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Defiance (Marvel) Lady/Fox

“Kay. Blankets.”Lexi said looking cheered with having a project, knowing what was needed before scampering off to get the blanket, returning soon enough with it, tucking it around the woman before looking at grant. “Let’s get her into the plane.Bruce’ll be the best one to help her.”

“No...I wasn’t sure, but it seems that it is.”Phil said frowning a little before freezing, going still as he realized what was going on. “....C-Agent Barton. You are not high.”Phil said looking at him, swallowing thickly, not daring to look at natasha, not daring to take his eyes off the archer in front of him. “...Is that who I think it is?”Tony said as he stepped into the bus, face mask flipping back as he considered the small gathering.
Grant smiled at her. "thank you. here, take her a moment. i think she's been raped, she'll probobly feel more comfortable with a woman." he admitted, the woman trembling but happy to latch onto Lexi, just holding on for dear life because she was terrified. "yeah. i agree." he admitted, taking a deep breath. "your going to want to leave." he admitted to Lexi, trading his Icer for his real gun with bullets and approached the unconscious man, still barely alive on the table. a mercy kill. the only thing that could be done.

she closed her eyes for a moment. "we almost turned him over to a monster who made him force his own brother into a well..." she muttered, shaking her head. "he's still evil." she decided. "he still needs to be stopped." she swallowed thickly at the Arrow and looked over at Tony. "yeah. it's who i thought it was." Clint decided, moving before anyone could stop him and punched Phil square on the nose and stormed out of the Bus back to their own Jet. "i think you deserved that." Melinda said dryly. "now get up and untie me."
“Damn. Yes. Okay I got her.”Lexi said swallowing hard as she gently held the woman. While she wasn’t nearly as strong as steve or james, being his daughter offered her some benefits, strong enough to easily pick the woman up. “Kay. We’re leaving. After you’re done, find james, you’re being turned over to his care. I’m staying with the woman.”She said looking upset to leave him, but willing to do so to take care of the woman, trusting him to look after himself as she headed for the plane.

“...We’ll deal with Grant soon enough.”Phil said still looking upset though, not sure what to do with grant, but pretty sure something needed done. Staring at the arrow as he looked at clint. “Shit.”He cursed twisting with the punch, dammit that hurt. Slumping into the table he’d stumbled into he cursed a little, moving to untie melinda and the others, ignoring for the moment the sound of a furious tony cursing as he stomped back out of the bus, knowing whatever tony was up to, would probably bite him in the ass, but he knew he had to face whatever it was.
he nodded to her, giving Lei a reassuring smile. "i'll make sure to find James immediately." he promised her. waiting until he was sure the woman was out of earshot before pumping two bullets into the man's skull so he would feel no more pain before settling himself in James guardianship. he felt a bit safer that way. he nearly threw up when they found a pile of rotting corpses. hundreds of them just thrown haphazardly into a pile in an air tight room. despite being with Hydra for nearly half his life, he was always stunned by their depravity.

