoothies and more coffee since Clint wouldn't stop bitching.

Grant sniffled a little and all of a sudden his shoulders where shaking as he cried into his pillows. breaking down because he couldn't hold it in anymore. having people find out that he wasn't even human anymore, it was so much harder than he had ever anticipated. before he could stop himself he was letting it all out. how his parents had been Shield agents, how they had tortured him and his older brother and sister and how Tommy was the only one untouched because their parents actually loved him. he told her how he had finally lost his shit and beat the hell out of his older brother for trying to make him hurt Tommy again and how he'd ended up in military school because his parents 'where sick of him' and how he stole a car and tried to burn down the house. how he hadn't known his older brother had been there but hadn't actually cared. he told her how Garret had found him, trained him, treated him like a son. he explained how he had tried to tell, once, that Hydra was within shield but he told the wrong man and Brock Rumlow had shot him three times in the chest. Rumlow had never been punished because it was a 'he said she said' situation and had the pocket of the superior officer. he explained how he went solitary after that, trusting only Garret until he was placed on Phil's team and he saw how a real father was supposed to act only to remember all the pain and torture he had gone through. he explained how he had loved Melinda may with everything he had been capable of but she had abandoned him. he explained how Fitzsimmons and Skye had been his last touches on sanity and how he'd done his damnedest to keep them alive and unharmed and how he'd laid in bed, crying for hours because he had found out that Fitz had been permanently brain damaged. he explained how he had caught the attention of Zola when he was only just eighteen and had been experimented on using Shield tech and then experimented on by Shield because 'he could take it' because of the experiments from Dr. Zola and he told her things he had never told any person ever before. he never even realized, or cared that he'd sort of 'outed' Phil, she wouldn't tell anyone, he didn't think.
“Nu-huh. My tower, my things. I owned it first.”Tony whined as e drank the coffee, “Thanks Stevie.”James grinned looking pleased as he started to eat, oh man,he had missed this. Having steve cook for him. Actually it was probably worrying with how he wasn’t used to eating alot yet.

Lexi’s eyes went wide a litle as she looked at the other, startled that he was telling her everything before shuffling a little, making him move over as she laid down with him, curling up close, wondering about phil, curious but not pressing just yet as she stroked his hair out of his face, simply enjoying comforting him, trying ot as she gently stroked his hair, leaning in to press a kiss to his forehead. “I got you. I’ll protect you now. And do you want anything to eat?”She muttered worried about him.
"no prob." Steve said with a smile, flipping things around like the expert he was even as he started on breakfast omelets and oatmeal. well, he called it oatmeal, it was really some Russian porridge thing that Natasha had every morning. he'd gotten very good at making it. Loki looked baffled by the selection and finally settled for some-cheese on toast because it was the only thing he actually recognized. that and eating too heavy in the mornings made him feel sickly.

Grant talked and cried himself out and by the end he was just laying there, clinging to her like a broken child. really, that was all he was. a child. a child who had been forced to grow up entirely too fast and then forced into positions where he was never allowed to actually grow up. he was just a child who had been doing as the man he had thought of as a father told him to do the way any child would. "no. I'm not hungry. i just... can you hold me? just for a little while? I've never been held like this before."
James indeed ate until he got sick, bolting for the bathroom before returning, looking a little sheepish as he settled back to eat a little more, even if he did stop after a bit. “...I feel like I need to get him a book on how function as a adult or something.”Tony said eyeing James, eyes focusing on the arm he could see, mostly talking simply to have something to say even as he watched the tech.

Lexi sighed quietly holding onto him, closing her eyes as she pressed a kiss to his forehead again. “okay. No food then. And yes, we’ll just lay here, and hope that James is more polite then most people, and wont barge in to do a fatherly duty or something. I mean, he wouldn’t be above interrupting what he thought was a good morning wake up call. Just cause he’s a ass.”She muttered, simply trying to make him laugh a little.
Steve and Bruce both lifted their eyebrows at him and Bruce suddenly spoke up with a 'i can fix that if you like'. "he functions more as an adult than you do." Steve pointed out, chuckling at Tony and handing Clint a single cup of coffee so he'd stop whining. "Tony stop staring at James arm, he'll let you know when you can touch it." Steve said, shaking his head, Loki chuckling a little as he shook his head. how amusing.