poor Phil had no idea that no one would be doing anything to Grant. "you deserved that." Natasha stated to Phil, having remained. "Grant Ward is in our custody now." she admitted simply. "you won't ever 'deal with him'." she studied him and then. "i liked you better when you where dead." she stated simply, walking away. "And the one named Skye? she's on Tony's shit list!" she called as she waked away, using her Comm's to order James to bring Grant back so she could kick his ass.
Phil winced, looking at Natasha, swallowing hard. “I know I did.”He muttered before wincing, well, that settled that. “Natasha....”He started, wanting to talk to her, knowing he had to. And clint. Dammit...rubbing a hand over his face he winced, glancing at Skye. “I told you that stunt would get you in trouble.”Even if he had let her do it, he’d known it would bite them in the ass. Following her out, he paused at the sight of not only Grant walking back towards the plane, but the winter soldier. Tensing as he considered what to do. “...Why are we kicking Grant’s ass, Natalia?”James said, still so locked in to still being the Soldier, that he couldn’t even keep it together enough to call her natasha, instead of natalia.
Skye winced a little. "it was the only way and i got what we needed i'll take the punishment he gives me like the adult i am." she assured Phi before watching Grant, as tense as a springboard. Rant winced at the Winter Soldiers question and looked at Phil, well aware both Phil and Natasha would be able to hear him. "she's kicking my ass for not telling them Phil was alive." he informed them all. "But that's fine. i gave Phil all the loyalty he deserved for his kindness towards me. now that his living status is known my debt to him is abolished." "Debt to him!? You nearly killed him!" Skye snarled Grant wheeling on her. "I ALMOST SAVED HIM!" Natasha was there in an instant, carrying Grant out of the line of hearing and sight of his old team because she could hear the mental breakdown in Grant's voice. she went from being pissed to fussing over Grant recognizing shock when she saw it. seeing what he saw, realizing it was his sister who had done it and coming face to face with the team that had betrayed him so many times in ways they clearly didn't understand or even know. once he was inside Grant headed into the bathroom dropped to his knees and threw up.
“Ah. That would explain things. I’ll beat him up for you, Natalia.”James offered studying grant before looking at the others. “He’s well trained. If he really wanted to kill me, I’d be dead.”Phil said understanding it before wincing as he realized james was moving into skye’s space, only tony stepping in front of the soldier had stopped him from reaching skye. “Go, Soldier.” “Move.You’re mad at her to. I’ll take care of both of our problems.”James said, a voice sliding so low and cold that it was like a breeze off the frozen ice of the north, so locked into the russian violence and mindset, that he was considering going through tony to get to skye who’d made grant upset. Protecting his duckling. Only the fact that tony mattered to natasha, was keeping him from being violent just yet.

“Grant?Can I come in?”Lexi said easing the door open a little, looking worried, trusting the others to look after the rest of the team, and james. She’d take care of grant.
Grant chuckled a little at the threat because he knew Natasha would never approve, she'd want to deal with him personally. "No. he's mine." Natasha said simply before sighing as she realized James was causing problems. "Soldier! Fall in!" she barked at James. "If we wanted her dead we'd have killed her ourselves now Move you Ass back in this Hanger, Now!" she barked at him, using just the right tone. the 'i'm your handler and if you don't obey me i will shut your ass down'. Skye was actually hiding behind Melinda and Phil who had closed ranks around her, protecting her from James but not shooting him yet because Steve and Tony where holding James back.

"Yeah." Grant croaked. "sorry. i'm okay. that last room... there where.. hundreds of them... the smell..." he went green and turned to heave into the toilette again.
James froze at Natasha’s tone, shuddering a little. Instinct to fight and protect Grant from these people warring against the need to obey. Turning his head to look at natasha he nodded stepping back, eyes going to Steve. Even as lost as he was, trusted steve. “You’ll make sure she wont bother the duckling?”He muttered, the crack in the facade, the humor draining the rest of the anger away, knowing grant would find it insulting to be called a duckling as he headed back into the plane. “...Is it bad to say I sorta still want to turn him lose on phil? I mean, it’d almost be a perfect vengence for him hiding away.” “I heard that, Stark.” “You were meant to.”Tony huffed a little glancing at steve, rubbing a hand over his face as he took the iron man helmet off. “We better move this meeting to the tower. Give us all time to cool off.”

“It’s okay. I was just worried about you.”Lexi said sighing quietly, moving to kneel at his side, rubbing a hand over the other’s back, before moving to get a washcloth, gently wiping his face off as she wetted it, “You want anything?”
Natasha narrowed her eyes when James didn't obey right away, worried she was actually going to have to shut him down. Grant would be very upset if someone hurt his old team when he still liked them a little bit. "i will make very sure she doesn't bother the Utenok." Steve promised. slowly but surely he was picking up more and more Russian. "he's going to hit you when he finds out your calling him that you know." Steve pointed out, looking amused. "no. i kind of want to see Phil get the shit beat out of him too." Steve admitted simply. "they're not allowed near Grant, Lexi or James. they can come into the tower but only to the lowest level meeting hall available." Steve ordered, well aware Tony would be more than happy to agree to that if it meant keeping the 'ducklings' safe.

"thanks." he mumbled as she wiped his face. "any chance of a toothbrush an toothpaste in this tub?" he asked her, wondering if Tony kept such things stocked. if Tony didn't though, someone else had because they where available. probobly Steve or Natasha.
"Good."james muttered relived and trusting steve to keep the team under control as he walked towards natasha, frowning slightly."bw here's the duckling?and clint?"he muttered looking around. Tony snickered a little at that nodding as he eyed phil."agreed."he paused at the look phil was giving them, pointing at him and melinda."you say one word, either of you, about james barnes or grant ward I will personally see that james finds out it. Now, go to the tower."he ordered already heading back for the plane."clint, get the plane ready to go."he said into the comm, hoping the man could fly.

"Probably. Let's see."Lexi said getting up looking amused as she came back with the captain america toothbrush and toothpaste."do you think steve knows tony slapped his face on toothpaste yet?"she asked hoping to make him laugh a little
"Th duckling is in the bathroom being sick, Lexi is with him." Natasha promised James. "Clint is in the cockpit sulking and in a rage. Phil was his lover, when Phil died Clint all but died himself. to find out he's still alive..." she shook her head. "it's a bit disgusting." she admitted with a sigh before smiling at him. "everyone's safe, we're okay. you can stop being the Soldier now." she promised. "already ready to go. I'll be waiting upstairs while you meet with that предатель." oooh, yeah. Clint was mad.

he chuckled a little as he accepted the toothpaste and toothbrush. "thanks Lexi." he said before beginning to brush his teeth, pausing when the jet started up and relaxed a little, glad to be away from this place. he would have liked to blow it up but he imagined Phil wanted to comb the place for information. Grant didn't want to know anything else in that building. Phil could knock himself out. he smiled at her and gently took her hand. "come on. lets go check on that poor woman." he felt sort of responsible. it had been his sister who had hurt her so much after all. the woman was still half insane, but she was much more calm now and seamed to be very happy with Bruce who was reading her a book. something abut whales and a guy named Ishmael.
James frowned thinking about that, but not going to look for grant. Trusting her to look after him before wincing."well I'd sulk to...maybe we should lock them in a room together?"james muttered running a hand through his hair, shuddering as he leaned into her, the soldier starting to fall away as he cuddled against her. "...I think you get first dibs yelling at him."tony decided as they took off, studying clint. He knew this was going to be bad. "W3lcome."Lexi muttered following him into the med area, settling in to listen to bruce reading..

Later tony pointed to the meeting room chairs."sit."he ordered. "Tony-" "no. My towers, my rules and the captain will back thrm up. Sit, agent."tony ordered looking annoyed and upset, glancing at the rest of the avengers now that they were here, he had no idea what to say, or where to start.
"Lock me in a room with that старый ублюдок and i'll cut your balls out and force feed them to you." Clint replied to James. "i'm only deaf when i don't have my hearing aids in." he stated simply. "that Sgualdrina can go rot and die." oh shit. that word was one of the worst words an Italian could utter, it basically meant whore, but more than that it indicated the person was such a whore who didn't ask to be payed for their services. the nastiest street slut who never showered, stunk, and would sleep with anyone and anything that crossed their path two legged or otherwise. "i'm not going anywhere near him." Clint informed Tony. "i'll live in a cave in the middle of Death Valley before i ever look that Coglione in the face again." yeah, Clint was upset.

Skye and MElinda didn't bother protesting, they just sat down. Skye was there to apologize and ask why they where defending Grant when he was such a monster and May was there to keep them from gutting Phil. "uhm. Mr. Stark?" Skye asked, sounding very meek. "i, uhm. was hoping to apologize to Jarvis. i seriously underestimated him..." she admitted. "i knew it as soon as i hit your servers but it was too late for me to back out once the program was running." she admitted, fidgeting because she was kind of throwing herself under the bus to sort of distract from Phil for the moment.
“...okay then. Not doing that.”James decided shaking his head a little, watching clint. Oh man, this was going to be bad. “Well in that case, I’ll let James deal with him, and then he really would be dead again.”Tony said almost warming to the idea as they headed for home.