He nodded. "okay. this is nice." he admitted. "Melinda never did this, and Kara was, well, she was even worse than me when it came to physical affection." he admitted before he chuckled a little. "i don't think James would risk your wrath like that." he admitted with a smile. "you are pretty scary you know." he teased with a smile before he hessitated. "would you slap me if i admitted you are really pretty?"
"Yes that would be nice..."james said blushing a little before snorting a little at tony's words."I am a adult. Better then you." "Am not!I'm the best."tony whined before huffing, still staring "but-but it needs fixed steve. I can fix it."

"It is. And only james has done this with me, and even then it's rare."she said making a face a little, settling closer before snorting."he totally would risk it. I'm not as scary as natasha, so he'll be a ass."he grumbled before laughing at him quietly."no, I wouldn't slap you. Your fairly pretty yourself.b
Bruce nodded. "i'll get you the smoothies for lunch then. well, smoothie is a strong word. juice. juice works better." Bruce admitted. "it's a biological compound that increases your systems metabolic rate and encourages digestive enzymes and such. it will help you keep your food down and help your body process said food." Bruce admitted. "we get a lot of people who have been starved or where living on the streets into Stark Tower to work for Tony so i developed it to help." Bruce admitted. "i know you can fix it Tony, but maybe James isn't ready to have it fixed?" "no. he is. Tony just scares the crap out of him." Natasha admitted, pointing her fork at Tony. "you and i will be going over ground rules in regards to James later. in the meantime, eat your breakfast." she ordered, Bruce chuckling even as he watched Loki, wondering how to ask to give him a physical exam without looking like a pervert.

"yeah i can see that he'd have trouble i imagine Hydra took great care to make sure he had no personal connections to anyone or anything." he admitted, shaking his head before laughing a little. "Natasha will stop him I'm sure." he teased with a smile. "thanks..." he said, blushing a bit before watching her again. "would you slap me if i asked you for a kiss?"
“...I like juice. Juice would be okay.”James said frowning a little as he considered that before looking interested. “Good. I like food. I’d want to be able to eat again.”He hummed pleased before eyeing tony as the other watched him. “Maybe I wont be ready. Ever.”James said snickering, whining a little as natasha ruined the game. “But-but it needs fixed!and it’d be awesome.”Tony whined a little looking a little pale at the idea of laying ground rules with natasha before nodding. “Okay, yes. Rules later.”He agreed.

”Yes, they really did. But some things, he made sure to stay as close as he could. And be very, very violent when things didn’t go his way.”James sighed softly, nodding a little. “She might.”She agreed looking amused, blushing herself even as she looked a little confused. “I said....this wasn’t required....Why...”She frowned thinking about it.
"Juice is okay." Bruce agreed with a smile. "everyone likes food." Clint commented simply, Loki nodding. "the variety here is delightful." Loki agreed. "back on asgard everything is just roasted meat on a pike, it's so... boring." he huffed before he chuckled and shook his head at Bruce's offering of... something green. "no thank you. i heard what you did to Grant." Loki admitted before examining the plate and taking a bite curiously. he coughed a few times politely and muttered that not even on asgard where the spices so... spicy and resumed eating as if his mouth wasn't alive with a thousand buzzing bees. granted, Loki's pain tolerance was astronomical so that was probobly why. Bruce looked very sad to have no reaction and went back to his hell in a dish. "You'll be ready when i say your ready." Natasha informed James. "and don't pick on Tony, he doesn't understand teasing very much."

he nodded before chuckling a little. "James? violent? i would never believe it." he teased with a chuckle before shaking his head. "it isn't required." he admitted. "your just really nice and i like you a lot and i want to kiss you, but only with your permission." he admitted with a smile.
“It is. I’ve heard thor’s idea of good food. It’s quite disturbing really. Saddening to.”Tony said looking amused though before staring, shaking his head. “You are going to get in trouble offering that stuff to someone someday.”He snickered a little. “.....I want to give you stuff now. Lots of food, loki. It’d be epic watching you prank everyone.”Tony grinned before looking a little upset at the teasing as james eyed him. “I will be, will I?”James said raising a eyebrow before frowning. “He doesn’t?”