“....No. You stay away from Jarvis.”Tony ordered. “....Tony...” “Nope. Agent, no.” “Mr. Stark.”Phil swallowed thickly, knowing this was going to be bad, even if he knew there were reasons why he hadn’t come back, it still hurt to see the people he’d considered friends, so very upset. “....I had reasons. There was....what happened after new york. It changed me. Scared me....I was...every time I thought of contacting was a deathly fear of coming back....that if I did...I’d hurt you.”Phil said looking at natasha, hoping if he could explain well enough for her, she’d help him reach the others.
"yeah. not doing that." Clint agreed, lifting his lip in a little bit of an anamalistic snarl, shooting Ton a warning glare because as pissed as he was he didn't actually want Phil dead. Loki was glad to see everyone had come back mostly unhurt but as careful to stay well away from the meeting room. he had no urge to see the zombie.

Skye pouted a little but nodded, slumping in her chair a little, watching as Natasha reached our and barely brushed her fingers along Tony's shoulder. it was a simple touch but it was one Tony knew well. she and Tony had an interesting relationship and he was one of the very few who could read her like an open book. that little touch meant 'let him talk for a moment, there's more to the story than we know'. "you have... six minutes." Natasha ordered. "speak. explain everything, now." she ordered before twitching when Grant knocked on the door and walked in with his overly thick file which he dumped in front of Skye who was glaring at him. "what the hell is this then?" "it's me. everything i ever hid, everything that ever happened to me." he stated simply before he looked at Tony. "he was part of T.A.H.I.T.I. when he died, Fury sent him in and then wiped his brain and implanted specific memories as well as aversions into his brain." Grant shrugged. "just thought you aught to know." he admitted before walking out, Natasha sighing.

"'s so damn hard to guess what that idiot is thinking. still, it's his files. if he wants this bitch to read it then who am i to stop her?" Natasha wondered, glaring at Skye who winced but was unable to resist and slid the extremely thick file open and started reading. "Phil? his parent's where Shield right?" she asked, looking at him. "So when he went in with six broken bones, a concussion and complaining that his older brother had beaten him with a baseball bat did no one investigate?" she asked, looking stunned as she slid the file over to him. it was a hospital record, one that had not been blacked out the way that most of Grant Wards files, even electronic files, had been. Grant had been systematically tortured as a child and someone had blacked it out and covered it up. Skye felt sick. Shield had become her family. for Grant, Shield had been his prison and his pain.
Tony nearly snarled as she touched his shoulder, not wanting to. Not when phil’s death had fucked him up nearly as much as it had clint, for a man who was usually self assured and good at hiding how he felt, phil’s death had been a crippling blow for awhile, at least until he had rebuilt the shields to hide behind. Phil winced before nodding, startling to explain before pausing when Grant walked in. “....Thanks Grant.”Tony said frowning a little as he considered it, glancing at phil. “It’s took me awhile to work around the orders to stay away, to not go after things. The fact that the program had originally set up to revive a avenger, scared me. I had to find out what it was, before I could talk to you guys.”Phil muttered swallowing thickly.