“Me either, but it happens.”She giggled a little before frowning thinking about it, studying him before nodding hesitatingly, leaning in to kiss him lightly.”Okay then. You have my permission.”
"it is disturbing. i have a delicate constitution, their meals day in and day out did nothing but make me go to Vanaheim for my meals." he admitted. "earth has an even greater selection than that as well. in Vanaheim it's mostly fruits and salads and vegetables. no meat at all." Loki admitted. "here you have pretty much everything. even meat that isn't meat!" Loki admitted with a grin. "oh, i'll be fine." Bruce said, waving a hand. "whats the worst that will happen? they'll get mad?" he asked with a scoff. "considering i could feasibly eat more than all of you put together, i think that a fine idea." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "no, he doesn't. Tony was... Socially bereft for most of his childhood and as an adult everyone kind of just pushed him around. he's a bit like a little kid in the emotional department. you have to treat him gently." Clint explained. using a voice low enough that Tony wouldn't hear him.

he smiled at her and nodded. "yeah he's a scary man alright." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head before smiling as she kissed him. "okay then." he agreed, smiling at her. "you have my permission as well." he agreed, kissing her back, keeping it chaste and innocent. simply because he liked simple, affectionate kisses.
“That’s horrible really.”Tony said making a face before looking interested. “You should bring some foods back. It’d be amazing, to eat other world’s food. Maybe we’d finally find something Bruce couldn’t eat.”Tony said looking interested and amused at the idea. “Well, that’s true enough.”James snickered a little thoughtful about that before snorting, amused at the idea of taking loki out to eat. Frowning as he considered the billionaire happily eating and drinking coffee, indeed he looked quite like a kid a bit. “Okay. Kids gloves then.I can do that.”James muttered thoughtfully.

“Oh good. Cause I’m enjoying kissing you.”Lexi said looking amsued as she kissed him back, running her hands through his hair as she kissed him again. Wrapping her arms around him as she leaned into him, content to simply kiss him for the moment, because well, it was rare that she simply got to do stuff like this. To just enjoy the kisses without sex being a forgone conclusion
Loki shook his head. "I'm not allowed to leave earth anymore." he admitted. "if i leave, i will no longer be considered a resident of earth and will be hauled up into courts for Crimes i have already been punished for." he admitted. "they where hoping i wouldn't survive my punishment you see and they are extremely annoyed that i did." Loki admitted. "they forget who, and what i am. they have carved out my heart and even beheaded me and i survived that so why they thought that such a simple abuse would end my life is beyond me." he admitted. "kid gloves would be great, thanks." Clint admitted, smiling at James.

"i like kissing you too." he admitted with a smile at her, humming as he stroked his hands up and down her back, simply enjoying being close. Melinda hadn't liked kissing. with Kara it had been harsh and rough and passionate. this was the best ever. "i like this." he admitted. "i like this a lot." he mumbled, snuggled into her with a smile. "honestly? i think finding you and James was the best thing that ever happened to me."
“...Damn. In that case, I’ll settle for making you make me good food. You and steve slept in my bed, you should feed me. And let me talk. And leave me alone when I don’t want to sleep.”Tony decided looking pleased with the conclusion before staring at loki, staring. “...I have no idea what to say to that. That’s a severely disturbing thought loki.”He whined a little, so distracted by the idea of loki’s abuse, that he didn’t even focus on james’ arm anymore.

Lexi whined softly, shivering a little as the other stroked her back, smiling quietly. Nodding a little. “I like it to.”She agreed before snorting, smirking at him a little as she gave him another kiss. “You’ll probably regret it when the others figure out Phil’s alive. They’re going to nail your hide to the wall.”She warned shaking her head a little.
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