“He’s a idiot, but he’s trying to do the right thing. Getting the hacker off his back about this would make that easier.”Tony huffed a little watching skye, as she started to read. “Yes...they were.”Phil paused before paling, turning to look at her as she read what she had slid him, wincing a little. “...They didn’t look into it because they were told not to. Dammit.”He cursed softly, looking shaken. Because like skye, shield had been his family, and for even longer then her. This hurt.
Grant nodded at Tony. he hated how upset everyone was, this would hopefully calm things down a little bit. "Wait. the infecting people of Alien DNA was a way to revive a fallen Avenger. you honestly thought we would be okay with that?!" Natasha demanded looking sick before shaking her head. "yeah, i guess your right." she admitted, watching Skye flip through the file after handing Phil the damning piece of evidence against Shield before she went very pale. "...Phil...." she whispered, looking at him. "he... he was part of Zola's experiments." she whispered, pale and sick as she looked at Phil. "and it gets worse... did you... do you remember signing off on project 332102?" she asked, handing him the file. Phil had been told it was an organ transplant. and it was, but the person didn't need the organ transplant and the organs hadn't been human. worse, it had been Grant. "god damn no wonder... no wonder he... he was never... no wonder he..." Skye covered her face in her hands. "i can't even look at this. i've hated him for turning on us, but... but if this is true then Shield turned on him first." she whispered. "this is sick, Phil how could Shield do this to a person even if they where Hydra?" she asked. "we're supposed to be the good guys Phil and yet... things like This! how could anyone do this Phil!? to a child!" she said, looking as if her entire world had been shaken upside down. and it had. there where good guys and there where bad guys, or so she had thought. now apparently they where all evil and Grant was just a victim who traded between one kind of torture and another. "could Fury have known about this?" she wondered, looking at Phil. "is there any way these people doing these things could have really been Hydra?" she asked, needing some little bit of hope that it might just be a misunderstanding.
“Yes...we were still looking into the side effects. And what to do with it. We hoped it would never be needed, but if it was the only way to save you....well. I was willing to do about anything. Though the side effects of this....wasn’t worth the cost of trying to do it.”Phil said looking sick, because it would have been a last ditch effort, or at least for him. To save one of his duckling, but it seemed someone had taken it further after he’d separated from the project. Looking up at skye at the words he went even paler, looking moments from passing out as tony moved over, ready to catch him off he past out. “...Yes. I remember but...they had told me it was a in combat wounded, that it would replace the organs that had been damaged....”He looked sick and exhausted as he stood, wavering slightly on his feet as he looked at her. “I don’t know Skye!I. Don’t. Know.”He snarled starting to lose his legendary cool. “Well. We’ll find out.”Tony said tilting his head. “If you can find a way to work back with our avenging archer, you are welcome to stay. But that is for you to sort out.”
Natasha shook her head. "so you didn't know what it could do, what it would do to people." she shook her head a little. "and then you where injected with it and it brought you back to life but at a price...." she sighed a little. this did explain a bit didn't it? "...Jesus. he was perfectly healthy according to this, that's why they picked him, they wanted to see what it would to to a completely healthy person. he was the only one to survive the experiments. apparently they had..." "fifteen previous Kree bodies in stasis which they used to experiment on about fifty two other dead, dying and wounded humans, all of whom died from the procedures." Natasha reported, having looked very hard into the T.A.H.I.T.I. program once she'd found out what had happened to Grant. "Phil..." Skye sounded so sad as she wrapped her arms around him, realizing he was seconds away from a full on meltdown. "Phil you didn't know. calm down, okay?" she asked softly. "Tony?" it was Bruce, who looked very pale. "i'm sorry to interrupt but Loki is extremely upset and i can't get him to calm down. he was taking a nap and had a nightmare and he seams to be trapped in a flashback or something." Bruce admitted, uncaring that Melinda and Skye where staring at him. "he's scared out of his mind and the rest of us are just making it worse, Steve seams to have calmed him down a bit though so i thought maybe you'd help too." he admitted.
“No, we were testing it, to see what would happen, I needed to know what it would do before it was the last resort.”Phil said shuddering a little before flinching, shuddering a little as he considered what shield had done to grant. Feeling sick. “....We need to find what those other bodies came from, and what happened.” “We will. Jarvis’ll start looking.”Tony said looking worried, before relaxing, realizing natasha had already found everything. Swallowing thickly, before looking at phil. “It was still my project. I should have known, it was still my responsibility.”Phil said shuddering, nearly crawling out of his skin at the sound of the door, swallowing thickly. “...Yea. Okay, I’ll be right there.”Tony said looking at Natasha, tilting his head towards phil and the others. “There’s guest suites upstairs, move them there. We’ll deal with everything that comes up later.”he muttered before rushing out to deal with loki, scared a little as he moved into the room. For once not realizing that phil had nearly fainted at the knowledge that loki was there. Moving into the living room he moved closer, “Rudolph?Loki?”
Natasha nodded. "i know in the beginning you used willing test subjects who where dying and agreed to undergo the highly dangerous testing. once you shut down the program though, they kept going, and they didn't care if the victims where willing or not." Natasha admitted. "as for the other Kree bodies, i just assumed they where found with the one that you where working with." she admitted. "do you think they might have come from somewhere else?" she asked, worried now about where the other bodies might have come from. Natasha nodded to Tony. "i'll get them settled." she promised. "along with the others on that tub of a plane they have." "The Bus. it's called the bus and Phil is really sensitive about it." Skye said quickly before Phil could defend their 'tub'. "'s a tub." she watched Tony leave and then looked at Phil. "Loki, as it turns out, was just as in control of his actions as Clint was." she explained to Phil. "he wasn't in control Phil. and he was brutally punished for it anyway, he's not a threat and he won't hurt you." she promised him. "we've found out a lot about Loki since he started sleeping with Tony-" Skye choked. "-and it's even worse than Grants life story." she admitted, making bile rise up in Skye's throat. how could people survive things like that!?

Loki was curled up in the corner of the room, trembling violently, his eyes blank and unseeing. he wasn't making a noise but he was clearly terrified, and waiting. Steve was sitting at the other end of the room, talking slow and soft to Loki, catching Tony's wrist when he tried to move closer and shaking his head because Loki was going to freak out if Tony got any closer and Steve wasn't sure he could handle those heart wrenching, gut clenching sobs that Loki had been giving before. this was much preferable than what he had been doing before.
“Yes....they did.”Phil muttered looking sick at the idea that they had continued before before frowning thinking it over. He hadn’t really considered it before speaking but now...”Yes, considering everything else that happened. I am curious about where all the bodies came from.”He said thinking it over as he looked at tony before frowning a little, bristling a little even if he didn’t say anything. Bristling, feeling defensive and protective over it, before looking at natasha, eyes wide as he considered what she was telling him. “What....Oh. I;ve been gone to long....tony’s got himself in a mess....”He muttered sounding lost and overwhelmed. Having no idea what to think about what natasha was telling him.

Tony stopped, looking up at steve, frowning a little for a moment before swallowing thickly. “Loki, it’s tony. Can you hear me rudolph?”Tony said gripping steve’s hand and trying not to freak out himself.
"Tony's not the one in a mess Phil. don't you dare judge before you even have half the story. if you must know, Clint rather likes Loki, and Steve does too son be very careful about what you say around them, your still in deep shit Coulson." she said. "Clint called you Sgualdrina."

Loki paused a little in his trembling, tilting his face towards the sound of Tony's voice and Steve sighed, sounding relieved. Loki didn't seam to see anything but his memories trapping him but he had calmed a little more at the sound of Tony's voice. he whimpered once, pressing himself tight against the corner, making sharp terrified gasping sounds when Natasha carefully poked her head in to tell them that 'thy' where settled. she left as soon as she said so and Tony started co calm a little more. after a while Tony could inch forward, slow, so slow because if he moved too fast Loki started to tremble all over over again, too terrified to eve try to escape. Clint was in such a furious rage at the strong willed 'alien' being rendered so helpless from a memory that he had to leave the tower entirely lest Loki hear him screaming and blowing things up as he tried to calm himself down. Skye was watching the video feed, staring at the broken godling since she couldn't spy on Grant, since all he was doing was sleeping. someone, Clint or James, had slipped him a good dose of sleeping pills once Loki started freaking out. she knew Phil was watching too, though he was pretending not to as Tony finally got close to touch Loki who curled up in Tony's lap and started weeping into his shoulder, realizing 'they' weren't there. whoever 'they' where. he was clinging to Tony like a small, broken child. at the moment, that's all he was. Thor had admitted that, according to the math, Loki was little more than seventeen where he by earth standards. he was still well over three hundred years old, but he was also still very young.
Phil flinched at that swallowing thickly."...yea. I know. Okay...."phil said having responded to the idea without thinking it through, now wondering how tony was. Wincing at the idea of clint. He knew that was going to be nasty, but it'd be okay..
By the time tony got close enough to touch, tony was ready to scream, but forcing himself to be calm and quiet as he held the other, pressing a kiss to the others head, swallowing thickly."hey loki...think we can move?steve could totally move us both to the bedroom, and protect us and we'll snuggle okay?"he muttered looking upset as he looked at the other man, worried and scared.
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